Stuart Doyle & Chris Strother plan to cycle 3000 miles from Athens to Edinburgh in 2011

    This mornin and as it may be can see it’s pretty greatly horrible but the span of even five assistants Calvin cycle on for a bit as opposed to sent me the ten like it’s chucking it down and like it’s coming our way it ain’t gonna wait to come against at this point finally

    Oh [ __ ] name is comment but something’s gotta be Northland awareness what seems to be the amount of miles of her head I can never really remember how we call you there they were ended up cycling home from Athens the two of us but I remember the

    Days over the week’s the months cyclin I remember the Sun the heat the smells remember the gate camp and sports we had the fun that we had together I remember in Benton alive at night I remember the Sun sets set as fuels he will Grandpa to middlin laid by

    Strangers wondering why were camped in a field and I’m arrayed in the back of vans through tunnels I’ve annoyed the earth what was going on I remember talking to the camera a lot morning a lot for some reason but I remember having the time life I’ll never forget

    So day three only here as you can see our fire going classes descale and some fish this is where were camping tonight lovely little village actually and behind us I guess a fish factory where then somewhere just rocked up in the BM and it offered us a couple of fish told

    Us about the fire so we’re doing just that you’re what’s up and as you can see I’m shirtless a lot of cheap for all you ladies out there as aster swing-wing today you may also notice he’s back wheels missing yeah but job done just a punk John

    That’s his second than three DS now hey I were here in Croatia another new country yeah best yeah KOCO 5 of the trip so far on D 11 as we all know just now where you get the tent and stuff set up get done off that’s presently just after 6:00

    Yeah cleaned it just off our biggish main road quite high up actually yeah as high as we’ve been camping wise eyes but it said pretty face of cure safe on off at stews on dressing on the camel this week let’s go let’s go let’s do this massive big downhill

    Right we’ve not seen the sea and a couple of days so we’re in there Kuwait you are selling creature and as you can see we’re going up each show are down hell this on our Bay another claim on the other side that’s Mountain and the sea looks absolutely amazing the question people

    Always ask us is why why are you doing it what for were your reasons but when you’re going down a hill like this looking out to the sea you’re never thinking why you don’t question it you just go downhill with a smile on your face enjoying the

    Scenery I don’t know why we went out there to do this cycle I don’t know why Chris came along I don’t know why I went initially I don’t know what I was expecting from it I don’t know that I need to know that or that there was a

    Reason all I know is that I had an amazing time it was a great experience and I would do it all over again I guess the question I would ask that’s why not why are you doing that’s the question I’d ask hello given our beautiful campsite for

    The night there’s Chris show you around here we go nice little sort of quarry we’ve got going on here um weirds and tonight a good day a nice comfortable 70 miles and there’s the rain it’s been threatened and just spend we did get the tent up so it’s not too bad but

    Good morning one morning what a night it’s been so I’m smart as a special little interview we’re going to do our guest each other say hi hi so M Christopher a good deck detail there can you tell me what happened last night massive big storm no mass affects time so did you

    See big storm I mean you’re at home under exactly yeah I just mental I don’t know Wayne it kicked Bell to ear but I can just telling it down it’s okay and and it must have been really cool before they’re nice and relaxed and the tent was it that was sweaty as hell

    I was I was scared I’m not gonna lie am i was finally bullets I ba and the rain was getting through the tail and the staff to thin sheets yfr makes a pain is just not stop the enough for such a storm a battering and no kind of tree

    Shell or other as you can see that’s a paint drying off where’s our gear 810 in the morning I’m Jack o 8 10 8 miles gonna say if I was the only the apostate and but I just ever since way turbans way which is horrible despite the clothes way a bag way stuff

    Inside the snacks and all that way sleeping bags that’s more so than name I was shaken that call this well but got feeling that weight over me coming back on after the defeat by the way feet in a puddle of water hot but because because the water was spraying and dripping

    Through the sleeping bag on us like a deflection so not only was it warm and sweaty toilet water torture that’s what it was basically what it was like I had a third of the tailing Christine with two-thirds cup my legs gonna move my legs okay such as I’m but it was showing any

    Of it it was just why I’m back enjoying the dry side no pain because I have plus say this morning which was nice the hi this is what they though sleeping they take everything we’re just rubbish but I think I said plus say we’re gonna show very good and that’s it

    Good morning and as a good morning compared to yesterday no horrendous rainstorm everything very very happy so here we are the entrance to our campsite in singe Sanja map said singe everyone say it was no way about things I mean well okay here we are down by the

    Water follow the coast today I think around and down up towards Slovenia this is where we found last night it’s really sparse to camp on the left hand side it’s just the water will fall on the coast and the rates say it’s mountain and it seems a cobweb and it’s a it’s

    Just really sheer and there’s just nothing but we managed to come across this Nicola yesterday which was good was compromise everywhere it’s all over late find this lovely patch thought is great and then just sneakily and just see a thing yeah found this lovely bit great through hidden away and we were quite

    Close to the road but sheltered and nice and flat and game so so it’s good and this Chris it’s getting the tent down the good why he’s a good lad so you have to snuck through here last night and pitch the tent just in time I

    See it’s that ring a little bit but just fine I really good sleep for once and caught up a little bit should be good today on the roads hopefully maybe depending on where we are for lunch there close to the close to our a little gonna wash

    Today and it’s only been about I think five days so yeah be Jia a wash but you know as you can tell still looking beautiful but yeah that was a tough date of hella day that’s quite good there some quick good spirits considering the crappy innate and really rubbish model and change the

    Energy room to fix that game it’s pretty good how about you Christopher feels great it is how do you find yesterday you just said I’m just heading towards a safe man monocle what about a day and a half or a dino first our here we go there’s cover the entrance of

    A camp for this evening it’s just wing it right here look we’ve got just other temperatures are there were heading 30 31 and yes he’s wearing a fleece so here we are this is the camp situation tonight quite nice off the road that we would belong to do very very nice

    I must see just very Provence II will just say for that Provence region just beautiful just exactly what I expect it to look like get into this part of France so really really good good fun cyclin bonsoir dear we are in France lovely camping spot here by a road an

    Industrial site horrendous ceiling fans it’s just a very dry and just the wind as well is warm it’s just basically it we’re safe silent it’s the huge hair dryer they’d been stuck on bit hard to say call against that and it’s just boiling so this is quite tough wait

    Hello and it was a bit cooler nice to get a few miles done just over 16 which is respectable I guess but rubbish morning and a tough afternoon so why am i pretty rubbish dear but feeling better no the mozzies have stayed they want to leave it and just look for tomorrow get

    On the road shall I know find a place all good so first video blog from the tent the shell of the tail anyway why would you be a little gated – this is a summer save here the pillow make it ears stuff sack for the clothes I’m aware

    Some of the GoPro stuff I born where we’re going to listen to some wreckage of a small Ricky Gervais vodka new agent is a top for the morning and my back and here’s Chris that’s his sight he’s a same seems now the bag at the beasts

    Might dr. Dale hey hi Stuart dial here of European cycling so laughing but was a good day you’re gonna be fine though there has to be familiar to you from last night the inside of the tent bit dirty tonight but I said I will stop them tomorrow in Toulouse and the flames

    It’s fine clean everything so what are they toughest 80-mile was a probably done and possibly toughest one of the toughest days anyway I think of a whole trip which was unexpected coming to France three eighties were back heat hell’s of headwind heads window if nor [ __ ] had actually I wouldn’t even class anything

    Least that we had was a headwind at all was that a [ __ ] gentle breeze this was some head when blamed and I star Holt basically I still managed that he very tough miles in the morning them which was good there were biggest mornings somehow and the time that we’ve done it

    But I think both of us but certainly I peed foot and afternoon my legs were shorter than a few times I really struggled after lunch it was really hot again even by five we took a quick stop by the coffee where before pushing on for the night and getting camped it was

    Like twenty nine and a half degrees just ridiculous at five o’clock so I’ve got a what it really be an earlier on they have a tough dear but applied that solver rubbish camp tonight I’m at about an eleven degree angle so maybe snuggling up tonight although the Sharks are on

    Which is nice it’s not that hot and night anymore there was a I think maybe there was definitely one night one naked night anyway possibly more a norm in London that’s for sure there was a moment I was facing one week this was the other way

    Can I rolled about a rocked I felt a touched something but luckily yeah after investigating it was sleeping bag so that was nice but yeah gets loose sweets and wife this is a stopped just before lunch an hour a two for lunch after a nice relaxing couple of days at the grant

    They say to lose very nice spoiled rotten I thought Chris got spoilt ma man to something else we eat well at area just amazing especially considering what we’ve been used to barely barely nice very very good horses as well you know couldn’t mean they’re actually just saw nicer family

    That was really nice then it gets more flipped on the bake today hopefully seems like a not like this maybe this is the last connect hot day of the heatwave that having it’s meant to be an effete for today again it’s quite cloudy and overcast well what a difference a day

    Makes I guess not even a day a few hours we’re back on the road this morning in the right direction and the sudden again it’s pretty beautiful as you can see if you just say gonna win frontier lunch on a few gummi bears Isis very nice very nice cyclin but more

    Enjoyable from last few days exp due next week and road Oh Sookie Oh


    1. love the vid mate. inspires me to sell everything and go on a cycling adventure of my own. ive always wanted to do it but its hard finding people spontaneous enough to go with me. i dont mind solo touring but theres something special about having someone to share the journey with.

    2. Awesome journey, love watching others trips, bring back wonderful memories and offers tips and inspirations for new trips, great to see, I look forward to following on any other adventures of yours, keep it up!

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