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    Y’ hello we’re looking at how Germans react to an ambulance siren pretty straightforward uh I’ve seen a video I would assume similar to this where we had a fire response to a car fire and uh I believe that was on the Autobon and it was pretty remarkable they were able to

    Merge on and and get through a little bit of traffic and get to the burning car pretty scary stuff that was a while back this I’m told is like a classic I guess on the internet and somehow I have not seen it after all this time this was

    Suggested on Discord a couple times I have ratman as a most recent one so uh thank you for that let’s just go ahead and check this out it’ll be linked down below you can check out uh internet now which is the channel That posted it and uh let’s get into

    It I expect this to be pretty good it’s what I’ve seen in other videos this must be old looks like it was filmed with a potato [Laughter] Chip look at this immediate immediate response from everyone wow oh oh we have one Rogue he’s trying to find a spot though to be fair he’s he’s getting he’s going he’s going there you go he could have slipped in there too look at that holy crap hold on we

    Have one two three three lane highway or Autobon I should say sorry we have somehow a mass of cars in one spot here and look at the way you couldn’t even coordinate this for like a a this looks almost like a movie man it’s like it’s coordinated but in

    Reality you know none of these people know each other they’re all just commuting the fact that everyone knows almost in equal numbers to part to the left and right and leave this Lane right in the middle wide open is literally incredible and something I’ve never seen in my life in person

    It’s it’s kind of appalling how many people in the US don’t pay attention or don’t even hear ambulances or fire trucks and uh everyone tries to get to the right ooh this is going to get a little tight here with the trucks ooh look at this look at this

    Ouch oh my God look at them how are they making room for this Guy even the even the truck and trailer are moving everyone’s courteous okay had a little bit of a hiccup there but not bad at All yo this is a hell of a jam huh that was a cool sports car down on the right I didn’t see what it Was and then he diverted to this right kind of Middle Lane so people are again split although it’s just shifted mirrored from early but hey open lanes an open Lane look at that it’s incredible man that all these people are coordinated that’s insane okay uhoh one more obstacle he

    Can go on the shoulder smart move I’m amazed at these people way up here even got like resp like were aware I guess because now that we’re at the front of the pack here if we’re thinking back to the rear of the pack which was almost 2

    Minutes ago um that’s pretty far away how did they have this coordinated all the way up there that’s that’s really impressive let’s finish it out here kind of speaks to again driver education driver training and and how serious people are about something that we do every day which is

    Drive yeah this is definitely a different video than I saw I don’t know when that was probably a year ago or something I was thinking like is this the same one it’s definitely not that was impressive as well it was almost the same scenario although this one might

    Have been a little better just because of how many cars there were in this jam and they all parted like the sea like so fluidly it was just it was incredible to watch man this is why you see the stats the statistics you know on the Autobon

    And stuff like Germany just has such safe driving records right it’s incredible man you know for the most part most people like I said I’m not throwing everyone under like most people try and be safe here and like get out of the way when ambulances and Fir trucks

    Are coming but there’s always oddballs that are like too busy and distracted and they’re they’re in a way and they don’t know what to do once they do see the sirens or see the lights and Sirens behind them this was just considering the amount of cars and the amount of

    People involved other than one car right here that that was in the way just for a second I honestly don’t think they were like a terrible driver they just didn’t find a spot so they had to keep going until they could you know duck in somewhere it’s amazing how many people

    Were involved in how well that went for how long of a stretch the the amount of awareness and discipline in this traffic at a random day in Germany is like amazing that should be the model for driving across the whole world so you have to tell me where you’re watching

    From and and tell me you know if this video was recreated in in in other countries how would it go cuz I’m sure some other countries are pretty good at this as well uh unfortunately I if you did this on one of the busy freeways outside of Chicago or outside of Los

    Angeles or something I’m not sure that it would go like this let’s just say that okay so fun fact um I can’t find any videos on like American traffic responding to you know like an emergency vehicle response and it doesn’t come up with anything on YouTube either it just comes

    Up with like this video and and stuff like that so I think that’s actually kind of funny I wanted to do like maybe a fun comparison but yeah uh Germany hats off to your guys’s driving discipline and um awareness right it it is truly incredible so I would love to

    Hear you guys’s experience with this you know are there bad drivers everywhere of course like I’m sure there’s some bad drivers in Germany but luckily they seem to be hard to find right whereas in my experience they could be pretty easy to find on the streets of

    America so let’s see what the comments say it’s weird when you were from Germany because I thought thought it was normal and everyone react like this that would be weird if you’re just from there and you’re there most of the time you’re just used to this level of like close to Perfection

    Right and it kind of got to be depressing thinking oh most places are not this organized thank you Germans for your incredible efficiency at pretty much everything Amen to that but isn’t this how it’s supposed to be every single time I’ve heard a c this is how everyone reacts in which country do

    People not do that oo I don’t know where they’re from but that’s that’s optimistic yes it’s how it’s supposed to be and I most people like I said are aware like I’m aware if I hear a siren and see lights in the mirror I definitely get out of the way

    But that’s not everyone right um if they think every single country looks like this like the level of efficiency and speed in this video um I think that’s super optimistic I would disagree with that as a paramedic in the USA I can say that we never get that level of respect

    When we drive code 3 people are so self-absorbed these days and caught up with social media or music I’m sorry but that’s true they’re they’re telling the truth they either don’t care or they don’t know how to react when I pull up behind them I don’t like using the

    Lights and siren but when I do it’s because someone is have is having possibly the worst day of their life traffic accidents kill more First Responders than anything else that’s kind of freaky huh I personally have lost a friend because of this when I’m caring for my patient it’s possible for

    Me to wear a seat belt in the back of the ambulance so please when you see emergency vehicles running code 3 slow down and pull to the right because they could be on their way to help someone you’d love that’s the way I look at it unfortunately like they said most people

    Aren’t paying attention or they just don’t care this country when it comes to driving is just uh it’s it’s a wild card man what a glorious country with such intelligent drivers no wonder they have highways with unlimited speed yeah I think it’d be safe to say one of the

    Best countries in the world for driving you you’d have to put Germany in the conversation Italians reaction if you hear the sirens you follow the ambulance to avoid traffic jam or try to go faster than it so I can’t reach you if I’m ever in a car crash I’m calling Germany but

    Hey that’s all I got for you in this one I do appreciate you being here and uh hope to see you in the next one hope your week is going great my name is Ian you’re watching IW rocker until next time y’all stay safe out there I’ll catch you later


    1. Another big issue of todays germany.
      This video is very old, nowadays we (germans) have so many fools in our country which think are more important than the sun itself and either don't form the "Rettungsgasse" or abuse it.
      Boy Germany really became some deep shithole over the past 15 years.

    2. OK, let's bring out the bad examples, shall we? If you want to see two really bad examples, look at "Katastrophale Rettungsgasse! | DDG Dashcam Germany | #323" – in the first part of the video Police tries to escort a member of the highway service through the (in parts) nonexisting rescue lane (that's why the camera vehicle is following behind the police), in the second part of the video the same highway service driver tries to find a way on his own during a different situation.
      So, no… German drivers aren't necessarily better at creating rescue lanes. There's always a few who are completely oblivious no matter where you are.

    3. I mean we do it really similarly. It's actually quite simple. If you hear sirens = gtfo the way. To everyone thinking about their own goings, ask this. Are you going to actually die if you are late for 1-5 minutes? Because someone might if that ambulance doesn't arrive.

    4. According to the catalog of fines, drivers who do not form an emergency lane are threatened with 200 euros, two points in Flensburg and a driving ban for a month. If this causes disabilities, 200 then becomes 240 euros. If you endanger yourself, the fine is already 280 euros, plus two points and a month's driving ban. Thats why its working.

    5. When it comes to forming emergency lanes and such, I'd say the biggest difference between the US and Europe are mandatory driving hours with certified teachers. And by that I don't just mean the total time you practice, but on which type of roads. In Germany and I guess most of Europe, if not all, you have to practice at least a certain minimum. As I can recall, 6 hours on the Autobahn, 6 hours on Bundes-/Land-/Kraftfahrstrassen…or so called Überlandfahrten😅…basically driving outside city limits but not the Autobahn and a certain amount of driving hours within city limits and overall. And you will be in a traffic jam during that, almost guaranteed.😂 And here in Germany 1 hour=45 min…same as in schools and universities and trading schools. But usually you always drive at 2×45 min. Plus the teachers themselves are certified, so every students gets taught mostly the same stuff.

    6. This attitude is basically everywhere in Europe. You see and hear an ambulance with sirens (red&blue in Latvia) and as a rule, we must stop the car on the side of the road to let the ambulance by, even the ones coming from the opposite direction.

    7. Yes, it is called Rettungsgasse (rescure lane) and it is mandatory, you learn to react this way. It doesn't always go that smooth, actually. But you can get fined when you don't comply.

    8. It is part of the rules to create an emergency corridor in Europe. It's more complicated when it's in cities during rush hour. Then I guarantee there will be more complications.

    9. The Austrians are even better in doing this. They run TV adverds and other "constant friendly reminders" to the society to strictly built the emergency lane when the traffic got slow or stops on the motorway. And they strictly do it immediately.
      I guess they are emergency lane world champion 😁

    10. Assholes are not welcome on German Autobahnen. Eating, drinking and rolling a cigarette at 124 mph is a normal thing in Germany. Meanwhile we sing “Looking for Freedom” by David Hasselhof. There is no humor in Germany.

    11. It's all about training and education of drivers. And as they say in Germany, "Ordnung muss sein" There has to be order. And an other culture than in some other countrys. Greetings from Norway.

    12. Creating an emergency fund is normal in Europe. Another thing that has become normal is parking in commercial spaces. Everyone parks so that the front of the car is clear

    13. As an ETS 2 player. (Havent drove on big roads irl yet)

      I see even here (ok here it does look like emergency vehicles need whole road space) but sometimes i aee that there is one lane empty that could be used to pass. Just put a 30-40kmh sign and let people go

    14. Of all the countries ive been to germans are the absolute best when it comes to this. Also for staying in the right lane if youre not going very fast. In Sweden its almost opposite 🙁

    15. One thing in romania we are taught is : "you be aware to move aside from ambulances always. More importantly when you are just walking, you are not safe from them" this shows that we are still sticking to some humane ways

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