Today I visit the Manchester International Freight Terminal in Trafford Park.

    The gate was wide open, so I went for a nosey to see what was happening there. It was an interesting place, and I had a couple of interactions which were also interesting – including one where a loud obnoxious security man tried (and totally failed) to incorrect me and put me in my place 😂

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    You should be in this s why should be we pay £1,000 the year security so what are you doing here no no no listen yeah no you can’t you can’t mean whatever whatever whatever blah blah blah blah it wasn’t blah blah blah it was very specific listen listen next time don’t

    Come if you come here you get arrested all right what I won’t get arrested you get arrested you’re talking absolutely rubbish mate talking rubbish what are you do Here hey hey a aits back with another video so today I’m taking a look at the Manchester International freight terminal which is at uh Trafford Park so the road gate shut but The Pedestrian gate is wide open so I’m going to go and take a look yeah the only uh signage here

    Regarding access is this blue one on my left saying pedestrian route um there’s nothing at all to say it’s um no Public Access an open gate so I’ve got absolutely no idea what’s down here so uh I’m right down the far end I can’t go any further in the background

    There that is um Old Trafford Manchester United’s uh Manchester United stadium so there’s no signs here to say what this unit is but they’re are just unloading a truck at the moment so not much happening there we’ll keep walking down and uh have a look at the next unit there so doors are

    Open I think uh that looks like a gearbox on a pallet oil drums and some big wooden boxes some uh trucks being fixed by the looks of it so pets and container and the bay there for loading so yeah loads of uh recycling going on there but all the bay doors are short

    There’s tires gas bottles and stuff up on the troles there oh that cool like uh some beds or something on wheels sorry there’s a truck right behind me I couldn’t hear what you said what are you doing I’m just staring a cycle around to see what I can see what you videoing our

    Building for I’m filming all the buildings why because I’m interested in what goes on down there not I don’t mean that but who are you I’m just a member of the public you just random public yeah I’m just a member of the public CU there’re

    A problem you should be in this site why shouldn’t be in this site we pay on ,000 year security okay well they’ve left the gate wide open meaning this is a public place this isn’t a public place well the gates are open so that means it is you

    Shouldn’t be in here section 33 of the criminal justice act States clearly if the place is access I’m trying to explain it to you I know sweeti I’m only one I’m only interested because we pay for security I get that because people steal things all right I’m not a thief

    If that’s what your concern is so well I know but you and I’m thinking well she might be ching The Joint and somebody will B in I’ve I’ve got no interest in anything like that yeah know you want to stand ass TI of it I do but if I can

    Just uh because we’ve had we’ve had Lads on bikes yeah doing that asking for such and such a place casing The Joint up I’m not casing The Joint at all you know that’s how they probably got robbed the other week right Dy T did yeah that’s a

    Shame and they’re a custom site right I about to go and tell them actually that there’s a customs oh sorry customs in that building a bit go hotel right because they don’t like people just driving around well they need to keep the Gat shut then don’t they well no because it is

    A in and out I’ll tell what’s I’m going to do I’m just going to put this I’m going to start recording with that one cuz I’ve got something in the bag I’d like you to see actually this this will help you to help you to understand it a

    Little bit better which basically gives me the legal right to just come in here like this let’s have a look there it is right so I I’ll carry a few documents with me okay this is the copy of the criminal justice act section 33 so the definition of a public place okay

    Includes any highway or premises uh which at the time the public have or are permitted to have access so if the gates are open that means it’s publicly accessible which means that I can basically go through as a member of the public so if they ask me to leave I’ll

    Leave but uh yeah like even pulled here and that’s where you’re going nothing no like said there’s no there’s no nefarious reason why I’m here I’m literally no that’s fin I like coming to places and filming that’s what that’s what I do understand why we yeah yeah I I get that

    Because we have all the people stock in there they’re not ours uhhuh we’re a storage warehouse and we’re a storage Warehouse yeah yeah one of those pallets there uhhuh is worth thousands of pounds if anything goes wrong all that goes yeah in the night when somebody comes in

    Trying to break in I have toay for him not insurance we have to pay for him commercial decision or you lose customers yeah and it’s cost us l m i I appreciate where you’re yeah I appreciate where you’re coming from what what I do is I go around industrial

    Areas cuz I I’ve just got an interest in industrial areas that’s what I do it’s my hobby um and I film to see what’s going on film The Stand if you’re filming inside our warehouse I do well then again if you have your shutters down I can’t do that that we can’t cuz

    We load wagons all day long well yeah like I said the gates are open I’ve just come straight in um and you know I’m pull that I’m surprised I’m surprised dav’s Turner allowed do that literally all I do is a film see what I can see and then I’m on my

    Way I’m on my way to them next so yeah I’m just uh slowly making my way down it’ss like anything else we have to stamp everybody out in and out yeah yeah well like I say that document there that that’s a copy of the up toate law

    Around what public place is defined as so um because they’ve left the gates open nobody’s come to stop me or the the The Pedestrian access was wide open door that’s not pedestrian though that’s bike I was walking when I came through why don’t you leave the bike outside cuz

    That’s the mode of Transport you’re not a pedestrian anymore yeah but once they coming oh but that that doesn’t really matter it does bik which isn’t you can get away a lot quicker on a bike than you could on your walking it doesn’t really matter it’s like I came through

    The Pedestrian as a pedestrian pedestrian gate is pedestrian because it you’d have to be very careful yeah so I’m wearing high jacket I’m wearing a high heart everybody around I mean have a look at yourself one second what you just said there you’re not wearing any kind of protective equipment I’ve got a

    Helmet you know so you can’t just say to me you’re worried about my health and safety when you’re not wearing any way used to the traffic in here yeah that right I know near knocks me over every single day but then again I’m does

    50 m an hour once he goes over that bump yeah but I’m acutely aware of around me my my my surroundings and uh I am completely responsible both for my own health and safety that’s okay so yeah anyway I’m just going to carry on doing what I’m

    Doing it’s been nice chatting with you it’s is I’m not trying to be awward it’s just I wanted to know what you were doing yeah I’ll just film cuz I’m interested so so you’re just a storage Depot I’m just a storage warehouse for other people I have a responsibility to keep

    Their stuck yeah safe and people who are driving around aren’t necessarily or who are in here without any reason to be here other than being nosy which basically what it isn’t you just want to look absolutely um then I have a responsibility to them to keep their stock safe yeah not all of

    It is things like that which goes out in we have little passes like that that go on little Vans yeah to people’s houses yeah yeah and no worries £10 din set uhuh that weighs about 4 kilos could easily be picked up and just wi out with it yeah I

    Okay anyway I’m going to crack on so have a good day all right a see you right so there’s that one let’s have a look at the next building so they’ve got rolls of something in the containers there they look like uh spindles that something goes on

    To I’m going to get out of the way here cuz there’s uh trucks wanting to maneuver so I don’t want to be any kind of uh an obstruction there so we’ve got um coming up as a DHL Warehouse there’s lots of a palletized uh liquid containers in there so I’m guessing

    These tankers are unun loading and then fill up the crates to be distributed but I can’t see any of what they’re up to and it’s uh a DHL site so in the cages there there the uh tubes Pipes big stack of the liquid containers there right so that white car there

    That’s the lady I just spoke with who’s a bit concerned but there’s nothing really to be concerned about with me okay this one’s all closed up can’t really see anything so this is the uh the one that she she said would have a problem with me being here well let’s uh

    Let’s find out shall we if uh see if anybody comes out to have a chat with me or if they just leave me alone oh this is a bit of a brutal speed hump so IJ Migel transport so that’s the uh the officers not a lot happening around here

    For uh such a big a big area that so David turn the transport so there we go let’s uh walk back out the way that I walked in got security coming out here that’s quite funny hello oh am how are you I’m very good how are you yeah good where you

    Coming from that way where where where where that way are you a staff no so what are you doing here I’m a member of the public to public which up of the public this is a private property yeah but you left the gate open so I’ve walked in this is for pedestrian it’s

    Not meant for you and I walked in I’m a pedestrian but you supposed to you supposed to stop here first there was no sign to say that no no no listen yeah I saw you when you are going I tried to call you I was attending to somebody

    Right yeah you can’t you can’t call me this a private property understand when come there’s no signs to say that though is there no no no but you cannot come here because you don’t have anything to do here okay I’m going to I’m going to

    Say I can and I no you can’t can you can’t can you show me can you show me the authority show me yeah what do you want to deal with that no no no I don’t need to show me show me show me let me have

    It right so just let me talk without interrup without interrupting me and I’ll I’ll explain it to you okay one second please one sec let me just uh find it again I’ll quite happly Explain the law to you with this okay right so first of all I’m not up to

    Anything dodgy okay why are you filming because that’s my interest I like priv hang on can you come inside you said you want to interrupt no no I’ll stay outside okay can you me one all right right right so so like I say if you can just let me talk without

    Interrupting I’d really appreciate that super um right so basically that’s I said can you come over here yeah yeah all right your your all right I’ll come on over my bag comes with me though right it’s my hobby okay is exploring um industrial areas that’s

    What I do okay so I’m not up to anything dodgy as they said are you casing the place out no I’m not okay so first of all let’s just put that one to bed cuz I’m not up to anything uh dodgy or anything thank you yeah right so this is

    A section of law okay this is called the criminal justice act section 33 Okay Okay the the bottom bit that starred there which defines what a public place is so if it’s accessible to the public as in a gate left open with no signage to say there’s no Public Access and

    Stuff like that it is by law defined as a public place can I make it can I make a copy help yourself okay so when I got here I’m coming yeah yeah so when I got here on the gates there’s nothing to say like no Public Access it’s just saying pedestrian

    Entrance so I got off my bike walked through and then uh continued down to the end yeah and just had a little Noy to see what’s going on okay and I’m going to be on my way yeah and that’s it that’s it and why are you feeling because that’s what I do I’m

    Hello David there’s a lady here yeah she’s trying to F in the other units look she’s with me she’s with me here so I’m trying to questioning her that why are you filming she said there’s no there’s no um there’s no sign that you shouldn’t come in with whatever

    Whatever whatever blah blah blah blah it was it blah blah blah it was very specific so where are you now where are you where are you Tois where are you okay if you can make it oh yeah I’m coming hold on one second pleas there sign right so

    Uh what I’m going to have to do is I’m going to show the road outside is public including the section up to the gate and tell him I’m going to get a drone over ifz he’s making such a big fuss about me just being here on foot or on

    Bike um let’s see how reacts to a drone right I’ll tell you what I’m going to do next okay on there’s a sign here come on let me show you sorry can I just yeah yeah yeah I want to show I want to show you what I’m about to do next all right

    Look at it this is a pedestrial asset for the staff oh not for visitors where does it say staff listen this St the staff knows that this death there’s no sign saying no public they need they don’t need to put sign because the sou knows where it

    It doesn’t specify but you can listen listen next time don’t come if you come here you get arrested all right what I won’t get arrested you get arrested should I tell you why you try it again tomorrow you get arrested anyway I’m going to say no no no no no I want to

    Address what you just said I’m a bus it’s a very I’m busy yeah yeah I get that but trespass is a civil matter okay not criminal therefore I won’t get arrested don’t come here again okay I don’t need to look anything here that’s a public road just here this is not a

    Public road no that there no that is a public road this is not a public road yeah that’s what I’m saying over here is a public road a public road this is not a public road this is a private private please listen to me one second okay the

    Reason why I’m telling youing telling you it’s a public road which it says there this one is not a public it’s because I’m going to to stand over there and I’m going to take a drone over so next time we come here we get arrested anyway get report it to the

    Police I’ll tell you what let’s so let’s put that to the test shall I if I come back here and come back in let’s see if I get arrested you can’t come back here again yeah I I’m not here you I’m here you can’t go in because you see I’m busy

    Now well you said I’m going to get arrested so get arrested get arested you get arrested it’s a civil matter please don’t push it don’t push it too far you’re talking Absolut rubbish mate talking rubbish what do you do here why what do you want no you’re talking

    Rubbish because it’s a trespass is a civil matter not criminal okay so what you’re saying isn’t correct I’m trying to explain how it works to you take your back and go no worries I’m going to take take your back and go going to fly my thrown over in a

    Second yeah yeah right so there we go we got a security guard there who’s talking absolute nonsense about me getting arrested if I come in again so there’s no bylaws here or anything it’s literally just a case of uh basic civil trespass so uh police did

    Come it will just be to make sure there’s no breach of the piece or anything like that so there is no sign there saying no Public Access in uh including on here the sign clearly says pedestrian route there’s nothing to say uh that it’s staff only there’s nothing to stop

    Me from walking straight through this gate he’s left it open again anyway um so yeah all right I’m going to go and get my drone look like I’ve said to this is a a public section of Road up to the gate uh this little car park there I think is Manchester

    United so yeah there’s uh nothing to say no Public Access just a pedestrian route uh which I walk through um yeah anyway let’s get Snoopy up see what we can see from the sky do you say again I said what do you really want I want to fly my drone in

    Peace sorry I want to fly my drone without being bothered this you know this the come back entrance that’s okay no this is no no no this this pavement up to the gate is public yeah yeah I’ve just checked I’ve just checked I’ve got a government app that I use a government

    Website I checked okay so this is public but you can’t find you you cannot fly the Drone you know I can and would you like me to show you how why I’m busy I’m busy you’re saying wrong things to me okay and I’m trying to help you understand help you help for what

    Again comes out to me talking absolute nonsense saying this isn’t public well it is public it’s clearly there on a f my street as a public publicly maintained Road um and he’s now basically saying I can’t fly the Drone well I can there’s no flight restrictions here on drone assist home Point Updated Right so there we go that’s a Manchester International freight terminal it’s a bit of a different on to usual so uh the security guard is trying to tell me that I will be arrested now there’s nothing coming I’m not going to be disturbing him just let him know that uh I’m on my

    Way H oh I can you I can I can it doesn’t matter I we’ll be back at some point we’ll put to the test if I’ll be arrested or not cuz uh trespass is a civil matter as we all know so there we go he doesn’t want to be

    Filmed and he shut the window and walked away which is uh absolutely fine that’s that’s what he should do if he doesn’t want to be filmed he uh threatened to get the police called on me and get me arrested uh which isn’t going to happen because trespass is civil um not criminal and

    I’m not going to tread into the territory of uh agravated trespass cuz that would just be silly right so that’s this one thanks a lot for watching and uh yeah I’ll see you on the next one please remember to like And subscribe and uh share my content on your social media that would

    Be awesome and uh yeah that’s this one done so take care everybody a s it Out


    1. Thanks for watching!
      Please don't post any racist comments on my channel, they will be removed when I find them. 🙂

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    2. Hi Street what's his face has chosen you as his next target. He has done a two part review. Part 1 deals with trespass, section 33, GDPR, public liability and public order. His followers must be dummies.

    3. Another example of a diversity quota 'security' man who believe they have authority in all matters..calling a donkey a horse doesnt make its ears any shorter..he's there by default rather than merit its the companies fault because THEY employed him

    4. Fast becoming my favourite auditor and I only saw you within the last week! Not many times the name suites the behaviour! You're like the best of DJ and the best of Random! I know I'm going to enjoy watching the last four months…

    5. 20:28 FINALLY! 🤣🤣🤣👍, I guess you weren't welcome.🤷😢

      Goodness me I love this shit.But I love it mostly from EXTREMLY polite and EXTREMLY knowledgeable auditors like yourself. It's sooooo entertaining! You kick ass.

    6. "Security" could do with some training, in self control at the very least. Love the way you tried to educate him but to no avail, you were brilliant as usual, well done Ace !!

    7. I used to deliver to the unit at the very end near Old Trafford. Its called Wild Trailers, they only repair trailers, nothing exciting. I used to have to get a ticket on entry at the gate and then get it stamped by Wild trailers to get out. That guy was just furious because you got in without him seeing you.

    8. There's a saying "Ignorance is bliss", if this is true then the ignorant, uneducated "people" you encounter on your travels must lead very blissful lives.

    9. Another wonderful video.
      As I understand if security
      /responsible person gives you a verbal directive or information to leave, and that it is private you should. If then you re-enter it becomes aggravated trespass, which is criminal and not civil.
      Whilst right on the first offence, if no signage or information of trespass is civil I believe that you could be in danger of aggravated trespass criminal offence.

      If I were you, I would just double check on the legalities regarding private property information

    10. Great drone footage and really well put together. I’ve been going to Old Trafford for years so seeing it from some different angles that you don’t normally get to see was excellent.

    11. Why would you POINT OUT where valuable items are stored that people could steal?? How would ACE Audits know where valuable items are stored if she wasn't told? They pay hundreds of thousands a year for security? Demand your money back because there demonstrably isn't any!

    12. Oh no a cyclist. Im worried about theft so lets tell this random stranger how exoensive this pallet is…. 🤦‍♂️🤡🤦‍♂️ We pay £1000 for security. I suggest you sack em then 👍🤡👍

      Plus it isnt racist to point out that a person not born into our laws or our country is once AGAIN trying to tell somebody British born and bred our own laws when they dont frikin know them themselves !! 😡🤷‍♂️😡

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