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    Audiobook: An Eye For An Eye – Full AudioBook
    Author: William Le Queux
    Genre: General Fiction, Romance, Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Horror, and Detective Novel
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    An Eye For An Eye by William Le Queux
    Frank Urwin and Richard Cleugh are two bachelor journalists sharing a flat in London. One evening while chatting, Urwin receives a telegram from a police acquaintance to come to the local police station at once. Urwin visits Inspector Patterson who is greatly agitated. Patterson invites Urwin for a drink and tells him of a strange occurrence at a local house. The two visit the house where they discover a dead young male and attractive young female. For some reason, Patterson is reluctant to report the apparent murders. While at the house, the telephone rings and Urwin answers it. A strange voice asks if the deed has been done? Urwin indicates it has and agrees to meet the caller at St. James’s Park. Urwin finally convinces Patterson to report the crime and a second visit occurs with additional police. This time however, the dead female is not the same person.

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    This is audiobook caboodle YouTube channel  click on the Subscribe button and listen   unlimited audiobooks anytime anywhere an eye for  an eye by William lacue chapter 1 the mystery man   hush think if you were overheard well my dear  fellow I can only assert what’s true I said  

    I really can’t believe it observe my companion  shaking his head doubtfully but I’m absolutely   satisfied I answered the two Affairs mysterious  as they are are more closely connected than we   imagined I thought I had convinced you by my  arguments a revelation will be made someday and  

    It will be a startling one depend upon it you’ll  never convince me without absolute proof never the   idea is far too hazy to be possible only a Madman  could dream such a thing then I suppose I’m a mad  

    Man I laughed no old chap I don’t need any insult  of course my friend the journalist a youngish   dark-haired man hastened to assure me but the  whole thing is really too extraordinary to believe   we were seated together one June morning  some years ago in a train on the Underground  

    Railway and had been discussing a very remarkable  occurrence which had been discovered a few days   before a discovery that was a secret between  us scarcely however had he uttered his final   denunciation of my theory when the train ran into  the sulfurous evermirke station at Blackfriars  

    For the electrification of the line was not then  completed and promising to continue our argument   later he paid me goodbye sprang out and hastened  away in the crowd of silk habit City men on their   way to their offices he was rather tall aged  about 30 with a well-cut clever face a complexion  

    Unusually dark a well-trimmed black mustache  and a smart gate which gave him something of   a military bearing yet his cravat was habitually  tied with carelessness and he usually wore a light   Overcoat except through the month of August  his name was Richard clue one of the sharpest  

    Men in Fleet Street being special reporter of  London’s most up-to-date evening paper the comet   when alone I sat back in the illit railway  carriage and during my short journey to Cannon   Street reflected deeply the affair was as he had  said absolutely bewildering indeed this chain of  

    Curious facts this Romance of love and devotion  of guile Intrigue and of the cardinal sins which   it is my intention to hear record proved one  of the strangest that has ever occurred in our   giant London it was an absolute mystery readers of  newspapers know well the many strange stories told  

    In courts of Justice or on Earth by the untiring  liner And the reporter who is a specialist in the   discovery of crime yet when we walked streets of  our Metropolis when the fevered crowd jostles in  

    The Mad race of Life there is more romance around  us and of a character far more extraordinary than   any that has ever appeared in the public Prince  the secrets of London’s ever-throbbing heart and   her hidden and inexplicable Mysteries which never  get into the papers or Legion this is one of them  

    In order to understand the facts all right it is  necessary to hear explain that I Frank Irwin and   myself a member of that ubiquitous and much  maligned profession journalism being engaged   at the time of the opening of this narrative  as special reporter of a highly respectable  

    London Daily Newspaper a journal which was so  Superior that it never allowed itself to make any   Sensational statement its conductors as studiously  avoided sensationalism as they did libel and   although we were very often in possession of  startling facts and Sensational statements  

    Which would have sold the paper and caused it to  be quoted next morning up and down the country   yet we of the staff forbidden to write anything so  undignified kept our information to ourselves or  

    As was once rumored the office boy a Thrifty youth  went forth and calmly sold it to one of our more   enterprising rivals hence owing to the heaviness  of its articles which usually contained chunks of   foreign quotations and the paucity of its news  the paper was dubbed by its staff the magazine  

    Before being appointed to this pseudo newspaper  where by the way work was light and remuneration   good I had been for several years engaged upon  one of the enterprising evening journals who   print their specials on tinted paper and by  reason of my constant investigations I had  

    Become well known to the police and perhaps  something of a specialist in the revealing of   hidden facts and the unraveling of mysteries  dick clue was my most intimate friend for we   shared Chambers and graze in and rather dingy and  typical Bachelors Abode be it said but it had the  

    Advantage of being close proximity to Fleet Street  and situated as we were flying all over London day   after day we could not afford to live out in  a peculiarly journalistic suburb of Brixton   our little flat contained a very sad and shabby  sitting room in which stood a couple of writing  

    Tables whereat we often worked joining in and  re-echoing each other’s implications a couple of   bedrooms and a small box room which containing a  gas stove over which the diurnal chops were fried   was turned by the in authorities a kitchen  we however irreverently turned it the sink  

    Old Mrs jode a worthy old soul who lived  across in federal Lane did for us and was   well known as the Hag on account of her  passe and extremely bizarre appearance   her duties were not very onerous consisting  of preparing our morning tea doing up the  

    Rooms cooking the Eternal chops or the Everlasting  steaks at six when our respective special editions   having gone to press we both returned hungry  to our dens and lastly in drinking our whiskey   she preferred Jin but took Whiskey In order to put  us to no inconvenience clue was one of the queer  

    Figures in journalistic London essentially of  the Bohemian type easygoing and possessive equate   dry humor many were the stories told in Fleet  Street of his utter disregard for the covenances   shrewd witty clever well-educated he was no  respecter of persons if he went forth to make  

    An inquiry for his journal he hesitated at nothing  with a constant companionship of an extremely foul   Briar pipe it was his Habit to interview people  and obtain latest details of the day’s sensation   without removing it from his lips and it was  well known down at the Press Club that dingy  

    But interesting institution in one office court  that on one field day at Aldershot he had actually   chatted with the commander-in-chief pipe in mouth  and afterwards put the conversation on the wire in   the form of an interview when having nothing to  do he would clean that pipe for recreation and  

    Such operation usually caused a rapid exit from  the vicinity known to all in Fleet Street as the   mystery man he was clever looking and dignified  and could snuff out an uncommunicative secretary   or a papa’s policeman With His Marvelous control  of Expressions sarcastic without being abusive  

    He was undoubtedly a smart man and to be smart  in journalism nowadays requires a good deal more   than ordinary intelligence an ex-jesus man he had  been a true blue been plowed for the Army studied   medicine and traveled pretty widely until having  been a brilliant failure he had drifted into  

    Journalism like so many other men have drifted  commencing as an outside contributor or liner and   eventually by then of the swiftness and marvelous  tact and ability with which he got at the bottom   of the inquiries he made he joined the regular  staff of a popular evening sheet which by reason  

    Of having once tried the experiment of printing  on Senate paper was known in press circles as   the stinker and subsequently became chief of the  reporting staff of the Comet as smart as staff   as could be found in London in common with many  other men in Fleet Street that never sleeping  

    World of tape and flimsy Dick had one failing he  had a pension for the particular brand of whiskey   sold at the cheese the ancient House of steak  pudding Fame but he was always moderate for his   great pride was that his sub-editors could place  the greatest Reliance in him as indeed they could  

    Dick clue was certainly smart even though his  hair was often unkempt and a bundle of copy   paper usually poked out of the side pocket of  his well-worn Overcoat over and over again had   he proved himself a very brilliant Pressman and  it startled London by the latest details he had  

    Elicited where the police had failed I had arrived  at our Chambers about six after a heavy day   I had visited barking in Wadsworth and had made  an inquiry at Hammersmith three districts far   afield from one another therefore I felt [ __ ]  and hungry the hag was engaged in fizzling the  

    Usual daily stake in the gas fumes filling  the place with a decidedly appetizing odor   nevertheless between dick and I there was an  arrangement that neither should eat without   the other unless a telegram arrived announcing  a protracted absence therefore I lit a cigarette  

    Cast myself into the triple rickety but very  comfortable armchair and waited by the open window   I was just a trifle Melancholy that evening for  there had come back to me Recollections of a   love Bond long since severed of a face which  was once very dear to me but I was a lonely  

    Bachelor now all was of the past soon however  as I sat thinking I saw a clue hurrying across   the square his silk hat a trifle Rusty tilled at  the back of his head and a few moments later he  

    Burst merrily into the room saying sorry to keep  you so long old chap but we brought out an extra   tonight there’s a bit of a row down in Parliament  then calling to Mrs Jobe who was pottering in the  

    Sink Beyond he said come along mother look sharp  with the horse flesh we sat down and commenced   our meal while he overflowing with Spirits told  me how he had been out on an inquiry near to the  

    Welsh harp spending a very pleasant afternoon  there and how he meant to write it up for the   mornings the old Instinct of the liner was still  upon him and on his littered table he always kept  

    His Agate stylus and oil tissue known as flimsy  his blacks and his square tin wear on to right   the sub-editors of the morning papers the  judges of next day’s intelligence could   always rely on Dick Clue’s stuff therefore  they used it and he profited at a rate of a  

    Penny farthing per line he was in brief purveyor  of Sensations to the newspaper reading public   I’m going to take a lil out tonight my  companion said between mouthfuls of stake   for he was ravenously hungry smart girl Lil yes I  answered she’s awfully nice by jobold chat by nvu  

    The mystery man smiled contently with a piece  of meat poised gracefully on his pork then he   began humming the latest Love Song which the  barrel organs had made popular beating time   with his Fork at the same time placing his  hand upon his heart in true operatic Style  

    This proceeding was however interrupted by the  entrance of the hag bearing a telegram for me   on opening it I found it contained only  one word Cub signed by the initial p   I tossed it across to my companion without comment  and as I did so was surprised to notice a strange  

    Puzzled look upon his dark face he glanced at  it then handing it back to me exclaimed wonder   what’s up at Kensington something unusual or  Patterson wouldn’t have wired I said he’ll go   of course yes I’ll just see what it looks like  and if there’s anything in it I’ll let you know  

    Well old wobbler he laughed if it’s a good  thing leave a bit of the latest intelligence   for me to pick up for my early edition tomorrow  tonight I can’t disappoint Lily you know she’s  

    A good girl and never worries I’ll tell you all  about it when I come back then you can write up   something in Readiness for tomorrow if it’s  a mystery my people won’t touch it you know   of course he said your staff is only paid to book  Pleasant the mysterious telegram had come from  

    The police headquarters at Kensington an early  intimation that something unusual had occurred in   years of reporting in London I had become friendly  with many police inspectors and detectives and   it long ago made arrangements with some of them  whereby they would send me a Wire by day or a line  

    By Boy messenger at night with information of the  latest sensation the reason why all were signed   with initials was because such intimation was  contrary to the order of the chief commissioner   I therefore left dick sucking his foul Briar  and taking a motor bus to Kensington entered  

    The police station which stands back hidden in  a courtyard opposite Saint Mary Abbott’s Church   in the charge room with its bare gray painted  walls its steel railed dock for prisoners it’s   loud ticking clock and its desk where on the  oblong charge book lay open I found my old  

    Friend inspector Patterson in Earnest conversation  with two men of the working class who spoke with a   strong Cockney accent and addressed him familiarly  as governor they were evidently policemen’s noses   or in Criminal parlance narx good evening Mr Irwin  the inspector exclaimed putting forth his big hand  

    He was a tall Fair mustache easy-going fellow an  excellent officer tenderhearted with a deserving   poor was concerned but harsh and unbending towards  the habitual offender from Constable as I had   first known him in the tea or Hammersmith division  he had been moved to Saint Luke’s to Paddington to  

    Lehman Street and a Bow Street until Owen to the  marks which various magistrates had made upon his   charge sheets he had now at last risen to the  rank of first class inspector he was discreet  

    In every action therefore he did not refer to the  telegram he has sent me lest any of the men should   overhear but when we had chatted for a few moments  he whispered go over to the bar at High Street  

    Railway station and wait there for me I want to  see you very particularly I nodded then after   some further conversation I left him and wandered  across to the refreshment room he had indicated   end of chapter 1 record chapter 2. the penny in  paper about 20 minutes elapsed before Patterson  

    Rejoined me but expressing a fear that we might  be overheard there we went forth together and   strolled along High Street until coming to a  quiet turning which I think LED past the workhouse   we strolled along it and there he commenced his  explanation the fact is he said in a nervous hush  

    Voice there’s been a most extraordinary occurrence  here tonight the mystery is the strangest in all   my experience and I’ve made inquiries into one or  two of my times you know tell me all about it I  

    Said my curiosity wedding I wish I could my dear  fellow he answers I mean tell me all the known   facts nothing is known say for the discovery he  replied as soon as it became known I wired to you  

    When the papers get hold of it it will make  the greatest sensation ever known in London   well that’s saying a good deal I remarked who made  the discovery I did he answered adding quickly   but don’t mention me or the superintendent May  suspect me of giving you information he already  

    Had to suspicion that I’m a bit too friendly with  you gentlemen of the press a contravention of the   commissioner’s orders against giving information  to the papers might get me carpeted up at the yard   you know and the discovery I asked impatiently  what’s its nature most astounding he replied with  

    A bewildered look I’m a police officer or when  he added Horsley and I’m not often unnerved but   tonight by Joe I’m upset all together upset the  whole Affair is so devilish uncanny and unnatural   well tell me the story I urged if it is so  strange the evening papers will have a good  

    Time tomorrow no no he cried in quick alarm you  must publish nothing yet nothing you understand   that I give you these facts only on condition that  you promised not to publish anything until I give   you permission you alone will know of it we must  preserve the utmost secrecy not a word must leak  

    Out yet you understand in what an awkward position  you would Place me were you to publish anything   of this affair of course I promise to keep the  matter a strict secret I answered there are many  

    Cases in which the publication of the details of  a crime might defeat the efforts of the police and   this I suppose to be one of them well he said  I made the discovery in a most curious manner  

    Just before seven o’clock this evening just  as it was growing dark I was returning to the   station after visiting the fixed point at the  corner of Earls Court Road you know the spot   just opposite Holland Park I nodded I knew  that particular street corner where Earl’s  

    Court row joined Kensington Road quite well I had  previously been my usual round through Hampton   Hill Road and Holland walk and was strolling  back along the main Kensington Road past that   Terrace of houses upper Fillmore place when my  attention was suddenly arrested by seeing on the  

    Steps leading from the pavement up to the front  garden of one of the houses a small object moving   it was inside the gate and in a dim Half Light I  bet to examine it what do you think it was don’t  

    Know I replied don’t ask riddles describe facts  well it was the very last thing one would dream of   finding a London doorstep a small strangely marked  snake a snake I echoed you did the rest of her   being found without visible means of subsistence I  suppose no he answered controlling the smile which  

    Played about his lips but the things too serious  for joking as you’ll realize when I told you all   well the squirming reptile as soon as it saw  me coiled itself around and with heter wrecked   and swelled commenced hissing viciously I saw that  there was considerable danger in a thing like that  

    Being at large and surmising that it had escaped  from the house having been kept in captivity by   somebody thought of such pets I opened the gate  passed it not however without it making a dart  

    At me and walking up to the door rang the bell the  house was in total darkness but daylight had only   just faded and in many of the houses in the same  Terrace the gas in the hall had not yet been lit I  

    Rang and rang but there was no response in a large  house of that character it seemed strange that   no servant was about indeed most of the houses  there large roomy and old-fashioned let furnished   apartments but this one seemed to be superior  to its neighbors inasmuch as it has a balcony  

    On the first floor and the small front garden is  well kept in comparison to the patches of bald   weedy grass with which the others are content as I  stood on the doorstep trying to arouse the inmates   I watched the reptiles squirming about the paid  path apparently enjoying its Liberty immensely  

    I placed my ear attentively at the door trying  to detect some sound of movement which failed   until suddenly I heard within the ringing of an  electric Mel subdued by reason of the closed door   it was certain that after all someone was Within  was your summons answered I asked eagerly no  

    I rank fully a dozen times but nobody came it  occurred to me that within might be an invalid and   that hearing my ring he or she had rung the Bell  to the kitchen but the servants were absent there  

    Was an area door so I descended and tried that  the handle yielded it was unlocked therefore I   pushed it open and went in though I was certainly  not prepared for the discovery I afterwards made   as I entered the electric bill commenced ringing  again but it was apparently above me on the ground  

    Floor and not in the kitchen Where I Stood in  the cooking stove the fire was dying out and   there were other signs that servants had been  around recently finding no one in the basement   I ascended to the first floor when their greeted  mind nostrils a most delicious fragrance very  

    Similar to the incense which the Roman Catholics  burn the place smelled like the Brompton oratory   well what did you do next I asked  excited at his extraordinary narrative   I searched the two big rooms a dining room  and a back sitting room on the ground floor  

    But finding no one I stood at the bottom of  the stairs and shouted thinking to discover   the whereabouts of the invalid who had rung the  Bell there was no answer the place was dark so  

    I struck a match ascended to the first floor and  entered the front room which proved to be a good   sized well furnished drawing room dimly lit by the  Street Lamp opposite shining through the windows   at the further end suspended from the ceiling a  curious lap was burning in red glass just like  

    Those one seasoned Roman Catholic churches and on  examining it I found it to be a little float in   oil so arranged that it would burn continuously  for many days and nights without attention   it looked strange and weird a red spot  in a bit Darkness at the end of the room  

    But what was stranger and more amazing was a  discovery I made a moment later when my eyes   having grown used to this semi-up security of the  room I discerned two human forms one that of a  

    Woman lying back in an armchair as if asleep any  other a man who had fallen close by and was lying   outstretched upon the carpet even the faint light  of the match I struck told me that both were dead   and so startled was I by this unexpected  Revelation that was scarcely a second glance  

    Around the weird place I hastened downstairs and  left by the front door you went on to the station   at once I suppose yes he answered and then after  a pause he looked straight into my face adding but  

    To tell you the truth Erwin you and I are the only  persons who know of this affair I haven’t recorded   it haven’t reported it I echoed why not delay May  prevent the mystery being unraveled I know it’s  

    Absurd I’m foolish he foldered in an unsteady  voice but the fact is I entertain a deep rooted   superstition about snakes my poor white was always  dreaming of snakes before she died and strangely   enough whenever I have seen those reptiles in my  dreams some bad luck catastrophe a bereavement has  

    Always fallen upon me immediately afterwards  it isn’t like you to speak to us Patterson I   said knowing him to be a Fearless man who more  than once had boldly faced a burglar’s revolver  

    I really don’t know what to do he said it’s nearly  two hours ago since I entered the place I was so   upset when I came out that I went to the telegraph  office and wired to you in the hope that you might  

    Be able to suggest some plan of action report  it once and let’s thoroughly investigate it I   said promptly no I can’t record it on account  of that snake if I did I feel is sure that some  

    Fatality would fall upon me you’re unnerved by  what you’ve seen I said it certainly was not a   nice position to unexpectedly find oneself alone  with the dead in a dark deserted house like that  

    In any case however the matter is a queer one  and must be sifted yes he said it appears to be   a most remarkable affair well I explained if  you were determined not to report it just at  

    Present I’m ready to go with you and search the  place the area door is still unlocked you say   he hesitated pale and agitated the effect of this  discovery upon him had been really remarkable   yes the door is still unlocked of course he said  reflectively but personally I don’t care about  

    Returning rubbish my dear chap I explained I  don’t believe in superstitions the finding of   the snake was curious no doubt but this isn’t the  first time snakes have been found in the Streets   of London lots have been discovered about covered  garden market having come over in baskets of fruit  

    He was silent evidently his Discovery had been a  very unusual one I know well the row of houses he   had indicated the most old-fashioned perhaps in  the district for they had formed a part of the   old Kensington over a century ago and even now the  great iron extinguishers ornament at some of the  

    Doorways mute remembrancers of the days of sedan  chairs and Linkedin let’s go and explore the place   and Report afterwards I urged my appetite for  adventure wedded by his strong disinclination to   return I’ll report it as a discovery of my own if  you are disinclined to do so very well he answered  

    It less let’s go but before we enter I tell you  that it is a very mysterious house recollect that   strange ringing I heard we’ll look into all that  later on I said surprised at his unusual agitation  

    There facing one of the busiest thoracas of the  West End little harm surely could come to us come   along I said and thus persuade it he quickened  his footsteps we passed along Abington Villas   into Earls Court Road where meeting a constable  on duty he borrowed his lamp then turning into the  

    Kensington Road we at length reached the house  of mystery which as he had said was a gloomy   looking place in total darkness we peered eagerly  inside the gate but could distinguish no sign of   the reptile which had so strangely attracted  my friend’s attention in the first instance  

    It was no doubt withdrawn among the plants and  shrubs in the little smoke-dried garden and was   watching us unseen without hesitation in order  not to attract the Curiosity of any passerby whose   attention might be arrested by Patterson’s uniform  we walk straight to the area door and gaining the  

    Kitchen at once lit the gas as he had said there  was every sign that the place had been recently   occupied but with only a cursory examination of  a basement we passed upstairs to the dining room  

    Here we also lit the gas and saw that the table  had been laid for three persons in a matter quite   luxurious with real silver cut glass and Tiny  bases of fresh flowers arranged artistically   beside each plate were blue glass finger  bowls filled with water which gave out a  

    Strong perfume of roses the chairs had been  placed the hors d’oeuvres olives Anchovies   and caviar were already on the table showing  that all preparations for dinner had been made   yet strangely enough in the kitchen the  greater part of the meat and vegetables  

    Remained uncooked from this room we passed into  the smaller one adjoining lighting the gas as   we went but this seemed to have been used as  a smoking room and contained nothing of note   it was however in the drawing room above where we  made the most astounding discoveries the apartment  

    Was spacious for the size of the house upholstered  in pale blue with Furniture of expensive character   and large growing Palms planted on stands in the  center was a great circular set tea and in the   Corner’s wide soft divines of pale blue velvet  with golden Fringe comfort and luxury had been  

    Studied by whoever had furnished a place for as  we lit one of the side gas brackets we saw that   it was really a very artistic room the floor  covered with a real turkey carpet of softest   Hues while the few paintings of the walls  were Choice examples of well-known artists  

    At the end opposite the great was suspended from  the ceiling by three guilt chains the mysterious   little red lamp burning steadily without a  Flicker and beneath it Fallen back in a large   armchair was a woman whose face although wax in  white was eminently beautiful the paleness of  

    Death was upon her yet her handsome head with its  wealth of gold brown hair was pillowed upon the   cushion of yellow silk and upon the cold slightly  parted lips they’re played a strange bitter smile   she was young 20 or so dressed in an artistically  made gown of hail mauve trimmed with lace her  

    Teeth were even and perfect her cheeks round and  well molded her chin slightly protruding and if he   could little nose but that smile and death seemed  revolting in its hideousness her eyes large of a   deep blue once luminous as stars no doubt but now  dull and filmy were wide open as though gazing  

    Out upon us in an Endeavor to speak and tell us  the truth of the strange and tragic occurrence   I looked upon her bewildered dumbfounded not  three yards away stretched at her feet was a   man of about 35 well-dressed in a frock coat in  light-colored trousers with collar and cravat of  

    The latest mode and wearing on his cold stiff hand  a ring set with a single Diamond of unusual luster   his face was towards the carpet and while I  held the lamp Patterson thin and turned him over   we then saw that he was dark and good looking  a gentleman evidently although from the upward  

    Curl of his mustache and his smartness of  attire he appeared to be something of a pop   it looks a good deal like murder and suicide  Patterson explained still bending over him I   wonder who he is there’s initials on his  sleeve links I said for I had detected an  

    Engraved Cipher upon the plain gold buttons  at his wrist their two k’s intertwined   surmounted by a Crest my companion said in  a strange voice I wonder what’s on him and   he proceeded to search the breast pocket  of the Dead Man’s coat the contents which  

    We afterwards examined together consisted only  of two prospectuses of new companies an Amber   cigar tube mounted in gold and the envelope of  a letter addressed in woman’s hand to George   grow Jose rizante chairing cross and buried  the Manchester postmark of three days before  

    The letter had unfortunately been destroyed only  the envelope remained but we both recollected that   persons who have letters addressed to the Costa  rastante do not usually give their correct names   in one of the best Pockets where three 10-pound  notes folded carelessly together while in the  

    Trousers Pockets was a quantity of loose silver  beyond that there was nothing else upon him   contrary to the effect of death upon his  unfortunate companion his face was slightly   distorted the tip of the tongue protruding and  both hands clenched showing that he had endured  

    A momentary spasm of Agony as the last spark of  Life died out while from the fact that a small   tripod table with painted plate glass top had been  overturned and broken it seemed apparent that he   had staggered and clutched wildly at the first  object within his reach but on neither could we  

    Detect any womb nor was there anything to show  the cause of death I examined the hand of the   woman a tiny slim cold hand the contact of which  thrilled Me by its chilliness and saw that her   rings set with emeralds rubies and diamonds were  of the finest quality she’s beautiful Patterson  

    Observed gazing down upon her perhaps she was  his wife perhaps I said curious that they should   both have died together in this manner they were  evidently sitting here chatting before dinner when   both were either murdered or died suddenly before  assistants could reach them she died before he did  

    What makes you think that I ask quickly my eyes  wandering around the large comfortable room the   atmosphere of which was Heavy with fragrant  odors because he placed that cushion beneath   her head answered the shrewd observant police  officer he had kissed her and she was in the  

    Act of smiling at his last Act of love when her  heart suddenly failed and soul and body parted   and he died immediately afterwards you think  yes that’s what I surmise what’s your opinion   I could form no Theory at present I answered  bewildered in the course of years spent in  

    The investigation of crime for journalistic  purposes I had had my wits sharpened and rather   prided myself upon the soundness of the theories I  propounded in the articles I wrote Patterson knew   this and probably for that reason had invoked my  companionship in this curious Affair together we  

    Made a searching examination of the whole room  but there was absolutely nothing to show the   motive or even the mode of the tragedy the absence  of servants was of course extremely suspicious but   neither of us attached much importance to that  a close examination of the scene was our present  

    Object experience having taught that upon the  scene of most crimes there remains some trace of   the Assassin the old saying that murder will out  is truer than the majority of people believe for   even that night we had had a striking illustration  in Patterson’s attention being attracted by the  

    Snake in the Gateway beside the dead woman’s  chair was lying a handkerchief a tiny square   of lawn and Lace which I picked up it emitted an  odor very sweet and subtle such as I had never   before smelled Patterson sniffed it but placed it  down some new Senti said women are always going in  

    For the latest inventions and perfumes but this  is an extraordinary one I said again smelling it   terribly strong too I added for the odor had  a strange half intoxicating effect upon me   the small red light steadily burning the fragrance  of the incense the two dead forms lying there  

    Still and cold and the single gas burner hissing  as it flared combined to present a weird lurid   picture each detail of which has ever since been  indelibly photographed upon my memory the smile of   death upon that woman’s lips was horrible that  look of hers has ever since haunted me for now  

    That I know the truth and have realized all that  had taken place in that room prior to the tragedy   that laugh of derision has a significance which  renders its recollection bitter gruesome hideous   I know not what prompted me at that moment but  bending again beside the prostrate man I placed my  

    Hand inside his vest recollecting that sometimes  tailors adopting the French mode made Pockets   there and that therein many men carried articles  of value in secrecy and safety as I did so I felt   that there was a pocket in the lining that it  was buttoned and that there was something within  

    Quickly I unbuttoned it and Drew forth a small  packet wrapped in glazed writing paper dirty and   worn through being carried for a long time  with care I opened it and inside found an   object which caused both of us to give Ben to  an ejaculation of wonder it was simply a penny  

    His mascot I suppose remarked the inspector a  lucky coin but it has no hole through it I observe   the hole is of no importance Bitcoin may have been  given him for luck replied my companion lots of   people believe in such things especially betting  men he was evidently very careful leban I said at  

    The same time searching and finding another pocket  on the other side of the vest and from this I took   a neat little cloth covered case not much larger  than those containing cigarette tubes and found   on opening it that it contained a small hypodermic  syringe complete with its needles and accessories  

    This shows that he was addicted to the morphea  habit I remarked an overdose perhaps my friend   who had now recovered something of his coolness  and self-possession took the tiny instrument   and examined it carefully beneath the gas  light there’s been no morphea in this late  

    That he said it’s quite dry and certainly hasn’t  been used today let’s search the whole house I   suggested we may find something which will give  us a clue as to who and what these people were   funny that the servants don’t come back isn’t it  I don’t expect they will Andrew Patterson depend  

    Upon it that there’s more mystery in this affair  than we at present suspect why look at these he   said passing over to me the three banknotes found  upon the dead man they are spurious no Second  

    Glance was needed to convince me that he spoke to  the truth they were clever imitations of 10 pound   notes but the paper the despair of the forger  was thick and entirely different to that of the   genuine banknote again I glanced at that beautiful  woman’s face with a smile of mingled ecstatic  

    Pleasure and bitterness her sightless eyes seemed  fixed upon me following me as I moved I drew   back horrified shuddering her gaze was ghastly it  certainly is a most mysterious Affair I ejaculated   again glancing around the place you want it once  to report it no cried my companion quickly the  

    Discovery must be yours you must report it Mr  Irwin why because as I’ve already told you I   fear to do so on account of the snake I smiled  at his curious objection but an instant later   grew serious because the sharp and sudden ringing  of an electric Bell somewhere on the ground floor  

    It was the belt my companion had heard when first  knocking at the door we both listened for a few   moments while the ringing continued until with a  sudden resolve I dashed downstairs to ascertain   where the Bell was without difficulty I  found it for there in the hall revealed  

    By the gas lamps we had lit was a telephone  instrument with its Val agitated violently   without a second delay I placed the receiver  to my ear and gave the usual signal hello hello   the were and clicking stopped and a voice squeaky  as that of an elderly person said petulantly I’ve  

    Been ringing up for an hour or more what’s wrong  that you haven’t replied you’re at 58 aren’t you   yes I answered recollecting net 58 was the number  of that house nothing is wrong why can’t you be   patient I felt uneasy answered a mysterious voice  apologetically I thought there might possibly have  

    Been some hitch as you haven’t rung up no I  responded none then of course it’s all over   inquired The Voice I started at this strange  query this unknown Inquirer was evidently in   possession of the truth and believed himself  to be talking to an accomplice he knew of the  

    Commission of the crime therefore it occurred to  me that by the exercise of due caution I might   be able to discover his identity yes I answered  breathless and excitement both asked the boys   both I responded good then I shall see you at the  place we arranged eh of course I answered but when  

    I forgotten forgotten echoed the squeaky voice  in a tone of undisguised disgust take care of   your blunder yet you’re a confounded idiot why  tomorrow at midday I know I’m a fool I replied   but in the excitement it’s quite slipped  my memory where you said I was to meet you  

    Then holding the receiver tremblingly to my  ear I listened with quick heart beating for   the response of that mysterious far distant voice  which squeaks so strangely sounded thin and high   pitched more like that of a woman than of a man  you’re a confounded fool to waste time like this  

    If you’re still at 58 said the voice you said so  before I responded but where shall I meet you end   of chapter 2 recording chapter 3 an appointment  The Voice answered at last I’ll meet you beside  

    The lake at St James’s Park Buckingham Palace end  at 12 tomorrow remember that very well I responded   eagerly anything more no was the reply be  careful how you get out and where you go so long   then next instant I Knew by the sound that the  connection had been switched off what’s the matter  

    Asked Patterson now beside me wait and I’ll tell  you afterwards I said at the same time ringing up   again in response I was answered by a feminine  voice at the exchange who inquired what number   I desired tell me Miss who was just speaking  to me kindly oblige me as it’s most important  

    There was silence for a few moments then the  female voice inquired are you there to which I   responded you were on a moment ago with 14  comma 982 the public call opposite Putney  

    How long was I on about 10 minutes have I been on  to the same place before this evening I asked no   several numbers have been ringing you up but you  haven’t replied who were they oh I really can’t  

    Tell you now it’s quite impossible I remember that  the call office at Piccadilly Circus is one and I   think the one in the minorities they were all  call offices no private persons I’m unable to   say I’ve been on duty for the past four hours and  have connected up thousands of numbers then you  

    Can’t tell me anything else I ask disappointedly  no I’m sorry I can’t replied to girl I was about   to place the receiver on its Hook when a sudden  thought occurred to me and again I addressed her  

    This matter is a most urgent one I said can you  just ask at the call office for a description   of a man who has just been speaking there’s no  one there it is merely an instrument placed in  

    A passage leading to some offices was the reply  I hung up the receiver and turning to Patterson   repeated the conversation extraordinary he  ejaculated when I had concluded we must keep that   appointment the inquiry is plain Troop that murder  has been committed and further that more than one  

    Person is in the secret but is it not strange that  this person whoever he is should dare to telephone   in that manner it certainly is a bold move my  companion answered but from his conversation   it is evident that the Assassin promised a  telephone to him and was either Disturbed in  

    His work and compelled to escape hurriedly or  else forgot it all together again it’s plain   that to avoid detection the unknown man went  from one call office to another always ringing   up to this house and never obtaining a response  until you answered his inquiry was certainly a  

    Guarded one and your answers were smart too he  left you were careful not to commit yourself   do you think he’ll keep the appointment I asked  eagerly that remains to be seen answered my friend   glancing at the bullseye to see if it were  burning well if he’s not a blunderer he won’t  

    Well let’s hope he does I said you would arrest  him of course I don’t know he answered doubtfully   we might learn more by keeping observation upon  him for a day or two well I said we haven’t yet   searched the place thoroughly let’s see what is  above my companion followed me upstairs rather  

    Reluctantly I thought passing the room where the  mysterious tragedy had occurred and ascending to   the floor above there were four bedrooms each  well furnished but finding that they contained   nothing of a suspicious character we continued to  the top floor where there were several smaller low  

    Ceiling rooms opening from a narrow passage two  of them were evidently the sleeping Departments   of the servants the third was filled with Lumber  but the fourth which overlooked the Mac premises   long and narrow was fitted as a kind of Workshop  or laboratory a curious smell greeted our nostrils  

    As we opened the door a smell very much like  the perfume on the dead woman’s handkerchief   we found a gasket and lit it afterwards gazing  around the place with some surprise of hun shelves   around the walls were various bottles containing  liquids on the table stood two curious looking  

    Globes of bright steel riveted like those  of a steam boiler and connected by a long   tubular coil rolled into three consecutive  spirals which ended with a kind of nozzle   from the fact that an electric battery and a  lathe also stood in the room we at once came  

    To the conclusion that the master of that house  had been engaged in some scientific investigations   from place to place we went searching every corner  for any written document or letter until at last   I found crumpled and cast into the empty grate an  old envelope on which I read the address Professor  

    Douglas Dawson at any rate we’ve got the name of  the occupant of this place I said handing my fine   to the police officer Dawson he repeated Dawson  I fancy I’ve heard that name and connection with  

    Scientific discovery I don’t know I said if he’s  a well-known man we shall soon find out all about   him at the Royal Institution I was standing near  the fireplace with the envelope still in my hand   when of a sudden I was startled by a strange  scuttling Noise near my feet good Heavens gas  

    Patterson his eyes riveted on the spot look there  look at that glass case there are snakes in it   I sprang away and looking in the direction he  indicated saw that a glass case standing on the   ground contained two great snakes with beautiful  markings of yellow and black even as I looked  

    They were coiled with their flat heads erect and  their bead-like eyes shining like tiny stars of   The Shadow their bodies half hidden in a blanket  nice nice kind of pets to keep in a house observe  

    Patterson that’s one of them that escaped into the  garden I expect I quite agree I said this place is   decidedly the reverse of cheerful hadn’t we better  reported at once there’s been a mysterious tragedy   here and immediate efforts should be made to trace  the Assassin but my dear fellow how do you know  

    They’ve been murdered he argued there’s no marks  of violence whatever not as far as we’ve been   able to discover a doctor can tell us more after  the postmortem I responded there were many very   strange features connected with this remarkable  Discovery my friends reluctance to commence an  

    Investigation his firm resolved not to report the  discovery the mysterious voice at the telephone   the fact that some experimental scientists had  his laboratory in that house and the revelation   of the unaccountable tragedy itself were also  extraordinary that I stood utterly bewildered  

    Absolutely nothing remained to show who were the  pair lying dead and no explanation seen possible   of that strange red light burning there so  steadily and unflickering by the appearance of the   glass and the dust in the oil the tiny lamp must  have burned on incessantly for a very long time  

    Strange it was that there within a few yards of  one of London’s great arteries of traffic that   Charming woman and her companion should have been  cut off swiftly and suddenly without a hand being   stretched forth to save them in company we went  downstairs leaving the light in the laboratory  

    Still burning and re-entered the drawing room  to take a final glance around as I approached a   prostrate body of the men I felt something beneath  my foot and glancing down saw that some coppers   had evidently fallen from his pocket and were  lying strewn about the carpet then having remained  

    A few minutes longer we both went out by the  door we had entered locking it and taking the key   we must report a Patterson I said it certainly has  some queer and very extraordinary features yes he   responded adding slowly did you notice anything  strange up in that top room where the chemicals  

    And things were yes a good deal I answered  it isn’t everyone who keeps snakes as pets   I don’t mean that he answered but did you notice  on the table a glass full of liquid like water yes   well that stuff was bubbling and boiling without  any heat beneath perhaps the man who experiments  

    There as a conjurer I suggested smiling at his  surprise at seeing liquid boil when exposed to air   police officers know little of any  other science saved out of self-defense   now he said seriously as we strobe forward  together in the direction of Kensington Church  

    You must go to the station and Report  the discovery as if made by you you   understand remember the snake attracted  your attention you entered found the man   and woman lying dead lit the gas search the  house then left to get assistance and met me  

    That’s all very well I answered but you forget  that you borrowed that lamp from one of your own   men and that I called on you first ah he gasped  turning slightly pale I never thought of that   why don’t you report it yourself I urge for  superstitious reasons he laughed nervously  

    Hang Superstition I cried adding of course I’ll  report it if you’d like but it would be far better   for you to do so and risk this mysterious bad luck  that you fear he was silent for a moment thinking  

    Deeply then answered it is strange hard voice  perhaps you’re right Irwin I I’m a confounded fool   to be afraid and with an effort quite apparent  he braced himself up and we entered the police   station ascending the stairs we were soon closeted  with Octavius void inspector of the criminal  

    Investigation department attached to that division  a middle-aged dark bearded pleasant-faced man in   plain clothes who as soon as he heard our story  was immediately ready to accompany us while five   minutes later the clicking of a telegraph told  that news of our Discovery was being transmitted  

    To headquarters at New Scotland Yard Patterson  took down the London directory and turning it up   at upper Fillmore Place found that the occupier  of the house in question was Andrew calendar he   made inquiries in the section House of the men  off duty as to what was known of that house but  

    Only one Constable made a statement and it was to  the effect that he had while on duty at Kensington   Road seen a youngish lady with Fair hair whose  description tallied with that of the dead  

    Woman come out and go across to the shops on the  opposite side of the road do you know anything of   the servants inquired Patterson well sir the man  answered one was a man and the other a woman how  

    Do you know because the servant of the house next  door told me so the woman was the cook and the man   did the housework she said that the house was a  most mysterious one is she there now my friend  

    Asked no sir she was discharged a fortnight ago  dishonest I think and you don’t know where she is   Boyd had by this time pulled one of his plain  clothes men who had obtained lamps turning the   dark slides over the flame the station sergeant  had carefully ruled the line and written something  

    In that remarkable register kept in every London  Police Station wherein is recorded every event   which transpires in the district from a tragedy  to the return of a subdivisional inspector from   his rounds or The Grooming of the horses then  after a short conversation with one of the  

    Second class inspectors we all floor accompanied  by a sergeant started for upper Fillmore place   in order not to attract attention we separated  Patterson walking with me to the opposite side   of the road while the detectives walked together  and the sergeant alone little did the passersby  

    Suspect when they saw Patterson and meet  strolling leisurely along that we were on our   way to investigate what afterwards proved to be  one of the strangest and most remarkable Mysteries   that it ever puzzled the Metropolitan Police end  of chapter 3 recording chapter 4 the three cards  

    On reaching the house Boyd an expert officer who  had spent years in the investigation of crime   ascended with a subordinate to the drawing room  while we remained on the ground floor to complete   our search the sergeant being stationed inside  the hall our further investigations were not very  

    Fruitful the fact that dinner was laid for three  indicated that a third person had been present   or was expected the room did not differ from any  other except that it was perhaps better furnished   than one would have expected in such a house for  although in a first class and rather expensive  

    Neighborhood the row of houses had declined in  popularity of late years and was now an inhabited   mostly by the lodging house Fraternity in moving  about the room however my coat caught the plate  

    Laid for the person who was to occupy the head of  the table and it was nearly swept off I saved it   however but beneath was revealed a plain white  card which until that moment had been concealed  

    Patterson caught sight of it at the same moment  and taking it in my hand I examined it finding   that it was a plain visiting card a ladies size  one’s side being blank and the other bearing a   roughly drawn Circle in ink there was nothing else  that’s certainly curious my companion remarked  

    Looking over my shoulder yes I said lifting a  second plate to see what was there concealed and   finding another card in all appearances similar  plane but bearing across its reverse a single   straight line drawn with a pen right Joe observe  Patterson lifting the other plate and finding a  

    Third card this is certainly very strange he  turned the card over but it was blank on both   sides I wonder what game is this or whether these  have any connection with the crime I exclaimed   holding all three of the cards in my hand turning  them over and examining them carefully beneath the  

    Light by the ink I have the appearance of having  been prepared long ago see I added holding one   of them towards him the corners of this one are  slightly turned up and soiled it has been carried  

    In someone’s pocket and is not a fresh card again  Patterson took it and examined it it was the one   with the line drawn across it the others were  quite clean as if just taken fresh from a packet   there’s some mystery about these he said  reflectively as though speaking to himself  

    If we could but solve it we should likewise  solve the problem of a crime depend upon it   no doubt I Ascend it each of them having some  meaning a cult but extraordinary they were turned   Pace downwards so that the accidental removal of  the plate would not reveal the device upon them  

    The devices are simple enough but undoubtedly  they have some hidden meaning my friend said   they were evidently concealed there and the  three persons unsuspecting were to discover   them when the first place were removed I suggested  he placed them together on the table saying better  

    Let Boyd see them when he comes down this affair  grows more queer and complicated as we proceed   don’t you recollect I said suddenly in the  Dead Man’s Pocket was a card exactly similar   but quite blank you threw it into the fireplace ah  of course he answered quickly that fact shows that  

    He had something to do with these mysterious  symbols I wonder what is their real meaning   I wonder I said as you say the mystery grows each  moment more and more inexplicable curious too that   the snake in the Garden Path should have directed  your attention to it no he said quickly his face  

    In an instant pale and serious don’t mention that  there is a good fellow I’m trying not to think of   it for when I recollect all that it means to me  I’m unnerved nah I laughed surely there’s nothing  

    To fear it only shows that however careful the  Assassin is to cover his crime it must be on earth   sooner or later the finger of fate always points  to the crime of murder however well it may be  

    Concealed true he sighed his brows knit in serious  thought but the finger of fate has in this case   shown me an omen of evil you’re a fool Patterson  I said bluntly you have here every chance to  

    Distinguish yourself as a shrewd officer yet you  calmly stand by talking of Omens and all that rot   yes he answered I know I’m an idiot Mr Irwin  but I can’t help it that’s the worst of it   well I suggest it while Boyd is upstairs why  not make inquiries of the next door neighbors  

    Regarding those who occupy this place he had once  acted on my suggestion and together we went out   and rang the bell of the house adjoining on the  right my friend’s curious apathy in this matter   surprised me for usually he was a quick active  fellow who prosecuted his inquiries methodically  

    And worked up evidence in a manner that had more  than once called forth the Commendation of the   judge at the Old Bailey that night however he was  plainly upset nervous trembling and agitated in a   manner quite unusual to him void the keynote  quick-witted detective inspector had noticed  

    This when at the police station but Patterson  had only replied I’m a bit unwell that’s all   our summons at the house next door was answered  by the occupier’s wife a rather Stout white-haired   gailey-capped old lady named love the appearance  of Patterson in uniform surprised her but when  

    She had asked us Ian and we were seated he said  there is no occasion to be alarm Madam I have   merely called to make an inquiry of you it is in  your power to render us assistance in a rather  

    Confidential matter regarding the occupiers of the  house next door your neighbors on the left what do   you know of them nothing she answered they came  about six months ago a young lady and a very old  

    Gentleman with a single maid servant they speak to  no one and as far as I have observed have very few   friends I have often remarked to my son who is a  civil engineer and now a way making the railway in  

    China that they are a mysterious couple what is  wrong with them oh it’s simply A Private Matter   my companion answered carelessly not wishing to  alarm the neighborhood by news of our discovery   what is the Old Gentleman like can you describe  him I inquired no doubt she took me for a detect  

    It but at that moment this spot did not occur  to me he is 60 I should think old and decrepit   with white hair and always walks with a stick and  the lady was his daughter suggested the inspector  

    I suppose her to be his daughter she answered  the old man’s name is Dawson I believe at least   one day a messenger boy brought a note here  by mistake addressed to Professor Dawson the   daughter is a very good pianist and plays every  morning regularly they are well off as far as  

    You can judge Patterson inquired with his assumed  careless heir no I don’t think they are because my   maid heard at vouchers the Grocer’s address across  the way that they owed a large bill which they   couldn’t settle again people who have a house of  that sort do not have coal by the hundred weight  

    Taken down into the kitchen as they do Patterson  nodded no more sure sign of a light purse is there   than the purchase of coal by the half sack yet the  interior of that house with its well-laid dinner  

    Table certainly did not betray any sign of poverty  indeed I had noticed in the cellar a Dusty stock   of choice wines Hawks quartz and Champagnes of  expensive brands you don’t know the young lady’s   name that ask my friend after a slight cause if  she’s really his daughter it would I suppose be  

    Dawson she replied with a smile but I’m not  certain remember as to either of their names   perhaps your servants may know something  about them servants generally gossip and   pick up information about one’s neighbors you  know you are right answered the affable old  

    Lady they gossip far too much unfortunately both  my servants are out at this moment we chatted on   but it was evident from her conversation that  her servants knew little beyond what she did   one statement she made was somewhat curious she  alleged that a few nights before she was awakened  

    About two o’clock in the morning by hearing the  loud shrill screams of a woman who seemed to be   in the room next hers in the adjoining house  she could hear a man’s voice talking low and   gruffly at three or four times where the screams  repeated as if the woman were in excruciating pain  

    What visitors came to the house Patterson asked  at length very few a youngest gentleman came   sometimes he called the other morning just as  I was going out who admitted him the young lady   herself many more questions Patterson put to  the old lady but elicited no noteworthy fact  

    Except that two large heavy trunks had been sent  Away by parcel’s delivery a couple of days before   therefore thanking Mrs love who of course was  extremely curious to know why the police were   taking such an active interest in her neighbor  we left and made inquiries of the people in the  

    Adjoining house on the opposite hand it was a  lodging house and the owner a rather Surly old   Widow was not at all communicative what she  told us about it practically to what we had   already learned she too had long ago set the  old man and his daughter down as mysterious  

    Persons and her two servants had never been  able to find out anything regarding them   so after nearly half an hour’s absence we  returned to the house of mystery watched   of course by the persons in the houses on either  side none suspected a tragedy but all remained at  

    Their Windows expecting to see somebody arrested  in the dining room we found Dr Knowles the police   divisional surgeon who had been sent for by the  police he had already examined the bodies and was   on the point of returning home well doctor what’s  your opinion ask Patterson I could form none until  

    After the postmortem answered the prim youngish  dark mustached man in silkhead and frock coat a   typical Kensington practitioner who was known  to be a great favorite with his lady patience   are there no marks of violence none he responded  although there seems no doubt that there has been  

    Foul Play yet the means used to accomplish their  death remains an entire mystery that laboratory   too is a very remarkable feature why I asked  because the occupant of that place has made a   discovery for which scientists have for years  driven in vain the doctor replied what is it  

    You notice those strange Globes with a coil of  tubing he said well from what I’ve found it seems   that the experimenter has invented a means for  the liquefaction of hydrogen in large quantities   is that anything very remarkable I asked in my  ignorance of recent science remarkable he echoed I  

    Should rather say it was the discovery will create  the greatest interest in the scientific world   other gases have all been handled as  true liquids in measurable quantities   while until now hydrogen has only been seen in  clouds or droplets and never collected into a  

    Liquid mass upstairs however there was actually  a glass bowl of liquid hydrogen the experimenter   whoever he is has determined at last the exact  temperature at which it will liquefy and thus   a field for quite new researches as also for  new generalizations has been thrown wide open  

    But why is this discovery so very important  I asked still puzzled at the doctor’s unusual   enthusiasm briefly because by it physicists and  chemists can henceforth obtain temperatures lying   within 35 degrees from the so-called absolute  temperature of zero minus 459 degrees Fahrenheit a  

    Possibility is thus given to study physical bodies  in the vicinity of that point which represents so   to say the death of the matter that is absence of  the molecular vibrations which we describe as heat   this explanation technical though it was  interested me I knew Dr Lee’s Knowles to  

    Be a rising man and Reporting lectures at the  Royal Institution had often noticed him among   the audiences there was no doubt that he was  highly excited over the discovery for like   myself he had seen the liquid hydrogen boiling  without any visible Heat in the papers there have  

    Been Lots about Professor dewer’s experiments  in the liquefaction of oxygen fluorine and a   newly discovered helium and I remembered how all  his efforts to bring hydrogen to a liquid state   had failed now however the mysterious occupier of  that house had succeeded and every known gas could  

    Now be liquefied but the murder observed Patterson  his thoughts reverting to the crime for to him the   most wonderful scientific discovery was his not  can you form absolutely no opinion as to how it   was accomplished the doctor shook his head there  is nothing whatever to account for the sudden  

    Death as far as I can observe he answered to the  woman however Nest must have come instantly while   the man must have fallen and expired a few seconds  later there’s seen many mysterious features in the   affair the discoverer of this latest scientific  fact is undoubtedly the old man who is absent  

    The father of the dead girl from him we may  learn something to lead us to form conclusions   I suggested an old man echoed Dr Knowles tell me  all about him briefly Patterson related all that   had been told us by the neighbors and when he had  finished the doctor exclaimed then I could tell  

    You one thing which has proved undoubtedly the old  man seemed to go in and out was in reality a young   one for while looking over the laboratory I came  across a white wig and a makeup box such as used  

    By actors go upstairs and you’ll find a complete  disguise there broad cloth coat pepper and salt   trousers baggie at the knees old-fashioned white  vests and collars of antique pattern surely that   can’t be true Patterson exclaimed in amazement  it certainly is the doctor asserted depend upon  

    It that the man lying upstairs dead was the man  who had been making these successful experiments   and who for some unknown reason desired to  conceal his identity recollect that they   had few friends if any and that their manservant  was a most discreet Foreigner who never gossiped  

    Then you think that to the world they assumed the  position of father and daughter while in reality   they were husband and wife I said most likely  responded the doctor a man to make experiments on   an elaborate scale as he has must necessarily have  been absorbed in them indeed that apparatus must  

    Have taken a year to prepare and no doubt he has  been making constant trials for months he probably   intended to give forth his Discovery to the world  as a great surprise but has been prevented from   doing so by some extraordinary combination of  circumstances which has resulted in his death  

    At that instant we heard a voice in the hall a  quick sharp voice extremely familiar to me but   nevertheless it caused me to start next instant  however there entered the room the well-known   figure of Dick clue hello fellow he explained  reading me and taking me aside I thought I’d  

    Run down and see what’s in this plenty of ferret  scenes doesn’t it yes I answered a most remarkable   mystery but why have you come out here soon  after you left I went to find Lily but she’s  

    Gone into the country so having nothing else to  do I came down to see what had occurred I knew   of course from Patterson’s telegram that it was  something unusual have you been upstairs yes I’ve   been whirring around this last half hour while you  and Patterson have been making inquiries next door  

    I’ve been having a look about with the doctor it  seems that there’s some wonderful apparatus in the   laboratory a discovery or liquefying hydrogen has  he told you about it yes I responded what’s your   theory my jovo fellow he said smiling the whole  Affair is so deadlish uncanny with those snakes  

    Upstairs water boiling without any heat beneath  it and one thing and another that I’m utterly at   a loss how to account for it all you think they’ve  been murdered of course answered the astute clue   but the doctor can’t discover how there was not  a scratch upon them the discovery of those flash  

    Notes on the man looks as though he were a bit of  a swell swindler doesn’t it yes I said then taking   him across to the dining table I explained how we  had discovered the three cards concealed beneath  

    The plates he took the cards in his hand turning  them over and examining them carefully strange he   ejaculated this adds still another phase to the  affair it is really a most Sensational Discovery   and will work up well for tomorrow no Mr Clue put  in Patterson quickly overhearing his remark I beg  

    Of you to publish nothing whatever about it until  I give you permission in this we are bound to   preserve secrecy for the present in order that our  inquiries may not be thwarted even the neighbors   will remain in ignorance of the real nature of  things so carefully do I intend to guard against  

    Any public sensation whatever information I can  give you I will do so willingly in order that   you can prepare your account of it but remember  that not a word must be published until I give you   permission quite right observed the doctor in such  a matter as this any sensation in the Press might  

    Frustrate all your efforts to arrive at the truth  very well and to Dick a trifle disappointedly of   course you’ll give nothing to anybody else  I want to be the first in the field with it  

    Of that I give you my word not a soul will know of  this discovery outside the persons in this house   at the present moment come let’s go upstairs and  speak to Boyd and while the doctor wished us good  

    Evening and left my two friends are copying me  upstairs where in the drawing room the detectives   were continuing their searching investigation the  woman is decidedly good looking isn’t she observed   clue as we entered instinctively I turned towards  the chair in which the body was still reclining  

    But next instant with a loud Cry of dismay which  at the same moment was echoed by Patterson I stood   aghast rigid immovable the sight which met our  eyes was utterly bewildering the woman we had   discovered there so lovely informant feature  had a wealth of auburn hair and eyes of a deep  

    Intense blue while amazing though it was this  woman before us was quite 10 years older dark   complexioned with hair which in that light seemed  blue black and half closed eyes as dark as jet   good Heavens I cast look why that is not the  woman we found when we first entered this place  

    But another where is the fair girl there’s no fair  girl answered the detective Boyd as all started   back at surprise at my astounding assertion  this is the woman we found you must be mistaken   no Patterson declared in a low hoarse voice of  one filled with fear there is no mistake when  

    We first entered there was another woman here  younger prettier with light hair and blue eyes   this is the most unaccountable most amazing  and most inexplicable of all our discoveries   end of chapter 4 record this is  audiobook caboodle YouTube channel   place for finest collection of audio books  and novels chapter 5 the second woman  

    The statement that the woman found by Patterson  on his first entry there and seen by me afterwards   had disappeared was at first discredited  by our companions it seemed too astounding   to be the truth nevertheless there was now  reclining in the same armchair a woman who  

    Certainly bore no resemblance whatever to  the beautiful pear-haired girl with eyes as   touched deep pure blue those eyes had stared at  me so horribly in the ghastly rigidity of death   I recollected that smile upon her lips half of  sarcasm half of pleasure that strange expression  

    Which had held the entranced yet horrified she  had disappeared and here in her place was a dark   complexion woman older nevertheless handsome a  woman in whose refined face was a narrow romance   and tragedy and upon whose hand was the marriage  bond she too was dead the doctor had examined her  

    And pronounced like extinct how could this have  occurred I exclaimed turning to Patterson as soon   as I had recovered from the shot of the astounding  Discovery it’s simply amazing he declared I’m   utterly at a loss to account for it the woman  we found here was most distinctly another person  

    Then there must have been a triple tragedy  observed void the body of the first woman must   have been conveyed away during the time you were  absent at the police station but why I asked what   on Earth could be demoted impossible to tell  Patterson answered perhaps the body is hidden  

    Somewhere in the house no Boyd replied we’ve made  a complete search everywhere it has undoubtedly   been taken away this fact in itself shows first  that there is more than one person implicated in   the crime and secondly that they were absolutely  Fearless while further the incident of the  

    Telephone is in itself sufficient proof that they  had taken the utmost precautions against detection   are you quite certain that every cupboard and  wardrobe has been looked into I asked doubtfully   why from Garrett to seller we’ve thoroughly  overhauled the place there are a couple of large  

    Trunks in one of the bedrooms but We examined  the contents of both they contain books but Loose   boards or places of that sort I suggested when  we search a place respond at the Scotland Yard   inspector with a smile we’re always on the lookout  for places of concealment I’ve superintended the  

    Investigation myself and I vouch that nothing is  concealed within this house do you think that the   Assassin was actually in the house when we first  entered that’s more than likely he answered with   the pensive air evidently the incident you’d gone  the body of the fairhair girl was somehow Spirited  

    Away where Ah that’s what we must find out perhaps  a taxi driver will be able to throw a light upon   the matter this is certainly a first class mystery  observed dick with journalistic Instinct and a   Keen Eye to those special interviews and latest  revelations in which readers of his journal always  

    Revel it will make no end of a stir what a godsend  now that the Gooseberry season is coming on   a good murder mystery is always welcome to  a certain class of London Daily journals but   more especially in the season when Parliament  is up the course are closed for the vacation and  

    The Well of Sensations runs low this season is  termed in journalistic parlance the Gooseberry   season on account of the annual appearance of the  big Gooseberry that mythical monster of our youth   the Sea Serpent and the starting of the usual  silly correspondence upon why should we live or  

    Some equally interesting controversial subject  we were all held in Black astonishment at this   latest development of the extraordinary affair it  had so many remarkable phrases that even to Boyd   one of the shortest officers of the criminal  investigation department it was bewildering  

    To me however The Disappearance of that dead  woman with a fair pure face was the strangest of   all that tangle of astounding facts that face had  impressed me its every feature had been riveted   indelibly upon my memory for it was a face which  in life I should have fallen down and worshiped  

    As an idol for there was about a purity and charm  which must have been highly attractive of evacity   in those eyes which even in death had held me  Spellbound I don’t see that we can do any more  

    Just now void remarked in a business-like tone who  is subordinate you’ve seen the three cards which   were beneath the plates on the dining table I  asked yes he responded there’s some hidden meaning   connected with them but what it’s impossible  at present to guess in order to prosecute our  

    Inquiries we must preserve secrecy nothing must be  published yet indeed Patterson you’ll apply to the   coroner at once to take steps to withhold  the real State of Affairs from the public   if the Assassins find that no human cry is aroused  we may have a far better chance of tracing them or  

    They may betrayed themselves it’s a Pity absorbed  dick deeply disappointed a first-class sensation   of this sort don’t occur every day why it’s worth  four Columns of a line be patient Patterson urged   you shall have an opportunity of publishing it  before long and I’ll see that you are a long  

    Way ahead of your contemporaries don’t let the  news agencies have a word they always try and   get in in front of us said clue whose particular  antagonists were the central news and the Press   Association which possess facilities for the  collection of news and is transmission by wire  

    To the various newspapers that form one of the  most marvelous organizations in unknown London   leave it to me said the inspector as soon as  it’s wise to let the public know anything I’ll   give you permission to publish the comment  shall be the first in the field with it  

    Very well answered dick satisfied with Patterson’s  answer that officer had been prominent a few years   ago before in the investigations relative to those  mysterious assassinations of women in White Chapel   and was very friendly with the comet man as clue  was termed in the journal which he represented  

    Many were the suggestions we put forth as to  how the bodies of the victims could have thus   been changed but no Theory we could Advance seemed  likely to have any foundation in fact the mystery   was certainly one of the strangest that had  ever puzzled the crime investigators of London  

    The cause of its Discovery was a most remarkable  incident and at every turn as the investigation   proceeded mystery seemed to follow upon mystery  until the whole Affair presented so many curious   features that a solution of the problem seemed  utterly impossible I bent beside the body of  

    The woman who reclining in the armchair with one  arm followed by her side presented the appearance   of one asleep her presence there was a profound  Enigma a thought however occurred to me at that   moment the dining table Below had been laid  for three perhaps she was the third person  

    For the greater part of an hour we remained in  that house of grim Shadows discussing the various   phases of the astounding Affair until it lasts  about 11 we all left to constables in uniform   being stationed Within so secretly had this search  been carried out that the neighbors though perhaps  

    Puzzled by Patterson’s inquiries entertain no  suspicion of any tragic occurrence in Kensington   Road all the shops facing upper Fillmore Place  were closed said the tobacconists and the frequent   public houses the put passengers were few and at  that hour the stream of taxis with homeward bound  

    Theater goers had not yet commenced Market Garden  cards from Hounslow are felt them piled high with   vegetables rumbled slowly passed on their journey  to coved garden and a few empty motor buses rattle   along towards Hyde Park but beyond all was quiet  for that great artery of Western London goes  

    Early to rest at the police station we took Leva  Patterson and Boyd and entering a motor bus at   Kensington Church arrived at our Chambers shortly  before midnight there’s something infernally   uncanny in the whole business said the mystery  Monger as we sat smoking prior to turning in  

    It was our habit to smoke and gossip for half an  hour before going to bed no matter what the time   our talk was generally of chop events in our  world of Journalism [ __ ] had a replete street   intermingled with reminiscences of the day’s doing  dick was sitting in the armchair reflectively  

    Sucking his eternal Briar while I sat at my table  pondering over a letter I had found there on my   return it was from Mary Blane for whom I had once  long ago entertained a very strong affection but  

    Who had since gone out of my life leaving only  a shadowy recollection of A Midsummer Madness   of clandestine meetings of idle careless days  spent in company with a smart eminently pretty   girl in blue surge skirt cotton blouse and sailor  hat all was of the past she had played me false  

    I was poor and she had thrown me over for a man  richer than myself her nearly three years I had   heard little of her indeed I confessed that  she had almost passed from my memory until  

    That evening when I sat awaiting dick and now on  my return I opened that letter to discover it in   her well-known bold hand the hand of an educated  woman the letter which had had some wanderings   as its envelope showed and was dated from her  father’s house up the river merely expressed  

    Hope that I was in good health and satisfaction  at hearing news of me through a mutual friend   such a letter struck me as rather strange I could  only account for it by the fact that she desired   to resume our acquaintanceship and that this was  a woman’s diplomatic way of opening negotiations  

    All women are born diplomatists and  women’s wit and powers of perception   are far more acute than mans the letter  brought back to me vividly the memory of   that sweet merry face beneath the sailor hat  the wealth of dark hair The Laughing eyes so  

    Dark and Brilliant the small white hands and  their wrist confined by their golden Bangles   yes Mary Bane was uncommonly good looking  her face was one in ten thousand but she was   utterly heartless I recollected how when with her  mother she had spent a summer at Eastbourne what  

    A sensation her remarkable Beauty caused its  Sunday parade on the Esplanade she was lovely   without consciousness of it utterly ingenuous and  is ignorant of the world’s wickedness as a child   the daughter of a wealthy City man who combined  company promoting with wine importing she had from  

    Childhood been nursed in the lap of luxury and  being the only child was the idol of her parents   their country house at Harwell near ditkat was  in my father’s parish and from the time when   her nurse used to bring her to the rectory  until that well-remembered evening when in  

    The leafy Lane I had for the last time turned my  back upon her with a hasty word of denunciation   we had been closest friends she had played  me false my hopes had been wrecked on life   strange and tracked with sea and now whenever  I thought of her it was only in bitterness  

    I have more than a suspicion that old Mr Blaine  did not approve of our close acquaintanceship   knowing that I was a mere journalist with an  almost untaxable income nevertheless she had   continued to meet me and many were the happy  hours we spent together wandering through that  

    Charming country that skirts the upper reaches of  the Thames in order to see her I used frequently   to run down from London to my home on Saturdays  and remain till Mondays with her mother she sat  

    In her seat in front of the rectory Pew and as she  walked down the aisle her face would be illumined   by a glad light of welcome how restful were those  Sundays after the wear and tear of London life how  

    Peaceful the days in that sleepy little village  hidden the way in a leafy Hollow three miles from   the Great Western Line after we had heard  it however I did not go home for six months   then on inquiry I found that the lanes had sold  their place presumably because they weren’t one  

    Of money or it was said that they had taken a  smaller house facing the Thames near lalam that   Village a little Beyond shepparton were in the  churchyard lies Matthew Arnold from all accounts   old Blaine had lost heavily in speculation and had  been compelled to sell his carriages and horses  

    Dispose of many of his pictures and even part  with some of the Louise says furniture at Shenley   Court where they had lived this was of course  indicative of a very severe reverse of Fortune   since those hours of Mary’s love and her  subsequent pulseness my life had been a queer  

    Series of ups and downs as it must ever be in  journalistic London many dreary days of changeable   care had come and gone since then I sat silent  thinking with her letter still open in my hand  

    Why are you so confoundedly glum old man dick ass  what’s your screen about duns in the offing and   no it’s nothing I answered evasively smiling then  don’t look so down in the mouth years have a Peg  

    And pull yourself together he had been in India  and consequently turned a whiskey and soda a peg   the origin of that expression is a little app  truce but is supposed to refer poignantly to the  

    Pegs in one’s coffin I thrust the letter into my  pocket help myself to a drink and lit a cigarette   it’s a really first class sensation dick  said again referring to the Curious Affair   pity I can’t publish something of it  tomorrow it’s a good thing chucked away  

    Yes I replied but Patterson has some object in  imposing secrecy on us of course he answered   thoughtfully there was a pause we both smoked  on metasound penetrated there saved the solemn   ticking of the clock and the distant strains of  a piano in some man’s rooms across the square  

    Do you know Frank my companion said after  some reflection and looking at me with a   rather curious expression do you know that  I have some strange misgivings miss giving   zayako of why well he said did anything  strike you as strange in Patterson’s manner  

    To tell you the truth I answered something did  his attitude was unusual quite unusual tonight   he’s a funny Johnny that story of the snake and  the pavement isn’t it rather too strange to be   believed at first sight it appears extraordinary  but remember that in the laboratory of stairs we  

    Found other snakes the occupier of the house  evidently went in for the reptiles as pets   I quite agree with you there he said but there  are certain circumstances in the case which have   aroused my suspicion old chat of all the Curious  cases I’ve ever investigated while I’ve been on  

    The comet this is the most astounding from every  point of view and I for one shan’t rest until we   fully solve the problem in that you’ll have my  heartiest assistance I said all the time I could   spare away from the office I’ll devote to helping  you good dick exclaimed heartily refilling his  

    Pipe between us we ought to find out something for  you and I can get at the bottom of things as soon   as most people the two strangest features of this  case I pointed out are first the teleponic message  

    And secondly The Disappearance of the first woman  we found and those cards and that Penny wrapped so   carefully in paper I added yes there are fully a  dozen extraordinary features connected would be a   bear the whole business is an absolute puzzle tell  me old chap dick said after a pause what causes  

    You to suspect Patterson I don’t suspect him I  answered quickly no I merely think that he has   not told the exact truth of the first discovery  of the crime that’s all exactly my own opinion   responded dick he’s concealing some very important  fact from us for what purpose we can’t yet tell  

    There’s more on this than we surmise of that I  feel absolutely confident the snake story is a   little too good I said rather surprised that his  suspicions should have been aroused her I had not   related to him my conversation with Patterson and  his very lame excuse for not making a report of a  

    Discovery at the police station what had aroused  Dick’s suspicions I was extremely puzzled to know   but he was a shrewd clever fellow whose greatest  Delight was the investigation of crime and the   obtaining of those Revelations which middle class  London so eagerly devours a very happy invention  

    Of an ingenious mind my dear fellow exclaimed  the mystery modern depend upon it Patterson being   already aware that there were snakes in that house  invented the story knowing that when the place was   searched it would appear quite circumstantial  then you think that he’s not an absolute  

    Ignorant who lived there I exclaimed surprise  that my friend’s startling Theory dick not   I shouldn’t be surprised if it’d be provided that  he knew all along who the dead man is why well I   noticed that he never once looked at that man’s  face it was he who covered it with a handkerchief  

    As though the sight of the white confidence  appalled him come come I said proceed you’ll say   that he’s the guilty one next ah no my dear fellow  he hastened to assure me you quite misunderstand   my meaning I hold the theory that in light these  people were friends of Patterson’s that’s all what  

    Makes you suspect such a thing well I watched our  friend very closely this evening and that’s the   conclusion I’ve arrived at you really think that  he is concealing facts which might throw light   on the affair I explained much surprise yes he  answered I feel certain of it absolutely certain  

    End of chapter 5 recording chapter six what I saw  in the park for a long time sitting by the open   window and looking out upon the starry night we  discussed the Grim Affair in all its details the  

    Piano had stopped its tinkling a dead silence had  fallen upon the old world square one of the relics   of bygone London and the clock upon the wall had  struck one o’clock with that solemnity which does   not fail to impress even the most dissipated  resident of Grace as a bachelor Abode graze in  

    Is as comfortable and convenient a spot as there  is in London for there is always a quiet restful   air within the gray smoke stained houses open  on Airy squares and until a couple of years ago  

    Quite a large colony of Brooks made their home  into great old trees it is an oasis of peace and   Repose in the very center of that gigantic fevered  city where the world of daily life is unceasing   we’re in the east and south toiling Millions  struggle fiercely for their bread while in the  

    West is greater wealth than extravagance than in  all the world besides I think said dick at last   after he had put forth one or two theories that if  we manage to get to the bottom of this affair we   shall discover some very startling facts that’s  absolutely certain I answered The Disappearance  

    Of the fair girl and the substitution of the  other is in itself a fact absolutely unique   in the annals of crime whoever affected that  change must have been indeed a bold person   didn’t the people next door see any taxi driver or  notice anything being brought up to the house no  

    That’s the strangest part of it I responded  nothing was seen of any cab or conveyance   although of course there must have been one and  that inquiry by telephone was a most remarkable   incident dick went on you say that the Inquirer  was popping about to various call Rooms ringing up  

    His Confederates that shows that there were two or  three in the secret it hardly seems feasible that   the man who rang up from the minerees was the  same as the one with whom you spoke at Putney   no but the arrangement to meet in St James’s  Park tomorrow is extraordinary to say the least  

    Ah my dear fellow observed my friend with a  smile I very much feared that that appointment   won’t be kept men such as they evidently are  will hardly risk a meeting on reflection the   individual whoever he is will see that he has  given himself away and his natural caution will  

    Prevent him from going near Saint James’s heart  well I only hope he does meet me I observed so   do I but to my mind such a circumstance is  entirely out of the question you see he went  

    To call boxes in order to avoid detection the  Curious Thing is that if it were the same man   who rang up each time he must have traveled from  one place to another in an amazingly rapid manner  

    There might be two persons he suggested of course  there might I answered but I think not the girl   at the exchange evidently recognized the voice  of the persisted Enquirer I’m glad I came down  

    Very glad he said I went over to see Lily but  she’s gone to Ipswich with her aunt an old lady   who feared to travel alone it appears she wrote  to me this morning but the letter has missed the  

    Post I suppose it will come tomorrow morning you  had your journey to Peckham for nothing then yes   he answered she ought to have sent me a wire just  like a woman I knew Lily Lowry the pretty friend  

    Of Dick clue very well indeed I did not know that  he actually loved her there was undoubtedly a   mutual friendship between them but nevertheless he  often would go for a month and see nothing of her   the daughter of a struggling shopkeeper near the  elephant and Castle she had been compelled to seek  

    Her own living and was it present assistant  at a large cheap Drapers in Rye Lane Peckham   setting the covenances at naught as became a  London girl of present decade she had many times   visited ardinjia boat I had always suspected that  the love was on her side her she was always giving  

    Him various little things embroidered pouches  handkerchiefs and those semi-useful articles   with which girls Delight the men they love but  dick did not seen in the least concerned at not   having seen her he was annoyed that he had had  a journey on the Chatham and Dover for nothing  

    And sought a great deed more of the mystery  of philomore place than of Lily’s well-being   he was a pessimist in every sense of the word  once he had told me the story of his first love  

    A strange tragedy of his life that had occurred in  his days at Jesus it was this I always suspected   that that had evoked from him the real Ardent  affection which a man should have for a woman  

    Who is to be His companion through life man loves  but once it is true but the love of Youth is in   the generality of cases a mere heart beating  caused by a fantasy begotten of inexperience   the woman we love at 16 too often some  kind-hearted housewife who saw speech  

    We mistake for affection we flout when we are  20. the woman who was Angelic in our eyes when   in our teens is old fat and ugly when four  years later the glamor has fallen from our  

    Eyes and we begin to find a foothold in the world  wisdom comes with a mustache so it was with dick   he had lost the woman he had loved in his college  days yet as far as I could judge none other had  

    Ever taken her place in his heart two o’clock  had struck air we turned in and both of us were   up at seven our usual hour for evening papers  issued as they are at noon are prepared early  

    In the morning we were always at our respective  offices at half past seven my first thought was   of the meeting I had arranged in St James’s  Park and of my friends misgivings regarding it   full of anxiety I’ve worked on till 11 o’clock  when Boyd was shown into my room greeting me  

    Merrily his appearance was in no way that of a  police officer or he wore a Shabby suit of Tweed   a soiled collar and an old Silk hat much frayed at  the brim presenting the appearance of the typical  

    Very Fleet Street lounger I’ve come to see you  Mr Irwin regarding this meeting in the park he   said do you intend going of course I answered  surprised that he should ask such a question why   well because I think it would be best to leave  it entirely to us you might be Indiscreet and  

    Queer the whole thing I don’t think you’ll find me  guilty of any indiscretion I said somewhat peaked   I don’t apprehend that he said but on seeing you  at the spot appointed the mysterious person who  

    Made the inquiry last night will at once get away  or he will know that the secret is out we must as   you know act with greatest caution in this affair  so as not to arouse the slightest suspicion that  

    The keeping of this appointment is in the hands of  the police then what in your opinion is the best   course to pursue I inquired first your friend  Mr Clue must not go near the park I’ve already  

    Written him a note to that effect secondly you  must act exactly as I direct a single slip will   mean that the individual will escape and in this  we must not Court failure by any Indiscreet move  

    And how do you intend that I should act I asked  sitting back in my writing chair and looking at   the Shrew detective who was known throughout  London as one of the cleverest unravelers of   crime and who had been successful in so many  cases wherein human life had been involved  

    Well he said hesitatingly truth to tell I would  rather that you didn’t go to the park at all   why because you could not wait about in the  vicinity of the spot indicated without betraying   a sign that you were an expectation of someone  he answered remember you are not a detective  

    No I answered I’m not a detective but I’ve  had a few years training in investigations   I think I could disguise my anxiety sufficiently  I was extremely anxious to keep the appointment   and his suggestion that I should not go  caused me disappointment and annoyance  

    But if you were seen waiting about the man we  want would certainly not make his appearance   he’d sent danger at once we’ve evidently  got to deal with a very cunning scoundrel   I could conceal myself I declared I promise you I  will act with greatest discretion well he said at  

    Length after some further demure I suppose  then you must have your own way personally   I don’t think the man will be such a fool as  to run his neck into a noose there’s been some   clever work in connection with this matter and  Men capable of such Ingenuity must be veritable  

    Artists in crime and not given to the committal  of any indiscretion the voice in the telephone   was a squeaky one I think you said yeah so we can  thin like an old man’s void the last at his watch  

    A gold hunter with an inscription it had been  given him by public subscription in Hampstead   in recognition of his bravery in capturing two  armed burglars and fitzjohn’s Avenue it’s time   we went he exclaimed but as we Rose dick entered  in hot haste he just received Boyd’s note and had  

    Run round to my office I’ve been out making an  inquiry he said having greeted us and expressed   disappointment at boy’s decision I thought in  order to satisfy myself and so that I could   use the information later on I would go around to  Professor Braithwaite at the Royal Institution and  

    Ask his opinion of the scientific apparatus found  in the laboratory I went down to Patterson got   permission to remove it from the house and took  the whole Affair in a cab to the Royal Institution   well what’s the result I inquired restlessly the  result he answered why the old Johnny when he saw  

    The paraphernalia stood dumbfounded and when he  put it together and commenced experimenting seemed   speechless in amazement the discovery he declared  was among the greatest and most important of those   made within the last 20 years he sent messages  for a dozen other scientific men who when they  

    Saw the arrangement examined it with great care  and were equally amazed with old Braithwaite all   were extremely anxious as to the identity of the  discoverer of this mode of liquefying almost the   last of the refractory gases but I of course held  my tongue for a most excellent reason I did not  

    Myself know I merely explained that the apparatus  had fallen into my hands accidentally and I wish   to ascertain its use then quite a flutter has  been caused among these driest dust old fossils   I observed laughing a flutter dick echoed why  the whole of the scientific world will be in  

    A state of highest excitement tomorrow when the  truth becomes known old Braithwaite declared that   the discovery deserves an immediate Knighthood  let’s be off Boyd said he took no interest in   the discovery like myself his only object was to  solve the mystery then I’m not to go dick said  

    Inquiringly no the detective replied I’m sorry  but a crowd of us will queer the thing you shall   have all the details later Patterson has promised  that you shall publish first news of the affair   dick was sorely disappointed I saw it in his  face nevertheless with a light laugh he wished  

    Us goodbye when we emerged into Fleet Street  and hurried away back to the offices of the   Comet while Boyd and myself jumped into a  handsome outside saint dunstan’s church and   drove along pow mile as far as Saint James’s  place where we alighted and entered the park  

    The detective explained his tactics during  the drive they were that we should separate   immediately on entering the park and that he  should go alone to the spot indicated by the   mysterious voice while I idled in the vicinity I  was to act just as I pleased but we were not to  

    Recognize one another either by look or sign I own  therefore that it is with considerable trepidation   that I left the detective on entering the mall  and wandered slowly along beneath the trees while   he crossed and entered the park himself in that  thoroughfare which forms a short and pleasant cut  

    For taxis going Eastward from Victoria’s station  there was considerable traffic at that hour   the sky was blue and the June Sun Shone  warmly through the trees giving The Londoner   a foretaste of Summer and causing him to think  of straw hats flannels and holiday diversions  

    A bright day in a London Park at once  arouses thoughts of the country or the sea   with my face set towards the long regular  facade of Buckingham Palace a gray picture   with little artistic touches of red the Scarlet  coats of the guards I wondered what would be  

    The outcome of this attempt to obtain a clue  that thin squeaky voice sounded in my ear as   distinctly at that moment as it had done on the  previous night a weird summons from one unknown   at last Justice Big Ben showing High across  the trees chimed and boom Port the hour of  

    Noon Ike entered one of the small Gates of the  park and strolled along the grave let him walk   down to the edge of the ornamental water where  for some minutes I stood watching a group of   children feeding the waterfowl though trying to  look unconcerned my eyes were ever on the alert  

    I had expected to see Boyd but there was no sign  of him therefore I strolled along passing the end   of the water the exact spot indicated there  was no one there Beyond half a dozen school   children feeding the birds with portions of  dinners brought with them from distant homes  

    Undecided whether to Halt there I kept  my attention fixed upon the children then   fearing to annoy Boyd by remaining at that point  I strolled slowly along the shore in the direction   of Birdcage Walk the detective had certainly  concealed himself successfully for although I  

    Kept my eyes on the watch I could discover no sign  of him the hour of the appointment had passed but   not daring to turn back to look I kept straight  on until at some distance Beyond I came to a  

    Seat beside the path and there I rested drawing  a newspaper from my pocket and pretending to read   unfortunately from where I sat at a point opposite  the Wellington Barracks I could obtain no view of   the meeting place and although Big Ben struck the  quarter I was compelled to remain there inactive  

    Watching furtively the few passersby with a  diligence perhaps Unworthy of a journalist I   read and reread my newspaper for nearly half an  hour and in the course of that time the people   who went along did not number a dozen of none of  these did I entertain any suspicion they included  

    A couple of soldiers two or three old women  a lady with a small child a couple of nurses   with children a park keeper and a bank clerk  with this wallet chained to his belt secreted   somewhere in the vicinity Boyd was watching but  where I knew not his surmise had unfortunately  

    Proved correct I reflected as the half hour  Chimes the man whoever he was was no fool   for five minutes longer I remained when a sudden  impatient seized me and I folded my paper in rows  

    As I did so there came Round the Bend of the path  from the direction of the spot the mysterious   voice had indicated a slim figure in deep mourning  evidently a lady she walked with an even swinging  

    Gate not as one who was idling there but as though  with some fixed purpose on her approach I saw that   she was retired entirely in black wearing  a dress of the latest mode the white skirt   of which rustled as she walked a large hat with  swaying feathers which at that moment struck me  

    As somewhat funeral and a thick spotted Veil her  black silk sunshade she carried on her arm and as   she came nearer I could not help being struck  by her neat as a figure her small waist wide  

    Hips and well-molded bust I lingered at the seat  to brush the dust from my coat so that she might   pass and allow me a glance of her face she went  by with a loud Frou fro of silk and underskirt  

    And at the same instant I turned my gaze upon  her and looked into her face next second I drew   back startled and gassed her hair was fair her  eyes large and blue her features familiar even   that thick Veil could not conceal her marvelous  Beauty I looked again believing it to be some  

    Chimera of my disordered imagination no there was  no mistake it was an astounding inexplicable truth   she was the woman I had discovered cold and dead  in that house in Kensington on the previous night   the woman whose body had so strangely disappeared  for a few moments I stood rooted to the spot the  

    Discovery held me petrified then with sudden  resolve I moved forward and followed her   end of chapter six chapter seven Eva glasslin  I glanced behind me but saw no sign of void of   a sudden it crossed my mind that he had not been  present at our first discovery therefore expecting  

    A man to keep the appointment he had allowed her  to pass the spot unnoticed the appearance of that   neat figure before me the figure of the woman over  whose Beauty I had mourned as dead was in itself a   most startling fact adding still another feature  to the already dark and inscrutable mystery  

    I wanted to have a word with void and ask  his advice for I knew not how to act in such   unexpected circumstances one of the victims was  actually keeping an appointment with an accomplice   of the Assassin for there seen no doubt that  murder had been committed by some secret means  

    When she passed me I noticed the queer  half-suspicious glass she casted me with those   large Blue Eyes of hers a glance in which anxiety  was mingled with Terror and despair evidently she   had sought someone whom she had not been able  to find and was disappointed in consequence  

    With a silhouette of her figure before me like  some Phantom which I was endeavoring to chase in   vain I strolled on at a respectable distance  endeavoring to look unconcerned I saw what a   strikingly smart figure hers was how slimmed  the waist how wide and well-rounded the hips  

    And how through the bodice of her dress was shown  the outline of those narrow French corsets mere   bands for the waist which only women with superb  figures ever dare to wear her skirt of fine black   cloth hung in foals unusually graceful her London  skirts are always more or less Bunchy dragging  

    Behind and rising in front unless made by the  first class houses in Regent Street or Bond Street   London dressmakers cannot cut a skirt well but  herb gown was a model of Simplicity and good fit   evidently the creation of some expensive ladies  tailored her hair in the full light of day was not  

    Golden brown as I had believed it to be but really  Auburn and her black hat suited her admirably   from moment to moment I feared less she should  glance back and discover me following her but   fortunately she kept straight on at the same even  Pace passing out of the park by story’s gate and  

    Continuing along great George Street until  she entered the bustle of Parliament street   here fearing she might Escape me I was compelled  to approach Nero at risk of being discovered and   even then was utterly undecided how to act my  first impulse was to walk up to her introduce  

    Myself and tell her of the circumstances in which  I had discovered her in that house apparently   lifeless on reflection however I judged that by  her presence in the park she was acquainted with   the Assassin or his associate and that by keeping  close watch upon her I might discover more than  

    By at once exposing my hand there seemed in her  very appearance in that deep morning something   Grim weird mysterious at the corner of Parliament  street outside the steamy tea rooms she stood for   a few moments gazing anxiously up and down as  if in search of an Omnibus a man approached  

    Her crying the second edition of the Comet a  copy of which she purchased eagerly holding   it small and placing it within the poles of  her sunshade why had she done that I wondered   did she expect to find in that paper an exposure  of the secret tragedy of the previous night I  

    Stood reading some Excursion timetables outside  the railway booking office on the opposite corner   watching her furtively from her manner I could  plainly see how nervous and excited she was   after some hesitation she turned and walked  along to King Street where she entered the  

    Telegraph office and dispatched the telegram  she evidently knew that part of London or   she would not have known the whereabouts of  that office hidden down the short side street   I waited in Parliament street until her return an  unnoticed Strode back behind her to the corner of  

    Bridge Street where she at length entered a taxi  and drove off from the telegram I might I thought   obtained some clue but alas telegrams are secret  and I should be unable to get a glance at it   to apply at the office would be useless the  police might perhaps obtain permission to  

    Read it but so many dispatches are daily handed in  there that to trace any particular one is always   a difficult matter I was divided in my impulses  should I go back to King Street and make instant   application regarding the telegram so that it  might be marked and easily traced afterwards or  

    Should I follow the taxi which at that moment  was crossing Westminster Bridge I decided upon   the latter course and jumping into another  motor pointed out the taxi I desire to follow   our Drive was not a long one only to Waterloo  Station the busy platform of the loop line  

    Here I could easily conceal myself in the crowd  of persons every moment arriving and departing   and as I stood near the booking office I  heard her ask for a first class ticket to   full well a rather Pleasant and comparatively new  Suburban District between Twickenham and Hampton  

    The shepparton train was already in the  station therefore she had once took her   seat while I entered another compartment  in the front of the train I did this in   order to be able to apply quickly leave the  station before her and thus avoid recognition  

    The journey occupied about three quarters of an  hour but at length we drew into the little rural   station situated in a deep cutting and air the  train stopped I sprang out past the barrier and   leaped up the steps escaping air the gate was  closed by the ticket inspector by this quick  

    Movement I gained several minutes upon her  for the barrier was closed and the lighting   passengers were not allowed to leave before the  train had again moved off the high road from   London opened right and left one way leading back  to Strawberry Hill the other route to New Hampton  

    I felt certain that she would walk in the  direction of a latter Place therefore I started   off bristly until I came to a small Wayside  Inn which I entered and going to the window   of the bar parlor called for refreshment at the  same time keeping a keen lookout for her passing  

    Several persons who had come by train hurried  by and at first I believe she had taken the   opposite direction but at last she came holding  her skirts daintily and picking her way for it had   been raining and the path was muddy she however  was not alone by her sidewalked a young rather  

    Handsome man about 25 who wore tennis flannels and  who had apparently met her at the station she was   laughing merrily as she passed while he Strode on  with a light Airy footstep indicative of happiness   there’s a lady just gone past I explained  quickly turning to the innkeeper’s wife  

    Who had just brought in my glass of beer I  often see her about do you know who she is   with woman’s curiosity she went to the door and  looked down after her oh that’s lady glassland’s   daughter she said lady glasslin’s daughter I  echoed in Surprise yes it’s Miss Ava and the young  

    Gent with her is Fred Langdale the son of the  great sugar refiner up in London they both live   here close by Lady glasslin the Widow is not at  all well off and lives Along The Hollies The Big  

    White House with a garden in front on this side of  the way while the langdales have a house further   on the road to Hampton overlooking Bushy Park oh  that’s who they are I said quite unconsertedly   but secretly delighted with this information and  who is this lady glassland has she lived here long  

    Been nearly a year now the good woman answered  then confidentially she added they are come down   swells I fancy that they’ve got no money is very  evident for the trades people can’t get their   bills paid at all why only last week Jim Horton  the gas company’s man was in here and I heard  

    Him tell his laborers that he’s got orders to cut  the gas off at The Hollies because the bill wasn’t   paid then they must be pretty hard up I observed  many aristocratic families come down in the world   the name of glasslin puzzled me it sounded  familiar who was her ladyship’s husband do  

    You know and no sir I’ve heard several stories  one was how that he was a baronet who led an   exploring party somewhere in South America and  died of fever and another that he was a shady   individual who was connected with companies in  the city but nobody here knows the truth I think  

    A glance at dibrat or Burke when I returned to my  office would quickly settle that point I reflected   therefore having obtained all the information  I could from her I wished her good day and left   along the Hampton Road I strolled in the  direction the pair had taken and in the  

    Distance saw the mysterious Ava take leave of her  companion and enter a house while he lifted his   hat and walked on I proceeded slowly passing  The Hollies on the opposite side of the way   it was a rather large Place decidedly  old-fashioned standing back in its own grounds and  

    Approached by a carriage drive a three-storied red  brick house with those plain Windows surrounded by   white wooden beams of the early Georgian era  in the old world Garden hidden by a high wall   grew a profusion of roses and Wallflowers which  diffused the sweet scent as I passed and half a  

    House seen hidden by Ivy and creepers the small  lawn in front with its Laurels and monkey trees   were well kept and the place seemed [ __ ] and  span and altogether comfortable as I passed I   fancied I saw a black robe figure standing at one  of the ground floor Windows what if she recognized  

    Me I dared not to look around but kept on my way  walking through New Hampton past the long wall of   Bushy Park until I came to Old Hampton Town went  half an hour later I took train back to Waterloo  

    I had at any rate made one discovery which was  in itself absolutely bewildering at first I had   doubted that this sweet face clear-eyed woman was  actually identical with a dead form that laid back   in her chair on the previous night I believe that  she only bore some striking resemblance heightened  

    Perhaps by the agitated state of my mind but all  doubts on this point had been set at Rest by one   fact the woman whose cold hand I had grasped had  worn in her bodice a brooch of unusual pattern a  

    Tiny enameled playing card a five of diamonds  quaintly set in gold and this same ornament   striking on account of its originality of  design was at the throat of Ava glasslin   showing plainly against the Dead Black of her  dress the mystery was certainly most remarkable  

    In wonder how Boyd had fared or whether Patterson  had been Prosecuting inquiries in other directions   I went straight to Kensington from Waterloo and  found the inspector in his room over the police   station it was a small apartment with drab painted  walls plainly furnished as police stations are  

    The table were at he sat was littered with papers  mostly pale straw color and on the mantle shelf   stood an interesting collection of photographs  of people wanted each bearing a number in red   ink corresponding to the index book where in a  short account of their crime was recorded why  

    He cried as I entered wherever have you been I’ve  been hunting high and low for you I’ve been down   to Hampton I laughed Jay Hampton he echoed  what on Earth have you been doing down there   making inquiries I answered affecting an air  of unconcern I’ve made a rather queer discovery  

    What is it he asked as I took a seat before  him I have found the woman whom Patterson and   I discovered late last night and the strangest  part about it is that she’s alive and quite well  

    My dear fellow are you mad he asked looking at  me strangely people aren’t in the habit of coming   to life again you know I’m well aware of that I  responded nevertheless the fact remains that the  

    Woman seen by Patterson and by myself is actually  alive I met her in the park and followed her home   to New Hampton met her in the park he cried  there was one woman I noticed Fair haired and   dressed in black the same I answered fortunately  I recognized her and kept her under observation  

    Then in response to his demand I related  to him the whole circumstance in detail   and her name he inquired when I had concluded  Ava glasslin daughter of Lady glasslin glasslin   he ejaculated good Heavens surely it  can’t be the same why the same I inquired  

    Oh nothing he answered evasively quickly seeking  to allay my suspicions there was some mystery or   Scandal or something connected with that Family  Once if I recollect all right I may however be   mistaken in the name at any rate Mr Irwin you’ve  acted with tact and discretion and discovered a  

    Most important fact what have you been doing I  asked well he answered in hesitation the fact   is I’ve had a somewhat exciting experience did  you then discover the man I inquired anxiously I   met a man but whether he was the one who made the  appointment by telephone I don’t yet know he said  

    I waited until a quarter to one concealed behind  some bushes and presently saw a gray-haired Old   Gentleman well-dressed in Brock coat and silk  hat strolling in my direction he was quite a   Dandy with well-pressed trousers varnish boots  gold-headed cane and single eyeglass his air  

    Was that of a lawyer or doctor as if in search of  someone he lingered in the vicinity subsequently   sitting upon a seat at the very end of the  lake the exact spot which had been indicated  

    In what did you do I waited and watched there  was no one near yet from his sharp glances in   all directions I saw that he wasn’t Fearless  someone might approach whom who did wish to see   he appeared violently agitated and at last when  he was entirely alone he placed his hand in his  

    Inner pocket took out something and rising from  the seat with a swift movement cast the object   far away into the water something he wanted to  get rid of suspicious wasn’t it of course said   the detective after that you may rest assured  that I didn’t lose sight of him when the object  

    He had thrown away had fallen into the lake he  turned and glancing up and down in fear that   his action might have been observed he returned  to a seat and waited until Big Ben struck again   then he rose and left the park strolling eerily  along the Buckingham Palace Road hearing a good  

    Deal under the Bonnets of the pretty women  who were looking in the windows of the shops   he entered the bar of Victoria’s station drank  a whiskey and soda and then continuing along to   ebrary Street past twice or three times up and  down in front of a house on the left-hand side  

    There were a number of people in that  street at the time but the instant he   thought himself unobserved he dived down the  area of the house he kept passing and repassing   in a moment I noted that the number was 22  and having done so placed a watch upon the  

    House well satisfied that I had taken the  first step towards unraveling the mystery   remarkable I said I wonder what it was he threw  away that’s impossible to tell without dragging   the lake and to do that at the present would  excite suspicion he evidently went there in order  

    To meet the Assassin but as the latter did not  keep the appointment this unknown object which my   crew convicting if found upon him he resolved to  get rid of and no better place could there be than  

    At the bottom of the lake there’s lots of pieces  of evidence there you bet then there must be some   mysterious connection between the appearance of  Ava glasslin at that spot and this man who got   rid of some evidence of the crime I observed  most certainly the detective said it almost  

    Seems as though she came there for the purpose of  meeting him but he being late she grew impatient   and left before his arrival at every step we  take the Enigma becomes more complicated more   extraordinary more bewildering end of chapter  7 record chapter 8 some remarkable evidence  

    Three days went by Days full of wonder and anxiety  many were the discussions between Patterson dick   and myself regarding the extraordinary  development of the mystery which had now   resolved itself into as complete a puzzle as  ever occupied the attention of Scotland Yard  

    In eberry Street and at Hampton most careful  observation was being carried out on night   and day but according to Boyd absolutely nothing  suspicious could be discovered lady glaslin was   accorded to dorpret Widow of a Sir Henry glasslin  a scotch baronet who had died several years before  

    Leaving nowhere to continue the title and only one  daughter Ava in the meantime the bodies of the man   and the woman had been removed to the mortuary  secretly in the early hours of the morning in   order not to arouse the suspicion of the neighbors  and a post-mortem had been held by two local  

    Doctors with the result that it was found possible  to hold the inquest on the afternoon of the third   day the corridor held his inquiry in a small back  room in the Kensington Town Hall not far from the  

    Scene of the tragedy and in opening made a short  address to the jury pointing out the necessity   or preserving the utmost secrecy in the matter and  expressing a hope that no one present would defeat   the ends of Justice by giving any facts to the  newspapers pardon me sir explain the Tradesmen who  

    Had been elected Foreman but I see two gentlemen  of the press present and both have assisted us   in our inquiries Patterson briefly explained  to the coroner of course the coroner answered   this is a public court and therefore we cannot  exclude anyone yet I am confident the reporters  

    Will respect my wishes this we both promised to  do clue well known to the corner speaking first   the coroner when the jury had returned from  viewing the bodies made a few further observations   pointing out to the jury that although the affair  was one of the most mysterious and inexplicable  

    That had ever come beneath his notice in the  course of his 20 years experience as a London   coroner yet they were there to try and decide  the cause of death alone they had no concern with   any other facts except the cause of death and he  trusted they would give the matter their undivided  

    Attention Patterson was the first witness  in first language he gave an account of his   Discovery and of his second visit to the house  in my company then when he had concluded I was   called and bore out his statement relating how we  had entered the laboratory and found the marvelous  

    Scientific apparatus and how in the pocket of  the dead man I had found a penny wrapped in paper   the cards with the strange devices which had been  beneath the plates on the dining table were handed   round to the jury for their inspection and that a  statement which I made startled even the corridor  

    It was how the body of the woman at present  in the mortuary was not the same as the one   we had at first discovered impossible exclaimed a  coroner while the twelve jury men stood aghast at   my statement that is quite true sir exclaimed  Patterson rising from his seat the lady we  

    First discovered was younger with bare hair then  there must have been a triple tragedy observed   a coroner astounded this is most extraordinary  I was about to explain how I had recognized in   the girl I met in St James’s Heart The Identical  woman whom we had discovered lifeless but a sharp  

    Look from the inspector silenced me we are making  diligent inquiries the officer went on and we have   reason to believe that we shall be able to make a  further statement later at the adjourned inquiry   the corridor knotted and turning to the jury  said of course gentlemen it would not be wise at  

    This stage for the police to disclose any of the  information in their possession their success in   such matters is this mainly depends upon secrecy I  think we may now perhaps hear the medical evidence   the jury stirred on easily and settled themselves  to listen intently as Dr Lee’s Knowles the police  

    Divisional surgeon stepped forward and was sworn I  was called by the police in the house he said and   found there were two deceased persons a man and  a woman in the drawing room on the first floor  

    The attire of the man was rather disarranged as  the police had already searched him but there were   no signs whatever of a struggle you made a cursory  examination of course suggested the quarter yes   life had been extinct sometime and rigor mortis  had commenced there was however no external sign  

    Of Foul Play and the postmortem the court was  silent in anxious anticipation of the doctor’s   response assisted by Dr Linds I made a postmortem  but found absolutely nothing to account for debt   there was no Mark of violence on either of the  bodies and no physical defect or slightest trace  

    Of disease nevertheless the position of the  bodies when found makes it evident that both   persons died with great suddenness and without  being able to obtain assistance was there nothing   whatever to give any clue to the cause of death  as the coroner himself a medical man and nothing  

    Responded to surgeon one thing however struck us  as peculiar on the inside of the right forearm of   both the man and the woman were identical tattoo  marks the device nearly an inch in diameter   represented a serpent with its tail in its mouth  the ancient emblem of Eternity the mark on the  

    Man had evidently been traced several years ago  but that on the woman is comparatively fresh and   could not have been completely healed over more  than a month ago it is as though the mark on the  

    Man has been copied upon the woman and what do you  think is the signification of this Mark inquired   the coroner looking up from the Blue Pools cap  where on he had been writing down the depositions  

    I’m utterly at a loss to know the doctor answered  yet it is very curious that upon one of these   cards we found beneath the plates there was a  circle drawn while it also seemed that snakes were   kept in the house as pets to my mind all three  circumstances have some connecting significance  

    The jury bent together and conversed in  Whispers this theory of the doctors seemed   to possess a good deal of truth even though the  mystery was increased rather than diminished   many more questions were put to the doctor  after which his colleague Dr Linds was called  

    And corroborated the police surgeon’s evidence he  too was utterly unable to ascribe any fatal cause   the tattoo marks had puzzled him but he suggested  that the man and woman might be husband and wife   and that in a freak of Caprice to which women of  some temperaments of subject she had caused the  

    Device on her husband’s arm to be copied upon  her own opinions were however divided as to   whether the pair were husband and wife for my own  part I did not regard his theory as a sound one  

    You did not Overlook the contents of the stomach  of course the coroner exclaimed and now we sent   them in sealed bottles to Dr Marston the analyst  of the home office and have we his report inquired   the coroner and Dr Marston is here himself sir he  has come to give evidence Patterson answered from  

    The back of the room while at the same time an Old  gray-haired Gentleman in gold rim spectacles Rose   and walking forward took the elf you received from  the previous Witnesses two bottles suggested to   corner will you please tell us the result of your  analysis I tested carefully with group regions for  

    Every known poison and also for tomane he said but  all the solvents alcohol benzyl napped the ammonia   and so forth failed I tested for the alkaloids  such as strychnine digitalin and can thorogen   and used hydrochloric acid to find either Silver  Mercury or lead and also ammonia in an Endeavor  

    To trace tin cadmium or arsenic to none of the  known groups does the poison eat poison their B   belong therefore I have been utterly unable to  arrive at any definite conclusion is there no   direct trace of any poison none was the answer  yet from the result of certain group regions it  

    Would appear that death was due to the virulence  of some exotic substance you cannot we take it   decide what that substance was unfortunately no  the renowned analysts answered apparently annoyed   at having to thus publicly acknowledge his failure  the state of the stomach of either person was not  

    Such as might cause death indeed there was only  a secondary and most faint trace of the unknown   substance to which I have referred then to put  it quite plainly said the coroner it is your   opinion that they were poisoned I can scarcely  go so far as that the witness responded all I  

    Can say is evidence is that I found a slight  trace of some deleterious substance which all   tests refused to clearly reveal whether it were an  actual poison which resulted in death I hesitate   to say as the result of my analysis is not  sufficiently clear to warn any direct allegation  

    Do you suggest that this substance whatever  it was must have been painful and injurious   to the human system I think so even that  however is not absolutely certain as you   know certain poisons in infinitesimal quantities  are exceedingly beneficial then we must take it  

    That presuming these two persons actually die  to poison it must have been by a poison unknown   in toxicology observed the corner exactly the  analyst responded standing with his hands behind   his back and peering through his spectacles at the  expected jury the coroner invited the jury to ask  

    Any questions of the analyst but the 12 Kensington  Tradesmen feared to put any query to the man who   had the science of poisoning thus at his fingers  ends and whose analysis were always thorough and   absolutely Beyond dispute he was the greatest  Authority on poisons and they could think of  

    Nothing further to ask him therefore the coroner  politely invited him to sign his depositions   after he had withdrawn the corner placing down his  pen side leaned back in his chair with a puzzled   expression and once more addressed the 12 men who  had been summoned and warned before him they had  

    Heard the evidence he said and it was now for them  to decide whether the two persons had died from   natural causes or whether they had met with Foul  Play in the circumstances he acknowledged that   a decision was extremely difficult on account of  the many mysterious side issues connected with the  

    Affair Yeti pointed out that if they were in real  doubt whether to return a verdict of natural death   or a willful murder there was still a third cross  namely to return an open verdict of found dead and  

    Thus lead the matter in the hands of the police  he was ready of course to adjourn the inquiry   but from what he knew of the matter together with  the evidence which had just been given it was his  

    Honest opinion that no object could be obtained in  an adjournment and further by closing the inquest   at once they would prevent any inexpediate facts  leaking out to the newspapers the jury retired to   consult in an adjoining room and in 10 minutes  returned giving an open verdict of found dead  

    Thus and at the inquiry and while the law had  been complied with public curiosity remained   unaroused and the police were unable to work on  in secret with clue I lingered behind chatting   with Patterson and Boyd we are keeping observation  at upper Fillmore Place Boyd explained in response  

    To my inquiry funny thing that nobody else calls  there and that the servants have never come back   have you found the snake that was in the garden  who asked of Patterson with the significant glance   at knee and now he responded rather confused do  you see any search there might arouse suspicion  

    Therefore we are compelled to be content with  watching for the return of anyone to the house   but you haven’t yet succeeded in establishing the  identity of the pair dick observed now that’s the   queerest part of it Boyd explained the owner of  the house a builder who has an office in Church  

    Street close by says that the place was taken  furnished by a Mrs Blaine who gave her address   at Harwell near ditkat she paid six months  rent in advance Harwell Echo clue turning   to me isn’t that your home or when yes I guess  the name of blame caused me to stand immovable  

    Why dick exclaimed noticing my agitation what’s  the matter all fellow do you know the blames   yes I managed to reply they must be the blanes of  Shenley court if so they are friends of my family   I had never told my companion of my bygone  love affair because it had been a thing of  

    The past before we had gone into diggings  together who are they inquired boy quickly   tell me all you know concerning them as we are  about to prosecute inquiries in their Direction   first tell me the statement of the house owner I  said well he describes Mrs Blaine as a middle-aged  

    Rather Pleasant lady who came to his office about  a year ago in response to an advertisement in the   morning post she appeared most anxious to have  a house and one fact which appears to strike   the old fellow as peculiar is that she took it  and paid a 10 pound notice deposit without ever  

    Seeing the interior of the premises she told  him that it was for some friends of hers from   abroad and that they not having arrived she would  sign the agreement and accept all responsibility   anything else yes the detected replied she was  accompanied by a young lady whom old Triton  

    The landlord took to be her daughter now tell me  what you know I paused looking at him fixitly the   disclosure that Mrs Blaine was the actual holder  of that house of mystery was certainly startling   it was remarkable too that on the very night  of the crime I should receive a letter from  

    Mary the woman who had so long lingered in my  memory was that I wondered anything more than a   mere coincidence I don’t know that I can tell you  very much about the family I answered determined   to put him off the scent and make inquiries  myself they were very much respected when  

    At Shenley where they kept up a fine country  house and entertained a great deal they were   parishioners of my father therefore I went there  very often do you know Mrs Blaine well quite well   and her daughter suggested dick much interested  what’s she liked pretty possible I answered with  

    Affected indifference then they are not a shady  family at all suggested to detect it not in the   least that is why the fact of Mrs Blaine having  taken the house is so surprising it may have  

    Been sub let clue observed her friends from abroad  may not have arrived after all and she might have   relented a circumstance which seems most likely  as no one appears to have seen her enter the place  

    At any rate its most extraordinary I said then  turning to board I asked why not leave the inquiry   in that quarter to me knowing her I can obtain  information far more easily than you can yes clue   urged it would be a better course much better very  well answered the detective not however without  

    Some hesitation but be careful not to disclose  too much try and find out one fact only the   reason she took the house lead all the rest to us  I promised and after drinking together over in the  

    Refreshment bar at High Street stationed we heard  it and clue and I took a bus back to our Chambers   he stopped at Holborn to buy some last editions  of the papers while I hurried on for being  

    Terribly hungry I wish to give old Mrs Joe early  intimation of our Readiness for the diurnal steak   with my latchkey I under Lord Chambers the  succulent scent of grilled meat greeted my   nostrils and I Strode eagerly forward shouting  for the hag as I entered the sitting room I  

    Started and Drew back a quick word of apology  died from my lips for out of our single armchair   there are rows of tall female dark well-fitting  dress bowing with the grace that was Charming   I saw before me hap concealed beneath a thin black  veil a smiling face eminently pretty a tiny mouth  

    Parted to show an even row of pearly teeth a  countenance that was handsome in every feature   that pair of eyes pure importantly held me  motionless dumb I stood before my visitor   confused and speechless end of chapter 8 record  this is audiobook caboodle YouTube channel  

    Place for finest collection of audiobooks  and novels chapter 9 the love of long ago   there are hours in our lives which are apparently  without importance but which nevertheless exercise   an influence on our destiny Little Wonder was it  that at this instant I stood before my visitor  

    Voiceless in amazement her in her erect neat  figure I recognized the broken Idol of those long   past summer days Mary Blane of all the persons she  was the one I most desired at that moment to meet   her letter to me and her presence in my  chambers that evening were two facts that  

    Appeared pre-arranged with some ulterior  motive rather than mere coincidence then   an hour before Boyd had made a most  puzzly statement regarding her mother   and he or she was confronting me with that smile  I knew so well as if anxious to make explanation  

    I believe I’ve startled you Frank she exclaimed  laughing as she held out her loved hand in   meeting is it so long since we met Perhaps it is  indiscreet of me to come here to your Chambers but  

    I wanted to see you mother would be furious  if she knew why didn’t you answer my letter   forgive me I said an excuse I’ve been busy the  life of a daily journalist leads so very little   time for correspondence and I invited her to  be reseeded in our only armchair she Shrugged  

    Her shoulders smiling dubiously you men are  always Adept at the art of excuse she remarked   she was pretty yes decidedly pretty as I stood  looking at her there came back to me Vivid   Recollections of a day that was dead a day when  we had exchanged vows of undying affection and  

    Had wandered in secret arm and arm along those  quiet leaky Lanes she was a girl then and I not   much more than a stripping youth but we had both  grown older now another idea said sprung up in our  

    Minds other jealousies and other loves almost four  years had passed since I had last seen her she had   grown a little more plump and matronly and in her  dark luminous eyes was it looked more serious than  

    In her ointnish days at Harwell how time flies it  did not seem four years since that Autumn evening   when we parted in the golden Sunset yet how great  had the change been in the fortunes of her first  

    Proud family and even in my own life there was no  love between us now none the days were long passed   since a woman’s touch in word would make me color  like a girl even this meeting when she pressed my  

    Hand and her eyelids fluttered did not restor  within me the court of love so long untouched   I had heard of her only as a flirt and Fortune  Hunter and had read in the newspapers a paragraph   announcing her engagement to the Elder son of a  millionaire iron founder of Wiggum nevertheless  

    A month ago the papers contained a further  paragraph stating that the marriage arranged   would not take place since we had parted she  had evidently been through many love Adventures   still she was nevertheless uncommonly good  looking with the grace of manner that was perfect  

    I’ve often wondered Frank what had become of you  she said leaning her elbow on the table raising   her bail and looking straight into my eyes we were  such real good friends long ago that I’ve never   failed to entertain Pleasant Recollections of our  friendship once or twice I’ve heard of you through  

    Your people and of now and then read your articles  in the magazines somehow I felt a keen desire for   a long time past to see you and have a chat I feel  honored I answered perhaps a trifle sarcastically  

    Her mind was but a bit of recollection it is  certainly Pleasant to think that one is remember   after these years then in order to add irony to my  words I added I’ve heard you are engaged I was she  

    Responded glancing at me sharply but it is broken  off you found someone you liked better I presume   it is always so and no not at all she hastened  to assure me the fact is there was very little  

    Love on either side and we parted quite amicably  as amicably as we did ourselves eh no Frank she   said with a sudden seriousness dropping her eyes  to the table do not refer to that with years has  

    Come wisdom we were both foolish were we not  perhaps I was when I believed you’re bound to   be a true one I responded a tribal bitterly for I  had thought the summer of my life over and at an  

    End oh no she cried I did not come here to reopen  an incident that has been so long closed you love   another woman no doubt no I answered I loved you  once until you pursued me I have not loved since  

    But I was a mere girl then she urged ours was but  a mid-summer Madness that you’ll surely admit I   was silent I had believed myself proof against  all sediment in this respect for of late I had  

    Thought little if at all of my lost love yet  alone with her at that moment all the bitter   past flooded upon me my wild passion and  my shattered hopes with the vividness that   stirred up a great bitterness Within Me not that  I loved her now no on the contrary I hated her she  

    Had played others false and treated them just as  she had treated me after Madness there is always   a reaction I answered recollecting how fondly  I had once loved her and how since the day we   parted my life even Bohemian as it must ever be  in journalistic London was nevertheless Loveless  

    And misanthropic the life of one whose hopes were  shattered and whose joy in living had been sapped   Shenley was but the tomb of those summer  Recollections I never now visited the place   but all this is very foolish prank she explained  with a calm philosophical Heir and a smile  

    Probably meant to be goquettish why recollect  the past when one has loved as I once did it   is difficult to rid oneself of the memory of its  sweetness or its bitterness I said your visit here  

    Has brought it all back to me all that I have  striven so long and so strenuously to forget   she sighed for a single instant her dark eyes met  mine and then she avoided my gaze I ventured here   she explained in a low apologetic tone because  I believe that our youthful passion had mutually  

    Died and that I might renew your acquaintance not  as lover but his friend if by coming here I have   pained you or caused you any particularly unhappy  Recollections forgive me Frank forgive me and she   stretched forth her hand and placed it upon my  arm with a gesture of deep earnestness and regret  

    Certainly I forgive you I answered annoyed with  myself for having thus worn my heart on my sleeve   it was foolish I knew that idyllic Love of ours  was a mere dream of Youth like the other Castles  

    In the Air we built when in our teens it was  unwise to have spoken as I had for after all truth   to tell I was at that moment secretly glad of my  freedom and why because the mysterious woman whose  

    Beauty was perfect yet whose very existence was an  enigma had awakened within my soul a newborn love   since that bright morning when she had first  passed me in St James’s Park my thoughts had been   constantly of her although I had not exchanged a  single word with her I loved her and all thought  

    Of this dark-eyed woman who had once played me  false had passed from me thus angry with myself   and having spoken as I had I strove to remedy  whatever impression my words had made by treating   my visitor with a study courtesy at the same time  seeking to discover the real motive of her call  

    I recollected the mystery together with the  fact that had been elicited regarding the   tenancy of the house and felt convinced that  her visit was not without some strong incentive   she either came to me in order to learn something  or else with the object of satisfying herself  

    Upon some point remaining in doubt this thought  flashing through my troubled brain placed beyond   the alert and as we with mutual eagerness change  the topic of conversation I sat gazing into her   mobile countenance filled with ecstatic Wonder  as you know she chattered on quite frankly in a  

    Rather high-pitched key before we left Shenley  father had some very heavy losses in the city   at first we found a smaller house simply  horrible but now we are quite used to it   and personally I’m happier there because we are  right on the river and can have such Jolly voting  

    But River Dean is not such a very small place  surely I said dick who knew the river well had   once told me that it was a fine house situated in  one of the most picturesque reaches no she laughed  

    Not really it’s a very small I suppose but why not  come down and see for yourself mother often speaks   of you and you know you’re always welcome now  in ordinary circumstances I should have refused   that invitation Point Blank but when I reflected  that I was bound to make certain inquiries of Mrs  

    Blaine I with apparent reluctance accepted  mother will be most delighted to see you we   have tennis very often and boating always it’s  awfully Jolly come down the day after tomorrow   in the afternoon I shall tell mother that I met  you in the street and asked you down she must of  

    Course never know that I came here to see you and  she laughed at her little breach of the covenances   of course now I won’t give you away I said then  suddenly I recollect it may I get you a cup of tea  

    Oh no thanks really she answered I’ve been in  Regent Street to do some shopping and I had   tea there I was on my way home but thought that  being alone I’d venture to try and find you I’m  

    Very glad we have met I said enthusiastically for  truth to tell I saw in her opportune invitation a   means by which I might get at the truth I sought  there was something extremely puzzling in this   allegation that the calm mannered affable Mrs  Blaine whom I had known so well was the actual  

    Tenet of the mysterious house in Fillmore place  then looking at her steadily I added in future   our relations shall be as you suggest those of  friendship and not of affection if you really wish   of course she replied it is the only sensible  solution of the situation we are both perfectly  

    Free and there is no reason whatever why we should  not remain friends is there and none at all I said   tell your mother that I should be most delighted  to pay you a visit you have a boat I suppose oh  

    Yes and a punt too this season I’ve learned upon  quite well I smile because that Pastime shows off   the feminine figure to the greatest Advantage  I observe girls who can’t generally wear pretty  

    Brown shoes and their dress is just a triple short  so that as they skip from end to end of the punt   they are unable to display a dispute Soups On  of lingerie an open work stocking yay ah no she  

    Protested laughing you’re too sarcastic hunting  is really very good fun or ladies no doubt I said   but men prefer sculling they’ve no ways to show  nor pretty flannel procs to exhibit to the river   crowd ah Frank you always were a little harsh  in your conclusions she sighed I suppose it is  

    Because you sometimes write criticisms critics I  have always imagined should be old and quarrelsome   persons you are not and no I responded but old  critics too often view things through their own   philosophic spectacles the younger School takes  a much broader view of life I’m not however a  

    Critic I have I’m only a journalist I could hear  old Mrs Job growling to herself because the stake   was ready and she could not lay the cloth because  of my visitor meanwhile the room had become filled  

    With Suffocation with the fumes of frizzling meat  until a blue hay is seen to hang over everything   so useless eye to this choking state of things  that until that moment I never noticed it   then I quickly Rose and opened the window with  the word of apology that the place smelt stuffy  

    She glanced around the shabby smoke mellowed  room and declared that it pleased her of   course Bachelors had to ship for themselves  a good deal she said yet this place was not   at all uncomfortable I told her of my companion  who shared the chambers with me of his genius  

    As a journalist and how merrily we kept house  together at which she was much interested all   girls are more or less interested in bachelor’s  Arrangements our gossip drifted mostly into the   bygones of events at Harwell and the movements  of various mutual friends when suddenly dick clue  

    Burst into the room crying I sailed chap there’s  another first class Horror oh I beg your pardon   he said an apology drawing back and noticing  Mary I didn’t know you had a visitor forgive me   let me introduce you I said laughing at  his sudden confusion Mr Clue Miss vain  

    The pair exchanged greetings when clue with  that very good humor that never deserted him   said ladies never come to our den you know Miss  Blaine therefore please forgive me for blaring   like a bull our old woman who cleans out the  kennels is a step as a post therefore we have  

    Contracted a habit of shouting what is the horror  of which you spell she asked for the forced lab   I was looking at her at that instant I noticed  how unusually pale and agitated her face had   suddenly become oh only a startling Discovery  in tonight’s special he answered a discovery  

    She guessed where he glanced at the paper still  in his hand while she bent forward in her chair   with an eagerness impossible of concealment her  cheeks her palate her eyes dark wild looking   and Brilliant the affairi said seems to have taken  place at Lone pit Vale Lewis ham ah she ejaculated  

    Quite involuntarily giving bent to a sigh of  relief which clue quick and observant did not   fail to notice my friend threw the paper aside  sniffed at the odor of burnt meat and suggested   that the hag was endeavoring to asphyxiate us  the hag exclaimed Mary’s surprise who’s the hag  

    Old Mrs Joe responded dick we call her that first  because she’s so ugly and secondly because when   she’s cooking for us she croons to herself like  the witch of Endor she certainly is decidedly ugly  

    With that cross eye of hers it struck me too that  she had an ancient and witch-like aspect when she   admitted me she laughed thus we chatted on until  the bell of the hall struck seven and she Rose  

    To go first however inviting dick to a copy me to  riverdine an invitation which she gladly accepted   then she bait him a Dew and I copied her into  Holborn where I placed her in a taxi for Waterloo  

    On re-entering the room Dick’s first exclamation  was did you notice how her face changed when I   mentioned the horror yes I said her name’s Bane  and I presume she’s the daughter of Mrs Bane who  

    Was the tenant of the house in Kensington I not  an old flame of yours I remember now that you once   spoke of her quite true well old fellow he said  it was quite apparent when I mentioned the tragedy  

    That she feared the discovery had been made in  Kensington depend upon it she can if she likes   tell us a good deal yes I answered thoughtfully  I agree with you entirely dick I believe she can   end of chapter 9 recording  chapter 10 on the silent Highway  

    Whatever might have been Mary’s object in thus  renewing my acquaintance at the very moment when   I was about to seek her one thing alone was a  parrot she feared the revelation of the tragic   Affair at Kensington there were times when men  and women whatever Mastery they may possess  

    Over their countenances must involuntarily  betray Joy or fear in a manner unmistakable   those sudden and entirely unintentional words  of dicks had for the moment Frozen her heart   and yet it was incredible that she should have any  connection with this affair so inexplicable that  

    Superintendent Shaw the chief of the criminal  investigation department at Scotland Yard had   himself visited the house and according to what  Boyd had told me had expressed himself utterly   bewildered next day passed on eventually but  on the following afternoon we took the train  

    To shepperton where at the station we found  Simpson the chauffeur who had been at Shenley   awaiting us with a smart motor car in which we  drove along the white winding road to River d   IX description of the place was certainly not in  the least exaggerated when he had said that it  

    Was one of the most Charming old places on the  Thames approached from the Highway by a long   drive through a thick velvet of Elms and beaches  it stood a long old-fashioned house covered with   Honeysuckle and Roses facing the river with a  broad well-kept lawn sloping down to the water’s  

    Edge The Gardens on either side were filled with  bright flowers the high leafy trees overshadowed   the house and kept it delightfully cool and the  10 of them long and the several hammocks slung in   the shadow testified to the ease and Repose of  those who lived there many riparian residences  

    Had I seen during my frequent picnic and sunny  excursions up and down the various reaches but   for pictures perfect quiet and Rural Beauty none  could compare with this I had expected to find a  

    Mere Cottage or at most a villa The Humble Retreat  of a half ruined man yet on the contrary it was   a fine house furnished with an Elegance that was  surprising with men’s servants in every evidence   of wealth City men are reflected made money fast  and without doubt Old Henry Blaine had regained  

    Long ago all that he had lost how beautiful how  tranquil was that spot how sweet smelling that   wealth of trailing roses which entirely hid one  half of the house after the dust and stuffiness   of Fleet Street the incessant rattle of traffic  and the horse shouting of the winners beyond the  

    Lawn which we now cross to greet our Hostess and  her daughter the river ran cool and deep with its   surface unruffled so that the high poplars on  the opposite Bank were reflected into it with  

    All their detail and color as in the mirror it was  a warm afternoon and during our drive the sun had   beat down upon us mercilessly but here in the  shadow all was delightfully cool and refreshing   the porch of the house facing the river was one  mass of yellow roses which spread their fragrance  

    Everywhere Mrs Blaine was seated in a wicker  chair with some needlework while Mary was lying   in a Chase Lounge reading the latest novel from  muddies and our footsteps falling noiselessly upon   the turf neither noticed our approach until we  stood before them I’m so very pleased you’ve come  

    Frank exclaimed the elder lady starting forward  enthusiastically as you put down her work and I’m   delighted to meet your friend I have heard of you  both several times through your father I wonder   he doesn’t exchange his living with someone he  seemed so very unwell of late I’ve always thought  

    That Harwell doesn’t suit him he has tried on  several occasions but theocracy has had are   in towns in the north of England so he prefers  Berkshire I answered well she said inviting a   spoke to be seated in comfortable wicker chairs  standing near it is really very pleasant to see  

    You again Mary has spoken of you and wondered how  you were so many many times I’m sure I said the   pleasure is mutual dick after I had introduced  him to Mrs Payne had seated himself at Mary’s  

    Side and was chatting to her while I leaning  back in my chair looked at this woman before   me and remembered the object of my visit there was  certainly nothing at her face to arouse suspicion  

    She was perhaps 50 with just a sign of gray hairs  Dark Eyed with a nose of that type one Associates   with employers of Labor a trifle inclined to om  bompa she was a typical well-preserved English   woman of motherly disposition even though by birth  she was one of the first Shropshire families and  

    In the days of Shenley she had been quite a  prominent figure in the May flutter of London   I had liked her exceedingly or she had shown me  many kindnesses indeed she had distinctly favored   the match between Mary and myself although  her husband a bustling busy man had scouted  

    The idea this Mary herself had told me long  ago in those dreamy days of sweet competences   the thought that she was in any way implicated  in the mysterious Affair under investigation   seemed absolutely absurd and I laughed Within  Myself she was dressed as she always had  

    Dressed after luncheon in black satin Duchess  a quiet Elegance which I think rather created   an illusion that she was Stout and as she  arranged her needlework aside in order to   chat to me she sighed as matronly ladies are want  to side during the drowsy after lunch and hours  

    From time to time I turn and laughed with Mary as  she gaily sought my opinion on this and on that   she was dressed in dark blue surge trimmed with  narrow white gray her sailor hat cast aside  

    Lying on the grass a smart River costume of a Chic  familiar to me in the passion plates of the lady’s   papers as she lay back her head pillared on the  cushion there was in her eyes that kokadish smiled  

    And she laughed at ringing musical laugh as a bold  a boat full of Merry makers went by looking across   and no doubt envying us res for sculling out there  in the blazing sun could scarcely be a pleasure   judging from their appearance they were shop  assistants making the best of the Thursday  

    Early closing movement a movement which happily  gives the slaves the Suburban counters opportunity   for healthful recreation the boat was Laden to  overflowing and prometed in the bows was the   inevitable basket of provisions and the tin Kettle  for making tea it’s too hot as yet to go out Mary  

    Said watching them will go later very well dick  answered I shall be delighted I love the river   but since my Cambridge days I’ve unfortunately had  but little opportunity for sculling you newspaper   men observe Mrs Blaine addressing me must have  very little Leisure I think the newspapers are  

    Always full isn’t it very difficult to fill the  pages and no I answered that’s a common error   to every newspaper in the Kingdom there comes  daily sufficient needs of one sword or another   to fill three sheets the same size the duty of the  journalist if of course he is not a reporter or  

    Leader writer is to make a judicious selection as  to what he shall publish and what he shall admit   it is this that wears out one’s brains but the  reporters she continued I mean those men who go  

    And Hunt up details of Horrors crimes and such  things are they well paid that struck me as a   strange question and I think I must have glanced  at her rather inquiringly they are paid as well as   most professions are paid nowadays I answered  better perhaps than some and their duty is to  

    Make inquiries and scrape up all kinds of details  just like detectives I’ve heard it said is that so   exactly I replied one of the cleverest men in that  branch of Journalism is our friend here Mr Clue  

    She looked at the man I indicated and I thought  her face went slightly paler it may however only   been in my imagination is he really one of those  she inquired in a low undertone yes I responded  

    In all Fleet Street he’s the shrewdest man that  handing out the truth he is the comet man and   may claim to have originated the reporter  investigation branch of Journalism she was   silent for a few moments lines appeared between  her eyes then she took up her needlework as if  

    To divert her thoughts and Mr Blaine I asked at  last in one of some better topic how is he how   busy as usual he’s in Paris he went a fortnight  to go upon business connected with some company  

    He is bringing out and has not been able to  get back yet we shall join him for a week or   two only I so much dislike the channel Crossing  besides it is really very pleasant here just now   delightful I answered looking round upon the  peaceful scene at the steps opposite where we  

    Sat was moored a motorboat together with Mary’s  hunt a light wood one with Crimson cushions while   behind us was a well-kept tennis court tea was  brought after we had gossiped nearly an hour and   while we were taking it a boat suddenly Drew up at  the Landing stage being hailed by Mary who jumped  

    Up enthusiastically to welcome its occupants  there were two young men of rather thanified   air and a young girl of 20 smartly dressed but  not at all good-looking whom I afterwards Learned   was sister to the Elder of her companions when  the boat was at last moored and the trio landed  

    Amid much shouting in Merriman I was introduced to  them the name of sister and brother were Moberly   a family who lived somewhere up Beyond value  and their companion was a guest at their house   we thought we’d just catch you a tea Mrs Blaine  cried Doris Moberly as she sprang ashore and we  

    Are So frightfully Thirsty it come along then  said the elder lady sit down my dear we have it   all ready and so three joined us and the circle  quickly became a very merry one they kept us so  

    Long in the lock that I feared tea would be all  over before we arrived young Moberly said with   a rather affected drawl he appeared to be one of  those young sprigs of the city who traveled first  

    Class read the Times and ape the Aristocrat yes  DARS went on there was a slight collision between   a barge and a launch resulting in lots of strong  language and that the latest otherwise we should   have been here half an hour ago did you call  on the Bin’s dad’s Mary asked you know their  

    Houseboat the flame it’s more just to then halfway  between the lock and stains Bridge we passed   it but the blinds were down they were evidently  taking a nap so we did inhale them Doris responded   then the conversation drifted upon River topics  as it always dressed with those who spend the  

    Summer days idling about the upper richest  attempts a punts motor launches and sailing   of the prospects of regattas and addresses at  Sunbury lock on the previous Sunday they were   all River enthusiasts and River enthusiasm  is a malady extremely contagious with those  

    Doomed to spend the Dog Days gasping in a Dusty  office in stifled London after T followed tennis   as a natural sequence and while Moberly and his  sister played with Dick and the youth who had a   copied the moberly’s Mary and I wandered away into  the wood which skirt at the grounds of riverdine  

    She was bright and merry quite her old self of  Shenley days saved perhaps for a Graver look which   now and then came to her eyes she showed me the  extent of their grounds and led me down a narrow  

    Path in the dark shadow to the bank to show me a  nest of Kingfishers the spot was so peaceful and   Rural that one could scarcely believe one cell but  20 miles from London the Kingfisher startled by   our presence flashed by us like a living emerald  in the sunlight black-headed bunting splitted  

    Alongside among the Reeds and the shy sedge  warbler poured out his chattering imitations while   here and there we caught sight of more hands down  in the sedge she had I found developed a love for   fishing where she took me further down where the  Willows trailed into the stream and pointed out  

    The swirl over the gravel where trout were known  to lie showed me a bush-shaped depth where she   had caught many a big perch and a long swim where  she said were excellent roach and you are happier   here than you were at Shenley I inquired as we  were strolling back together both bare-headed  

    She with her hat swinging in her hand happy oh yes  and she sighed with her eyes cast upon the ground   that sigh of yours does not denote happiness  I remark glancing at her what troubles you  

    Nothing she declared looking up at me with a  poor smile it is very puzzling to me Mary I said   seriously that in all this time you’re not married  you were engaged yet it was broken off why at my  

    Demand she answered with a firmness that surprised  me I will never marry a man I don’t love never   then it was that your father’s suggestion that  proposed marriage of yours of course I hated him   surely it was unwise to allow the announcement to  get into the papers wasn’t it it was my father’s  

    Doing not mine she responded when it was broken  off I hastened to publish the contradiction   on reading the first announcement I said I  imagined that you had a length found a man   whom you loved and that you would marry and  be happy I am sure I regret that it is not so  

    Why she asked regarding me with some  surprise do you wish to see me married then   not to a man you cannot love I hasten to  assure her I was trying to learn from her   the reason of her sudden renewed friendship and  competence yet she was careful not to refer to it  

    Her extreme care in this particular was in  itself suspicious her effort at coquetry when at   my Chambers two days before made it apparent that  she was prepared to accept my love if I so desired   yet the remembrance of Eva glasslin was ever in  my mind this woman at my side had once played  

    Me false and it caused the rent in my heart  which was difficult to heal she was pretty in   Charming without doubt yet she had never been  Frank even in those long past days at Shenley   once again I told myself that the only woman I  had looked upon with thoughts of real genuine  

    Affection was the mysterious Ava whom once with my  own eyes I had seen cold and dead when I reflected   upon the latter fact I became puzzled almost to  the verge of Madness yet upon me situated as I was  

    Defiled the duty of solving the Enigma life looked  at philosophically is a long succession of chances   it is a game of Hazard played by the individual  against the multiform forces to which we give   the name of circumstance with cars whose real  strength is always either more or less than their  

    Face value and which are packed and forced with an  astuteness which would baffle the Wiley as sharper   there were times in the game when the cards held  by the Mortal player have no value at all when  

    What seemed to us kings queens and Aces changed to  Mere blanks there are other moments when ignoble   twos and threes flush into trumps and enable us  to triumphantly sweep the board briefly life is   a game of roulette wherein we always play on Paul  as walking at her side I looked into her handsome  

    Face there Came Upon me a feeling of mournful  disappointment had we met like this a week before   and she had spoken so softly to me I should I  barely believe have repeated my Declaration of  

    Love but the time had passed and all had changed  my gaze had been lost in the immensity of a pair   of wondrous Azure eyes I who tired before my time  world weary despondent and cynical was angry and   contemptuous at the success of my companions  had actually awakened to a new desire for life  

    So I allowed this woman I had once loved  the chatter on listening to her light   gossip and now and then putting a question  to her with a view to learning something   of her connection with that house of Mystery  still she told me nothing absolutely nothing  

    Without apparent intention she evaded any direct  question I could to her and seemed brimming over   with good spirits and Merriman it has been quite  like old times to have a stroll in a chat with you   Frank she declared as we emerged at last upon  the lawn where tennis was still in progress  

    The sun was now declining the Shadows lengthening  and a refreshing wind was already beginning to   stir the tops of the Elms yes I laughed of our  long walks around Harwell I have many Pleasant   Recollections do you remember how secretly we  used to meet fearing the anger of your people  

    How sometimes I used to wait hours for you and how  we used to imagine that our love would last always   oh yes she answered I recollect too how I used to  send you notes down by one of the stable labs and  

    Pay him with sweets I laughed again all that has  gone by I said in those days of our experience we   believe that our mutual liking was actual love  even if we now smile at our Recollections they   were nevertheless the happiest hours of all our  lives Love Is Never So fervent and devoted as  

    An early youth aha she answered in a serious tone  you are quite right I have never since those days   known what it is to really love I glanced at  her sharply her eyes were cast upon the ground   in sudden melancholy was that speech of hers  A Veiled declaration that she left me still  

    I held my breath for an instant then looking  straight before me saw standing a few yards   away in conversation with Mrs Bane a female  figure in a boating costume of cream flannel   braided with coral pink look I exclaimed led to  avoid responding you have another visitor I think  

    She glanced in a direction I indicated  then hastened forward to greet the newcomer   the slim waisted figure turned and next second  I recognized the strikingly handsome profile of   Ava glasslin the mysterious woman I secretly  loved with such passion order and affection  

    Come Frank let me introduce you Mary cried  after enthusiastically kissing her friend   I stepped forward and as I did so she turned  and fixed on me her large Blue lapping eyes   not a look not an expression of her pure  countenance was altered as I gazed into  

    Those eyes I saw that they were as dear as the  purest Crystal and that I could look through   them straight into her very soul I bowed and  grasped the tiny refined hand she held forth to me   that soft hand which I had once before  touched when it was cold and lifeless  

    End of chapter 10 recorded chapter 11 Beauty  at the helm together we stood on the lawn near   the riverbank gossiping and as I looked into Ava’s  Paula’s face whereon the expression had now become   softened I longed to tell her the most sacred  Secret of My Heart had she I wondered recognized  

    In me the man she encountered in Saint James’s  Park when on that mysterious errand of hers   what could have been the nature of that  errand whom did she go there to meet   one fact was that that moment to me more  Curious than all others namely her friendship  

    With Mrs Blaine the woman who according to  the landlord rented that house of Mystery   by the exercise of care and direction I might  I told myself learned something which would   perhaps lead if not to the solution of the  Enigma then to some clue upon which the police  

    Might work but to accomplish this I should be  compelled to exercise The Most Extreme Caution   for both mother and daughter were evidently  acute to detect any attempt to gain their   secret while it seemed more than probable that  Ava herself if actually aware of the affair  

    Which was of course not quite certain had some  motive in keeping all knowledge of it concealed   who a hundred times I wondered was the man who  after lingering opposite Buckingham Palace had   entered the house in eidbury street without doubt  Ava had gone to the park to meet him but it seemed  

    That growing impatient or fearful of recognition  by others she had left before his arrival   true the police had watched the house wherein  the man disappeared but up to the present he   had not been seen again Boyd had told me when  I had seen him that very morning that he had  

    Left my some exit at the rear and that his entry  there was only to throw any Watcher off the sim it   was evident that the man whoever he was had very  ingeniously got clear away dick who was playing  

    Tennis at last came forward to be introduced to my  Divinity and presently whispered to me his great   admiration for her I was about to tell him who she  really was but on reflection felt that I could act  

    With greater discretion if the truth remained mine  alone together with the secret of my love for her   therefore I held my peace and he in ignorance that  she was the missing victim of that amazing tragedy   walked at her side along the water’s edge laughing  merrily and greatly enjoying her companionship Mrs  

    Blaine invited us all to dying but the moberlys  were compelled to decline they having a party   of friends at home therefore we saw them off amid  many shouts and weigh these and feels of laughter   and when they had gone we sat again on the lawn  now brilliant in the golden blaze of sundown  

    It still wanted an hour to dinner therefore Mary  suggested that we all four should go out on the   water a proposal accepted with mutual enthusiasm  as I was not an expert in hunting Mary and Dick   pushed off on the pump the former handling the  long pole with a deafness acquired by constant  

    Practice while with Ava glasslin in the CERN of  a gig I rolled up my sleeves and been to the oars   the sunset was one of those gorgeous  combinations of crimson and gold with   which those who frequent the Thames know so  well Upstream the flood of crimson of the  

    Dying day caused the Elms and Willows to stand  out in Black against the cloudless sky while   every Ripple caused by the boat caught the  sun glow until the water seemed red as blood   a great piece was there not a single boat  was in sight not a sound saved the quiet  

    Lapping of the water against the boughs and the  slight dripping of the oars as I feathered them   we were rolling Upstream so that the return would  be easier while dick and His companion had punted   down towards churchy for the first time I was  now alone with her she was lovely she had settled  

    Herself lazily among the cushions lying back at  her ease and enjoying to the full the calm of the   sunset hour remarking now and then upon the beauty  of the scene and the charm of summer days Upstream   her countenance was animated and perfected feature  distinctly more beautiful than it had been on that  

    Well remembered night when I had found her lying  back cold and lifeless how strange it all was   I thought that I should actually be rowing her  there when only a few days before I had beheld  

    Her stiff and dead alone with no one to overhear  I would have put a direct inquiry to her regarding   the past but I feared that such question if  put prematurely might prevent the elucidation   of the secret to get at the truth I must act  diplomatically and exercise the greatest caution  

    I sat facing her bending with the oars while she  chatted on in a voice that sounded as music to my   ears I love the river she said last year we had a  houseboat up Beyond bolters and it was delightful  

    There was really great fun in being boxed up in  so small a space and one could also make one’s   Place exceedingly artistic and comfortable  at very small expense we had a ripping time   it is curious I remarked that most owners  of houseboats go in for the same style of  

    External decoration rows of geraniums along  the roof and strings of Chinese lanterns look   at that one over there yes she laughed glancing  up in the direction I indicated I fear we were   also sinners in that respect it’s so difficult to  devise anything new and she added are you up the  

    River much no I responded not much unfortunately  my profession keeps me in London and I generally   like to spend my three weeks vacation on the  continent I’m fond of getting a place at other   cities and one travels so quickly that the thing  is quite easy there are always more girls than  

    Men of the river she said I suppose it is because  men are at business and girls have to kill time   we live down at Hampton not far from the river  it’s a quiet Dead Alive sort of place and if  

    It were not for boating and hunting it would  be horribly dull and in Winter oh and winter   we are always on the Riviera we go to Khan each  December and stay till the end of April mother   declares she could not live through an English  winter this statement did not coincide with what  

    The innkeeper’s wife had told me namely that the  glasslands were much pressed for money I spent   one season in nice a few years ago I said it is  certainly charming and I hope to go there again  

    But it’s not our own times with all its natural  picture restness quite as beautiful in its way   she asked looking around I love it people who  have been up the Rhine in the room the Moselle   and The Lure say that perpetuous scenery none  of those great European rivers compare with ours  

    I believe that to be quite true I answered like  yourself I am extremely fond of boating and   picnicking we often have picnics she said I’ll get  mother to invite you to the next if you’ll come   certainly I answered much gratified I shall  be only too delighted we were at that moment  

    Passing Two Fine houseboats more near one another  one of which my companion explained belonged to   a well-known City stock broker and the other  two a barrister of repute at the Chancery bar   both were gay with the usual geraniums and  creepers having inviting looking deck chairs  

    On the roof and canaries and gilded cages hanging  at the windows shall we go up the back water she   suddenly suggested it is more beautiful there  than the main stream we might get some lilies   of course I answered and with a pull to the left  turned the boat into the narrower stream branching  

    Out at the left a stream that wound among Earl  Meadows yellow with buttercups and were long lines   of Willows trailed in the water I was hot after a  pretty stiff pull therefore when we had gone some  

    Distance I’d leaned on the oars allowing the boat  to drift on under the bank where the long rushes   waved in the Stream and the Pure White of water  lilies showed against the dark green of floating  

    Leaves a list of the rudder lines Eva leaned over  and gathered some trailing her hand in the water   how quiet and pleasant it is here she remarked  her calm sweet beautiful face showing what a  

    Great piece had come to her at that moment it may  not have been quite in keeping with the covenances   that she should have gone out like this alone with  me a comparative stranger yet girls of today think  

    Little of such things and she was nothing if not  moderate in dress speech and practice of manner   we were far from the haunts of men in that  calm hour of the dying day indeed already   the Crimson of the sun was Fading Into the rows  of the Afterglow and the Stillness precursory  

    Of Nightfall was complete save for the rustle  of some water rat or otter among the sedge or   the Swift flight of a nightbird across the bosom  of the Stream the Shadows were changing and the  

    Glow in the water was turning from one color to  another the cattle had come down to the brink and   waiting to their knees whisked the flies away  with their tails as they slowly chewed the cut   yes I agreed there is rest perfect and complete  here how different to London ah yes she answered  

    I hate London and very seldom go there except  when necessity compels us to do shopping   why do you hate it I asked at once breaking up my  ears have you any special reason for disliking it  

    Well no she left I suppose it’s noise and bustle  in hurry that I don’t like I’m essentially a lover   of the country even theaters concert and such  like amusements have but little attraction for me  

    I know it sounds rather absurd that a girl should  make such a declaration but I assure you I speak   the truth I did not doubt her anyone with an open  face like hers could not be guilty of lying that  

    Statement was in itself an index to her character  she possessed a higher mind than most women and   was something of a philosopher truth to tell this  fact surprised me for I had until then regarded  

    Her as of the usual type of the educated woman of  today a woman with a penchanted for smartness and   dress freedom of language and the entertainment  of the modern music hall in preference to Opera   I was gratified by my discovery she was  a woman with a soul Beyond these things  

    With a sweet lovable disposition a woman far  above all the others she was my idol in those   moments My Love increased to a man passion and  he longed to imprint a kiss upon those smiling  

    Lips and to take her in my arms to tell her the  secret that I dared not allow to pass my lips   she leaned backwards on the cushions her hands  were tightly classed behind her head her sleeves   fell back showing her well-molded arms her sweet  child-like face was turned upward with her blue  

    Eyes watching me through half-close Lids her small  mouth was but half shut she smiled a little it   entranced me to look upon her for the first time  the loveliness of a woman had made me blind and  

    Stupid I wanted to know more of the cause of her  dislike of London for I had sent it suspicion in   her words nevertheless through all she preserved  the slight rigidity of manner and I feared to   put any further question at that moment thus we  rested in silence dreaming in the darkening hour  

    I sat facing her glancing furtively at her  countenance and wondering how she had become a   victim in that inexplicable tragedy by what means  that you’ve been spirited from that mysterious   house and another victim placed there in her  Stead all was an enigma insoluble inscrutable  

    To be there with her to exchange confidences as  we had done and to chat lightly upon River topics   all gave me the greatest gratification to have met  her thus was an unexpected stroke of good fortune   and I was overjoyed by her spontaneous promise  to invite me to one of their own River parties  

    Joy is the sunshine of the Soul at that restful  hour I drank in the sweetness of a rise her eye   was in glamor land and my companion was truly  Enchanted we must have remained there for the half  

    An hour for when I suddenly looked at my watch  and realized that we must in any case be late for   dinner the light in the wild Red Heavens had died  away the soft pale rose pink had faded and in the  

    Stillness of Twilight there seemed a wide profound  mystery we must be getting back I said quickly   pulling the boat out into Midstream with a long  stroke yes the blanes will wonder wherever we’ve   been she laughed Mary will accuse you of flirting  with me would that be such a very grave accusation  

    I asked smiling uh that I really don’t know she  asked daily you would be the accused but neither   of us are guilty therefore we can return with  absolutely clear consciences can’t we certainly   she left then after a brief call she asked why  did you not bring Mary out in preference to me  

    Why do you ask I inquired a surprise well it would  be only natural as you are engaged to her engaged   to her I echoed I’m certainly not engaged to Mary  Blane aren’t you she exclaimed I always understood  

    You were oh no said I we are old friends we  were boy and girl together but that is all   her great blue eyes opened with a rather  bewildered Heir and she exclaimed how   strange that people should make such a mistake  I had long ago heard of you as Mary’s future  

    Husband then again we were silent both pondering  deeply had this remark of hers been mere guesswork   was this carefully concealed question but a master  stroke of woman’s Ingenuity to ascertain whether   I loved Mary Blane it seemed very likely to be  so but she was so Frank and all that I could  

    Not believe enough her no doubt she had heard  some story of our long past love and it had been   exaggerated into an engagement as such stories  are so often apt to be soon we emerged from the  

    Backwater into the mainstream and with her bow set  in the direction of lalam I wrote down with the   current without loss of time the Twilight had fast  deep into dust a high poplars and drooping Willows   along the bank had grown dark though the broad  surface of the stream at eating here and there  

    Were a fish Rose was still of a blue Steely Hue  and Far Away Upstream only a long streak of grade   showed upon the horizon the Stars Shone down  in the first faint darkness of the early night   presently I glanced behind thee and in the  distance saw a yellow Ray which my companion  

    Well versed in River geography told me it  was a light in one of the windows of Liberty   it had grown quite chilly and The Meadows were  raised in faint white Mist therefore I spurred   it forward and soon brought the boat up to the  steps I knew that the world now held nothing  

    For me but Ava when we entered the dining room  a fine apartment with a table laid with shining   plate decorated with flowers and illuminated with  red-shaped candles we were greeted as we expected   by a loud and rather boisterous welcome by dick  and Mary we were of course full of apologies being  

    Nearly half an hour late but upriver dinner is  a somewhat Movable Feast so Mrs Blaine quickly   forgave us and while I sat by Mary on her  one hand dick seated himself at Ava’s side   daily we gossip through a merry meal washed down  with the real burn castle and followed by Old  

    Port coffee and koyako yet my mind was full of  strange apprehensions what possible connection   could these three women have with that crime which  the police were withholding from the public that   they were all three aware that a tragedy had taken  place seemed quite clear yet all remained silent I  

    Had detected in Mrs Blaine’s manner an anxiety and  nervousness which I had never before noticed yet I   refrained from putting any further question to her  lest I might by doing so show my hand she could  

    Not keep from her tone when she spoke to me a note  of insincerity which my ear did not fail to detect   our conversation over dessert turned upon dogs  the performances of Mary’s hug having started the   discussion and quite inadvertently dick whose  mind seemed always centered upon his work for  

    He was nothing not an Enthusiast suddenly said  adults are now being used by the police to trace   criminals there is no better method when it can be  accomplished for a bloodhound will follow a trail   anywhere with unfailing accuracy even after some  hours do they actually use them now ask Mrs Blaine  

    In a strange poldering voice her wine glass poised  in her hand the essay responded they’ve been   utilized with entire success in two or three cases  this week not only in London but in the provinces   also they are unfailing and will track the guilty  one with an accuracy that’s absolutely astounding  

    Ava and Mary exchanged quick glasses across  the table while Mrs Blaine sipped her wide and   stirred on easily in her chair I noticed that  the color had died out from the faces of all   three and that in their Blanche countenances was  the look of mingle fear and suspicion my friend  

    Had led that conversation with remarkable Tech to  quite an unlook for result he lifted his eyes to   mine for an instant and read my thoughts my mind  became filled with the presentimate of future ill   end of chapter 11 chapter 12. the deformed  man’s statement youth is the shortest joy  

    And happiness vanishes like all else in the Mad  hurry of life however we heed not such things we   live only for today on our way back to Waterloo  that night dick earnestly discussed the situation   and what’s your opinion now I inquired as he sat  opposite me in the corner of the Railway Carriage  

    Dick Smiles slightly both mother and daughter  are connected with the affair and are in deadly   fear he replied decisively while in the pot with  Mary Blaine I had a long chat with her and the   conclusion I formed is that she knows all about it  besides she was very anxious to know your recent  

    Movements what you had been doing during the  past week or so I wonder whether she suspects   no I don’t think so he answered neither mother  nor daughter dreamed that we are in possession   of the secret you see no one has returned to the  place since the Fatal night and as nothing has  

    Appeared in the papers they naturally conclude  that the affair has not yet been discovered   they evidently devour almost every morning and  evening paper as it arrives down there did you   notice the Heap of papers in the morning room I  asked of course I kept my eyes well open while  

    There he replied did it strike you that the plate  used at dinner was of exactly the same pattern as   that on the table at Fillmore place and further  that among a pile of novels in the drawing room  

    Was a book which one would not expect to find in  such a place a work known mainly to toxicologists   where it deals wholly with the potency of poisons  now I asked in surprise I didn’t notice either of  

    Those things but I did it went on reflectively  all these facts go to convince me of what that   we are working in the right direction to obtain a  key to the mystery he responded then suddenly he  

    Added by the way that girl glasslin is certainly  very beautiful I envy you old fellow when you took   her for a row I smiled I had determined not to  reveal to him her identity as to the woman whom  

    I had first discovered lifeless but his natural  shrewdness was far greater than mine he was a   born investigator of crime and had not fate placed  him at a newspaper office he would I believe have   become a renowned detective glasslin Ava glaslin  he repeated as if to himself why surely that’s the  

    Name of the girl you met in Saint James’s Park and  followed to Hampton the woman whom you found dead   on your first visit to the house with Patterson  is that really so he cried in southern amazement   I nod it without replying then Frank old  chap he answered in the low horse voice of  

    One utterly staggered this affair has assumed  such a devilishly complicated phase that I fear   we shall never get at the truth to approach  any of those three women would only be to   place them on their guard and without their  assistance we can’t possibly act with success  

    Then what do you suggest I asked said yes I could  suggest nothing he answered the complications   on every side are too great far too great only  Ava glassland can assist us I observed yes she   alone can most probably tell us the truth but her  friendship for the planes is proved positive that  

    Her secret is a guilty one even though she was so  near being a victim she was a victim I declared   when I saw her she was apparently lifeless flying  cold and still in the chair with every appearance  

    Of one dead but what causes you to think that  her secret is a guilty one I asked hastily   the planes undoubtedly are implicated in the  matter and she their friend is in possession   of their secret he argued as a victim she would  be prompted to expose them if she did not fear  

    Exposure herself she’s therefore held to enforce  silence his argument was a very forcible one   and during the remainder of the journey to  London I sat back calmly reflecting upon it   it was a theory which had not before occurred  to me but I hesitated to accept it because I  

    Could not believe that upon this woman who held  me beneath the spell of her marvelous Beauty put   their rest any such hideous shadow of kill I  remember those clear blue eyes that fear open   countenance and that Frank manner of speech and  refused to give Credence to my friend’s allegation  

    Slowly past the days summer heat  increased and in London the silkheaded   world had already turned their thoughts  towards the Open Fields in the sea beach   the summer holidays were Drawing Near at hand how  much that brief vacation of a week were Fortnight  

    Means to The toiling Londoner and how much more  to his ailing wife and CUNY family doomed to live   year after year in a smoke Halo of some black  grimy Street into which the Sun never seems   to shine or in some cheap crowded suburb where  the Jerry Built houses standed long in artistic  

    Parallel rows and the cheap streets swarm with  unwashed shouting offspring I had arranged to take   my holiday in Winter and go down to the Riviera a  treat I had long since promised myself therefore   both dick and I continued our work through those  cycling days obtaining from Boyd every now and  

    Then the results of his latest inquiries these  results it must be said were absolutely nil I had   agreed with dick to keep our suspicions entirely  to ourselves therefore we gave no information to   Boyd preparing to carry out our inquiries in our  own method rather than seeking his Aid it was  

    Well perhaps that we did this for the police too  often blunder by displaying too great an energy   I was determined if possible to protect Ava at  riverdine dick and I were welcomed guests and were   often invited to Sunday River parties thus showing  that any suspicions entertained Us in that quarter  

    Have been removed time after time I had met Ava  and we had on lots of occasions gone out on the   river together exploring over and over again that  winding shade Backwater and picking lilies and   forget peanut at the spot where on that memorable  evening we had first exchanged confidences  

    I had received no invitation to The Hollies but  she had apologized saying that the usual heat   had prostrated her mother and that for the present  they had been compelled to abandon their picnics   many were the afternoons and evenings I idled  away in a deck chair on that well-kept lawn or  

    Accompanied by Mary Eva clue and Fred Langdale  who by the way turned out to be an insufferable   overdressed mounder who was continually dangling  at Ava’s skirts we would go poor and pay visits   to various houseboats up and downstream Langdale  looked upon me with a certain amount of jealousy I  

    Think and Truth to tell was not as I had imagined  of the milk and water genus Ava seemed to regard   him as a necessary evil and used him as a tame cat  a kind of body servant to touch and carry for her  

    From her remarks to me however I had known full  well from the first that there was not a shadow   of affection on her side she had explained how  she simply tolerated him because companions were   few at Hampton and he was a fairly good tennis  player well he on his part was unconsciously  

    Making an arant ass of himself in the eyes  of all by his efforts to cultivate a draw   that he deemed aristocratic and to carefully  caressing his mustache in an upward Direction   dick clue thorough going Bohemian that he was  cared but little I believed for those riparian  

    Gatherings but true he played tennis rode pundit  and ate strawberries and cream with his greatest   zest as any of us nevertheless I knew that he  accepted the invitation with but one object and   that he would far rather have strolled in one of  the parts with Lily Lowry and Roe married Lane  

    Up and down the stream Lily often came to our  Chambers she was about 22 of a rather Southern   type of Beauty with a good figure a graceful  gate and a decidedly London sheep she spoke   however with that nasal twang which stamps the  true South Londoner and her Expressions were not  

    Absolutely deported the slang of the Newington  bus yet with all she was a quiet Pleasant girl   thus half the month of July went by practically  without incident until one blazing day at noon   when I went forth in the Fleet Street for lunch  I unexpectedly encountered dick hot and hurrying  

    His hat tilted back he had left home very early  that morning to work up some startling discovery   that had been made out at play style and already  forced voice men were crying the fourth Comet with  

    The latest details he had on Earth in reply  to his question as to where I was going I   told him that after luncheon I had to go down to  Walworth to make some trifling inquiry whereupon  

    He said then I wish you’d do a favor for me old  fellow of course I answered promptly what is it   call it the lowrys and tell Lily to meet me at  longborough Junction at 8 tonight at the usual  

    Place I want to take her to the Crystal Palace  to see the fireworks I was going to wire but   you’ll pass her father’s place will you give us  a message certainly I answered but is she at home  

    Yeah she’s got her holidays tell her I’m very busy  or I’d have him down myself sorry to trouble you   I promised him to deliver the message and after  reading a chop at the [ __ ] I walked along to  

    The gaiety and there took a blue motor bus Which  deposited me outside a small very dingy shop a few   doors up the Wallwork Road from the elephant and  Castle which bore over the little old-fashioned   window the sign Morris Lowry herbalist displayed  to the Gaze of the passers-by where various  

    Assortments of lozengers and bunches of dried  herbs boxes of pills guaranteed to cure every   ill and a row of dirty glass bottles filled with  yellow liquids containing filthy looking specimens   of various repulsive objects the glaring cards in  the window advertise such desirable Commodities  

    As Lowry’s wind Hills Lowry’s cough tablets and  Lowry’s herbal ointment while the window itself   and the whole shop front was stirred encrusted one  pain being cracked across as I entered the little   dark shop a mere box of a place smelling strongly  of chamomile Sarsaparilla and such like herbs  

    Which hung in dried and Dusty confusion all over  the ceiling there arose from a chair the queerest   oddest creature that one might ever meet even in  a diverse crowds of lower London Morris Lowry the   herbalist was a strange specimen of distorted  Humanity hunched back with an abnormally large  

    Semi-balled head a scrubby Gray beard and wearing  large old-fashioned steel rim spectacles which   imparted to him and appearance of learning and  distinction his legs were short and Stumpy his   body rather Stout and his arms of inordinate  length while the whole appearance of a sickly  

    Yellow wizard face was such as might increase  one’s belief in the darwinian theory indeed   it was impossible to look upon him without one’s  mind reverting to monkeys for his high cheekbones   and square jaws bore a striking resemblance to  the facial expression of the ancestral gorilla  

    Dressed in black cloak and conical hat he would  have made an ideal stage wizard but attired as   he was in greasy black frock coat and trousers  that had long ago passed a glossy stage he was   certainly as curious looking and individual as one  could have found of the Surrey side of the Thames  

    He was no stranger to me for on several occasions  I had called there with Dick and had chatted   with him trading herbs had dwindled almost to  nothing nowadays with all sorts and varieties   of well-advertised medicines the people of  Newington Walworth and the New Kent Road did  

    Not patronize the old-fashioned Herbal Remedies  which if truth be told are sometimes more potent   and wholesome than any of the quack nostrils  plotted in the daily papers and on the hoardings   ten years ago the herbalist did a brush trade in  London especially among lower class Housewives who  

    Having come up from the country were glad enough  to obtain the old world decoctions but nowadays   the herbalist only source of profit seems to be in  the sale of skin soaps and worm tablets old Morris   with this ugly deformed figure and Shining bald  head welcomed me warmly as I entered and it once  

    Invited me into the little shop parlor Beyond  a mere dark cupboard which still retaining the   odor of the midday meal Irish Stewart must have  been and seemed infested with a myriad of flies   possibly the fragrance of the herbs attracted  them or else they’d reveled among the succulent  

    Tablets exposed in the open boxes upon the narrow  counter these lozenges together with this various   bottle Brews tinctures of this and of that the  old man manufactured in a kind of dilapidated   shed at the rear which Viet said often defended  the olfactory nerves of the whole neighborhood  

    When certain herbs were in the process of stewing  Lily is out Coke the weird old fellow in response   to my inquiry but I’ll of course give her the  message she don’t get much chance nowadays poor  

    Child but her mother was alive we used to manage  to run down the market for a week or Fortnight   in the hot weather but now and he Shrugged his  shoulders with quite a foreign air well there’s  

    Only me to look after the shop he added and things  are not so brisk as they were a few years ago he   spoke with a slight accent do fluid told me to the  fact that his mother was French and he had lived  

    In France for a number of years few people however  noticed it or by many he was believed to be a Jew   I nod it I could see that the trade down there was  infinitesimal and quite insufficient to pay the  

    Rent besides was not the fact that Lily had been  compelled to go out and earn her own living proof   in itself that the strange-looking old fellow  was the reverse of prosperous The herbal trade   in London is nearly as dead as the manufacturer  of that once popular medal known as German silver  

    Lily has gone to see an ad of hers over at  Patterson the old man explained but she’ll be   home at five she’s got her holidays now and poor  girl she’s been sadly disappointed she expected   to go down to her married sister at Huntington  but couldn’t go because her sisters laid up with  

    Dramatic fever so she has to stay at home this  year and this place isn’t much of a change for her   I glanced around at the dark close little  den and at the strong spelling shop Beyond  

    And was Spain to admit that he spoke the truth I  suppose your friend Mr Clue is busy as usual with   his murders and his Horrors he remarks smiling  he’s a wonderful acute fellow I always read the  

    Paper every day in a generally interested in the  results of the inquiries by the comet man half   London reads his interviews and latest details  yes I answered he’s kept hard at work always there   seems to be a never ceasing string of Sensations  nowadays as soon as one mystery is elucidated  

    Another Springs up somewhere else uh he answered  his dark eyes gazing at me through his heavy   Rim glasses it was always so never a day goes  past without a mystery of some sort or another   I suppose I said if the truth were told more  people are poisoned in London than ever the  

    Police or the public imagine I knew that all  herbalists were worse than toxicology more or   less and had a vague idea that I might learn  something from him of course he answered there   are several poisons the results of which bear  such strong resemblance the symptoms of disease  

    That doctors are very frequently misled and  the verdict is death from natural causes in   dozens of cases every year the post-mortem  proves disease and thus the poisoner escapes   what causes you to think this I inquired eagerly  Recollections of the tragedy in Kensington vividly  

    In my mind well he said I can only make that  allegation because every herbalist in London   sells poisons it’s smaller or greater quantity  if he’s an unwise man he asks no questions if   he’s wise he makes the usual inquiry and then  well the old man croaked with the small eyes  

    Twinkling in the semi-darkness the customer  generally pays pretty dearly for the article   which means that an entry is made into poison  register which is not altogether the truth they   he smiled and nodded when poisons are sold at  a high price the old herbalist answered the  

    Vendor has no desire to know for what purpose the  drug is to be used it is generally supposed that   it is to kill Berman you understand and human  beings are more often the victims a hazardous   he raised his gray Shaggy brows with an expression  of affected ignorance answering who can tell  

    The herbs or drugs are sold unlabeled and  wrapped in blank paper as far as the herbalist   is concerned his liability is at an end just as  a Cutler sells razors for a gun maker revolvers   and do you really believe that there is much  secret poisoning in London at this moment I  

    Inquire greatly interested believe that he  echoed why there’s no doubt of it why do   people buy certain herbs which could be used for  no other purpose than a destruction of human life   do they actually buy poisons openly I explained in  Surprise well no not exactly openly he responded  

    They are most of them very wary how they approach  the subject and all are prepared to pay heavily   I looked at the odd ugly figure before  me for the first time I had learned the   secret of this trade perhaps even he retailed  poisons to those who wanted such undesirable  

    Commodities charging exorbitant prices for them  and entering fictitious sales in the poison book   which by law he was compelled to keep have you  ever actually had dealings with any poisoners I   inquired remember I added laughing that I’m not  interviewing you that we are friends and that I  

    Don’t intend to publish this conversation in the  newspapers that’s rather a difficult question he   responded with a look of mystery upon his face  perhaps I’d best reply that I before now sold   poisons to people who could want them for no other  purpose then the removal of Superfluous friends  

    But do they actually ask openly for this herb or  that certainly with excuses for its use of course   and he went on to remark how lucidly the science  of poisoning was explained in a certain book which   might be purchased anywhere for seven and six  pence a work which had undoubtedly cost thousands  

    Of human lives then instantly I recollected it was  a copy of the same book that dick had noticed in   the morning room at Liberty In This Very Room the  old fellow went on I’ve had some queer inquiries  

    Made by all sorts of conditions of people only the  other day a young girl called to consult me having   heard she said that I sold for a consideration a  certain deadly herb by her boy she was evidently   a lady his final observation increased my  interest in this remarkable conversation  

    What was she like I inquired with eagerness  for since the affair at philomar place I took   the keenest interest in anything appertaining to  poisons she was rather tall and slim dressed in  

    Black but my eyes are not so good as they used  to be and in the dark here I could see much of   her face through her veil she was pretty I think  and did you actually sell her what she wanted he  

    Hesitated a moment certainly and at my own price  he answered at last in his thin rasping voice   this step one of the most dangerous and  little-known compounds not obtainable through   any ordinary channel is most difficult to handle  but I saw that it was not for the first time  

    She had Exotics in her possession and he smiled  grimly rendering his face the more hideous from   her attitude and conversation I should imagine  her to be a very ingenious but not altogether   desirable acquaintance he added and didn’t you  note anything by which you might recognize her  

    Again I inquired surely young girls are not  in the habit of buying poison in that manner   well croak the distorted old fellow with the grin  I did notice one thing certainly she wore a brooch   of rather uncommon pattern it was a playing  card in Golden enamel a tiny five of diamonds  

    A five of diamonds I guess at that instant  the truth became plain although I hesitated   to believe it The Broach was Ava glasslands one  that she had worn only three days before when I   was last down at rivertine and while on the river  with her I had remarked its quaintness could it be  

    Possible that she had actually purchased a deadly  drug of this hideous old man or were there other   brooches of similar pattern and design thus will  increase the Shadows which seemed to envelop her   my soul seemed killed Within Me end of chapter 12.  record this is audiobook caboodle YouTube channel  

    Place for finest collection of audiobooks and  novels chapter 13. dick becomes mysterious   the startling statement of Morris Lowry  caused me very considerable uneasiness   on my return to Gray’s Inn however I made  no mention of our strange conversation to   Dick who returned that evening rather  late after a heavy day of news hunting  

    Old Lowry had evidently been in a confidential  mood that afternoon and I had no right to expose   any secret of his extraordinary business therefore  I kept my own counsel pondering deeply over a   statement when clue had gone forth to meet Lily  wondering whether it might have been some other  

    Woman who had worn The Broach with the five of  diamonds I sat at the window gloomily watching   the light fade from the lead in London Sky the  evening was stifling for no fresh air penetrated   to that small open space surrounded as it was by  Miles and Miles of smoke blackened streets and his  

    Night crept on the heavens became a doll red with  the reflection of the Myriad Lights of the city   aidless of all I strove to find some solution  of the Enigma inquiries by Boyd one of the   shrewdest detectives of London had failed  utterly he was now relying solely upon me  

    There was but one clue that given by the landlord  of the house and this I had followed with the   result that the circumstances had only grown more  and more bewildering as far as could be discerned  

    There was no mode of whatever in taking the lives  of either the man or the woman while The Escape   of Eva was an astounding fact of which I longed  for an explanation from her ownness I loved her  

    Yes the more I reflected as I sat there gazing  aimlessly across the square regardless of the   fleeting time the more I became convinced that  she was all the world to me I recollected her   daintiness and her grace the sweetness of her  smile and the music of her voice telling myself  

    That she alone was my idol that my love for Mary  had after all been a mirror boyish fancy and that   this affection was a true honest deep-rooted one  the outcome of a great and boundless love was  

    There however not a great and terrible suspicion  upon her by a mere chance that chance which fate   sends so often to court the murderer’s plans or  gave him up to Justice I had learned that she   or someone answering exactly to her description  had actually purchased some poisonous compound  

    I had believed her to have been a victim on that  fatal night but now it seemed that on the other   hand she was herself given to the study of poisons  a strange subject indeed for a woman to take up  

    Then calmly I asked myself if it were possible to  cast all memory of her aside and after reflection   discovered that such a course was utterly  unfeasible to entertain no further thought   of her was entirely out of all questions for I  loved her with a Fierce and intense affection  

    And thought of not else but her strange connection  with this mystery which it made public would send   a thrill through London there were some very ugly  facts hidden somewhere yet try how I would I could   form no distinct straightforward Theory Ava was  naive and sincere Frank an open undesigning and  

    Entirely in artificial nevertheless beneath her  Candor she seemed to be concealing some dread   secret the latter I was determined to discover  and while Knight Drew on and shadowy figures   crossed and re-crossed the square I still sat  plunged in thought pondering deeply defined some  

    Means whereby to approach her I love her a woman  upon whom the gravest suspicion rested of having   purchased a deadly drug for some nefarious purpose  truly in the fitful fever of Life the decree of   Fate is often strange men have loved murderouses  and women have before now given their hearts nay  

    Even their lives to Shield cowards and assassins  suddenly a movement behind me brought me back to   a sense of my surroundings and I saw that dick  had returned why you’re back very early I said   have you been down to the Crystal Palace yes of  course he answered daily what have you been doing  

    You lazy beggar it’s past half past 11. nothing  I answered surprised that it was so late I tried   to write but it’s too beastly hot to work quite  fresh down at the palace he answered big crowd on  

    The Terrace and the fireworks not at all bad Lil  all right yes send your regards and all that sort   of thing but and he hesitated at the same time  tossing his hat across upon a chair and seating  

    Himself on the edge of the table in that careless  Devil May care style eventual to him but what I   inquired he sighed in a grave expression crossed  his face fact is old chap he said in an unusually  

    Earnest tone I fear I’m getting a bit tired of  her she wasn’t the least bit interesting tonight   sorry to hear that old man I said perhaps she  wasn’t very well or you may be out of sorts liver  

    Or something a woman isn’t always in the same  mood you know just as a man is liable to attack   some blues yes yes I know all that he exclaimed  impatiently but I’ve been thinking over it a long  

    Time and to tell you the truth I’m no longer in  love with her it’s no good making a fool of the   girl any longer but she loves you I observed  knowing well and what affection she held my  

    Erratic friend that’s the devil of it he snapped  to tell the truth it is worried me a lot lately   you’ve neglected her very much I observed but  surely she’s good-looking the Charming companion   and has a very even temper you’ve told me so  lots of times why have you so suddenly grown  

    Tired I really don’t know he answered smiling  at the same time slowly filling his pipe perhaps   it’s my nature I was always a Wanderer you know I  looked at him steadily for some moments then said   bluntly look here dick you need and conceal  the truth from the old fellow Mary Blane has  

    Attracted you and you are throwing Lil over  on her account Robbie she laughed Mary’s a   nice girl but as for loving her and he Shrugged  his shoulders without concluding his sentence   notwithstanding this protest however I felt  convinced that I had guessed the right and regret  

    It because I knew how well Lily loved him and what  a blow it would be to her she and I had been good   friends always and I liked her for she was demure  modest and with all dignified even though she were  

    But a shop assistant well is it really fair to  Lily I suggest that after a rather painful pause   you surely wouldn’t advise me to tie myself to a  girl I don’t love he protested rather hastily you   are a fellow with lots of Common Sense prank  and you’re advice I’d follow before that of  

    Any chap I know but here you’re a bit wide of  the Mark I think thanks for the compliment old   fellow I responded of course it isn’t for me to  interfere in your Private Affairs but all I advise   in this matter is a little hesitation before  decision it’s uselessly set I’ve already decided  

    To give up Lily I have given her up I told  her tonight that I shouldn’t see her again   you did I exclaimed looking at him in surprise  I could not understand this Sudden Change of his   a few hours before he had been full of Lil’s  Praises telling me how Charming she could be  

    In conversation and declaring that he loved  her very dearly it was more than remarkable   yes he said you know that I can’t bear defeat  about the bush so I resolved to tell her the  

    Truth she’d have to know it someday and better  at once and later on well all I can say is that   you’re a confounded group I explained plainly  I know I am he admitted that’s the worst of it  

    I’m too deuced outspoken any other chap would  have simply left her and ended it by letter I   however put the matter to her philosophically and  how did she take it his lips compressed for an   instant as his eyes but mine badly he answered in  a low voice tears protestations of love and quite  

    A scene fortunately we were alone together in  the train I got out with her at the elephant and   castle and took her home did you see her father  no and don’t want to he’s no good the ugly old  

    Sinner why I inquired quickly wondering how much  he knew but he evaded my question answering I mean   he’s a sanguinary old idiot he idolizes Lily I  know that then after a b cross he had it I may  

    Appear a brute a silly fool in all the rest  but I tell you Frank I’ve acted for the best   I can’t see it no I don’t suppose you can  old chap he answered but you will entirely  

    Agree with my course of action someday are long  his words puzzled me for they seem to contain   some hidden meaning are you absolutely certain  that you’ve no further love for Lil I inquired   absolutely and you are likewise equally certain  that it is not the personal charms of Mary Blane  

    Which have led you to take this step I’m quite  certain of it he answered you once left Mary   remember but broke it off surely we are all of  us at Liberty to choose our own help made in life  

    Of course I responded it was not however my fault  that we parted Mary was infatuated with another   that just Bears out my argument he went  on she didn’t love you and therefore   considered herself perfectly justified in her  attachment with your rival I Don’t Love Lil  

    But it seems that you have parted from her in  a really cruel and heartless manner this isn’t   like you dick I add it reproachfly why are you  her Champion he asked lapping are you in love  

    With her not at all I assured him with a smile  only I don’t like to see a girl badly treated   by any friend of mine oh that’s good he laughed  you treated girls badly in your time I suppose  

    Have a peg old fellow and let’s close the debate  then he added in the language of parliament where   he so often reported the speeches of the Irish  renters I move that this house do now adjourn   but I don’t consider that you acted with your  usual tact in this affair I protested heedless  

    Of his words you could of course have broken an  off in a much more honorable way if you had chosen   I’ve been quite honorable he declared in a tone  of annoyance I told her plainly that my love   had cooled Park the clock on the in-haul was  striking midnight there’s no suspension of the  

    12 o’clock rule shut up Frank and be damned to  you he crossed to the sideboard mixed a couple   of whiskey and sodas and handed me one saying  thirsty weather this my mouse is dry as a Kipper   I willingly admit it that the summer dust of  London was conducive to the wholesale consumption  

    Of liquid but was nevertheless reflecting upon  its remarkable change of manner towards Lily   something I believe had occurred of which he had  not told me he stretched himself in the armchair   placed his glass at his elbow and began to blow a  suffocating cloud from his most cherished Briar I  

    Wish you’d spend six pence on a new pipe I said  coughing this one cost four Pence half penny in   Fleet Street nearly two years ago he answered  without removing it from his lips don’t you like  

    It my dear fellow it’s awful ah so they set up  the office the other day don’t notice it myself   but others do I’ll make you a present of a new  one tomorrow don’t want it old chat have a drink  

    Yourself with the money this one’s quite good  enough for me besides it’ll keep the Moss out of   our drawing room furniture and he gazed around the  shabby apartment where from the leather covered   chairs the mysterious stuffing was in many places  peeping forth upon the world we smoked on although  

    I had been considerably annoyed by what he had  told me regarding Lily his imperturbable Good   Humor caused me to laugh outright where at he  observed you’re really a funny beggar Frank I   like you exceedingly except when you try and dwell  upon themes you don’t understand those who do that  

    Are apt to wallow out of their depth you don’t  know my reasons for throwing Lil over therefore   it’s impossible for you to Regale me with any  good advice you understand but what are your   reasons I inquired you shall know them before  long he assured me at present I don’t intend to  

    Say anything this is the first time dick we’ve  had secrets from each other I observed greatly   no he answered you love the mysterious APA and  have never told me so that’s a secret isn’t it   I was surprised that he had detected my love for  her and rather alarmed because if he had noticed  

    It others had doubtless remarked it also therefore  I questioned him but he only laughed saying why   anybody who saw you together down at riverdine  couldn’t fail to guess the truth people have sharp   eyes you know I was silent if this were actually  true then I feared that I had made a hopeless fool  

    Of myself besides wrecking any chance of eliciting  those facts which I had set my mind upon reeling   at any hazard presently he rose Crossing to  his writing table to scribble a letter while I   lighting a cigarette sat silent still thinking  seriously upon the words he had just uttered  

    Through the veil of tobacco smoke I seemed to see  that fair smiling face gazing at me ever the same   open countenance the same Clear Eyes of childlike  blue the same half-hearted mouth that I had first  

    Seen on that fatal night in Fillmore place in  my dream I thought that she beckoned me to her   that she invited me to speak with her and saw in  her eyes a calm sweet expression the expression  

    Of true womanly love it was but the Chimera of an  instant a vision produced by my wildly disordered   brain yet so vivid it seemed that when it faded I  glanced across to my companion’s bent figure half   fearing that he too had witnessed it there were  times when our imagination plays us such tricks  

    Times when the constant concentration of the  Mind reaches its Climax and is reflected down   the aimless Vista of our vision causing us to see  the person upon whom our thoughts are centered   such a moment was this it arouse within me  an instant and intense longing to walk again  

    At her side to speak to her to give her  sweet well-modulated voice nay to tell her   the deepest Secret of My Heart thus it was  that without invitation or without previous   introduction to lady glaslin I called it  The Hollies on the following afternoon  

    A neat maid showed me into a cozy rather small  sitting room and for a few moments I remained   there in expectancy although the house was not a  large one it bore no stamp of the Nouveau riche it   was exceedingly well furnished and surrounded by  spacious grounds wherein were a number of old us  

    And beaches old-fashioned queer in its bygone  taste it had stood there on the broad highway   from historic Hampton to London for probably a  century and a half being built in the days when   the Villa Dome of full well had not yet Arisen  and Twickenham was still a quiet village with  

    Its historic Ferry and where the stagecoaches  changed horses at that low-build old hostel rate   the king’s head the play stood back from the  dusty High Road half hidden from the Curious   gaze yet surrounded as it now was by smaller  houses some of the mere Cottages while a few  

    Cheap shops had also sprung up in the vicinity the  place was not really a desirable place of abode   the district had apparently sadly degenerated  like all places in the immediate vicinity of   the Metropolis before long the door opened an  Ava looking cool and sweet in a washing dress  

    Of white drill and wearing a straw hat with  black fan entered and greeted me cordially   mother is out she said I’m so awfully sorry as I  wanted to introduce you she’s gone over to River  

    Dean and I too was just about to follow her if  you’d been five minutes later I should have left   I’m lucky then to have just caught you a remarked  but if you’re going to River Dean may I not  

    Accompany you most certainly she answered of  course I shall be delighted and the light inner   clear blue eyes told me that she was not a burst  to my company she ordered a glass of court for me  

    And then said it’s a whole week since you’ve been  down there Mary has several times mentioned you   and wondered whether you’d grown sick of boating  I’ve been rather busy I said apologetically busy   with murders and all sorts of horribles I suppose  she observed with a smile yes I answered regarding  

    Her closely of late there have been one or two  Sensational Mysteries brought to life Mysteries   she explained starting slightly oh do tell me  about them I’m always interested in Mysteries   the facts are in the papers I answered disinclined  to repeat stories which had already grown stale  

    The Mysteries to which I referred were very  ordinary ones containing no features of particular   interest I’m always interested in those kinds of  things she said you may think me awfully foolish   but I always read them mother grows so annoyed  it’s only natural I answered we who are engaged  

    On newspapers however soon cease to be interested  in the facts we print but of course if they didn’t   interest the public our papers wouldn’t have any  circulation she glanced at me and a vague thought   possessed me for the look in her eyes was one  of Suspicion when she had drawn on her gloves  

    We together went forth through the garden and  down to the road suddenly it occurred to me that   we might go by train to shepperton and then take a  boat and row up to River team this I suggested and  

    She gladly welcomed The Proposal declaring that it  would be much more pleasant than driving along the   dusty shadowless road from Shepherd to delayum  half an hour later we were afloat at shepparton   and although the afternoon sun was blazing hot  it was nevertheless delightful on the water  

    With her lilac sun shade open she lulled lazily  in the stern laughing and chatting as I pulled   regularly against the stream her conversation  was always charming and her countenance I   thought fresher and More Beautiful at that hour  than I had ever before seen about her manner was  

    An era of irresponsibility and when she laughed  it was so gay a laugh that one would not dream   that she had not a single care in all the world  she was dainty from the crown of her hat to the  

    Tip of her white suede shoe and as I sat in the  boat before her I felt constrained to take her   in my arms and imprint a fervent kiss of Love upon  those sweet lips arched and well formed as a child  

    My position however was to say the least an  exceedingly strange one I was actually loving   a woman whom I suspected to be guilty of some  unknown but dastardly crime dozens of times had I  

    Tried to impress upon myself the utter Folly of it  but my mind refused to be convinced or set at rest   I loved her that was sufficient nothing against  her had been proved and until that had been done   ought not I in human Justice to consider  her innocent indeed it was impossible to  

    Believe that this bright-eyed pure-faced girl  before me light-hearted and graceful in every   movement had actually secretly visited  that dark little Den in the Walworth   Road and purchased a drug for the purpose of  taking the life of one of her fellow creatures  

    Yet she wore at her throat the small enamel  brooch with its five of diamonds the ornament   described by old Lowry the ornament which he  had told me she had purchased as a souvenir at   one of the fashionable Jewelers in  the Montage de liqueur in Brussels  

    We had passed both lots and were heading up  to lalam when we suddenly glided into the cool   shade of some Willows the bows of which overhung  the Stream the shadow was welcome after the sun   glare and resting upon the oars I removed my hat  yes she said noticing my actions we’ve come up  

    Unusually quick let’s stay here a little time  it is so pleasant the breeze seems quite cool what more delightful than the more oneself snugly  in the leafy shade and with a pleasant companion   lays away the hours until the time comes to take  up the skulls and gently pull against the Placid  

    Stream everything was so peaceful so quiet the  Ripple of the skulls alone breaking the Stillness   yet after all what a change had come over the  river in recent years good pitches for Anglers   and quiet Nooks for the lazy work 10 years  ago to be discovered in every reach now they  

    Must be diligently sought for and when found  a note must be made of them warning boards   notifying that Landing a mooring alongside is  prohibited were almost unknown now they greet   One in every direction it is a Pity nevertheless  there are still many real Joys and river life  

    So we remain there Beneath The Willows where the  water was white with lilies and the bank with its   brambles was covered with wild flowers and as I  lazed I looked into those clear blue eyes where in  

    My gaze became lost for she held me in Fascination  I loved her with all my soul end of chapter 13   recorded chapter 14. this hapless world how it  came about I can really scarcely tell I remember   uttering mere common places stammering it first  as the bashful Schoolboy stammers then growing  

    More bold until at length I threw all ceremony in  reserve to the winds and grasping her tiny hand   raised it to my lips no she said somewhat coldly  drawing it away with more Force than I should have  

    Suspected this is extremely foolish Mr Irwin  it is of course my fault I have been wrong in   acting as I have done how I inquired her harsh  cruel words instantly bringing me to my senses   you have flirted with me on several occasions and  perhaps I have even foolishly encouraged you if I  

    Have done so then I am alone to blame every woman  is flattered by attention she answered gazing   straight into my eyes and signed slightly but I  love you I cried you surely must have seen Ava  

    That from the first day we were introduced I have  been irrevocably yours I have not I assure you   uttered these words without weighty consideration  nor without calmly putting the question to myself   can you give me absolutely no hope she shook her  head there was a sourful expression upon her face  

    As though she pitted me none she answered and  her great blue eyes were downcast ah no I cried   in quick protest don’t say that I love you with  a fierce Ardent affection such as few men have  

    Within their hearts if you will but reciprocate  that love then I swear that the remainder of my   light shall be devoted to you it is impossible  she responded in a harsh despairing voice quite   unlike her usual self her head was bowed as  though she dared not again look into my face  

    Once more I caught her hand holding it within  my grasp it seemed to have grown cold and in   an instant its touch brought back to me the  recollection of that fatal night in Kensington   wood that I might lay bare all that I knew  and ask her for an explanation but to do so  

    Would be to show that I doubted her therefore I  was compelled to remain silent why impossible I   inquired persuasively the many times we have  met since our first introduction have only   served to increase my love for you surely  you will not withhold from me every hope  

    Alas she faltered with a downward sweep of her  lashes her hand trembling in mind I am compelled   compelled I echoed I don’t understand you were  not engaged to Langdale no then why are you   forced to give me this negative answer I asked  in deep earnestness for until then I had not  

    Known the true strength of my love for her the  seriousness of her beautiful countenance relaxed   slightly still her breasts slowly heaved and  fell plainly showing the agitation within her   because it is absolutely imperative that I should  do so she replied suddenly a thought flashed  

    Through my mind perhaps I said perhaps I’ve been  too precipitate if so if I have spoken too plainly   and frankly forgive me Ava it is only because I  can no longer repress the great love I bear you I  

    Think of you always always my every thought is of  you my every hope is of happiness at your side my   very life depends upon your favor and your love no  no she cried with a quick movement of her hand as  

    If to stay my words don’t say that you may remain  my friend if you like but you may never be my   lover never never your lover I guess starting back  as though she had dealt me a blow I felt at that  

    Moment as though all I appreciated in life was  slipping from me I hit States all everything and   lost ah do not give me this Hasty answer I urged  I have been too eager I am a fool yet I love you  

    With a stronger fiercer passion that any man can  ever love you with Ava you are my very life and   notwithstanding her effort to snatch her hand away  I again raised it reverently to my lips no no this  

    Is a mere summer dream Mr Irwin she said with a  cool firmness well assumed although she avoided   my gaze I have flirted with you it is true and  we have spent many Pleasant hours together but  

    I have never taken you seriously you were always  so Merry and careless you know you did not believe   then that I really loved you I observed divining  her thoughts exactly she answered still very   grave if I had thought so I should never have  allowed our acquaintance to ripen as it has done  

    Are you annoyed that I should have declared only  what is but the absolute truth I asked not at all   she responded quickly with something of her old  self in her low sweet voice how can I be annoyed  

    And you will forgive my Hasty declaration I urge  there is nothing to forgive she replied smiling I   only regret that you have misconstrued  my friendship into love I was silent   these last words of hers crushed all hope  for my soul she sat with her hand trailing  

    Listlessly in the water apparently intent upon  the long rushes waving in the green depths below   then I said in a disappointed voice half choke  with emotion then you cannot love me Ava after all   I did not say so she answered slowly almost  mechanically what I cried joyously again  

    Bending forward towards her will you then try and  love me will you defer your answer until we know   one another better say that you will again she  shook her head with sorrowful air she looked at   me with a kind of mingled grief and joy Bliss  embittered by despair why should I deceive you  

    She asked why indeed should you deceive yourself  I do not deceive myself I protested I only know   that I adore you that you were the sole light of  my life and that I love you devotedly ah and in  

    A month perhaps you will tell a similar story to  some other woman she observed doubtingly men are   too often fickle I swear that I’ll never do that  I declared my Affairs of the heart have been few  

    But Mary she suggested and I knew from her tone  that she had been thinking deeply of her ours was   a mere boy and girl liking I hasted to assure her  ask her and she will tell you the same we never  

    Really loved she smiled rather dubiously I thought  but surely you are aware that she loves you even   now Ava answered loves me I echoed its surprise  that’s absolutely ridiculous since we parted not   a single word of affection has ever been uttered  between us and you act do not love her she asked  

    In deep earnestness looking straight into my eyes  are you really certain I do not I answered I swear   I don’t the boat was drifting and with a swift  stroke of the oars I ran her bows into the bank  

    Overhead the Larks were singing their joyous  songs and the hot air seemed to throb with the   humming of a myriad insects the afternoon was  gloriously sunny and Away In The Meadow on the   opposite Bank a picnic party was busy preparing  their tea amid peels of feminine laughter well  

    She sighed I can only regret that you have spoken  as you have today I regretted the more because I   esteem your friendship highly Mr Irwin we might  have been friends but lovers we may never be   why never I inquired acutely disappointed there  are circumstances which entirely prevent such a  

    Course she answered unfortunately it is impossible  for me to be more explicit so you are prevented by   some utterly inexplicable circumstances from  loving me I observed greatly puzzled yes she   responded toying with the tassel of her sunshade  but tell me APA I asked Horsley again grasping  

    Her chilly nervous hand can you never love me are  you actually convinced that in your own heart you   have no spark of affection for me she paused then  glanced at me I fancied I saw in her blue eyes the  

    Light of unshed Tears your question is a rather  difficult one she faltered even if I reciprocated   your love our positions would not be altered  we should still be alienated as we now are why   because we may not love each other she answered  in a low strained voice the voice of a woman  

    Terribly agitated let us part today and never  again meet it will be best for both of us far   the best no I cried intensely in Earnest I cannot  Lead You Ava because I love you far too dearly if  

    You cannot love me now then bear with me a  little and you will later learn to love me   in one year nay intent my answer must of  necessity be the same as it is today she responded   a negative one as vague as it is cool  I observed its vagueness is imperative  

    She said you are loved by another and I have  therefore no right to a place in your heart   you are cruel Ava I cried reproachfully my love  for Mary Blane has been dead these three years by   Mutual consent we gave each other freedom and  since that hour all has been over between us  

    But what if Mary still loves you she suggested  you were once her affion’s husband true I said   but even if she again loves me she has no further  claim whatever upon me for we mutually agree to  

    Separate and have both long been free and if she  thought that I loved you Ava asked in an instant I   guess the reason of her disinclination to listen  to Maya vowel she feared the jealousy of her   friend she would only congratulate us I answered  surely you have no cause for uneasiness in that  

    Direction cause for uneasiness she repeated  starting while at the same instant the color   died from her sweet face next second however she  recovered herself and with a forced smile said of   course I have no cause other circumstances however  prevent us being more than friends and may I not  

    Be made aware of them I inquired in vague Wonder  no she said quickly not now it is quite impossible   but all my future depends upon your decision  I urged do not answer it lightly Ava you must  

    Surely have seen that I love you yes she answered  side I confessed having seen it every woman knows   instinctively when she is loved and when despised  the knowledge has caused me deep poignant regret   why because and she hesitated because I have  dreaded this day I feared to tell you the truth  

    You haven’t told me the truth I said looking  her straight in the face I have she protested   the truth is then that you would love me only you  dare not I said clearly is that so she nodded her  

    Eyes again downcast and I saw that hot tears were  in them tears she was unable longer to repress   when the heart is fullest of love and the  mouthpures were truth there seems a cruel Destiny   in things which often renders our words worse  Chosen and sure us to defeat the ends they see  

    Then whom do you fear I ask after a pause  she shook her head only a low SOB escaped her   may we not love in secret I suggest it if it  is really impossible to love openly no no she  

    Said lifting her right-handed protest we must not  love I tell you that it is all a dream impossible   of realization today we must part leave me and we  will both forget this meeting but surely you will   not deliberately direct both our lives Ava I cry  dismayed your very words have betrayed that you  

    Really entertain some affection for me although  you deny it for reasons that are inexplicable   why not be quite plain and straightforward as I  am I have been quite clear she answered I tell   you that we can never love one another why for  a reason which someday air long will be made  

    Plain to you she answered in a low voice her pure  countenance at that moment drawn and Ash and pale   in that day you will hate my very name  and yet will think kindly of my memory   because I have today refused to listen to  you and have given you your freedom and yet  

    You actually love me I exclaimed bewildered at  the strange allegation it is most extraordinary   it may seem extraordinary she said in a  voice that appeared to sound soft and afar   but the truth is often strange especially when  one is training the cup of life to its very dregs  

    And may I not know the secret of yours Ava I  ask sympathetically for I saw by her manner   how she was suffering a torture of the soul my  secret she cried glaring at me suddenly as one  

    Brought to Bay a strange hunted look in those  clear blue eyes my secret why and she laughed a   hollow artificial laugh as one hysterical why how  absurd you are Mr Irwin whatever made you suspect   me of having secrets end of chapter 14 chapter  15 The near Beyond the remainder of our pulled  

    The river Dean was accomplished in comparative  silence crushed hopeless and despairing I bent to   the oars mechanically with a feeling that it all  else my interest was dead saved in the woman I so   dearly loved who lounging back among her cushions  side now and then her face very grave and agitated  

    I spoke at last urging her to reconsider her  decision but she only responded with a single word   a word which destroyed all my fondest  hopes impossible in that bright hour   when the broad bosom of the Thames sent  back the reflection of the Summer sun  

    When the sky was clear as that in Italy when all  the world seemed rejoicing and the gay laughter   wafted over the water from the largest boats and  hunts gliding past us we alone had heavy hearts   overwhelmed by This Bitter disappointment and  sorrow the laughter Jarred upon my ears I tried  

    To shut it out and with my teeth rode with all  my might against the stream until skirting a   shady wood we rounded the bend of the stream and  suddenly Drew up at the Landing steps of riverdine  

    Why here’s Ava cried Mary running down to the  water’s edge her tennis racket in her hand and   Frank too then turning to Ava as we stood together  on the lawn a moment later she asked where’s   your mother we expected her all the afternoon  isn’t she here asked Ava in Surprise no well  

    She started to come here immediately after lunch  and she must have missed the train or something   she must for it’s now passed by I  really hope nothing has happened   nothing ever happens to Mother observed Ava  with a light lap she’ll turn up presently  

    Then she explained how I had called at The Hollies  and she had brought me along on reaching riverdine   she had instantly concealed her agitation and  reassumed her old buoyant Spirits in order that   none should suspect she was in Adept at the art  of disguising her feelings her none would now  

    Believe that 20 minutes before her face had  been blanched almost death like an agitation   together we walked up the lawn being warmly  welcomed by Mrs Blaine and introduced to several   friends who seated beneath the tree were idling  over afternoon tea a pleasant function in which  

    We were of course compelled to join seated  next to Mrs Blaine I gossip for a long time   with her learning that her husband was still  in Paris detained upon his company business   he was often there or he was one of the greatest  shippers of champagne and much of his business was  

    With firms in the French capital I don’t expect  him back for at least the Fortnight she said   the other day when writing I mentioned that you  had visited us again and he said his good wishes  

    To you thanks I answered choose to tell I rather  liked him he was a typical City man elderly Spruce   smartly dressed always showing a large expense of  elaborate shirt front passened by diamond studs   and a heavy gold Albert a fashion which seems  to alone belong to wealthy merchants and to that  

    Financial tribe who attend and speak at meetings  at Winchester House or the Cannon Street hotel   from time to time when I glasped at Ava I was  surprised to see how happily she smiled and   to hear how light and careless was her laughter  had she already forgotten my words and the great  

    Overwhelming sorrow her response had brought  upon me to Mrs Blaine’s irresponsible chatter   I answered quite mechanically for all my thoughts  were of that woman whom I loved deeply I reflected   upon all she had said remembering how intensely  agitated she had become when I had implied that  

    She was in possession of some Secret the vehements  with which he had denied and the imputation was   quite sufficient to show that I had unconsciously  referred to the one object uppermost in her mind   I was undecided in opinion whether her refusal  to accept my love was actually in consequence  

    Of her fear of Mary’s jealousy if so then  Mary was in possession of this secret of hers   there was no doubt in my mind that she really  loved me and that if she were Fearless she   would hasten to reciprocate my affection  apparently hers was a guilty secret held  

    Over her as Menace by Mary Blane and knowing this  she had been compelled to respond in the negative   this Theory took possession of me and during the  hours I spent at riverdine that evening dining   and boating with several of my fellow visitors I  reflected upon it viewing it in its every phase  

    And finding it to be well-founded indeed as I sat  opposite the two girls at dinner I watched the   actions of both protibly behind the great silver  appearance of roses and Ferns and although they   chanted merrily laughing and joking with their  male companions I nevertheless fancied that I  

    Could detect a slight expression of concealed  annoyance or was it of hatred upon Ava’s face   whenever Mary addressed her ever so slight  merely the quivering or slight contraction   of the eyebrows it passed unnoticed by the merry  party yet with my eyes on the alert for any sign  

    It was to me a proof sufficient that the theory I  had formed was correct and that the woman I loved   went in deadly fear of Mary blade if this were  really so did it not add additional color to the   other vague theories that had been aroused in my  mind through various inexplicable circumstances  

    Did it not indeed point to the fact that upon  APA although she might have been a victim of   that bewildering tragedy in Fillmore place there  rested a terrible guilt I recollected how she had   gone to St James’s Park to keep the appointment  which the unknown assassins accomplice had made  

    And the remarkable allegation of old Lowry the  herbalists two facts which viewed in the light   of other discoveries were circumstances in  themselves sufficient evidence of her guilt   besides had she not with her own lips told me that  one day air long I should hate her very name and  

    Thank her for refusing to accept my love was not  this sufficient proof of the correctness of my   theory his evening wore on and darkness deepened  at night the strings of Chinese lanterns at the   bottom of the lawn were lit imparting to the place  a very gay almost fairy-like aspect there were  

    Many remarks regarding the net appearance of Lady  glaslin Mrs Blaine seemed extremely anxious yet   Ava betrayed no anxiety merely saying she may have  felt unwell and returned I shall no doubt find her   at home with one of her bad headaches thus all  were reassured nevertheless the incident struck  

    Me as curious for Ava’s calm unconcern showed that  her mother must be a woman of somewhat eccentric   habits Simpson drove us both the shepparton  station in the motor car and we caught the 10 30   train from which she alighted at Hampton while I  continued my journey up to Waterloo during the 15  

    Minutes or so we were alone together in the train  our conversation was mainly of our fellow visitors   of a sudden I asked have you seen Mr Langdale  lately yes I often see him he lives quite near  

    Us she answered frankly you told me this afternoon  Ava that you were not engaged are you confident   there is not likely to be a match between you a  match between us she explained with an expression  

    Of surprise what are you joking or do you actually  suspect that I love him I have thought so never   she answered decisively I may be friendly but to  love a man of that stamp a man who thinks more  

    Of his dress than a woman never I smiled at this  denunciation of his popishness he was certainly a   howling cat forever dusting his patent leather  boots with his handkerchief shooting forth his   cuffs and settling his tie he parted his hair  in the middle and patronized women because he  

    Believed himself to be a lady killer truly he  was a typical specimen of the city Bounder who   might someday develop into a bucket shop keeper  a company promoter or perhaps a money lender   at that moment when we were speaking the train  entered the station of Hampton and she Rose  

    Tell me Ava I said with deep earnestness  as I took her hand to say farewell   is what you told me this afternoon the absolute  truth and you never never reciprocate my love   her lips quivered for an instant as her great  blue eyes met mine even though she wore a veil I  

    Saw that there were tears in them yes she answered  in a horse tone I have told you the truth Mr Irwin   we may never love never the train was already at a  standstill and she was compelled to descend herly  

    Good night she said hoarsely as I released her  hand then without waiting for my response she   hurried away and was a moment later lost in  the darkness of the road beyond the barrier   The Carriage door was slammed the train moved  on and as it did so I flung myself back into  

    A corner plunged it Gloom and abject despair  she was the only woman I had ever truly loved   yet she was held apart from me it was  the first passionate Agony of my life   I suffered now as those do without hope I  found dick at home smoking furiously and  

    Visitly writing in duplicate for the morning  papers a strange story he had that evening   picked up on at Gypsy Hill concerning a romantic  elopement which would cause considerable sensation   in those little tea and Tennis circles  which called themselves Suburban Society  

    He briefly related it to me without pausing in  his work writing on oil tissue paper and taking   six copies one for each of the great dailies my  friend’s position in the journalistic world was   by no means an uncommon one for many men holding  good births on newspapers add to their incomes by  

    Doing what impressed parlance is termed lineage  that is contributing to other newspapers for the   payment of a penny or perhaps three half Pence a  lie I told him that I’d been down to riverdine but  

    So engrossed was he in his work that he hazarded  no remark and when he had finished and placed the   copies in separate envelopes already addressed he  put on his hat and went forth to the boy messenger   office in Chancery Lane whence they would be  distributed to the sub-editors about Fleet Street  

    I lit a cigarette and stretched myself in the  armchair who lumily pondering of late we had   spoken but little of the mystery and Fillmore  Place her other inquiries had occupied Dick’s   attention and on my part loving Ava as I did  I preferred to continue my investigation alone  

    Perhaps I had been sitting there a quarter of an  hour or so when suddenly a strange dizziness crept   over me it might I thought be due to my cigarette  therefore I tossed it out of the window and sat  

    Quiet but the feeling of nausea accompanied by a  gettiness such as I had never before experienced   increased rather than diminished and in order to  light against it I Rose and attempted to cross   the room I must have walked very unsteadily for  in the attempt I upset a chair the back of which  

    Was broken besides sweeping Dick’s terracotta  tobacco pot from the table and smashing at the   fragments I clutched at the table in order  to study myself but found myself reeling and   swaying as though I were intoxicated my legs  seemed unable to support me and the thought  

    Crossed my mind that this seizure might be one  of paralysis the idea was horrible at length   after some difficulty I managed to again crawl  back to the chair and sinking down close my eyes   by doing so my brain seemed more evenly balanced  yet it seemed as though inside my skull was all  

    On fire and I wondered if exposure to the sun  while rowing had caused these remarkable symptoms   I recollected how blazing hot it had been from  sheperton up to the second lock and how once Ava  

    Ever solicited us for my welfare had warned me to  be careful of Sun’s stroke yes I had been careless   and this was undoubtedly the result my hands were  trembling as though palsy just as my legs had done  

    A few minutes before yet strangely enough I felt  compelled to clench my fingers into my Palms all   my muscles seemed slowly to contract until even my  jaws worked with painful difficulty an appalling   fear fell upon me I was suffering from tetanus  resolved not to allow my jaws to close tightly I  

    Opened it shut my mouth knowing that if it became  fixed I should die a slow lingering death as so   many thousands had done if I could only keep  my jaws working the seizure might perhaps pass  

    I’d long for Dick’s return at that hour there  was no one I could summon to call a doctor   I glanced at the clock he had been already  gone for nearly half an hour would he never   come back the sickening dizziness increased it  seemed to develop into an excruciating pain in  

    My throbbing temples I placed my hand to my  head and felt that the veins were standing   out hard and knotted just as though I were  exerting every muscle and some feet of strength   then almost at that very instant I was gripped  by a fearful pain in the stomach as though it  

    Were being torn by a thousand needles a cold sweat  stood upon my brow until it rolled down my cheeks   and great beads I tried to shout for help but my  tongue played to the roof of my mouth and my voice  

    Was thin and weak as a child my throat seemed  to have contracted I was altogether helpless my   Agony was excruciating yet I could only await  Dick’s return perhaps he had met a friend and   was lounging in some bar ignorant of my peril the  only Docker I knew in the vicinity was a Hospital  

    Surgeon who lived a little way down Chancery Lane  over the safe deposit company bolts I clenched   my teeth to endure the racking frightful pains by  which my body was tortured and impatience awaited   my friend’s homecoming my eyes were closed but the  gas light was too strong for them perhaps I lost  

    Consciousness at any rate I was awakened from a  kind of heavy stupor by Dick’s tardy entry good   got her when he gasped why what’s the matter  what’s occurred you’re as white as a Chic man  

    I ill I managed to gasp with extreme difficulty  go and get Tweety at once he stood for a moment   looking at me with a frightened expression then  turned and dashed away down the stairs I remember  

    Raising myself after he had gone in an Endeavor to  reach a cupboard where there was some Brandy in a   bottle but as I made a step forward all strength  left me I became paralyzed clutched at the table  

    Missed it and fell had long to the floor then all  Consciousness became blotted out I knew no more   how long I remained insensible I have only a  very vague idea it must have been many hours when  

    However I slowly became aware of things about me  I found myself lying upon my own bed partly dress   I tried to move but my limbs seemed icy cold and  rigid I tried to think but my thoughts were at  

    First only a confused jumble of reminiscences  there was a tearing pain across my stomach and   across my brow a pain that was excruciating it  seemed as though my waist was bound tightly with   a belt of wire while my brain throbbed as if my  skull must burst I opened my eyes but the bright  

    Light of day caused me to close them quickly again  noises sounded about me strange and distorted   I distinguished voices and I knew that  I was not alone again I opened my eyes   thank heaven my dear old fellow you are saved  cried dick whose coat was off as he bent down  

    Eagerly to me looking with keena’s anxiety into  my face saved I echoed what has happened for at   that moment I recollected little of the past then  I saw standing beside dick my friend Dr Tweedy of   the royal free hospital in grazing Road a  mild-mannered Old Gentleman whom I had many  

    Times met during my inquiries at that Institution  what’s happened the latter repeated that’s what   we want to ask you I don’t know I answered  except that I was suddenly taken frightfully   queer taken queer I should rather think you were  he said bending down to get a better look at  

    My countenance at the same time feeling my pulse  you’re better now much better but it’s been a very   narrow squeak for you I can tell you what’s been  the matter with me I inquired mystified you’ve   been eating something that hasn’t quite agreed  with you he answered with a mysterious smile  

    But that could have brought on a seizure like this  I argued weekly well the doctor said of course   you can tell better what you’ve been eating than I  can only one fact is clear to me and what’s that I  

    Asked why that you’ve been within an ace of death  young man he answered you’ll want the most careful   treatment too if we are to get you round again  but the truth is you’ve been poisoned poisoned  

    I guess yes he responded handing me some medicine  and this seizure of yours is a very mysterious one   indeed I’ve never seen such symptoms before that  even poisoned is quite plain but how the accident   has occurred remains for us to discover later  end of chapter 15 record chapter 16 in the city  

    Through several days I remained in bed  my limbs rigid my senses bewildered   although we said nothing to Tweety clue entirely  shared my suspicion that if an attempt had   actually been made upon my life it had been made  at riverdine the doctor ran in several times a day  

    And Dick assisted by old Mrs Joad was as attentive  to my wants as any trained nurse snatching all the   time he could spare from his duties to sit by me  and gossip of men and things in Fleet Street and  

    The Latest Scoop of the comet Tweety was puzzled  each time he saw me he remarked upon my Curious   symptoms carefully noting them and expressing  Wonder as to the exact nature of the deleterious   substance he pronounced the opinion that it was  some alkaloid her such it was shown by the regions  

    That he had used in his analysis but of what  nature he was utterly at a loss to determine   many were the questions he put to me as to  what I had eaten on that day and I explained  

    How I had lunch at one of the restaurants in Fleet  Street and afterwards dine with friends at lalam   you ate no sandwiches or anything of that kind  it’s stationed refreshment bars he asked when   visiting me one morning in the vague idea I  suppose that the poison might after all be a  

    Tow Main none I answered with the exception of  what I have told you I had a glass of wine at   the house of a friend at Hampton before rowing  up to laylam a glass of wine he repeated slowly  

    As if reflected you noticed no peculiar taste in  it what was it or yes I replied an excellent wine   it was without any taste unusual For the First  Time The recollection of that glass of wine given  

    Me by Ava The Hollies came back to me surely she  could not have deliberately given me a fatal draft   often he said a substance which is poison to  one person is harmless to another if we could  

    Only discover what it really was which affected  you we might treat you for it and cure you much   more rapidly as matters rest however you must grow  strong again by degrees and thank Providence that   you’re still alive I confess when I first saw  you I thought you’d only a few minutes to live  

    Was I so very bad as ill as you could be you  were cold and rigid and looked as though you were   already dead in fact anyone but a doctor would I  believe have pronounced life extinct your breath  

    On a mirror alone showed respiration although the  heart’s movement was so weak as to be practically   imperceptible but don’t trouble further over it  you’ll be about soon and shortly afterwards he   shook my hand and went on his way to the hospital  already late on my account I long to tell him all  

    The Curious events of the past but saw that such a  course might be unwise if I did so Ava the woman I   adored must be prematurely judged first because  of old Lowry’s Revelations and now secondly   because of the suspicious fact of my illness after  partaking of the wine she offered the idea that  

    The attempt had been made upon me at riverdine  seemed very improbable because I had dined in   common with the other guests the tea I had taken  was poured from the same Queen Anne pot from which  

    The cups of others were filled and in the whiskey  and soda I had had before leaving I was joined by   three other men who had rode up from a houseboat  about a quarter of a mile lower down as they lay  

    There Restless in my bed trying vainly to read I  spent hours in recalling every event of that day   but could discover no suspicious circumstance  other than that incident of the wine at The   Hollies I recollected how Ava after bringing for  the servant and ordering it had herself gone out  

    Into the dining room and had been absent a couple  of minutes or so possibly she might only have gone   there in order to unlock the cellarette yet there  were likewise of course other Graver possibilities   this thought which fastened upon my mind  so tenaciously allowed me but little rest  

    I tried to rid myself of it tried to scorn such  an idea try to reason with myself how plain it   was that she actually held me in some esteem and  if so she would certainly not seek to take my life  

    In that cowardly dastardly manner sometimes  I felt that I misjudged her at others grave   suspicions haunted me yet with all my love  for her never once wavered she was my idol   through those long weary hours of prostration  and convalescence I thought always of her always  

    I had written her a short note saying that I  was unwell and unable to go down to Riverton not   however mentioning the cause of my illness and in  response there came in return a charmingly worded   little letter expressing profound regret  and hoping we should meet again very soon  

    A hundred times I read that note was the thin  delicate hand that penned it the same that had   endeavored to take my life that was the sole  question uppermost in my mind a problem which   wrecked my brain day by day nay hour by hour  but there was no solution thus was I compelled  

    To exist in torturing suspicion anxiety and  uncertainty one hot afternoon I had risen for   the first time and was sitting among pillows  in the armchair reading some magazines which   Dick had thoughtfully brought me during the lunch  and hour when a timid knock sounded at the door  

    The hag had left me to attend upon some other  young gentleman in the temple and I was alone   therefore I Rose and answered the summons finding  to my surprise that my visitor was Lily Lowry   at once at my invitation she entered a slim  figure dressed in neat if cheap black without  

    Any attempt at being fashionable but with that  premise and severity expected of ladies mates   and Shop assistants her gloves were neat her  hat suited her well and beneath her veil I saw   a pretty face pale interesting and anxious looking  I didn’t expect to find anyone in except Mrs Joe  

    She said apologetically as she took the chair I  offered then noticing my pillows and perhaps the   paleness of my countenance she asked what you are  surely not ill Mr Irwin yes I answered I have been  

    Rather queer for a week past the Heat or something  of that sort I suppose nothing at all serious   I’m so glad of that she said I only called because  I was passing I’ve been matching some silk at the  

    Wholesale houses in the city and as I wanted to  give Mr Clue a message I thought I’d leave it with   Mrs Job a message I repeated can I give it she  hesitated and I saw that a slight blush suffused  

    Their cheeks no she faltered you’re very kind  but perhaps after all it would be better to write   to him as you like I said smiling you don’t of  course care to trust your secrets in my keeping eh  

    She looked at me seriously for a moment her  lips quivered and she drew a long breath   you’ve always been extremely kind she said  in a low voice half choke with emotion   and now that I find you alone I feel impaled  to confide in you in seek your advice  

    I am quite ready to offer any advice I can I  answered quickly interested if I can render   you any assistance I will certainly do so with  pleasure ah she exclaimed sighing again I knew   you would I am in trouble in such terrible trouble  what has happened I inquired quickly for I saw how  

    Wide and one she was and of course attributed  it to Dick’s action in renouncing his pledge   you of course know that Mr Clue and I have parted  she said looking up at me quickly he has told me  

    So I responded Gravely I regret very much to  hear it what is the reason has he not told you   she asked her eyes filled with tears no I answered  he gave no reason well she explained he has judged  

    Me wrongly I am entirely innocent I assure you in  a place of business like ours we are compelled to   be on friendly terms with the male assistance and  the other evening as I was leaving the shop to go  

    To the house where we girls live at the other  end of Rye Lane one of the men an insufferable   young fellow in the Hosiery Department chance  to be going the same way and walk with me on  

    The way dick Mr Clue I mean passed us and now he  declares that I’ve been in the habit of flirting   with these men it is not pleasant for any girl to  walk alone along right lane at 10 o’clock at night  

    Therefore this young fellow is only escorting me  out of politeness yet I cannot make dick believe   otherwise than that he is my lover he’s jealous of  you I said it’s not jealousy an index of true love  

    But if he loved me truly she protested bursting  into tears he surely would not treat me so   cruelly as this I’ve done nothing to Warrant this  denunciation as a worthless flirt indeed I haven’t   and you love him I asked with deep sympathy for  I saw how intense was her suffering he knows that  

    I do she answered he could see but little of me  because his work prevented him yet I was supremely   happy in the knowledge of his love yet now he has  forsaken me she had it sobbing I’m but a poor girl  

    And I suppose that the truth were known he admires  someone else better educated and more attractive   than I am no I think not I said although at  heart I felt that she spoke the truth this is  

    Merely lover’s quarrel and you’ll quickly make it  up again look at the brighter side of things come   but she shook her head gloomily saying never I  feel confident that dick will never come back   to me although I shall love him always and she  raised her veil to wipe the hot tears from her  

    Cheeks no no I exclaimed endeavoring to comfort  her don’t need trouble halfway that’s one of the   secrets of Happiness we all of us have our little  spasms of grief and despair sometimes you know   ah yes of course she cried quickly but this sorrow  has alas not come alone still another Misfortune  

    Has fallen upon me what’s that I inquired surprise  my father she exclaimed huskily and what else am I   asked I called upon him a short time ago surely  nothing has happened to him well she replied it   occurred like this I got permission this day  week to leave business at five o’clock and as  

    Usual went home when however I arrived at the shop  I found it shut and to my amazement a bail it was   in possession her debt I inquired yes he showed  me some papers and said it would cost about 400  

    Pounds to settle both build and costs of the  court and your father what was his explanation   I asked greatly interested and surprised he  wasn’t there she responded that’s the Curious   part about the whole Affair I made inquiries and  discovered that he had suddenly shut up the shop  

    About noon three days before and then got off  with a heavy trunk placed on a four-wheel cab   does know and know where he’s gone nobody she  answered excitedly it’s so strange that he has   not bit me a single line in explanation I can’t  understand it I paused for a few moments deeply  

    Puzzled from the fact that the bailiff was in  possession it would appear that he had referred   flight to facing his creditors I said slowly were  you aware that he was in debt not in the least she  

    Answered he has some property abroad you know  where in France I think he never spoke of it to   anyone although I knew that the rent was remitted  regularly by a draft on the credit Leona in palmy  

    I used to go there with him to receive the money  it was quite a pile of banknotes each quarter   then he could not really have been so badly off  as he appeared I observed no he was eccentric and  

    Very miserly and although he always had enough  and despair he used constantly to deplore our   poverty I took a situation merely to satisfy him  as he had so often expressed regret that I should   be idling at home there was however absolutely  no real necessity but surely I said he has not  

    Intentionally left you alone in the world he  will write very soon perhaps just now he does   not write for fear his whereabouts should become  known he’s evidently escaped his creditors has he   been speculating do you think not that I am aware  of can’t you think of any reason why he should  

    Have fled so precipitously I asked at the same  time reflecting that it might be due to the fact   that he had aroused the suspicions of the police  by the illegal sale of drugs no she answered none   whatever beyond what I’ve already explained his  flight is an entire mystery and it was to seek  

    The advice of dick as my closest friend that  I called here how had I best act do you think   I really don’t know I replied after some  reflection his disappearance is certainly   remarkable but if he isn’t hiding it is not  at all strange that he should admit to write  

    To you he knows your address therefore when he  deems it safe in his own interest to communicate   with you and explain he will do so no doubt  then I’m to wait in patience and see our   homes sold up she asked tears again Welling at  her dark luminous eyes you can do nothing else  

    I said he evidently means that it should be  sold for he has made no attempt to rescue it   there are so many of my poor mother’s things  there I should so like to keep them her little   Trinkets and such Trifles it seems very hard  that they should be sold to a secondhand dealer  

    That’s so but you have no means of rescuing them  I pointed out it is certainly very hard indeed for   you to be left alone and friendless like this  but without doubt your father has some reason   enacting thus he’s fled like some common Thief  she cried with a choking sub and now I haven’t  

    A single friend I am your friend I said echoing  or side you have my sympathy Lily and if I can   render you any service I shall always be ready to  do so she thanked me warmly in the voice choked  

    By sobs for the two great Sorrows had fallen  upon her and she was overwhelmed and broken   I promised I would speak to dick and if possible  arrange a meeting between them in order to try and   affect a Reconciliation inwardly however I knew  that this was quite impossible for he had really  

    Grown tired of her and had more than once in the  past few days openly congratulated himself upon   his freedom she remained a short time longer and  before she left had become more composed and was  

    In better spirits then when she shook my hand to  go forth she said I thank you so much for all your   kind words Mr Irwin I have at least today found  a real friend I hope so I left goodbye goodbye  

    I hope you’ll soon be about again then the door  closed and I was again alone I was hardly sorry   for her poor girl the sudden Flight of the old  herbalist was to say the least suspicious that  

    He had money and could pay the debt was certain  without doubt he had disappeared on account of   a too close attention from the police Maurice  Lowry was I knew not very remarkable for paternal   affection therefore I feared that he had as Lily  suspected left her at the mercy of the world  

    A week later I was able to go down to my office  again and about six o’clock on the second day   I had resumed my duties I accidentally  met Boyd at the bottom of Fleet Street   as merry as usual we drag together at the bodega  beneath the railway arch in Ludgate Hill but  

    In reply to my eager questions he told me that  absolutely nothing fresh had transpired regarding   the Curious of Eric Kensington I explained that I  was still a frequent visitor at rivergene but up   to the present had discovered nothing I of course  did not tell him all my suspicions preferring to  

    Keep my own counsel and allow him to prosecute  his inquiries after his own methods from his   conversation however I saw that he had many other  matters in hand and from his attitude it seemed  

    As though he had given up hope of obtaining a clue  to the mystery on finishing our wine we Rose from   the barrel on which we had been sitting and he  having announced his intention to walk along to  

    The Book Stall at Ludgate Hill station to buy  a magazine for his wife or he was just a home   by motorbuster Hammersmith we strolled together  through that short arcade leading to the station   at that hour crowded by hungry City men eager to  get back to their suburban homes into every door  

    They surged springing up the two staircases to the  platform above as though they had not a further   moment to Live While every few seconds the deep  voices of the ticket collectors cried the names   of the Stations from the city to Blackheath or  Victoria or from Hearn Hill down to Dover amid  

    This black coated silk had IT perspiring Crowd a  man suddenly brushed past me rushing up the stairs   two steps at a time slipping through the barrier  just as the door was slammed and disappearing   onto the platform hello cried Boyd pressing my  arm quickly see look at that man the one with  

    The bag running up the steps do you see him yes I  answered myself confounded well that’s the fellow   I saw in Saint James’s Park and who got away so  neatly from eberry Street you remember that man I  

    Guess utterly amazed yes we mustn’t lose sight of  him this time he can tell us something if he likes   and without further word he dashed away after the  man who had hurried to catch his train leaving   me standing alone in amazement that man who had  brushed past I had instantly recognized as none  

    Other than Henry Blaine who was supposed to have  been in Paris this fresh development was certainly   both startling and mysterious end of chapter 16  record this is audiobook caboodle YouTube channel   place for finest collection of audiobooks  and novels chapter 17 a visit from Boyd  

    Without a second’s hesitation I rushed up the  steps after Boyd but on gaining the platform   found that a train had just gone out and was  at that moment disappearing across the bridge   over the Thames the detective known to the ticket  collector as a police officer had been allowed to  

    Pass a barrier and had evidently caught the same  train as Blaine there was certainly an element of   deepest mystery in the fact that the unknown man  who had kept the appointment in Saint James’s Park   and it afterwards taken such elaborate precautions  against being followed should be revealed to none  

    Other than the once first proud proprietor  of Shenley quite apparent it was too that   the object of Ava’s visit to the park was to meet  him clandestinely for what reason was an enigma   the more I revolved the strange events within my  mind the more absolutely bewildering they became  

    True I had made certain discoveries discoveries  which rather than tended to throw light on the   real author of the crime or its motive only  however increased the Enigma and enveloped a   woman whom I had grown to love so fondly in an  impenetrable veil of Suspicion thoughts such as  

    These filled my mind as turning from the station  in despair I went back into the dust and turmoil   of Fleet Street crowded at that hour by tired  thousands hurrying Homeward I loved Ava even   though every proof I had obtained pointed to  her complicity in the dastardly affair she was  

    Still my idol I thought daily hourly only of her  refusing always to suspect her and endeavoring to   convince myself that the truths I had elicited  had no foundation in fact Love is Blind When   a Man Loves a Woman as I loved Ava glasslin at  that moment nothing could turn aside his passion  

    I verily believe that if at that hour  I had stood by had seen her in the dock   at the Old Bailey condemned as a murderous my  affection for her would have been nonetheless  

    I lived for her alone she was all that was a  dearest in the world to me Mary Blane had no doubt   noticed my infatuation yet she had said nothing  she herself being I believed in love with dick  

    At least I could congratulate myself that we had  mutually agreed to allow the past to fade from   our remembrance nevertheless when I thought of  Ava and told myself how passionate my affection   and how Arden my feelings towards her the ogre  of Suspicion would sometimes arise and cause  

    Me to pause in my ecstatic dreamings had she not  stiffened strangely and refused to reciprocate my   love had she not Point Blank told me that we  could never be more than friends had she not   indeed herself hinted at her own guilt in that  strange sentence which had fallen from her lips  

    As I passed the Fleet Street that evening jostling  with a crowd I thought of these things and was   plunged into Gloom and uncertainty this statement  of old Lowry was one of which I felt in Duty bound  

    To obtain proof yet how he had declared that a  woman exactly resembling her had hurt a certain   drug which could be required for one purpose alone  while the secret attempt had been made to take   mine Life by whom I knew not sometimes in moments  of Despair I entertained deep suspicions of her  

    But always I found my love in the ascendancy and  ended by refusing to believe the evidence which   I had so diligently and patiently collected for  months Scotland Yard had had the matter in hand   but discovering nothing had allowed it to drop  of course in face of the statement made by the  

    Landlord of the house and Fillmore Place Boyd was  ever anxious to question Mr Blaine but had wisely   left us to need and how had I succeeded only in  making discoveries which although startling in   themselves increased the mystery rather than  solved it even at that moment the identity  

    Of the victims remained still unknown they were  lying in nameless graves in Abney Park Cemetery   having been buried by the parish the planes alone  could give us information as to who they were and   who was the unnamed scientist whose Discovery  was now creating such a stir throughout Europe  

    Curious it was that he did not come forward and  claimed the discovery as a zone for he must have   read accounts of it in the papers my own theory in  this matter was that he was unable to communicate  

    With the Royal Institution for one simple reason  namely that he was dead that he was the man   whom we found lying lifeless with that strange  mascot the penny wrapped in paper in his pocket   I walked along to Wellington Street where I  called in to see my friend crutchley one of the  

    Sub-editors of the morning post who had just come  on duty and Was preparing for his night’s work   in the offices of the morning papers activity  begins when tired London takes her ease her   their night is as day until it dawned the staff  weary after hours of work by Electric Light and  

    Stiping rooms go forth chilled and jaded to their  homes to sleep while the world works for half an   hour I sat in his den where the table was already  piled with telegrams and flimsy while he with code  

    Off short cuffs turned up and a cigarette in  his mouth sighed sharpened his big blue pencil   and as he chatted commenced to slaughter wordy  descriptions by two eloquent recorders the world   wants news not yes is the motto of every working  sub-editor the public prefer facts without padding  

    And to cut out the latter is the duty of the man  who then the sub-editorial chair decides upon what   shall appear and what shall be admitted a duty  which requires the greatest care and judgment  

    When I left him I recollected that dick had gone  to some place down in Essex from the comet and   would not return to eat the diurnal state in  company therefore I wandered aimlessly along   the Strand and turned into a restaurant afterwards  spending the evening at the theater nearly three  

    Weeks went by and I heard nothing of void although  I had written to him at nearly 10 o’clock one   night however when I had returned to grazian alone  I found the detective standing in the Half Light   against the mammalpies bad luck the other night  he said after we had exchanged greetings what  

    Didn’t you follow him I cried surprised no that’s  the devil Levitt he exclaimed in a tone of bitter   disappointment sinking into a chair you’ll  remember that that platform at Ludgate Hill   is an island one and just as I got through the  barrier a train on the other side was moving off  

    The Snow Hill and moorgate Street while when the  Blackheath was just on the point of starting in   the opposite direction I of course jumped into the  ladder feeling sure he’d be getting out of town   and you found out your mistake too late I examined  all the carriages at low Barrel Junction but there  

    Was no sign of him he evidently took the other  train unfortunate I answered then sat for a few   moments in calm reflection unfortunate he  echoed it’s more than that we seemed for   doomed a failure in this affair I had three  men on the job ever since but with no result  

    Even the narcs know nothing but he added when I  pointed him out you seemed to know him am I right   I hesitated wondering whether to tell him all the  facts as I knew them and obtain his assistance in   my further inquiries it struck me that he  a professional investigator of crime shrewd  

    Clear-headed and acquainted with all the method  and subterfuges of evil doers might suggest some   other means which had not occurred to me I had  hitherto been deterred from making any explanation   of my discoveries and suspicions on account of  my strong Love For Ava but now the idea took  

    Possession of me that if I explained the whole to  Boyd and told him of my deep affection for her we   might work together and perhaps at length obtain  some solution of this most intricate of problems  

    I was sick with the giddiness of one who falls  from some great height I had lost my hold upon   the dreams and hopes of life you’re quite right  Boyd I said handing in the cigarettes I know that  

    Man who is he he looks rather gentlemanly  that shabby get up of his was a fake unsure   yes I responded he’s a man pretty well to do  his name is Blaine and he is the husband of   Mrs Blaine whom you recollect is supposed  to have taken the house in Fillmore place  

    The detective gave vent to an unwritable  explanation laying he echoed his face   betraying a look of amazement and pausing with  a lighted Vesta in his hand well that’s indeed   a Pacer then he added he must in that case know  something of the matter as well as his wife  

    At that moment there was a tap at the door of  the sitting room an old Mrs Job entered with a   letter which she said had come by the last post  and she had forgotten to give it to me by the  

    Writing I saw it was from maava and eagerly read  it it was a brief note to say that her mother had   been called away to her brother in Inverness who  was seriously ill that The Hollies was closed and  

    That she had accepted an invitation to remain the  guest of the blanes until lady glasslands returned   I handed the note to the detective without  comment well he exclaimed looking up at me   when he had read it there’s nothing very fishy  about that is there then I recollected that he  

    Was an ignorance of my suspicions yet I loved Ava  with all my soul and held back from placing any   facts in the hands of this man who with ruthless  disregard for my affection or my feelings would  

    Perhaps arrest her for complicity in the crime and  yet as I sat before him watching his face through   the blue haze of cigarette smoke I felt impelled  to seek his aid for this Tangled chain of recent   events had utterly bewildered and unnerved me  I was not yet strong again after the strange  

    Seizure which had so puzzled the doctor and a  sense of gloom and despair had since overwhelmed   me arising perhaps from the constant suspicion  that a secret attempt had been made upon my life   to remain longer in that state of uncertainty was  impossible I felt I should go mad if I did not  

    Make some further determined effort to ascertain  the truth someone whom I knew not had attempted   to kill me and why there could be but one reason  because I had succeeded in placing myself upon the   actual track of the Assassin an attempt cowardly  and dastardly had been made upon me therefore I  

    Had every right to seek the aid of the police to  discover its author this argument decided me and   casting my cigarette into the great I asked Boyd  to give me his attention while I related to him  

    All that I had discovered in an instant history  and easy manner changed and as I spoke he sat   leaning towards me attentively listening to every  word but hazarding no remark without attempting   to conceal anything I explained to him first of  all my great love for the woman who was under  

    Such terrible suspicion and then as I narrated our  conversation when alone on the river and repeated   her curious response to my Declaration of love  he knit his dark brows seriously and gave vent   to a grunt indicative of doubt he was no blunderer  of this Detective unlike the majority he was well  

    Educated speaking French and Italian fluently an  Adept in the art of Disguise a man who formed very   careful theories and whose appearance was never  that of an agent of police one would rather have   taken him for a well-titude Jew or perhaps some  prosperous City man of foreign extraction for  

    His dark complexion and aqualine features gave  him an unenglished appearance and his invariable   Spruce this in dress accounted for his success  in following criminals who never dreamed that the   smart well-dressed gentleman a perfect manner  was actually an emissary from Scotland Yard  

    His knowledge of foreign languages had caused him  to be entrusted with numbers of very important   inquiries political and criminal and in tracking  the guilty he had paid flying visits to nearly   all the Continental capitals in his sharp eyes  there was a strange glitter I thought as without  

    Interruption I told him what I knew I Advanced no  theories whatever but merely lay before him the   plane unvarnished truth then when I hit finished  I said now first of all recollect that whatever   may be the result of our inquiries I Will Do  no harm whatever to the woman I love understand  

    That entirely I quite understand he said greatly  speaking for the first time that’s only natural   but the difficulties in our way of here are almost  insurmountable well I asked anxiously what is your   opinion now that I have told you everything  he shook his head off thoughtly at the fresh  

    Cigarette he had just lit and then contemplated it  awfully I have no opinion at present he responded   one might form half a dozen theories upon  these facts all equally white of the mark   then how are we to act I asked a dismay he raised  his dark eyebrows a gesture of bewilderment then  

    He gazed Gravely in my face look here Boyd I  continued I love Ava glasslin and to you I make   no secret of it whatsoever but it all hazards I  mean to ascertain the truth even at the risk of  

    Convicting her he inquired looking across at me  quickly convicting her I Echo then you really   entertain the same suspicion as myself we may  have suspicions without forming any theories he   responded calmly then he added in a tone of  regret is certainly a thousand titties that  

    You love her why upon your own showing she  appears to have very little regard for you   how well he answered slowly there’s no doubt that  the other day an attempt was made upon your life   and you suspect her we can suspect no one else he  answered according to that old herbalist statement  

    She had purchased a certain drug of him what could  an innocent young lady require with this unnamed   drug if not to administer it to someone she wanted  to get rid of but she has no object admitting  

    Herself of me I urge of that I’m not quite so sure  my dear fellow he observed after a brief pause   recollect that on the morning when she went to St  James’s Park in order to meet for some mysterious  

    Purpose the man who we now know was old Mr Blaine  she met you face to face we have no idea what her   actions were previously but she may have believed  that you have been spying upon her therefore on  

    Recognizing you when you were formally introduced  at River Dean she conceived the plan for getting   you out of the way it was with that object very  possibly that she made the secret purchase at  

    The herbalist no boy I can’t believe it of her I  said quickly I won’t believe it very well he said   in the same calm tone as before but there’s still  another fact extremely puzzling and that is why  

    This man Lowry should have left in such a hurry I  must inquire at the Carter Street police station   the district where any lived and see whether there  was anything against him by the way he added does  

    Your friend clue know the whole of these facts  you’ve explained to me no not the whole only some   does he know that you’ve declared your love  to Lady glaslin’s daughter and been refused no   then don’t tell him said the detective I believe  that the reason of a sudden weariness of Lily at  

    Lowry’s Society is due to the fact that he loves  Mary Blane all the more reason then why he should   in future remain in entire ignorance of whatever  facts we may elicit then he paused furiously   consuming his cigarette and taking a long draft  of the whiskey and soda I had mixed and placed  

    At his elbow this is really a most remarkable  mystery Erwin he exclaimed at length questing   the plain gold ring upon his finger a habit of  his when pondering deeply their seem a thousand   complications it’s absolutely the most astounding  case that I’ve ever had in hand even Shaw or  

    Superintendent at the yard a man whose deep rooted  conviction is that we never need fail if we really   take an interest in an inquiry acknowledge to me  the other day that he could see no way to a clue  

    Of course we might question Mrs Blaine or even  arrest Blaine himself on suspicion if we could   find him again but whoever is guilty has taken  such careful precautions to obliterate every   trace of a clue that both the superintendent and  myself are agreed that the interrogation of either  

    Of the blames would only result in defeating RNs  that was exactly my own opinion I had many times   wondered why the police had not made inquiries  of Mrs Blaine on account of the statement by   the landlord at Kensington but it was now plain  that the director of criminal investigations the  

    Gray-headed loud voice Old Gentleman whom I knew  quite well at Scotland Yard had decided otherwise   but why are you so anxious that my friend clue  should remain in ignorance of our movements I   inquired you say that he loves Murray Blaine  Andrew Boyd he might in that case drop some  

    Unintentional hint to her of the direction of our  inquiries this matter to be successful must be   entirely a secret between ourselves you understand  today we’ve made a discovery the identity of the   man who threw some object into the lake and it  puts a rather fresh complexion upon the affair  

    Even though it further complicates it considerably  you said that his wife has all along told you that   her husband was in Paris I think yes I responded  she said he was there in connection with some  

    Company which he was trying to promote and all  along he’s been in London in hiding he may have   just returned from Paris I suggested recollect  that I’ve not been to River Dean for some little   time no my dear fellow Boyd said his Ingenuity  in eluding us at eberry Street showed that he  

    Had already prepared a snug hiding place for  himself before the tragedy at Fillmore place   besides the other evening his clothes showed an  attempted disguise didn’t they certainly he’s   very smartly dressed always indeed rather a flop  in his way depend upon it that he’s never dared to  

    Set foot outside London all this time he knows  well enough that the Metropolis is the safest   place in the whole world in which a criminal May  conceal himself only a bungler attempts to get   away abroad silence again fell between us the  quiet was unbroken saved but the slow ticking  

    Of the clock upon the mantle shell of a sudden  with a rather curious glance he bent forward to   me eagerly saying now in this affair we must  be perfectly candid with each other you must   conceal nothing from me I have concealed nothing  I’ve protested surprised at his curious attitude  

    As though he held me in some suspicion I don’t  allege that you have he answered but I want you to   answer truthfully a question which is of highest  importance I want you to tell me whether on the  

    Afternoon of the day you were called by Patterson  to Kensington your friend clue was here at home   no he certainly wasn’t I arrived home first  and he came in perhaps 10 minutes or a quarter   of an hour later than usual I answered wondering  what connection this could have with the inquiry  

    And after you made the discovery you did not  Telegraph or communicate with him in any way   I take it that you were surprised to meet him  in that house certainly I was I responded but   he had an appointment with Lily Lowry and  finding that she could not keep it he came  

    Along to Kensington to ascertain the nature of  the event about which Patterson had wired to me   to detectives features relaxed into a strange  smile would you be surprised then to know that   your friend never called at the police station  on that evening but went straight to Fillmore  

    Place and there joined me while you were absent  inquiring of the neighbors that very evening I   inquired of the Constable on duty at the door of  the station and of others all of whom told me that   no one had called to inquire for Patterson except  yourself that’s certainly extraordinary I said in  

    Wonderland yes he observed mechanically it’s  a very curious fact one which appears to prove   that he knew something more of the mysterious  occurrence then he has admitted in fact that   he was aware of it long before we were what I  guess gazing at my companion in alarm surely you  

    Don’t mean that you suspect dick of having had  any hand in the affair then at that instant I   recollected how when I had received the telegram  on that memorable evening his face had suddenly   changed and his hand had trembled end of chapter  17 record chapter 18 you will never know never  

    Dick returned about 11 and shortly afterwards  Boyd swallowed another whiskey and soda and left   I thought my friend started slightly at finding  the detective with me but he betrayed not the   slightest annoyance indeed he himself started the  discussion regarding the mystery appearing in no  

    Way below to discuss it in all its phases  the detective suspicion was certainly a   startling one and of course accounted for his  anxiety that dick should in the future remain   in utter ignorance of our actions when Boyd  had gone he had once commenced to question  

    Me upon what theories he had expressed and in  what direction he was Prosecuting inquiries   although I would not allow myself to suspect  my best friend I nevertheless preserved the   silence which Boyd had imposed upon me evading  giving him direct answers preserving the secret  

    Of the identity of the man seen in Saint James’s  Park and managing to put aside his questions by   a declaration that personally I was sick of the  whole matter for I felt that it would now ever   remade a mystery that night however I remained  awake many hours thinking fondly of Ava and calmly  

    Revolving in my mind all that had fallen from the  lips of boy he one of the most skillful officers   in London had formed no theory he only entertained  suspicions they perhaps yet by no means groundless   I had not seen Ava since that day when the strange  incomprehensible attempt had been made to take  

    My life and a strong desire again possessed me  to stole it her side to hear her voice to hold   her hand was it I wondered time after time that  hand so soft slim and delicate that had actually  

    Attempted to secretly take my life the detective  had calmly reviewed all the facts I have explained   and as a professional investigator of prime had  openly expressed a suspicion in the affirmative   often had I wondered what kind of woman was Ava’s  mother whom I had never met that she was somewhat  

    Eccentric was evident from her daughter’s words  on the last occasion I had visited River d I’d lay   there thinking of Ava scouting every suspicion  which the detective’s words had aroused within   me until with the first streak of Dawn I fell  asleep and dreamed of her next afternoon without  

    Mentioning anything to Dick saved the sending of  a telegram to say that I should not dine at home   I left my office half an hour earlier and full of  conflicting thoughts traveled down to riverdine   having been informed by the servant that Mrs  Blaine and Miss Mary were absent in London  

    Shopping but that Miss glaslin was at home I was  shown into the long Pleasant drawing room which   opened upon the wide lawn sloping to the river’s  Bank the great bowls of cut flowers diffuse the   pleasant odor and the books and papers lying in  the Cozy Corner with its soft cushions of pale  

    Blue silk he trades signs of recent occupation  it was a low ceiling comfortable apartment cool   and restful after the dust and glare of the White  Road outside in a few moments the door opened and   Ava entered fresh and Charming in a cool dress of  clean flannel her sweet face illumed by a sweet  

    Smile of glad welcome this is quite an unexpected  pleasure Mr Irwin she exclaimed rushing towards me   gladly with outstretched hand I had no idea that  you’d come down today the blanes are up in town  

    You know I should have gone only I had a rather  bad headache we went up to Windsor yesterday with   the thirlies on their lunch and I suppose the  sun upset me it was unbearably hot why do you  

    Persist in calling me Mr Irwin I asked in a rather  reproachable tone still retaining possession of   her hand cannot you call me Frank she blushed  slightly and Drew her hand forcibly away   then motioning me to a seat she cast herself  into a low arm chair near me stretching forth  

    Her tiny foot neat in its Silk Stocking and  patent leather shoe she made no response to   my suggestion so I repeated it why should I call  you by your Christian name she asked because I   call you by your Sava I answered earnestly I  really can’t bear this persistent formality  

    She smiled a rather curious smile it was I  thought so you’re staying as guest here I   went on after a moment’s pause yes she explained  my Uncle Henry in Inverness is very ill and not   expected to live therefore they summoned Mother  by Telegraph with other members of the family  

    As the serpents had had no holiday this year she  sent them away for Fortnight and closed the house   Mrs Blaine having invited me here have you heard  from your mother yes I had a wire to say that   she had arrived safely she answered not however  without a second hesitation as though she were  

    Debating whether or not to tell me the truth and  Mr Blaine has not returned from Paris yet I asked   no she responded the blanes are talking of joining  him next week or perhaps the week after and have  

    Invited me to accompany them I should be delighted  for I love Paris you find the shops interesting I   laughed yes she answered all women do I suppose at  least I’ve met very few who having been in Paris  

    Haven’t hunted for bargains at the blue of the  princess or the bar Marsh Paris is worth visiting   if only maker one’s hats but you can often buy  a hat for 20 francs exactly the same style and   a better material than that for which you would  pay three or four guineas in region Street  

    I’m not much of an expert in such things I laugh  nevertheless reflecting how curious it was that   blame remains still in London might not his wife  and daughter have gone up that day to visit him in   his hiding place but you’ve been awfully queer eye  here she said conservatively you really don’t look  

    Quite yourself even now what has been the matter  we were all so concerned when we heard about it   our eyes met in hers there was a deep Earnest  look as though she were really solicitous of   my welfare yet I fancied somehow that those clear  blue eyes wavered beneath my steady searching gaze  

    She watched me reading me as easily as she  would have read black letters on a white page   I was taken suddenly ill the heat perhaps I  answered with affected carelessness I had run   down the doctor said it was nothing very serious  she gave them to a perceptible sigh of relief then  

    Smiling sweetly as she ever did said well it is  indeed a pleasure to welcome you here again today   she still wore that broach the quaint little  playing card which had betrayed her visit to   Morris Lowry its site sent a strange thrill  through me for I remembered the object of her  

    Visit to that dark dirty obscure herbalist the  pleasure is mutual believe me Ava I answered   putting away from me instantly the gruesome  thought oppressing me through this whole month   I have thought only of you she sighed in an  instant serious then glancing back to assure  

    Herself that there were no eavesdroppers she said  it would be far better Mr Irwin right if you could   leave me and forget but I can’t I said Rising  quickly and again taking her soft white hand  

    You know Ava How Deeply how sincerely how devoted  Thee I love you how I am entirely yours forever   I spoke simply indirectly what I felt I was calmer  that I had been when I rode her beneath the willow  

    Shape ah no she cried in a pain voice rising to  her feet with sudden resolution you really must   not say this I will not let you sacrifice yourself  I will not allow you to thus it is no sacrifice I  

    Protested interrupting quickly I love you Ava with  all my soul one woman alone in all the world holds   me beneath the spell of her grace her charm and  her sweetness it is yourself every hour I think  

    Only of you ever before me your face rises in my  Daydreams and in those moments when I see your   sweet Smiles I tell myself that no other woman  can ever have a place in my heart ah you cannot  

    Know how fondly I love you I said raising  the hand tenderly to my lips and imprinting   a kiss upon it if you could only know you would  never treat me with this cold common difference   her bosom Rose and fell slowly and she was  silent I fancied that she shuddered slightly at  

    That moment my position struck me as an extremely  strange one declaring love to one whom an expert   detected suspected of having made a cowardly  attempt upon my life was it just I asked myself  

    Yes in this I was justified for I loved her even  though I had more than once been inclined to agree   with Boyd in his misgivings I was not aware of  any indifference she followed it last raising her  

    Great eyes so clear in Earnest for an instant to  mine I had merely urged you to reflect reflection   is unnecessary I answered quickly I know that  I love you truly that surely is sufficient  

    It might be if I were free she responded in a low  horse voice but I tell you today Frank as I told   you before this love dream of ours is impossible  of realization then you do reciprocate my love I  

    Cried in joyous eagerness come tell me do not  keep me longer in suspense I have already told   you she answered in a low intense voice of what  use is it to continue this painful discussion  

    Of every use I cried in desperation give me one  word of Hope Ava tell me that someday you will try   and love me better than you do now that someday  in the future you will become my wife tell me no  

    No she cried snatching her hand away and receding  from me no Frank I cannot I will not lie to you   then can you never love me never I cry  despairingly never she answered hoarsely and her  

    Answer struck deep into my heart I Ascend sinned  before God and before man and love no longer knows   a place in my heart and her fine head was bowed  before sinned I guessed what do you mean I am  

    A social leper Chief habit raising her head and  looking at me with wild unnatural gaze if you knew   the dark and Awful Truth you would shun me rather  than kiss my hand yet you say you love me you who  

    Would have so great A Cause to hate me if you knew  the ghastly truth but I cried wandering at these   strange words and with my suspicions again aroused  I do love you nevertheless Ava I shall always love  

    You I swear it for my very life is yours your life  she echoed in a weird harsh voice as she stood   pale-faced swaying before me her hands clasped to  her breast her lips cold and white yes she said  

    In a strange aposterical tone yes it is true too  true at last that your future is in my hands only   by a miracle have you come back to life a grim  shadow of a crime to taunt to defy to denounce  

    Oh Frank you do not know the terrible truth you  will never know never I was bewildered horror   possessed me the darkness of an irreversible fact  spread over her and made her terrible to me all   must be given up conscience pronounced this dread  decree and multiply the pain a thousand times  

    Destiny had once more taken me by the elbow end  of chapter 18 chapter 19 Eva makes confession   why may I not know the truth I asked the  blanched and agitated woman before me her   involuntary declaration that I had only returned  to Life by little short of a miracle was in itself  

    Clear proof that she was aware of the attempt  made to assassinate me I therefore determined   to question her further and ascertain whether  Boyd’s great suspicion had any absolute Foundation   you know Ava I went on standing before her with my  hand upon her shoulder in D earnestness you know  

    How strong is my affection you know that you were  all the world to me often during my many visits to   that Riverside home so cool and peaceful after  the busy turmoil in which fate compelled me to  

    Earn my bread I had spoken of my love for her and  now in my desperation I told her that I could not   lead the woman whom I had so long worshiped in the  ideal whom I have instantly recognized as being  

    The embodiment of that ideal of whose presence I  could not endure to be deprived even in thought   she stood silent with her back to the table  looking into my eyes while I told her these   things a ray of sunlight tipped her auburn hair  with gold sometimes she would seem to yield to  

    A kind of bliss as she listened to Maya vowel  to forget all else than ourselves and my words   at others a look of Anguish would suddenly clouded  features and once she shuddered pressing her hands   to her eyes saying Frank you must not spare me  this I cannot bear it indeed I can’t sometimes  

    In the days that had passed when I had spoken of  my love joy and pain would succeed each other on   her face indeed often they would be present at the  same moment from the look of complete abandonment  

    To happiness that sometimes though never for long  shown on her pictures when we idle up that shady   picturesque Backwater where the Kingfishers nested  I felt that she loves me and that eventually that   love would gain the victory thus continually I try  to elicit an expression of her feelings and words  

    Sweet to me as was the confession of her  looks I sought also a confession of speech   at last however she seemed determined to  give me no single word of encouragement   but why I asked as she stood there with  bent head her hand toying nervously with  

    The Rings why is it that when I speak of what most  occupies my heart you become silent or sorrowful   she smiled a strange artificial smile and for  an instant her clear blue eyes those eyes which   spoke of an absolute purity of Soul meant  mine as she replied can a woman explain her  

    Caprice any more than a man can understand  it without hating disinvasion I went on is   it that you are already pledged to marry some  other man no she answered quickly and earnestly   then it is because you do not wish  to love me I observed reproachfully  

    Her look startled me for it contained besides a  world of grief and pity something of self-reproach   she regarded me strangely first as if my words  were welcome true then while her brow darkened a   mental anguish forced itself into her expression  you were mad to come here to me she said with a  

    Quick apprehensive look if you knew the truth  you would never again cross the threshold of   this house why I demand it in an instant alert  for a reason that is secret she responded with   a shade of sadness that ring of earnestness in  her voice it seemed impossible to counterfeit  

    Puzzled I gazed at her striving to read her  countenance her head was bent her color changing   do what she would she could not keep the blood  quite steady in her cheek but may I not know Ava  

    I am floored surely you will not refuse to warn or  guide one who is so entirely devoted to you as I   am I cannot warn you except to say that treachery  may be sweetly concealed in danger alert where you  

    May least suspect its presence you wish to place  a golf between us I cried impatiently but that’s   impossible I cannot rest without you I am drawn to  you as though by some power of magic I am yours in  

    Life in depth I know she cried suddenly putting up  her hands to her face speak not of death you are   making vows that must air long be broken and she  sighed deeply was not her attitude standing there  

    Pale and trembling the attitude of a guilty woman  who feared the revelation of her crime I looked   again at her and becoming convinced that it was  I regarded her with inexpressible scorn and love   horror and adoration she seemed to have changed  of late she pondered over my words weighing them  

    Without any idle misleadings of fancy did she  never dream as she had done when we first met   why must my vows be broken when my love for you  is so ferva Neva I demand it in a voice a tribal  

    Heart I think she shuddered and gave a gesture of  Despair as if there were indeed no defense for her   a great Darkness was over my mind like the  plague of an unending night I have warned  

    You she responded in a strange low Tone If you  really love me as you say you do remain away from   this house why are you so anxious that I should  not visit you I demanded puzzled then I added of  

    Course in order to gain your love I am prepared  to accept any conditions you may propose if I do   not again come here will you meet me in London  I can say nothing of the future she answered  

    Slowly for your own sake indeed for mine also  do not come here again promise me I beg of you   this request was the more Curious in the light of  recent events was it that she could not bear me  

    To kiss the hand that had attempted to slay  me all this is very strange Ava I said with   a sudden seriousness I cannot understand your  attitude in the least why not be more explicit   the heart of man is an open page to women love  the greatest of all selfish ecstasies must yet  

    Have self-forgetfulness she had none she glanced  at me and seemed to Divine my thoughts she cast a   further look across the room to the law and Beyond  and I read on her face the birth of some new   design I have been quite explicit she laughed with  a strenuous attempt to preserve her self-control  

    I merely give you advice to keep away from this  house yes but you give me no reason you do not   speak plainly or openly I protested one cannot  speak ill of those of whose Hospitality one is  

    Partaking she answered with a calm smile is it not  sufficient for the present that you are warned but   why I demand it I am always a welcome guest here  again she smiled with a strange curl of the lip I  

    Thought I do not deny that she answered have I  not however already pointed out that treachery   may be marvelously well concealed that she really  warn me of the danger of associating with these   intimate friends of hers merely because in  her heart she really loved me or had some  

    Ulterior motive in getting me out of the  way she was loving hand with the suspected   family therefore the latter seemed the theory most  feasible yes she was undoubtedly playing me false   a new thought suddenly arose within me and with  my eyes fixed upon her I said in a voice hard  

    And determined Ava just now you gave utterance  to a remark which is to me for the meaning you   said that I had escaped death by little short  of a miracle true I have then I paused yet if  

    The truth were told have you not also escaped the  Swift and sudden End by means almost as miraculous   her face blanched instantly her mouth half opened  seemed fixed she was unable to articulate and  

    I saw what an effective speech of mine had upon  her she taught her to the table and laid her hand   upon it in order to study herself her eyes glared  upon me for an instant like those of some animal  

    Brought to Bay yet with a marvelous self-control  her white face a moment later relaxed into a smile   and she replied I really don’t know to what you  refer in the course of Our Lives we have many  

    Hair breath escapes and death her dangers are  around us on every side by this I saw what a   consummate actress she was and was filled with  regret that I had thus referred to the tragedy   at Kensington fearing lest this revelation of my  knowledge should have her boy in his inquiries  

    Through all she kept a calm and steady judgment  that was remarkable reflected Leisure I responded   and perhaps you will not find my words quite  so puzzling as your own veiled references   a few minutes ago she exclaimed reproachfully you  declared that you loved me now however you appear  

    To entertain a desire to taught me with what she  hesitated for she saw how nearly she had been   entrapped every woman is a born diplomatist so  she answered with having endeavored to mislead you   I only know that I love you Ava I said in  softer tones again tenderly taking her hand  

    I only know that I think of No Other  Woman in all the world besides yourself   I only know that I cannot live without your love  her bosom heaved and fell painfully and from her   large Blue Eyes tears sprang quick salt bitter  drops that burned her as they fell ah no she cried  

    Protestingly do not let us talk of that do not let  us dream of the impossible that you really love me   I cried in quick earnestness bending over her my  arm about her slim waist but she shuddered within  

    My grasp her frame was shaken by a convulsive  sob and gazing upon me with serious eyes she in   a low whisper gave her answer unless I cannot  I I dare not I drew back crushed and hopeless   once again this strange thought possessed me that  Mary Blane held her within her power that although  

    She actually loved me she feared the Relentless  Vengeance of that woman who posed as her most   intimate friend who smiled upon us both although  in her heart was a Fierce and jealous hatred   Avis was a strange character she seemed a  brilliant antithesis a compound of contradictions  

    Of all that I most detested of all that I most  admire her whole character seemed a Triumph of the   external over the innate even though she presented  it first you a splendid and perplexing anomaly   there was yet deep meaning and wondrous skill in  the Enigma when I came to analyze and decipher it  

    What was most astonishing in Ava’s character  was its antithetical construction its consistent   inconsistency which rendered it quite impossible  to reduce it to any Elementary principles   the impression she gave was that a  perpetual and irreconcilable contrast   in those months I had known her she had Enchanted  me her mental accomplishments her unequal Grace  

    Her woman’s wit and woman’s Wiles her irresistible  allureness Her starts of her tour her verbacity of   imagination per petulant Caprice her fickleness  and her falsehood her tenderness and her truth   all had dazzled my faculties and bewitched  my fancy she held absolute dominion over me  

    My reference to that fatal night when I had  discovered her apparently dead in that weird   house in Kensington had utterly unnerved her I  had apparently by those words given her proof   of the strong suspicion which she had entertained  and now she held the loop for me as from an enemy  

    Again and again void’s forcible words recurred to  me try how I would I could not place for me the   increasing belief that she had actually given me  that fatal drop on the last occasion when we met  

    Yet after all she had my welfare at heart  to some extent or she would not utter this   strange inexplicable warning she would not have  so pointedly told me that the family whose yes   she was were my actual enemies the latest passion  of my love had long ago kindled into a quenchless  

    Plane and again after this declaration of fear  which he had uttered I repeated my inquiry as   to its cause but she shook her head and remained  silent to all my entreaty even though her panting   breast painfully showed her agitation had she  I wondered really perpetrated a deed of Horror  

    Was she although so pure looking and  so beautiful one of those women with   inexorable determination of purpose an  actual impersonation of the evil powers   at her invitation we stroll together across the  lawn to a shady spot at the river’s Brink where  

    We sat in Long wicker chairs tea being brought  To Us by the smart man servant again and again   I sought to discover some truth from her but  she was ever wary not to betray either herself  

    Or those under whose roof she was now living  as I lounged there by her gazing upon her neat   girdle figure So Graceful and striking in every  form I could not help reflecting that in a mind   not utterly depraved and hardened by the habit of  crime conscience must awake at some time or other  

    And bring with it a remorse closed by Despair  and despair by Death had her conscience been   awakened that afternoon to me it seemed very much  as though it had how strangely you talk Ava I said   when we had been conversing together a long time  beneath the trees and the sun was already sinking  

    You seemed somehow to entertain an extraordinary  antipathy towards me antipathy she echoed oh no   you are really mistaken you asked me to love you  and I express myself unfortunately unable but why   unable she sighed but was silent her eyes were  fixed far away down the Tranquil river which ran  

    With liquid gold in the sunset from my lips their  port Swift eager breathless unconsidered words in   all their unreason all their wisdom their nobility  their ignorance their Folly their Sublimity yet I   meant to their very uttermost every syllable I  uttered tell me now I urge you wish me to leave  

    You without a single word of hope you give me  a negative reply without reason or explanation   I have a reason she answered in a low mechanical  tone a voice quite unusual to her what is it I am  

    A Stern fatalist in principle and in action she  responded and is it that which prevents you from   reciprocating my affection no she answered shaking  her head softly and glancing at her rings I know   that happiness had never more come to me to love  would only be to increase my burden of remorse  

    Remorse I cried in a moment recollecting all the  mysterious paths yes she answered in a hard tone   of melancholy and despair a remorse that arises  from the Pang of a wounded conscience The Recoil   of the violated feelings of my nature a horror of  the ghastly past a torture of self-condemnation  

    Strong as my soul deepest my guilt fatal as  my result and terrible as my crime your crime   I guess she had at last confessed I sat gazing at  her absolutely dumbfounded my brain seemed dead in   me yes my crime she responded her face white and  hard set her clenched hands perceptibly trembling  

    Now at least you are aware of the reason that I  will not accept your love I the woman whom you   love an unworthy degraded and perverted a woman  who would have suffered a thousand deaths of   torture rather than have betrayed myself but who  is now Without Pity or fear unconscious helpless  

    Despair stricken although still linked with my  sex and and with Humanity death alone would be   welcome to Mia’s bridegroom then panting she added  rising to lead me no Frank this must all end today   I could never love you it is utterly impossible  you cannot know you will never know how I suffer  

    She had gone from me she was to me a thing  terrible and almost loathsome yet she was dear to   me I was ready to give my life to Ransom hers she  stretched out her hand and musically touched mine  

    I shrank as if the contact burned me she saw  my involuntary gesture of a Virgin It set her   heart harder on the thing she meant to do end  of chapter 19. chapter 20. a night adventure   in the silent evening hour as the dust darkened a  Twilight slowly faded into night I was conscious  

    Of a kind of Fascination against which my moral  sense rebelled but from which there was no Escape   we talked on I striving ever to learn the truth  she careful to conceal it from me I saw how   unexpected but natural were her transitions  of temper and feeling noting the contest of  

    Various passions the wild hurricane of resentment  melting into tears faintness and languishment and   endeavored time after time but always in vain  to obtain a further confession from her lips   that she existed in deadly fears of some dread  secret being revealed was vividly apparent just  

    As it was also clear that my ill-timed observation  regarding her mysterious presence in that house   of mystery at Kensington had placed her upon her  guard and proved to her a fact of which before she   had no confirmation her area Caprice and provoking  petulance which had so attracted me when we had  

    Been first introduced had now been succeeded by a  mixture of tenderness with artifice and fear with   submissive blandishment she quailed before me when  I rebuked her tenderly for her lack of confidence   in me partly because of her female subtlety  partly owing to Natural feeling nevertheless  

    When I reviewed the situation and calmly and  deliberately reflected upon her attitude I   saw plainly that she regarded me as something  more than a mere acquaintance even though her   character was so complicated that no one sentiment  could exist pure and unvarying in such a mind  

    Therefore sadly with a heavy feeling of none  achievement I took a long and lingering leave   of her and was driven back to sheperton station by  Simpson my mind overflowing with puzzling thoughts   rate as was my hesitation to believe that  her conscience was a guilty one nevertheless  

    Her own words were now sufficient proof  that my suspicions were not unfounded   yet I loved her I still adored her with all my  soul even though I had kissed a slim white hand   that had sought to send me to the Grave these  and a thousand similar thoughts Whirled through  

    My bewildered brain as I sat back alone in the  earlip railway carriage puzzled and baffled I   sat plunged in deepest Melancholy in despair when  on the train drawing up at the quiet lethargic   station of Hampton the door of the compartment  was suddenly flung open and a well-known cheery  

    Voice cried hello Erwin get out here I want  to speak to you I roused myself instantly   recognizing Boyd standing on the platform in the  semi-darkness with an expression of surprise at   such a meeting I jumped out and joined him he  explained that he had come down from Waterloo  

    With the object of finding me and had waited  at shepparton station for my arrival there he   however had not spoken to me lest the man Simpson  should chance to mention the fact that River team  

    But why are you down here I inquired surprise well  he answered in a low voice we’ve got a piece of   most secret investigation before us tonight I’ve  waited for your assistance we are going to search   The Hollies search The Hollies I echoed yes he  answered you’ll remember Miss glaslin’s letter  

    To you stating that the house was closed and the  servants are away on holiday therefore now’s our   time we must however act so that lady glaslin and  her daughter have no suspicion that the place has   been overhauled I obtained a search warrant  from Sir John Gibbons the chief of the local  

    Bench this morning and now we’ll just satisfy our  curiosity but the place is locked up isn’t it I   suggest it amazed at this sudden result of course  we must get in how we can only being careful not  

    To attract the attention of any neighbors and to  lead no Trace behind that Intruders have entered   then we are to go to work like burglars  I observe smiling exactly he answered   we had now left the station and were walking along  an ill-lit path which skirted the railway until we  

    Gained the high road leading into Old Hampton he  explained the precautions he had taken namely to   tell the Constable on the beat of our intentions  and imposing upon Him secrecy and also to arrange   for the local plain clothes officer to be on  duty in the vicinity his proposal seemed to  

    Possess all the elements of Adventure therefore  notwithstanding my hesitation to commit any act   which might further implicate the woman I love I  expressed myself eager and ready to accompany him   nine o’clock chime from the square Old Tower of  Hampton church that Landmark so well known to  

    Those who frequent the river and boy declared that  it was too early to commence operations people   were about and we might be observed therefore we  entered that old-fashioned Inn where the ancient   sign is still suspended from a beam across the  road a hostile ring much patronized by boating  

    Parties who dare replenish their hampers and  entering the billiard room we wild away the time   playing and gossiping with a couple of Tradesmen  who judging from their pronouncements were local   notabilities perhaps District councilors we  remained until the landlord called time Gentlemen  

    Please then lighting our cigars went forth  strolling through the quaint Old World Village   escorting the long high wall of Bushy Park towards  lady glasslands the night was dark and overcast a   Gusty wind had sprung up precursory of rain and in  our ears sound at the hum of the telegraph wires  

    The weather favored us for such an Excursion  boy did not care for a perfectly still night   at length when we had been walking perhaps  a quarter of an hour along the dark deserted   Road a man bearded and rather shabby looking  suddenly emerged from the shadow of the wall  

    And greeted Boyd with the policeman’s password  alright sir are the things there void inquired   yes sir I put the lamp the gemi in the keys  under a laurel Bush on the left of the back door  

    Well said my friend I think you’d better come  with us we may have some difficulty in getting in   very well sir the man answered  and continued to walk by our side   he was smoking a pipe and as we neared the house  he knocked out the ashes and placed it in his  

    Pocket no dogs there I hope Boyd said addressing  him no sir none I confessed to feeling a thrill   of excitement for the business of breaking and  entering a dwelling house was entirely new to me   the Hampton Road is ill-lit and after 10 at  night utterly deserted therefore in our walk  

    We met no one except the solitary policeman who  stood beneath a lamp and greeted Boyd with a low   all right sir as we pass on towards The Hollies  all was in darkness not a soul was about save   ourselves and the policemen standing watchful and  motionless beneath the Street Lamp 50 yards away  

    The well-kept garden with its Laurels its monkey  trees and its old use was shut off from the road   by a high wall in which was a pair of heavy  iron gates giving entrance to the gravel drive   these Gates were locked and secured by a chain  and formidable padlock a fact which showed that  

    To enter we must climb them the houses on either  side were a rather meaner order Than The Hollies   and in one of them a light still showed in an  upper window in order not to attract the occupiers  

    Of these houses we can burst in low Whispers And  in obedience to the local detective’s suggestion   find the gates one after another and carefully  descended within the garden on either side of the   house extended walls some 10 feet in height with  doors in them giving access to the rear of the  

    Premises and again Guided by the Plain clothes men  we scaled this wall a somewhat perilous process it   being spiked on the top as it was indeed I made  a serious rent in an almost new pair of trousers  

    Much to Boyd’s amusement at last when we were in  the rear Garden our guide began foraging beneath   a laurel Bush and brought forth a dark Lantern a  short serviceable looking Gemmy and a big bunch of   skeleton keys I examined the place this afternoon  he explained this store is the only one locked  

    From the outside therefore if we can pick the lock  we shall be able to enter and get away without   leaving a trace very well said Boyd impatiently  let’s get to work and taking the keys he went to  

    The Garden entrance and commenced work upon the  lot while his assistant lit and held the lantern   every effort however to open the lock proved  a failure it’s a chub a Brahma or one of those  

    Lever locks said Boyd in a low tone giving it up  after he had tried all the keys in vain it won’t   do to force the door for that’ll betrayus why not  try a window I suggest it no sir said the plain  

    Clothesman they’re all barred I’m afraid but those  on the first floor I suggested looking up at one   evidently a landing window over the door we might  try if we could only reach it Boyd said laying  

    Down the keys upon the doorstep if we force the  catch we could screw it down again before we left   in order to discover something by which we  might gain access to the window we all three   crept carefully across the lawn and down the long  old-fashioned Garden to an outhouse where after  

    Some search we found an old and rotten ladder  half the runs of which seemed missing this we   carried back and a few moments later Boyd mounting  with a strong class knife which he had taken from  

    His pocket began slowly working back the catch  until at last he was able to throw up the window   and crawl in without a sound I followed the local  detective clamoring in after me we found ourselves   on the first floor Landing therefore descending  the stairs to the main hall we lit the candles  

    Provided by the Plain clothes men and after taking  the precaution to let down the blinds of the   front windows commenced an active search of the  drawing room that spacious old-fashioned apartment   in which I had been shown when I had called or  search directed by Boyd was careful and methodical  

    Neither Nook nor Corner escaped him although we  replaced everything just as we found it so large   were the rooms that we found the lights we carried  were not sufficient to give us proper illumination   therefore we sought the gas meter and after  turning on the gas lit Jets into various rooms  

    Fortunately all the windows were furnished  with Venetian blinds therefore we let them   down and closed them so that no light should  be noticed outside an air of desolation hung   about the place and every sound we made echoed  weirdly or at the dead of night all noise becomes  

    Exaggerated the drawing room yielded practically  nothing therefore we passed into a well-furnished   morning room and dense to the dining room which  we likewise thoroughly overhauled none of these   rooms for any trace of the struggle with poverty  which the innkeeper’s wife had alleged indeed in  

    The drawing room was a fine grand piano of one of  the best known makers together with several rare   works of art all the rooms were signs of being the  Abode of a rich and cultured family the old oak in  

    The dining room being I noted genuine evidently  antique Italian while the Upholstery and carpets   were of the First Quality on the walls of those  ground floor rooms were many examples of old as   well as Modern Masters one portrait hanging in the  dining room representing Ava herself a half-length  

    Picture undoubtedly from recent sittings signed  by an artist extremely well known in London   in this room also where antique high-backed oak  chairs lined with old tapestry the back and arms   bearing Memorial bearings embroidered in colored  silks evidently the arms of the glasslands for  

    A similar device was upon the plate on ascending  to the first floor we found the house to be a far   larger proportions than we had imagined her off a  long well carpeted Corridor opened quite a number  

    Of bed and other rooms Each of which we proceeded  to inspect we haven’t found a single thing below   Boyd observed to me as we entered the first of  these rooms evidently one of the spare bedrooms   for the place was very dirty and neglected in  comparison with the other apartments let’s hope  

    We may come across something here nothing was  locked and five minutes suffice to show us that   no attempt had been made to conceal anything in  any of the two chested drawers or in the wardrobe   so thoroughly did Boyd search that in each  room we went around the waistcoating tapping  

    It with the Jimmy and examining any part  which appeared to be loose or movable   the Next Room apparently lady glasslin’s room  with a small dressing room adjoining we searched   with redoubled energy but beyond establishing  the fact that her lady ship was not in one of  

    Money by defining of three five pound notes placed  carelessly in an unlocked drawer there was nothing   to arouse our curiosity adjoining the dressing  room with its window overlooking the road was a   small but elegant apartment upholstered in pale  blue quite a luxurious little room with a piano  

    Evidently a bourgeois the carpet was so thick  and Rich that our feet fell noisestly while   near the window was a handsome Louis XV esquitua  inlaid with various woods and heavy mountains of   Chase ormelu a pretty Cozy Corner occupied  the angle beside the tiled Hearth while the  

    Little bamboo table with its small shells spoke  mutely of cozy five o’clock tea often served here   I wonder what’s in this Boyd said advancing to  the esquitua while his assistant lit the Gaslamp   finding it locked my friend bent examined the  keyhole carefully and then commenced apply  

    The various skeleton teas for some time he was  unsuccessful but at length the lock yielded and   he opened it then while the local officer took the  dark Lantern and went along the core to explain   what further rooms there were and their character  Boyd and I proceeded to carefully examine every  

    Paper letter or document the escrit hall contained  some letters were addressed to Lady glaslin   others to Ava but most of them were ordinary  correspondents between relatives and Friends   while the folded documents were receded bills  together with a file of papers relating to some  

    Action at law regarding property near Aberdeen  behind the receptacle in which we found these   letters was a panel which Boyd at once declared  concealed some secret drawers and being well   versed in all the contrivances of Captain making  he very soon discovered the means by which the  

    Panel could be released as he had projected  its removal disclosed three small drawers   to the first I gave my attention while  he took out the contents of the second   the letters of which there were seven or eight  secured by an elastic band I took out in red  

    Being puzzled greatly thereby they were all  tight written and bore the postmarked London SC   the first had been received about three months  before the last this recently as a fortnight ago   they were very friendly commencing dear Eva and  although the writer was apparently extremely  

    Innovative there was however not a word of  love a fact which gave me some satisfaction   they all without exception contained a most  mysterious reference to the silence in terms   extremely guarded and curious one urging  the utmost caution and declaring that a   grave Herald had unexpectedly Arisen  which must at all hazards be removed  

    The writer did not appear to be a very educated  person or in many places there were mistakes in   spelling while all were deployed of both address  or signature bearing only the single initial Z   I passed them over to Boyd asking his  opinion and as he sat at the writing  

    Flap reading them we were both suddenly  started by hearing a plaintiff cry near   us it was a poor lean cat who had accidentally  been shut up there and was undoubtedly starving   these letters are very strange void observed  looking up at me I wonder to what the silence  

    Refers I don’t know I said there’s evidently some  very good reason that they’ve been concealed here   as I was speaking I took from beneath some letters  still remaining in the secret drawer Boyd had   opened a wooden pill box from which I removed the  lid they’re being disclosed the small quantity  

    Of a peculiar grayish blue Powder hello Boyd  exclaimed with a quick glance at it what’s that I   wonder No Label on the box it looks suspicious yes  I agreed I wonder what it is that it should be so  

    Carefully concealed leave it aside for a moment  he said then taking up a large envelope which   while I had been reading the letters he had been  carefully examining he drew from it to photographs   do you recognize the originals of these the  inquired with a great smile great happens I  

    Guess why they are the man and the woman whom  we found at Fillmore place exactly he said in   a voice of Satisfaction Just as his assistant  re-entered then before I could recover from   my bewilderment he took up the little wooden box  exclaiming this powder here is a very suspicious  

    Circumstance but we’ll test it at once turning  to the local officer he said I saw you eating   something when you met us and you put part of  it in your pocket what was it a sandwich my  

    Wife always makes me want when I go out on night  Duty the man explained have you any of it left   her answer he drew from his pocket a portion of  an uneaten sandwich and placed it upon the table  

    Boyd with his pocket knife cut off a piece of  the meat upon it sprinkled the grain or so of the   mysterious powder and threw it down to the Hungry  Cat which was mewing loudly and purring around our  

    Legs the thin creature ravenously hungry devoured  it but aired 10 seconds at task and while we all   three were watching attentively it staggered with  a faint cry and almost without a struggle rolled   over dead as I suspected Boyd observed turning  to me this is the powder from the herbalist  

    End of chapter 20. this is  audiobook caboodle YouTube channel   place for finest collection of audio books and  novels chapter 21 under the lead and seal so   far continued boy thoughtfully pushing his  hat to the back of his head we proved one  

    Thing that this stuff is poison yes I said but  these photographs is it not extraordinary that   we find them here among Ava’s possessions it’s all  Extraordinary he answered the letters more strange   than anything and he unlocked the third drawer  expectantly only however to find it contained  

    Something small wrapped in a piece of dirty  wash leather he placed it before him carefully   opening it and disclosing something which causes  both to give bent to exclamations of surprise   inside was the most commonplace object yet to us  it had a meaning peculiarly tragic a single penny  

    Both of us recollected vividly the finding of  a similar coin carefully wrapped in paper upon   the body of the man at Fillmore place and there  must be decided to be some mysterious connection   between our two discoveries these letters observe  Boyd putting aside the coin and its wrapping and  

    Taking up the correspondence he had been examining  when I had found the box in mysterious powder they   are all addressed to miss glaslin and in one only  as far as I can see is her mother mentioned they  

    Evidently refer to some deep Secret do you think  the silence can refer to the affairic Kensington   I suggested holding one of the letters in my hand  it’s impossible to tell the answer we have now the   clearest proof that these letters were preserved  in secret by Ava glasslin together with some  

    Unknown but fatal drug and the photographs of the  victim therefore if circumstantial evidence may   be trusted I should be inclined to believe that  these letters refer to the matter which we are   investigating perhaps indeed the Peril mentioned  in one of the letters refers to your own Endeavors  

    The fathom the mystery the whole thing is utterly  bewildering I said rereading the letter in my hand   a communication which certainly was of a most  veiled character evidently being typewritten   to disguise The Writer’s identity there is  no object whatever to be gained by adopting  

    Your suggestion it ran the only absolutely  safe course is to continue as in the past   the silence is effectual and for the present  is enough all your fears are quite groundless   show a bold front and be cautious always if you  wish to write send your letter to the old address  

    Each of the others were similarly unintelligible  except perhaps the later one in which the writer   said you are right I too have discovered  cause for apprehension apparel threatens   but if the secret is preserved it cannot arm  us with the massive papers and correspondence  

    Spread before us we all three examine  these suspicious letters very carefully   in the drawer which Boyd had opened was among  other things a few girlish Trinkets and Souvenirs   of the past and in note science Mary Blane and  dated from Liberty a couple of months before  

    In the face of recent events it was a somewhat  noteworthy missive her beginning dearest APA it   gave her an invitation for tennis on the following  day Tuesday I have also your admirer she went on   and he will no doubt come perhaps I shall be  compelled to go to town tomorrow afternoon on  

    Business the Urgent nature of which you may guess  if I do I will convey your message to the quarter   for which it is intended be careful how you act  and what you say to F meaning I suppose myself  

    For I have no great faith in him his friend  is of course entirely well disposed towards us   I passed it to Boyd and when he had read it  asked what’s your opinion of that is the person  

    Mentioned myself and is the friend actually dick  it seems so he responded with knit browse in that   case they must have long ago suspected you  of being aware of their secret this would of   course account for the Cowardly attempt to take  your life by means of this unknown drug here a I  

    Suggest it bitterly pointing to the small bot  which I had a moment before closed certainly   said the detective there can now be no further  doubt of Miss glaslin’s complicity in the affair   I wonder who is the author of these typewritten  letters I said if we knew that it would let a  

    Flood of light into the whole matter we shall I  hope discover that in due course he answered let’s   finish these investigations before discussing our  next move and he continued carefully placing back   the letters in the secret drawers now and then  pausing to re-read one which chance to attract his  

    Attention look at this he said passing one over  to me after he had glanced at it it was written   on pale green paper in a fine fashionable  woman’s hand a few brief lines which ran   my dear Ava I could not come today but shall  be there this evening everything is complete  

    When the truth becomes known the discovery  will I anticipate startled the world it must   for reasons you know remain a strict secret  do not read the word to a soul yours ever Anna   that may refer to the invention we found in the  laboratory a scientific discovery which no one  

    Has come forward to claim but who I wonder is Anna  she might be the dead woman Boyd suggested true I   agree so she might during fully half an hour we  still remained in that small cozy Boudoir which   seemed to be Ava’s own room examining everything  carefully and taking the utmost precaution to  

    Replace everything exactly as we found it in this  void displayed Real Genius whatever was moved he   rearranged it with an exactness little short of  astounding his astuteness was remarkable nothing   escaped him now that he was on the trail yet  as I wondered about examining things here and  

    There I could not repress a feeling of reproach  or had I not after all assisted in this secret   search which had resulted so disastrously for  the strange mysterious woman I so dearly love   she was now under the suspicion of the police they  would keep her under surveillance for the evidence  

    We had already obtained was sufficient to induce  any magistrate to Grant a warrant for her arrest   a sudden sense of a vast immeasurable loss fell  upon me the small box containing the grayish blue   Powder had been replaced in the concealed  drawer and everything had been rearranged  

    In the room when the local officer said at the  end of the corridor there’s another sitting room   very well Boyd answered let’s see what it’s  like and we all three lights at hand followed   our guide until we entered a smaller sitting room  an easel stood in it and it was apparently used  

    By Ava as a studio her she I knew took lessons in  painting upon the easels through the canvas half   finished while near the door was a small writing  table the one long drawer of which was locked  

    The lock was a common one and quickly yielded  to Boyd’s skeleton keys but within we only found   another collection of old letters a quantity of  pencil sketches colors and other odds and ends   connected with their art studies Boyd was turning  them over methodically but suddenly an involuntary  

    Exclamation escaped him ah what’s this he  ejaculated at the same time drawing for the card   about the size of a lady’s visiting card and held  it out to me upon it was drawn in ink a circle  

    It was executed in exactly the same manner as that  we had found concealed beneath the plates in the   dining room at philomar place again he turned the  things over and Drew out three or four other cards  

    Of similar size and style each bearing a device  one having upon its face the straight line exactly   like that we had found in Kensington you recognize  these devices he inquired of course I responded   in an odd voice utterly bewildered what I wonder  can they denote he Shrugged his shoulders examined  

    Each card carefully beneath the Rays of his lamp  felt it and after carefully examining all the   heterogeneous collection of things in the drawer  place them back again closed it and re-locked it   those cards bear some very important part in  the tragedy I feel assured he said when he  

    Had finished and turned to me with a puzzle  of expression they look innocent enough and   the devices are in no way forbidding nevertheless  it is strange that we find here in her possession   exact duplicates not only of the cards but  also of that coin carried by the dead man  

    It’s all utterly astounding I declared then with  a touch of poignant regret and despair I added   all these discoveries would cause me the highest  gratification if I did not love her as fondly as   I do you surely could not make a murderous your  wife Irwin my friend said in this matter remember  

    That we are striving to Fathom a mystery which is  one of the most profound and remarkable that has   ever been recorded at the yard I know I answered  glancing around that small room wherein my well  

    Beloved had spent her days in the study of Art but  what I cannot understand is how being an actual   victim of the tragedy she is nevertheless  at the same time implicated in the affair   that will be made plain later he said with  an error confidence one thing is quite clear  

    That she purchased certain poisons which are  only known to those well-versed in toxicology   we have that on Old Lowry’s own authority if then  she bought this drug It could only be for one   purpose namely to commit murder well she made an  attempt upon you therefore why should you Endeavor  

    To Shield her because I love her I answered still  unconvinced by his argument love is entirely out   of the question in this matter my dear fellow he  said with a gesture of impatience she may have   fascinated you because of her unusual Beauty but  beyond that well in six months time you’ll thank  

    Providence that you’ve not married her mark my  words that was exactly what she herself had said   are reflected she had prophecied that one day air  long I would hate the very mention of her name   from room to room we passed examining  everything allowing nothing to escape us  

    There was a surely no sign of poverty in that  house but really the reverse a lavish display   across the objects which showed that its owner was  capricious with money at her command no expense   seemed to have been spared to render that Abode  the acne of comfort and modern convenience in one  

    Of the bedrooms in that same Corridor a room which  we decided was Ava’s room for various dresses and   other things it contained we found standing upon  the table a large panel photograph of a kind-faced   middle-aged woman which the local officer at once  recognized as that of lady glasslin avoid taking  

    It up examine it long and earnestly beneath the  light of the bullseye devilishly good looking for   a woman of her age he remarked thoughtfully  as he slowly replaced it upon the table  

    Do you know he had it turning to me I fancy I met  her somewhere but where I can’t for the life of   me recollect what do you know about the family  very little Beyond what’s in Burke which only  

    Devotes great lines to them the baronessee was  conferred in 1839 and Lady glaslin’s husband Sir   Thomas died six years ago no mention is made of  their country see so I presume they haven’t won   Boyd stroked his beard and gave vent to a low  grunt of Doubt well he said I’m almost positive  

    That I’d met her before somewhere I wonder where  it was quickly we rearranged the articles in the   room which we had Disturbed and passed on to the  next the door of which faced us forming the end  

    Of the long Corridor hello boy cried what does  this mean we both looked and by the Light of the   lantern saw that the door was a double one and  that right across it was a long bar of steel or  

    Iron painted ingrained the color of wood so as  not to be noticeable and securing it strongly   this is decidedly funny the detective continued  bending down to examine something look it’s sealed   I bent eagerly beside him and there saw that the  great sliding bolt ran in three large hats and  

    That one of the knobs of the bolt was secured  by wire to the house the two ends of the wire   being secured together by a round seal of molten  lead about the size of a shilling by this the   boat was rendered immovable extraordinary  I guessed as we all stood wondering what  

    Might be there in concealed if we cut the wire  then our presence here will be betrayed I said   but Boyd who was still examining the seal with  great care exclaimed at last pointing to it  

    Do you see two letters on the seal R and M  yes I answered what do you think they do note   they tell us how this seal was impressed  the detective responded these initials stand   for ready mediterranea and the Machine with  which the seal has been impressed is one of  

    Those used at every Italian Railway Station to  seal merchandise and passengers baggage it has   certainly been placed upon the Wire by one who  knew how to handle the instrument with dexterity   then there must be something in the room which  her ladyship desires to keep secret I remark  

    Both amazed and excited at this latest discovery  yes remarked Boyd at all hazards we must explore   but how I queried without tampering with the seal  his brow clouded for a few moments then again he   examined the seal and wire with the utmost care  he stood motionless looking at it for fully  

    Admitted then turning to the local officer said  I’m going downstairs for a moment don’t touch it   till I return we both sat upon an ottoman in the  corridor for nearly a quarter of an hour during   which time we heard noises downstairs until Boyd  at last rejoined us with a look of satisfaction  

    In his face and bearing in his hands something  which looked like a huge pair of Rusty shears   with wooden handles I thought I’d find it he  observed wiping the perspiration from his brow   his hands and face were blackened as though  he had been groping in a Cellar this is the  

    Seal and opening his other hand he displayed  an old discolored pewter t-spone adding and   here’s a bit of lead or what’s as good I took the  sealing machine from him and examined it carefully   it was red with dust and had apparently been  thrown aside and neglected for a long time  

    Now said boy to his assistant at lit a fire  downstairs in the kitchen and by the time we’ve   done it’ll be sufficiently fierce to melt the lead  then you intend to break open the door I exclaimed  

    He smiled and for answer took from his pocket  a champagne knife cutting the wire with a sharp   click untwisting it from the knob and placing it  with his seal in his pocket a breathless eagerness   we watched him push back the bolt and stood  expected but when he tried the door he found it  

    To be still locked again he went swiftly to work  with his bunch of queer looking keys and at last   he saw one of them gently turn and he pushed  wide open the door of the Chamber of Secrets  

    Next second the bright light avoids Bullseye  flashed into the interior and all three of us fell   back with exclamations of surprise and horror our  Discovery was truly astounding the horrible sight   was most weird and terrifying upon the threshold  I stood speechless utterly unable to move for the  

    Ghastly spectacle made my hair rise as my eyes  became riveted upon the noise some interior of   that long closed chamber our nostrils were filled  with a fetid nauseating smell of Decay which burst   upon us as the door was open and at the shock  of witnessing the repulsive sight within the  

    Candlelight had held dropped from my trembling  fingers and was extinguished slowly however I   recovered it taking a light from the one held by  my friend’s assistant and then entered the place   it was not a large room but the shutters of  the window had way afterwards discovered been  

    Secured by screws and strongly barred in the  center was a square table covered with dust   and several common wooden chairs stood around in  the empty rusted grates go to Kettle and a couple   of cooking pots while upon a side table were  a few plates and a couple of cups and saucers  

    Along one side stood at Old Camp bedstead  and lying upon it half covered with a dirty   blanket was a figure that had once been human but  which was now a sight so gruesome and so horrible  

    That even Boyd used as he was with such things  Drew away and held his handkerchief to his nose   the features were beyond recognition but by the  shortness of the hair of the body was evidently   that of a man one arm hung helpless shriveled and  discolored while on the floor close by were the  

    Broken portions of a cup which had evidently  fallen for the dead man’s claw-like fingers   this is another face her Boyd exclaimed in a tone  of absolute bewilderment I wonder who he was it   seems by the pots and plates that he was held  a prisoner here an invalid or imbecile perhaps  

    Unable to help himself evidently the servants  knew nothing of him for he cooked his food himself   let’s get outside in the passage to  breathe the air is enough to poison one   half choked we went outside all three of us  and discussed the startling situation while  

    Breathing the pure air I offered both my companion  cigarettes which they lit eagerly with myself then   after a few minutes we returned and resumed our  investigations about the room were several books   in French and German treating a political economy  and other subjects a couple of old newspapers two  

    Or three novels and a number of scientific books  which showed their reader to be an educated man   the room had originally been a bathroom we  concluded for there was a water tap and a   large pipe for waste and this unfortunate man  whoever he was had evidently not existed holy  

    In darkness her on examining the shutters we  found that one of the panels was movable and   at that spot the pane of glass was broken thus  admitting both light and air again there was a   small gas stove ring used so universally in London  to boil petals and this was still connected by a  

    Flexible pipe to a gas bracket on the wall hence  it was quite apparent that the room had been   specifically fitted for the occupation of the  unknown man now dead upon the dusty table were   several pieces of writing paper covered with some  writing in German a language which I unfortunately  

    Could not read while beside them I picked up  an object which held me amazed and astounded   a playing card similar to those we had found at  Fillmore place and among Ava’s secret possessions   Beyond those writings in German we found nothing  else to give us a clue to whom the dead man might  

    Be and even these writings were no proof as to  his identity we found no writing materials there   hence our doubt that the writing had been traced  by his hand into every hole in crevice we peered   disturbing the rats who had scampered here and  there on our unexpected intrusion but discovering  

    Nothing else of a special interest we after about  half an hour went forth glad to escape from the   poisonous atmosphere I closed and locked the door  when Boyd cutting out a piece of bell wire from   one of the bedrooms re-secured the bolt and after  melting the pewter spoon Below in the kitchen fire  

    Replaced the seal in such a manner that none  could tell it had ever been Disturbed truly   our midnight search had been approved for one what  might next transpire I’d rather think all was so   mysterious so utterly astounding that I had become  entirely bewildered end of chapter 21 chapter 22.  

    In defiance of the law the discovery of the  horror concealed within that closed room open   out an entirely fresh development of the mystery  on discussing it with Boyd after we had stealthily   left the house we were in complete agreement that  the dead man must have either been in hiding there  

    Or else being an imbecile had been kept under  restraint the fact of the door being barred   on the outside strengthened Boyd’s belief in the  latter Theory while I made the suggestion that he   might have been imprisoned and died of starvation  no Boyd answered I don’t agree with you there or  

    It is quite plain that lady glaslin must have  been aware of his presence and perhaps indeed   arranged the room there was every evidence that he  was supplied with food at intervals and cooked it   himself which shows that even if an invalid he  was sufficiently active my idea is that he may  

    Have been some relation whose dominant condition  her ladyship wished to keep from her friends   and other members of the family and that having  died suddenly she was compelled to lock and seal   the door dreading the publicity of a Coroner’s  inquiry when the truth must have been made public  

    True I said that’s of course a very feasible  Theory but if she were in the secret Ava too   must have known of course he said she could tell  us everything if she chooses it’s a Pity that the  

    Dead Man’s face is unrecognizable again is it not  strange that we should have found in there one of   those same cards yes rather responded my friend  but at present it is useless to advance all kinds   of wild theories we must stick closely to facts  if we would succeed We Have Tonight made certain  

    Discoveries startling enough in all conscience  and among them have elucidated the secret Which   lady glaslin has hidden from everyone now we  must seek to discover the motive which caused   her to apply that seal to the door as well as  ascertaining the reason her daughter has that  

    Mysterious drug among her possessions together  with the photographs of the two unknown victims   I wonder how long it is since the man died in that  room I said what a horrible existence he must have   led shut up there gaining all this light and air  through a broken pane of glass he was studious  

    At any rate judging from the character of the  books with which he had been supplied and the   linguists too void remarked remembering that the  books were in other languages besides English   strange that the Curiosity of the servants was  not aroused I said they would be certain to wonder  

    What was in a room sealed up as that is to satisfy  them would be easy enough the detective answered   her ladyship undoubtedly told them that certain  family heirlooms old furniture or something was   stowed away there and that the seal had been  placed upon them by their trustees or somebody  

    Trust a woman for an excuse and he smiled grimly  we walked on together for some time in complete   silence the young day grew wider and brighter and  redder in the sky we had passed through Twickenham   and now in the dawn we’re making our way towards  Richmond whence we could catch the early workman’s  

    Train to Waterloo you must keep your friend clue  in entire ignorance of all this tell him you’ve   been out to visit some friends say it Ealing or  Uxbridge or somewhere and that they compel you to   stay the night if he were to know the whole result  of our investigations might be rendered aborted  

    Of course I’ll do as you wish I answered but I  can’t for the life of me see why you entertain   any suspicion of Dick he’s been all along eager  and ready to assist me to clear up the mystery to  

    Publish the details of the Curious Affair scenes  as one object Boyd smiled again with Veil sarcasm   and a very interesting story he’ll have for  publication it appears to me he said laughing   then he added after a second’s pause one of  the oddest facts in the whole Affair is that  

    The pair we found dead in Fillmore Place  have never been missed by their friends   or the dead man at The Hollies for the matter of  that I have it yes he said in dubious tone there  

    Are yet some facts which we must learn air we can  piece the queer puzzle together and read the whole   only then can we discover who was the man  whom lady glaslin has so carefully hidden   it’s a devilish funny business to say the least  has it occurred to you that she may have left  

    Not intending to return I asked well no he  responded I scarcely think she has flown or   her daughter would have secured the contents of  a restaurant she evidently believes her secret   quite safe and is therefore entirely Fearless the  Richmond Road with its many trees was pleasant  

    In that hour when the clear Rose flush Dawn was  still in the sky and as we walked the cool wind   rose fragrant with the smell of the wet grass  refreshing after the fetid atmosphere of that   closed room and its gruesome occupant we chatted  on discussing the startling discoveries we had  

    Made he giving me certain instructions until  we got to the station and entered a compartment   the latter being crowded with workmen further  conversations on the subject was precluded   soon after six I returned to Grace Inn and making  an excuse to dick for my absence snatched an hour  

    Sleep before going down to my office my heart was  hard my blood fire fate had been merciless I began   to think something had happened old chap dickett  said when I had entered his room and awakened him  

    He sat up in bed and looked at me rather Strangely  I thought then he added you don’t seem as though   you’ve had much sleep wherever you’ve been in my  excitement I quite forgotten that my clothes were  

    Dirty and torn and my face unwashed and I fancied  that his point at remark caused a slight flush to   rise to my cheeks how I perform my duties that  morning I scarcely knew for my brain was in a  

    Whirl with the Amazing Discoveries of the past  night I loved Ava yet the contents of those   concealed drawers were sufficient in themselves to  convince Boyd of her guilt a fearful and Perpetual   dread sees me lest she should be arrested Boyd’s  method of work was I knew always bold and decisive  

    A detective to be successful must act without  hesitation in this affair he had obtained evidence   which from every point of view proved but one fact  and one alone her gel indeed I now remembered with   bitterness how she had to me openly declared  herself guilty how she had prophecied that one  

    Day I should hate all mention of her name did  it not seem quite clear too that this very drug   which I had found in the small wooden box the  drug which had been instantly fatal to the poor  

    Brood upon which we had tried it was the same  which had been administered to me by her hand   when I thought of that I felt glad that  I had assisted my friend of Scotland Yard   and that with my own hands had Unearthed  evidence which must lead to her conviction  

    Her arrest was I knew from my friend’s remarks  only a matter of days perhaps indeed of hours   you can’t now seek to Shield Miss glaslin he  had remarked when we had been waiting for the   train a Richmond platform the proofs are far too  strong if we could only discover the author of  

    Those type written letters we would be able to  find out what the silence refers to and to move   with much more certainty as we can’t we must  fix our Theory firmly and act boldly upon it  

    Do you mean that you intend to apply for a warrant  against her I inquire dismay we shall obtain   one against somebody but who it may be of course  depends entirely upon the result of our subsequent   investigations people don’t keep bodies locked up  in their houses without some very strong motive  

    It now struck me as exceedingly strange why  Ava should have been so anxious to prevent   me revisiting riverdine she had hinted that the  blames were my enemies yet was it not more likely   that my presence reminded her too vividly of  her sin and she also feared the Vengeance of  

    Mary Blane there was undoubtedly some deep  motive underlying this effort to prevent   me visiting the planes but as I reflected  upon it I failed to decide what it might be   she had spoken of it as though it were for my  benefit and as if she had my welfare at heart yet  

    I could not fail to detect how hollow was the Sham  for the blames were my friends of long-standing   and since my visit and Mary’s request my  welcome had always been a most cordial one   Mary had certainly no cause for jealousy for she  and I had on several occasions when alone on the  

    River spoken of the past she had indeed ridiculed  my boyish love for her and observed that we were   both older and more discreet nowadays I had  long been assured by her words and her attitude   that her affection for me if she had really  ever entertained any had entirely passed away  

    No I could not understand Ava’s present attitude  it was entirely an enigma she seemed filled with   some nameless Terror the reason of which our  discoveries seemed to prove up to the hill   day followed day each to me full of anxiety  and bewilderment on parting from Boyd he  

    Had told me to remain impatience until he  communicated with me I was not to return to   riverdine neither was I to mention a single  word to Dick regarding recent occurrences   I wandered from end to end of London day after  day recording the events which daily crop up in  

    The Metropolis it seemed to me as if those days  would never end I saw nothing but the face of a   the world which it seemed to me so  beautiful had changed heaven was cruel   it created loveliness only to pollute and  deform it afterwards out of my dreams I was  

    Brought face to face with facts that sickened  me the old landmarks of my faith were gone   whatever happy hopefulness of nature I possessed  was crushed I was bewildered and sick at heart   yet through it all I could not thrust away from  me Ava’s wondrous Beauty her form her gaze her  

    Smile her sigh I could think of nothing else yet  the mockery of it all stunned me to Despair and   despair as man’s most frequent visitor a week  thus passed I saw her in the air in the clouds  

    Everywhere her voice rang in my ears she was  so lovely and yet she was so vile a poisoner   one afternoon I had returned to Grace in unusually  early about three o’clock put on my old Lounge   coat a river Blazer and sat down to write up  an interview for publication next day when  

    I heard a ring at the door voices outside the  room and a few moments later Mrs jode entered   saying as a lady wants to see you sir a lady I  exclaimed turning quickly in my chair ask her in  

    I Rose brushing down my hair with my hand and  next moment found myself face to face with Ava   she Advanced with her hand outstretched and a  smile upon her face that countenance that was   ever before me in my Daydreams how fortunate I am  to find you in she exclaimed half breathless after  

    The ascent of the stairs I’ve been to your office  and they told me that you were probably at home   it is I who am fortunate I answered laughing gayly  placing the armchair for her and drawing out a   little open footstool A Relic from some bygone  generation of men who had tented those grimy  

    Old rooms with a sigh she seated herself and then  for the first time I noticed the deathly pallor of   her cheeks even her thick Veil did not conceal it  she was in Black neat as usual but her skirt was  

    Unbrushed and Dusty and her hair was just a trifle  awry as though she had been traveling about some   hours I have called upon you here for the first  and for the last time she said in a broken voice  

    Looking seriously across to me as The Unwanted  tears sprang into her eyes the last time I echoed   what do you mean I have come to wish you farewell  she said in a low-faltering voice I am leaving   London my mother and I are going abroad abroad  where I cried dismayed my mother’s health is  

    Not good and the doctor has ordered her to the  South immediately he says that she must never   return to this climate because it will hasten her  malady to a fatal termination therefore in future   we must be exiles she was looking straight into  my face as she spoke and those great wondrous  

    Eyes of hers that I had believed to be so pure and  honest never wavered I leave tomorrow and join her   she at it then she is already gone I exclaimed  the truth at once flashing upon me that lady  

    Glasslin had actually fled yes the doctor has so  frightened her that I could not induce her to stay   in pack I shall join her in Paris she explained  quite calmly there is no help for it we must part  

    But surely I said in desperation you will  not lead me thus you will return to England   sometimes I really don’t know she answered in a  strained hoarse voice at least you will give me   hope that someday you will be my wife Ava I said  tenderly grasping her hand which seemed limp and  

    Trembling you know how fondly I love you how I  started quickly and turned puzzled at the unusual   sound of voices without finishing the sentence  one voice I recognized speaking in deep tones to  

    Mrs jode and dropping the hand I held I rushed out  closing the door behind me as I did so I came face   to face with Boyd accompanied by two plainclothes  officers we’ve followed her here he explained she  

    Means to get away abroad therefore we must now  execute the warrant I regret it for your sake   at a loud piercing shrieked from within told  me that she had overheard those faithful words   no I cried by having you should arrest her and  I resolutely barred his passage to the Inner  

    Room as I love her you shall never enter there  she shall never be taken as a common Criminal   end of chapter 22 record chapter 23 her ladyship  Boyd seeing my Fierce determination held back a  

    Look of undisguised annoyance upon his face I have  a duty to perform I beg of you not to obstruct me   Mr Irwin he said coldly it is quite as unpleasant  to me as to you unpleasant I Echo I tell you that  

    You shall not arrest her and I stood firmly  with my back to the door of my room come he   said in a tone of persuasion this action of yours  cannot benefit her in the least she has made every  

    Preparation for flight her trunk is in a cloak  room a chair and cross station and she means   within an hour to get away to the continent let me  pass I shall not I roared in that case I shall be  

    Compelled to use Force however much I regret it as  he uttered these words the door was suddenly flung   back and I saw Ava’s tragic almost unirial figure  in the opening she was white to the lips her   countenance terribly Juan and Haggard enough she  cried hoarsely let the police enter I am ready and  

    She tottered back clutching at the corner of my  writing table for support her outward Purity and   innocence brought rare equipment for the committal  of a crime who indeed would have suspected her of   guile an Intrigue When Love Is Dead there is no  God we were standing together in my sitting room  

    Boyd being our only companion a dozen times I had  implored her to speak the truth but without a bail   she stood pale and trembling yet still silent  before us Terror held her dumb those who turned   King’s evidence obtained free pardon the detective  Gravely observed speaking for the first time  

    She laughed a little to herself you must have  striven forever in vain to solve the mystery   she answered at last apparently bracing herself up  for an effort those who aimed that terrible blow   so Swift and so fatal were not the kind of persons  to be ever caught napping they never made a false  

    Move and always took such elaborate precautions  that to solve the Enigma would be impossible   to anyone unacquainted with previous events her  breast Rose and fell quickly in her wild agitation   she was stirred by emotion to the depths of her  being I was weak and helpless she faltered God  

    Knows how I have suffered how deep has been my  repentance hear me to the end she urged turning   her fine eyes to mine then when I have told you  my wretched and astounding story Frank judge  

    Me as you think fit for I am yours speak I said  anxiously my Justice shall be tempered with Mercy   by that sentence she had acknowledged her love for  me but now I hesitated she was accused of murder  

    Then I must begin at the very beginning for it  is a long and most complicated story a story   of a deep late intriguing conspiracy and of  a duplicity extraordinary she said her thin   nerveless hand trembling in mind as I held her  with my arm about her waist in the days when  

    I had reached my 16th birthday I lived with my  mother abroad in Italy for the most part because   it was cheap and further because my father who had  been guilty of certain Shady transactions had been   compelled to fly from England he had treated my  mother shamefully therefore they were separated  

    And mother and I lived economically in these  cheap pensions in Florence and Rome which seemed   to exist as asylums for the well-bred needy a few  days after I was 16 while we were at an obscure   pension in Siena my mother took Thai food and  died leading the absolutely alone in the world  

    And practically penniless nearly a year before we  had received the letter from my father solicitor   in London stating that he had died in poverty and  Buenos Aires therefore I was utterly alone the   position of a friendless girl on the continent is  always serious she said with a catch in her voice  

    Acting upon the advice of some English people  in the pension I went to Florence and saw there   the council General who not only gave me money  from the British Relief Fund which is supported   by English residents in that City but also  interested himself actively upon my behalf  

    And obtained for me a post as governess in  a wealthy Italian family living near bologna   in their service I remained nearly three years  until by the death of the head of the house the   family became scattered when I took a fresh  engagement with the lady who advertised her  

    An English companion she was a madame de mop a  good-looking woman of 45 whose father I understood   had been Italian and whose mother English she  spoke English quite as well as I did and had a   fine apartment in Florence where she received  a good deal for she was well known there with  

    The winter over we traveled first to Paris where  we stayed several months and then to Switzerland   our life was pleasant as Madame had plenty of  money and we always lived at the best hotels she   paused and Drew a long breath there was hardness  about her mouth and tears were in her eyes  

    It was in Zurich that I had my first misgivings  for there one day in late Autumn we were joined   by a strange Old Gentleman apartment by name whom  I understood was madame’s brother a curious old   fellow whose main object in life appeared to be  the carrying out of certain scientific experiments  

    He remained with us in the same hotel for  nearly a fortnight during which time Madame   who was extremely well educated held frequent  consultations with him upon scientific matters   until one day I was overjoyed when she announced  that we were all free to go straight to London  

    Then the lady glasslin at The Hollies was not  your mother I guessed profoundly amazed at this   revelation I am about to explain she went on in  a hard voice on the Night Before Our departure   from Zurich I chanced to pass the Dorman Dam’s  bedroom after everybody had retired to rest and  

    Seeing a light issuing from the keyhole was  prompted by Natural Curiosity to Peak Within   what I saw was certainly strange in one hand she  was holding an unopened bottle of Benedictine   liquor upside down while with the other she took  a hypodermic syringe filled with some liquid and  

    With a long thin needle pierced to Cork then  slowly and with infinite care she injected   the flip from the tiny glass syringe afterwards  she withdrew the hollow needle glanced at the   parchment capsule beneath the light and having  satisfied herself that the puncture made was  

    Quite unnoticeable she shook the bottle so as  to thoroughly mix the injected liquid with the   liqueur then I saw her wrap the bottle carefully  in a number of towels and place it in her trunk   next day when packing I glanced at the bottle  with some curiosity examining the parchment  

    Covering the cork but so tiny had been the  puncture that I failed to discover the hole   the parchment hat I think been touched with  gum which had caused the tiny hole to close   that liqueur was evidently poisoned  void remarked his brows knit in thought  

    Yes she answered I have every reason to believe  so although the true State of Affairs did not   dawn upon me until long afterwards when alone in  our compartment in the wagon lit between basil and   Calais Madame however made a very extraordinary  proposal to me she confessed that her husband  

    Had been made the scapegoat of some financial  fraud in England and was in hiding somewhere   near Paris therefore in going back she feared  that as she went under her right name damas that   the police would begin to make active inquiries  regarding Monsoor she wished she said to avoid  

    This and set up a house in some pleasant suburb of  London so as to have appear to tear in the country   she so dearly loved now my mother was dead and no  friends in England knew her so many years had she  

    Lived on the continent why should she not pass as  lady glasslin and I as her daughter at first this   proposal utterly staggered me but when she pointed  out how much more I would be respected as her  

    Daughter instead of her companion and told me of  the manner in which he intended to live a matter   befitting her assumed station I at length gave  my consent for which he made the oppressant there   and then of a very acceptable banknote then that  woman only poses your mother I exclaimed she was  

    Not the real lady glaslin certainly not answered  my beloved frankly at first I was very indisposed   to be a party to any such transactions but she  had shown me so many kindnesses and had always  

    Been so generous that I a friendless girl felt  compelled to a seed uh if I had but known what   lay behind all that outward show of Good Feelings  of sympathy I would have cast a recursive money  

    From me as I would have cast the gold of Satan I  would rather have made matches for a starvation   wage or Slave at a shop counter than have remained  one day longer beneath the root but she was full   of cool Ingenuity and marvelous cunning and on  my acceptance of this proposal instantly set  

    To work to buy me further to secrecy this was not  difficult at last for I was entirely unsuspicious   of treachery at least of all of my generous  friend and benefactor after some search in many   interviews with house agents we found The Hollies  which he purchased together with a Furniture  

    Just as it stood an airline neighbors began to  call upon us and we soon entered local Society   many times in those dull winter days I pondered  long and deeply upon what I had seen in Zurich   wondering for what reason she had so carefully  prepared the bottle which it passed the customs  

    Of Charing Cross undiscovered and still remain  blocked in the traveling trunk surrounded by the   wrappings she had placed upon it was any of the  liquor given to anyone asked Bond grimly there   she could respond the door was thrown open and  Dick entered with Lily Lowry he had it transpired  

    Gone that day and they sought her forgiveness in  a single glance he realized what had occurred and   without a word he closed the door and both  stood in silence to listen to her statement   how strange a thing is this life of us we  are in Hell one hour and in heaven the next  

    End of chapter 23 chapter 24. the truth revealed  remain patient and I’ll explain Ava answered   glancing at the newcomers first however  let me relay the very curious circumstance   Hartman who lives somewhere in London we saw  seldom but very soon after taking possession  

    Of The Hollies there one day called an old friend  of madamez accompanied by her husband they were   the blames Mrs Blaine afterwards came frequently  to us at The Hollies and we often spent the day   at riverdine while so intimate did the two  women become that Madame took the house next  

    To that Reddit by Mrs Blaine in Kensington next  door I gasped astounded in Upper Fillmore place   yes the house next to the one you entered on  that fatal night was in the occupation of adapt   she explained we seldom went there however  although I personally preferred the bright  

    Light in Kensington to that at Hampton for many  private conversations meaning looks and mysterious   whisperings exchanged between Madame and Mrs  Blaine there was soon aroused within me a vague   suspicion that something secret was in progress  I’d liked old Mr Blaine exceedingly and Mary  

    Became my best friend nevertheless my misgivings  were strengthened when one day Hartman unusually   shabbily dressed and accompanied by the blanes  arrived at The Hollies and the trio were closeted   for quite an hour with madame at length there also  arrived a youngish good-looking man with a lady of  

    About his own age and they were at once admitted  to the drawing room being enthusiastically   welcoming after half an hour or so we all died  together but in the drawing room before dinner I   noticed two tumblers half filled with dirty water  in one a tiny glass rod evidently used for mixing  

    As though Hartman had been exhibiting some of  his sacred experiments on entering the dining   room Madame introduced her new guest to me as Mr  and Mrs culture and sitting beside the husband I   found him a most interesting and intelligent man  who literally adored his wife in the course of  

    The conversation it transpired that the newly  arrived pair were from India and had taken the   Blaine’s townhouse for the season and further  that Parkman who had apparently become one of   their most intimate friends have established his  laboratory in one of the top rooms of that house  

    She paused and glanced across to the detective  who was listening attentively with folded arms   as she related her story her great Clear Eyes  became more luminous a week later she continued   we went to London and there saw a good deal of  her next door neighbors Madam was on terms of  

    The closest intimacy with them and frequently  we would dine there or they would dine with   us while one evening Hartman who did not live  there but only came to continue his scientific   studies assisted by Mr Kerr who took the keenest  interest in them invited us up into his laboratory  

    And after showing us Mr Kerr’s collection of  pet Indian snakes which I confess and did not   appreciate he exhibited to us an experiment  which he told us had never been successfully   accomplished by any other man except himself  namely the liquefaction of hydrogen who succeeded  

    This he told us all his efforts have been directed  for years and now that he had successfully solved   the problem he would one day launch it upon  the scientific world as a bull from the blue   our friends gave excellent dinners were evidently  possessed of almost unlimited means and were never  

    So happy as when the blames in ourselves were  at their table of playing cards with them soon   however another matter caused us deep reflection  one evening at The Hollies after the Blaine’s at   Heartland had been closely closeted with Madame  discussing as they so often did their Private  

    Affairs I found lying beneath a book upon the  table had apparently overlooked several playing   cards and others with devices lines and circles  roughly drawn an ink then two or three days later   when I chanced to call in at the curse I noticed  stuck behind a mirror over the mantle shelf some  

    Cards exactly similar I was alone therefore my  curiosity prompted me to examine them upon them   I found exactly similar devices ah what connection  had those cards with the affair interrupted dick   a very curious one she responded yet now firm  in her determination to tell us everything  

    Their Discovery caused me a good deal of thought  especially as the secret consultations with Mr   Blaine became more frequent when after a fortnight  or so in London we returned to The Hollies one day   however a further incident happened which was  to say the least extraordinary well alone in  

    Madame’s bedroom the cook entered asking for some  coppers to pay for some small article which she   had brought she wanted seven Pence I had only  six pence in my purse but remembering that in   the little cabinet where Madame kept her Jewels  I had seen a penny on the previous day I unlocked  

    It and took it out strangely enough this Penny  was wrapped up in paper I took it in my hand   to turn it over to assure myself that it was not  any rare foreign coin and was about to hand it to  

    The Cook when Madame herself came in what’s that  you have she cried in an instant pale-faced in an   alarm I told her that I had taken the penny  from the cabinet whereupon she betrayed the   greatest apprehension and snatched up a piece  of paper in which she carefully re-wrapped it  

    Then telling me on no account to again touch it  or open it she gave the cook a penny from her   pocket and dismissed her almost next instant  I felt an Indescribable numbness in the hand  

    That it held the Forbidden coin the fingers seemed  paralyzed and I had a faint idea that I had felt a   strange roughness about the face of the copper as  though it had been chipped I complained to Madame  

    Of curious feeling where a Punchy fluid were small  traveling Medicine Chest which he always kept lock   and took there from a vial from which she poured  a few drops of a dark green liquid into a glass of  

    Water there she said retrained quite undue alarm  I thought drink that you’ll be better very quickly   I gulped it down it tasted very bitter but within  a quarter of an hour I felt in a further pain   my hand had in a few seconds commenced to  swell but the medicine it once arrested it  

    Until long afterwards it never occurred to  me that upon that Penny was one of those   Insidious but most deadly of poisons known to  toxicologists which entering an abrasion of the   skin would have quickly proved fatal had not  my employer at once administered an antidote  

    Later I succeeded in obtaining possession  of that coin and found upon it a series of   almost infinitesimal steel points a puncture of  scratch from any one of which must result in death   I recollected how we had discovered that  coin in a respiratory we might congratulate  

    Ourselves that neither of us had held it in our  hands without his Rapids for a long time I was   greatly puzzled by these and other circumstances  certain scraps of conversation which I overheard   between Madame and Blaine and between my  employer and Hartman increased my suspicions  

    And especially so when I found Madame carrying  on a series of secret experiments in her own   rooms often boiling certain decoctions over the  tiny Spirit lamp used to heat her curling irons   several of the liquids thus manufactured she  placed in the tiny vials of her medicine chest  

    All this time while passing everywhere as my  mother lady glasslin she was extremely kind to me   until I even began to believe that my suspicions  were unfounded only now do I know how subtle was   her cunning how ingenious and how daring she was  one day in April I however had my suspicions still  

    More deeply strengthened by a strange request she  made to me namely that if at any time I should   chance to witness any uncommon scene at her house  that I would Breathe No word to a single soul   this struck me as peculiar and I demanded the  reason whereupon she smiled giving me bluntly  

    To understand that my own safety lay alone in  my secrecy and pointing out that by obtaining   quantities of goods and jewelry on credit as I had  done at her request from firms in Regent Street   and Oxford Street in the name of Lady glassland I  had placed myself a great Peril of being arrested  

    For fraud I saw instantly that this woman who had  poses my friend had most cleverly spread about me   a web from which there was now no possible Escape  she evidently desired my assistance in whatever   nefarious purpose she had in view what a position  I explained then the woman had compelled you to  

    Obtain the goods by fraud in order to secure a  certain hold over you of course she answered in   a low firm tone but that’s not half the craft  and kanesh displayed as you will proceed later   I know I have acted wrongly and should have long  ago placed my suspicions before the police but  

    I feared to do so lest I should be arrested  for the fraud from day to day I lived on an   anxiety and Reckless Wonder Mrs Blaine or  playing himself being constant visitors to   The Hollies while now and then Hartman would come  down from London as if called in for consultation  

    At length one day in early chew we returned  to the house in Upper Fillmore Place Madame   announcing her intention to remain there a month  our neighbors the Colter Kurds were delighted at   our return for they seemed to know hardly a  soul in London after we had been there about  

    A week Mrs Blaine and Mary called one afternoon  and while I chatted to the ladder in the dining   room Mrs Blaine talked privately with Madame in  the room Beyond the door was closed as usual and   they were conversing only in low Whispers when  suddenly their voices became raised that he did  

    Discussion a quarrel had Arisen for I heard Mrs  Blaine exclaimed quite distinctly I tell you I   have never dreamed of any such thing and I’ll  never be a party to it such a suggestion is   horrifying then Madame spoke some low words to  which her companion responded I tell you I will  

    Not from this moment I retire from it such a thing  is Infamous I never thought that it was intended   to act in such a manner to this Madame made some  muttered observation regarding absurd Scruples   and the impossibility of detection whereupon Mrs  Blaine flounce forth in the room in a high state  

    Of indignation saying Mary it’s time we should go  dear or we shan’t be home for dinner then she made   a call to do to the woman who had been her most  into his friend and with her daughter Departed   Ava’s breath came and went rapidly in the  intensity of her emotions her thin nostrils  

    Slightly dilated and as she paused her lips were  firmly pressed together next morning at about 11   almost before Madame was ready to receive Blaine  himself called she went on he was gray-faced and   very great but after a long interview he left  in High Spirits wishing me farewell quite gayly  

    On the following day the Colter Kurds were in  great distress about their servants for both   were dishonest and upon madame’s declaration that  she could immediately find others they had been   discharged at a moment’s notice about five o’clock  that afternoon both husband and wife with whom I  

    Was on the most friendly terms came into chat  with Madame about the servants and after we had   conversed some time tea was brought of which we  all partook then Madame invited them in for Wist   after dinner as was our habit for we were all  invertebrate players about six o’clock while I  

    Uncopied Mrs Curry next door in order to prepare  their makeshift meal Mrs Kerr Madame always called   her Anna remained behind to make some arrangements  for one of our servants to go in temporarily   suddenly about 20 minutes later while I was in the  kitchen washing some salad I became conscious of a  

    Strange sharp pain which struck me across the eyes  followed almost instantly by a kind of paralysis   of the limbs and a feeling of giddiness I ascended  to the hall calling loudly for help and from the   drawing room heard Mr Kerr’s voice hoarse  and strange-tounded response with difficulty  

    I struggled up the second flight of stairs put on  entering the room where the tiny red light burned   some Curious Indian Superstition of Mrs cars I  saw in the dust that Kerr had fallen prone on  

    The floor and was motionless as one dead then help  us I tottered across to a chair and sinking into   it all Consciousness left me both Boyd and myself  stood breathless at these startling Revelations   when I came to myself she continued I was back  in madame’s house next door she had forced some  

    Liquid between my lips and was injecting some  other flute into my arms with a hypodermic syringe   I was amazed too to notice that she had changed  her dress assumed a gray wig and wore a cap with   bright ribbons in most marvelous imitation  of an old lady while I thus remained on the  

    Couch in the back sitting room dazed and only half  conscious there came a loud ring at the door and I   overheard a police officer making inquiries  of Mrs luff regarding the people next door   then I knew that Kerr’s body had been discovered  and that Madame was personating the previous  

    Occupier of that house I was not however aware at  that time of how Hartman had called upon Madame   and had carried Mrs Kurtz with small breach made  in the fencing of the garden at the rear into her  

    Own house or that eye had been brought back by the  same way into ours Madame when all was clear went   that night down to The Hollies leaving me alone  with the servants who apparently haven’t been   sent out upon errands during the events described  knew nothing I therefore kept my own counsel and  

    Recollecting having overheard blame when taking  leave of Madame on his last visit referred to   an appointment he had with Hartman in St James’s  Park I resolved also to keep it I did but instead   of meeting him she said addressing me I met you  I recollect the meeting well I answered continue  

    Well I returned to The Hollies but it was evident  from Adam’s manner that she was in deadly fear   I was not of course aware of what had actually  occurred although I entertained the horrible   suspicion that both my friends had fallen victims  she took me part of the into her confidence later  

    That day for the police she said would discover an  awkward incident next door and that she must not   be seen and recognized as Mrs love she told me  that in order to avoid any unpleasant inquiries   heartburn had entered the place before the police  and had carried away every scrap of anything that  

    Could lead to their identity and as I knew for Mrs  Kerr’s previous conversation that all his letters   were addressed to Drummond’s Bank it seemed  improbable that the bodies would be identified   it’s a very serious matter for us Madame said  to be earnestly therefore say nothing either  

    To Mrs Blaine or Mary by that another subsequent  circumstances I knew that both were an ignorance   they had no hand whatever in the ghastly Affair  or after the quarrel they never again met madam   weeks went by she continued after a pause I still  remained on friendly terms with Mrs Blaine and her  

    Daughter knowing them to be innocent madab never  went out but once or twice Hartman visited her   whenever he did so high words usually arose  regarding money it seemed and once blame who by   his family was supposed to be still in Paris came  late at night ill-dressed and dirty it was then  

    That I first learned the motive for the ingenious  conspiracy Blaine seemed an abject fear that the   police had somehow established the identity of the  dead man if so he said all had been futile Hartman  

    It appeared had a daughter whom I had never seen  and it was through her that the activity of the   police had been ascertained then turning her  eyes again to me with an undisguised love look   Ava exclaimed the tortures of conscience which  I have suffered through those summer days when  

    You declared Your Love are known to God Alone  my position was a terrible one for I saw that   by preserving this secret I had been an accessory  to a most power and cowardly crime and I held back  

    From your Embrace knowing that one day air long  I should be arrested and brought to punishment   I lived on my heart gripped by that awful sin in  which I had been unwittingly implicated then one  

    Day you called it The Hollies and I gave you some  wine from a fresh bottle which I opened myself   it was wine which Madame had specially ordered  from the stores on my account because the doctor   had prescribed pork for me that wine was poisoned  and you narrowly escaped death the Fatal drop was  

    Attended for me Hartman and Madame DeMont  had indeed brought poisoning to a fine art   was poisoned never in your possession inquired  boy greatly yes she responded without a second’s   hesitation after the efferent filamor place I  discovered Hartman’s address and from a paper in  

    Madame’s Jewel cabinet I copied some strange name  Latin I think which I knew related to one of the   secret poisons then in order to satisfy myself as  the heartland’s position I went to him to obtain  

    Some my idea was that the information I could  thus obtain would be of use if I were arrested   I found that under the name of Boris Lowry he had  for years kept an herbalist shop near the elephant  

    And Casper fortunately by reason of my veil he  did not recognize me and after some haggling   gave me some grayish powder in a small wooden box  securely sealed I discovered afterwards that his   daughter was in love with your friend Mr Clue  therefore it must have been through the latter  

    That the Old Man became aware of the movements of  police yes said Lily simply it was the Revelation   held her dumbfounded then Hartman and Lowry were  actually one of the same I observed bewildered   certainly Ava answered all her soul in her eyes  but there was yet a further curious incident  

    A few days after you had taken that fatal drop  from my hand Madame and sudden anger discharged   all three servants then when they had gone she  had a small square hole about six inches wide   cutting the wall of one of the rooms a bathroom  adjoining my bedroom close down to the floor and  

    Before it was fitted a sliding paddle in the  wainscoting afterwards she had a strong iron   bar placed upon the door and hole repainted and  grained then having furnished the place roughly as   a living room there came secretly late one night  The Wretched poisoned her Hartman Alias Professor  

    Douglas Dawson flying from the police from sub  previous offense as I afterwards discovered   some German police agents had got wind of his  whereabouts he entered that room and when he   was inside Madame fetched an apparatus I had never  seen before a kind of punch and with it placed a  

    Lead and seal upon the door fresh servants were at  once engaged and these were told that inside that   room was a quantity of antique furniture belonging  to a friend who had gone abroad meanwhile Madame   herself supplied The Fugitive with food cooked and  uncooked drink and books and for a fortnight or so  

    He lived there in secret I held him in loathing  and in hatred yet I dare not utter a word or   even flee from that house of Terror knowing well  that in such a case I too would quickly follow  

    The victims to the machinations of what seemed  a widespread conspiracy I was in possession of   their secret and might turn Informer that was the  reason those half dozen bottles of port wine had   been so generously given to me by my ingenious  employer I dared scarcely to eat or drink and  

    Often slipped out secretly and bought cooked  meat and bread to satisfy my Hunger one day   when my dad had ventured up to London I chanced  to enter the bedroom I had previously occupied   the panel was cautiously pushed back and the man  within asked for something to drink I answered  

    That I only had support all the rest being locked  up then give me that he said I hesitated then in   sudden desperation I went to the cupboard where  the wine was and handed him on an open bottle  

    He gave a grunt of satisfaction and the panel  closed that wine Frank she added a death-like   Tyler on her cheeks was the same as that of  which you partook Madam had prepared it with a   little syringe as she had done the Benedictine she  paused placing her hand upon her planting breast  

    When she returned she continued at last for the  nervousness which had agitated her at first gave   place to strength in confidence her first question  was apartment I told her of his request and how I  

    Had acceded to it giving him a bottle of the wine  she had so generously ordered for me she grew   limit in an instant it stood speechless glaring at  me as though she would strike me dead then rushing  

    Up to the room she Drew back the panel and called  him by name there was no response in an instant   she knew the truth without uttering a single  word to me but ordering the servants to close the  

    House as we were going away for a week or two she  made instant preparations for departure and after   seeing everything securely folded and barred she  left with a trunk on a cab for full well stationed  

    While I with my small trunk took Refuge with my  friends the planes with whom I have since remained   but the motive of that secret assassination at  Fillmore place I asked astounded at her story   only within the past few days  have I discovered it she answered  

    The crime was planned with extraordinary care  and forth if it were not for this confession   which you have rung from me the police would  never I believe have elucidated the mystery   the reason briefly was this holder Kerr was an  Englishman living in Calcutta who had been left  

    A great Indigo estate in the Northwest by his  uncle and had returned to England with a view   of selling it to a company the estate one of the  finest in the whole of India realized the very   handsome income but both he and his wife preferred  life in England Blaine being a Speculator and  

    Promoter of companies besides an importer of wines  having been introduced to him conceived a plan of   obtaining This Magnificent estate and with that  object had approached Hartman who in his turn   had Enlisted the services of Madame DeMont  both of them being very desperate characters  

    Hartman lived in London and was supposed to be  the most expert toxicologist in the whole world   while Madame was a woman whose previous Adventures  had earned for her great Renown in certain Shady   circles on the continent Blaine it appeared had  already been out to India to visit the estate  

    And on his return had paid a couple of thousand  pounds deposit agreeing to purchase it privately   occurred for two hundred thousand pounds the  valuation made upon it by a valuer whom he had   taken up with him from Bombay and then turn it  into a company a date was arranged when the money  

    Should be paid over at the house in philomar  place in exchange for the Deeds duly executed   Hartman whose experiments Kerr was so interested  to be present to witness any document necessary   in accordance with Blaine’s request the Deeds were  therefore prepared beforehand and executed and all  

    The papers relating to the transaction placed  an order into large deed box in which they have   been brought from India in accordance with the  cunningly devised plan Blaine called upon the   curse on the afternoon arranged the afternoon of  the day of the tragedy and found Kerr ready with  

    All the legal papers and receipts duly executed  Blaine however was profused in his apologies   stating that owing us some slight difficulty with  his bank he was unable to draw that day but would   do so on the day following and would return at  the same hour the curves on their part Express  

    Regret that they could not ask him to remain to  dinner but explained that they had no servants   again she paused her story held us all  speechless I have already explained how   it occurs afterwards visited me and took  tea and the terrible tragedy which followed  

    Hartman was without doubt concealed in that house  at the time watching for the unfortunate man’s end   and without delay secured the deed box and all  the receipts and papers carrying them next door   searching the body of the man and placing certain  things in his pockets namely the porch banknotes  

    And the penny wrapped in paper which would  puzzle the police while Blaine had caused that   same evening to be posted from the Grand Hotel  in Paris a letter to the man now dead addressed   the Drummond’s Bank expressing satisfaction  at the termination of the negotiations and  

    Acknowledging the safe receipt of the deeds and  transfers from the messenger he had sent this   was of course to carry out the fiction that for  several weeks he had been in Paris on business   connected with the floating of the company and  to enable him to prove an alibi if ever required  

    Elaine went in India took good care that it should  be widely known that he intended to purchase these   states so that his sudden possession would not be  considered strange there was a man it afterwards   transpired who was actually staying at the Grand  in Paris in the name of plane and he had posted  

    The letter while I further discovered that this  ingenious swindler had actually borrowed the sum   of two hundred thousand pounds for three days  to pass through his bank so that he might show   that he had paid for the property then Blaine  is a natural possession of the Deeds which only  

    Require the step of the courts in India for  the property to become his void observed yes   responded my beloved but the fear that you have  discovered the Dead Man’s identity has hitherto   prevented him taking possession or raising money  on the Deeds he has placed them somewhere in  

    Safety I suppose and is now most likely out  of the country absolutely astounding I guess   then on reflection I inquired the meaning of the  cars which had so puzzled us horribly though it   may seem she said they were used to cast lots  as to who should actually administer the poison  

    Being shuffled and dealt face downwards there  were 50 only two of which were marked it was   I have learned the mode in which the anarchist of  Zurich cast lots the person receiving the one with   a line to commit the crime while whoever received  the circle became the accomplice and protected  

    With grim disregard for consequences these very  cards were afterwards used by the assassins and   their victims to decide upon partners for whisk  sometimes being placed beneath the place at   dinner when on entering the groom the guests were  allowed to choose their places afterwards turning  

    Up their cards this gave rise sometimes to Great  Amusement what would the unfortunate parrot have   thought could they have known the truth alas I  did not know it until too late or I would have   given the warning regardless of the consequences  Boyd briefly explained how he had seen Blaine  

    Throw something into the lake in St James’s Park  whereupon Ava suggested that the object he thus   got rid of was no doubt one of the poison coins  with which Hartman had supplied it at his request   I referred to the incident of the telephone  and Ava explained how she had since discovered  

    That Blaine had made an inquiry by telephone in  phobally that it was Hartman who had responded   when next day he discovered his mistake he  saw how narrowly he had escaped the police   Mary’s letter to me had no doubt been a  coincidence but her subsequent visit was at her  

    Mother’s instigation it having been discovered  that I was aware of the terrible tragedy   you received some type written letters Boyd  observed who wrote them Elaine she replied   surprised that she should be aware of this he knew  that I had discovered the secret and wrote urging  

    Me to take the utmost precautions to preserve  what he guardedly referred to as the silence   but you say that Madame herself took tea with  her victims I said she did not suffer certainly   not responded my beloved in her expert hand these  poisons discovered by Heartland may be fatal to  

    One person and perfectly harmless to another she  no doubt drank some prophylactic first which at   once counteracted any ill-effective poison taken  afterwards Hartman seems to have rediscovered   Secrets Dead with abortions from Adam can I  believe secrete a Swift and deadly poison within  

    Almost anything whereas she now asked boy quickly  we must take immediate steps for her arrest as   well as blames Madame has flown to the continent  but where I have no idea she replied tonight   I intended to go to Paris and try to obtain a  situation as governance for I feared to remain  

    Longer in England knowing of the body apartment  lying in that closed room at The Hollies you must   remain Boyd said quietly your evidence will be  required ah no I cannot she declared bursting into   a torrent of tears after this confession I and  her voice was choked by sobs as she covered her  

    Haggard face with her hands after this confession  darling I said tenderly I love you nonetheless   then clasping her swaying figure to me in Wild  ecstasy I felt the swell of her bosom against   my breast and I covered her cold tear stained  cheeks with passionate kisses While She For the  

    First Time raised her sweet full lips to mine  in a fervid passionate caress and murmured that   she loved me ah what Joy was mine at that  moment a new life had been renewed within   me for I knew that by that sacred Bond of an  undying affection she was bound to me forever  

    End of chapter 24. chapter 25 conclusion upon  events which occurred immediately afterwards   there is little need to dwell saved to declare  that the hours that followed were the most joyous   of all our lives and further that the post and  the telegraph that night carried over the seas a  

    Demand to the police for the search and arrest of  Madame DeMont and the unscrupulous schemer Henry   Blaine a little more than a year has now gone by  since that well-remembered day of confession and   Ava and I are happily United men in white while  Lily Lowry no longer toils at her counter but is  

    Married to dick against whom Boyd’s suspicions  were of course entirely unfounded by the death   of a maiden Aunt who never gave me Sixpence  while alive I have fortunately found myself   possessed of sufficient to live independently  in a house empowered in trees on the banks of  

    The act in Devon while dick who was still the  comet man lives in a neat Villa out at eckenham   Ava and I are frequent guests there and on such  occasions the conversation often turns to those   breathless summer days up the Thames and that  extraordinary mystery so intricate and puzzling  

    A mystery which Never After All appeared in the  comet of Mrs Blaine and Mary we hear but very   little they left riverdine broken and crushed  poor things and went to live in a small house   at Bournemouth upon the wreck of the fugitives  Fortune no word has since been heard of him but  

    As the deedbots containing many of the papers  was found by the police in the Garrett in the   Rue de maw in Paris from which the occupier an  Englishman answering to Blaine’s description had   mysteriously disappeared it is almost Beyond doubt  that he had committed suicide rather than star  

    Hartman’s unplanned scientific discovery is still  The Wonder of the Royal Institution and Patterson   is still stationed at Kensington as for Madame  DeMont she was three months ago arrested in Venice   where in the course of a sensational trial it was  proved that she had most ingeniously poisoned a  

    Wealthy German contractor whom she had beenveled  into marriage and today she is serving a life   term of imprisonment the Italian government does  not give up its subjects for offenses committed   abroad or she would otherwise have been brought  to London for trial and the readers of newspapers  

    Would have been startled by the details of this  one of the most skillful and extraordinary plot of   secret assassination ever devised by the devilish  Ingenuity of man or woman this is the end of an   eye for an eye by William Lee Q This was audiobook  caboodle YouTube channel presentation we hope you  

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