Today we take a look at REHAU UK – Manchester Office, Northbank Industrial Estate, Brinell Dr, Irlam, Manchester M44 5BL.

    We speak to many people during this video but it takes a while to convince the staff that we are innocent.

    We get there in the end.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Do you have legal right to fly that drone over someone’s building and film it right so now you want to talk again okay so the I’m asking a question answer the question so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Manchester taking a look at rehal rehal sales office Building Solutions

    Automotive and Industry it says on the board just there now they do have some work going on on the roof and we did just see some sort of left going down on that shaft and we can just see the guys climbing down the ladder now from wherever they were up to up there

    They’ve also got a telec commmunications mask on the roof interesting there is a sign just there customer parking to the right deliveries and good inwards to the left the opening Hours and some Basics oh we’ve got another sign as well just to do with the warehouse opening times and then we’ve got the goods in the backyard this stuff what could that be let’s jump on the website and see what it says so rehal is a leading Global provider of polymer based

    Solutions across various Industries including construction automo I industry furniture and more okay so polymer based Solutions which explains why we can see lots of plasticky pipe outer protection or what thought and then the the CA in would go in the middle something like that I imagine and we also have one of their

    Own Vehicles rehal unlimited polymer Solutions and the construction guys just packing up getting in their vehicle down there roof clad systems so they having some sort of clading up there on the roof I’m sure we will find out shortly we have a lady having a cigarette over

    There I’m not sure whether she’s noticed this or not hopefully she stays nice and calm so only a camera so I think we have seen all we can see from the ground there are certainly two types of this cable well two colors anyway I think the only way that we’re

    Going to be able to see any more is with the Drone oh we’re being approached didn’t take long did it the sorry why am I videoing it yeah you’re videoing into the premises yeah it’s just for a video that’s being made it yeah yeah got

    Pal I not one of them nice one Chris how many of you is there four mate where do roof us mate on there like be seen as We R got it not yet I saw you coming down I’m going to have a look at the clading in a minute yeah yeah no

    Problem nice one boys thanks for watching yeah take um I just go on the pavement I’m an industrial estate YouTuber YouTuber so this company because you make polymer products for lots of different markets I’m making a video about the company today from the outside I’m not going to come on the Drone will

    Go around and have a look at what what’s happening on the roof and stuff have you got permission to do that uh who from a from our company and B from the estate I’ve not got permission from those two people well you need to do that before

    You do it I suggest don’t post anything without permission and you suggested Tres isn’t it so let’s let’s discuss this yeah and then we can all no cuz you’re discussing it with the wrong people you need to discuss it you need to discuss it well I’m discussing it

    With the people that are talking to me right now so you said it’s trespassed well I don’t know that but I was suggest okay so if you don’t know it let’s discount that one no I don’t discount it because you don’t know it either or shall we discuss it I’m still there

    Discussing it okay brilliant um trespass is when you go on someone’s land and you’re not wanted on the land so then you’re trespassing you asked to leave and you’ll probably come out to somewhere about here yeah mhm so at the minute I’m not trespassing on stood over

    There though okay let’s discuss it so I was stood over here yeah you so I was stood just here yeah so in your eyes is this trespass no you’re outside the gate well she said it for a reason okay that’s any concerns you’ve got I’ve got concern that you’re filming our site and

    Why you filming my side brilliant so are you happy that I’ve explained that um it’s for a YouTube video and just like Google street car did out here they filmed your site did you have a concern about that no that’s an official body you’re not an official body how do you

    Know I don’t know that that’s why I’m asking the questions oh these guys know who I was we don’t know that who with he your contractors and how did they know he was oh weren’t you listening no he wasn’t here it wasn’t here can you vou for it

    You say you making have a key ring yeah anybody that watches the video Hold on let me explain and then hopefully we can get over this anybody that watches my videos if they see me out filming they get a key ring so they’ve seen me out filming they’ve got a key ring surely

    That means something to you no no okay well I tried so I’m going to stay outside I’m making my video whether you like it or not all right I’m trying my best but what’s your name did you hear what they said no I didn’t hear them call you anything who’s

    Asking I’m asking y your name is what’s your name there we go all right guys let’s not waste each other’s time anymore you’re not willing to tell me your name so why should I tell you mine okay clear be you ion clear off what are

    You going to do if I don’t I’m going to do nothing well why you saying it then clear off no okay back to where it was when I started so I’m going toact stand on the pavement I’m going to do my in peace you have legal right to fly that

    Drone over someone’s building and film it right so now you want to talk again okay I’m asking a question answer the question don’t order me to answer your questions if I want to I’m not ordering you to answer the question I’m asking you to answer my question the Drone that

    I’ve got is 249 G which the UK law I’m telling you this you might not know it the UK law allows 249 G drones to fly as close as they want to commercial bill buildings so you’re asking me am I allowed to by law there’s your information that you can go back and

    Check okay I’m not disputing that okay but why are you doing it because you make polymer products for lots of different markets mhm I’ve zoomed in I can see you’ve got a nice B inside that pipe it interests me I’d like to know what applications that particular

    Product is used for go on the website I have okay and what your what you come up with there’s your website still up mhm it doesn’t tell me what that particular product what application that particular product is used for we can see some sort of similar item there but

    Not that particular one so I have already been on your website to try and find out the information I failed I’ll make a video any questions I’ve got any interest that I’ve got I’ll be asking the questions on my video and we’ll get lots of answers in the comments we’ll

    Get lots of interaction with my viewers who will help me out and we’ll all learn we’ll see what improvements you’re doing on your roof there come in and ask them we could give you some information if I come in with my camera they say don’t film me turn your camera off and we’re

    Get into an argument the no but we can I just ask a question is that camera on right now yes so what you going to do with this footage that post it on to YouTube why you going to do that for entertainment purposes where people from

    A company come out in public and try and tell me what to do we’re not trying to tell you what to do we’re just asking the question as to why your colleague insinuated I was trespassing over there we have every right that ask a question you insinuated that I can’t fly the

    Drone over wrong I said have you got permission that’s my my perception and my viewers will see what’s happened I guess my suggestion is you two go back to work I’ll stay outside and carry on my video what is your name what who’s asking I’m asking you the question you

    Tell me what your name is no thank you okay well I’m not going to give you my name don’t want it fine okay go ahead go ahead okay so when you say go ahead it means that I’m going to proceed um to the next stage of the video which is the Drone

    Footage that I need to get to see what’s happening on the roof if what we trying to do and I’ll tell you my reason for asking questions we had someone Savory person trying to break in a couple of weeks ago happens quite a lot and that’s why we ask the questions

    Of people that are approaching the building and do strange things around the building and that’s why I pause my activity to tell you and talk to you we are security conscious good and that’s what we do good that’s great so when someone flying drones for someone who’s

    Filming we we have concerns yeah and when they tell you they’re a you why and they also have your contractor who recognizes the YouTuber these are all things that if I was in your shoes I’d be like yeah okay he’s telling the truth but that’s just me everyone’s

    Different but I’m glad you said carry on cuz I’m now carrying on we check on uh this app called drone assist it tells us any flight restrictions in the area now nearby you had an aor dram earlier it was over here somewhere yeah I was on this industrial

    Estate earlier and had to ring the air traffic control in the aerodrome for permission but there are no restrictions just here so I’ll just take a screenshot of that just to show the viewers that everything’s lawful and of course we mentioned the the weight of the Drone earlier 249 so

    If you ever come across drones in the future it’s all educational for the video as well people may be watching this type of video for the first time so and then we’re just going to have a look take off point the tree oh you going but yeah I mean the only does come

    Down from your roof so you probably don’t even know how well it’s looking yourself yet so there we are look how fantastic of a job they’re doing up there I presume that’s the roll of material that they’re putting down with some sort of heat gun or some sort of

    Adhesive but it’s great to maintain your flat roof not everyone is doing that and of course you ‘ got some telecommunications up there as well so you’re probably earning some money each each year I don’t know that’s for our people at head offes to deal with and do you get great signal

    With your own mobile phones cuz that’s so close got say there’s any difference and the uh is it for underwater stuff this to protect cables pre-insulated water pre-insulated underground water right so for very long length they can just join up can they yeah and then the the electric cable or

    Fiber Optic goes in the middle no no it’s just water oh simply for water mhm wow in what sort of application then hot water for district heating mainly Right and then you’ve got some straight versions there mm are they solid or are they also got a boring inside uh got B inside yeah p and the actual machine that’s making these is inside that building is it no right and the different colors do they have any significance no just two different

    Types so what’s the value then is it they’re not made of metal so do people think that’s metal there when they try and steal it no cuz there is no value to somebody who doesn’t know I don’t know the actual value You’ have to look on

    The website and I knew you were a YouTuber my fell and me father-in-law watches everything all like like what you are all do and I said I literally said I put money on it is it is that what if you go and then go on it yeah

    Yeah I can’t wait to tell you now the the van was full of four roof workers and all them watch as well so I give them a key ring it’s great to see people that watch I absolutely absolutely I said to you I said why would you leave work and go home and

    Watch work and tell I I literally said to you I said be careful Phil cuz you’ll be the YouTube and I actually thought to myself you’re staring on it now oh my Fell’s going to be buzzing about this what’s his name he’s absolutely got be bu he loves it yeah right okayo even

    Like um my father-in-law they’ll literally watch it for days and they love it absolutely love it you never know what you’re going to see and who you’re going to meet and what opinion they have on photography drone flying you know what I actually thought to myself well one day this is going to

    Happen today you could have warn the bus that is brilliant I had to when Helen come over there I’m going to have to go over you if you do and oh that’s brilliant nice to meet you and that’s all we do so we’ve got the whole site in

    Now you told me some great things we’ve got off to a bad start it you’ve ended it very well I didn’t want to get off to a bad start but we are very security conscious cuz we’ve had several breakings and several breaking attempts so you can understand from my point of

    View someone’s hanging around the gate which often happens I have to investigate the person hanging around the gate is communicating very well and giving you a plausible explanation with references all over the place I get that but it’s something that we don’t often get so please understand

    From my point of view yeah we have to be yeah yeah yeah cuz this is in a state which is very let’s say active with crime yeah have you considered any electric gates here no we lock the gates the gates are locked what we do try and

    RAM the gates to try they must think that’s metal then they must think there’s some value in them the chances the chances we had him trying to get in the other week when the scaffolding went up so you know we’re not sure whether they’re trying to get

    Into the building or they’re trying to steal the scaff in or they’re trying to get into the cabins of the contractors probably the cable in for up there you know one one thought was the you know the lifter that they used to lift the gear up there’s a lot of aluminium on

    That is there on the sides it’s the motor they get apparently the cont tell me so so from my point of view you can understand please understand that we’re very security conscious and I have to be quite Vigilant about people who are filming looking and particularly looking at the building especially it was

    Literally 2 weeks ago yeah and that’s why I put the extra signs on there just to try and as a deterent when they did come back yeah okay well no worries now I know what you do now we all how popular you are you’re very popular obviously I

    Call myself a Walkin CCTV camera because I capture all sorts as I’m going around and if if I capture somebody committing a crime and it helps you you can have a footage well that’s fine but appreciate if good call at reception next time you say I am I can’t

    Because that it causes conflict right cuz do you know if they say no and and I come out and do it anyway yeah it don’t go down very well believe me I’ve done it many times and also they say turn this off and they start pushing me out

    And yeah yeah I will never do that I’m not I’m not aggressive guy but I I need to understand that you’re not a threat to the company yeah so if I just stay outside that’s the safest place for me to be and just do my video from there

    But the viewers have learned quite bit I’ve learned quite a bit Yeah Yeah and we’ve had an interesting conversation where now i’ appreciate if you chopped some certain bits of that well do you know the chemical place down the road yeah that’ll be a video

    That’s uh wild they all came out we had we had physical contact there yeah yeah there no for that so as long as you understand what you doing there’s no harm to it and if it’s lawful don’t have an issue we just need to check it that’s

    Yeah and you have done fine and I did try my best I said look it’s just for YouTube yeah yeah and I hope I was hoping that the little interaction we had there with the viewers would have gone in my favor probably has like Imaging those here we have I have not

    Got a clue I don’t watch YouTube I’m not a YouTuber I’m not a YouTube fan so okay um it’s just something I don’t do yeah but from my perspective I’ve got to look at the Integrity of the building and make sure we’re all safe and of course

    Put in the video on to YouTube makes me money so there’s a financial incentive of going around seeing these places and it’s a new market you know people yeah get it now yeah get it get it I get it so yeah again just being vigilant mate that’s always yeah yeah yeah let’s let’s

    Shake hands and yeah thank you very much don’t put any crap on I’ve got to make it entertaining for the viewers hello mate you want a key ring what’s your name Jordan Jordan okay yeah all good man thank you VD thanks for watching I appreciate your hand mate appreciate it thank

    You so do you want to keeping as well they’re quite popular IM IM her husband will take hers offer okay but yeah we don’t sell the key Rings you can only get a key ring by seeing me so it’s in where we are I’m I’m fine we’ve got over

    That don’t worry all right man all right I’m going to move on now I’ve got uh the video that I needed so okay right okay thank you very much cheers take care take care so a good conclusion here at rehal let’s restock the key rings in the bom

    Bag hide one on this site and move on just shows do it how things can turn around it wasn’t going very well at all our patience was running th with them silly things about trespass and permission once you actually talk about it and resolve the concerns everything can end very well so

    Rehal thermal insulated pipin full water all that full water the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is just there if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want a key ring good luck with that and let’s move on

    Because all ended very amicably on this one so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. I watch your videos everyday and videos like this is why I do, really enjoyable. Keep up the good work. What a turn around thanks to Imogen. Ian is gonna love this.

    2. She can I please be your side kick ! I’d get rid of these idiots that talk shit ? I’d even wear a mask and my underpants on the outside ! πŸ˜‚

    3. They were poor ambassadors for their company. You were kind and forthright and they were not reciprocal. Although he warmed up when he came to understand that you were on the level, it is obvious that he was not a very nice person. Kudos to you for a job well done.

    4. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Pretty much all of "audit" videos make sure they are pissing people off for views. If they had a drone hovering over their mum's house..


    6. I’m a drone pilot and if I’m honest I find your videos damaging for all drone flyers, yes they can make good viewing but you antagonise people for your benefit and I ask myself after watching 2 or 3 of your videos that they are repetitive and boring, let people do what they need without being a nuisance.

    7. What a wonderful, wonderful lady. She makes me smile from ear to ear. I love her accent. I believe her name is Imogen. Beautiful name for a beautiful lady.

    8. You come across as an arrogant prick, with a know it all attitude and you know it. If your point of entry to open the conversation had way less of a patronising attitude and was not super dismissive then people would be way more open back.

    9. I’m watching from here in Seattle USA. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ wasn’t there a story about this same thing recently: drone, kid, lame drivel about his limited knowledge of laws, statues, and rights? Anyway the little smartass kid’s cell camera area got hit by something and it ruined the phone and the kid’s knuckles looked bad too. I was thinking how it would be pity if that suddenly happened outta blue. Camera stops, there’s no story, move on. Hmmmmm. So how about some coffee? Maybe I should cut back, since I wrote this in 5 seconds. No that can’t be it…..slurp! <cat smile>

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