Chaque année en France, les notaires enregistrent plus de 300 000 déclarations de succession. On estime que dans un tiers des cas, environ, les choses se passent mal. Car pour ceux qui survivent aux disparus, l’héritage interroge sur la place de chacun dans la famille, cristallise les vieilles jalousies entre frères et sœurs, fait ressortir les blessures d’enfance.
    Réalisateur : Stéphane Rodriguez et Jean-Baptiste Gallot

    South of La Rochelle, the village of Angoulins, 4000 inhabitants, oyster beds, cabins fishermen on stilts, and a breathtaking view of Fort-Boyard. An idyllic panorama that rocked Laure and Eric’s entire childhood. They are brothers and sisters. Their parents were farmers and exploited the fields around the village.

    – These are plots which were cultivated by our parents. – And then dad liked to watch the rail. All boats returning to La Pallice. Eric, the eldest of the family, and Laure, the younger, grew up very close to here, in this farm which belongs today to their brother Noël,

    The youngest of the siblings. But 6 months ago, they got angry with him because of an inheritance problem, and the family home is now prohibited. – We felt that we were not more welcome. I was deprived of my home, from one end of my house.

    It is a set of our roots, from our childhood. It’s our home, and today, It’s no longer our home. When their parents died, Eric, cattle breeder, and Laure, logistics executive in a hospital, agreed that their Brother Noël gets the farm back.

    But it was when it was necessary to share the family lands that the conflict broke out. The estate is today completely blocked. – We already have a lot to carry, we still have 2 bereavements. We still have our 2 parents in quick succession. We didn’t have a lot of time to recover,

    And we promised each other the hospital parking lot, the evening of dad’s death, that above all, we had to be united. And today, we are at speak to each other through notaries. – An inheritance quarrel, We have to get out of there. Today, Eric and Laure no longer speak to their brother.

    Noël Michaud, owner of the farm and its ruined mill, transformed into a bunker by the Germans during the last war. From here it has a breathtaking view on family land. – We can’t get enough of this view. These few hectares of fields, very well located by the sea,

    Are today at the heart of discord between Christmas, his brother and his sister. – I would like to become an owner land by paying them. My goal is to secure this exploitation, I don’t want to disappear. – They don’t agree with that? – For the moment no,

    They want to become owners of certain plots. There is a big dispute on this which leads to a blocking situation. If brothers and sisters are today at loggerheads, it’s probably because parents Henri and Bernadette, had not planned anything for their succession. A negligence which sowed discord within siblings.

    – Somehow, that saddens me. – For what ? – Because normally, brothers and sisters, it’s a family, theoretically, there are blood ties as they say. I think blood ties have disappeared or moved away, temporarily or permanently, I do not know yet, but the links are no longer there.

    A brotherhood that comes to tear each other apart when parents disappear, it’s a great classic regarding inheritance. Every year in France, notaries record more than 300,000 inheritance declarations. It is estimated that in a third of cases approximately, things are going badly. – Today, we passed by a court, we, the Michaud siblings,

    Eric, Noël and Laure. Do you think our parents, is this what they would have imagined? For those who survive the fallen, heritage questions place of everyone in the family, crystallizes the old jealousies between brothers and sisters, brings out childhood wounds. Poorly prepared, successions are often explosive.

    The whole of France took conscience at the revelation of the will by Johnny Hallyday, excluded in 2 of his children. To avoid problems, some have decided to anticipate their succession. This is the case of the 68 heirs of Septemes Castle. There are so many of them that the old building has become unmanageable,

    And risks escaping the family. To save her, the elders are going to hand it over to a young couple. – My dear Benoît, I am happy to pass them on to you. The end goal of all this, is that the family remains united.

    Benoît and Blandine will revive the castle by opening it to the public. In exchange, the family keeps the right to spend their summer holidays there. And between 2 groups of tourists, cohabitation is not going to be easy. It also happens that certain inheritances find themselves stuck for years.

    Frédéric lost both his parents who leave behind them, a heritage of almost 1 million euros. Something to change your life of this long-term unemployed person. But if he wants to inherit, he must first find his brother, disappeared more than 20 years ago, and who would have become homeless.

    Because it mixes the family, money and death, inheritances are still too often a taboo subject, a subject which nevertheless will concern us all one day. In Angoulins, south of La Rochelle, It’s because his parents, farmers, have not prepared their succession, that Noël Michaud is today estranged from his brother and sister.

    It all begins with the death of his mother. A few days before he died, 2 years ago, she makes a donation shares with his 3 children. Christmas gets the farm back worth €250,000. Eric and Laure, who do not wish to take it back, each inherit a sum equivalent money.

    But the mother doesn’t have time to decide what should happen to family land, a few hectares of fields which arouse all desires. It is on this subject that the conflict breaks out. Christmas needs its fields to sustain its operation, but his brother and sister refuse to sell them to him.

    – It is the attraction of money that makes Things got worse like that. I no longer have any contact with my brother, my sister, my nephews, nieces. It was money that destroyed that. We have the impression of being like kids fighting over a toy. But the issues are not the same.

    Money turns heads, for here the land can be worth gold. In Angoulins, by the ocean, the real estate pressure is very strong. Around the farm, the housing estates and commercial areas win every year on the fields. And here, when the plots agricultural pass constructible, their price can be multiplied at least by 100.

    According to Christmas, that’s why his brother and sister refuse to sell him the fields, which belong to the family. He is convinced that they want to keep them, in the hope that one day, they become constructible. – My goal is to cultivate, not to grow houses.

    I find it hard to admit that we can thinking about earning a lot of money, by selling a plot because that it has become constructible, while our parents and grandparents, worked on it all the time. Even if there is demand and pressure in construction, you don’t have to give in.

    Today, the conflict between Christmas to his brother and sister, begins to affect everyone around him. His son Jimmy, 17, apprenticed on the farm. His wife Isabelle and Marie, their daughter 14 years old, are regularly requisitioned to help prepare seedlings for the vegetable garden. – Everyone participates.

    It’s true that our daughter has difficulty getting her to participate. The quarrel between Noël to his siblings has become omnipresent in daily family life. – We try to preserve them, but honestly, we can’t do it. Because precisely, there are a lot of us together, they feel the pressure.

    – It’s a shame to say that a family can get to this point. May come to a point where no one will talk to each other anymore, and where it is more and more complicated. Family conflict is all the more disturbing, that this new life is a big change for everyone.

    Noël quit his job agricultural mechanic, and the whole family followed her come and live in the place of his childhood. A dilapidated house in the family since 4 generations and within which, nothing has changed in over 40 years. – It was a separate room in its original form, as at the time.

    Flower wallpaper, yes, I have always known there The interior would have been nice needs a major renovation, but Christmas doesn’t have any the means for the moment. The farm doesn’t bring in enough to support 4 people. The family manages with barely €1000 per month. – Financially, of course, we can not do anything.

    We’ll see that when we have the means. Money, however, there is. To pay inheritance fees, Noël, his brother and his sister, sold this land buildable to a real estate developer. They must share more than a million euros. But as they argue on the rest of the plots,

    The notary placed the whole of the amount in escrow. Today, Noël feels that by refusing all his sharing proposals, his brother and sister drag out the conflict to better strangle him financially. – The few reserves we had. We are exhausting them. Will we last until summer perhaps?

    Tightening your belt, but not much more. The farmer feels totally stuck. So to release the money sequestered at the notary, he is going to make a radical decision. A few days later. This morning, exceptionally, Christmas is not in his fields. He decided to go on the attack.

    – There is no discussion, no agreement in sight, we go to court. – Anyway, since the start of the conflict, it drags on. We can’t wait any longer. Financially, we can no longer, and morally too. It would be nice to get it over with.

    Accompanied by Isabelle, Noël has a date you on the old port of La Rochelle, to a lawyer. He intends to assign his brother and sister in court, to force them to accept a release of estate funds. – At the level of this assignment.

    I summon your brother, your sister. The idea, is to explain that there are many funds available, liquidity, to request an advance, on what is currently sequestered at the notary. Here, in terms of procedure, what I can tell you about it. But when it was time to launch hostilities, Christmas has moods.

    – It feels weird to send a subpoena. Humanly, this is not logical. We do not have a choice, we have to manage to live. – If it is favorable, you will have the liquidity, you will be able to cope, for current expenses for your farming, living. – What inspires you all this?

    – Always this feeling of anger, of desolation which continues, because it’s disgusting, and send a summons to from his brother and sister, it’s hard. A few days later, in another law office. – It’s not possible, it’s not can’t have become like that.

    We don’t do this on our own family, unless we are angry for generations, but no. Eric and Laure have just received the summons of their brother, they are in shock. – I don’t understand the situation. I don’t understand why it’s come to this. Maybe he has a real reason, but who tells us?

    If he has a big resentment, if he has something, but let him tell us. It is not a court which will handle anything. – What reaction did you have? When did you receive this summons? – From spite, discontent, because we don’t have wasn’t raised that way.

    It’s complicated to take your family in court anyway. Laure and Eric still have no intention to sell their share of the land at Christmas. But according to them, it is not not a question of money. If they want to keep them, it’s not to sell them one day to a developer,

    But to stay close to their roots. – Today, everything I want to keep a piece, of what my parents built. And also be able to say to my children, who has a piece left of their grandparents. Because my children suffer greatly not to return to Angoulins as we used to go there.

    – Is it symbolic? – More than symbolic. It’s a piece of our heart. – We cannot process this file as we treat an accounting balance sheet, or a trade balance and say everyone has the right to that, and we don’t talk about it anymore.

    There is an affect, that is to say, you have in addition which comes to graft, love of the earth is a bit visceral. Despite the Christmas summons and the violence of the conflict that opposes them today, Laure wants to believe that the dialogue is still possible.

    – For the moment, he is my brother, anyway, he will always be my brother. I only have two. We no longer have our parents. I still forgive him. It was before a court that brothers and sisters will meet again in a few weeks.

    A decision that will remain engraved forever in the history of siblings, until now united around the 2 parents. Henry, the authoritarian patriarch, died prematurely and Bernadette, the mother, who left without leaving a will. Parents who would not have never could imagine that one day, their children would tear each other apart, by lawyers.

    In Paris, in the 19th arrondissement, another man is confronted with a story inheritance impossible. Frédéric is 56 years old, he is with the RSA, and lives in this dilapidated apartment. 2 years ago, this computer graphic designer unemployed lost both parents in quick succession,

    And potentially, that makes him the heir to a heritage which borders the million euros. – That was the house of my parents, near Bordeaux. This is the last house that they knew before their death. And there is a second house in Biscarrosse, next to the lake.

    My father was a sales manager of a big company. I knew the Mediterranean, ski vacations, summer vacations. I have always been in a wealthy executive, we will say. A golden childhood that Frédéric passed alongside his brother Gilles, 3 and a half years older than him.

    The 2 boys have grown up in the shadow of their father, senior manager, proud of his success, but so rigid and with overwhelming authority. – When he was there, it was sharp. There was no discussion. It wasn’t someone who was arguing he was someone who was rather imposing.

    As teenagers, the 2 brothers wanted to break up with the bourgeois environment in which they grew up. So much so that Gilles ended up cut ties with the whole family, to disappear into nature more than 20 years ago. His decision today has serious consequences on family inheritance.

    – It’s been 2 years now I’m waiting for my brother to be found. The notary blocks the inheritance because my brother is away. It’s an impossible story, I find myself at an impasse. Nor considered dead, nor physically present, Gilles, the missing heir, paralyzes the entire succession.

    The notary sent a genealogist on his trail, but in 2 years, Frédéric had no news. So he decided to take things into account hand. This morning he leaves for the southwest, where his parents lived. Also where his brother had his habits.

    – I’m going down to Bordeaux to try to find my brother too, to give a little overview of the places. These are the 2 houses. I’m on my own to manage all of this. It’s sometimes difficult. Until their death, Frédéric’s parents lived in Saint-Jean D’illac,

    A residential suburb of Bordeaux. In this upscale housing estate. Frédéric comes back once or twice per year to watch over the house. An imposing building of 200 meters². Bad surprises every time waiting for it in the mailbox. – There is €2500, that corresponds surely to local taxes.

    It is for the succession, that is to say to me and my brother. – Do you have money to pay? – No. What puts pressure additional then, that I can’t do anything. With these €870 in monthly income, Frédéric is obviously incapable, to face all house expenses,

    Which have been accumulating since the death of his parents. Unable to pay the bills, especially heating. Result, at each of his visits, Frédéric tracks down mold, which extends into the rooms. And there is more worrying. – There are small damages. As the house was not heated all winter long, the walls move.

    So what if the houses could not be heated, I might not have met this kind of problem when arriving. That wasn’t there before, it’s in several rooms too, like that apparently. Even more serious. Frédéric does not have the means to pay the €330 annual house insurance.

    A few months ago, this could have ended in disaster, when a fire broke out in the garden hedge. – There, it was simply the hedge, but if the house burns, I lose everything. If the house is not insured, I lose everything, me and my brother.

    That is to say, the heritage is totally destroyed. A house estimated at nearly 500 000 € which almost went up in smoke. Frédéric’s parents also owned a second home 1 hour away, on the edge of Lake Biscarrosse. This was estimated at more than €300,000. Frédéric never came back since he cleared the furniture,

    After the death of his parents. – It is the state of the garden which no longer has nothing to do with its original state. It was very green, very pretty. There was a very beautiful lawn, a very beautiful golfers’ lawn. Well, it didn’t matter at all been maintained, watered, suddenly, it became wild.

    Impossible for Frédéric to maintain these houses. Also impossible to sell them, because he would need his brother’s agreement, the other heir. A situation absurdity which has lasted too long. – Houses that are left to abandonment like that is a loss, on the value of heritage. If this were to continue for several years,

    The houses would become ruins, and it’s a waste. A waste that Frédéric is well determined to to prevent with small means. Driving his parents’ car, he will start on the trail of his missing brother. Frédéric is convinced that Gilles never left the southwest, the region where he spent his entire life.

    There also where he had a daughter, who he ended up turning his back on, like the rest of his family. Léa, Frédéric’s niece, is 29 years old. She worked as an assistant of life before having her 3 children. – How long has it been you haven’t seen your father?

    – Approximately 26 years old. – How old were you when he left? – 3 years. I don’t remember the sound in his voice or whatever. From her father, Léa does not have than these few photos. Including this one. Gilles poses with his daughter in his arms just before disappearing for good.

    For the moment, Léa is not directly concerned by this heritage. What she wants most of all is learn more about his father. – I would like to see him again. I’m not going to hold him accountable. I just want to see it in real life.

    Hearing his voice and then see her in front of me. Finally, he is my father, he is my progenitor. I have no memories of him. If he doesn’t want to see me, I don’t force him to do anything. I would like at least once. Léa may soon be fixed.

    Tomorrow, Frédéric hits the road again to follow a trail which, he hopes, could lead him to his brother, and finally unlock his parents’ inheritance. Complicated inheritances are fear of castle owners, because at the time of transmission, there is always a risk that these residences escape the heirs, because of maintenance costs.

    This is what could happen to the family of Gabriel de Sainte-Marie, 70 years old. This former sales director comes from from a large aristocratic family. Owner of Septemes Castle for almost 250 years. A magnificent castle 40 kilometers from Lyon, built between the 9th and 16th centuries, and classified as a historic monument.

    The particularity of this place is to be a second home. Regularly inhabited by its owners, Gabriel de Sainte-Marie lives in Paris. Every summer, he finds all the family here for vacation. -Here, we go to the dining room. The family reunites, young people are getting into the taste.

    And then when the old people disappear, we progress. One day, we are proud to be in the middle and then we realize that we are old. And now I’m in the center. Gabriel of Sainte-Marie is the eldest in the family. But today, it was so enlarged that the castle is no longer manageable.

    The question of transmission arises. – The more there are of us, the more it becomes difficult to agree, on a direction to take for this property. What do we want to do with it? At 25 Today, we’re getting there, but not always easily.

    To subsequent generations, we will rather be on the side of 60. So we need to find a solution that is a compromise acceptable to everyone. The end goal of all this, is that the family remains united. Selling the castle would be the worst solution. Each having here numerous sentimental ties.

    – The rooms all have names, which generally refer to the person, which occupied the most regularly. This is Suzanne’s room, and Suzanne was my mother. I always knew her like that. She really didn’t move that one. Most rooms have not moved at all.

    The place has great historical value. Several kings of France stayed there. Here, time seems to have stopped and This is what the family loves most of all. – Another fundamental piece is that one. This is called the office, because we have breakfast there.

    This is the kitchen which has very, very little evolved, except that we passed, from wood boilers to gas boilers. And then bread cutting machine, this is the characteristic noise, who warns him who is in the court, that soon, we will sit down at the table.

    To pay the castle charges estimated at more than €100,000 per year, the oldest in the family had created a real estate company, an SCI. But the younger generation will be too numerous to manage. Gabriel and his cousins ​​gave them therefore asked to find a solution.

    – We could have simply said: “We do nothing.” They will inherit shares of the SCI and then deal with it. And then it turns out, and we have lucky that among the generation that follows me, there is a young couple who says: “That makes me passionate, we will present a project to you”,

    And that’s what they do, it’s Blandine and Benoît. This young couple lives in Viroflay, in the Parisian suburbs. Blandine and Benoît have 4 children, 2 boys, Gabriel and Louis, and 2 daughters, Marie-liesse, and Thaïs. Today the whole family only think about this big project, one day live in the Château de Septème.

    – What will be practical is for heat enough to have wood chores. Every 3 hours, it is necessary go put some logs back. – We’re going to do a little wood service tower. Blandine is one of the 68 heiresses of the castle. As a child, she spent all her vacation with his cousins.

    Then she got married there Benoît, 13 years ago. To resolve the problem of inheritance, they offered to take back the castle, by buying back the shares of the generation currently owning it. But the subject is sensitive because this solution is not unanimous. – Part of the family, which actually says,

    It became too heavy, we must separate ourselves from it. We experienced some great things, etc. But today it’s complicated. And there is a good part of the family who says no, we must not part with it, So that’s the current topic. Take back a castle of this size,

    Would represent a weight financial for the couple. Blandine is a therapist, Benoit a consultant. Family income would not be enough to maintain the estate. So, they had the idea of ​​transforming the castle as a tourist destination. – For now, it’s a family home.

    We know today that keeping a place like that in a family home, 99% we will say it is not viable and that an activity must be added business to generate income. Transform the family castle into attraction open to the public all year round,

    The couple is afraid that this will doesn’t really please the family. Especially since Benoît is not an aristocrat. – For me who arrived in the family only 12 or 13 years ago, it’s difficult to arrive in such a house, I think we will feel it never really owned,

    In the direction of our house special today. – It’s not like we had bought a neutral good a business, there is the emotional element in addition. To succeed in this succession, Blandine and Benoît must therefore find a compromise, which is suitable for the whole family. A few weeks later in Septème,

    After long negotiations, an agreement was finally accepted by the generation of Gabriel de Sainte-Marie, Blandine’s uncle. Today he has a meeting with Benoît at the family notary. – How are you both feeling? – Concentrated because I tell myself: “Did I reread the document carefully?”

    Because I represent when even a family is not just me. So if I ever did something stupid, I didn’t see anything, I coach the whole family. – I am moved. And then to know that Blandine is with us from Paris. Benoît is intimidated to deal with the eldest heir of the castle.

    In the study they are received by the village notary. – See you to regularize the act of transfer of the castle. The agreement that was reached specifies that if family members agree to give in their shares of the castle, in return, she will be able to continue coming every summer.

    A rather unusual agreement which seems to suit both parties. – Yes, it’s quite special indeed. There are certain emotions though. I’m coming in this property since I was born, and I’m 70 years old and now, I retain a right of access, which suits me perfectly. But finally, I’m very happy

    Whether it is Mr. and Madame Derond who takes this up. I think they have talent and the energy it takes, well I hope so. – We will be able to move on to the signature. – I looked in the archives. In 1000 years, Septème has been sold 3 times.

    This is the fourth time in 1000 years. Today, the deeds of sale are signed on a digital tablet. The moment is historic. Signatures are recorded, It remains to report them on the deed of sale. – As soon as the message is displayed, you will own the castle.

    But IT still needs to follow. And clearly, that’s not the case. Enough to see it as a sign for Uncle Gabriel. – There is a reluctance somewhere, it is the ancestors who resist. But after a while, the Internet is restored and the sale is effective.

    – Congratulations on the certificates proving that you are the owner. – My dear Benoit, I am happy to pass them on to you. – Thank you Gabriel. We go try to be worthy of it. – I don’t have much doubt about that. For Uncle Gabriel, the main thing is Safe.

    The castle will remain in the family. – I am satisfied and happy that we did that. A little bit sad because this is no longer quite my home, but glad it’s theirs house, knowing that normally, they promised that the door will always be open.

    The message is clear, the door must remain open, especially this summer. It is still necessary that the family manages to coexist with tourists. In Angoulins today, the farmer Noël Michaud, will have to face his brother and his sister in court, for sharing family land.

    It’s been 7 months since he no more contact with them. So this morning, he is rather tense. – I don’t want to see my brother and my sister, that’s clear. I do not see why I would like to see them. We will try to get over it.

    The problem is that I, confidence in them is gone, and I think she will have hard to come back anyway. I’m not saying she’ll ever come back, but, she will have a lot of trouble to come back, that’s for sure. Noël has an appointment at the high court proceedings before the summary judge.

    This emergency procedure aims to purpose of obliging his brother and sister, to a rapid release of the inheritance. This morning, Eric and Laure arrived together, still a little in shock to see their brother again in such circumstances. – I never would have thought get there and believe me,

    I think my parents must turn around from up there where they are. Because they would never have wanted that. Really, I’m sick of it. It remains to be seen how to renew the dialogue after months of no contact. – It’s not me who asked to be there so,

    I won’t do the first no, that’s almost certain. – He can come closer to me, I will say hello to him, I will give him a kiss. Well, I mean, I’ve always said it. He’s still my brother. Noël and Isabelle arrive first at the courthouse.

    And it is Laure and Eric who are going finally take the lead. – With a smile, that would have been good. – Good morning. The tone is set, the atmosphere is icy. The family will appear in front of the president of the Saintes High Court.

    It is she who will arbitrate the release of the money from the estate claimed by Noël. This hearing is the first round of a legal fight, who must bring justice to decide on the sharing of family land. But instead, the judge will propose an alternative solution.

    – It seemed interesting to me to be able to ask all 3 of you to appear before me to offer you mediation. In this type of file, it is interesting that the parties can find the solution themselves, the emotional solution to what blocks in the legal settlement of the dispute.

    And I really think that your file is suitable for this. Mediation is a method amicable conflict resolution. The parties meet again on the ground neutral in front of an arbitrator to discuss, in order to avoid a long and costly trial. Mediation is not mandatory, to launch it,

    Everyone just needs to agree, but it is far from won. – This might be the opportunity to renew a dialogue with him, that we haven’t seen since the death of our father in 2014. – Mr. Michaud, give you your agreement for a mediation system?

    – I do not know anything at all, today, I know nothing. If there is no agreement, it’s still postponed. We are in a situation where I am dry. I really have nothing left. So I do not know. – So, you, this is it temporality that worries you? – You still have to live.

    Noël hesitates. He had come to obtain a release in emergency of the inheritance, not to raise the white flag. But the judge will convince him using the financial argument. – What do you think, Mr. Michaud? I can order the release of a capital advance. – Yes, if it’s like that, why not.

    – So, I ask the question again since I need an answer, clear do you agree for mediation to be ordered? – Yes let’s go. In extremis, Noël accepted mediation with his brother and sister. In exchange for this truce, the judge ordered the unblocking of part money from the estate €100,000 for each.

    – It is this part which been decided, will allow us to provide for our family needs. So it’s already, it’s already a advanced, if only for us. I’m still skeptical, but we’ll see. – In the audience that we have just experienced, we can clearly see that nothing is resolved.

    It’s almost forced and forced that he validated the mediation. I don’t have the impression that he saw that it was a chance to get out. – He put his finger in a gear and he doesn’t know where he’s going. Brothers and sisters therefore accepted to speak again in front of mediators.

    They will then no longer be able to ignore each other and must frankly address the reasons of their conflicts if they do not want not return to court. A few days later, Eric, the brother Christmas elder, dairy cow breeder, still have trouble digesting this confrontation.

    He doesn’t understand his brother’s anger, nor his determination to want to redeem all the land family farms. – When, returning from court, I made the journey. I just thought for 2 and a half hours. I left again, I arrived here, I worked but At night I only thought about it.

    With my sister, we don’t understand the grievances of our brother. He wants to take away our family heritage, by giving us in return the equivalent of the price of agricultural land. But the money from these lands is not not that our parents’ heritage.

    It is indeed the land itself. For what Does he want to take away that memory from us? The answers to these questions, Eric hopes obtain them during mediation. A moment when he can finally finding himself face to face with his brother.

    – I want to tell him, let’s stop the c****, we put our feet on the ground, we will all leave feathers there. – Do you still believe it a little? – I’ll be clear, I have very big doubts. Eric will soon know what to expect. Mediation is planned for next month.

    Brothers and sisters will then have a day to find common ground. 24 hours to burst the poisoning abscess the family for over a year. Return to the Parisian suburbs, in the Blandine pavilion and Benoît in Viroflay, it’s excitement. The family has just taken on an inheritance

    Several hundred years old, before starting a new life, in a magnificent castle in the Renaissance. It’s time to pack the boxes. This project to take over the castle family took a lot of time, and it’s a relief for Blandine to move on to a new stage. – I’m happy to leave.

    I’m happy to move there. In addition to being separated into 2 between here and there. The movers are really going to get there. That’s it and we’re going to live in Septemes. While living in Septemes, Blandine will become the heiress of a prestigious history. Because this castle is that of his family.

    It is only inhabited in the summer, during meetings between cousins. Blandine and Benoît’s project is to transform it into a tourist destination, to support the weight financial maintenance. With their 4 children, they will settle down in the castle outbuildings. This morning is the delivery boxes and furniture.

    Benoît arrived a day before the rest family to receive them. – There are 80 cubic meters junk that has just arrived. And already a first difficulty. The movers must transfer everything the contents of the truck in a smaller one. – The truck does not go under the porch.

    It dates from the 16th century and at this time, we had not anticipated that there would be a move in 2018 which was going to have to go with Ikea furniture. There is no shortage of space here to store the contents of the Viroflay pavilion. The outbuildings are huge.

    The family doesn’t know yet how she will occupy them. – We’re going to live a bit as a nomad this summer, It’s going to be a bit of a special summer. Oriented towards reopening for visits, our comfort will come later, I believe, then next summer, that will get better I think.

    Unloading will take place continue all day. The next day, the family who has arrived in the meantime, is impatient to return to the castle. Arrival in the courtyard of honor is impressive. The place is austere and full of history. Blandine is especially moved by return to his childhood home.

    – There are a lot of memories in these walls. Architecture for me is familiar. She is part of my life and my memories. I don’t see Septème at all, nor the courtyard interior, nor the castle as a monument. For me, it’s a living place, I see people.

    It is not a medieval castle after all. It is truly first and foremost a family home. Such an imposing family home, that no one knows about it precisely the number of pieces. As a child, Blandine often lost in the maze of corridors, among the countless rooms of the castle,

    There is one where the family used to get together. – Here, we are in the large living room. It’s a house that lives, that’s why the armchairs are under cover, we protect them for the winter. The house lives mainly in good weather. When it’s winter everything is covered up,

    Then we’re going to have a big cleaning before everyone arrives. Here you have photos of my great-grandparents, Claude d’Albon, who married Charles-Louis from Kergorlay, my great-grandfather. They are a reference for all current living members of the family. They are very important. It is especially the great-grand- mother of Blandine, Claude d’Albon,

    Which marked the family. Hard to know what she would have thought of this succession. – We have uncles and aunts who say that she was a resolutely modern woman, what she would have said, that’s what it takes to do, and that she would have gone all out,

    And others say yes and at the same time, she loved family life, and she wanted to preserve it. SO we are always in this balance, between modernizing the castle and preserve this family life. Waiting for the opening from the castle to the public,

    The family has temporarily set down its suitcases in this large building at the corner of the ramparts. Common outbuildings built in the 19th century, and comfort that dates from the same era. – Is it a bit camping? – A little bit. We’re not here for much days so it’s going very well.

    If castle life means resting with someone who cooks for you, the cleaning that makes your bed, then it will never be castle life. These premises are dilapidated. Blandine and Benoît have planned to completely renovate them. They want to attract as many visitors and enjoy the attraction,

    What can such a monument in the region. – It is on this floor that we plan to provide guest rooms. We have little ones parts that will be broken. The view will be really nice for the people who will stay here.

    On the ground floor of the common areas, the stables will soon house the castle souvenir shop. Right next door, in the garage, the old cabs of the family will leave the place to a huge reception room. Major works for including Benoît and Blandine, will go into debt for many years.

    – It is very heavy financially, it’s 1.5 million euros of work, to transform everything. There is no more than 1200 meters² of common areas. The objective is to complete the work before the start of summer, for opening to the public. A worrying schedule,

    Which does not prevent Benoît from appreciating the framework of his new life. – What is nice here, is to be surrounded by nature, in a very green setting, certainly historic, but simply to be silent, with the birds. It’s a change from Paris. And then there are the peacocks who liven up our meals.

    Despite this new decor, Blandine is worried about the reaction, older family members, when they discover changes in the castle. – The castle will be much more open to the visit than he was before, therefore family use will necessarily be modified a little. And it’s true that this is not easy for them,

    Who have known Septème for 50 or 60 years, like a family home which belonged to them, to say that the place will be open and that they can be found here, at the same time as visitors for example. The first visitors arrive in a month at the same time as the family.

    Blandine and Benoît will have to manage this cohabitation, if they want to succeed smoothly the transmission of the castle. Périgueux, 30,000 inhabitants, the Dordogne prefecture. Frédéric, the computer graphic designer, unemployed, follows Gilles’ trail, his brother, who died more than 20 years ago.

    If he finds it, he will finally be able unlock his parents’ estate. A heritage of almost a million euros. – There we are in Périgueux, not very far from the station. If I had been given an indication of a place, where my brother could have coffee in the morning.

    Frédéric is not here by chance. After scouring social networks, the Périgueux track appeared. His brother would have been seen by marginalized people in this popular area of ​​the city, and he would indeed be homeless. So Frédéric came with a homemade robot portrait, the photo of a stranger who strangely reminiscent of his brother.

    – Compared to the photo identity that I had, I needed someone with a beard and a much older face. If I meet him in the street, he might look like this today. His handcrafted robot portrait in hand, Frédéric begins his ant-like work.

    – I’m looking for my brother. Does this face mean anything to you? – No not at all. How to find a ghost in an unknown city? Despite the failures, Frédéric does not get discouraged not and continues to crisscross the neighborhood.

    – Go ask the homeless people, they will may be able to provide you with better information. Suddenly, at the counter, a regular gets involved. The photos caught his attention. – I noticed it once or twice. – Where did you meet him? – I only met him once here.

    He was looking for water to drink from the fountain. – Does this face mean anything to you? How many times have you seen it? – 2 times. A moment ago that I didn’t see it. – That reassures me, that means that I am on the right track.

    It seems too good to be true. With simple photos, Is Frédéric in the process of find the trace of his brother? In front of a department store, a man who begging will confirm his hopes. – Hello, I am looking, I am looking my brother who is on the street.

    It’s been 21 years since I last saw him. – His head speaks to me. – Have you seen him these days? – It wasn’t long ago, that’s for sure. If I see him, then I… – Tell him it’s his brother.

    He is in Périgueux in any case. – That’s nice, it gives me lots of information. A little further on, there is a homeless couple who point Frédéric on a new path. – You have to try to do 115. It’s a free call. They will be able to maybe guide you.

    – We’re never sure, but we have to always try! You will find him. Social services are required to have a right reserve and ordinarily, they protect the homeless of those who want to find them. – Hello, I am at looking for my brother.

    After several attempts, Frédéric succeeded to convince a manager of 115, to give him some information. – We know your well brother for several years. On many occasions I have had the opportunity to chat with him. It was rather housed from right to left, in makeshift accommodation.

    But it’s been more than 2 years since we we have no contact from him. 2 years is the period after which homeless people are deleted from files of 115 if they do not request no help from services. But the manager has proof much more recent life.

    – Me, having seen it, a few months ago by bike, I guess he’s still there, but he was also going to perhaps be on the Bordeaux side. – I have the means to change his life, to ensure that he is safe. – Not sure he accepts. Your brother doesn’t accept many things.

    He is very harsh towards his family, we feel that he has a heavy past. If we are to meet him, we will pass on the information. – It adds even more hope that I have to find my brother. This is further confirmation. For the moment, I am confident, full of hope.

    I think that’s it in a first step that counts. Will Frédéric hit the mark? If he finds Gilles, the 2 brothers will each inherit, of several hundred thousand euros. Plenty to get out of both of them are precarious. Few weeks later, in the suburbs of Bordeaux,

    Frédéric did not succeed in getting back further follow his brother’s trail. But as he began to lose hope, he received a summons of the notary in charge of the file. The first in over 2 years. The genealogist employed to find Gilles finally completed his investigation.

    His conclusions are exactly the same as those of Frédéric. – The genealogist we had mandated together had contact. With people he saw it. Today we have your brother, who, for personal reasons, made sure not to be found, while he is alive. Official research are therefore a failure.

    To unblock the file, the notary will finally propose a solution to Frédéric. – Today, we don’t have managed to find him. We must take another procedural route. – Yes, that’s exactly my question. – This path is judicial. We will be able to designate an administrator, who will manage your brother’s property.

    An administrator appointed by a judge will therefore represent the absent heir, and sign the sale of the houses in his place. The money will be blocked and at his disposal, if he wants it back. If he dies without having manifested himself, his share will go to his daughter Léa.

    Frédéric leaves with €10,000 in advance on the inheritance to be able to ensure and maintain houses until they are sold. – Another year, it’s going to be a long time. For me, heritage is additional weight. I would have done without it and everything management and problems. But it’s moving forward, it’s moving forward.

    After many years of hardship, Frédéric should still inherit of around €300,000 once inheritance fees paid. More than enough to get out of precariousness and start a new life. By the ocean, at the Angoulins farm, Noël agreed to suspend his action legal action against his brother and sister, and initiate mediation.

    A process which will perhaps allow to finally understand the deep reasons disagreement within siblings. The face to face will take place in La Rochelle, in a mediation center designated by the judge in charge of the case. But both camps are first received separately to prepare for the confrontation.

    Accompanied by their lawyers, Laure and Eric, will be the first to tell their version of the story. Myriam Bacquet and Cédric Garrigue are part a thousand professional mediators, often lawyers, who are appointed through justice to resolve conflicts. Mediations are usually strictly confidential. This is the very first time that a camera is authorized,

    With the agreement of the parties, to follow the process. – We are really here to listen to you totally tell your story, what went wrong. If we are there, is that there was indeed a error in the family journey. – The advantage of mediation is that we is not talking about numbers.

    We are actually going to touch on the relationship. And encourage you to work on this relationship. This is the originality of the process. Unlike a judge who applies coldly texts of law, mediation dismantles the springs emotional and psychological conflict. And it can hurt.

    – He cut off the dialogue, he was the one who cut it. – He doesn’t know that you are suffering. – No, I do not think so. Finding yourself in front of a lawyer, a court, mediation, honestly, it’s a lot too much compared, to an idea I had about my siblings,

    And I was convinced that never it would happen to us. To guarantee the best chances of success on D-day, all aspects of the meeting are scrutinized. Because a simple detail can cause mediation to fail. – Can we possibly authorize your sister-in-law possibly coming?

    – When I speak to my brother, I have I need my brother to answer me, not that it’s my step- sister who answers me. I don’t want her or around the table. But if the decision to say no, we doesn’t even want her on the premises, that means stop mediation,

    I go back and say: OK for her to be on the premises. I don’t want this to be an excuse so that there is no mediation. The mediators will also try to identify points of convergence, on which the protagonists could be found. – What makes your brother could accept in mediation,

    What he has not accepted until now? – I really count on our values ​​received, all of us. It’s not our parents, both of us, it is not his family heritage, – It is not more legitimate than us to inherit the land. – It is important. – You feel that could you tell him?

    – I will have no problem telling him. Laure and Eric will soon have the opportunity to empty their bag. Meanwhile, a few days later, it’s the turn of Noël and his wife Isabelle, to be received by the mediators. – Do you want the story?

    My parents, they said we have 3 children, 2 and then 1, that’s always been it. – For you, is you the healthiest? – Yes. There has always been much more understanding between them, and then me on my side. – You are ready to talk about your relationship with them?

    – I don’t see what the point is is for, what will it be for. – They want to start there. They need to talk about this. We are simply asking you respect your differences. – I want to respect others, when they respect me.

    – Let’s imagine, I’m talking nonsense, but that your brother apologizes for example, – Apologize to him? That would surprise me a lot. – And you ? Would you be able to apologize for something, if they put something on the table something that could have hurt them?

    – They thought I was too much of a c**. They have gone too far. They hurt me deeply. – You have the chance of a lifetime, to be able to tell your brother and your sister, between 4 eyes really, how you Christmas,

    You analyze the situation of the siblings and the way they see you. It will change enormously. Everything that is in the domain of left unsaid will be harmful to mediation. It has to come out. The mediators begin to measure the gap, which separates Christmas from its brother and his sister.

    Hurt, angry, he feels trapped, especially since he is alone against 2. And what’s more, he risks being forced to do without his only support. – Your brother and your sister do not wish absolutely not that the spouses are there. For them, it’s impossible that the spouses are there.

    – It’s weird, I expected it. If my wife is not by my side, there will be no mediation. I’m still tired of they are the ones who decide. We decide to do everything together and they decide. whether without the spouses, I have to say ok,

    It’s without the spouses yet once those who decide. – It’s not that because it is we who invite you to think, in the presence of your wife in mediation. For Christmas, the confrontation that approach promises to be a test. Isabelle will finally be authorized to come and support her husband,

    But away, in another room. – In the head, it’s a mess, It’s a mess, it’s a mess. It’s a lot of stuff that comes up. of the human that we touch and that hurts. I can’t visualize the meeting, we’ll see. In France, it is estimated that 70% of mediations result in an agreement,

    But for this one, it’s very far from being won. Christmas will be set in 2 weeks. In Septemes, it’s the eve of the big day of the opening of the castle to the public. Since their arrival, Blandine, Benoît and their children transformed the castle. Many pieces of the castle have been refurnished.

    A tour route has been installed, like here in the large living room, or even here in the kitchen. Helped by 3 interns, Benoît redeveloped the castle. The guard room now welcomes a complete collection of weapons from the Middle Ages. Helmets, swords, reproductions that Benoît bought in part through fundraising.

    To give an appearance medieval to the site, they recovered many accessories, like these costumes that the mother from Blandine made, and which will be found in the store of the castle, still in full development. – Here, these are all the costumes that we sell.

    To complete the commercial offer, there will be books, toys and also ice cream. Except that seeing the construction site in progress, hard to imagine that The opening is for tomorrow. – We will be ready as much as we can be. The next morning is the day opening of the castle to the public.

    But before that, the first family members arrive. Blandine’s aunt, Odile, comes from Belfort with her husband. The couple has always supported the project of takeover of the castle by Blandine and Benoît. – What is important is that we Finds himself. There are several of us coming,

    It proves that everyone is Glad it stays in the family. It’s the cousin’s turn Blandine arriving from Lyon. Emmanuel came to a few days with family, with his wife and their son Gabriel. But his arrival risks being shaken up by the new organization. First surprise, her cousin’s new appearance.

    – I think in 5 minutes, I don’t know what time it is. – Indeed in 10 minutes. – You have to unload very quickly to leave room for visitors. Especially since she is on the second floor with loaded suitcases. It’s almost an achievement. Inside the castle, Benoit, makes final adjustments before opening.

    – Nothing is ready. The table was set because it is part of the visiting circuit, which will begin soon. For his part, Emmanuel unloaded everything, he can take his car out of the compound. – Mission accomplished. It’s necessary be very organized and there, practically on time, for the opening of visits, so perfect.

    – It’s 10 a.m., the castle opens its doors and from the porch crossed, tourists pass by the shop to buy their tickets. Blandine runs the cash register €9 per visit of the castle which will be ensured by her husband, in period dress and family colors. But Benoît has not yet mastered everything.

    Benoît will therefore host his first guided tour. A visit focused on daily life of the family. – Here we are in the first living room of the castle. This first show is the place to family reunion in the summer.

    But it is in the dining room that he will have the most things to tell visitors. – Family customs as I see them, you have to be careful when is a patch like me, you should not put yourself too much center of the table right away,

    Because the master of the house stands there, and then there’s a whole code. The priest is not far away and then That’s distributed by age. We, with my wife, are still pretty much there. A little further into the castle, Emmanuel, Blandine’s cousin,

    Also discover the tour circuit and in particular that of the large living room, to which the family is so attached. – Things have changed here too. Finally, I find the spirit of the house, here, we are no longer in a museum piece now.

    We know that there are a few places where we we will no longer experience the same things as before. Emmanuel puts on a good show, but despite everything, he takes the blow. As if this rope was stopping him to access his family memories.

    – We feel that it is still more closed, it’s true that we want to pass on the other side, I see myself again a few years here, we celebrated my grandmother’s 80th birthday in this room, really had a lot of events that happened there.

    It really shows me that all the same, there are things that have changed. Indeed, the castle has changed face since this morning. Attractions are offered a everywhere trebuchet shooting, leather work, calligraphy workshop. The visits follow one another and the public wanders through the rooms of the castle. Sometimes causing quite surreal scenes,

    Between the occupants of places and tourists. It is now 7 p.m. visitors leave the castle. Over the summer, the family regained possession of his castle. Aunt Odile and her husband take care of set the table, but like every evening, they must first remove the tableware on display for tourists.

    Emmanuel is responsible for to restore light. We put the candlesticks with candles for visits, and there, we are a little more modern. Modern means. Very relative here, electricity dates from the last century. To set the table, aunt Odile has her little tricks.

    It is the turn of this large table that all the family learned good manners. This goes for Emmanuel’s generation as for that of Henriette, the other aunt. – That’s really what we taught us here. It’s true that at home, I have tendency to do the same thing again.

    And here there was doorbell, we pressed it, with the foot to call the people who put together the dishes. After that, it no longer works. Even if the castle is no longer quite what it was like in the time of their ancestors, here, nothing seems to have changed for years,

    Like the sound of the famous bread slicer. – When I was little, it was crazy to play with it. When it’s time to sit down at the table, the place central which should return normally to the owner of the premises, that is to say to Blandine and Benoît,

    Is offered to the oldest members of the family Uncle Philippe the priest. A trivial detail, but one that is actually very revealing. – Which is a little surprising, is that one might think that as we are owners, that has changed, no way. I find myself like previous summers,

    The elders chair the table and we pours according to ages on the right and on the left of the mistress of the house depending on his age. I am very happy at contrary to everything being as before. In front of this large table, Blandine and Benoît can rejoice. They succeeded in their bet.

    In the end, despite the tourists, most of the castle’s regulars, came to spend their vacation Septemes as if nothing had changed. There is still an important member of the family who did not want to come this summer, and which is nevertheless very attached to this castle.

    The one who transmitted this theme to Blandine and Benoît on behalf of his family. Uncle Gabriel put a little more time for the others to come back here. And to accept to see the new face of the family castle. Despite everything, he has no regret for this succession.

    – When you have something like that, you have to try to leave him in the family, even if it’s not quite the same as before. There will certainly be suffering, there is no doubt. All of this must be minimized. And then little by little, I hope that everyone will be convinced,

    That it was a very nice solution. If Septème is a rare example of a successful family heritage, it is above all because some had anticipated it. In Angoulins, it is a bad succession prepared which will perhaps finally be resolved. Today, Christmas, the farmer has the possibility of putting an end point,

    To the conflict which opposes him to his brother and his sister on the division of family land. At the La Rochelle mediation center, everything is ready for the face-to-face meeting. If the mediation is successful, the succession will be settled this evening.

    In case of failure, it is a return to court for years of proceedings. – The legs, they only want one thing… – You don’t want to be there? – No. – Everyone is tense, even us, when we start mediation. You will be in the same room and necessarily, you will exchange,

    You will finally be able to tell you things, In my opinion, you might have must have told you a long time ago. After more than 8 months of estrangement, brother and sister no longer have a choice, today they will have to talk again for good.

    And the ice is not going to be easy to break. Just like a trial, judicial mediations are usually closed to cameras. Exceptionally, we were able to attend in camera with the agreement of the parties. – So to start, just behind you have metaphorical cards,

    And you will be asked to choose a card which says something about the state of mind, with which you are here and now. The meeting starts like a game and yet it is very serious. A bit like in a psychotherapy session, the drawings will allow the mediator to take the temperature.

    Laure and Eric choose a card for 2, it’s first up to Christmas to explain his choice. – You chose quickly. The labyrinth. SO what does it symbolize? – To be lost. Too bad it has come this far, life could be simpler. And not yet found the way out.

    – Laure and Eric, you have chose the bridge, the bridge. – Mediation is the bridge to come back to each other. In turn, the two camps now have 10 minutes each, to present their own vision of the conflict and release old resentments.

    It is forbidden to interrupt the one who speaks no matter what. – Dad was a little harsh. I remember having taken some hell of a volley, I always had to do proof from my father, whether at the level work, on a personal level, I had to prove it all the time.

    Today I no longer have proofs to be made and even to you, I have nothing to prove, I have my place too I think. I felt too underestimated. For the first time, Christmas will dare tell Eric and Laure the private reasons, for which he feels hurt. Grievances that go back many years.

    – At my own wedding I couldn’t open my wedding ball like a groom does. Laure was bored and asked the DJ, a friend of mine to put on the music, because he was bored at the table, I find stuff like that,

    A bit of a shame. Eric, when he came on weekends to see parents, it was constantly criticism, just little barbs, looks, sighs, but just little things which put end to end are tiring. At one point I decided to take distances from you.

    I felt hurt, I didn’t want no longer being hurt, I was fed up. I feel a bit like a voodoo doll. We throw pikes. For now the spikes are still there. It’s the opposing camp’s turn to speak. – Today I have a lot things that I experience very badly.

    I need to say it. You completely shut down. I understand today because you you closed off, because you felt judged, It wasn’t at all, the objective, quite the contrary. I’m really sorry we didn’t have could have said it so simply before that. I absolutely don’t blame you not for having taken the house.

    I rather want to be proud that you continued this story. On the other hand, we felt closure from the family, and when we wanted the day from mom’s funeral, I asked you both, Isabelle and you, if you would agree, let us reunite the families after the funeral,

    You refused it, you had to I struggle with the town hall, to find a room to accommodate family. You closed the house to us. Maybe that wasn’t your intention, but in any case, it is how it felt. – A lot of emotion for you 3 I think,

    But which is perhaps not not expressed in the same way. I think you are all moved today and speaking out is important. From now on, brother and sisters, have the right to speak to each other directly to justify itself. – For the death of mother, find yourself on the site,

    For me, it was out of the question, use a piece of shed and everything, it was March, It wasn’t very hot… – It’s symbolic, the point Christmas rally. – It wasn’t a story of judgment, it was a matter of place.

    – I may have words and what’s more, actually, I like to poke a little, and when there is a response. I understand that indeed it could hurt him. NOW. He also told me things that could have hurt me. – There is one other thing that I wrote it down and it stays there,

    That I stopped you from the day of your wedding to open your ball. I have no memory of it, but there, I would have preferred if you came to see me. – It’s too late, the music had started. – Christmas, finally, you could come see me. That How long have you been married?

    I learned this today. So this anecdote, it’s not that anecdotal, because a priori, it’s still an injury for you. – Does he have the possibility of build the future on this past, this past that belongs to you and that we cannot rewrite?

    – For me, it is not yet destroyed This sibling has just taken a hit. – That’s where we’ll see the strength of siblings. – I think that if we are today around the table, it’s because these siblings, she is still there. – Let’s hope this is just a side note.

    Let us not lose the family, we already have more parents. – It’s still something important to you. – A family is not big. At the end of the morning, the mediators seem to have found a basis for discussion around family values communities. The emotion is strong.

    – Today it doesn’t happen not even looking at us. I’m crying and he’s stuttering. – Because he has no arguments. – This is his expression of stress. I’m crying, it’s not better. Lunch is organized on site in order to extend the closed session. My brothers and sisters are still far from eating together.

    Christmas prefers to lock himself in a room with his wife, and their lawyer who has just arrived. – What is essential for us is that they really talk to each other and listen to each other. The hardest part is done now we are on the solutions,

    But the solutions, they will find them, that’s for sure. The siblings can now address the heart of the problem, land sharing families around the farm. This time, Isabelle is invited to the negotiating table. There are also lawyers and the notaries responsible for the file. The issue is the fields around the farm.

    Noël would like to buy them back from his brother and his sister to be able to cultivate them. But Éric and Laure are not ready to give them up at any price, because they think that in the long term, these lands could pass constructible, and see their value multiplied by 100.

    When he asks for an exorbitant sum for a plot located behind the farm, Christmas explodes. – When we say that we are attached to the land, and we ask for an amount like that… Family spirit, respect, what our parents instilled in us, there is nothing left.

    I told you, how much are they going to charge? When I hear that… – We are no longer in sharing egalitarian, we want peace. Noël and Isabelle are at their wits’ end. To end it, they will give up buying the coveted lands, by Eric and Laure. A concession that is difficult to pass.

    – I think you will have to avoid to ask me questions on the way out. I have to cash in, I will risk not to be objective. They didn’t win everything anyway. They will pay for it! It took a whole day, but the mediation agreement is finally about to be signed.

    The plots in play will be distributed to equality between the 3 brothers and sisters. Eric and Laure therefore remain owners of part of the fields cultivated by Christmas. – We wish you a good continuation to everyone in your lives. – We all found a solution all 3, and that’s the most important.

    Yes, satisfied because suddenly, this part is over, and we can move on now. – We were at least able to talk with our brother, and that was important. The family conflict is behind us. It’s something that doesn’t have no financial value. But goodbyes are not much warmer than in the morning.

    Noël and Isabelle leave without a word. A few days later, at the Angoulins farm, we find Christmas in full harvest. The mediation agreement drew boundaries invisible through family plots now cut into 3. Christmas failed to last his exploitation as he hoped. He’s only just starting to cash in.

    – I had moments of very strong anger. Want to smash everything, to get the hell out. They simply recognized who wanted the land for the money. This is what bothers me anyway because that they spoke of respecting our parents, respect for what our parents did etc, respect, I don’t see where it is.

    Judicial mediation has all the same served to slice in a single day a conflict that could have lasted for years. But it was not enough to reconcile Christmas with his brother and sister. – Maybe in some families, it can come back together.

    I dare to hope, it didn’t stick again the ends of our family. My brother and sister recovered land, but it is the price of a brother. Because they lost their brother, they Maybe they don’t know, but they lost it. A tear that would have probably could have been avoided,

    If the parents of the siblings had anticipated their succession. 3 quarters of the French, admit not having prepared the transmission of their heritage.


    1. Bonjour 👋.
      Je trouve que les médiateurs sont passés à côté d’une réelle opportunité !
      1) les terres rachetées par le frère pouvaient être mises sous scellées si ce frère se décidait à les vendre. Et ainsi reviendraient au frère et à la sœur. Ce qui permettrait qu’aucun des trois ne se sentent l’aisée.
      Je me trompe peut-être, qui sait🙏👋.

    2. "(…) qui nous concernera tous un jour (…)" , ben non, il y des gens qui n'hériteront pas, tous le monde n'a pas un patrimoine, cela reste même plutôt même minoritaire.

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