Ein Kurs in Wundern
    T. -K.14.VI. 3
    ERSCHIENEN im Greuthofverlag
    herausgegeben von der Foundation for inner peace
    gelesen und erklärt von Andreas Weissweiler
    Inhaltsangabe und Gliederung:

    00:16 – Einleitung und Begrüßung

    Beginn des Treffens mit dem Heiligen Geist
    Einführung in Kapitel 14 “Lehre für die Wahrheit” aus “Ein Kurs in Wundern”
    Betonung der Bedeutung der inneren Führung
    01:24 – Feedback-Runde

    Teilnehmer teilen ihre aktuellen Gefühle und Gemütszustände
    Betonung der Bedeutung von Freude und Entspannung
    02:31 – Fortsetzung der Feedback-Runde

    Weitere Teilnehmer teilen ihre Gemütszustände
    Betonung von innerer Freude und Gelassenheit
    03:40 – Feedback des Moderators

    Der Moderator teilt seinen eigenen Gemütszustand und seine Dankbarkeit
    Betonung der Wichtigkeit, den Moment zu genießen und die Führung des Heiligen Geistes zuzulassen
    04:44 – Beginn der Textlesung und Erklärung

    Der Moderator beginnt, einen Abschnitt aus “Ein Kurs in Wundern” vorzulesen
    Betonung des Loslassens des Verlangens nach Verständnis und des Zulassens des Wissens
    Diskussion darüber, wie das Unwissen als Glaube an etwas, das nicht existiert, definiert wird
    06:00 – Die Unmöglichkeit des Unwissens

    Betonung der Unmöglichkeit des Unwissens in Gottes Sicht
    Die Bedeutung, die Führung des Heiligen Geistes anzurufen
    07:05 – Diskussion über widersprüchliche Standpunkte

    Betonung der Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung des Unwissens zwischen Gott und dem Ego
    Das Konzept, dass die Unwissenden nur existieren, wenn wir an ihre Existenz glauben
    08:23 – Betonung der Projektion

    Das Konzept, dass wir die Unwissenden als separate Wesen außerhalb von uns selbst sehen
    Die Bedeutung der Erkennung, dass es keine Trennung gibt
    09:36 – Feedback-Runde zur Reflexion

    Teilnehmer teilen ihre Gedanken und Erkenntnisse
    Betonung der Wichtigkeit, in der Gegenwart und im Wissen zu sein
    10:42 – Fortsetzung der Feedback-Runde

    Weitere Teilnehmer teilen ihre Empfindungen und Erkenntnisse
    Betonung von innerer Freude und Gelassenheit
    11:49 – Moderator-Feedback

    Der Moderator teilt seinen eigenen Gemütszustand und seine Dankbarkeit
    Betonung der Wichtigkeit, den Moment zu genießen und die Führung des Heiligen Geistes zuzulassen
    12:58 – Die Bedeutung des Wissens im Hier und Jetzt

    Betonung des Konzepts, dass Wissen im Hier und Jetzt vorhanden ist, ohne Verzögerung oder Ablenkung
    Die Erkenntnis, dass die Kommunikation mit Gott konstant und permanent ist
    14:13 – Die Unmöglichkeit der Trennung

    Betonung der Tatsache, dass die Unwissenden nicht existieren
    Die Bedeutung, die Führung des Heiligen Geistes anzurufen, um Klarheit zu erlangen
    15:19 – Betonung der Einheit

    Die Notwendigkeit, die Einheit mit Gott und allen Wesen zu erkennen
    Das Konzept, dass die Erkenntnis auf das eigene Selbst angewendet werden sollte
    16:28 – Die Rolle der Heiligen Geist-Führung

    Die Bedeutung, sich dem Wissen hinzugeben und die Führung des Heiligen Geistes zuzulassen
    Das Verständnis, dass es in der Gegenwart keine Probleme gibt
    17:32 – Betonung der Erkenntnis

    Die Erkenntnis, dass Gott Licht ist und keine Probleme schafft
    Die Freude, in Gott und im Wissen zu sein
    18:44 – Pause und Vertiefung des Verständnisses

    Ein Moment des Innehaltens und der Reflektion
    19:57 – Fortsetzung der Erklärung und Diskussion

    Die Bedeutung von Gottes Wissen und die Unmöglichkeit des Unwissens in Gottes Sicht
    Die Rolle der Heiligen Geist-Führung in der Korrektur von Ablenkungen
    21:02 – Klärung des Begriffs “Unwissende”

    Betonung, dass die “Unwissenden” nicht existieren
    Das Erkennen, dass es keine Trennung gibt
    22:09 – Vertiefung des Verständnisses

    Die Wichtigkeit, das Wissen im Hier und Jetzt zu akzeptieren
    Das Bewusstsein, dass die Kommunikation mit Gott konstant ist
    23:12 – Die Kraft des Glaubens und der Vorstellungskraft

    Die Fähigkeit des Glaubens, etwas als real zu erschaffen, das nicht existiert
    Die Erkenntnis, dass wir in einem Traumzustand sind
    24:21 – Die Bedeutung der Wachsamkeit für Gott und sein Reich

    Die Notwendigkeit, auf Gottes Reich zu achten und es zu bevorzugen
    Die Führung des Heiligen Geistes in der Korrektur von Ablenkungen
    25:27 – Die Wirkung der Wachsamkeit

    Die Erkenntnis von Ablenkungen und die Bereitschaft, sie zu korrigieren
    Die Betonung der Wichtigkeit der Gegenwart und des Wissens
    26:36 – Reflexion über die Bedeutung von “Unwissenden”

    Die Erkenntnis, dass es in Wahrheit keine “Unwissenden” gibt
    Die Bedeutung der Anrufung des Heiligen Geistes für Klarheit
    27:51 – Wiederholung des Konzepts der Einheit und Wachsamkeit

    Die Einheit mit Gott und allen Wesen
    Die Führung des Heiligen Geistes in der Wachsamkeit
    28:58 – Betonung der Bedeutung von Gottes Wissen

    Die Gewissheit, dass Gottes Wissen ausreicht
    Die Freude, in der Gegenwart von Gottes Wissen zu sein
    29:18 – Fazit und Schlussbemerkungen

    Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Erkenntnisse aus dem Text
    Ermutigung zur Hingabe an Gottes Wissen und die Führung des Heiligen Geistes
    30:09 – Ende der Sitzung

    Abschluss und Abschied

    [Music] hello and a wonderful  morning good morning here in   the meeting the Holy Spirit and his [Music] guidance yeah [Music] we start with chapter 14 teaching for truth R Romans 7 sharing perception with the Holy Spirit paragraph three from A Course in Miracles their foundation for inner  peace published by foundation for inner

    Peace we are com feedback we come to the feedback [Music] ground how do you feel in this [Music] moment I feel good I feel [Music] Joy thank you and we connect  for some seconds with your feedback feed we come to the next feedback  Sab ref Sabina how do you feel in this

    [Music] moment for this I feel good  relaxed and there’s also a little bit of Joy thank you Sabina and we connect  for some seconds with your [Music] feedback next feedback we come to the next feedback Juna do you feel in this moment  I feel like like a little kid very happy   and joyful like on a playground in  my heart I feel like an explosion of Joy wow yeah thank yes wow so thank you jamuna and we  connect for some seconds with your feedback okay we come to my feedback moment I feel very well grounded in this moment I feel peace and relaxation in my

    Mind we had some technical problems which we could  resolve and I’m glad that this didn’t trigger me and then we connect for some seconds with my feedback let’s start with reading and the explanation first I start reading the

    Paragraph and you can relax and lean back  and let go from the wanting to understand and let knowledge Dawn In You  by letting go and surrender as is can it is not possible to  conceive the the unknowing that they Know these are clearly opposite View  points on what the the unknowing are here God is to God unknowing is impossible it is therefore not a point of view at  all but merily a belief in something that does not

    Exist it is only this belief that the  unknowing have and by it they are wrong about themselves they have defined  themselves as they were not created their creation was not  a point of view but rather a certainty uncertainty brought to certainty  does not retain any conviction of reality

    We are we came to the end of this paragraph  and we let it sink in for a moment and extend yeah that’s so that’s  righten feedback on the Comm let’s come to the second feedback round how do you feel in this moment I feel quiet and relaxed

    Thank you we connect for  some seconds with you in your feedback get next feedback we come to the next feedback sap how do you feel right  now in this [Music] moment wish and SP this quiet relaxed and joyful thank you Sab and we  connect for some seconds in your feedback

    We come to jamuna how do you feel in this moment I feel like like like a little  buddha in my heart very happy very like just like Buddha to like very joyful thank you jamuna and we  connect for some seconds with your feedback

    Then we come to me I feel good I feel in peace and grateful and we connect for some seconds okay then we come to the  explanation of this paragraph three and you can sit back can let go of wanting  to understand as though wanting to have on the

    Of and let the knowledge Dawn in you it is not possible to convince the unknowing does the can that they know this is maybe something we  have already experienced once that there might be something like a state in and where you are in knowledge but not your brother this would

    Mean that you would need to convince your brother that also he is in the knowing when we now look a bit more closely  then we see that this is a little trick from the ego and it is the trick of my ego  Le this OS and not an ego which is

    Outside as we have learned here in our course we are supposed to learn to  see the Christ in everything and everybody and how Christ cannot know this is not possible that your brother does  not know do against while you know it has to be like this that you don’t

    Know you in this case have  to ask the holy spirit for guidance when you see your brother that way so nobody else has to learn something from you but only you yourself so you could say I am sitting here and only learn myself

    That point I would have to ask  myself but why am I doing this at all then the answer would have to be can it’s because apparently  I still do not believe to know so I it seems to be like this that  I still believe I have to teach this to

    Myself and so it is if I can believe this if I can admit  this to myself good then it’s already good then the knowing already can overflow and I can let go of needing to do something I can simply step back and let him lead the way and relax completely into this

    Moment because there’s nothing to do all standards of quality are falling apart which normally I have to cling to YouTube for instance to create a sensible  YouTube channel that’s by the way that’s only he said by the way yeah  this is only like on a second place that’s simply is an

    Example we come to the next sentence from their point of view it is not true while yet it is true because God knows it these are definitely two  contradictionary standpoints in relation to what the unknowing are not ah these are  clearly opposite viewpoints on what the unknowing are

    At that point we have to think about who are these unknowing who are they they are those which are often mention mentioned  as those it is in text in this text they are not like another  group or something like this

    For instance we could think they maybe  belong to another group of a belief system so it’s a nice belief to think ah we here  in this group of believers in of the causing miracles to think like this this is a  sweet thing of the ego thought system

    Here and the other ones in the  other group they are thinking wrongly and maybe maybe this other  group is actually the rest of the world z so check your thinking if this  is maybe if this could maybe be like this because those are them they are not the other group what are they

    Then did you already realize it I could make a feedback round and ask I could also give myself the answer and I could also step  back and let him lead the way what is the correct answer a b or c

    And I think you would give the answer in  the feedback round number c is the correct answer because we do not know it they do not exist those or they who are mentioned  here as the unknowing do not

    [Music] exist but we cannot answer this  question ourselves like how we try now with our ego that would be the same like to say something  try to imagine try not to imagine a pink elephant if you try to do this exercise  you will notice that you will see the Pink

    Elephant so by the ego thought system  you cannot avoid to see the others outside those who seem to be the unknowing because it is a projection when you see those who are seemingly  the unknowing if you see them in the outside then for instance in the task of the day you could

    Say I have to be confused and therefore I ask  the holy spirit for guidance and then Clarity will come back into your mind meaning Clarity will come back into my mind Clarity will come back  into the mind of the Son of God he will be given

    Back and therefore also me  Tex for we go on with the text the half the last half sentence was while God as a because God knows it so it is completely sufficient that God knows it do can it is completely sufficient  that God knows that you are

    Knowing this the Holy Spirit can do with us and you will find yourself  immediately back into your joy you do not have anymore a  problem of conviction of convincing these are clearly opposite viewpoints on what the unknowing are to God unknowing is impossible and for us it should be the [Music]

    Same if we accept this thought completely then this it means  impossible for everybody then we don’t see anybody else as not able to know engl well this is now a German thing so Andre says to   know is maybe here not the right  word because it is about knowledge

    Know it is therefore not a point of view at all  but merily a belief in something that does not exist we can look at this word point of view now we could we can look at it a bit more closely because this expression point of view  expresses from where I see something okay

    Okay I think we are going to make a little break  here at this point and let this sink into our mind we see each other in a few minutes I continue read [Music] according we stopped at the expression at point of

    View when our point of view is  from the ego meaning from our body then it’s easy to believe we see somebody else somebody who could not be one with God and the reflection of this could let us  believe that also we ourselves would not be but only a belief in

    Something you see in this that by a  belief by our belief we can make it true we can make it true real in a form of a fantasy something what does not exist we are we are dreaming we are dreaming about something could also believe  that that there is a delay

    Existing for instance that there could be a delay in which the information on here not do came comes from here to there the the information does not need any time is it is there instantly that means that knowledge and I mean with this the knowledge of God and the knowledge of

    Myself in this moment the thought dies it is there immediately and this always in the Here and Now and only in the Here and Now science the information does not need any [Music] time to come from God to me and to everything what is there the Eternal Light Of God

    Is in this moment one with me is and with everything what there is let’s feel Within maybe you can notice now or maybe I can feel now that it can be easy to be in the here and now without any disturbing or distracting thoughts therefore it can also be easy for

    Me to be in knowledge now without any distraction and delay and without any disturbance and the communication will never be interrupted and that means it is a constant it is permanent that means I have a lot of luck I do not need to solve all those

    Problems on which I was maybe one moment go still thinking because I’m in God now God doesn’t make any problems for me he is only light this is enough it is only this belief that the unknowing have the unknowing ones we  are only when we believe it to be

    And the emphasis is on we not the others we have it in one  moment yeah in one moment of distraction that’s why the sentence goes like this be vigilant only for God and his kingdom and by it they are wrong about themselves and by it they are wrong about

    Themselves where did the not come from I was Vigilant and I know noticed  that I was reading not wrong about themselves and this Vigilant  we let us give from the Holy Spirit under the guidance of the Holy Spirit  we let give we let this vigilance be given to us we immediately see

    Distractions and we give it into the correction to the purification process of the Holy Spirit they have defined themselves is it not sweet that it always seems  to be like this that they would be outside of us because also here in the course  it’s said they have defined

    Themselves how can we realize  that actually it is about us how would the son of God  realize that it is about him well it will work in some way as they were not created and again there is this word they what a big confusion their creation was not a point of

    View and again there’s this word there but rather a certainty and now they come back to him in this moment where here is the word certainty here uncertainty is brought to certainty their creation was not a point of view but rather a certainty uncertainty brought to certainty does not retain any conviction of

    Reality we are at the end of this  paragraph and let it sink for a moment inside witness it and we let it  sink and Dawn in us that here   in the course it said that we are  all the time the whole time in the

    Knowing and in the course  it’s said the whole [Music] time from the beginning to the end in each moment so how do we manage not to hear that and to tell ourselves something else so let this paragraph be extended feedback on the we come to the feedback round

    How do you feel in this moment I feel a kind of relieved I  feel more light and joy is extending thank you niia and we connect  for some seconds with your feedback some next feedback we come to the next  feedback Zina how do you feel in this moment Sabina maybe check your mind okay see un it’s we have [Music] okay there’s   no answer in this moment and we connect  for some seconds in spirit with [Music] Sab we come to jamuna jamuna  how do you feel in this moment I feel light very jovial not  sure like I’m not sure they  

    Know what that means um like happy thank [Music] you thank you jam and Rec  connect for some seconds in your feedback feed come we come to my  feedback still on I’m still I’m   quiet and [Music] grateful I am happy  to let you go into your day and talk in day born into [Music]

    Christ the opening of the [Music] heart okay all in the same time one 2 [Music] three spread the love [Music] byebye love ones see you bye bye helloa

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