Vi sejler fra Tyskland (Wasserleben) til den anden ende af Flensborg fjord og kommer ind til Marina Minde ved Gråsten.
    Vi cykler ind til slottet, men der går ikke som vi håbede.
    Vi Sejler fra Marina Minde og Sascha er en smule irriteret på sig selv. Se med her for at se hvad der skete.

    0:00 Farvel Tyskland
    0:55 Intro 2023
    1:32 Ingen vind i Flensborg Fjord
    2:54 Ankomst Marina Minde
    3:04 Gråsten
    3:55 Typisk dansk sommer
    4:40 Vi er i naturen på dens vilkår
    6:10 Argh… Fordækker fejler
    7:35 Planen for de næste par dage
    9:04 Byge på vej
    9:50 Smuk natur i Sønderjylland
    10:32 Storsejlet tages ned
    11:12 Omskifteligt vejr
    11:29 Venter på at broen åbnes
    12:19 Broen åbnes
    12:31 Sejlene hejses
    13:06 I næste uge af på tur med CLAN

    Author: Kevin MacLeod
    Website –
    Royalty Free Link –…
    Genre Link –…
    Song – “At The Shore” Kevin MacLeod (
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0…

    We are getting ready to leave Germany. After a short visit. Today’s sail goes to Gråsten. There is not much wind out on the fjord. I’m hoping we can hoist the sails. Maybe we’ll drift a bit and then there should come a bit wind during the morning.

    Just to out and relax a bit on the fjord. We don’t have big plans in Gråsten. We will of course go and see the castle. We need to buy food. As we have to go out again to anchorages where we cannot get food for the following days.

    Those are today’s plans and we need to bunker some water too. We’ll have to see what happens. For us, it’s not about experiencing the world. But about experiencing the world we live in. Even though the weather can be changeable. The experiences lines up as soon as we let go of the moorings.

    This is Sailing CLAN I thought there would be a tiny bit of wind out here. But it is as clear as a mirror. It may be a little windy when we get a little further out into the fjord. At least the sails are ready to hoist.

    I don’t think we’d even have steering speed if we had the sails up right now. We’ll be motoring for now. We’ll see if it changes. It will be OK. It’s not exactly what I had hoped for. Just behind me there is another one of the huge thunderstorms coming by.

    We haven’t seen them every day, but quite a few days in are row now. They come rolling with a lot of rain. I don’t think we’ll make it to port before its purring rain. Nope, we won’t, ‘cos now I got the first drop. I think I’ll get wet.

    That’s why I’ve put on all my sailing gear. It is guaranteed that it will rain just when we are mooring. It’s absolutely perfect. Totally right guess. It is raining heavily when we arrive at Marina Minde. Fortunately, it is easy to find a spot in the large harbour.

    As soon as the rainstorm ended, the bikes came out. Now we are to go to Gråsten. We must see the castle and we need to buy some food. We are in Gråsten and have chosen to stay in Marina Minde. It makes for a short bike ride into town.

    We arrive at Gråsten Castle, right on the day when the royals are to have residence at the castle. So the beautiful garden is closed to the public. The advantage is that there is an ice cream place opposite the town hall and they have a terrace behind where we are sitting now.

    Where you can see the castle from the other side. It is worth a visit. Meteorologists call this a typical Danish summer. What does it mean? It means temperatures around 20° Celsius. Some days with slightly better weather. But often quite changeable weather. For example these small heavy showers that we have had today.

    It doesn’t matter that much. We haven’t gotten wet yet. We have either been able to take shelter or have rain gear on. Right now we are waiting for the rain to stop. Before we bike back towards the boat again. Today has been a fresh day, weather-wise.

    We started out with no wind at all and got this huge downpour. Where visibility was down to 20 metres. It was really a heavy downpour. Since then, the wind has returned. One can say that it is on the fresh side.

    It’s actually okay. You can see that there are not that many sailboats on the fjord today. Those who are out there, they sail with sails. It’s not horrible. It is important to say that when you sail with a sailboat or just in general when you sail here in Denmark.

    So it is not only perfect summer days when everything is absolutely perfect. We are out in nature and are somewhat on its terms. I think you can enjoy the fact that the weather is a bit on the fresh side. It is perhaps more about conforming to nature.

    And plan. Rather than just being upset that we don’t have 30° Celsius and a high pressure passing. At least that’s what I’m saying today. It may well be that later on in the holiday I will get tired of it all. Were leaving Flensburger fjord. We arrived in Marina Minde in rainy weather.

    And we left it again in the rain. Ummm… Yes. Then I tried something I haven’t tried before. I stand out on the foredeck and leeting go of the stern moorings. I pull one in, because it doesn’t help anything.

    I hold the last one while Dennis pulls us out between the poles at the stern. Then I hold CLAN off the neighboring boat, the wind pushes us up against. I have to hold off the neighboring boat so we don’t hit it while we’re on our way out.

    When we got out of the spot. I go back to the foredeck to get the two mooring lines. But uhhhhh… There was only one mooring line on the deck and not two mooring lines. The problem with our mooring lines is that they don’t float on top of the water. So… uhhmmm…

    On spot A22 there is now a pretty good rope lying on the seabed. Was it A16? No, it was A22. So now we only have 3 mooring liness. Fortunately, the captain has many lines on board. So we won’t be missing one.

    It’s more the annoyance at myself that I’ve lost a linee into the water. ‘Cos I was in a bit of a hurry to go and hold off the other boat. The plan for the next three days is for us to sail up and anchor one night at Dyvig. We’ve been there before.

    It will be nice to go there again, so that Claes can also get a memory of the place. Claes was only a baby the last time we were there. The next stop will hopefully be Genner Bugt.

    I have heard incredibly good things about Genner Bugt. Both those who come from the land side and from the water side. So now I want to go in and experience it. It should be quite beautiful. If we’re lucky, there might even be a small restaurant open that we have to try.

    Then we’ll sail up to… Where? To Kolding Fjord. Up at Kolding fjord mouth. There are a couple of islands. If it’s up to me, we’ll go to all 3 islands. But I’m not sure it can be done. But it’s worth a try.

    Once we have been, hopefully, the 3 islands. We will probably anchor for the night and then sail into Kolding. Then I’ll probably have a big laundry day. That’s the plan. Now we’ll see how much will actually happen. Otherwise, we’ll probably come up with something else exciting. The sun came out again.

    This is probably how the weather will be for a while. Small heavy showers. Followed by sun and it’s actually quite warm. So it doesn’t matter. I don’t think it’s that bad. I am just happy that we have hoisted the sails and that we are sailing.

    We are enjoying the wiev. It is really, really beautiful here in Southern Jutland. That I’ll give ’em. When I look towards Sønderborg, I can see Dybbøl Mill and the city of Sønderborg itself. It’s beautiful. It’s a nice entering. And then the weather changed back. We started with calm weather. Then rain.

    Followed by lovely sunshine. Now it is raining again. This is Denmark. [“Sailing Delos Sierra” Wuhuuu…] Fortunately, this is not a bad place to wait right here. Unlike other places we have waited. Here there is plenty of space. Even if we are many boats, it doesn’t matter that much. I think….

    I think they take them through that have to go south first. Because there is a large 3-masted ship ready on the other side of the bridge. They would probably like to chose that one out to pass first. We’ll take it easy. 9 minutes. I think we’re going to have less wind soon.

    There we go. Less windy. Next week on Sailing CLAN Almost by chance, we get anchored in the middle of a piece of Danish history.

    1 Comment

    1. Hej Clan. Jeres små film er hyggelige. Vi bor selv i Egernsund, altså lige bag broen nede i Flensborg Fjord. Vores gåture går næsten altid forbi Marina Minde.. Det er sjovt at opleve sin egen baghave gennem andres øjne.
      Vi planlægger selv at lave film fra vores ture her til sommer.. Mest for at give vores ikke helt unge forældre et indblik i vores sejlerliv. Når det er sagt, så er jeres måde at udgive film på, også fed, for det giver på en eller anden måde, en tidlig start på sæsonen.. God vind.

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