We have prepared a lot, Žabljak and Durmitor, one of the most beautiful mountains in the world, which are under UNESCO protection. This year we have different manifestations, we have a dozen sports competitions, Sky running, we have extreme triathlon, basketball tournaments, volleyball, various concerts, active tourism,

    And the already traditional Vibe Duty Art festival, which this year will be a month long where we will have a lot of classical music. When we combine with an active vacation what we have on Durmitor, 18 lakes,

    The most beautiful rafting canyon in Europe, I think it is an ideal vacation spot for all tourists who come to Montenegro. I recommend Žabljak to tourists who have not been because it is an exceptional place with an exceptional location,

    And we already have such a good program, and I recommend that as many people as possible visit the Durmitor locality and enjoy all the charms that Durmitor can offer. We have 18 lakes, 40 peaks over 2000 meters above sea level, ideal for hiking for easy and difficult tours.

    There is the famous Tara, the bridge on the Tara river, we have rafting on the Tara, which is one of the most beautiful in Europe, and on the Komarnica river we have the Nevidio canyon. In addition, we offer paragliding and cycling.

    Lately we have had a lot of camps offering horseback riding, in the last 4 years.

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