This is one of the greatest pieces of TV I have ever seen! Scoring 8.3/10 on IMDB. It’s Christmas Time and Ray organises a wonderful surprise for Britt with the help of Gary. Ray has also promised to spend Christmas with Ally’s Family. But things go horribly wrong and end terribly for Ray. Watch to find out why!

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    This Episode is called ‘Can’t Save You’ and was directed by Nash Edgerton. This Episode stars Scott Ryan, Chika Yasumura and Nicholas Cassim amongst others. Please visit for the full cast list. This Series was produced by FX and Blue Tongue Productions. The copyright to the full original content is held by FX. The copyright for this video is held by Jay’s Retro Reactions.

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    I knew Ray wouldn’t take that crap from him straight through the window. Hey everybody and welcome back to Jay’s Retro Reactions. Today we’re going to be reacting to Season 2, Episode 5 of Mr. InBetween called “Can’t Save You”! Interesting title, I wonder what’s going to happen.

    And I presume it’s something got to do with Ray and Ally’s relationship. Because “Can’t Save You” is typically what a woman says to a man when she’s about to break up with him. Something like that. Something I’ve heard in the past anyway. Don’t know what that says about me.

    But I’m really looking forward to getting back to joining Ray and the crew. That last episode of “Monsters”, what a fantastic episode. I really hope you checked it out guys. It’s just absolutely one of the best pieces of TV I’ve ever seen. And I’ve spoken about it enough so you

    Can go and see that reaction. So this is why “Mr. InBetween” for me is one of the greatest shows since “The Soprano” and “The Wire”. It’s just got emotion, it’s got crime, it’s action, it’s got comedy. It’s just got a little bit of everything. And that’s why it’s so loved by those

    People who’ve discovered it, which is not enough. That’s why I reacted to it to try and get more people to watch it. Numbers aren’t great, but screw it. Maybe people will find it later. Anyway, as I always say, enough of me yapping on. Time for Jason to shut his mouth and

    Let’s get on with the show guys. Come on! Which way? It’s down here! Are you alright? Yeah, yeah! Looks like a family outing to the outback! Countryside we say here, but outback is the same thing, isn’t it? In Australia? Okay! Do you see it? Aha! Alright! Do you want to go down?

    Don’t tell me he’s set up a unicorn for Britt? He has! You see, Ray can be so sweet. He really can. That’s gonna make his daughters not just day, not just month, not just year. She’s gonna remember that forever man. And he brought Bruce and Ally along to see it. I love this.

    I absolutely love this. Fair play to you, Ray. I presume it’s a horse with a horn stuck on it, but you know what I mean. He didn’t find a real unicorn, did he? Man, he’s even dyed the mane and everything. Or got someone to do it. Can we take her home?

    I don’t think she’ll fit in the camera. I’m not an emotional guy, but that’s so sweet. That’s twice in a row now Mr. InBetween has got me with the whole emotional thing. Put that down. The paint’s coming off of Ray’s hand. Dad, look, it’s unicorn poop. Yeah, but tell the unicorn poop, Britt.

    You don’t want to get that on you. I will never forget you. See what I mean? She’ll never forget and I guarantee you she won’t. That’s really a wonderful thing that he did for Britt. It really is! Yeah, yeah, you got it. I’m so glad Bruce got to see it as well.

    Because we know from the last episode he was feeling quite down talking about ending it when he can’t take it anymore and he’s been in that mindset a few times before. So he needs things like that to lift his spirit. Gary’s the unicorn maker. Fantastic. Nice to see Gary involved in something

    Other than a porn scandal. Don’t tell me you used Super Glue, Gary? Oh man, you’ll never get that off of without ripping the poor horse’s head! You’ll have to take it to a vet. So Ray’s with what? His ex-wife? What’s up? Britt said you had the sex talk with her?

    Yeah, he did have the sex talk with her. He didn’t have a choice. But if you’re going to have those kind of conversations with her, you at least flag it with me first. He didn’t have time to. Well, I couldn’t flag her with you because she caught us having sex. Exactly.

    Mum, can we go bowling? Of course you can go bowling, sweetie. Cool. Awesome. Good one, Ray. Well played. No! I used to go bowling with my daughter. Loved it. Long time ago now though. I spent an hour this morning going from place to place, just trying to find a normal breakfast.

    What happened to bacon and egg on toast. Who’s this dude? I have to agree with this and maybe it’s just a symptom of my age because I’m a similar age to these guys, grumpy middle-aged men. But whatever happened to just a coffee, just simple stuff. As he said, everything’s over complicated now.

    And I think it’s really just a marketing con job to get more money out of us. But look at this, it’s an imported bloody quail egg with a spinach leaf from Bolivia and a brioche bun from France and a Dijon mustard from Belgium. And now that’s 682 euro please.

    I just want eggs and bacon man. Just make me an egg sandwich, will you? Can I have a drink dad? What do you say? Please dad, because you are the best dad in the universe. That’s it. Milk that out of the kid if you’re demanding your money daddy. What? What’s that smell?

    What smell? The cigarette smell. Don’t know! It must be one of the neighbours! She knows you’re smoking. You can never hide it, I know when I used to smoke real cigarettes. It’s the same, you can never hide it. Yeah, I used to smoke. But not anymore. Pinky swear. I’m not gonna pinky swear.

    Look, I, you know. It’s a big fat lie, Ray. We both know it. Britt knows it as well. I have one occasionally, all right? Why did you lie? Because I don’t want you knowing that I smoke. Well will you stop for me? Yeah, I see the kids nowadays are so educated.

    They know not to smoke. When I was young and growing up, it was kind of the done thing because all the adults smoked. To be grown up, you wanted to smoke because it made you feel grown up. Me and my friends used to club our pocket money together, go to meet

    Up after mass every Sunday, and go and buy a packet of cigarettes and share them on the way home. We’re like 10, 11, 12. Ridiculous looking back. I promise you I’ll try to quit, okay? I can’t guarantee you 100% that I can do it, but I’ll try, okay?

    Ah, the guilt trip! It’s so hard! You want to stop, but it’s hard to promise because it’s an addiction. Who is that from Britt? From Uncle Bruce. Ah, okay! I remember the episode name was Can’t Save You. He promised Ally him and Britt at least would go to Ally’s family for Christmas.

    Something must kick off, causing Ally to break up with him. It’s a long time ago since I’ve seen it, so we’ll see. Do you want your present now? You got me a present? Mm-hmm. Sure. I wrote you some jokes. He is going to get a stand up show! Poor Brucey from Britt.

    What’s brown and sticky? I don’t know. What? A stick. I love how this show can put in such moments of sweetness and just have that emotional roller coaster put you on these absolutely emotional highs and then slams you back down with the emotional lows like we had last week. Very good. Very good.

    Bravo! Very…. Thank you beautiful! Terrible kids jokes. My daughter used to do this to me when she was young as well. I used to buy her this magazine and it always had jokes in it and she used to read them all out to me and of course you have to laugh.

    Some of them were funny, in fairness. What’d you get me mate? You. Oh you got me one of those. Yeah. Oh okay. Oh I got you the same thing but I got you two of them. I get a lot of Bruce’s presents every year. I can tell you that. All right.

    You sure you don’t want to come? No mate, I’m good! You look beautiful. Thanks mate. Not you! Oh. Yeah Ray, Bruce doesn’t think you’re beautiful man. See you in a bit. Yeah. I’m still kind of worried about Bruce after that conversation last week where he’s kind of end of life stage thinking.

    You didn’t have to do that. Thank you. Come on, bring them in! Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. So I’m sure Ally comes from a wonderfully middle class family while Ray seems to come from quite an unconventional background. Army, hitman, ex-wife. The point I’m trying to make is there

    Could be a bit of a culture clash here. A beer? Wine? Yeah, it’d be great, yeah! Come on outside. Okay. Go. This is where it’s all happening. Although Ray is quite charming with you know with the guy who the actor who got to borrow the money to do his teeth.

    Ray met his mum out of the blue and it was very charming so he can pull it off. So what do you get if you cross a skeleton with a famous detective? What dad? Sherlock bones. Heard it before. Hey Ray, ever played Secret Santa before? No. Oh mate, you are in for

    The time of your life. Oh no, what a day to give up the fags, man. The cigarettes, we call cigarettes fags over here. Doesn’t mean the derogatory term, but man, I’ve been there, you’re cranky, you’re craving. You don’t want to be doing that when you’re meeting your girlfriend’s family. That’s too much

    Stress on top as well, man. If they don’t like their present, they can swap it with number one. Which means number 12 is the best place to be. So the first person picks a present and everyone after that can swap their present for the person that picked before them.

    So if you’re number four, you can swap for one, two, three. Okay, I get it. How to insult people in 50 languages? That’s actually a good idea, I like that game. I might bring it into my own family Christmas, you never know. A unicorn, Britt’s gonna want the unicorn, she’s obsessed with them.

    He got Britt the unicorn, fair play, Ray. I think I like what’s in the box. Ah, you’re not? Come on. What sort of knob head does that to a kid, man? Seriously, what is wrong with this dude? It’s even a girl’s toy, a little girl’s toy, ah! And you can see the

    Look on her face, man. Dickhead. Oh, here we go. Ray’s gonna have a word and he’s gonna be cranky after coming off the cigarettes as well and his withdrawals. You know that, uh, that unicorn candle? Is there any chance you can give it back? Why? Why? Because you took it off a child.

    I was hoping maybe, you know, you can give it back and, you know, I’ll, uh, throw you a hundred bucks or something. Do I look like I need the money? You shouldn’t even have to bribe me, man. If you had any decency, you’d give it back to the little kid.

    Okay, this guy’s a prick. Ray, just beat him. But he can’t! He’s Ally’s brother. Why, why are you being a dickhead? Yeah, I think one of us is being a dickhead. Yeah, the guy with the beard and the ponytail, man. You’re a grown man. What the f*** do you want

    With a f***ing girly candle? Exactly, Ray. He’s just been a prick for the sake of it. I knew Ray wouldn’t take that crap from him! Straight through the window! But yeah, Ally’s going to be upset in front of the family, man. At Christmas, first impressions and all that. Mum?

    And this little prick is calling for his mother. He’s about 30. Alright love! Kiss, kiss! Goodnight! He’s definitely in trouble with Ally! Definitely! And, it’s a pity because he was so good. Remember that guy at the ice cream truck who was being a prick and he didn’t engage with him?

    Wrong time to give up cigarettes, man. He knows it too, look. She’s really good for him, Ally is. She suits him. She’s a keeper. This ain’t going to go well. All he can do is beg for forgiveness and just blame the cigarette withdrawals. That’s what I would do. And the stress of

    Meeting the family, you know. Britt caught me smoking this morning and she made me promise to give up and I hadn’t smoked all day. Fair enough. He’s using my excuse lines. Good man. That’s all he can do! You okay? No. No, she’s not, Ray. How about your Bro? Yeah! Is he alright?

    How do you think? Well, he was being a dick, Ally! You have to admit he was being a dick taking the unicorn candle off Britt! So you have to give Ray that much. That guy that I was engaged to, yeah. He had demons like you. He used to lash out and punch walls!

    This is not sounding good if she’s talking about her fiance she broke up with. After that, he kicked me, punched me. And every time, you know, he’d say, “Sorry.” Okay, Ally, hold up here. Ray hasn’t done any of those things to you. You cannot blame him for the mistakes of someone else.

    Unless, and this is really bad, Ally, unless you used Ray because he’s similar to your fiance and you used him to substitute the loss of your fiance. Because then you’re just a user. You’ve gone way down in my estimation if that’s the case. And as I said, if it’s not the case, you

    Cannot blame Ray for someone else and what they did to you. Not condoning what that other guy did, by the way, the fiance, for beating you. But you can’t blame Ray. I thought that I could save him and I tried it. I really, really tried. But I couldn’t.

    Well, that much is true, Ally. There’s a darkness in you. Now it scares me. I’ll never hit you. That’s what he used to say. So that’s it? Yeah! See, there’s an interesting thing here and it’s quite common in relationships, right? You, there’s a saying in Ireland and it’s

    A saying I very much agree with. Women get with men to change them. They think it’s a product that they can mould into the finished article that they have in their head. While men get with women, so they stay the same, which they never do. That’s why you have so many relationships

    That end up breaking up or getting divorced, right? Because they come in with two different ideas, right? Men just want women to stay the way they are. Just don’t change love. I like you just as you are. Women going, “You’re okay, but I can make you better.”

    Of course, people don’t change they are who they are within limits, right? They can adjust up or down, but you have boundaries you’re going to stay within and that’s it. And Ray, she’s right, does have a darkness and that’s because of his other life. Yeah. Alright! Look after yourself! You too! Ray’s devastated.

    He was so lonely if we remember before he met Ally. He was just sitting in this empty house playing the PlayStation. Ray, I think you should fight a little harder here. I think Ally… there’s still a chance to turn this ship around. I think she wants you to push there.

    I mean, push as in fight for the relationship. Stand up and say, “Look, I’m not your fiance.” I know he did say he’d never hit her, but fight a bit harder. Maybe he feels like there’s no point. I don’t know. Maybe he’s right. Hey guys, and welcome back.

    That was Season Two, Episode Five of Mr. InBetween called ‘Can’t Save You’. And now we know, the reason it was given that title. Ray has lost Ally. I’m not going to go into the reasons why I spoke about that enough in commentary, but it’s a shame. I think Ray is going

    To feel that loss a lot. I think he really cared for Ally. She was heavily involved with Britt as well. Britt really liked her. She was good for him. We’ve seen that he was changing with her around him. And we’ve seen that towards how he didn’t react towards the guy

    In the ice cream van a couple of episodes ago. I think she’s been harsh on Ray. I think she should have understood her brother as being a complete dickhead. I have no idea why she didn’t stand up for Britt actually looking back when her brother took the candle off.

    I know there was a couple of murmurs in the family, but she should have actually went up and just took it off the brother and gave it back to Britt and dealt with the situation that her brother caused, right? Not Ray, her brother. Now, Ray shouldn’t have reacted the way he did,

    But he was coming off cigarettes and he is a hit man. So he’s a violent guy by nature. So yeah, and particularly after the whole unicorn thing at the start and Ally knowing how much Britt cared for unicorns, she should have done a lot more. So I think she’s partially responsible.

    I didn’t like how she compared Ray to her ex. It’s not his problem. He’s not the ex, but I think Ray was too weak in fighting for the relationship. I think Ally wanted him to step up to the plate and just, you know, say, I love you too.

    He didn’t say that to her. And when he seen her crying, he should have gone back up and hopefully he did. It ended just there. So hopefully he did. But I can’t remember. I don’t think that happened. from what I remember. So it’s quite sad. At least though now

    He’s not living on his own. He has Bruce in the apartment. Bruce isn’t in a good place either. And I think it was good for Bruce to have Ally around the place, you know, Not two miserable men. So that’s not going to be no good for Bruce’s mental state either. Yeah, sad episode.

    Two kind of, we had, again, the emotional roller coaster, the sweetness of the start with what he did for Britt with the unicorn and getting Gary to paint the horse and stick a horn in it, which Gary can’t get off, of course, being Gary, a bit of an idiot. Then we had the

    Complete low at the end there. So again, wonderfully written, wonderfully directed episode. The series just continues to get better and better as I remember. And wonderful acting by Scott Ryan and Ally, actually. And little Britt as well with the unicorn. So kudos all around. Anyway, guys, that’s it.

    That’s all I have to say in this episode. Thank you so much for joining me. Don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe. Please, please share the video. I need your help to get out to a wider audience. If you are interested in checking out my full length reaction,

    You can find a link to my Patreon below in the pinned comments and in the video description. You can avail of a seven day free trial where you’ll get access to all my full length reactions, including exclusive reactions to shows such as Band of Brothers and Battlestar Galactica 2006.

    Until next time, take care of yourselves. Take care of your families. God bless and bye for now.

    1 Comment

    1. Hey there, please let me know your thoughts on this fantastic series that I think is up there with the Sopranos and the Wire. This episode was a particularly sad one in my opinion. Please like, comment, share and subscribe if you liked the video.

      If you want to check out the full length reaction for this episode and indeed for all of my reactions as well as get access to exclusive reactions such as Rukajarven Tie (Ambush), X Movie and Band of Brothers, then please check out our Patreon – link below. You can try before you buy by availing of our 7 day free trial!

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