On her 23rd birthday, Tiphaine left Paris to cycle solo through Europe. In this video you can discover her incredible journey of more than 10,000 km by bicycle from Paris to Sweden, then to Greece, and back to France. With her tent she has slept everywhere and loved her experience.
    Find her book on https://www.dreamsontracks.com/

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    1. Wow! Great! It's so inspiring. It's my dream to free myself from loads of work and then cycling all around my country, Indonesia which has thousands of islands! Thanks for sharing this video.

    2. Well done Tiphaine🥳. Your very brave & courageous to do it on your own💪. I probably cycled some the same routes as you the following year. In 2018 I cycled from Sicily to Sweden with my wife's ashes after her death in August 2017. You can see my Epic Girl Tour at – https://youtu.be/LllUZe1fG80
      Like yourself, I met many great people, some still good friends today. I met other cyclists, some dealing with a crisis like myself. But, coming to the end was a bitter sweet feeling as you see in my film. Once you are hooked, it's hard to stop. It's great you have someone who has the same sense of adventure. Stay safe on your future journey's 😉. I look forward to seeing more of your adventures.
      Cheers Peter

    3. Bonjour Tiphaine,
      Bravo pour ta belle aventure!
      Je m'apprête moi-même à entamer un tour d'Europe à vélo et j'aimerais bien te demander quelques conseils.
      Pouvons-nous entre en contact?

    4. I live in South America. Unfortunately camping anywhere is not possible. I must say It is dangerous. Some people are not reliable and are always looking for what to steal, besides, roads are risky for bike riders as there are no proper lanes to ride on so you are many times cycling along with big trucks or vehicles with no decent distant between you and them. I envy you traveling through Europe. I liked you video. Thanks.

    5. Hi Tiphaine, thanks for your words, video and inspiration. Next year, I'm traveling in the European summer ending up to see some Danish friends. My preparation is riding to work daily and doing gravel rides up to 100kms and getting my kit organized.

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