Les Petites Discussions is a chat entirely in French. In this new episode, I tell you about how exciting the Olympics in Paris 2024 are going to be. All in French!

    This video will help you learn new vocabulary and expressions, and also tell you about what’s going on in France!

    00:00 – Intro
    02:30 – Key points about the Paris 2024 olympics
    07:14 – The opening ceremony – Paris style!
    10:46 – Where is what taking place?
    14:55 – The polemics around the Games

    💻 LINKS
    Thomas Jolly – Roméo et Juliette

    Les Frenchies – Épisode Jeux Olympiques

    Petites Discussions – Restaurant episode

    Look at the vocabulary used in the practice sentences on a regular basis so the new words become familiar.


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    I use English for my explanations, and French for the ‘Petites Discussions’
    A careful blend to avoid you getting stuck.

    Be patient and kind with yourself on this journey learning a new language, and always remember that:

    • we learn through our mistakes
    • we learn faster when playing
    • you do not have to understand every single word to be able to make sense of a situation in a foreign language
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    In today’s episode we are diving into the excitement surrounding the Paris 2024 Olympics. While I may not really be a die-hard sports’ fan, the Olympics that’s a different ball game! It was actually one of you: Maria – hello Maria! – who suggested that

    I do a Petite Discussion around the topic of the Olympics. So I set out to go on a little fact-finding adventure. And to my surprise, it turned out to be a rather fascinating research spree. So today we are talking about the astounding plans that Paris has up its sleeve for

    The Olympics in 2024. We’ll be jumping in a little bit of a vocabulary extravaganza such is the breath of the topics we have to cover, so by the end of this episode, you’ll not only know a lot more about the Paris Olympics but you also pick up a lot of

    Useful French along the way! Hello, and welcome to French with Ingrid, where I help you understand France, and learn French in small and easy steps. Are you ready? So welcome here, leave your day behind, and let’s go, let’s learn some French! If you follow our little chats you know

    That we are going to speak just in French in this episode. But a little slower French to allow you to improve your comprehension, learn new vocabulary and explore everyday life in France. As usual, feel free to change the speed of this video if you need it for slower or faster French. You can

    Do this in the settings at the bottom right and you can also activate subtitles in French or your language if you need them. So in this episode we’re going to cover: the key points of these games, we’re going to talk about the opening ceremony,

    I’ll give you an overview of where the competitions are taking place, and we’ll talk a little bit about the controversies that have emerged around the subject of the Olympic Games in Paris. So we start with an overview of the key points around the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

    Paris will become only the second city after London to host the Summer Olympic Games three times: in 1900, in 1924 and in 2024. Paris 2024, it will also mark the centenary of the 1924 Olympic Games. So on July 26, 2024 the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games

    Will take place almost exactly 100 years after the closing ceremony of the 1924 Olympic Games, which took place on the 27 July. Paris and Los Angeles were the only two cities that competed for the Olympic Games after numerous withdrawals. The International Olympic Committee therefore

    Simultaneously awarded the 2024 and 2028 Summer Games to the cities: Paris 2024 and LA 2028 (or Los Angeles 2028). And among the key points of these games there are some facts that are rather remarkable! For starters, these games will be the first to bring together an equal number of male

    And female athletes. Paris 2024 was also an opportunity to introduce four new sports, sports closely linked to youth: breakdancing, sport climbing, skateboarding and surfing. Paris 2024 aims to become a historic Games for the climate by becoming the greenest Games ever. And the goal is to reduce the carbon footprint

    Of games by half. The organizers have therefore set themselves not to exceed a total carbon budget of 1.5 million tonnes of CO2. And that’s even less than the 2021 Tokyo Games which, you may remember, took place without spectators due to the

    Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, these games had reached 1.9 million tonnes of CO2. So how does he plan to achieve this rather exceptional objective? It will take a lot of effort from everyone involved of course, but more impressive is that Paris has taken

    An approach where they will only build three new venues for these Olympics. Yes, you heard correctly: Paris will only build three new venues for these games. The first is the Saint-Denis aquatic center, the second: the athletes’ village and the third: the media village. Another impressive point is the return of Stade

    Yves du Manoir in these games. The Yves du Manoir stadium was the main site of the 1924 games, and where the opening ceremony of these Games took place 100 years ago. This stadium has therefore been renovated and will host the discipline of field hockey, 100 years after having been the

    Main site of the 1924 games! I find it really incredible! Paris is preparing to receive more than 10,000 athletes and 10 to 15 million visitors. And 1 billion people will watch the opening ceremony around the world. The games will therefore take place from July 26 to August 11, 2024,

    With Paris as the main host city and 16 other cities spread across mainland France. And an overseas site in Tahiti, an island in French Polynesia. So you may have already felt that there is a certain ambition for these games, the organizers

    Really want to make these Games: Games that are a little bit out of the norm and Games that redefine the essence of the Olympic Games as we see them. we have experienced in recent decades. These are

    Games intended to mark a significant turning point, a break with the past. And the plans for the opening ceremony set the tone, loud and clear! A ceremony outside the stadium: a first in the history of the Games, this is the ambition of the Paris 2024 Games. So the opening ceremony,

    The ceremony parade will take place on the Seine. The Seine is the river, the river that crosses Paris. The route will take place from east to west, starting from the Pont d’Austerlitz, in front of the Jardin des Plantes and culminating in front of the Trocadero where the final shows and

    Protocol ceremonies will take place. It is therefore on a 6 km route that this river parade will take place, with shows surrounding the delegations who will cross Paris on boats. A boat is another word for a boat. So why the Seine? Well,

    It’s because Paris becomes a sort of “backdrop” for this show. The city of Paris, the City of Light, is therefore at the heart of the ceremony. Just as she will be at the heart of many trials. And the distance of 6 km, well that cleverly solves the problem of the

    Public, the crowd. The 6 km of banks and quays will allow a large audience to attend the ceremony. It’s an idea that I find really brilliant, so far from the stadium format that we have seen for all the ceremonies. But of course, that only makes organizing the ceremony

    All the more complex. The public will be spread over two zones: the high platforms, with free access (but be careful, that does not mean unlimited access!), and the low platforms, where you will need a paid ticket. The price of low platform tickets varies from €90 and up to the

    Dizzying sum of €2,700! Paris had initially announced that 600,000 spectators could attend the opening ceremony, the figures have since been revised rather downwards. We are still talking about around 100,000 people on the lower platforms, with paid tickets, and around

    200,000 to 400,000 people on the high platforms. So let’s see what will be possible in a few months. But for those of you who are in Paris and don’t like crowds , you might want to refrain. In any case, the balconies of buildings along the

    Seine are going to be very popular! And speaking of balconies, Thomas Jolly is the artistic director of these ceremonies. Thomas Jolly is a French actor, but also a theater and opera director , who – a little anecdote – during the pandemic had recreated the

    Balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet on his own balcony in the city of Angers. He finally staged Romeo and Juliet at the Opéra Bastille last year in 2023. I will leave you a little link in description, a little video which talks about this rather magical artistic event.

    Now you may be wondering where the sporting events will take place. As we have already talked about, the intention is really that Paris, the monuments of Paris will be the backdrop for these games, and not just for the opening ceremony. For the most part, sporting events

    Will take place in Paris or the Paris region, with the exception of football, handball and basketball which will take place in other major cities in France. In Paris itself, emblematic monuments, very well-known places, will therefore become the setting for certain sporting events, notably: The Grand Palais – for fencing and Taekwondo events,

    The Esplanade des Invalides – where shooting events will take place archery and athletics, the Champ de Mars at the foot of the Eiffel Tower where an open-air stadium will be installed for volleyball and blind football, and the magnificent Alexandre III bridge for cycling, triathlon

    And swimming marathon. And besides, we must stop for a moment on the fact that certain swimming events take place in the Seine, the river which crosses Paris. The Seine is a river, a river which is usually rather polluted. And for these

    Games the Seine was therefore the subject of a completely unprecedented sanitation project. It would have cost more than a billion euros! There are skeptics, but Paris mother Anne Hidalgo has announced she will swim in the Seine in July 2024 to prove that

    Health standards for swimming have been met. If pollution levels are too high on the day of the tests, which could happen if there is heavy rain for example, which would cause the sewers to overflow and therefore wastewater could be discharged into the Seine, in this case the tests

    Could be delayed by several days. But if the sanitation project is a success, as it is predicted, then that means Parisians could be allowed to swim in the Seine after the Olympics. Outside of Paris, the football tournament will take place in

    Six provincial stadiums, that is to say six stadiums in large cities in France outside Paris: in Bordeaux, in Nantes, in Lyon, in Saint- Étienne, in Nice and Marseille. And Marseille will also host the sailing events. In the far north, the city of Lille was awarded the

    Handball and basketball events. And as I already talked about, let’s not forget Tahiti: an overseas territory in the South Pacific 15,000 km from Paris where the surfing events will take place. And for those who don’t have a ticket, whether in Paris or outside Paris,

    There will be hundreds of Fan Zones organized all around France. Fan zones are places that communities set up with giant screens to allow the public to watch the events live, that is to say in real time and to feel this crowd atmosphere, this atmosphere of spectator. Broadcasting the events in the Fan Zone

    Is a way of making the games accessible to as many people as possible. there are of course controversies. It’s a bit human nature to doubt and express opinions that are sometimes a little negative. Personally, I don’t want to judge the merits of any concerns or criticisms because

    I simply don’t know enough. However, here is a small overview of the main topics for discussion. To start, transport in Paris. The transport network of Paris and Île-de-France, that is to say the regions around Paris, will obviously be in

    Great demand. And the Ile-de-France residents, that is to say the inhabitants of Paris and the Paris region, are worried about the conditions in which they will be able to use transport to go to work and to return home during the Olympic Games. They are also encouraged when

    It is possible to stay at home, work from home during the games or even take vacations to make room for the crowds that will descend on Paris. If you are in Paris during the Games, don’t forget that Paris is a very walkable city. It’s very very pleasant

    To walk from one district of Paris to another and it allows you to see so much more of this beautiful city. So during the Games, when possible, you may simply prefer to walk rather than take the Paris metro or buses. Personally

    Walking in Paris, getting lost in the beautiful streets of Paris, it’s something I don’t regret Never. Accommodation in Paris during the games is also a big concern with many people able to rent their apartment, often at exorbitant prices, during the two weeks of the games. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to regulate all

    Of this. And this is especially a big problem for tenants. Tenants are people who rent their apartment, something very common in France. Tenants who find themselves forced to find new accommodation when they have unscrupulous landlords. If you

    Want to go to Paris during the Olympic Games and can’t find a satisfactory hotel or accommodation , I recommend watching this episode of the channel “Les Frenchies”. It’s a channel created by a French-American couple who now live in Paris. A channel that I

    Really like, which gives you a lot of advice for visits to Paris or throughout France. The information that they share in each of their episodes is really excellent information , very, very useful. So I highly recommend this channel. In this episode,

    An episode about the Olympic Games, they talk about accommodation and they recommend certain cities about 1 hour from Paris where you may find accommodation solutions that you would not have thought of. And finally the last controversy is a somewhat

    General controversy. This is the inconvenience caused by all the work in Paris for months for the organization and preparation of these Games. And for Parisians it is really very difficult to bear. Unfortunately I imagine that the intensity of the work will only increase as we get closer to D-Day. Having myself experienced the

    Olympic Games [Olympic Games] in London in 2012, I wonder if all these inconveniences will soon give way to a positive experience and very successful games, commensurate with the risks that Paris takes to break the codes, to change things. To make these Olympics a

    Totally unique event. In London, the infrastructures built for the Olympics have become very well-used living spaces . The Olympic Village has been transformed into a new residential area. And the Olympic site became the “Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park”, one of the most

    Pleasant parks in London. A truly impressive green space, and a place that continues to develop and will soon become a new cultural destination. So that’s really what I hope for Parisians and Ile-de-France residents. I will leave you in the description

    The link to the official website of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games for those who are curious and would like to learn a little more. You will find visualizations, sketches, events that we have just talked about

    Which are very, very interesting. And you will also see the emblem of the Olympic Games, a logo in the shape of a medal which references the Olympic flame and Marianne. Marianne is the symbol of the French Republic. Okay, it’s a slightly revamped Marianne all the same! And you can also

    Discover the games mascot: the phryges. The phryges are directly inspired by the Phrygian cap that Marianne wears, as you can see in this painting by Eugène de la Croix. This is already a very long episode, so we’ll stop there. I would really like to know if

    Any of you will be in Paris during the Olympic Games? Are you going to attend any events? Tell me in the comments! I hope this episode was informative. I hope you learned some things about the Olympic Games that you didn’t already know

    And I also hope you learned a little bit of French! If you are in Paris this summer, I recommend that you watch my video on restaurants in France, which will allow you to know a little more about what is done, and what is not done, in restaurants in France ,

    And which gives you some essential vocabulary. Thank you for watching this video to the end! In the meantime I say goodbye to you and I’ll see you in another video


    1. Merci pour les informations très intéressantes sur les Jeux Olympiques. J'étais particulièrement intéressé de connaître les nouveaux sports qui y seront présentés.

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