Journey into the chilling depths of two haunting mysteries in this episode as we unravel the enigmatic tales of the Florence Salon Murders and the Annecy Shootings. In Florence, Montana, a tranquil day turned into a nightmare when three lives were ruthlessly taken, leaving behind a community gripped by fear and confusion. Meanwhile, in Chevaline, France, the serene beauty of Lake Annecy was shattered by a brutal attack that claimed the lives of a family and an innocent bystander. Join us as we navigate the perplexing twists and turns of these unsolved crimes, where truth eludes even the most seasoned investigators.

    #UnsolvedMysteries #TrueCrime #FlorenceSalon #AnnecyShootings #ColdCase #CrimeInvestigation #MurderMystery #JusticeForVictims #CrimePodcast #CrimeScene #CriminalJustice #UnsolvedCrimes #ChillingCases #TrueCrimePodcast #MysteryPodcast #ColdCaseFiles #InvestigationInProgress #CrimeStories #HomicideInvestigation #CrimeWatch

    When it comes to violent crime it is especially terrifying when large numbers of people are suddenly taken from them and the offenders continue to evade Justice the idea of such crimes being carried out in broad daylight when innocence is destroyed and being undiscovered is mindboggling sounds unfeasible unfortunately it’s not and

    We’ll explore two horrific but unsolved mass killings in this episode we are putting the Florence Salon murders front and center today Envision an ordinary day that was how Tuesday November 6th 2001 started for both the hair gallery’s employees and clients tucked away just off Route 93 in Florence Montana is this

    Haven of beauty that provides nail and hair Services a client came into the salon parking lot just as 11:00 a.m. she noticed something strange someone was leaving the salon through the front door which was unusual as the business always utilized the back door as as its main entrance examining the Constitution she

    Saw a man who was strangely dressed in a black coat like a duster and maybe a fedora or Top Hat she headed to the rear entrance when the stranger sauntered away it was a horrifying sight the owner of the salon Dorothy Harris 62 was dead in the doorway a chilly red pool

    Surrounding her the horrified client bravely used a salon phone to call the police when the police arrived they discovered two more bodies hidden in the utility closet of the salon the murder scene these were 71-year-old client Cynthia paus and 44-year-old nail technician Brenda patch from the Hair Gallery who had an early morning

    Appointment the icy truth remained every woman had her throat brutally cut the savagery of the incident perplexed the investigators nothing had been stolen and the victims had not experienced sexual abuse every Tuesday Morning Dorothy and en enthusiastic crafter and crackerjack grandma would routinely deposit the salon’s profits at the

    Stevensville Bank it was only 30 minutes after she finished this chore that her Killer’s window of opportunity was greatly reduced it should have taken 15 to 20 minutes for the quick Journey Back to the salon from Stevensville investigators came up with a horrifying notion during this period

    Of time Brenda had let Cynthia into the salon and become the first victim the utility closet looked like like it had been the scene of a terrible fight it is likely that both women were forced to kneel before experiencing their final moments of death a policeman likened the

    Gory scene to a battlefield in a terrifying way they thought the attacker was waiting for Dorothy to come back before trying again even though none of the women’s injuries were related to their neck cuts the authorities remained mum about this information pointing out that none of the injuries were sexual in

    Nature the road to settlement appeared different ult given the lack of concrete proof and the investigator’s reticent attitude toward their conclusions examining the private lives of all three victims the authorities were unable to uncover any patterns that might have contributed to their untimely deaths who exactly was being deliberately singled out for sleuthing

    Presented an almost unsurmountable obstacle it was speculated that Dorothy may have been the intended victim since the as salent appeared to wait for her to return on the other hand she might have unintentionally wandered into the area of a continuing crime and paid a price for it another theory is that the

    Offender chose his victims at random taking advantage of the perfect moment in this small village of less than a thousand people where unlocked doors are a sign of the citizen trust the grizzly incident was like a kick out of the blue this not only caused the locals to feel

    A great deal of fear but it also provided Credence to the idea that an outsider might be to blame before Vanishing this fleeting entity hit with great ferocity at about 11:00 a.m. the shadowy figure was seen exiting the salon stands menacingly on the list of suspects investigators believe the patron who discovered Dorothy’s

    Horrifying fate arrived just minutes after the heinous Deeds Witnesses who saw the oddly clothed man also echoed the statement he is estimated to be a young man in his late 20s or early 30s standing about 6 fet tall with distinctly slender facial characteristics rumor Mills stirred up speculations about a potential female

    Culprit but law enforcement clearly refutes this and it is still unfounded according to eyewitnesses the man appeared to be on a mission following his smell hounds made their way through a nearby Alleyway a dirt parking lot next to the local eery the Wild River winding through a few side

    Streets and eventually arriving at a school parking lot sadly for blocks away in a grassland the aroma vanished but a second alert dog detected descent and guided the authorities to a nearby house which was ruled out right away because the occupant was physically incapable of carrying out the crime not even a year

    Had passed when on September 4th 2002 a disturbingly identical crime took place in Great Bend Kansas which is located around 1,300 Mi away from Florence a patron pulling into the Dolly Madison cake disc count Bakery parking lot on Harrison Street witnessed an unknown man closing up in broad daylight the man

    Clarified that today was the bakery’s day of closure since it was still early the customer went back home without giving it much thought when Nightfall arrived two lifeless bodies were exposed 79-year-old customer Mary Drake and 24-year-old staff member Mandy Alexander who had only been employed for 3 Days

    Had both been fatally stabbed invest instigators searched in vain for a motive just like in Florence the register did not contain a considerable amount of cash but the two mangled women’s bags and purses were still there they both had no symptoms of sexual assault and a thorough investigation

    Into their pasts turned up nothing that would have identified them The uncannily Identical Randomness which was reminiscent of the Florence case heightened the mystery notable is the client who witnessed a man locking up earlier that day his help allowed investigators to create a composite image of the suspect that

    Was shared with everyone in the community providing a clear picture of the individual they were looking for he was described as being 6 ft 175 lb between 30 and 35 years old and having light brown or golden collar length hair speaking of startling similarities a worker at a nearby Motel saw the

    Resemblance and spoke to the police about a traveling man who had checked in on the day of the crime and left the following day with a shaven head as a momento isn’t that intriguing sadly though neither the mysterious man nor the suspect from the bakery have been revealed since then law enforcement has

    Expressed their suspicion that the two cases are connected but they have held back from disclosing further information in 2005 we finally knew the identity of the Florence case suspect Brian Weber Weber lived in Napo Idaho approximately 300 75 mes away at the time of the murder what makes him famous

    Gerber was a part-time meth dealer who had experience with the drug this led to an increase in violence and before long Petty criminal Behavior followed feeding his destructive Tendencies wber was forgotten about shortly after the Florence murder after his DNA was obtained an important query was raised could his DNA possibly turn

    Up at the crime site by coincidence since the salon’s rebirth as the Hair Gallery he said he had not visited the last time he had been inside those walls was when he was in his previous Incarnation a post office Weber eventually admitted though that he was intoxicated throughout the questioning

    And didn’t remember all that happened when Weber was arrested in 2003 for assault related to an outof control meth trade the downward spiral known as life dealt him a blow he was hit with a long range of drug related offenses in 2004 which led to his 24-year prison

    Sentence though he had been convincingly denying any involvement in the Florence Carnage Weber did create a contradiction when he was said to have spoken negatively to other prisoners in spite of a police informant who was wiretapped in the hopes of receiving a confession which regrettably never materialized Weber was fortunate

    To get his sentence reduced to 10 years Weber was joined on the suspect list by Lincoln benovitz an Idaho native who had a history of drug use despite his wild lifestyle Benitas lived on the streets with his sister during his adolescence coming into contact with the law as

    Early as 13 years old similar to Weber Benavides became a seasoned criminal as a result of his decline into the drug trafficking industry the worst aspect is that in 2008 officials surmised that Weber and benavites were not only friends but also collaborators in a number of drug rated attacks and

    Defenses this makes them a very lethal pair the two were then charged with three counts of homicide among the allegations was that the heinous murders were a terrifying way to pay off a drug debt the indictment also portrayed Benitas as the head of a drug cartel that operated in

    Montana and Idaho between 1999 and 2001 with Weber serving as the organization’s enforcer of violence a depressing turn of Affairs in your opinion a portion of the indictment stated that Weber would occasionally beat or threaten other dealers in order to facilitate the organization’s money collection Lincoln benavites and Brian

    Weber would occasionally beat or threaten someone jointly there was very little proof revealed at the time authorities claimed that they made a pledge that a wider range of information would not be revealed outside of court it’s interesting to note that benavites was allegedly not directly involved in the Gory killings

    Remember however that it was made clear that he was the Puppet Master directing the horrifying show and purportedly having Council commanded induced or procured the killings of victims it’s a subdued but ominous presence don’t you think an intriguing point was made in the indictment it appeared that both

    Individuals had left the state soon after the horrifying killings Benitas even went so far as to completely leave the country only to reappear in Texas a few months months later here’s the catch though Benitas was able to work out a plea agreement even before the trial could begin what

    Was the outcome although his murder charges were dropped he was nonetheless given a 25-year term for drug rated offenses now Weber’s clearance was a little more difficult to obtain finally in 2010 L granted him when the accusations against him were withdrawn due to the concrete Alibi that

    He wasn’t even in Montana at the time of the murders the case crumbled under the weight of this strong Alibi and the 2008 death of the prosecution’s longone credible witness who was primarily comprised of prisoners and criminals in 2018 Weber was sentenced to 15 years in prison for drug rated

    Offenses he was then placed on supervised release for 10 years it is noteworthy that the emment of Weber and benavites has not held up well over time criticism has been pouring in like R over the years pointing to what many Saw as a weak case that the prosecutors had

    Cobbled together another layer of Suspicion exists because a number of bystanders believe that the local police force attempted to co the two men into giving falsely incriminating confessions maybe in response to pressure to solve the case as we move forward into the present the amazing Deeds come to an end

    Here since Weber and Benitas were found not guilty neither further accusations nor arrests have been made it appears as though the case has reached an annoying dead end with little to no new development in the last few months deeply unnerving and peing our interest the Florence Salon killings are still

    Unsolved please assist if you dear reader know even a little bit about the case Aid in connecting the dots it was a typical afternoon 3:45 p.m. on September 5th 2012 something incredibly strange and terrifying happened in France not far from the southernmost point of Lake on SE a laby

    Road near chelene served as the setting for a horrifying Discovery Who Came Upon This terrifying situation former British RAF pilot Brett Martin was cycling over the river on his customary route it’s interesting to note that the sound of the 25 rounds that had been fired was muffled by the sound of

    The water flowing down the river instead of hearing the sound of gunfire Brit was confronted with a terrifying scene he saw 7-year-old Zab B hilly among the corpses and to her amazement she was still alive after being shot in the shoulder and forcefully hit in the skull

    With a gun when he saw zanab slumped in front of her parents locked BMW with bullet holes through the windows the already horrifying scene became even more horrifying the car is still running and the keys are still in the ignition three Dead adults made for a scene out of

    Oblique crime Thriller inside sad Al hilly 50 years old ikbal his life partner 47 years old and iball’s mother sua alala 74 years old are all elderly while SOA had a Swedish passport the murdered sad and ikbal were of Iraqi descent but British citizens their BMW which had been

    Abruptly retracted into the pulloff area and was still in reverse gear with its back wheels wildly spinning on the rough sand was another unsettling feature that added to the image every victim had received two professional head shots a tableau truly loaded with horror but these four weren’t the only ones another

    Body was that of sane maler a 45-year-old Frenchman who was shot seven times after getting caught in a fatal Crossfire while out for a bike ride and the four-year-old youngest daughter of alhilly was found curled down in the footw for 8 hours under the lifeless form of ikbal thank goodness unaltered

    Physically the inquiry and aftermath showed that a semi-automatic Luger p06 handgun was the weapon of choice it was not the most powerful but it was extremely accurate and dependable holding an eight round magazine of 7.65 by 21 mm Parabellum ammunition it has the luxury of being a collector’s item

    These days in September 2012 the French national gendarmeries criminal inquiry department and and forensic science department joined forces with their British colleagues to conduct an inquiry but the lack of relevant evidence presented a formidable obstacle to their hopes of advancing the case divergent theories resulted from the facts and hints

    Intersection yes the cold professional job was evident from the precise execution style deaths and the callous efforts to kill a child on the other hand there was the culprit who used a very unusual and distinctive weapon and left 21 round casings behind as the previously mentioned Florence case demonstrated investigators were forced

    To rely on tenous theories in order to identify a plausible motivation some conjectured that 50-year-old sod was the target of the attack that sane was just unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and that his family was unintentional collateral damage sad was an engineer

    And ibal was a dentist who lived and worked in the UK for more than 20 years they were viewed as a Charming caring family by their neighbors and Friends however as is usual in these kinds of circumstances rumors did manage to get in implying that sod’s professional life centered around

    Confidential data the allegation that sad allegedly had access to a Swiss bank account connected to Saddam Hussein’s political organization was first published in the French publication Luman where did they get them the German secret service is said to be involved but as as of right now much is unknown

    And there isn’t any hard proof that Saddam Hussein and sad are related there appears to be a lot of interest in the single Swiss bank account but it belongs to his father cadam not to the 50-year-old you are picturing kadam was no ordinary man in 1971 he heroically

    Uprooted his family from their home and resettled in the UK he was a brilliant lawyer and businessman this dramatic action was necessary because Adam’s brother had mysteriously vanished for a year following his arrest by Iraq Security Agency when he returned he was a very different man among other things his

    Speech was slurred and he had brain damage which made cadam even more determined to protect his family even after moving his family kadam was unable to completely distance himself from Iraq in 1974 he went back to oversee his prospering companies in 1982 katam made a radical change of Direction ction by

    Retiring and relocating to the UK in addition to homes in England and Spain his request to his son sad and Zed included a $1 million account at a Swiss bank after their father passed away the brothers got into a fight about inheritance issues this family dispute persisted

    Until sod’s death a tragic event the extent and specifics of this information caught the attention of the authorities who began to wonder if Zed had any ulterior interest and seeing his brother killed but zahed remained unwavering in his denial that his brother had become the victim of a professional killer he

    Said that sod’s lifestyle was more predictable in the UK therefore it would have been much easier for someone to kill him if they had wanted him so badly but on September 28th just 2 weeks after the horrific incident it was discovered through an investigation that sad was in

    Possession of a taser which is prohibited in the UK this finding implied that sad feared for his family’s safety as much as his own life later conversations with other family members who claimed that sad had frequently expressed fear of his siblings supported this conclusion these developments had made z

    A suspect but a check of his home turned up no evidence linking him to sod’s demise but perseverance paid off and over the course of the following s or eight months Zed was painted as a suspect and questioned for up to 8 hours straight by law enforcement in June 20

    2013 he was even called as a witness in France Z chose not to go to the hearing in defiance of these Cove measures Zed eventually found himself under arrest for allegedly plotting to assassinate sad detectives surmised that he killed sad in order to inherit their father’s Legacy alone but these

    Suspicions started to fade because there was never any conclusive evidence against zahed Zed remained innocent throughout this arduous Journey claiming that San a divorced father of three who works as a factory welder fabricating parts for nuclear reactors was the true Target San’s unconventional work Choice led to the Hasty conjecture that maybe

    He and Zed knew each other and were involved in this together but since there isn’t much evidence to back these claims up since sane was the main target they’ve been declared invalid it is now thought that a lone psychopath who killed for the fun of it without any

    Specific objective or Target in mind would be responsible for these horrific homicides due to the absence of motive and incriminating evidence the fact that sane the cyclist and the alhilly family had no intention of being on that particular route at the time of the gunshots adds even more Intrigue to the

    Enigma surrounding the onc shootings imagine this sane is riding his bike along a path that the father of his fiance has suggested but he gets lost becomes sidetracked and finds himself following the unfortunate Al family’s route similarly after getting directions from a local the alhilly family decided to go for a walk after

    Deciding to stretch their legs that morning they become disoriented on the same route as sane and lose their way fate is a Fickle thing isn’t it our courageous law enforcement Personnel armed with the lone psychopath Theory tried to link the dots by comparing psychiatric visits and military records

    But these attempts yielded no results in April 2014 when our investigators were going over a list of all of San’s girlfriend’s acquaintances one name jumped out Patrice menaldo a few useful details about sane emerged from an hourlong conversation with Patrice a former paratrooper in the French Foreign Legion surprisingly

    Though Patrice commits suicide two months after the interview explaining in his note that he couldn’t stand being a murder suspect recall that he had never been deemed a suspect suspect or a subject of Interest by the detectives was he our one and only psychopath his psychiatric condition and

    Military experience do not rule out the possibility a month later ikbal sod’s wife had a brief marriage to an American police officer in 1999 and her skeleton came out of her closet James Thompson the aforementioned ex-husband and former police officer is another he died of a

    Heart attack 7 hours after the deaths of San and the alhilly family strange huh in addition to this a number of additional theories were proposed one of which suggested that nordal Leland Ace a well-known child killer and rapist might have been involved although he has a history of

    Violent acts and is a convicted felon a clear connection between him and the onc shootings is still missing we looked into the case again in 2021 in an effort to piece together the family’s final known whereabouts in January of this year a biker who had been interviewed in 2015 was brought in

    For additional questioning but he was shortly freed and the police declared he was no longer involved in the inquiry the matter is still unresolved peculiarities and all even though we are working non-stop to find Justice and answers

    1 Comment

    1. Always keep all doors locked, in both your cars and homes. I live in a very small town, and even when I let my dog out, I lock the door right away. I'm old and disabled. There is no way for me to fight back. I do what I can, to keep myself safe.

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