Our first Van Life trip back home again, we have so much to catch you up on, giving you a motorbike update, some van life updates and sharing what it’s like being back in the van in England in the winter.

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    Oh well let me tell you it feels so good to be back out and about in the van if you’re new here I’m Martha and I travel with my boyfriend Mitch and we have recently just driven back from Turkey to the UK for me to be able to learn to

    Ride a motorcycle so that’s what we’re in the process of at the moment we’re going to give everyone an update on how I’m getting on in a little while but we’ve decided to come away for a couple of nights because we have just been living outside my parents house with me

    Trying to learn it was just kind of the easiest place for us to have a base but we needed to get away and we’ve come to this lovely little place in oakmore it’s not far away from my house at all but it’s nice to get out so that’s what

    We’re going to do and we’re going to take you along with us and because we’re still going to be living in the van which we did mention in the previous video so yeah we have got a few van life updates as well that I want to give you

    But for now I think we’re going to go for a little walk Mitch is feeling pretty tired so so we’re going to do that and then I think there’s a cafe so that sounds like a good idea how you feeling Mitch how’s things what have you told them that you’re

    Tired yeah it’s living with you I also can’t believe that we have a neighbor at this parking spot I mean it is on park for night and to be honest there isn’t many good places to park in the UK but yeah we’ve got a neighborh as we pulled

    Up and and um I don’t know if they’ll be staying tonight but we’ve we’ve gone next to them stay out the way but it’s just a nice little Forest car park and we’re going to actually walk down the Old Railway line yeah this is turn Valley Railway line it’s very old line

    That runs from okur it might go past okur actually yeah it does cuz the tunnel over there I don’t know where it actually runs to but it gets to denston and goes alongside Alton Towers we’re really lucky to have this place on our doors step and I think that we’ll

    Use this place more often as a quick getaway in the van also because this flat Railway line will be perfect for a run a short walk away from okore you’ll reach dimsdale which we’ll show you more later in the video but for now all we

    Had come for is a scone and a cup of tea that Mitch had been eying up all day on his phone how very British of us we also just got some fresh cream and you can’t have a scone without cream and I’m sure there’ll be a debate and I’m not even

    Going to say about how we’re going to put it on it everyone who eats starts exactly so I’m not even going to say we’re just going to enjoy our scone warm up a little bit with a pot of tea and just enjoy being out here I’m nonbiased over here I’m doing it both

    Ways like I said earlier on this train line that we were just walking down runs alongside Alton Towers and if you’re from the UK I’m sure you know what towers is but it’s basically a big massive theme park that’s very famous in England and if you’ve ever been on the

    Ride hex you’ll know the story about the chain Oak and that is what’s behind me now so I’m going to try and tell you the story without butchering it The Story Goes that the man who lived in the towers Al Towers was riding down in a

    Horse and CAU the trails one day and was stopped by a lady who needed some help and he didn’t help her and basically she put a curse on his on his family saying that for every limb that fell off the chained oak or the oak at the time that

    One of his siblings would die and then a couple of days passed and they had thunderstorm and this big this big limb fell off the chained Oak and either his son or his daughter died I’m not sure which one so because of that the bloke

    Who lived in the towers got one of his servants to come and chain every single one of the limbs of the oak up so that it could never happen again and it still sits here today with all the chains on it it is many hours later at this point

    We got back and honestly crashed we literally didn’t even walk for or anything and we just ate us SC but we’re just really tired I don’t know maybe it’s just the van doing that to us so Mitch has had a nap and I just lay in bed reading my Kindle luckily Martha’s

    Mom sent us away with some spaghetti bnes so luckily we didn’t have to make any food yeah so we’ve got some spaghetti Bales which I’m very excited about and we’re just sort of like settling it in it’s been weird we’ve been around my family so much because

    We’ve been like parked outside so we’ve always just been in having conversation and it’s just been us to and it’s been very quiet you forget how quiet it is just being in a van on your own um so hence the sleep I think me and Martha just came to the conclusion that we

    Don’t really even like spaghetti that much so we’ve just cooked all the spaghetti that we’ve got to get rid of it I’m not even that hungry but now we’ve got like nearly a full pack of spaghetti thank you very much uh we do not know what to do

    Today right now I’m just staring out the window on what we should do with this British weather it’s just raining and our plan was our plan actually for yesterday was to go on a bike ride but then we ended up just walking to the Cafe and getting a scone so we’re like

    We’ll just wait and do it tomorrow however now tomorrow’s calm and it’s raining and it’s going to be really cold and I just don’t know what we what we want to do we’ve had a very slow morning I forgot how slow mornings can be when we’re in the van so we’re only

    Just sort of getting up and at them now I’m just washing up after breakfast and yeah to be honest we’re just trying to think what we should be filming uh we’re filming this the week that it will go out because we wanted to be well we said we were going to be more

    In real time for the bike stuff so it’s just meant that we’re filming now and we just don’t know what to do and we want to make it entertaining the problem that I’m having is that well you know what my brain’s like my brain is just

    All bik bike bike so being back in the van like all I’m concentrating on is the bike like researching stuff and doing things around that so it’s hard to get motivated to do van stuff and this is why it took us so long to make this decision as well it’s because we are

    Like this and we will fully put everything in just like the van build your brain was literally van build for three months four months yeah but we’ve still got like the mountain bikes is what we’re on about going on onto today we have to sort of now decipher between

    The two mountain bikes motor bikes um because we haven’t been on them in ages and the last time you went out on him you had a bit of a melt though yes I did I had a very big wobble and yeah I’m not very good good on two wheels um so it’s

    Good job I’m learning how to ride okay so it’s still very much raining but we’re getting our BS into gear and we’re going to go out on the bikes I can already feel the cold coming through M just open the back doors and he’s starting to get the bikes ready I’m

    Just finishing off we have actually well we’re going to leave all these cupboards open because I was just getting my clothes out and the wall was a little bit wet behind where my clothes were uh just a bit of condensation cuz like we were saying the van shell was so cold

    It’s definitely warmed up now but yeah feling up and I have negotiated with Mitch that if we’re going to go out on the bikes get muddy wet and cold that we at least stop off for a coffee at some point too we have got sandwiches actually I need to pack the sandwiches I

    Made us sandwiches for yesterday cuz I thought that’s when we’d be doing the bike ride but obviously we didn’t so I’ve just left them in the fridge so we got turkey sandwiches turkey rolls for it and yeah there’s like nothing in this fridge we really packed very minimal for

    The trip and we had a massive declutter so everything’s nice and clean as well I’m just procrastinating going outside cuz Mitch is putting the bags together so I’m pretending to be busy in here so I don’t have to go help how you getting on how are the

    Bikes okay everything’s just a bit flat because we’ve not been out on them for so long long I’m just hoping the suspension’s not gone flat cuz it’s air so I’m hoping we don’t sit on them and they just bot them out oh gosh okay so we’ll see if my bike skills have

    Improved I was never a biker cyclist whatever growing up I never really had a a mountain bike so I’m very new to this whole two wheel thing so it’s funny that we’re now going to go onto a a different sort of Two Wheel Adventure as well and

    Hopefully I don’t hurt myself cuz I’ve still got a bike test to do let’s see if it goes flat I’m half expecting it to sit on this and it just go Kut really yeah go oh my brakes aren’t yeah they’ll bleed they’ll push out oh no fine what about your

    Front is that you pressing on it yeah it’s just you being a wh yeah fine so you can store bikes upside down for half a year and not have any problems a some guy commented and told us that we’d have problems with them the last time we went out on the bikes where

    Was it m anyway it was somewhere in Europe many months ago and we weren’t recording that day but Martha got very much in her head like we’ve mentioned before where she works herself up and oh my God oh my godness very muddy and uh got very in

    Ahead about slipping on the bike which is something that she’s got to work on a lot morning morning so we’ll see how she gets on today being on two wheels two very skinny Wheels one hand you’re a new person of course the second we leave the van it starts raining again and it

    Doesn’t look like it’s going to let it’s a lovely day I used to come up here dimmons Dale a lot when I was a kid and I’m just hoping that I can remember my 15-year-old memory of the way to get around here because that’s all we’re relying off and we know how that

    Normally goes so we’re going to be lost for the next three hours that’s fun yeah but also as well I can’t recommend this place enough if you just want to come for a walk or a mountain bike at the weekend it’s completely free and it really is stunning I’ll put on the map

    Where it is in England and see if you’re anywhere near it’s worth a couple of hour drive in my opinion go on oh go on surprise surprise my 15-year-old memory has failed us what a surprise we’ve come about 30 minutes out the way so I could be at home in like 10 minutes

    Yeah we’ve nearly just drove all the way home road all the way home oh not the way the car so yeah now back tracking for a while back down this road back up onto the trail back down the trail I looking to go M go up

    GE go up gear You’ve Got No Control I’m going to be off with a second one hand him recording this she’s a bloody [Laughter] machine do you reckon she’s got over a f slipping off oh my God that was so much one I just had to look ahead the whole

    Time that’s all I was thinking look ahead oh my god well we got back on track a lot faster than I thought we were going to I actually wish that we had video evidence for when I last went out on the mountain bikes I was an emotional wreck I’ve mentioned before

    How I get in my head about slipping whether it’s when I’m hiking running biking it just frightens me a lot and the main reason for that is because I don’t trust myself so for me to be riding down this was huge and I was actually enjoying it I’ve been spending

    A lot of time on the motorbike away from vlogging just practicing being comfortable on a bike and I think that helped my mentality a lot with being exposed to fear I really hope this new adventure we’ve undertaken will help me to trust myself more with the big test

    Coming up in the near future we have also been going to this car park a lot and putting down little pieces of bark pretending that they are cones and practicing my slow Maneuvers I’m really starting to get the hang of it on my little bike so I’m just praying that

    This training will translate over to when I have to do it on a bigger bike nice once we had absolutely caked ourselves in mud we rode all the way to the end of the Railway line and got the coffee I had been promised before having

    A very wet and saw ride back and putting two very dirty bikes back into the van now that we’re back I think it’s only right that we make a cup of tea because my feet are still absolutely freezing from that ride and I’m pretty sure I’ve

    Actually still got mud on my face so I need to wash my face too we actually got these the other day from Aldi some sort of caramel biscuit chees and Mitch likes the uh biscuit tea tea bags um but there was one thing I wanted to mention which I said about the start

    Of the video which was about one of our van life updates now if you watched our like reality of Van life video not that long ago I mentioned one of the biggest regrets we had during our van build was the toilet situation now a company called trino I don’t know if I’m saying

    That right actually reached out after seeing that video and offered us one of their toilets now this isn’t sponsored it is gifted they did gift it us but we we aren’t obliged to say anything we were just they just said do you want to try it out and see what you think so

    We’re currently in the process of trying it out and it’s so nice to have gone to a compost in toilet let me tell you we haven’t really um you know really tried it out yet but so far so good I’m very much enjoying it I love the fact that

    You know we can just empty the PE jug especially whilst we’re at my parents and stuff like that we can’t just like empty the chemical toilet so this is a nice difference keep it real you can drink more tea yeah and it it does mean we can drink more tea because we don’t

    Have to be worried about getting the toilet really full which is really nice I’m working no you’re not you naughty little boy it’s that time of night where I’m going to make some dinner um I’ve got to actually make something tonight which is kind of sad but it feels like we’ve just been

    Staring at our laptop since we got back my eyes are sort of stinging and um tension’s running High in here Mitch isn’t very happy right now do you want to explain why you’re not happy Mitch cuz corporate big companies are money grabbing for a year of editing

    Software for us well per month they’re trying to get 57 a month out of us to for Premier Pro 57 pound a month it’s just come up for Renewal so um we’re just um having a hard time there trying to figure that stuff out but it comes

    With this jav what we’re doing we did in fact organize the whole of the van the other day and decluttered it massively as we realized after like 7 months since we left the UK we were just carrying around so much unnecessary stuff and I mean like so much we fully went through

    Every single cupboard all our clothes everything and honestly it feels so much better in the van now I’ll show you how many clothes mitchar has before my t-shirts which are on this side were stuffed up to the top and my trousers were exactly the same so now now we’re

    Down to living minimal big time this is a lot of pressure because I’ve got a hungry Mara watching me I forgot that we only have two plates in the van and I need mine back and Mitch is currently double parked and you’ve come for every single condiment

    You got to aren’t you the heat is oh Boger I’ve lost me W wrapping skills what is that I don’t know I’m not very good at rapping anymore there you go yes can you believe she’s just tried to mock my rapping skills but do you know why this has

    Happened because I was waiting too long for you and no do not blame that look it look at that one that one was underneath that one look how good that one is this is your fault good morning we are getting ready to actually leave this spot this morning we’ve been here for

    Two nights that wasn’t intended but we just liked it I was going to go for a run this morning however I did not sleep well whatsoever I think from that bike ride yesterday I had that um what’s that thing when you have like restless legs I

    Kept waking up at like 2:00 a.m. and it felt like my legs were still on the bike it was just not a good sleep so instead we’re going to go to the gym because we’ve actually got a gym membership for like the first time in ages because um

    We’re obviously back for a while and I wanted to try and get stronger so we’re going to go to the gym so I’m just getting ready to do that now and then we have got a parcel to pick up which I’m very excited about which is bike related

    Also look all this condensation in the front of this van oh spraying a bit of a I’m on the pole yeah this is getting really bad at the moment for us we well we would have had a c a window back if Martha decided to remember to charge

    It have to remember everything oh would you like the keys to drive the van Mitch did you remember remember them you had them no I didn’t I just unlocked the van exactly it’s your job so we’ve just come into B&M and I brought the camera I’m nervous but we’re

    Looking for um see if they’ve got any dehumidifiers for the van just to put in the front unsuccessful we’ll just have to keep an eye out and now we’re just going to go to the gym and not procrastinate anymore just going to pick up an exciting parcel

    From the petrol station and can you guess what they can you guess can you tell what they are okay so this isn’t the first time I’ve gone to go get some motorcycle boots from the petrol station we had a bit of a problem with the first

    Ones and I’m going to say this is all Mitch’s fault because this is what came men’s Rider boots I don’t even know what they are MIT they’re meant to have they’re meant to be about this much longer and not like three sizes too big for mafa

    Yeah they are huge and in all fairness they were mark up wrong on Vintage that’s where we’re getting everything from which we’ve mentioned before but hopefully these ones and they’re going to match my bike yeah they’re smart I really like that them they’re the tech sevens by Alpine

    Stars and they say that they’re a uh Euro 38 she’s out to go for youth boots because she’s got tiny little feet so hopefully we’ve actually sized this up right but I think we’ve got to steal on these as well because I think I think we only paid 40 for these and they’re

    Something near 200 brand new look at them they are snazzy just hope they fit now when we say that like I’m really new to all of this like I’ve never put a pair of these shoes on before ever shoes boots okay they fit do they yeah oh God

    Right see how they fit around your cars do I feel like I’ve broke my for f you know you look sick I feel like I’ve broke my foot or something what is you L min look at them bad boys I tell you what you couldn’t have

    Got much better than that M how it sits on your C and everything yeah oh cool I’m well impressed with that I’m so happy my outfit’s going to start coming together I’m going to look so cool that’s going to match my bike we’ve also just gone and picked up

    Alla marfa’s biking gear because her first Training Day for her full bike license is tomorrow I’m very nervous but I also just wanted to say that thank you so much for all the lovely lovely comments that we’ve had on the last video about our announcement honestly it’s filled me

    With so much more confidence but not too much that I’m going to be silly but yeah it was just really nice and hopefully tomorrow it’s just a training day and to get a feel for the bigger bike and um hopefully it goes well and we’ll keep

    You updated this is in real time so you’ll be seeing this the same week so we’ll just keep you updated as we go along each week but I’m happy these have come I don’t think I’m going to wear these tomorrow though no no no um cuz I

    Feel like it’s just something else to get used to changing the clutch with these changing the glit gears oh gosh thank you for coming along and if you’ve got this far give the video a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven’t already and we’ll catch you in the next one


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