Today we take a look at Bond international AKA Bond Tyres, 3QCG+29, Biggleswade SG18 9TE. Address listed on their website is – Unit 5 Symmetry Park, Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade, SG18 8QA

    We speak to many staff who at first seem sound but then once the drone is spotted things go downhill.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    If your property lands on ours then you will not be getting it back and I guarantee you I will okay well I’m telling now our staff members it’s on your property look I’m tell property I’ve come on and I’ve got it and I’ve left tell you now that land in our yard

    I’ll be able to access that quicker than you and I promise you mate I will take it you sure to put that to the test so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in bigles Wade taking a look at this place Bond Bond tires Bond International is recognized

    As the UK’s leading tire wholesaler boasting an impressive average of selling one tire every 6 seconds with over five Decades of experience in the industry Bond International has established itself with extensive knowledge of the Wholesale Tire Market there we go tires no further explanation required we have lots of small

    Vans on the large loading Bays getting loaded with those desperately oh we been spotted Already don’t worry Lads we’re not going to Nick any of your tires we’re just making a YouTube video about the amazing operation that you got here because you do look very busy I mean look inside that one there look tless moving around racking absolutely rammed with

    Tires Vehicles queuing up to get on a bay to get loaded and they look very modern vehicles don’t they very nice graphics on there rodex Churchill Bond tires Bond int that’ll be the bond International and I presume the different color hi is are the different levels of authority inside Maybe

    Maybe they’re all wearing gloves as well very neatly stacked isn’t it and that’s the only vehicle that stands out a white vehicle with just the bond logo like that as opposed to like that oh yeah you FR me there we’re good where you from from here oh I

    Didn’t see you coming oh that’s right I just rolling what you up to YouTube YouTube yeah yeah just a YouTube video that’s all okay no problem nothing to wor about making sure nothing doy was going on I might be lying you might be lying yeah but I’ve

    Seen you now so no is it just YouTube is it yeah yeah I’m just a YouTuber how long has this place been open uh we’ve been open about a year now what do you want to tell me about the place what I want to tell you we sell tires are you

    The biggest one of the biggest not the biggest not the at the moment C it was the biggest I’m not sure who’s the biggest at the moment is but not currently the biggest and what do you Clash yourself as what you mean sorry a wholesaler or you sell individual tires or just in

    Bulk yeah any any anything you sell them in ones sell them in ones sell them in bulk can people come here and collect one uh if you have an account really that’s good that’s good I’m have to shoot anyway I’m very busy yeah I’m coming in with you what your me you’re

    Coming in just coming in t a lot you can’t come in I can huh you can’t come in just walk in no you can’t come in why you you know you can’t come in I’m YouTube I want to video the place no I know but unfor if I put my IV on and

    Just follow you I can’t let that s mate how you going to stop it huh how you going to stop it no what you mean I’m going to how already W are you up I won’t come by this line all right no that’s why right see a bit Yeah he was

    Smiling I was going to follow him on see what he did but n he sound yeah this is how they stack the tires then on these let’s call them stillages we like to use that word don’t wear stillages but you see how they’re uh crisscrossed I’ll get out the way as

    Well for the vehicles oh make sure they don’t run me over uh these are all the empty stillages here obviously they can be stacked like that as well what would you prefer eh what looks better I suppose you’ll get more on like that won’t you there’s a lot of ping going on in

    There so health and safety is important to them didn’t want to sell the company too much I think I sold the company better than him just my reading from the chat GPT so Bay number eight looks very busy he’s got his piece of paper telling him what he needs to load on his

    Van very trusting aren’t they make sure he doesn’t load an extra one or two on to sell to his mate at the garage for cash oh the driver is not loading somebody else is yes they know this score and this is what it looks like from the front unit 5 symmetry Park bigles

    Wade the new distribution center for Bond tires Bond intern National yes very nice you must be doing very well and you employ so many people that they have to block each other in in the car park yeah run out of car park spaces look need an even bigger place we found

    The designated smoking area over here gentleman in there and he has got something written on his high vlock working no interested in Passa Passa so [Β __Β ] off what it say so I need to see what it says at the bottom of that so F off aha right I just reading you hi

    VI H I was just reading it What’s um Passa Passa what is it huh what does that mean Passa Passa oh it means talking rubbish Oh I thought you said I’m talking rubbish and that and then this is as far as the development is gone the road ends down

    There and I presume that will be expanded yeah they’ve got plans look to expand but right now it’s a dead end nothing else happening down there so it will be quite unusual for them to get people like me down here showing an interest in this place but we’ve done it and they handled

    It quite well didn’t they so I can still see the my rider over there I think this is the perfect spot to get David up and let’s see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at

    All Bond International Bon tires let’s have a look at you then shall we so there it is up at 42 M the massive building that we’ve got here they do have some spare spaces down at the bottom but stuff don’t like to walk that far do they oh

    No they would rather do that I suppose as long as they finish at the same time but what about emergencies but if you need to dash off and do we think all those people are really disabled once again for brand new development where’s the electric charging and where’s the car

    Sharing there are none is there and then that vehicle down there cover it up unusual so what have we got in terms of solar panels bare minimum it seems another a tick box the Symmetry logo on the building once again they also want that to be on

    The Drone footage look while put it on the roof and we still have vehicles on the bay getting loaded and a queue as well all day long B tires very we good but this is the estate let just show you around this is where they’re located and

    This is what could be expanded in the future around them so they could easy get some more units altitude on that bit of grass there could they and then down where we are right now the estate will expand in them directions so in the future we’ll have units all over

    There and units all across here yes take the whole lot Max altitude reached so let’s jump over to the 360Β° photo for Google Maps and then we shall move on excuse me can I see your license for the Drone please and can I see your permission that you okay to fly

    The can you do it because a private property yeah so I really need to really need to see don’t come too close to me oh sorry so don’t worry my name is Victor bar nice to meet you and my name is DJ yeah nice to meet you you mentioned it’s private property yeah

    Yeah do you own the airspace sorry no we don’t own the airspace but you should have still a license for the Drone now you’re wrong wrong yeah no I’m just asking seriously yeah yeah so what we you making from White House may I ask that question please is your colleague

    Not told you no no sorry YouTube uh YouTube yeah well for do YouTube videos you got lots of followers don’t matter I just asking now may be following you that’s fine no no no cuz what it is if I say I’ve got one follower yeah yeah or

    If I say I’ve got 10 million yeah yeah it makes a difference to people it do make for me because my m is trying to do as well you know what I mean so he all told you didn’t I told you what’s that didn’t you tell him no we just asking

    Like what is he doing have you told him what I’m doing no okay that’s why he’s asking me the same question yeah sorry but I didn’t know that you his you f a drone yeah go on let’s hear it I know I’m just wonder you it’s not going overall

    Building anything like that is it yeah that’s trespassing is it you think that’s trespassing so you’re wrong as well that’s what I believe you’re wrong that’s all probably police and the police is going to find out just bring the police let see you know what I mean just wait a little we

    Going to I don’t have to wait anywhere no okay then G by time police come no problem just the just in anyway anyway it’s going to be a long way my bike there that’s fine why you going to stop me from going I’m going to stop you I didn’t even come like like

    You did I P put my arm out to stop you from coming too close I didn’t do that I would never ever do that I can’t here like a friendly conversation asking about you I think it’s fake smile it’s not a fake smile my smile is always like

    This I think you came over like you’re saying like I’m doing something wrong no no no was no it wasn’t like private property yeah because we are a private property I’m not on it I’m not on it yeah I’m just ask the question you know

    What I mean you you should know better I know that’s like if I would know then I wouldn’t come to ask you you got anything better to do uh not really no no unfortunately not serious is that quiet no go on back to work I’m out here

    I’m videoing for YouTube no do you want to see the the Drone yeah can we see it not the Drone I have the as well which one do you have M I have a phantom DJI Phantom that’s too heavy I know it’s too but I’m not allow to use to to they

    Wanted to give me a penalty as well for using it who did uh the police L not here obviously I went to the seaside and they caught me you really don’t like the Drone going over no they don’t like it not me let’s do it again let’s do it

    Again just to cuz what I’m doing on the YouTube video I’m trying to promote that drone flying is okay people like you and him bring the police overreact I have my own drone yeah I’m just worried about like you know you selling the foodish to our concr you’ve

    Not said that yeah I was why I was worried to be honest with you that’s the first time you said it sorry that’s why I was worried so who do you want me to say it to nobody I don’t want you to sell it that’s no cuz I can email it

    Over to him and see how much they want to pay for it who’s the competitor oh no one we are the number one sir there is no compe I know you actually are I’ve been reading about youing about that serly Bond International yes one of the best

    Now but yeah so let’s just take the drone over again then just to show you that there’s no problem with it off not even the police can do anything about this because do you know how it’s a 249 G drone which one two no mini mini yeah there’s your property there’s your

    Building you got there’s the Drone you can’t get any worse than that everything that you don’t want me to do I’m doing right now in front of you no problem I’m not I’ve don’t even you know I’m stoping so why don’t you go back then because you’ve got better things to be

    Doing haven’t you I’m having a break to be he should be doing that over there not out on the on the property at the I want yeah but you’re in work hours so need to be sitting under the shelter much for the head up sorry thank you

    Very much for the heads up I said you knew that didn’t you I kind of effect please yeah where don’t you want me to go in particular obviously see you see that green fence over the fence yeah let’s get over there then yeah that’s right in the middle of the green

    Fence the yard there just there that’s sort of zoom in yeah zoom into the the base nice zoom on it look no problem is it no problem what am I what information am I getting no I don’t know nothing I’m just showing you what’s in your head what what’s in your

    Head that I could actually get is not actually possible look you can’t see no so don’t worry about it that’s what I’m trying to say that’s why we was like we worried cuz we didn’t know what’s going on you know what I mean well you did

    Come and ask and then we might give you the permission to do the video I have I’ve just said to you guy I’m coming on I’m coming in put my high on I’m coming in to do some filming he goes no you can’t you’re not allow that other guy

    That other guy that I just came in myos be happy you know I mean oh yeah right I know yeah right so you got one minute you’re calling the police next minute you’re saying oh my BS my boss might be happy that to let you inside you’re joking or what

    It’s what I call backpedaling my friend you’ve already made yourself look silly and now you say no you should have asked I’ve already asked didn’t I ask you if I could come in and you said no what you read I says I’m coming in I’m following you you said

    No so your colleague there has just said you should have asked we would have let you come in but I did I come all oh you’re back pedaling again Victor are you above him are you who’s the BS comment mate no comment com oh here we

    Go no comment in that case no further comment from me are the police on the way they’re not very interested to told you didn’t I what a waste a little drone like that and you’re calling the police maybe we just getting advice mate cuz in all honesty we don’t know the law any

    Better than yourself he does he’s got a drone I think came to us did you just say you know the law no I didn’t I didn’t know the law that’s why I don’t know the law the one the one one thing I can I can tell you mate is if it you

    Know we don’t own the airspace on sure if that lands in our yard if if if it’s damaged and lands in the yard you ain’t going to get it back are you worth that what if my football went in would I get that back no you wouldn’t I would how

    Would you do that you can’t keep someone’s football does the same as you can’t keep someone’s drone I’m not keeping you football I’m that’s a comparison it’s not it’s trespassing you coming ground is TR even you’re wrong you started off well if somebody’s property accidentally goes into your

    Premises they’ve got every right to get it back they have no right to comeing in my property any no law in the I’m on your property no law in the world will tell you that mate I’m on your property now doesn’t acci I could no that that

    Gat dress passing there is there is no there is no gray area mate dressing a civil matter I could go on there right now and collect my drone I could walk in your yard right now the gate’s open you could it’d be trespassing so what it’s not criminal

    It’s not 100% you think trespasses in his criminal offense do viig trespass criminal offense it’s not it’s not about what I thing about watch this watch this I don’t I don’t need to look at anything you have to say I’m sorry I don’t yeah I

    Don’t want I don’t want to see mate you don’t want to see the truth no no I know the truth is trespassing at criminal offense trespassing is not classed as a criminal offense in most cases it’s no matter of the police we would recommend that the first thing you would do is to

    Take the people occupying the land and ask them to leave yeah it is not a criminal offense right so we have every right to refuse you access to our property yeah if I get your item back if a if a caravan parks on here and you

    Want them to leave what do you have to do you have to take them to court and get them evicted just like me if I put my picnic chair just there and have a picnic on your land and you want me to leave and I say no you’re talking about

    The land which is accessible by public walkways you you were now back our car park our car park the whole lot of you you got no idea what you’re doing for the YouTube video It’s Entertainment drones cameras people like you think think drones are illegal think trespass ilg drones are illegal now now

    No no no he came out saying your drones over a private property ring the police why would you call the police if nothing illegal is happening because right for starters I explain to you we find the police for advice because we don’t know whether this is legal or not so you’ve

    Been educated yeah sorry you’ve been educated by the police and this is why I’ve been advised and you’ve also been educated about trespass if your property lands on ours then you will not be getting it back and I guarantee you I will okay well I’m telling now our

    Members it’s on your property a lot I’m tell your property I’ve come on and I’ve got it and I’ve left now that lands in our yard I’ll be able to access that quicker than you and I’ll promise you mate I take you put that to the test you

    Have to go to you to put that to the test right now go to Poli I a’t got time to play games with you buddy back to work back to work all right if you a’t got time back to work okay no r that enters my yard I’ll be taking it and

    Then you can find the police to get it back okay I won’t I’ve got my own way of getting it back don’t worry about that okay well that will be under my possession 100% won so you do what you got to do and we’ll do try gentlemen enjoy your day

    So that was that trespass is illegal if the Drone goes in the yard I’m not getting it back if the Drone went in your yard my friend and I can see that open gate just there I will be going in and retrieving it just like my football because I now

    Know you are not willing to give it me back so I will automatically go and get it myself what’s the worst that can happen you asked to leave once I’ve got my property I’ll be believe in anyway I’ve got a lawful reason to enter but the Drone will not come down

    Will it because we are a responsible pilot we stay away from the building in fact the sensors on this Mini 4 you got the front sensor the side sensor the bottom sensors it will will actually stop you from getting too close anyway so there’s no risk of collisions

    Here it’s all hypothetical nonsense but if you just compare it to a football then if your football does land in their yard you can ask for it back if you don’t think they’re going to give it you back just go get it yourself yeah it’s your property anyway that’s enough of these clowns

    Don’t want to make the video too long let’s go and hide a key ring and move on and that was Bond tires we’ got some staff now giving us some hand gestures let’s have a quick look before we leave what we got is he going to do it again no he’s

    Hiding now not so brave what about these anything yeah there he is there there’s Mr chess Fass K another fence see we got Smiles now after we’ve we’ve been arguing for a while why couldn’t we just skip all the arguing and get straight to the smiles guys and give bond tires some free

    Promotion Mr Green hat there could have turned the company turn this video into a a positive encounter anyway the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video where I’ve put the bike just under the bark it’s just under that bark just there so if you are one of the first

    People to watch the video and you do want a key ring good luck with that lump posters there with the 20 mph maximum speed and finally they’ve got the yard clear but they’re still arriving look so we’ll leave them to it we’ll move on so if you have enjoyed that video do give

    It a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. This video made me lose a lot of respect for you DJ. There is making educational content and then there is instigating a minor situation. You sound like a teenager in this video πŸ˜‚

    2. What you need to do is call the police and just say that someone is flying drone over your property, they have been doing some dangerous manoeuvres, and you are concerned it might hurt someone (don’t mention your property), the police will triage emergency calls if there is a perceived risk to life and they will drop what they are doing and call in the nearest dispatch unit. You can also say β€˜I have my daughter with me here today’ and I’m worried I’m a minute it might land in her as it has got close to us already (your word vs the guy flying the drone) but the objective is to just get the police there asap. And you can say it looks like it might have a large package on it, I don’t want to make assumptions but just in case it turns out to be a weapon or something, can someone please come asap I don’t want to risk it. All of those buzz words will rock the operators boxes to triage a fast response unit there and you have absolved yourself from slander by saying you are not sure. Then when the police arrive this bloke has to explain himself to them and not you on site. And the police hate it when members of the public start telling them about the law and the rules and he will be on their database. The next time he gets called-in and he acts cocky and says he knows the law better than the police, the police can obtain counsel advice to look at small loop holes in the law to charge him for an offence. It will take some time but you’ll eventually get him.

    3. If it lands on your property and you don't give it back that's what's known as THEFT you absolute f*cking idiots. How thick do you need to be to come out with that utter nonsense? And then DJ tries to show the law and the guy says he doesn't care because he already knows it, just for DJ to prove him wrong. DJ proved trespassing is not a criminal offence but he still wasn't having it. You can't teach stupid delusional people who "know it all".

    4. DJ, I think you should shield your drone operator ID as much as possible on your videos because it can easily be cloned and used for nefarious reasons. Then you might have to go through all the hassle proving it wasn't your drone.

    5. Why are low level employees leaving their duties and trying to act as security for a multimillion dollar company? Really strange behavior.

    6. does anyone else watch these videos and despair about the state of the UK jobs market these are the kind of people that you have to call colleagues if ya just want a min wage job to pull about in

    7. 18:55 "You're about to prove me wrong, so I'm not going to look. I'm also going to stick my fingers in my ears and yell 'nah nah nah nah can't hear you can't hear you' because that's exactly how much of an adult I am".

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