Hi beautiful souls ๐ŸŒŠ

    I’m Rosa.
    I’ve been doing tarot readings since 2017.
    I’m here to share my readings, experiences and journey with you.
    This channel will be only English ๐ŸŒ  However, I want you to remind that I am not a native speaker ๐Ÿฅฒ So, excuse my English already ๐Ÿค
    I hope you enjoy and love my readings ๐Ÿฆข

    Lots of Love!

    Time Stamps
    ๐Ÿฆ’PILE1: 3:33
    ๐ŸŒŸPILE 2: 55:21
    ๐ŸฆPILE3: 01:42:00

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    Hi my beautiful friends welcome to my channelย  this is your safe place and I hope you’re allย ย  having an amazing day so today’s reading isย  going to be directly about your soulmate andย ย  the relationship between you two okay we areย  going to look at their personality and it’sย ย 

    Going to be very detailed okay um and then otherย  questions are like are you two ready to meet orย ย  you know uh ready to experience a relationshipย  with each other what you two bring to each otherย ย 

    Okay like you know what is the lesson or what isย  the test but the question is what you two bringย ย  to each other and then your advice aboutย  this person or you know the relationshipย ย 

    Or you know just um you yourself your love lifeย  and uh last but not the least we are going toย ย  look at this symbolism okay we are going toย  search some symbols like you know uh charmsย ย 

    Uh maybe letters um and you know other symbolsย  that you can see uh with this person while youย ย  know knowing them that you are going to meetย  them okay so I have a list here we are goingย ย 

    To use that so we have three different pilesย  and we are going to choose cards on secreenย ย  okay so we have three different piles let meย  introduce you them and yeah take this hereย ย  pile number one is going to be these giraffesย  come together and the number is eight really

    Beautiful pile number two is going to beย  commitment 36 and the pile number threeย ย  is going to be heal the OU heal the ouchย  number 38 yeah meia raccoon and the foxย ย  here a nurse raccoon so as always I want youย  to close your eyes clear your mind take someย ย 

    Deep breaths okay inhale and exhale whileย  um asking to yourself not just you know notย ย  thinking think is something our mind does okayย  I want you to clear your mind and ask to yourย ย  higher self your soul okay so like who is myย  soulmate my higher self please um help me toย ย 

    You know find my answer who is my soulmateย  okay and then after a while you can youย ย  know you’ll just know when to open your eyesย  and which one is calling you okay the one isย ย 

    Calling you is your deck so you can pause theย  video I’m going to start with the pile number one welcome pile number one so let’s yeah okayย  first of all who is your soulmate pile number oneย ย  who is your soulmate how is the personality yourย  soulmates personality how is that who are those

    People what is your soulmate’sย  personality so let’s see the hierophant page of Wands Queen of Wands Three of Swords Three of Wands nine of coins and at theย  bottom of the deag we have the empress I’m sorry for that uh shakingย  whenever I put my hands on the table itย ย 

    Just um you know shakes the camera soย  I’m really really sorry for that I amย ย  you know trying but it still shakes soย  when I am shuffling you know I don’t Iย ย  try to don’t put my hands on the tableย  and just like so let’s take some Oracle

    Also who is your soulmateย  pile number one who is your soulmate Treasure Island H milk and honey okay Treasure Islandย  and milk and honey let’s put them here I see a bitter ofet personality you know uhย  when it comes to loved ones yeah they areย ย 

    Very protective they are very caring they areย  very nurturing like the you know the empressย ย  very caring about you know she is pregnantย  and she’s very caring about her child herย ย  children and also you know um her people underย  you know her um ruling because she’s the empress

    And it’s like you know when they loveย  someone that when they love somebody umย ย  they are always like you know all about themย  all about them and this is a very serious person yeah this is better I guess this is a veryย  serious uh person because you know the first cardย ย 

    We have is the hierophant uh is the Taurus alsoย  the is Taurus and Empress also the Taurus soย ย  maybe uh we can see some you know Taurus on theirย  bir chart so hant especially here talks about theย ย 

    Uh beliefs and ethics the morality uh the rulesย  that you know people set so I guess they are veryย ย  strict with their belief system with their youย  know rules in life it doesn’t matter um they don’tย ย 

    Have to be religious or they don’t have to be inย  a an any part of any religion or belief system butย ย  if they have one yeah they are very CC aboutย  it okay they are very you know um go with theย ย 

    Rules but if they don’t have this is you know theย  morality the uh ethics we create as human beingsย ย  okay um so maybe sometimes um if you know thereย  is something um that Society is presumptious aboutย ย 

    If Society um wouldn’t agree on okay like you knowย  something can be as you know wrong in social normsย ย  then this person is going to be very strict aboutย  it like you know um there can be age differenceย ย 

    Age Gap or or you know maybe being from differentย  cultures being from different uh religious yeahย ย  that can be hard for them to just you know um goย  with their emotions because this is not like umย ย 

    So much you know emotional person yes they areย  very caring about their love ones but you knowย ย  the rules ethics beliefs the syst systems you knowย  comes before the emotions for this person for yourย ย  soulmate so maybe um that can be the difficultย  part of being with this you know but I guessย ย 

    You know you choose to come together yeah evenย  if you have some differences some difficultiesย ย  from the beginning I guess no matter what yeahย  you are going to be together because it’s youย ย  know come it’s about coming together and it numberย  is the eight eight is the strength card in Tarotย ย 

    And it talks about you know um controlling our egoย  controlling our you know uh Pride our um how can Iย ย  say it’s about controlling ourself okay it is easyย  to use control it is easy to use you know powerย ย 

    Over things it is easy to break uh people’s heartย  but when you use when you use control on yourselfย ย  when you control your ego when you control yourย  power that is the you know actual strength beingย ย 

    Polite being nice to each other so I guess likeย  the strength card yeah no matter what and thatย ย  can be a very very hard person actually you areย  going to come together maybe that is a differenceย ย 

    And difficulty in this you know relationship hereย  we see you know a treasure a real treasure a realย ย  Jam okay but uh I guess when you see them youย  know when you get to know them uh you’re going toย ย 

    Be like oh do they break my break my heart or doย  they even you know respond to my feelings becauseย ย  I guess they are um not like you know yeah theyย  can be beautiful or handsome but they are going toย ย 

    Be very strong with their Aura they are going toย  be very you know uh attractive very charming andย ย  maybe sometimes they can be seen like you know aย  very high mainous person yeah and maybe it is notย ย 

    So easy to you know um reach them maybe you willย  see that see them like you know unreachable yeahย ย  because you know they are very confident withย  themselves they are very confident and believeย ย  me you are going to see that even you know atย  the first s yeah they are very confident aboutย ย 

    Themselves and um it’s like they don’t have anyย  fears okay this is a very EXT extrovert personย ย  very extrovert and yes they are not so muchย  emotional but if they have the emotions forย ย 

    Someone yeah they are not uh going to be afraid toย  talk about their emotions and if there is also noย ย  difficulty you know it is so much better becauseย  they can be the one who makes the first move okayย ย 

    They can be the one who approaches you okay andย  maybe you are going to surprise because you knowย ย  you see them as like yeah they are very strongย  they are very powerful oh do they even like meย ย 

    But believe me if they do like you yeah they areย  not going to afraid of uh saying this and here forย ย  the a few of you maybe I don’t know but for notย  the J general for not the most of you um this canย ย 

    Be someone um who had you know failed seriousย  relationships before like you know breakingย ย  a um engagement or you know divorcing like youย  know sometimes hopon can show the marriages soย ย  with the three of swords right here uh that canย  be someone uh who is divorced or even who is uhย ย 

    Wided okay that can be like that um maybe um yeahย  if it is not the case they can be someone uh whoย ย  got betrayed by their you know loveed one in ourย  relationship yeah they are going they are goingย ย 

    To be some you know uh traumas about being in aย  relationship because you know they are like allย ย  alone but you know I am happy this kind of mindsetย  they like being being alone they don’t see that asย ย 

    You know something sad actually being alone outย  there being you know all adventurous uh all youย ย  know um being assertive they are very driven soย  in order to create new ideas CU you know here withย ย 

    The page of Wands and also Three of Wands thisย  talks about lots of new ideas lots of creativityย ย  yeah this is a very productive person CU youย  know we also see here with the empress yes butย ย 

    Also Three of Wands Queen of Wands nine of coinsย  and also we have here milk and honey so yeah theyย ย  are really really productive they are really youย  know um fertile actually yeah they are like thatย ย 

    And if they don’t love someone really you know ifย  they don’t love someone uh they prefer prer to beย ย  alone okay they prefer to be you know singleย  but if there’s really love if there is reallyย ย 

    Something special yeah they are going to be in aย  relationship and they are going to enjoy it yeahย ย  very courageous very you know bright energy I seeย  here lots of yellow and red red is about you knowย ย 

    Being driven being passionate uh and also beingย  powerful and strong and it also talks about theย ย  you know root chakra our first chakra so theyย  are very strong with the root chakra I guess yeah and also they second and third chakrasย  okay um sacral chakra yeah and the third one

    Solar flexus and the sacral chakra yeah cuz you know the color yellow talks aboutย  the solar flexes yeah here some little you knowย ย  oranges but actually yellow and the you know theย  redness yellow Yow and red and maybe even um theseย ย 

    Can be their favorite colors okay now yellow talksย  about uh optimism being Dynamic being hopefulย ย  about life yeah there are this kind of people youย  know uh people like to be around them because youย ย  know they’re always Dynamic they’re always energicย  yeah they’re always up to some you know new thingsย ย 

    Okay yes they as I said they have experiencedย  loss they have experienced heartbreak and despairย ย  but you know this is something they can reallyย  uh moved on okay they are not like you know umย ย 

    Being hang you know in an uh despair no it is notย  for them when they are sad they are going to beย ย  working okay when they are set there studying whenย  they are set there being working um they can beย ย 

    Very you know uh powerful leaders managers yeahย  I see boss energy okay very strong bossy energyย ย  because of the hierophant and also the Queen ofย  Wands this is someone who is very successful withย ย  with their you know um educated life life or youย  know the career they are highly educated and theyย ย 

    Also uh have a strong status in society yeah veryย  confident very luxurious also I guess um when youย ย  see them their uh clothes their dressing thisย  is also going to be very appealing very powerfulย ย  yeah they are like enough these um fashion econsย  yeah maybe they are also into fashion but even ifย ย 

    They don’t they are very careful about you knowย  they are cloting they care they really uh takeย ย  good care of themselves their body their skin orย  you know they cloting yeah this is also can beย ย 

    Someone you know uh travel to other places or Stย  and countries cuz you know here we see some BS inย ย  the Three of Wands they’re also you know uh openย  to explore New Horizons you know like Treasureย ย 

    Island we see a sea turtle here it’s a swimingย  in a SE and carrying a you know treasure yeahย ย  they’re always up to some new adventures they areย  not afraid of you know um having new adventuresย ย 

    They are very changeable also but you know inย  a very good way yeah not like uh being you knowย ย  um indecisive no they are very determinant theyย  are very decisive um they are very sharp-minded sometimes open-minded but as I said becauseย  of the hierophant yeah they can be sometimesย ย 

    Stubborn with their thoughts yeah but theyย  are very strong this is a very strong personย ย  they can be some leader manager you knowย  a bossy energy maybe some of them can beย ย  you know um in some you know commissioningย  things head of some you know department andย ย 

    Maybe some um military or you know governmentย  officials government job yeah they can be aย ย  part of you know government job corporateย  jobs yeah corporate government and if thisย ย  is you know some uh initiative yeah theyย  can be the one who you know make um these

    Startups yeah and they’re always up to some bigย  things okay they can be very good advisors veryย ย  good you know uh mentors this is someone when youย  know you know um when you’re stack in your lifeย ย 

    And especially in your career life this is someoneย  you are going to um take advice from yeah they areย ย  the leader of the urino uh friends group they areย  the you know sane one they are the intelligent one

    Yeah this is someone uh uh also who knows how toย  make a good party how to make a good organizationย ย  so they can be also uh in the field of you knowย  entertainment the media that you know um makingย ย 

    People entertain about something yeah organizeย  organizing things yeah they can be also like youย ย  know uh teachers academicians but you know veryย  idealist very you know uh out there teachers yeah if they have you know 9 to five job thenย  there is a second life after job where theyย ย 

    Just enjoy life enjoy the luxury they have theyย  plan their you know uh vacations months beforeย ย  okay because this is very special for them thisย  is all about their you know working yeah here weย ย 

    See number 51 and n and also five 9 3 3 three lotsย  of three okay Empress energy again yellow then asย ย  I said red can be important and also zodiac sideย  I see tus tus um pure fire element so all of themย ย 

    Can be Aries Leo Sagittarius this is Aries Libraย  Aries again and also we see Virgo yeah but I senseย ย  lots of Sagittarian energy here okay Sagittarianย  energy yeah but we are going to look at you knowย ย 

    The other symbols at the end of the reading likeย  no charms initials and other things so let’s see are you ready to meet them okay I willย  put them aside but I’m not going to yeahย ย 

    And this is going to be tarot card I’m usingย  pile number one are you two I mean the bothย ย  of you ready to meet each other are you readyย  to meet each other are you ready to meet each other uh 10 of

    Cups Three of Swords yeah you areย  them can be divorc or you know umย ย  maybe cheated on maybe someone cheated you orย  them four of cups are you ready to meet each other Knight of Pentacles Knight of Swords Empress page of Wands interestingย  and here I have the um star cards

    Okay so are you two ready to meet each other Iย  see two different scenarios here okay one of themย ย  is yeah you two haven’t met each other okay youย  two haven’t met each other maybe right now you’reย ย 

    Um feeling sad about another person um and alsoย  maybe them feeling sad about you know their oneย ย  maybe uh things are not working for you to okayย  maybe uh you or them can be you know broken upย ย 

    With someone or as I said cheated on yeah andย  after a while and this while is timing is likeย ย  you know um I am recording this in uh at the endย  of February yeah but time is not important but ifย ย 

    You are seeing this right now um after the monthsย  of April but most of the May yeah especially in July October yeah and the latest timeย  scene here is the February again soย ย  maybe the next February like youย  know a year but this is not likeย ย 

    You know years what I see here it doesn’tย  matter as I said when you are watching this video yeah the biggest time I see as Iย  said a year okay a year exactly a yearย ย  but for the most of you that can beย  work faster like as I said um Aprilย ย 

    And May and like also I see four monthsย  and 10 months okay between the springย ย  and the fall I can say between theย  spring and the fall okay the autumn this is the scenario one and the scenarioย  two is yes you two know each other but rightย ย 

    Now you are not together okay maybe you wereย  in the past maybe you were actually Partnersย ย  maybe you were actually you know lovers butย  things didn’t go well and right now you knowย ย  people people seem like desperate hopeless butย  in the near future the times also here um valid

    Okay yeah approximately a year one year also hereย  yeah between the spring and the fall the Autumnย ย  yeah and actually what I see here yes two personย  two people here um ready to meet each other okayย ย 

    But in order to be in a relationship in orderย  to be you know coming together yeah there isย ย  a need of time okay there is a need of time butย  this is not long okay this is not like years andย ย 

    Years no this is very close I guess very nearย  future yeah and here with the star card energyย ย  at the back we understand that there is a Divineย  protection above you and them okay because this isย ย 

    A protective card this is a Divine card in Tarotย  so universe is system is working on your behalfย ย  you’re working for your good okay so even if youย  are separate it actually this can be a very youย ย 

    Know um good or beneficial thing because you areย  going to realize how much important you are toย ย  each other so I guess yeah you are ready butย  you need some you know time but not too much okay so the the other question

    Is what are you going to bringย  to each other pile number one oh okay and one more I’m going to take oh veryย  beautiful okay and here we see forgiveness soย ย  these are the ones that are pull down flirtingย  flirting is a fun way of connecting to yourย ย 

    Love one and forget about all worries so beingย  playful being florous understanding the more youย ย  know yourself the more you can see and understandย  each other and this is the one I pull power coupleย ย  your energies combined have great potential forย  creation serving and inspiring others and yes thisย ย 

    Person is actually you know um as I said someoneย  who is very you know creative very serving youย ย  know yes they are the leader but they are servingย  the others and you know the Ws energy in Tarotย ย 

    It’s the FY energy and it’s always inspiring it isย  always you know inspirational and here we see theย ย  Forgiveness so maybe you two are going to forgiveย  each other if you know you are Partners but umย ย 

    Also AKA knowing each other maybe you are going toย  be able to forgive the other people in your lifeย ย  in your past okay holding on to pay will not makeย  you stronger or wiser release it and expect theย ย 

    Best so maybe also right now um you should forgiveย  someone okay maybe some people maybe more thanย ย  just one people but letting go of pain lettingย  go of you know the um anger and I guess this isย ย 

    Going to be crucial for you to to meet and come toย  together okay yeah maybe actually you are knowingย ย  each other but you are just separated cuz youย  choose to come together coming together yeah very interesting and I see here another bird anotherย  animal these are two animals but here also anย ย 

    Animal so maybe there was a third party or maybeย  um you know some issue like maybe one of you haveย ย  a child maybe one of you have a family memberย  you should take care of you know maybe some otherย ย 

    Responsibility but you are waiting a you know newsย  to come because birds are always associated withย ย  the you know news in symbolism and I see hereย  three hearts three hearts and the cran maybeย ย  you’re are from UK yeah H maybe seeing animalsย  or maybe going to se together but you know thisย ย 

    Is some Vision never mind yeah but maybe you knowย  okay so as I said you are bringing to each otherย ย  the flirting being playful maybe uh just you knowย  releasing being so serious about life because youย ย 

    Know when we are so serious yeah we become moreย  you know um stubborn we hold on to pain much moreย ย  but when we become more understanding of peopleย  yeah we can forgive someone you know in the pastย ย 

    I remember and I also uh hear the same thingย  from my husband yeah you know we were very umย ย  Angry angry or sad about the people in our pastย  you know ex uh people but you know when you findย ย 

    The right person and in our scenario we wereย  the right person for each other you just youย ย  know become more um how can I say compassionateย  about the others and uh you become more you knowย ย 

    Thankful yeah you you become like oh thank toย  God that person cheated on me thanks to God thatย ย  person abandoned me so I met you I made the rightย  one I made my soulmate yeah maybe you are going toย ย 

    Say that you or them you know I guess togetherย  you are going to forgive some people from yourย ย  past yeah and you are going to be a power coupleย  everyone uh around you is just you know going toย ย 

    Look at you too and they’re going to be like ohย  they are very beautiful together they are veryย ย  strong together they are very you know strong AAย  together and this is really beautiful yeah andย ย  I guess you are going to provide you know someย  success in you know career to each other maybeย ย 

    Just you know uh supporting each other likeย  you know you can do that I can help help youย ย  this kind of stuff or maybe even like money likeย  you know material support yeah that can be alsoย ย 

    So okay let’s see your advice and there then I’mย  going to look at the you know the symbols so your advice pile number one what’s your advice about this uh soulmate of you what’s your advice oh very beautiful canย  you see this the back of the deck and the artbย ย 

    Phoenix Rising From the Ashes very beautifulย  energy very beautiful and yeah it is the alsoย ย  the card on the book so very beautiful you knowย  fics is about bad like like the death card andย ย  like the to card in Tarot yeah something has beenย  destroyed and actually it usually destroyed us uhย ย 

    It makes us upset sometimes not desperate butย  we can Rise From the Ashes like the phoenic andย ย  this phic um has the you know feathers of theย  peacock and peacock is an animal uh that talksย ย 

    About being Pride being uh proud of ourself yeahย  showing our self up to the verge so let’s see theย ย  message here oh interesting it says um thisย  is the first card for me from the deck wowย ย  we’re interesting so it says uh message from theย  heaven nurturing in art in the Heavenly frequencyย ย 

    Is a reminder that healing the Consciousnessย  effort heal and care for yourself before andย ย  after you heal others so maybe you know rightย  now for a while at least uh you should be yourย ย  own first priority okay yeah it is you knowย  of course good to taking care of others helpย ย 

    To others but you know sometimes we must beย  the first one that uh help us okay you knowย ย  in airplanes you should put the mask on yourselfย  first yeah and then your child so maybe you knowย ย 

    You are going to have a child yes maybe someย  of you already have maybe you are going to haveย ย  some responsibilities and maybe this is goingย  to be you know hard to just focus on your loveย ย 

    Life but it says you put you should put the maskย  on yourself first yeah and Rise From the Ashesย ย  and message from the earth the bird inspires youย  to visualize your Consciousness Rising high andย ย  tell your stories from the higher self theย  authentic part of you that is connected to

    Divine so maybe now I remember why I rece receย  that card you know it says it’s like me it’s likeย ย  my situation it says this kind is aign to turnย  your pains and hardships into healing lessonsย ย 

    And the source of Hope for others you know this isย  the time when I return to uh record these Englishย ย  tarot readings in this channel yeah I got theย  message it says Tell Your Story to heal yourselfย ย 

    A new phase of Life is starting and I guess withย  this person with this you know soulmate and hereย ย  is also a bird as I said um yeah you are goingย  to experience a new chapter wow very beautifulย ย  everything looks and feels different to youย  and your senses are Amplified you are seeingย ย 

    More vividly with fresh eyes because you areย  changing and transforming into a higher fre youย ย  can see version of your old self cuz you knowย  um Phoenix has died and now is reborn perhapsย ย  you have awakened the creative genius within andย  reconnected with your inner knowing or perhapsย ย 

    You have finally healed from certain traumas youย  have released what doesn’t serve you and you areย ย  ready to embrace your higher purpose yeah and itย  says your moments of Darkness can bring light toย ย  many yeah maybe right now you should uh startย  working on yourself to you know um tell yourย ย 

    Stories in your own way okay in your own wayย  let your stories serve as Inspirations to thoseย ย  looking to heal and renew themselves the more youย  share the more you heal the empow empower the virย ย  and yourself in the process you know that was theย  uh most dramatic and beneficial sentence for youย ย 

    For me the more you share the more you heal and Iย  as I said I get the message yeah the more I shareย ย  the more I will hear so right beautifulย  message so oh where’s my charms yeah here and um give me a second yeah I have taken my box

    So and here can you see um 4 to six 4 + 6ย  = the 10 10 is the completion yeah if youย ย  do this work I think you are going to beย  completed with within yourself first andย ย 

    Then you know your soulmate so let’s see theย  symbols okay let me just shake it for a while so this symbols h you are going to know thatย  this person is your soulmate okay howย ย 

    Are you going to know that is your soulmateย  oh okay I got so many but here we also have so many Uruguay China Bulgaria USA Cuba green onesย  are you know countries Singapore France Germany heti Algeria and Lithuania and Morocco so this can be theirย  country yes but maybe you know there areย ย 

    Someone that yeah travel to these countriesย  travel to these you know uh part of the wordย ย  maybe uh into their culture you know maybe youย  are going to um meet in a restaurant and maybeย ย  it is going to be a a Chinese restaurantย  maybe you are going to Chinese food likeย ย 

    You know yeah you can think like that okayย  culture food history maybe yeah and here weย ย  see other symbols Aries so we see lotsย  of Aries uh in the reading yeah cancer cancerian East technology maybe they are good at technologyย  maybe you’re going to meet AKA technology Taurusย ย 

    And we see lots of Taurus in the reading asย  you know hierophant and the empress dentist December H that can be their birth month orย  you know um the date you are going to meetย ย  each other driver cars maybe they are intoย  cars maybe uh they love to you know drive

    Car I don’t know how to drive a car byย  the way so maybe you know driving a carย ย  can can be important maybe like you knowย  um someone who teaching uh how to drive aย ย  car you know a teaching a teacher and maybe youย  are going to be there you know student teaching

    Yeah yeah maybe while you know driving a car maybeย  in traffic Virgo we also receive Virgo I guessย ย  yeah nine of coins is the Virgo and you know hereย  also we see a bird and here we see a black catย ย 

    So maybe uh they can have bird or cat yeah okayย  forigner H maybe maybe they are Foreigner carerย ย  yeah they are very focused on their carer you knowย  carer comes before the relationships and we alsoย ย 

    Have July okay December and July and I guess Iย  said July in the reading also okay let’s see some charts okay what is the symbolism you are going toย  see while meeting this person what can beย ย  important for your soulmate yeah we seeย  a plane right off the bat we see a paneย ย 

    So maybe a pilot or you know maybe you areย  going to meet each other in a travel no why not you can say an angel but I also see here youย  know the very car characteristic um standing ofย ย 

    The goddess Bell okay it’s a um Mesopotamianย  goddess uh goddess of abundance and you can seeย ย  her uh in other mythologies in other goddessย  as you know emis sometimes we see her on youย ย  know AES ishar yeah you can see other verses youย  know c yeah and maybe Anatolia can be importantย ย 

    That’s why Mesopotamian new region yeah andย  here you see a heart and I guess yeah this isย ย  a word map okay so maybe actually yeah this isย  a relationship you know between other countriesย ย  we see a glass of wine so maybe they love wineย  especially so again an angel made for an angelย ย 

    So maybe there can be you know the Angy angel orย  maybe they are going to call you as Angel maybeย ย  you two are going to be each other’s Angelย  like protective Angel yeah cherries we seeย ย  cherries H it also reminds me know to Springย  and summertime but also chariots maybe can be

    Important moon and the crown okay maybe theย  you know the Crescent Moon can be importantย ย  for your timing and Quran also talks about youย  know monarchy so can be a country related toย ย  monarchy and also you know also this symbolism isย  important for you know Muslims so maybe yeah why

    Not we see a seafish and yeah thatย  can be seafish maybe right you knowย ย  you are going to see each other atย  a restaurant and maybe you know youย ย  are going to see some decorations like youย  know seafish yeah that can be and also seeย ย 

    IFish talks about opportunities thatย  lies uh in front of our yeah again a star did I say seafish but why it say seafishย  sorry sea star or what was the name in English for that Patrick the star star C starย  no I couldn’t recall the name butย ย 

    You know this is the star in Seasย  okay and here also we see Star andย ย  we see a star in the seprate soย  maybe you know this star can be important we see anchor so maybe something orย  someone related to Seas maybe a captain you

    Know can be a sea police yeah can be from Navyย  yeah or just you know anchor and here we see aย ย  fish and you know that fish was a symbol for youย  know early Christians before because you know inย ย 

    Um Rome in the early times of Christian ity uhย  that was forbidden so the early Christians knowย ย  each other by you know using this fish symbolismย  yeah but you know yeah Fish can be importantย ย  but also uh maybe some hidden things betweenย  you two okay maybe for a while you are goingย ย 

    To you know hide your feelings from each otherย  yeah maybe maybe and we are going to take some letters and here is myย  letter box okay let’s Shuffle it so what is their initials or letters in yourย ย  name pile number one soulmate okayย  I wrot on the uh letters three times

    So r n or you know Z set x p u v it’s a w cuz I put line draw a line f a o c yeah and again double okay y j

    X x again x b n u so these are the doubles andย  these are the others so H this is also double okay so this scam their initials orย  you know the letters repeating inย ย  their names their first name theirย  last name you know that’s SC me

    Okay so I guess we covered everything yeah soย  pile number one this was your reading aboutย ย  your soulmate I hope you enjoyed the reading andย  if you do please subscribe to my channel leave aย ย  comment below and maybe share the video with yourย  loved ones okay uh that would really encourage meย ย 

    To do more so I love you all and I thank you forย  being here I hope to see you in other readingsย ย  until then take care of yourself bye pile numberย  two welcome back I hope you’re all having anย ย 

    Amazing time so let’s see what is the personalityย  of your soulmate what is the personality of your soulmate what is their personality pile number one nine of Cups pride and wishes fulfilled H hant okay that came in the pile number one

    Also the hangman sacrifice and surrender Twoย  of Wands okay interesting oh very beautifulย ย  Star Card isn’t it hope and spiritualityย  yeah very strong with their spiritual andย ย  their beliefs eight of coins okay and theย  at the bottom of the deck we have nine of Wands

    And let’s pull some oracal card pileย  number two what is the personality ofย ย  your soulmate Serenity very luckyย  person I guess yeah he we we haveย ย  star here we have you know Clover we haveย  Star card very lucky person but sometimesย ย 

    Doesn’t seem to be very aware of it andย  Tinker yeah so pile number two let’s dive into your soulmate H interesting you have chosenย  the commitment card okay and the number is 36 thatย ย  can be you know important maybe like you knowย  age and when we uh plus them then we add themย ย 

    3 + 6 equals the 9 so maybe the number nine canย  be important here also we see n yeah we see a starย ย  we see a key um okay so what I see here actuallyย  a lack a person but doesn’t seem to be aware ofย ย 

    It always okay they are very into their thoughtsย  okay they are mostly in their head all the timeย ย  yeah it seems like that and that can be resultantย  sometimes you know in the um victim mind victimย ย  mentality with here the hangman yeah it talksย  about this sacrifice and the surrender but itย ย 

    Talks also about you know very neptunium energyย  very Pisces energy and here also we see nine ofย ย  cups as the Pisces so Pisces can be sometimesย  yeah very um creative very into their dreamsย ย  but when there is some cloths when there’s someย  you know po ahead of them they cannot separate

    Everything right away okayย  so yes for the most of the time they’re very hardworking they are veryย  you know um wise about how to do some things in life yeah they have a huge mind Library okay very idealistic person whatย  I see here they always uh seem to have knowledgeย ย 

    About you know everything maybe not a specialistย  maybe not like you know in a professional way butย ย  they have ideas about almost everything becauseย  they are very you know curious about life itselfย ย  and they seem to very open to spiritual word okayย  not just like being you know religious no yes theyย ย 

    Can have a religion yes um they can believe inย  God but they they are also very spiritual okay soย ย  maybe they are into um energies chakras maybe evenย  tarot on like you know astrology and other thingsย ย 

    Like Reiki yeah because you know hangman here itย  shines okay and it shines like a spiritual lightย ย  okay we here see h a symbolism like an angel andย  hangman actually refers the Odin okay uh you knowย ย 

    It’s a God in SC I cannot pronounce it but youย  know in its own mythology Oden hang to that umย ย  three of knowledge nine days to a understandย  to learn the rues okay actually the it’s theย ย  information it’s the knowledge about life itselfย  that’s how Oden got you know wiser that’s how Odinย ย 

    Uh new the letters new the runes alphabetย  okay this is a way of you know sacrificingย ย  yeah yourself but also it is attach into theย  spiritual realm and this person seems to likeย ย  you know um separated from the physical word toย  me cuz you know the light and you know this the

    Angel I couldn’t recall the name of that okayย  but it seems to me like um someone who is doingย ย  an Asal traveling okay this is like an astralย  Voyage to the word of you know spiritualityย ย 

    Yeah they know how to wish they know how toย  pray so much maybe from the outside uh peopleย ย  consider them as you know a very materialisticย  person very hardworking person a very you knowย ย  logical person but um actually they know thatย  there is something more than logic in life weย ย 

    Cannot explain everything in logic okay our mindย  sometimes cannot understand everything with logicย ย  so yes they seem very strong from the outsideย  they also um seem like you know have very umย ย  High status in society okay High status in theirย  career this is someone who is educated well likeย ย 

    You know the pile number one if you feel aroundย  to you can also listen them maybe uh cuz I seeย ย  some similarities between pile number one andย  your deck yeah they’re always thinking they’reย ย  always in their mind and also they’re always youย  know working and working still that’s why peopleย ย 

    Can consider them as a very hard working andย  logical person but when you get to know themย ย  deeper you are going to realize yeah this personย  is very spiritual maybe this person is moreย ย  knowledgeable more than me about life itself yeahย  this is someone who you know are see see thingsย ย 

    In their dreams this is someone who is highly umย  intuitive okay very intuitive it’s like you knowย ย  a touch to the other realm and when you meet themย  you are going to realize yeah this person is very

    Special I don’t know how but there are specialย  this is the thing you are going to say okayย ย  maybe um you are going to feel like you know itย  is hard to say I don’t know why I don’t know ofย ย 

    Any meaning but yeah this person is specialย  they are touching a place a special place inย ย  my in my soul yeah they are going to appeal toย  your soul okay I guess that’s why you are goingย ย  to know that this person is your soulmateย  right from the bad okay right from the umย ย 

    First Sight and as I said they’re very luckyย  so you can hear stories like um they got umย ย  they got away from accidents from you know umย  some bad situations maybe even like that okayย ย  like dying I mean we not even you know bedingย  their nose because they are very lucky it’sย ย 

    Like God is always protecting them okay it’sย  like there is a Divine protection there is aย ย  you know a Divine shiny shield around themย  yeah and maybe that’s why uh sometimes theyย ย  are just you know questioning the meaning ofย  life because this is someone who believes inย ย 

    Afterlife and maybe you can listen stories fromย  them like you know near death uh experiences yeah yeah this is someone who knows howย  to talk with god with their angelsย ย  with their spiritual you know um guidesย  even maybe uh know their familiar youย ย 

    Know their uh spirit animal yeahย  highly intuitive highly you know intuitive and sensitive person and also evenย  though sometimes you know they got just um as Iย ย  say victim mind because they know there is so muchย  than this life okay they don’t believe in thatย ย 

    Material you know property they know yes we haveย  to work for our life because you know in order toย ย  live in order to have some things in this lifeย  yeah we have to work we have to get to job butย ย 

    There is more than that so maybe they are just youย  know um got bored easily when um they are so muchย ย  busy with physical work yeah is it is not goodย  for them okay um they have to be sometimes aloneย ย 

    In their spiritual cave yeah isolated from othersย  and just you know meditate maybe think about lifeย ย  think about God think about you know afterlifeย  and saying yeah there are definitely more than that and I guess yeah there are some people people inย  their lives as you know their uh protectorsย ย 

    Cuz you know in Tarot we have 78 cards andย  we have only three cards that we can call asย ย  protective okay Divine protective cards theseย  are the high priestess hierophant and the starย ย  okay that’s it and this person’s personalityย  they you know um character story comes with twoย ย 

    Protect protective cards hierophant and the starย  so there are definitely some people in their lifeย ย  that are just you know uh protecting the themย  from the dangers of the outside world and alsoย ย  your soulmate is a protector of yes themselvesย  but I guess also the others around them yeah

    These are the people who can be you knowย  healers yeah who can be touched to otherย ย  um people’s life and you know make a differenceย  make a change for them and actually as I saidย ย  this is really beautiful but that doesn’t meanย  um they are naive okay they are not they areย ย 

    Definitely not because we have here nine ofย  of Wands this is someone who is very guardedย ย  who got resilience and become resilient and veryย  protective of their you know uh personal space soย ย  as I said they are very careful about theirย  personal space because this is their sacredย ย 

    Place okay their body and their home their uhย  living environment maybe even their work spaceย ย  like a temple for them this is very important forย  them nobody can touch this okay nobody can harm this yeah and when they’re alone they you knowย  uh maybe doing some Shadow work maybe doing youย ย 

    Know some researches about their mind their bodyย  their energy their soul yeah they’re just you knowย ย  getting wiser and wiser day by day and this personย  is is definitely someone um how can I say who paid for you know what they got fromย  Life yeah life wasn’t easy for themย ย 

    As I said yes they are lucky yes they’reย  alive but I guess they had um encounteredย ย  with many you know accidents uh maybeย  bad people people but somehow they areย ย  always protected uh from you knowย  getting a serious um want or hurt

    Yeah CU you know the Star Card talks aboutย  the hope the FI you know the protectionย ย  after a time of chaos cuz you know the it’sย  the number uh seven Star card and the 16 isย ย  Tower card so destruction you know destroyingย  things upside downward so I guess yes they hadย ย 

    Encountered uh many cows many um accidentsย  maybe emotional accidents maybe physical Iย ย  don’t know but uh that’s like repeating itselfย  so maybe they are you know that can be the keyย ย  word for them maybe they are going to use thatย  accident word a lot but they’re also going toย ย 

    Say say yeah I was I I was lucky yeah I guessย  I was lucky yeah and maybe you know this uhย ย  four leaf clover can be important as a symbol andย  here we also say you see the number 18 and here

    44 yeah 9 5 12 8 17 three and nine threeย  n n yeah these are repeating so here yeahย ย  and I guess they are into you know travelingย  here with the Three of Wands it makes peopleย ย  where productive very creative and veryย  you know open to explore the world openย ย 

    To explore New Horizons so they are alwaysย  in their mind to you know explore the lifeย ย  and they can be into also astronomy and they’reย  also good at you know crafting some things withย ย  their hands yeah that can be someone youย  know who is um running their own businessย ย 

    Their on shop yeah they’re also very you knowย  uh fond of eating and drinking so I guess theyย ย  know uh where to eat some good food I remind ofย  good soup I know I’m to this meme from internet

    Yeah either this is someone you know um whoย  work in an yeah government job or as I saidย ย  doing their you know business but you know thisย  is like more like art and crafting yeah holdingย ย  some things and what Zodiac I see here Piscesย  Taurus Pisces again Aries Aquarius Virgo and Sagittarius

    Yeah okay so they that can be in their youย  know birth chart so let’s see are you twooย ย  one of you ready to meet each otherย  okay maybe yeah you know each otherย ย  but are you two ready to you know umย  experience a relationship together inย ย 

    This physical world let’s seeย  pile number two pile number two I am not shuffling the de um on the tableย  I’m sorry because you know when I do that justย ย  you know camera shakes and I don’t like that soย  let’s see do that like that I am not touchingย ย 

    The table okay so pile number two you and yourย  soulmate are you ready to meet each other in aย ย  relationship you know are you ready to meetย  are you ready to find each other pile numberย ย 

    Two oh Star card again we see a star in theirย  personality oh Two of Wands again okay Two of Pentacles ace of cups I love this card four of Wands Sun card and the Ace of Swords yeah you’reย  definitely ready to meet each other yeah becauseย ย 

    You know yeah at bottom of the deck we haveย  five of Pentacles so maybe actually you areย ย  in uh in each other’s lives but maybeย  you are not recognizing um each other okay or even maybe you know you are sensing thatย  yeah there’s someone and I’m guessing that thatย ย 

    Can be my soulmate because they seem to me SP butย  I don’t know we can be together I don’t know maybeย ย  that is the you know issue but what I’m seeingย  here we are opening with the star card and youย ย 

    Know it’s the Aquarius so we are in the month ofย  February and it’s also talks about the Februaryย ย  so maybe the winter time was important for youย  too but we are also seeing here the beginning ofย ย 

    Spring also with the of of Cups we are seeingย  a month okay one month with the four of um ohย ย  four of Wands sorry four of Wands I couldn’t sayย  in a prop we see April and also we see you knowย ย 

    The Leo energy with you know Sun so we we canย  talk about end of July and the August so whatย ย  I am seeing here yes winter was important orย  winter is going to be important for you but umย ย 

    Until the month of August yeah maybe you areย  going to meet each other or even if you knowย ย  each other right now maybe you are going to inย  a relationship because um ace of cups four ofย ย 

    Wands and also Sun card these are talking aboutย  relationship that you know can be very fast okayย ย  because these are confirming that yeah you’reย  going to be together in this physical work inย ย  this lifetime so I guess yeah there are someย  works there are some things that uh requiresย ย 

    Your you know time and energy but I guess youย  two are not going to wait um so much okay youย ย  are not going to wait this is very immediateย  this is going to be very past and cuz you knowย ย 

    You choose the commitment you know hands theย  fingers are almost touching each other so Iย ย  guess this is very close yeah you ready but youย  know maybe this is your work you know this isย ย  your home maybe other responsibilities but theseย  are some things that can be manageable so I guessย ย 

    Yeah you’re ready and this is going to happen in aย  very fast best way so pile number two you and your soulmate what are you going to you know bringย  to each other in this you know soulmate Journeyย ย 

    What are you bringing to each other chemistryย  the more you resist the physical Sparks theย ย  more intense they get let them be so I guessย  you are going to experience a very you knowย ย  immedate and very um intense chemistry withย  them cuz like you know these hands are in aย ย 

    Shiny environment we see sparkles so maybeย  uh you know we see a key and a keyhole whenย ย  you meet each other it is going to be you knowย  key and a keyhole it’s like boom very fast very passionate fantasies excessive fantasy provesย  as a strong strong um 5D relationship but alsoย ย 

    Challenging 3 div one H yeah and also you know 5Dย  also reminds me of that you know your soulmatesย ย  uh strong spiritual sight can you remember that Iย  sat an astral traveling yeah maybe you are goingย ย 

    To have so much telepathy with each other yeahย  and your relationship is not going to take placeย ย  just in this you know 3D Place yeah maybe we areย  going to see some you know Encounters in spiritualย ย 

    Words with each other support I feel safe with youย  and you can cry on my shoulder I’ll catch you whenย ย  you fall so you are going to support each otherย  no matter what okay and the bottom of the deckย ย 

    Impression trying to show Perfection all theย  time can become exhausted and inauthentic so I guess when you are alone when you are aloneย  with each other then you are together yeahย ย  you are going to be like you know nakedย  in your thoughts in your emotions likeย ย 

    You know in your bodies okay but you areย  going to be very open everything is goingย ย  to be very open with each other it’s goingย  maybe it’s not going to be perfect yes butย ย  you are not going to be afraid of showingย  your flows to each other okay you are notย ย 

    Going to be ashamed of who you are you areย  going to support each other no matter what okay yeah maybe you know uh you or them can youย  know feel about uh feel insecure about their bodyย ย 

    You know maybe their weight maybe their height Iย  don’t know can be anything maybe a b birth markย ย  you know maybe some you know other things butย  when you are together these flows are going toย ย 

    Be lovable you are going to love each other noย  matter what you are going to accept each otherย ย  no matter what and as I said you are are goingย  to be very confident about your thoughts yourย ย  ideas your plans for future your fantasiesย  and your body you know all about who youย ย 

    Are and it is very beautiful you can cray onย  their shoulder they can cray on you know yourย ย  shoulder you are not going to be like you knowย  um I just you know have to you know put myselfย ย 

    Together I have to be you know seem like I amย  strong powerful no when you are weak when youย ย  feel weak yeah you are going to you know showย  that to each other and I guess this is veryย ย 

    Meaningful this is going to be very meaningfulย  for you too okay yeah you can share your youย ย  know happiness with everyone but your flawsย  your you know pain your wants you cannot showย ย  your wants to everyone but you are goingย  to show your wants to each other and thisย ย 

    Is really beautiful yeah I love that energyย  for you so let’s see your advice before the symbols pile number two what’s your advice inย  that soulmate Journey with this person waterย ย  Ox softness and gent gentleness numbersย  50 and you can take is as you know 50 or

    Five where is the book yeah hereย  softness and G gentl yeah I guessย ย  you are really going to be very gentle withย  each other you know and here water you knowย ย  water is very healing energy so I guessย  yeah you are going to heal each other’s

    FS very loving and caring energy it says messageย  from the heaven Y water works in subst mysteriousย ย  ways yield listen and and be quiet to receive herย  wisdom so it’s like you know universe is going toย ย 

    Works in mysterious ways be open to that okayย  be open to um experience your journey in thisย ย  life don’t resist okay don’t challenge it just youย  know be open to it be quiet about it because youย ย 

    Have to listen when Universe show you somethingย  yeah you should listen to it the ox is a sign ofย ย  late winter so we see the winter in the readingย  the most Yin of Seasons this is a time to beย ย 

    Gentle with yourself and Discerning with yourย  energy yeah maybe the winter times was roughย ย  for you okay I am recording this at the end ofย  February but you know it’s a Timeless reading so maybe after the winter you know after the everyย  winter there comes the spring yeah so it saysย ย 

    The card serves a message that you are more powerย  powerful than you think maybe you are experiencingย ย  some you know hard times right now yeah you mayย  have felt underestimated by others and even byย ย  yourself for so long that you have forgottenย  the strongest force that lies within you theย ย 

    Divine feminine within the Y is a force so sealย  it takes wisdom and intuition to recognize andย ย  appreciate it yeah even more enlightened andย  inner knowing to consciously H Earth to andย ย  unle it get in touch with the by starting fromย  within using mindfulness practices to empowerย ย 

    In yourself so maybe you know um practic likeย  you know meditating or just you know uh beingย ย  mindfulness about to moment itself yeah thatย  can help you cuz you know it’s about um actuallyย ย  clearing our mind our mind always talks okay itย  always talks but when our mind talks we cannotย ย 

    Sometimes see the reality itself okay we cannotย  see our intuitions we cannot see our emotionsย ย  so we have to silence it in our mind you know weย  carry our anxieties our fears you know these uhย ย 

    Late night thoughts we have in our bed while youย  know trying to have a sleep it always you knowย ย  shameful and scary in these thoughts sometimesย  we just you know remember a very memory thatย ย  we were ashamed of yeah sometimes a sadnessย  come to our minds and just you know makes us

    Upset yeah so it is important to silence yourย  mind and just you know be gentle with yourselfย ย  and it as the mindfulness can help you and workingย  your way into your external environment with fuy hย ย 

    Maybe fuy can help you to bring peace and harmonyย  to your living and working spaces you know even ifย ย  you don’t do F she maybe clearing your deskย  clearing your table your room you know justย ย  making more you know simple your house gettingย  rid of you know cluts yeah maybe maybe cuz youย ย 

    Know when our environment is you know crowedย  and you know passy Massy um yeah we feel likeย ย  I know drawn in that c not yeah a simple way toย  ince and work with the mysterious feminine is toย ย 

    Incorporate the five Yin elements in your dailyย  life fresh flows for Yin wood a splash of solidย ย  red asent or candles for Yin fire tic colorsย  crystals rocks Pottery for y or CPS White goldย ย  jewelry and metal decorations for Y metal andย  shades of Blu black or soft wavy patterns forย ย 

    Wind water Engage The Senses with the elementsย  so strive for a balance instead of having anย ย  excess of certain elements and the lack of rest soย  balancing the anim elements you know uh it talksย ย  about the five elements because you know it’s theย  Chinese five elements so maybe uh you can workย ย 

    With that or you know have you believe in how youย  are sensing it and maybe this you know Oak and youย ย  know we see necklace here can be important okayย  it gave you know some practical advises so maybeย ย 

    You know we see then we you know ask about letย  me find the card yeah are you ready to meet themย ย  what we see here is a uh Two of Pentacles youย  know balancing being balanced so maybe this isย ย 

    The thing you know you need so I guess you shouldย  really uh listen to that advice okay yeah becauseย ย  it’s repeating itself so let’s see your charmsย  your other extra information about your soulmateย ย  so and we are going to take also you know theย  letters so your soulmate pile number two who are

    They August H student they can be studentย  but but they can also have students forigner Autumn family maybe family orientedย  okay Ur salesperson April governmentย ย  maybe a government job or you knowย  salesperson maybe they are sellingย ย  you you know their own Goods their ownย  craftings support social media that canย ย 

    Be you know their interest but also um maybeย  the place you are going to meet each other engineer winter winter always repeating me itย  maybe something you know uh special with your teeth and fiction hm they are intoย  fiction maybe they are writing fictionย ย 

    Okay so let’s see the countries orย  cultures Italy Fiji Cuba Estonia moraco lania Algeria this can be you know the your countriesย  homelands or just you know uh maybe they travel toย ย  these maybe they are educated in those countriesย  uh with you know student exchange exchangeย ย 

    Exchange programs or you know maybe just intoย  these country’s cultures or Foods you know thereย ย  maybe histories and we have some more electricianย  and spiritual we saw also this spiritual withinย ย  know the star card here yeah a very spiritualย  person this is so let’s see finally their

    Charts p number two whatย  are the symbols of your soul mates plane like to buy a lumber boneย  maybe you know they are traveling a lotย ย  maybe you know they’re into PLS or youย  know maybe yeah working on a plane youย ย  know like host Pilots other things we see a skull

    H maybe some you know engaging withย  chemicals H or just you know uh workingย ย  with yeah this chemicals and maybe justย  you know maybe into um metal music yeahย ย  it can be we see a green leaf H Iย  don’t know why what I am visioningย ย 

    The Lord of the Rings and dungeon andย  Dragons I don’t know why and I see that maybe they are you know they have this uhย ย  green t maybe they love to raiseย  plants yeah maybe they’re a plant

    Person we also have a boat or a sail maybeย  they love to you know uh write boat into Seas yeah they can be into music okay maybe thereย ย  is going to be a song thatย  is very special between you

    Two we see three different animals an oval a anย  elephant and a turtle all talks about you knowย ย  knowledge being wise and also elephant talks aboutย  um how can I say a very strong memory okay likeย ย 

    You know being a strong past being um passionateย  about past um history and it also talks to meย ย  about India yeah maybe like you know that and weย  see turtle turtles are slow but steady you know umย ย 

    You they move slow but at the end they reach theirย  target they reach their destination so I guessย ย  this is a very um persistent person okay and hereย  we see moon and the star oh sorry Moon and the

    Star maybe you know they their country can haveย  that like you know Turkey yeah and also maybeย ย  you know moon and star can have some youย  know important meaning for them we have a crown like the Elizabeth second I don’t knowย  maybe the serious crown interest or maybe knowย ย 

    UK or other countries that rules with you knowย  monarchy and also we have a feather yeah maybeย ย  they’re collecting feather like you know they areย  spiritual actually maybe this is just a sign ofย ย  that they are very spiritual they are takingย  some some signs from the universe maybe theyย ย 

    Are you know taking some um music some you knowย  words from music as a sign yeah because they areย ย  gathering their own information and I guess theyย  are somehow obsessed with uh the time of nightย ย 

    In a day and like you know the Moon Yeah pileย  number three so I sorry pile number two so thisย ย  was your reading I hope hope you enjoy the readingย  yeah this is the first time I guess I’m doing aย ย 

    Soulmate reading yeah like you know personalityย  and all the details so if you enjoyed the readingย ย  please subscribe to my channel uh leave a commentย  below and maybe share the video with your friendsย ย  or loved ones okay it will really make me happyย  so so until the next time take care of yourselfย ย 

    And meet me here okay I love you all bye welcomeย  back pile number three we have chosen the thisย ย  sweet card heal the O and the number is 38 soย  maybe number can be important like you know uhย ย 

    As a sign as a cot or you know as an H raccoon andย  the fox raccoon is the nurse and the fox is theย ย  patient and raccoon is just you know caring themย  so I guess um there is going to be some you knowย ย 

    Care compassion between you and your soulmateย  yeah and raccoon and folks can be know as likeย ย  you know your animals represent pres ing youย  your character yeah they’re both very sweet andย ย  adorable actually but you know they seem likeย  yeah mostly they are wild but you can pet themย ย 

    Actually they’re very sweet they’re very you knowย  kind when you know how to approach them so let’s see personality of pile number three what’s like that the soulmate of pile number three theย  soulmate of pile number three how is the yourย ย 

    Soulmate how is I I cannot ask the questionย  why oh my God I always you know just sayingย ย  it wrong it’s like you know not the wayย  I wish uhoh how is the personality of theย ย  pile number three soulmate okay let do thisย  the personality of the pile number three’s

    Soulmate how is the personality oh how sweet andย  can you see it resemblance you know the gesture isย ย  just like you know mirroring each other theย  boy is giving a cup full of flowers to thisย ย 

    Girl and here we see raccoon is about to give aย  flow to the fox that is really sweet H the pastย ย  and the innocent so maybe uh your soulmateย  kind of from your past maybe you know yourย ย 

    Uh childhood love maybe you were sweethearts whenย  you were young very lovely it just you know got me emotional how is theirย  personality oh four of Wands celebration stability seven ofย  Cups options and pipe dreams soย ย  I guess very dreamy person veryย  emotional person is here okay

    Yeah each like was different in that way youย  know one is materialistic the other one isย ย  you more spiritual and and here the last oneย  is emotional yeah queen of Cups definitelyย ย  emotional being a queen of cup of myselfย  I can say that intuition and empathic okayย ย 

    Six of Swords escape and travel H maybe youย  know for your soulmate uh that can be toughย ย  to you know face the reality of life and yeahย  they’re like you know Escapist people like umย ย  they don’t want to see the reality of the Vย  because in their emotions in their feelingsย ย 

    In their dreams you know these are all like youย  know um pink glasses yeah maybe this is someoneย ย  who really wear uh Pink glasses as a matter ofย  speaking of course very romantic very idealisticย ย  very dreamy but you know don’t want to face withย  the reality yeah Two of Wands contemplating anย ย 

    Enterprise H and at the bottom of the deckย  we have nine of Wands like the pile number two and let’s see the oracle pile number three how is your soulmate’s personality yeah chaos and conflict sometimesย  we can see some you know drama queens in uhย ย 

    Queen of Cups you know I a canceran ladyย  so I am all of this queen of Cups believeย ย  me and blast okay I see someone you know veryย  yeah very mother-like okay very mother-likeย ย  father-like very nurturing very love very lovesย  to help the others okay very supportive and you

    Know they are sweet yeah very sweet very you knowย  when you see them um when you talk to them you areย ย  going to be like oh honey oh honey like it’s theย  way you are listening to them okay because thisย ย 

    Person is uh all about the relationships they canย  be someone like you know always searching for theย ย  one okay always searching for the right one uhย  for their soulmate for you know a life lifelongย ย  partner as aose they are definitely someoneย  um looking forward to get married okay veryย ย 

    Different from other decks really very differentย  um they love to be they they love to be uh in aย ย  relationship yeah and when they are alone they’reย  like you know oh life is ended life is ended I amย ย 

    Afraid there is no one that is going to love me Iย  am going to die alone you know this is their dramaย ย  this is their drama their friends uh can complainย  about this okay because they are very romantic andย ย 

    I guess with overtime yeah let get some balanceย  but if are uh if they are in their you know earlyย ย  20s you know if they are very young uh they can beย  like that okay they they are very dreamy okay theyย ย 

    Are very dreamy you know this blast card yeah itย  talks about a very spiritual person but you knowย ย  it’s like always hoping for the better alwaysย  you know praying to God like God please give meย ย 

    My significant other God please I want a happyย  marriage I I want a happy house I want kids Iย ย  want you know pets maybe animals you know um thisย  is all I want from you I don’t care about moneyย ย 

    Yeah they don’t care about money money is like youย  know a safety for them okay if um they have enoughย ย  money to you know fits uh if they have a roofย  uh above of their hat yeah that’s enough okayย ย 

    This is not someone who put the you know careerย  money or you know social status at first okayย ย  no love relationship to love someone being lovedย  from someone yeah that is their first priority asย ย 

    I said very lovable very cute but also very naiveย  okay very naive so what zodiacs also I see here uhย ย  Scorpio cancerian Aries uh Aquarius Scorpio againย  and it’s the know Venus in Scorpio in this cardย ย 

    So I guess um they can have you know Canarian andย  Scorpio as their sun moon or you know Venus okayย ย  because this is the way they you know see the wordย  but also the words see them like like that so Iย ย 

    Guess um as I said yeah we see you know the Ariesย  Aries again yeah yeah we see other Zodiacs okayย ย  that can be their you know ascendants or you knowย  they Mars they Jupiter but it’s like all theirย ย 

    Significant you know planets that shows their youย  know word these are in water sign so um they haveย ย  highly uh water element in their you know birdย  chart in their Nal chart and as I said we seeย ย 

    Scorpio Venus and Scorpio also Aries again andย  here we see a Sagittarius but I guess this personย ย  is more like to little the um water sign okayย  watery energy here so yes they are very adorableย ย  when people see them they just you know umย  approach them like you know they’re like innocentย ย 

    Childs okay they’re like children they’re veryย  innocent very you know when you see them you wantย ย  to um hold them tight in know you know blanketย  yeah they have a heart like cotton okay a cotton

    Yeah and I guess you know their eyes their lookย  the you know impression in their face it alsoย ย  seems like a very know emotional um how can I sayย  you know some people seem like they’re always youย ย 

    Know in their thoughts in their own word yeahย  they seem like that they’re like always um seemย ย  like thinking about something some you knowย  meaningful thing yeah they looks their eyesย ย  yeah these are very deep looking into their eyesย  it is going to be like you know um looking into itย ย 

    You know a majestic a beautiful charm ing magicalย  ocean yeah you can be drawn in their eyes believeย ย  in me you can be drawn in their eyes they’reย  going to you know um metaphorically speakingย ย 

    Of course um cast a spell on you uh by their eyesย  you know just like their looks okay it reminds meย ย  uh Shan you know from Bollywood he’s also aย  Scorpio and you know his his eyes his looksย ย 

    To they you know uh his um romantic partnerย  in movies yeah this is just Charming you knowย ย  yeah he has that kind of a magical Charming yeahย  energy and this is that look okay this is thatย ย 

    Look the Shan look okay I love him I love hisย  movies now ddlg is the my favorite movie maybe yeah so as I said a very very you know sweetย  figure but but also as I said they don’t want toย ย 

    See the reality in the world they want to escapeย  from it okay when uh there is nothing they canย ย  do maybe they are like you know just don’t touchย  me I’m going to sleep don’t touch me I’m going toย ย 

    Be in my bat okay when they don’t want to um faceย  with the reality of the life when they don’t faceย ย  the you know responsibilities sometimes they canย  get easily upset and easily you know depressedย ย  okay it’s like they should always reach theirย  dreams always you know accomplish their dreams butย ย 

    You know seven of Cups actually really can talkย  about pipe dreams so if they cannot achieve theseย ย  goals achieve this Dreams yeah they’re going toย  be very upset about it they are going to be likeย ย 

    Don’t touch me I just want to be alone and maybeย  for days and days they are not going to speak withย ย  others they are just going to be in their home youย  know um hugging to their favorite blanket and youย ย 

    Know just watching their comfort show okay theirย  Comfort movie their comfort you know uh drama yeahย ย  because they want to be feel like I’m safe butย  actually they really enjoy a good chos if theyย ย 

    Are not the you know one who is exposed to thisย  so yeah they are very good listeners they are veryย ย  empathic they can listen you for hours but youย  know when uh someone cry in front of them thenย ย 

    Someone is upset they’re like tell me tell meย  tell me tell me cry cry cry cry just they justย ย  want to be like you know uh be feel like neededย  okay yeah they want to help people yes they haveย ย 

    A really good heart but actually they love Cur andย  conflict because they want to be this savior okayย ย  they want to be this um therapist role in yourย  life okay this is that kind of a friend in youย ย 

    Know their friends life they are like the motherย  they are like the father they are like the youย ย  know um center of the care like a therapist like aย  Healer yeah they can be a really healer um tellingย ย 

    Your you know worries telling about your you knowย  fears about them can actually obviously uh cureย ย  you heal you but as I said um they are dma Queensย  okay they’re dma Queens but actually yeah if theyย ย 

    Are good at controlling that yeah then they can beย  more like you know and advisor and Mentor in theirย ย  you know close Circle yeah this person can beย  you know um separated from their Hometown okay umย ย 

    That can be someone who lives abroad or just youย  know in another town in another city from theirย ย  you know birth town maybe away from their parentsย  actually also they are you know very fond of theirย ย 

    Parents yeah even if you know they don’t have goodย  relationship with their mom and dad it doesn’tย ย  matter you know they just love their parentsย  yeah and also they love children and pets okayย ย  they love children and pets and actually they canย  be like you know therapist teacher kindergartenย ย 

    Teacher maybe especially um in medical fieldย  like you know doctors nurses yeah that can beย ย  but also you know uh healers okay because theyย  are sensitive and you know intuitive yeah theyย ย  can be healers mhm they can be also in you know umย  the category of service to others because you knowย ย 

    They love to service they love to help othersย  so anything involve helping others anythingย ย  involve um finding solutions to other people’sย  problems that can be their you know [ย __ย ] yeah yeah they are like you know help service yeah and

    Also yes they have some as I said pipeย  dreams but um they’re also good atย ย  manifesting okay even if they don’tย  know that they are actually good atย ย  getting the things as they wish okay umย  yeah getting answered to their you know

    Prayers yeah because somehow their relationshipย  with the Divine is blessed okay this blast isย ย  important it you know we see lots of purple hereย  card is just in purple and purple talks about ourย ย  seventh chakra uh the crown chakra and it’s ourย  you know um communication to God communicationย ย 

    To Divine communication to universe so theyย  are very good at this okay their prayers theirย ย  manifestations their Visions come to them okay soย  even if they seem like uh yeah they are hopelessย ย  romantic or um they are dreaming big maybe theyย  are they can seem like yeah they are working inย ย 

    Vain no at the end I guess they just got what theyย  wish and deserve yeah this kind of people here yeah they are stable if they you know love someoneย  or work somewhere yeah they don’t easily changeย ย 

    Their mind but their mood is not stable it isย  very changeable their mood can you know changeย ย  uh 10 times a day okay at the morning they canย  be very cheerful at the noon they can be sad atย ย 

    Night they can be very hopeful but in theirย  bed they can be very fearful you know theirย ย  mood always changing but they are Dependableย  okay they are reliable people when uh you areย ย  in a relationship with them yeah you are goingย  to to be sure about that this person loves meย ย 

    And yeah I love them back so in that manner as Iย  said they are very reliable and very stable okay and you know they are open-mindedย  actually yeah in emotions but alsoย ย  in their career so they are notย  afraid of uh changing their charย ย 

    Okay yeah they are not changing ofย  uh you know their home their St their country they are not the Courageous one yeah theyย  are not the most courageous one maybe but they’reย ย  adaptable okay they can adap into situationsย  here we see you know the fox fox are also veryย ย 

    Adaptable they can live with a group of foxes butย  they can also survive alone they are good at youย ย  know accepting the challenges and changes in lifeย  so they’re also your person your soulmate is likeย ย 

    The fox yeah they are very adaptable they’re notย  fond of you know change they are not like I wantย ย  changes all the time but when there is a changeย  coming yeah they are happily welcoming it theyย ย 

    Are not you know fight with it they are just okayย  I am accepting that and yeah I am going to be youย ย  know adaptable to the process but they are alsoย  protective about their personal space they can beย ย 

    Seem like you know defensive uh guarded fromย  the outside but but it like you know um it’sย ย  like de shell okay de wall like you can think ofย  you know canceres you know um crabs have this um

    Heart shells but inside they were actually veryย  soft yeah like you know Mr crop from the SpongeBobย ย  yeah without his shell he is very soft and sweetย  you know pink that’s why they don’t because theyย ย 

    Don’t want to you know injured by others I guessย  they have some kind of you know um heart shellย ย  thick walls yeah because they know they areย  native okay they’re na they are pure if umย ย 

    They be you know very very open to others theyย  can get injured people can harm them that’s whyย ย  they are trying to protect themselves by youย  know uh building these WS okay this is themย ย  pile number three so this is their personalityย  and oh 3 three and 22 yeah not the soulmate okayย ย 

    So let’s see are you two ready to meet eachย  other okay and by meet I mean meeting in aย ย  relationship you know um you can know this personย  already but maybe you are not in a relationshipย ย 

    So our point is here to you know understand areย  you two really uh ready to find each other in aย ย  relationship and be together so pile numberย  three are you ready to meet each other in a relationship 10 of Wands Moon card seven of Wands h four of cups Justice Two of

    Pentacles Ace of Wands andย  here we see queen of wants okay you need some time okay because right nowย  I’m guessing uh both of you you and them okayย ย  facing some difficulties engaging with someย  difficulties maybe you are moving to anotherย ย 

    Home another country maybe they are like thatย  you know because I see here some kind of Burdenย ย  some difficulty some challenges and you knowย  the mutual the common energy is like um notย ย  feeling so much good with you know self yeahย  that’s why both of you need a kind of changeย ย 

    Need a kind of closure maybe with your life withย  your cycles and then meet each other so there isย ย  some time and that can start with the month ofย  October okay I am recording this in the monthย ย 

    Of February in 2024 yeah it is timeless butย  I guess um end of September and the Octoberย ย  can be important you know time of Libra okayย  that’s why I’m saying this and after that maybeย ย  you can really find each other in a relationshipย  with you know yourself yourselves actually yeahย ย 

    But what I see yes it is not so far okay it isย  not so far it’s like you know um until the endย ย  of this year but the um for this time is goingย  to be like three years okay three years is the

    Um the last time okay I couldn’t know how to say that it is going to be furest time maybeย  for some of you are going to find eachย ย  other in 3 years maybe some of you in aย  year maybe some of you in these monthsย ย 

    But this is the final date okay 3 yearsย  it is the final date but not all of youย ย  are going to wait until this time okay forย  some of you it is the end of September andย ย 

    October for some of you that can be likeย  you know end of the um middle of the year yeah but it is for sure September and Octoberย  is going to be significant okay this is theย ย  like you know Divine timing yeah and alsoย  we can see January as another importantย ย 

    Month okay so after you and them manage toย  accomplish you know this period of challenges responsibilities maybe you know beating up the depression yeah after that time yeah youย  are going to meet but you know there isย ย 

    Some work actually it can be hard it canย  be easy it will depend on you but there isย ย  some change there is some fights there is someย  you know challenges and after that maybe evenย ย  you can see uh Karma work yeah maybe you areย  going to see some Divine Justice in life andย ย 

    After that yeah you two are going to meetย  you two are going to be I guess under theย ย  same roof okay you can married actuallyย  with this person with this soulmate yeah so what are you going to bring to each otherย  pile number three what are you going to bringย ย 

    To each other pile number three Harmony ourย  differences have no use unless we treat themย ย  like musical notes to create songs yeah andย  I guess as I said after a hard time after aย ย  period of challenges you will find Harmony youย  will find peace with each other’s company soย ย 

    That’s why it is going to be beautifulย  like you know maybe this is going to beย ย  like you know who will be supported byย  them who will be you know uh healed byย ย  them cuz they are going to touch you likeย  you know this feeling of supporting healing

    Nurturing friendship yeah definitely there isย  going to be a friendship here with the healingย ย  and the harmony a good friend soled the best ofย  you but also the worst and didn’t run away thisย ย  is really beautiful they’re going to loveย  and support you and you are going to loveย ย 

    And support them no matter of what okay thisย  is the key I guess you are going to see theย ย  best and the worst in each other but you areย  going to accept these flows you are going toย ย 

    Be like yeah I am here with you I not runningย  away you are both going to be like that Runnerย ย  and Chaser take your turns to run away to onlyย  realize you are running from X aspect of yourselfย ย 

    I guess before entering this relationship thereย  can be this phase of you know Runner and Chaserย ย  you know it’s like when one side is wanting thisย  relationship maybe the other one is not going toย ย 

    Accept that okay and vice versa cuz like you knowย  when we ask like um are you ready to meet meetย ย  each other in a relationship what we see wasย  challenges so I guess this is the challengesย ย 

    One part is running other is chasing and thenย  the other is running and the other is chasingย ย  but finally meeting in an Harmony and after thatย  no one will run yeah definitely soulmate becauseย ย  soulmates can you know experience this kindย  of renun Chaser periods and the last card isย ย 

    Triggering a tiny innocent gesture can triggerย  intense reactions if it touches on Old painfulย ย  V and what we see here is that innocent gestureย  is touching that W yeah and here I fa okay so yes you are going to heal each other’sย  wants but I guess um before establishingย ย 

    A committed relationship um youย  can also you two can also causeย ย  some wounds in each other okay and afterย  that I guess you are going to heal thatย ย  step by step okay so let’s see your adviceย  for this person and for this relationship

    Pile number three what’s your advice inย  this relationship with this person ohย ย  water snake number is 30 access your inner knowingย ย  okay snake can be important also butย  what we see here accessing our inner knowledge so it says accessing the wisdom of Y waterย  requires Stillness and silence get Qui toย ย 

    Listen to your inner knowing so by being stillย  and in silence it’s the only way we can listenย ย  to our you know inner knowing we just you knowย  by doing that just being you know silence ourย ย 

    Thoughts silence our mind yeah we can clear ourย  mind and we can have access to our higher self yeah the snakes in fire communicates through theย  frequency of Joy if an idea excites the heartsย ย 

    And brings you Joy trust that is your innerย  ning telling you to go for it so I guess bothย ย  um for this person when you know them when youย  meet them your heart is going to say yeah thisย ย 

    Is the one yeah this is your soulmate butย  also apart from them if your life if yourย ย  heart is calling you to something okay itย  can be you know changing your home movingย ย  from one place to another um running your ownย  business maybe changing your work job you knowย ย 

    You are going to see some signs and sorry Iย  see you know this feather bird feather andย ย  you know it’s the sign from the universe so Iย  guess if we silence ourself and listen to ourย ย  our environment and our environment is here ourย  inner self actually we can see that you know sign

    Yeah but only if you can focus all okay so it says joy the emotion associatedย  with this next fire element is the key toย ย  accessing your inner knowing its frequency willย  tell you when something feels right so if rightย ย 

    Now something feels right if something is callingย  you you should do that maybe maybe that is yourย ย  lesson uh before you know meeting with yourย  soulmate okay fear will sink you deeper intoย ย  an abys of uncertainty and confusion while Joyย  will inspire you to defeat your inner critic andย ย 

    Strengthen your inner knowing uplift the heartย  with enthusiasm and positivity to cultivate joyย ย  and stalk The Light Within as one of our one ofย  our special pillars blessed with Divine supportย ย  water snake also appears as a sign that the Divineย  has your back I guess you are getting some helpย ย 

    Okay release your worries and quiet your depsย  trust in Divine guidance which can come throughย ย  signs conversations dreams synchronicities andย  help from loved ones and strangers alike yeahย ย  listen to the heart to recognize messages fromย  the Divine the heart understand the language ofย ย 

    Seate so I guess you have some work to do pileย  number three because you know we see that in uhย ย  are you ready to meet each other in a relationshipย  you know so I guess there is some work to do andย ย 

    After that yeah you are going to be all about youย  know blossoming for this relationship with yourย ย  soulmate so let’s see some extra information aboutย  your soulmate pile number three who can be your soulmate Bangladesh heti Czech Republic oh turkey turkeyย  you know it changed name in BM okay winter Sing

    Farmer August Capricorn May forigner it cameย  in all decks okay forigner came in all decksย ย  so maybe you are Foreigner to each other orย  maybe you know um this person can be intoย ย  foreign languages literatures movies culturesย  histories and food okay okay you can maybe uhย ย 

    Hear that countries from them these are notย  have to be their Homeland okay but this canย ย  be you know somewhere like you know they traveledย  maybe this person uh traveled to stul okay maybeย ย  maybe they have you know traveled to hey youย  know that can be or maybe they just you knowย ย 

    Love the culture the food the history okay thatย  can be so we see here Capricorn interesting weย ย  see video games maybe they are into video gamesย  or maybe even they are you know designing videoย ย 

    Games maybe they are in that job feels we seeย  also a farmer so maybe they can be farmer butย ย  also uh their parents I’m sensing somethingย  like that their parents can be Farmers okayย ย  yeah and also we see winter sing winter sing andย  suing comes after the winter okay very relatedย ย 

    Seasons and August and may this can be you knowย  dates uh months you two meet each other but alsoย ย  this can be their birth months okay August andย  May so pile number three let’s see your charms what are the symbols for your

    Soulmate Moon H Star of David star of davitย  yeah we can see you know different religionsย ย  here okay okay a star a perfume a rabbit let’sย  me take some okay we see again a snowflake soย ย  maybe uh winter or snow something relatedย  to snow maybe a snow um a winter vacationย ย 

    Can be important between you two okayย  we see three of life three of Life very interesting you know through of life is likeย  secret to all of things like you know these circles as I said this person is very youย  know emotional sensitive intuitive and I guย ย 

    As um they are into mythology or like youย  know history and also spiritual knowledgeย ย  and mythologies I guess yeah but also what I seeย  here you are going to have some you know um Rootsย ย  together it’s like you know establishing a solidย  foundation a solid relationship a marriage yeahย ย 

    A lineage together okay a lineage togetherย  getting you know children together we see aย ย  unicorn and also a black cat so cat unicorn andย  we can also add maybe horses and rabbit rabbitย ย  also talks to me about Springtime so maybe itย  can be really important but this can be signsย ย 

    You know when you are about to meet them whenย  you about to welcome them in your life okay and here says no five channel no fiveย  maybe um so maybe their perfume theirย ย  scant their Aroma can be significant toย  you maybe you are them going to you knowย ย 

    Give each other a present like a perfumeย  yeah it can be yeah but I guess you areย ย  going to shine together here in the moon weย  also have a star so I guess can be again aย ย  country that involves you know these symbolsย  in their Flags like you know Turkey yeah hasย ย 

    This Moon and you know star and some otherย  countries yeah we can see them like that okay okay and rabbit also talks aboutย  you know fertility yeah I gu youย ย  going to have some children with themย  yeah maybe they have also you know umย ย 

    Rubit or cats as their pets youย  know so let’s say the letters at last de initials what Tย  initiales letters in their names okay u a t c k k again double k okay s k again yeah I wrote theย  letters three times okay we haveย ย 

    Each letters as three times so we haveย  all of the cas so maybe the letter keyย ย  letter K can be dominant in their nameย  okay maybe it’s the initial it’s maybeย ย  it’s the initial of their first name andย  last name maybe even their middle name

    Yeah V see h a u s CTB Z and lots of all ofย  the case so I guess this is you know veryย ย  dominant in their name yeah but you can alsoย  see oh sorry you can’t see that you can seeย ย 

    Them okay see it’s the C but no it’s not you it’sย  see yeah so pile number three thank you for beingย ย  here I love you so much I love your support soย  much I hope you enjoyed the reading if you’reย ย 

    Here for the first time please subscribe to myย  channel leave a comment below about the readingย ย  or you know about your soulmate and um you canย  share the video and it will make me very happyย ย  if you share the video with your friends withย  your family with your love ons I don’t knowย ย 

    And I hope to see you in other readingsย  until then take care of yourself and bye


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