Eagle Seventh-Day Adventist Church 02/24/2024.

    Copyright Notices:


    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


    Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    Good morning so tonight is our hot spring um social it’s at roystone at 645 to 8:15 $5 TI it in um just anybody’s welcome it’s just our group that we have the pool so uh the whole pool the whole pool yep the whole pool um so we don’t

    Have to worry about any outside sources um and so let me know if you have any questions about that and then I just wanted to point these out to you guys Joe’s dad Tom States Doodles this would take me I think a lifetime he does these in church

    So he made this he found this poem it’s called wake up um and it just at the bottom it says we always have time for the things we put first and I think it’s just a good reminder but there are some of these that he um sent with us and

    They’re on the back counter so if there’s somebody that you think would be you know blessed by these um just take one two however many you would like to give out but they’re they’re on the back so they’re rolled up in a nice little thing for you so anyway Tom just started

    Going back to church and this with what he does during church is he Doodles so anyway it’s beautiful so if you guys have a need take one of these and we’ll see you tonight great thank you all right so uh today the uh loose offering will be uh for conference Advance conference

    Advance covers uh churchwide or valleywide uh evangelism it also uh takes care of our summer camp schools lots of other things uh that’s the loose offering in the plate now I I also want you to be mindful of our church budget uh and you might have gotten a little

    Uh reminder of one of our funds uh today when the roofers were uh Up on the Roof already you’ve already heard that they were just there to remind you to help pay for that roof that’s what they came for today it worked didn’t it yeah it

    Got us going so uh if you want to contribute to the roofing project or to the church budget put it in an envelope and say that in the envelope so it’s not confused with the uh conference Advanced and again we’ll take up that offering today on the second

    Song uh so with that let’s continue our uh oh one more thing uh there’s a very important meeting on March 3 what day is that suay Sunday what is that meeting what oh that’s what it is yeah so we’re going to uh have an interview

    Sort of uh with uh at least one maybe two um pastors what they do now is they show a video and have a little conversation so before the person comes so that’s what they’re going to do at 5:00 pm here in the sanctuary uh is that

    Important for you to come to that yes yeah so I’m G to ask for you to make a commitment today to attend this could you uh everyone that will show up will you show up on the 3 yeah thank you very much so patience let’s uh let’s have our song

    Service happy Sabbath Happ all right first song for today is going to be himym number 269 Come Holy Spirit Heavy W handle the flame of s it is my Heart from his be and to then shall we win fresh car to she tell iwake our souls to joyful songs lets rise till praise and glory a thankful and [Applause] forever father we would know longer that is for ding rain to the a thankful love we for thine to us is Come Holy

    Spirit heav with all my weing PA come sh abro a sa love and th shall CLE arm amen our second hymn which is also our offering song is going to be hymn Number 103 oh God the helping ages a hope for years to come the shelter from the sty bless and our

    Eal under the sh of th thr still May with Will secure salvation is by arm alone and all defense is sure before the hills in ERS to or Earth receive a frame from Everlasting Thou Are God to endless is the same and th ages in thy sight all like and

    Gone short as the watch that is the light before the rising oh God I help in Ages next song is is is Of PR To Don’t Jes thank you precious that so next week we’re going to have a short 10 to 10:30 okay so I want to make sure so we can have more time foral speaker later call toed John 15 verse 7 and If you are if you abide in me and my words abide in you you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you by this my father is glorified that you bear much fruit so you will be my disciples are we asking we’re going to

    Talk about that next week and talk about prayer in a very special way something great for Eagle Church would you kneel with me kind loving Heavenly Father we again thank you for your love and care and guidance for this church and we just ask that you fill us each one with the Holy

    Spirit use us in a great Mighty way fill this church overflowing Lord with your love and care for for each one of us we with our speaker today open our hearts and thank you uh for loving us so much and forgiving Us in Jesus name we pray amen

    Going to invite all the kids to come up for a children’s Story let them let I I have time let Them well I’m glad to see each one of you here so I know some of you are in Pathfinders and I know a lot of people in the audience may have been in Pathfinders so who here knows what you need to do and I should have checked

    With Joe to see if that’s still a requirement for the bike honor right you have to ride a bike 50 miles and you need to do that in one day so when I was almost 11 my twin sister and I were working on the bike honor and

    I’m going to say we a lot because we did it at the same time um we were really active my parents were caretakers at a Fairgrounds and there was about 100 acres to run run around on and we had a pastor who would organize a hike every

    Week after potluck and so we hiked and we swam um and we were active but we really didn’t do any focused training to prepare to ride 50 miles in one day right before this bikeathon my dad came home with a new bike seat that he

    Had found and it was just one and my sister thought it was super cool so he put the new bike seat on her bike you think you should go on a big trip with new boots what’s going to happen blisters so we went to the bathon

    And they had about a 2 and a half mile Loop that we were doing and this is in Scottdale Arizona and my sister made it about 37 miles and then she got blisters to the point that she had to stop um I made it about 43 miles and I

    Wasn’t like totally out out of shape unprepared but I wasn’t ready to get 50 miles done in the time that they had so I was unable to get 50 miles when the event ended but I was determined that I wanted to get 50 miles done that day so

    That I could get the bike onor so after we got home in the dark my dad took me to the high school track and he followed me around with the headlights of the car while I looped that track and got seven more miles in so we’re going to apply the lessons that

    We see here to um following Jesus if we’re going to be able to share God’s love to others we need to spend regular time in the Bible and getting to know Jesus so that we know who he is and we want to share him um just like doing 50

    Miles on a bike we can spend that regular time um studying his word so if I had been more prepared I might be like studying God’s Bible to to look for what I would want to share and to know what God says that isn’t in there um and so

    They also say the best way to learn something is to teach it to somebody else because as we prepare to teach we really secure it in our minds so I just want to encourage each one of you to spend a little time each day in Bible study and prayer and to build that

    Relationship with God so that he can guide you and look for opportunities to share and you may go back to you your Seats good morning I will be today I will be reading Psalm 62 1 verse 1- 2 I wait patiently for God only he can save me he is my rock who saves me he protects me like a strong wailed City I will not be defeated being defeated doesn’t sound like a

    Great ending of a day does it other versions would say I will not be shaken and today looking at how to survive the shaking and some of you may be wondering what exactly that might be well let’s take a look try to remember how this one works there we

    Go do you know they should make all these the same when you’re going from one Church to another it’s like okay so the shaking what is it and why we talk about the shaking often we’re going to find that there are several places in the Bible that talk

    About a shaking when Nature will be shaken when almost everything in this world will be shaken there is a time before the coming of Jesus Christ when everything that can be shaken will be shaken the whole world is going crazy it already is right it’s only begun and why would God allow the

    Shaking well let’s let him answer that question yet once more I sh Shake not only the Earth but also the heavens now this yet once more indicates that the removal of those things which are being shaken as of things that are made that the things which cannot be shaken May remain God’s

    Saying all trouble all kinds of trouble is going to break loose and it’s going to separate those that are not trusting him from those who are are you ready and how do you survive this so what is shaken Matthew 24 tells us that nature is shaken immediately after the

    Tribulation of of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light the Stars will fall from Heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken then the sign of the son of man will appear in the heaven and then all the tribes of the earth will

    Mourn oh that already happened right yeah at least partially uh but notice the context do you realize we’re talking context of the coming of Jesus Christ just before the fall of Jerusalem there were signs and wonders in the heavens according to Josephus just at the beginning of the

    Judgment there were signs and wonders in the heavens at the end of the time of Great Tribulation of duration through the Dark Ages and the way this is worded it indicates to me that there is likely going to be even more great signs and wonders in the

    Heavens and they will see the son of man coming on the Clouds Of Heaven with power and great glory and he will send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they will gather together his elect from the Four Winds from one end of Heaven to the

    Other for nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there will be famines pestilences and earthquakes in various places all these are the beginnings of Soros oh you could say it another way all these are the beginnings of shakings the shaking is coming on so

    What is shaking in nature well it talks about pestilence for one thing H ever heard of pandemics ever heard of pandemic X oh yeah they’re planning for it and it’s supposed but they don’t know what it is but it’s going to be 20 to 30 times worse than Co but they don’t know

    What it is but it’s 20 to 30 times worse really this is you know there are strange things going on there was a illegal clandestine bio lab in California run by some Chinese illegal people I mean they’re illegal aliens to start with and they’re running an illegal biolab Hazard

    With mice that are genetically modified to be more like humans and they’ve got all kinds of really nasty stuff in this biolab and a California health inspector figures it out and she calls from for help from the CDC and the FBI they ignored her excuse me are we trying to have a

    Pandemic oh no this could be conspiracy theories well they sure do make them convenient to think when you start asking why won’t the CDC and the FBI get involved oh they don’t want to have to pay for the cleanup so California has to do that by themselves why don’t we figure out why

    This stuff is happening might be interesting but that’s the reality right now they know pandemic X is coming and it’s 20 to 30 times stronger oh uh did you notice your religious Liberties got shaken on the last one I don’t know about you but I’m a little more reluctant to give up any

    Liberties next round after I’ve seen the way they did it last round um do you realize that the papacy really became powerful in 538 when they had both political and religious power now in hand but did you know that you actually had natural disasters that preceded it

    In 536 we had the dark year that led to the Dark Ages you know what the dark year was there’s a bunch of they think it was a bunch of volcanoes up in Icelander Greenland I think it’s Iceland and uh it I mean they all blast

    Off at once and it causes a smoke cloud uh and ash cloud to go over Europe and that summer it snowed every month of the year in Europe it was dark it was cold and they had all kinds of disease dises take off and it’s in this kind of environment of

    Major climate change that the papacy gains power oh do you think they might take advantage of it again let’s turn over to Psalms 46 it’s not on the screen Psalm chapter 46 God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble therefore we will not fear even though the Earth be

    Removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea though its Waters Roar and be troubled though the mountain shake with its swelling you skip down to verse 10 be still and know that I am God I will be exalted among the Nations I will be exalted in the

    Earth the Lord of host is with us the god of Jacob ja is our refuge even if the mountains and the seas are disappearing hang on the God will not fear there are some words written down the side of my Bible says Jennifer’s last laugh I read that just as

    We were getting ready to go to sleep happened to be the last night my daughter lived she died early in the morning it’s in the hospital room and I read that verse as we were going to bed and my daughter the one who died began to

    Laugh I looked at her and said what are you laughing about she said don’t you remember a couple hours ago Uncle Ry was in in here and he was all worried about some article he had just read if there was an asteroid that hit the right spot in the

    Atlantic Ocean that you would have a huge wave like a thousand feet high and it would come in all the way up into the Appalachian Mountains and would wipe totally over Florida and she had disconnected with with Uncle Ry was worried about with what the Bible said this is a young lady

    That knows she could die at any moment and she’s just laughing about trusting in God no matter what it’s happening do you trust in God that much and within a few hours she was no longer suffering she told me earlier she thought about heaven a lot yeah no matter what happens

    Be still and know that I am God so yeah are you ready if everything as you know it is just totally being destroyed will you hang on the god or will it shake you out oh what about if this world goes crazy and goes the war

    Um found out last night that our life might have complicated for um July I’ve encouraged some of you to consider going to Washington DC right after the Fourth of July and work in a massive Health Clinic well the complication is something called NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization they’ve decided that

    They’re going to have a meeting in Washington DC happens to be at the same time but they get the convention center and we get the Armory whoops no they want the Armory and the convention center so in the last week we lost our venue the city wants us

    There I mean to have thousands of people that don’t have medical service be service they the city’s like that kind of thing okay and so they’re trying to get us into the uh Kennedy Arena I don’t know a whole lot about some of these places yet probably will soon

    Uh but it’s going to be kind of interesting to be at a NATO meeting or in the same ven area ex working with serving people when you have people from all over the world on N coming about NATO why well I’m just hoping it doesn’t make it a Target

    Area because folks in case you haven’t noticed there’s already a World War here’s how it goes you already know about Daniel 11 papacy North Islam South Jerusalem gets caught in the middle but in Revelation the United States joins the papacy and a power out of the French Revolution Marxist socialism the global

    Radical left joins radical Muslims that conflict is on you look at it in Ukraine you have Russia who are their allies China North Korea Marxist socialist Iran Syria radical Muslim oh who’s on the Ukraine side the West United States and NATO H that’s same thing you could expect out of Revelation folks Israel’s

    At war with Hamas and radical Muslims all over the place whose Hamas allies Russia China North Korea Iran Syria and the radical left all over the world including in the US Israel’s side United States and NATO linked to papel uh traditional Christianity they’re kind of sorted with Israel they may not stay

    There because they end up taking over Israel according to re Daniel 11 and most conservative Christians traditional conservative Christians are on that side oh we got an interesting situation uh European newspaper World War II has already begun as warning issued no chance of Peace for decades

    It’s one war not two different Wars two pieces of one war one war of one block the block of aggressive dictatorships Russia Iran and their proxies aava identified China as the current leader of this block and stressed the need for a united front from De Democratic countries worldwide

    There are people all over the world that have already realized this isn’t a bunch of little Wars this is actually one we are slowly well not so slowly it just seems slowly because of everything else going on in the world we’re going into this conflict is described in scripture the world will be

    Shaken are you ready or will you be shaken out politics oh that that one will stay nice and smooth right smooth dis Pastor most Americans aren’t happy with the choices they’re being given for president the majority wish for a different slate that’s interesting that’s one thing that both sides agree

    On uh at least quite a few people from both sides um let’s see something your political left leans towards Daniel Leven South and radical Islam and the political right leans towards the north peopleall Le traditional Christianity this is a part of that same global conflict that World War III has already begun it’s

    Everywhere and right now my concern is we’re looking at a 1930s repeat uh several people have sent me uh messages that I ought to watch or read mat’s uh letter to the American Church beware of that book in that film because he’s not playing honest it is true that if you look back

    To the rise of Adolf Hitler the pastors were largely silent but he doesn’t tell you the whole story it’s really convenient when you don’t tell the whole story you can make it come out the way you want it here’s the real story The Radical left was advancing communism in Germany

    And they were causing problems does that sound familiar they were turning the German Society upside down and then somebody from the right came in and seemed like they were trying to Cal it down and bring it back towards the traditional stands mat Eric Maxis missed that part you see the churches went along

    With Hitler because they thought it looked better than the other side including the Seventh Day Adventist Church in the 1930s in Germany I mean Hitler was uh interested in helping the youth and health and all kinds of these things he’s going to bring Society back together again he’s going to save

    Germany does it sound familiar be careful you can get shaken out so easily and some basically to be shaken if there’s only one force you’re just getting pushed be shaken you get hit from forces from from both sides the interesting thing in Daniel 11 God’s people get caught in the middle

    And I’m going to encourage you again make sure that you’re in the middle following Jesus not the left or the right in a world that will adjust things to make them fit a little better to one Viewpoint or the other pay attention to Jesus money my guess money’s not going to do too

    Well um I’ve got some interesting money in my pocket one of which the oldest piece is in this pocket I guess it’s it’s from about 400 ad little old piece a Constantine coin got some others in between little thing I carry around during my prophecy seminars but I also carry this one in

    It if you could read it from where you sit you would see that it is $50 trillion and it’s real money 50 trillion I could pay off the national debt with this one but at the time I got this this $50 trillion was worth about one loaf of

    Bread it’s $50 trillion Bank of Zimbabwe it’s probably not worth a loaf of bread now how much did you say you have in your retirement account do you realize that the American currency has some major problems one of which does it continue as Reserve currency and China Russia and them they’re called believe

    It or not they’re called the global South because they’re working with some nations in the South but if you notice that China and Russia aren’t exactly South but it is very interesting to me they have joined the alliance of radical Islam which is what Daniel calls the

    South and the economists called them the South now too how does God’s word get ahead on this stuff like this you know God really has it tied together way back didn’t he God’s word is awesome we need to really keep digging into it but they’re trying to take down the

    US dollar and if they did your money would become worthless because of the US debt right now as reserved Curren everybody in the world wants to use it but have you noticed the US debt is really getting worse too what was it that took down the monetary system of the Weimar Republic

    When Hitler was gaining power they printed lots of money inflation anybody ever go go into a dollar store can you buy anything for a dollar well it still says a dollar store on the outside Dollar Tree Dollar Tree or whatever yeah I mean Dollar Tree it’s kind of fun to

    Watch us money says in God we trust you better be because if you’re trusting in money it’s going to fall apart and it gets even worse if we get a digital currency do you realize they can put an expiration date on your savings account if if we do which means you have

    To spend it in such am amount of time where it’s gone and they can tell you what you can spend it on a programmable currency is really really wild folks I here to tell you you better be trusting in Jesus Christ because everything that you may

    Be relying on will be shaken and then what will you have if you don’t have Jesus okay shakings coming on oh the church will be shaken it’s already shaking somewhat and it’s shaking right down the same lines as the rest of the world is it going towards the radical left the radical

    Right or where is it going or is it trusting in Jesus as Lord and Savior uh I’m going to maybe save some time here ever heard that the church appears to fall but it doesn’t yes I was reading through Jeremiah and try reading through Jeremiah 1-9 and

    Here are the messages that Jeremiah is giving to Israel that they’ve got all kinds of trouble God doesn’t want it to happen but he’s going to save them but it’s going to be really bad and the Babylonians are coming in and by the way in Revelation who comes in and causes

    Trouble for God’s people the Babylonians do did Israel fall they appeared to fall but they came back didn’t they but what happened to their King what happened to their Temple their churches but Israel came back out of that because God brought them back that’s the promises you’re

    Going to find in Jeremiah 1-9 it’s going to be really bad but he’s going to be with them if that is true how bad would it be or could it be for the church if it appears to fall you might be saying goodbye to the general conference to your church

    Buildings and all the rest of it by the way does the church save you or does Jesus save you we got to be focused on Jesus don’t we uh Ellen White one of the founders of the Adventist Church and I believe somebody who had messages from God talked about right before Jesus comes

    And all along the line actually great lights will go out what if the person who brought you the Christ leaves this morning I was listening while I was doing some things around the house to uh numbers and I was listening to balum balum was a prophet of God he got messages from

    God God had worked through him did his light go out so even if God works through somebody even if God works through you it doesn’t mean you’re going to stick through it all the way to the end you have to have an ongoing daily connection with God

    Ellen White says that there would be times that we have to take gather warmth from the coldness of others and she’s talking about those that are supposed to be your brothers and sisters in the church have you ever had to take warmth from the coldness of others there are sometimes when I come

    Under attack where I just simply say you know I’d rather that person was attacking me than supporting me I’m going to take take this as an encouragement it’s kind of like when I get hit on by Tik Tock that’s a good thing I’d be really worried if Tik Tock

    Liked what I was presenting but at least there are people on Tik Tok that do you have to be willing to gather warmth from the coldness of others we’re told that we will be in trouble for preaching the straight testimony or the straight word of God don’t hide what you

    Believe but be tactful and gentle I’m worried about time setting as well uh this is a statement from melen White the repeated efforts to find new dates for the beginning and close of prophetic periods and the unsound reasoning necessary to sustain these positions not only leads leads Minds

    Away from the present truth but throw contempt upon all efforts to explain the prophecies the more frequently a definite time is set for the second Advent and the more widely it is taught the better it suits the purposes of Satan that’s pretty direct isn’t it after the time is passed he excites

    Ridicule and contempt of its Advocates those who persist in this error will at last fix upon a date too far in the future for the coming of Christ thus they will be led to rest in a false security and many will not be undeceived until it is too

    Late so would Satan mind having a date set that’s too early oh no because he can make people he can shake people right out of following Jesus Christ does he mind setting one that’s too far in the future oh no because he can get people to go oh oh I’ll wait

    Until just before Jesus comes to get ready he’s got you either way pretty strong statement that we’re doing the work of Satan if we’re sharing dates isn’t it it’s not my statement you can look it up for yourself here’s another one let all our Brethren and sisters beware of anyone

    Who had set a time for the Lord to fulfill his word in regard to his coming but watch this or in regard to any other promise he is made of special significance it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father has put in his own

    Power beware of anyone setting a date and if it’s enough significance for a prophetic date then it doesn’t fit because there’s nothing of significance there’s no date setting folks why am I saying this because I know so many people who are setting dates otherwise people that are really really good they’re friends of

    Mine Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour in Matthew 24 I’ve heard people say well Jesus said we can’t know the day or the hour but he didn’t say we couldn’t know the year or the season of the year which usually means the fall when they’re saying that

    Except in Acts 1 ver7 Jesus speaks there sometimes you need to look beyond the gospels to get all the words of Jesus and there he uses this phrase that no one knows the times or the season Seasons which basically is the same as saying years or season so yeah Jesus actually did Cover

    The bases on this one and there are some really well-known people in Christianity including in the Adventist Church who are trying to Loosely set dates don’t do it you could be shaken out in that process so how strong are you the best answer would be not

    Very that you’re going to trust in Jesus for his strength and the holy spirit’s strength will you make it or will you be shaken out are you ready well for some reason I found an old bulletin I wasn’t looking for this while I was is preparing for this sermon it’s uh from

    November of 2008 the pastor of the eel church was me um there were seven people the names of seven people in the bulletin since then six out of the seven have stopped attending the Seventh Day Adventist Church are you sure you’re going to make it through the one that didn’t stop attending is

    Me one has come back and is attending another administ church today somewhere else that person had some their own serious issues but they’re back and attending again of the six that are missing or went missing one came back but of the six three of them were Church

    Officers so just being a leader in the church isn’t going to save you my friends are you ready for the shaking tells me that a lot of people aren’t really ready uh what does the research say that within Christianity in general that only five out of 100 Christians are born

    Again trusting Jesus to forgive their sins and believing the Bible as their Authority for Life having a Biblical worldview only five out of a 100 Ellen White in the Seventh Day Adventist Church said that there was one in 20 that was ready to meet Jesus oh that’s

    Five out of a 100 the same as the research today what are the odds in this room are you ready you see I want you to get serious about being ready for what’s hitting us because I want to be having a celebration on a cloud together not which just a small

    Group so what do you need to do how to survive number one you surrender all to Jesus not part of your life you give it all to Jesus because no part of you was going to make it on your own it’s all going to be Jesus you’ve got to give him your past

    Can you fix your past can he yes praise the Lord he can take care of the worst you’ve ever done and turn it into his best because he will take your worst and turn it into a Ministry to help other people that are struggling with it what about your present

    Uh you can control everything in the present right no you can’t Don ran into that problem today he told roffers not to show up on Sabbath they had a memory problem I’ve been in construction I’ve had the same issue many a time uh you you don’t know even the present

    You can’t control your present what about the future I have even less control of that than I have my past I better surrender it all to God because I don’t have control you’ve got to accept the Bible as your Authority if you accept anything else as your final Authority you will be lost

    Did you hear that if somebody says oh but I can tell you when Jesus is coming Jesus said you don’t know the day or the hour you don’t know the times or the season be careful which you I don’t care how how smooth how attractive somebody packages

    It if it’s contrary to God’s word it’s contrary to God’s word and you don’t go there you need a deep prayer life and I would guess all of us need to go Lots deeper than we’re going next Sabbath we’re going to be taking a close look at that and we’re going to

    Be listening to a presentation on prayer during the worship service you know I’ve been involved in many a prayer Retreat help lead them I noticed something we would have Friday night talking about prayer some prayer times Sabbath speaker and some activities then in the afternoon we say

    Oh by the way we’re going to go do some prayer activities now we’re going to have prayer walks we’re going to do some very special prayer things uh some of you know you got several choices spending four or five hours in prayer in a guided situation as far as a guide

    To help you do that do you know what happens to our attendance from when we talk about prayer to when we do it about a quarter of the people are left to do it it’s okay to talk about it but don’t ask me to do it interesting and so actually we don’t

    Have the time figured out exactly yet but Sabbath morning we’re going to be talking about prayer I want you to think about it for a few hours come back we’re going to have a Vesper service where we’re actually going to have some prayer focused activities where we’re going to

    Pray all right so and and Joanie our prayer coordinator will lead out on that evening meeting we’ll get the time figured out and email it out to you guys but a deeper prayer life you need to love people and you need to love them enough to share Bible truth with them and love

    Them give them Love and Truth by the way if you want to see what Jesus wants us to do to be ready for his return read Matthew 25 uh it’s going to talk about the 10 virgins how many of them got sleepy all of them but some of them had

    A deeper walk it’s going to talk about separating the sheep and the goats by the way what made the difference between the sheep and the goats the Sheep were loving people and helping them the goats weren’t they were ministering to people oh and then there’s the

    Talents God give has given each of us gifts and talents are we using them or not for him because if we’re not using them we’re not in the Kingdom maybe Matthew 25 would would be a good one to take a look at if you want to survive the shaking resist sin and

    Satan Satan is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour resist him stand fast in the TR faith knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your Brotherhood in all the world Satan want

    Wants to take you down do you believe that if somebody wanted to kill you would you load a revolver and give it to them but you just admitted that Satan wants to get you right do you know what you’re doing when you’re letting a pet sin survive in your life you’re loading

    The revolver for him to destroy you I don’t know what it might be for you but for many people there’s something that they’re not surrendering to God I’m here to tell you if you hang on to it you will be shaken out I don’t want to see you

    Believe there is going to be a day coming that if you have something that you have not given to God that you are going to really really wish you had given it to God and for a lot of people they really really wouldn’t want everything that they do on the computer

    To be known by everyone and if you’re hiding anything on that computer usage you need to give it to Jesus Christ I’m just going to tell you this do again do you believe Satan’s out to destroy you do you think our technology world is truly your friend that cares about

    You so I would just guess this that if Satan wants to shake you out and D destroy you all he has to do is arrange for your record to be shown if you have a computer you’ve got a record oh Google and all the rest of

    Them know more about you than you know about yourself I’m just telling you if you continue to do things on that internet that you shouldn’t be doing it will will come up and hit you so hard that it will destroy you at the end if you haven’t given it to Jesus

    Christ give it to Jesus now and so if it comes up later you can say note the dates God has Set Me Free from that praise the Lord that’s a lot different than saying oh yeah I still have a problem that I haven’t been willing to give to

    God let your computer history be history not current activity and when it’s history Jesus can forgive and cleanse and he can actually use it as good to help somebody else once it’s history isn’t God awesome you won’t be able to do it on your own but the Holy Spirit can and you

    Have got to hate it bad enough to say God it’s really all yours I don’t want it anymore I know this is here to kill me and others okay not everyone who says to me Lord Lord this is Matthew 7 shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the

    Will of my Father in Heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in your name cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in your name and then I will declare to them I never knew you depart from me you who have practiced

    Lawlessness see why I’m so serious about getting rid of that stuff at that point what sin would be worth hearing depart from me you would practice lawlessness therefore whoever hears these saying of mine and does them I will liken him to a wise man who built

    His house on the rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it did not fall for it was founded on the Rock but everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does not do them

    Will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it fell and great was its fall and so it was when Jesus had ended these say that the people were

    Astonished at his teachings for he taught them as one having Authority and not as the scribes here’s the authority Jesus is the word and so is his word the Bible trust in Jesus trust in the Bible you see there is a storm already breaking upon us

    And if Jesus and his word the Bible is your foundation you will not be shaken out but if there’s anything else there anything that you love more than Jesus in his word you will be shaken out so what do you do surrender all to Jesus the Bible is your Authority deepen

    The prayer life love people for Jesus and work for Jesus to share with him resist sin and Satan how many of you’d like to say with me by God’s grace that’s exactly what I want to do I want to see each one of you on a cloud on the way to

    Heaven let’s stand for our closing hymn You The J my J J Jes is my the the We want to invite our visitors to come to the fellowship lunch so we get to know you better and uh if you’re visiting with us and I would just love that if you would drop a card off to me and I’d love to connect with you or I or at

    Least yeah they’re they’re in the pews uh fill that out give it to me and I’ll arrange a time the for a visit we’ll get to know each other even better if you’d like uh we’d love to have you as a part of our church family let’s pray dear heavenly

    Father thank you that you’re bigger than all of our sins amen that you’re bigger than all of Satan’s issues that he’s thrown at us in the last little bit and will in the future Lord take it all use it all for good and bring us into your

    Kingdom and Lord help us to be persistent on hanging on to each other they get us help get each of us there in Jesus name I ask it and thank you amen For [Applause] [Applause] h Told e

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