Conversations around tougher sentencing for killer cyclists have been reignited, after the family of a fatal victim of a cyclist spoke out.

    John Douglas died after suffering multiple injuries after colliding with a cyclist on a pavement. His family are calling on ministers to impose tougher laws.

    In July 2023, Jim Blackwood was hit by an e-bike and later died due to complications from the accident.

    His daughter, Christine White, joins TalkTV’s Jeremy Kyle and Rosie Wright. They are also joined by lawyer and road safety activist Nick Freeman.

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    #cyclists #cycling #roadsafety

    This is a really interesting subject an important one to do conversations around tougher sentencing for killer cyclists have been reignited after the family of a fatal victim of a cyclist has spoken out this is the family of John Douglas who died after suffering multiple injuries after colliding with a cyclist

    On a pavement well they’re calling on ministers to impose tougher laws sadly other families of victims of fatal psyching acents have long been fighting for justice in July last year Jim Blackwood was hit by an ebike later died in October due to health complications from the accident his daughter Christine

    Is here uh to tell us more Christine um thank you first and foremost um it’s something that we’ve done on the show before um I think it’s an area that undoubtedly needs highlighting tell us what you can tell us about your story please dad was a fit active healthy 91y

    Old he went out to put the recycling out and on his way back to to the house he was hit by an ebike um ended up with a bleed on the brain damaged the artery to his left kidney the following evening he had a seizure and a heart attack three months

    In hospital came back for 12 days end of life care and uh he passed away four days after my parents 69th wedding anniversary first of all um I really really appreciate you being on and I the reason we’re doing it is because this and these stories need dealing with I’m

    Not even going to disrespect you by saying how is it impacted on you because I know how it’s impacted on you what I want to know is if you can sweetheart what needs to change because I know this the viewers don’t the laws are ludicrous there are cyclists are not insured they

    Don’t pay Road tax and people can be moaned down and that is fundamentally wrong an electric bike can go at 30 miles an hour yeah I cannot understand why no government in in the past hundred years and especially this government with so many people now being moan over

    Moaned down by bikes on Pavements quite often why nobody does anything these cyclists the Rogue element I’m not talking about all cyclists but the Rogue element the idiots out there they’re able to ride around with impunity the maximum they might get is two years in prison I don’t find that’s enough of a

    Deterrent they’ve upgraded car accidents from POS deaths from from as a result of those up to life possibility of life now I don’t think two years is a deterrent for for cyclists I mean my mom’s lost her partner of 72 years she’s absolutely devastated and she can’t understand how

    This man who traveled the world for work he was in the Army for 26 years he cleared mines in Malaysia around about the time I was born in the 50s he died on the path outside his own house and she just finds that so difficult to come

    To terms with and I just keep hearing about all these cases and wondering why the government will not do anything are the cycl Rob Lobby really that vital to the government that they’re happy to not upgrade any laws I mean we’re in the 21st century sorry rosy go sorry

    Christine hold right there I think it’d be really good to kind of assess exactly what the law actually currently says with us joining this conversation now as lawyer and road safety activist Nick Freeman Nick thank you very much for for joining us what is the what is the

    Current law if you’re driving a bike rather than a car and you cause an accident um well that assumes that first of all they know who caused the accident because um there’s no means of identifying a cyclist or or an ebike Rider um because there’s no number plate

    So with cars we have a proper system a legal system of tracking them with cyclist they they tend to cycle with impunity um because if you don’t know who they are and they’re not going to wait at the scene you’re never really going to find them um so that’s a huge

    Problem um the law is completely inadequate as far as cyclists are concerned and to to answer the question question why why is the government not tackling this I actually started a petition um a while ago and just got over 10,000 votes it’s not a vote winner it’s not popular the cyclists are very

    Vifer um when Boris was in government um his he had a cycling Zar who was very keen and one can understand that the Jeep the green credentials but one also has to look at we’re sharing Road space now um there are more and more cyclists

    On the road which is welcome but we need laws to tackle them and U the reality is for example there’s no speed limits for cyclists there isn’t actually a drink Drive limit there’s no drug limit there isn’t offense of driving whilst un fit through drink and drugs but there’s no

    Actual limit so we have this perverse situation now in many cities where cyclists are overtaking Cars and Cars would be speeding if they went over 20 miles an hour but cyclists aren’t so let me bring you let me let me ask you this for Christine and and and as I say we

    Did this I don’t remember the gentleman’s name lost his wife for goodness sake been just trying desperately to speak to government and and and get some answers explain to me from a from a legal point of view Nick um why is it I can be sat at a traffic

    Light I’ve got to adhere to the speed limit I’ve got to adhere to to the red lights all of that because I’ll go to jail a cyclist can move from my right across the front of me straight through the red light up on the pavement and go

    How in the name of the Lord without getting angry out of respect for Christine how the hell has that not CH it’s a disgrace man it’s there are tens of thousands of cyclists committing offenses every day so why aren’t they stopped why aren’t they stopped who is

    It unless you have a system I have said to the government we share road space with E Scooters with ebikes with cyclists we need to share the law it needs to be precisely the same law for everyone that would ensure our roads are much safe safer um as Christine said you

    Know if you’re a car driver God forbid you kill someone you’re now looking at life imprisonment under recent legislation if you’re a cist and you kill someone the the maximum penalty as you’ve heard is two years under the offenses against the persons act 1861 for want and Furious

    Cycling H how much more does one need to hear for a government who says they responsible they in concerned with road safety to actually grasp this nettle get people involved who obviously have a huge um huge input into how to make our road safer and do the right thing but

    It’s not a vote winner and I think they just see it as as too complicated the cyclists don’t want it um and they think they can ignore it you explain Nick what are what are some of the hurdles to be able to enact this is it that cyclists would need to

    Have licenses what are what are the kind of more difficult things to get over the starting point for me is an identification plate a registration plate on the back of a cycle and on an an excuse me that’s my dog in the background um let me what your dog barks let me just

    Bring Christine back in you you the dog ups that Viral thing Christin nobody nobody seems to disagree with this archaic situation and you lost your father it was actually Matthew Briggs who was on our show just been given the information who whose wife Kim was killed by a cyclist that had no front

    Brakes this this this this killer got 10 months what I mean interesting Nick speak to Christine sorry Nick says it’s not a vote winner but that does nothing for people like you whose lives have been ripped to shreds I mean even the police are frustrated by this to be honest with you

    When this first happened to Dad um I was told that he’ probably be charged with manslaughter the rider if dad died or yeah um that’s not now the case we’re talking Furious and won driving which I find absolutely ridiculous uh I mean a lot of people blame the police for this

    But it’s it’s not they can only prosecute to the powers of and actually my partner had written to Helen Grant MP for Maidstone and she got a reply yesterday from Guy opman the minister for roads and local transport if I can just read a sentence here dangerous cycling is completely unacceptable and

    Road safety continues to be a high priority for the Department that is why there are strict laws in place and the police have the power to prosecute if these are broken for example cycling on the pavement and foot paths is an offense under Section 72 of the highways

    Act 18 35 other than in a designated area such as bridleways and shared shared used Roots I mean we you know it’s 2024 now do something about this the government wants everyone to be green wants them to cycle but they’re not prepared to bring the laws up to

    Date to make sure that it’s safe I mean as a pedestrian I don’t feel safe on the pavement anymore I walk out of my parents’ house because I now have to live with Mom permanently I’m now her carer because that’s what dying did to

    Her and I have to look up and down the pavement to make sure that I don’t get taken out I was almost taken out by an e scooter yesterday on midstone it’s just ridiculous I don’t get it neither do I Christine thank you so much for talking so candidly about

    What’s happened to your family and Nick for just providing The Wider context that’s been invaluable thank you both so much thank you gang it is it is extraordinary to think isn’t it that people can be killed by a sight and of course she made a really Salient point

    This is the green not this is everybody saying oh well and I lay this at boris’s door yes get on your bicycles but the truth is without going over the top here you use the same roads the laws are archaic and people are being killed the

    Laws are being broken but police turn a blind eye to a red light a car in a red light Nick Freeman has got this absolutely right cyclist should have registration numbers on them instead of those little cameras they do to have a go up motorists all the time I’m not

    Sure the I don’t think it’s fair to say the police turn a blind eye to cyclists going through red lights but say it’s obviously easier to commit that offense and then the repercussions aren’t as severe um that debate will continue it will


    1. It is the arrogance of some cyclists. They do not need pass a test, they do not need to be insured. They are all over the place on the road and off the road. Cars are having to go around cyclists who are all over the place.

    2. If your a road user you supposed to fall in line with Highway Code cyclist are no different we have 20 mph in parts of London as well other restrictions they Cycle lanes you get a coach down and yet still ride in the road jump lights no lights at night there’s no chance of the so called police stepping in

    3. These idiots on E-scooters need to have responsibility for their actions. Need to be licensed and pass a driving test, it’s only certain cyclist that break the rules. I would never ride on the pavement. I abide by the law of the road and ride sensibly.

    4. Almost every time I cross a road at traffic lights I’m forced to yell ‘ the lights are for you too’ at cyclists who totally disregard them and pedestrians. Recently I’ve noticed a lot of motorised bikes driven by delivery workers using the pavement as well as ignoring traffic lights. Thing is these junctions have cameras all over them, why are people not being named shamed and fined.

    5. We have a bunch of 9 or 12 depending on the day that ride the countryside roads in a pack, Riders at the front have cameras, Riders at the rear have cameras. If You dont give them the 1.5mtr space that their choice of formation has taken away by riding 3 abreast on a narrow country road, They report you to the police and the driver gets to spend out £80 doing a road safety course or get a huge fine. These same cyclist used to use the coffee shop my missus used to work at, They sit there reviewing their video footage discussing who their going to mess up. They are a bunch of. The Police do nothing to them but they love handing out these safety courses as its a money maker.

    6. As always, all cyclists get tarred because of the selfish behaviour of a few. Bet most of the incidents are in London. Don't really see why penalties need to be introduced for cyclists. Manslaughter is manslaughter no matter what. At the end of the day, motorists are far more inconsiderate. As for pedestrians, maybe they should stop using their mobiles whilst walking on roads.

    7. It is sad what happened to her father, but what you are calling for in terms of laws will never happen. It does not align with our net zero goals, also the cost benefits will be prohibitively expensive. Sorry for your loss.

    8. There are ways to cycle in a safer manner & long lines are better, (& less irritating to vehicles), than rows or bunches of cyclists. I prefer short lines myself, (no more than 4). Cyclists need to be as aware of the other traffic approaching, (front/back/side), as vehicle drivers & pedestrians. A rear view mirror helps tremendously as does shoulder checking periodically & communication, (calling "car back" when cycling with a group) & signalling. I realize roads in the UK tend to be narrower, (& probably busier), than where I live in Canada but I would still hope that some kind of rules & respect could be brought in to make commuting, however one choses to do it, safer for everyone., (without the need for intervention by the police at every turn). We recently had a bylaw passed in my city that allows children under 14 yrs to ride on sidewalks, (I think you call that pavement). 14 years olds can be 5'10' & 200 lbs, (14 stone), these days. Do I want that barrelling down the walk at an elderly person, (or me)? Plus it teaches poor Rules of the Road for cycling that are ingrained at an early age & become muscle memory. We used to have Cycling Safety Lessons & Bike Rodeos, (for technique), when we were kids, (at least in Canada) about 50 years ago. Now the teachers wouldn't even know how to follow the "rules of the road"; even thought they are the same as for vehicles. Children, (& adults), need to be taught to cycle properly & vehicle drivers also need a component on bike/vehicle cooperation/safety on the streets/roads. Perhaps tests & retesting every 5 years should become the norm. Drive Defensively, (whatever vehicle you chose), & be safe out there please. 😃🚲🛴🏍🚗🛻🚙

    9. as someone who has an ebike I totally agree, there is already company's that will insure ebikes, compulsory registration to ride one is needed along with reg plates, NO ebike should be on a footpath, and I ride as if I was in a car but sadly I know I'm in a minority of cyclists that do ride safely

    10. Oh god not this legal anti-cyclist bore – Is he still pedalling his legal services on TV. He wants every cyclist to have a number plate and a seat belt and a flashing siren. He must be fun to live with.

    11. Thousands of people die in cars on tha roads daily, but we don't do anything about it, just invite more to tha shores to make them busier🤪. Yet a few incidents of people being killed on pavements we now want to ban them or send ya to jail for an accident. 🤔. Yea its a shame for tha people that have died, but it's a bit like tha councils in Britain handing out houses and flats full of mould and damp. I asked tha police if it's a crime, he said no until someone dies. This country is a fucking mess🫣

    12. here's a reg number for a car that is being used on a daily basis … CV16 BYD, now tell me cyclists aren't taxed or insured because there's no law that says they have to be

    13. It is all about manners, respect and obeying the law. I live in ireland and I fed up with bikes and electric vehicles on the footpath, in pedestrian areas, failing to observe zebra crossings and lights. Our police are like yours, they could not give a damn. Sickening.

    14. Speaking as a cyclist, e bikes allow people who haven’t built the skills required to handle bikes at the speeds attainable on those things to go quicker than they are capable of doing safely.
      I would also state that there are far to many riders (as distinct from cyclists), who think that the laws don’t apply to them, who don’t have lights, who break the rules and who think they’re entitled to hog the roads.
      The police need to start enforcing the laws, they need the power to confiscate bikes of offenders on the spot, so that the riders who cannot confirm their identity for fines have to either forfeit their bikes, or pay fines.
      Insurance should be compulsory, however currently it is extortionate (I’ve had quotes of over £800 just on one bike), and the price issue would need to be addressed.
      Sadly though these wouldn’t prove popular with either of the main political parties, because they’re too afraid of wrecking their green credentials

    15. An increasing proportion of cyclists behave appalingly – they have been over-empowered, they have no means of identification, they contribute little to the exchequer compared to motorists. This all needs to change

    16. He was 91 , and he had good innings .Plus, old people get in the way constantly on the roads, so let's not forget how much chaos older people cause , don't generalise all bikers because of one idiot, that who knows the older guy might of got in the way of ( remember he was 91 )

    17. It’s high time cyclists were legislated, cyclists are road users, and should be bound by the same legal requirements as all other road users, yet anyone from a toddler to a drunk adult can jump on a bike with no licence, no insurance, no knowledge of the Highway Code, and no means of identification when they break the law, and they wonder why drivers see them as the enemy 🤷🏻‍♂️

    18. I ride a bicycle and follow the rules ( I drive cars also ) If other Cyclists followed the rules we would be OK. Most EV bikes & scooters are ILEAGAL 😳 And no one is doing anything about it.  
      They had even change the Highway Code so a bike can UNDERTAKE on the inside 😟 A recipe for disaster, as the bike undertaking cannot see if a vehicle approaching is turning right (the approaching vehicle cannot see the cyclist either) Crazy. What idiots are making these rules.
      And now pedestrians have right of way at junctions !!!! Bring in JAY Walking. It's frightening turning into a suction now as the pedestrian might jump out (some kids are even using this new rule as a game)

    19. I see personal e-scooters and cyclists on the roads and not many follow the rules of the roads. I've seen plenty of cyclists go through red lights in front of police and they do absolutely nothing.

    20. They do not obey the few laws or rules that do apply to them. They can drink and ride, they do not have to obey speed limits, they can deliberately block traffic and they can do anything they want with impunity. The new highway code gave them even more rights when it should have curtailed them, and laws are desperately needed to control them by making them have to have insurance and some sort of registration that can easily be seen – and they need to be made accountable – like motorists are. When they start paying to use the roads and to be insured, licensed and held responsible for the same laws that we motorists are made to, I will respect them.

    21. I see lots of drivers speed through built up areas and fail to stop at pedestrian crossings

      Using the same logic applied to cyclists then all drivers are terrible

    22. Firstly I must correct you, road tax is pays for the emissions from vehicles only !!! Council tax pays for the roads, dont blame all cyclist for bad behaviour. I am a cyclist and wouldn't dream of riding on the payment or jumping a red light .As both are an offence. Also between 2013 and 2020 only 3.8 pedestrians where killed by cyclists. A fraction of the number cyclists killed by vehicles.. In 2022…. 91… cyclist where killed by cars .

    23. Pay to use the roads? How? The mythical road tax?

      Electric car driver don't currently pay any "road" taxes

      Anyway road maintenance is funded by other taxes that all taxpayers pay, whether they drive or not

    24. I was a cycling instructor many years ago. It is illegal for "adults " to cycle on a public footpath. Its ok for under 10 year olds to cycle on a path. The problem here is that the police dont enforce the law.
      If cycling instructors were introduced back into junior schools and taught to cycle safely it would make things a lot safer.
      In fact I think that when people take their driving test a part of that test should include a course on cycling ( only as an education tool)
      This would give drivers an insight into the problems for cyclists and also pedestrians.
      Having some sort of registering and insuring of cycles would not work and would prevent people from cycling but also how would this work with children.

    25. Yet another example of the complete and utter failure of our so called ‘government ‘. And the halfwit Minister who allowed the use of these wretched ‘E’ bikes, is the same guy who promoted ‘smart motorways’. !

    26. Who breaks what laws is irrelevant (imo) — the issue is that the laws are only enforced on motor vehicles. I don't disagree that many car drivers break the law on a daily basis (speeding etc) but they sure as hell aren't as blatant as the red light jumping that I see on a daily basis by bike and e-scooter riders. The mentality seems to be "jump a red light – no problem, I won't/can't get caught and if a car hits me, they will be blamed anyway"

    27. Electric bikes in the UK are restricted to 15.5mph @ 1:50 and a maximum power of 250watts – anything else isn't legal unless registered and insured as a motor vehicle

    28. Every morning going to work i see cyclists riding on the road with no lights along with e-scooters. I always understood cyclists had to use lights in the dark and in the early eighties i was told by a policeman to get off my bike and walk because my batteries had run out on my light. These people are working people who have a free expence ride to work as they live closer to their place of work, if i had a light out and get pulled over i would be told to take it to a garage to get fixed and told to bring the proof to the police station in which i had to do once.

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