#germany #hauptbahnhof #railwaystation #tour #kaiserslautern #comprehensive #guided #tour #germantrains #railway #station #europetravel #publictransport #information #dailyvlog

    So hello everyone welcome to the new day and new  Vlog it’s quite sunny today and today’s topic is   our kis slen hop bof that is Kaiser slon main  railway station you must have seen that we are   talking about the public transportation in  Germany and we are trying to cover different  

    Applications that we sometimes use here and are  quite beneficial for us as well now yesterday mtas   very well explained in a detailed manner about the  Doan app and about its facilities how you can use  

    It if you are using it for the first time and I  hope you got some information from that today I’m   thinking that since yesterday we discussed about  the Doan today we’ll try to cover about kaisa slen   main railway station and I’ll try to show you  the railway station location and how we reach  

    There and how we read the boards and different  facilities there so let’s go to kais slout and   hop on so let’s go to the bus stop first of all so  we’ll try to take the bus from puni west to hobo  

    Off and you must have seen in the student Dom Vlog  that these are our student Dom buildings and here   if you go further then we’ll come or will reach  to the uni West bus stop so there it is on the  

    Left hand side and this is one of the bridge that  we used to go to the university sometimes so here   is the uni West bus stop finally if you remember  then few days back montasir while explaining the  

    Vrn application we use for taking buses here  we can also use that for navigating trams but   in kis slen there are no tram so we use that  to navigate bus so he talked about how to read  

    This board and how we take the bus you can watch  that video as well I’ll put also that video in the   transportation in Germany playlist or in the rp2  K slon playlist so you can refer that but now we  

    Are waiting for the bus so the bus is almost here  this bus we will be taking 105 to go to the hob B   off let’s go so it’s almost 36 p.m. so we are  inside the bus and if I zoom in then see here  

    Here I can check the stops as well and also you  can check the stops in VN app we have discussed   about that as well so in around 10 minutes we’ll  reach hobo so this was the bus that I took and  

    Now it’s departing and here on the right hand  side is the kisis SL and hop B off so here I   reached to the platform B of the bus stop and now  we’ll go inside the railway station as well let’s  

    Cross the road first and you can see there are  different buses which are arriving and departing   from this bus stop as well and see some people are  going inside the railway station as well and if I  

    Rotate the camera then see this is the plaza you  can say in front of us is the city donor as well   where you can have some food and see here some  people are using the tier scooter as well that  

    We talked about in previous Vlog this is a quite  beautiful location as well I’ll show you some of   the things here so here is the hob bof right now  if I rotate the camera and here is The Spar Kaza  

    Service Center and see this is the Plaza area and  here on the left hand side are various bus stops   and now let’s go inside the railway station or the  hobo here you can see the DB logo as well and one  

    Of the buses passing by so see here also you can  notice some of the markings which are mentioned   and now we’ll go inside the kaisa slen H bof and  see right in front of me is written 25 years of  

    Vrn and this is how it looks like I’ll just rotate  the camera once see and now I’ll try to talk about   the things here one by one so that I can also  share some of the information that I know so see  

    Right in front of me you can see some of the seats  here and if I just rotate the camera on the right   hand side then this is the DB information center  you can also go there and ask about your queries  

    Or doubts if you have and I think they can share  some of the informations with you and on the left   hand side side you can see the Y Mas where you can  buy some food and drinks and see next to the Y M  

    Is this bulletin board where you can also check  the arrival and the departure timings and since   I’m here I’ll show you one more thing see right in  front of me this is written the Rin Falls or we Le  

    Falls so some people are coming here and you can  see you can either use the lift as well and there   are some escalators as well to go down we’ll go  there as well but first let me show you one more  

    Thing here see here is One ATM machine here which  you can use and next to that is this vrn mobilit   zala I’ll talk about this in a while first of all  let me show you this far carton machine which you  

    Can use and buy your tickets see here you can  see the options the timings and then you can   select the payment mode and then can purchase the  tickets and see also here you can enter your from  

    Location your to location whether you want to buy  the rhyland false ticket or which ticket you want   to buy and you can select the language as well  now see here it’s written VR in Mobility it’s   zentral slout and there you can ask about your  tickets your plan or the tariffs and I think  

    They can clarify the details for some reasons  I cannot record inside of this and right next   to these ticket machines is a supermarket where  you can go and you know purchase some items that   you want they have also these newspapers outside  and also here you can see the information board  

    So here see there are the details mentioned  about the departure so if I zoom in then see   you can check the details about the timing the  train number for example RB 65 at 434 from bar  

    Mster to B CN and from which platform so it’s  mentioned like platform 1 120 45 10 so various   platform details are mentioned here the timings is  mentioned here so you can also refer this boat to   get some information about your journey and if I  zoom out then see we have various platforms here  

    And now we’ll go to one of the platforms which  are here so see you can either use this escalator   to go down or you can go upstairs to platform 1  or if you want to go to platform 39 or 40 first  

    Of all let’s go downstairs so we’ll go to one of  the platforms now so see we took this escalator   and now we’ll go to the platform here you can see  there are multiple platforms inside you can read  

    Them like platform 3 is here platform 2 and three  is mentioned here 41 and 42 is also mentioned here   and there are various platforms where you can  go and to the respective platform from where  

    You have the train like four and five here and  45 is mentioned here so so let’s go to this one   so we’ll go upstairs and see it’s Qui sunny and  superb weather today and now here it’s written G  

    45 so platform 45 now oh wow there is one of  the helicopters passing by that’s beautiful   so I’ll try to tell you the difference between  platform 45 and platform 4 and 5 see four and 5  

    Are separate platforms here so see right in front  of me is platform number five and now I’ll just   rotate the camera and we’ll go on the other side  here you can see the other platforms as well and  

    This is the platform number four and now if we go  straight then see it’s written G 45 in front of us   so we’ll go straight and then I’ll show you the  platform 45 so one of the trains is also passing  

    By it’s so beautiful so see I’ve reached at this  point and it’s quite interesting fact that here   is the platform 4 here is the platform 5 and right  in the middle is the platform 45 so you can even  

    Use this platform 45 to board the other trains  as well like one of the train that is waiting to   depart and one of the train is also arriving there  are various platforms like this like 39 40 45 so  

    Different platforms are there so you have to just  go in front straight and then you can find those   platforms now talking about the mobilitat zala  see I cannot record inside due to some reasons  

    But the thing is one of my friends when I was able  to go to the heidleberg like we were planning and   I can use my student ticket or student ID card to  go till heidleberg but he had to buy the ticket  

    So what he did was instead of like buying from  that machine which I showed you you can even go   inside to that Mobility at zala and can ask  them for a ticket so so he bought one of the  

    Tickets from there and I think you can also use  that service if you have some doubts we have the   information center where you can go and ask about  the information and if you are you are facing some  

    Issue while purchasing the ticket then you can go  inside the mobility zala to ask about the plan to   ask about the way if you want to go somewhere and  how to buy the ticket how much will it cost so I  

    Think they will try their best to help you out  with the queries that you have so since I have   showed you now the platforms and now I’ll show you  you where you can read the board one of the train  

    Is arriving now and I’ll show you how you can  check the details about these trains and read the HS so see here you can check the port like it’s  written re1 at 534 will go to manim Hoban off and  

    Via these stops and as you can see the structure  of the train here right it indicates that where   will be the second AC and where will be the first  AC for example it’s mostly in C and D part and  

    Here in the platform as well it’s written C if I  just zoom in then here you can see that D is there   and you can check these alphabets as well now  talking about these alphabets I think these are  

    Quite useful to navigate because if it’s written  that three of the second AC for example Bogies   will be in C or D part then you can go to the C  and D part if you have the second class ticket  

    Or if you have the first class sticket and it  it is showing that it is on the a side of the   platform then you can go to the a side and then  you can board the first AC so I’ll show you one  

    More example for example you can check this  train that at 737 IC 9555 will come that will   go to Frankfurt hop bof via Manheim hop bof and  here you can see the location of the first AC  

    Towards the D part between e and D part so see I  think this is quite useful to navigate and to get   to know which side of the platform you have to  be so see e part is right in front of us and I  

    Think one of the engines is arriving now that’s  also quite good and a good timing it is [Music] and like you can see right in front of us this  S2 has arrived so if you have this train then you  

    Have to go to platform 3 and you can check in the  DB app as well also here are various seats which   you can see if you want to sit and there are some  I think advertisement boards as well which you can  

    See here and see here you can also check one of  the machines where you can get some drinks some   chocolates I guess by your card and you can select  the number and then you can purchase them and I  

    Think this is also quite good service here and the  train has finally departed now this so as you can   see this was the trend was on platform three now  I want to mention one or two points here first of  

    All uh when I went to Zur then when I boarded the  train then I came from downstairs and I saw that   oh there was no train but then I realized that  it was on the other side it was on the back side  

    So I would say that it’s always good to check that  from what till what point your train will be there   because it’s not necessary that your train Bogies  will be from a to e point right it can be there  

    That the train has only three or four Bogies and  it is between suppose B and D or B and E so like   that so I think this is one of the points that I  wanted to mention second thing is that this might  

    Happen and it has happened with me that sometimes  the train gets divided as well maybe in Heidelberg   or in some other places for example in kalu in  any uh stoppage but the thing is this might happen  

    That half of the train will go to One location and  other half will go to the other location so it’s   always good you know to check the boats to check  the information so that you go to the right place  

    To the right destination because I think in Trier  as well this might happen that from Trier we have   to go to Luxburg so one part comes back to SAR  brooken side or to the kis slen side and the other  

    Part goes back to the Luxemburg side so there  also we we realized that uh which part we have   to be and I think it’s always good to check these  informations here so that’s why I Tred to show you  

    The boards how to read these boards so that you  get to know that from from what point till what   point you your train will be there and if you  have the ticket for the second class then at  

    Which location for example in platform 4 whether  you have to be at D side or at b side or at C side   or if you have the first class ticket then you  have to be at e side this is just an example so  

    That’s why reading these boards is also important  and I think there is also one of the main boards   which I showed you well while I uh went downstairs  that board you can also check to look at the uh  

    Details about your trains about the platform like  why which stops it will go and also there was one   bulletin board which I showed you right next to  the Yas there that is also quite useful because  

    Some people were reading that as well so I think  there are different Services there like I told you   mobilitat zala is quite useful if suppose you’re  finding it uh like not right to buy the tickets  

    From the machine or you want some assistance for  that because I saw that some of the employees from   mobilitat zala came and helped people to buy the  ticket or you can directly go there and they can  

    Help you regarding the ticket and or they can  give you the ticket like one of my friend got   the ticket from uh their office and also now this  DB information is there so you can always ask your   queries and information from the DV information  center as well wow and another training is

    Arriving [Music] so see here it’s written afterall  so this is a dust bin which you can use to throw   some of these stuffs and here you can see that if  you want to exit or go to other platforms then we  

    Will again go to downstairs there is also one  lift service there so you can use the lift as   well so now we’ll go downstairs and as you  can see one of person is also using the lift  

    Here there are two sides here one which goes  towards nist and the other from where we came   where we saw that bus stop as well so this one  I’m talking about and now you can see here one  

    120 is also written so let’s quickly see that  or if you want to go to platform 39 or 40 so   see there you can see that board as well so see  here it’s written platform 1 and now like I showed  

    You for platform four or five here you can see  or read the details about the trains and if we   go further then see here you can see platform 39  and 40 so you have to just go little bit further  

    And then you can see these platforms right like  we went to platform 45 when we were at platform   4 and five so now let’s go back and here you can  also read the boards about platform 39 and 40 oh  

    Now on the other hand side is platform 120 so  we are still at platform 1 but now if you go   to the other side now here you can see the board  of platform 1 120 right so see here it’s written  

    120 CCE and here you can also read the details  about the trains and on the left hand side you   can see this beautiful view of the city and the  cycle parking space as well so now let’s go back  

    So I hope through this video you’re getting some  idea about the platform navigation as well like we   were in the same platform or we are in the same  platform one but on one side if you go further  

    Then we were able to go towards platform 39 and  40 and on the other side is platform 1 to Zer so   if you find these numbers you have to you navigate  using these boards or in the information desk if  

    You go and then you can ask about these details  as well now we’ll go back towards the exit like   it’s written House Gang here so see like here  it’s written the exit for Rise of inum and you  

    Can take the bus or taxi from outside right so  see since I’m exiting from platform one side   so now I don’t need to take the escalator you can  see them here it’s like a circle like while going  

    Towards platform 4 and five I use the escalator I  went downstairs I took the stairs upward and then   while coming back to go to Platform One then  again I took the stairs and now since I’m in  

    Platform one so now I just have to go downstairs  again so you can even use the escalator if suppose   you are coming from that side if you want to go  towards the nist or towards the city then you  

    Can use these escalator as well you can use the  lift as well to go towards the platform there are   various lifts at different places and now one of  the important things also which I wanted to show  

    Is see as you can read here we 11 FS the r Falls  now here is one of the boards where you can read   about the bus timings as well even if you don’t  have the vrn app suppose now while exiting from  

    The Hop B off near like above this DB information  center you can read this board as well like which   bus you want to take suppose if you want to go to  the university or any other bus so there are the  

    Platforms of the bus stops are also mentioned and  the bus number and their destination as well so I   think this is also quite useful information if  you are exiting uh The Hop oneoff then you can  

    Also check the bus timing because you might have  to take the bus to the desired location as well so   here you can see this board and there is the DV  information center so we can just go downstairs  

    To exit from The Hop B off but I would like to  take the other route like there’s the exit here   you can see we can see the escalator but we’ll go  from here so see look at this amazing Sunset View  

    In front of me and now if we go just towards  platform 39 and 40 side then see if you just   take a right turn then you can take a exit from  this side as well and then also you will reach  

    Towards the bus stop so this was the thing that I  also wanted to show you if you’re on this side of   the platform and here we are so there are various  bus stops which you can see now and here also you  

    Can see some of the taxis as well so that’s why  I took this way to show you that either you can   exit from that side or if you are at Platform One  towards the platform 39 or 40 side then you can  

    Just take an exit from this side and also you  can reach to towards these bus stops and after   checking the location then you will get to know  whether you have to take the bus from stop a b c  

    And if you want to take a flex bus then you can  also go towards the D stop like you can see here   so now we’ll go towards the bus stop and here is  the outside view of our hob bonov so see right  

    In front of hob bonov you can see these tier  scooters which montasir explained about these   are various tier scooters and if you want to know  how to use them by app and how you can start it  

    Then M very well explained in one of the Vlogs  where we talked about the tier so you can watch   that video as well and today we talked about our  kisis slen H Bono so I hope this video was quite  

    Useful informative for you where I tried to talk  about the various information uh about this Hof   starting from the information center the mobilitat  zala your mass one of the supermarket which is   inside from where you can buy the ticket how you  can go towards the platform how you can can read  

    Different boards and some information some points  to keep in mind like I told you uh regarding the   train to check at which part will they arrive for  example A B C D and also to check the class second  

    Class or first class if you want if you want  to go towards the platform 39 or 40 then how   you can go towards that and suppose if you want  to take the train from platform 120 then how you  

    Can go toward the other side so I hope all these  informations were quite useful for you and also   if you have any queries you can just go towards  the DV information center or mobilitat zala to  

    Ask your doubts and I think they can help you  because today also when I was recording then I   saw some of the people were asking their queries  and they are quite helpful to solve their doubts   and see I cannot record inside the mobilit zala  because uh it’s quite restricted to record you  

    Know inside some of the official areas but I  tried to show the visuals as much as possible   about these h boff the platforms that I told you  and sometimes it might happen that one part of the  

    Train will go to one side towards one side like  towards SK slou and other part will go towards   Luxburg so you can also keep the this information  in mind so I hope this Vlog was quite useful for  

    You now I’ll end this Vlog now and I’ll return to  to the university and rest you know like comment   share subscribe it doesn’t take much time bye-bye  cha cha Namaste CH see you in new day new vlog

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