So welcome everyone to a special episode of the Irish cycling show where we focus on the 2023 underage uh National cycling championships can’t hurt my head today we felt that they deserved their own show um which is only right yeah really and because there was a whole day’s racing

    And there was some cracker racing and um yeah so it’s a special show just for the underage absolutely or as I think we should call them is youth writers I think it’s technical term isn’t it they prefer these as deuts the Utes with the under eight uh Square wheelers

    Got all proceedings after a very good start in the female unreads are rinak Campbell uh bet Ava Connolly um for the win in another race race from Marion malvani from sleeve lucra yeah the most important races of the day these the under eights and the other sixes and the thunderous we moved on

    Them to the mail where we had uh Jackson Jennings we had Conor McGann and um dahi Hughes from square meters square wheelers are doing good stuff remember the photographs as well that they’re all and they’re they’re always you’re a big fan of the theater aren’t

    You I am actually a big faster kid yeah William please please I have square videos continue the grace as starts and proceedings but if a Campbell doesn’t win in another 10 Race from Molly Turner from Orwell and Caroline Collins from sleep Luger yeah in the other times I should have known this

    Um Benjamin Cunningham got the win and his brother is going to be coming up in a second and Benjamin got us from Jack McGann and from Square wheelers in Forts Josh Turner in fifth from Orwell and your favorite George cleverly and sometimes yeah cameraman for us in sixth place man

    George I I was like to leave George’s 72 kilometers over the weekend right now I did I think his father said one stage he changed his helmets and he actually just didn’t recognize him at all in the Under 12 girls race uh IRB RC Avenue National Champion Nisha cranion

    Yeah which is fantastic we chatted to our family there which is quite cool um and Aaron McChrystal um and Rose Linehan from sleeve lucra and Bel Oregon respectively and got that top three yeah well done to you all pretty pretty cool absolutely and moving on then to the under 12s and that four

    Mentioned Cunningham family he’s the only man to have uh be pushing grace young I think for the amount of wins this season because I think um yeah James must be on 400 at this stage he was great uh and and he’s all Nemesis uh you and Campbell the two of them went

    Acid again and um yeah it really was a good race and the guy with the coolest name with Irish cycling Rory McCool Square wheelers yes best names for kind of reason I didn’t meet him for a selfie or something like it’s easy as cool as

    His name uh as his name and implies and we’re done onto our predictions oh yes because they’re under 12s and down were non Championship race but if you want your International Champion like I don’t like when you’re involved in 15 years time you still say oh it’s not something

    Back in 2013. yeah yeah I know and there’s proof here’s the YouTube show for proof anyhow moving on to the under 14s the first championship race and then uh we thought it was going to be a good race and it was yeah it was a crack and cracking race heaven She’s a Class Act um and she proved to be class again um and yeah she did very very very well she’s she’s been stand out yes she uh got the winter and Eva Craig of BC Glendale she went about a minute and a half big big gap and my prediction Katie

    Turner finished entire Place yeah and our own club mates uh Orla mulhan’s affordable more important issues the first under 13 yeah which is class so it was on our left that’s a great weekend of the season right it was a good race she’s she’s fantastic Nisha Barn from

    Carlow was in fifth and then Maeve McCool another one of the McCool’s in six minutes aren’t they like you know onto the second amount of predictions yeah so the wonderful I don’t know why I’m introducing because I’m actually getting all these wrong yeah yeah I’m just picking them up which I shouldn’t be

    Doing so my prediction got to win another 14 race Hometown boy mean Crystal got as a win over Caleb McGreevy fantastic Grace um top-notch race absolutely Caleb had a nice Gap early on I thought body language I said read does not look like he has it uh Caleb looked like he had it

    But Caleb obviously blew the head gasket it happened so it’s all at some times the last lap I think they came off the last kind of he got back onto him and then uh it was it was yeah the last few Corners fantastic reason that’s what

    She wanted was Ryan’s Top Notch Caleb is top-notch yeah and turret as well film Korean um top notch that’s good reason the horsepower really goes up yeah it really does these boys are operating on a serious level yeah and Josh mccloon got Ford oh Davis got fit and dahi Clean

    From Colin got sixth place yeah and uh around James Logan uh came in yeah so so it was a good good race yeah anyway but Gracie is a big numbers in uh in the underage race and I think we had like 27 and that means I’m delicious

    Um when he’s literally he’s back here I am I’m sure he’s thrilled with that yeah yeah let’s make this weekend and under 16 girls then with another um we mentioned Hannah mcclory as being an amazing one on um Sunday yeah but definitely the winner of this has to be a stand-up performance yes

    Dominated this race she was just Clash I knew he was going to say classes she was class yeah and she she wrapped it around and and yeah it was a great ride um I don’t think anybody would have would have better uh defined it was happening on the day my prediction

    Gretel artist had a fantastic way to finish uh second she’s had a great season and it was a great battle for third place fate Robinson from Brave wheelers and Kate Murphy Oh no occasionally prediction um case uh finished in fourth place did a cracker case had a problem I think she

    Said her chain dropped at one stage and I heard Faith counting up and finish that she gave her a massive fright because she was in a real battle for that uh final step in the podium uh even Sharky from uh DJ Glendale was Fifth and Rihanna Dolan from cook Island yeah in

    Sixth place yeah carouseltering and Amy Flavin uh then rounded off that but it was a good race but um yeah she probably would be our Rider of the day uh yeah I think so I think so she won a really really well she just had a fantastic day

    Like you know uh then moving on to the big boys kind of literally um yeah I was standing beneath him absolutely um yeah but no surprise our prediction for both of us was uh Conor Murphy Oh we did actually yeah I called Conor of course but we bought new Conor was going

    To win this uh Dave put it up so I’m very much early on and that’s really good because David’s class and um actually if you take a look at the top 10 there’s a Savage amount of very very very good writers and but you kind of

    Have to go Conor yeah what David did yeah David and Curtis um Curtis McGee and there was a good battle at Tink there David had a bit of a gap on the Battle of her third and quartz McGee bet his teammate Ryan Daly into four players but I think Ryan was the

    First you know Carter single was also the Ryan was the first one place kind of under 15 and then Jack woods from Carlow continued his good year and he bet Cameron Henry and fion Killeen another of the clean family from Collins Club yeah but um we just kind of have to run

    Out of superlatives yeah for for Connor Murphy because he deserves it because yeah he’s a classic yeah he’s a lovely look actually all of the stone is a pound yeah they’re all it’s nice to see that there’s no um awkwardness or anything like that they’re just good

    Riders we had a team prized in that though I think as well Scott Price more group got to win from Carol CC VC Glendale and gory second cover Ford great C4 team prizes available in another 16 race gory SoundCloud in particular I know really worked massively hard on andrage a few years

    Ago they set up a grass League essentially like and that’s where these kids came into like a real estate environment and now they’re going upside cross and have their lives of room took me inciting forever and their parents will have no money so it went on Direct

    Web yeah so we’re great to see it and Carlo as well like you know it’s challenging the kind of more established clubs from up North oh yeah it is but it was it was I know if you can say it wasn’t it was a good day’s race and hard racing

    Um the whole way through uh but it was great great seats all looked too easy well done too one and to all great to meet you so many of you at the weekend and the mummies and daddies yeah so keep it up boys and girls thank you very much bye


    1. Nice one lads. A great future ahead for the sport with the terrific talent that we got to witness over the weekend. Fair play to ye for recognizing the hard work that the youths and their parents put in to keep Irish Cyclocross growing in popularity.👏👏

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