West Yorkshire Police knew of nine women who had fears for their safety before they were killed by a man they knew, BBC Newsnight has found.

    In two of the killings, the police did not conduct proper risk assessments when the women had reported domestic abuse to the force.

    The police said it has “implemented recommendations” and provided domestic abuse training to staff since the deaths of the women.

    BBC Newsnight’s Yasminara Khan has been investigating what happened.

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    Huddersfield September 2019 a 21-year-old University student has been violently stabbed multiple times in broad daylight I noticed two Miss calls from Bethany’s father I knew instantly there’s something I miss so I phoned him up straight away my first words were is Bethany okay he said I can’t tell you

    That I asked him where he was it’s home made down at Ellen Road police station we got inside this this room and I looked and I saw bethan his father absolutely in bits totally distraught and I kept saying to this this guy just tell me she’s okay and then he said the words

    That no parent ever wants to hear and should have to hear she didn’t survive her injuries and straight away I said it’s that Paul grow and then nodded and I said she came to you for help and they just put their heads down I died in that moment I

    Died the killer Paul Crowther Bethany’s former boyfriend was arrested in less than an hour after a short car chase Crowder was well known to the police over the previous seven years he had been arrested nine times under the mental health act but was never sectioned despite being the name suspect

    In domestic incidents with two different previous partners and had been served with a restraining order four years previously two days the coast Coast night cycle practice his victim Bethany fields and three other people had made complaints about his threats to harm or kill others in the four weeks before she

    Was killed BBC News night is aware that Bethany was at least one of nine women who were killed by a partner ex partner or a relative after they or a third party went to West yorshire Police regarding the perpetrator between 2019 and 2023 and in some of the cases the abuser

    Was known to the police experts say that the police amongst other things didn’t undertake risk assessments properly and families have told us that had the police responded appropriately these women might still be alive today in the case of the killing of Bethany Fields the police refer themselves to the independent office for police

    Conduct who found a number of failings including staff shortages a failure to properly use police intelligence to join the dots a failure to recognize that a serious crime of stalking and or coercive control had been potentially committed which could have led to an arrest and a failure to properly

    Complete a risk assessment which would have categorized Bethany as high risk the police Watchdog inquiry also found that the officer who had been left to look after the case was a probationary officer who had only been working without direct supervision for a period of two weeks it needed a senior officer but my

    Daughter put her trust her life in their hands as far as I’m concerned they failed my daughter West yire Police failed my daughter Professor Jane monton Smith is a forensics expert who has researched and written extensively on interpersonal violence and has advised a number of police forces including West

    Yorkshire people don’t always make death threats to each other that’s not a normal part of a relationship we know that in risk assessment all of the research is telling us that somebody starts talking about death in response to a a separation or a breakup that is potentially homicidal ideation you

    Need to use that information as well to inform your risk assessment and if they’re not doing that then that’s a real problem with the training if the risk assessment process itself isn’t effective it could be much worse than a waste of time it could actually put that person in more

    Danger Bethany’s family are not alone in saying West yorshire police let their daughter down last year newsight spoke with Yasmin Javid whose daughter FIA was murdered on a trip to Edinburgh when her partner pushed her off a cliff on Arthur’s seat killing her and her unborn

    Child he was convicted of her murder and later tried to appeal a sentence which was rejected Foria like Bethany had reported domestic abuse to West Yorkshire police in her case twice once in April 2021 1 and six days before she was killed in September the first time around that the

    Police came to see foosia um they told FIA that she was medium risk and then shortly after that they reassessed her and uh regraded to high risk and that was information that was never communicated to Folia or myself um which obviously would have made a big difference because FIA went back

    Thinking I’ll be fine the second time round the police officer that um came to take a statement from Folia she never communicated to foosia that now that she was going to leave the abuser she was at high risk and also the fact that she was pregnant she was at high risk had all

    This information been communicated to fos there is no way that FIA would have gone on that trip to edinb she was sensible she was sensible and she would have taken that on board she would never have put her life and her baby’s life at risk how does this all make you

    Feel really angry really upset F’s death could have been prevented I’ve lost my only child and her baby in horrific circumstances that’s something you’ll never get over today F’s baby would have been 2 years old an innocent life he never got to live West Yorkshire police told BBC News

    Night the circumstances prior to the murder of Foria Javid including the reports of domestic abuse that she made to West Yorkshire police are the subject of an ongoing domestic homicide review I think there were opportunities to prevent the deaths of FIA and Bethany and it wasn’t necessarily simply through

    The safeguarding of those two women but the management of those two men Karma Nana a charity based in West Yorkshire that deals with honor-based abuse has taken part in three domestic homicide reviews including the current inquiry into Foria Javid we see a repeat of key recommendations coming up time

    And time again of things that we need to do which you know by the time you’re in your third domestic homicide review you’re questioning why is the coming up as a recommendation West Yorkshire police told this program West Yorkshire police safe guarding governance have worked closely with kmen Avana over the

    Last two years the force has also been working with Professor Jan monton Smith in delivering conference and training courses around the E stages of domestic homicide West Yorkshire domestic abuse policy identifies threats to kill a previous history of domestic abuse and a history of mental heart and suicide as

    Warning markers which should result in a high risk assessment Bethany was assessed as being at medium risk just over two weeks before she was killed Bethany contacted police again about Paul Crowther who had been reported missing in a telephone call recorded and handed to the police Watchdog the iopc

    She said in all honesty he should have been sectioned a long time ago now in the last few months the amount of times I’ve spoken to the police when he has tried killing himself the amount of death threats he’s made West Yorkshire police told BBC News night as a result

    Of both a domestic homicide review and the iopc investigation conducted following Bethany’s murder West yorshire Police has accepted and implemented all recommendations raised through these reports when Bethany’s killer finally fac Justice he was given a manslaughter conviction for diminished responsibility and the judge ordered him to be detained

    In hospital as part of his minimum sentence of 12 years no way should have ever have been man slaughter it was premeditated murder is evil pure evil Wicked a master manipulator and a very very very dangerous man who should never ever be released never West Yorkshire police in their

    Statement told this program our sympathies go out to the families of Bethany fields and Foria Javid for the devastating and tragic losses they have suffered during summer 2023 the force trained 3,250 Frontline officers and staff in the domestic abuse matters training the police Watchdog concluded that despite a catalog of errors and

    Oversights it was impossible to say whether in Bethany’s case the tragic outcome could have been avoided but the families of the victims in West Yorkshire are still asking why were keyw warning signs overlooked and why couldn’t the police Act


    1. This is the problem with the police in the UK and in America that nothing is never done until it is too late. This young woman life could have been saved if they actually did their jobs. This is how Jack the Ripper got away with murdering and the Yorkshire Ripper though caught went on a killing spree. The fact that some police officers don't want to actually do their jobs because they don't want to do the paperwork as their job is to service and protect. Let me say it again SERVICE and PROTECT and yet some don't want to service and protect just go in do less paperwork get paid and go home. In retail they slap on the hand as a warning. A warning they have been given 5 times for stealing or assaulting the staff members. It is wrong.

    2. Time & again police around the world fail women in these situations. When are they going to start doing things responibly for women or any abuse victim for that matter.

    3. 12 years . . . . 12 years for stabbing a young woman to death. After a history of violence against women. It’s not diminished responsibility at all. It’s cold blooded murder

    4. The ethnic women are not telling the truth about their abusive husbands they sugar coat everything and lie bold in the officers faces all because of culture and pressure from families a lot them are also terrified to be alone and super obsessed wit their abusive husbands so the fore we here cases like this and we wonder why police didn’t help well that’s why they do not tell the truth about the abuse

    5. the problem is some of these policemen are also abusers and therefore will not bother with such cases leaving already vulnerable women at risk of harm. This is terrible.

    6. I don't believe in rating risk, low, medium or high. Risk is risk, and women and children living in abusive environments are always at risk of being killed despite these useless rating scales.

    7. A woman down the road was arrested a few years ago. She called 999 because she saw, through her window, some men assaulting a beat police officer in the street outside. The men had disappeared by the time of back-up police arrrival. They didn't catch the assailants, but during her witness statement in her own home, the police arrested her for owning 25g weed. They had smelled a vague scent in the air, used that as a basis for a search and found it in her knicker draw in her bedroom. She was hancuffed, dumped unceremoniously into the back of a police car and taken away. She suffered from MS. She arrived back home the next day in a taxi, weeping and in acute pain. The police had refused her both medication and medical assistance during her overnight stay at the police station. They didn't even give her anything to eat or drink.

    8. You KNOW why – he is a police informant – its the ONLY people who always get away with tis sort of stuff – there are peopl elike him all over birmingham – tattoo on neck seems to be common.

    9. Some years ago, I myself asked the police for help when myself and my 3 small children where being stalked by an ex , the police told me there was nothing much they can do until it's too late….the man used to get into my home when I wasn't there and do things , take things etc, the police never even investigated him, i later found out the man had a history of stalking his ex partners and had even been arrested for abduction, accused of attempted murder….
      We lived in fear, everyday , it took over a year until he became bored and moved onto his next victim…
      I done everything I possibly could to protect my children and myself, we got no help from anyone, thankfully we survived and im greatful every day for that because there are so many who have been failed by the police and have died .
      If you are a working class person, in fear of your life , protect yourself, because the police only protect the wealthy and famous people…

    10. Not surprised, only 10% of the police force are women, not shocked we're not taken seriously when we ask for help. That's my experience.

    11. All our public services are horrendously underfunded and understaffed, not to mention institutionally misogynistic, racist and clueless about hate crimes. That’s not to say individuals are all bigoted but the systems and procedures they work to are outdated and based on blame the victim mentality. You can’t change anything for the better with government political interference and no investment

    12. If the people knew the amount of death threats and suicide attempts that are reported each day..thousands. The drug problems in the UK are using up so much police manpower and resources, Drugs are often the cause of these mental breaks in sick patients. It seems to be an ever growing threat to society, Dont blame the police, blame the thousands of alcoholics and drug addicts that are wasting police time every day. And don't say they need help and cannot get it. That is absolutely NOT true. I know, I've seen it all.

    13. DV needs to be prioritised. Funding for specialist police ho be trained in recognising risk and protection of victims is obviously so, so overdue. These mothers talking about thete murdered daughters is heartbreaking. When the lady said her grandchild would have turned 2… Oh, I cannot imagine what they have gond through and continue to go through. Tragically, it appears that there murders could have been avoided with the proper response from police.
      Putting a brand new police officer 2 weeks into unsupervised work on a DV case is beyond irresponsible.

    14. I'm afraid it is not only the British police is useless, in Poland we have enormous problem with domestic violence, 80% of victims are women, police do nothing until tragedy is occur. Last week in the center of Warsaw there was horrible, brutal crime: girl 25years old was brutaly raped on the street and the surveillance recording shown that there were people on the street who saw everything and could help but no one did. Girl died in hospital. Police quicly found the man but I'm angry at people who chose not to help .

    15. Honestly,I don't know what the Police do all day,I've reported crime several times and get robbed off because they couldn't be bothered, 😔 People are fed up with the inaction of the Police/Police forces.🤬

    16. I'm shocked and disheartened to hear the sad losses of the victims and the suffering to all family and friends 🙏 but the shocking truth is that I know a handful of people who are persistent criminal and mental disorders are freely walking our streets after their release from the institutions, without supervision. There is no funds!! Yet there are thousands of illegal immigrants being housed in hotels and cared for. ?? Beggars belief.

    17. Does show how bad Pakistani men are in uk n I’m Pakistani the men have lost the plot to do that fellow Pakistani women someone’s daughter

    18. The Police couldn't act because your talking about pre crime idiots. The management of those men. No it will be management of people and these things will still happen as often

    19. this is not new it has happened again and again the police just do not do anything, then after people are dead they are sorry and hold a investigation. IT will happen again and again until you disband the police.

    20. I completely understand the anger and frustration. These poor women do everything they are told to do but are dismissed, you know because the womenfolk are hysterical / over reacting. Written by formerly deemed "emotional" woman from Australia. Luckily it's a large country with a lot of old mine shafts.

    21. "But was never sectioned" is misleading, if you commit criminal acts but following assessment do not have a mental health condition its for the police to handle.

    22. A recurring theme in these cases is that the police were already aware of the issues before the tragedies. Too many times, the police are called, but they do not follow up.

    23. I get fed up with listening to the same excuses, they can't do anything till they do something to the person. Our police are not fit for purpose.

    24. Too late , police are fkn useless, I have non stop harrassment from a stalking pervert who lives below me, sexual included , he a now involved the junkies having them gain access to my flat climb on my balcony trying doors getting in windows etc. I've been trying for four years with Greenwich council, police etc. Theirs no reason for it & it's not normal to be doing sick things that he has. He's a convincing liar so they do F ALL. The amount of stress it's caused me, recently he s increased the trouble so I no that I will have to deal with it myself as I can't rely on the police. They are useless.

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