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    Yo hi everybody here this is AB so yeah I’m here at Kenington police station I did order this place before I can’t remember what happened to be honest last time I came here was that drama was there not I don’t know but yeah I’m in the

    Area uh so I thought I’ll uh I’ll check it out I’m I remember there was a like a a carriage down here somewhere I can’t get through here NOP can do that oh oh yes there it is so yeah as you can see all this all this rubbish oo oh look at

    This commissioner vehicle only come on that surely that doesn’t belong to the commissioner let take a picture of that yeah just going to go around yeah doesn’t say that okay are you okay yeah okay are you taking any pictures of are you filming or you taking pictures are you filming who are

    You are you taking any pictures no are you taking any pictures moment what are you filming on your phone who says I’m filming I just saw you filming I’ve seen the phone what do you mean I’ve seen the phone and he’s basically watching it as well I can see

    A live screen on your phone live you filming who says I can see you filming are you filming he is filming yeah what’s the reason for you coming around here and filming this what why why are you filming the buildings I was looking why are you

    Filming the building can we show you I’m sorry I don’t like being surrounded no no it’s okay don’t surround me why are you filming the building I’m just asking a question why are you filming this building do you already show you or yeah why you filming this

    Building would you like me to show you yes yes all right come with me show me show me in your phone show me in your phone why you why you filming this building what you want me show you why are you filming this building for

    What reason I said I will show you yeah show me yeah let’s go go where show you I was filming show me your if I was filming why you show me in your phone why you why you recording the what’s the purpose of you being here today why are

    You here why are you from the building why why are you here today here yes why are you here what you doing in the area do you live in the area no okay so what you doing around the area what’s your purpose for be here today can I not be

    Here or something I was asking you a question why why have you even you’ve come here and you’re all you’re doing is to record in the police building where are you here I work here simple as uh me too oh you work here where do you work

    Right here work right here okay so listen step on step step on P for me a second excuse me step you need to step on the pavement you’re in the middle of the road you’re in the middle of the road step on I can be where I like it’s

    Okay all right get away from me now get away from me please I can be where I want do you want me to show you what was what I was doing all right can get away from me man I’m not going to be intimidated get

    Away from me no I can be what I want okay I can be what I want down so get away from me then you because because look at you surrounding me like weird join us on the pavement no I said no I want to be there I will be there tell us

    Why you filming the get away from me you two close you’re too close for me do you get it yeah you can move on to the pavement and there’s tons of space over there no okay I do apologize guys I accidentally stopped the recording briefly uh I was trying to lock the

    Phone because I believe believed that they were going to try and take it off me anyway back in the video all right can you not to come too close to me thank you so you were going to say why you were filming so oh do you want me to

    Show you show show me you’re filming you can easily tell us why you’re filming but I don’t have to tell you anything is safety concern you’re filming I said to this guy I we show him so many times but then you’re coming too close to me and I

    Don’t like it and you’re surrounding me I said I don’t like being surrounded you show us on your phone you’re going to show us what you were filming all right if I don’t show you then what happens you don’t show us yeah there going to be a concern for us because then what

    Happens then we have to look at your phone you see yeah not going to look at nothing why cuz I said so why what is the reason for you filming well I wanted to show you but every time you just keep coming close to yeah right you’re not communicating

    In the right way you’re not asking nicely you’re surrounding me you’re coming too close get off the road all right I will come down yeah go what’s the reason you’re here today I don’t have to tell you anything okay so what’s the reason you fil me this building

    Today well I saw something funny so I took a picture of it what is funny about what do you mean what is funny about I saw something funny over there was so I took a picture of it are you filming you’re not taking picture you filming as

    Well I’m filming when you guys came out you been filming before you come in okay so you see basically he wasn’t just taking picture it was filming before right so what’s the reason for you to this is this is this is for safety reason that’s reason asking yeah but you

    Don’t have to put my safety at risk the way you did you’re coming too close you he surrounding me look look I don’t feel safe I don’t think you understand that we were standing in we’re standing the middle this guy he’s trying to be forceful by asking me to go to I don’t

    Have to go to the pavement you’re recording I’m recording too was being for against you the way he said go to the pavement to yeah but I’m old enough to realize that right so then at your age then sorry Act My Age yeah oh are you going

    To be you’re going to insult me now are you going to insult me now are you going to insult me now because you keep aggravating me are you going no I don’t have to listen are you an auditor I don’t have to listen I don’t have to

    Reply to you I kept saying to this guy I will show you what I filmed I thought it was funny not filmed take a picture of it I thought it was funny and I took it that’s the end of the story and then I have you guys trying to bully me like

    And trying to intimidate me he tried to intimidate me I’m not like that you try to intimidate me yes you do you’re not going to intimidate me I will tell you that right now can you show me take picture show me the picture do you want

    See but but you need to understand one thing before I show you I need to explain something something to you I don’t have to are we clear on that are we clear on that once you you say yes then I will show you can you

    Show me I will show you but I need to come to understand I don’t have to correct it’s okay just show me no no do we have an understanding now I don’t have to just simple just simple question all right I will show you listen to my words

    Listen to my words just listen we heard but he’s not responding Happ I don’t have to respond to you what I’m saying I just want so I have to respond to you just simple question I said I ask you question yes what you was doing here

    Said you took picture show me the funny pictures show me f I will show you the picture that I it was funny to take show me but if I don’t show you do you understand that I don’t have to why you don’t answer the question just answer the question you

    Understand that I’m not going to understand you becauseas foras so do you want me to say should I show you if you could leave Thea that would be great though all right shut sh up shut up shut up I’m not leaving nothing shut up I’m going to be she second time

    She’s second time she’s rude to me second time I’m not leaving nothing I’m not leaving I’m not leaving nothing I stay it all day this is a public land this is public land I don’t have to leave I won’t leave this is public land lady you leave the area you leave the

    Area give to your post way way no I what do you want me to show you it’s okay now you don’t want to see I’ll show you anyway you don’t want to see Joker leave the area she says why would I leave public CL I don’t know yeah bye leave the

    Area you leave the area just rud we can be here it’s fine so we can go fine no it’s not fine you aggravated me you all aggravated me yeah bye my God does that belong to the commissioner no no just a question this car does it belong to the commissioner you don’t know

    Got Man morning on man you’re right yeah morning yo hi everyone this is a so yeah here in London outside Kensington police station as you can see uh I’ve Ved this place uh a while back I can’t remember what’s happened to be honest I thought it was almost drama last time I

    Came so uh yeah it’s got a lot of police Landes everywhere as you can see oh yeah remember there’s a there’s a garage here somewhere here on the left oh yes there it is this rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish everywhere hello hello hello what are you looking for uh nothing nothing

    That’s see just looking around nothing to be alarmed no you’re looking around the the area yeah that’s all right I’m just looking around yeah no you don’t stand here what do you mean I can’t stand it no what you can stand it I can’t come on

    Man on back that’s a bit strange that’s what it’s strange you can send it and I can’t send it what you filming what you cutting in that bag you tell me what you film me for you tell me what you cutting in that bag for that’s my

    Bag what you that’s my phone what you going do with you no come on man don’t be stupid I’m not stupid what are you doing don’t be silly man what you calling you don’t need to call anybody oh my God yeah you don’t need to call anyone again

    You don’t need to call anybody what are you talking about so you don’t need to call nobody well I find it strange that you standing here and I find it how come you can stand here and I can’t I’m not I was just walking through and you lurking

    Around filming I wasn’t lurking what does that mean you are lurking around I I was filming but I wasn’t lurking the way you put whatever you want to say you are standing there filming which I find it very yeah there’s some rubbish over there is it I filmed it and your a

    Street cleaner then sorry say that again you heard what I just said no I was promis I didn’t hear that’s why I said say that again I find it weird that you standing there filming me yeah but you’re talking to me so I’m filming you so you’re filming everybody

    Talking to you then well it’s like if I am filming and somebody comes to me then obviously automa it strange you standing in the street and filming some people I wasn’t filming some people I was filming that you are you are filming me I was filming that thing of that rubbish over

    There that’s not your prop and then you started saying you can’t do that not your property to f is it whose property is it then I don’t know it’s not yours you be strange my friend no not Str you’re very strange I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m not

    Strange you’re very strange no anyway do you want to come you’ll be strange do you want to carry on with your day or you going to stay here all day that’s what you going to do what’s your problem man what you carrying in that bag you’re becoming a

    Bit suspicious what’s in that bag what’s in that bag I want to search that bag on search it then come on give it here you have the L can I search the bag you the because search my bag yes I think you got something in there search

    My bag I think you got something in that you shouldn’t have sear my bag I need to search his bag officer I do for what reason because I don’t I I think he’s cutting something suspicious in there mate pcso he’s police staff you don’t need to search

    His bag oh why did you say so cuz he’s literally just come out of a police station what no why I’m talking to him Weir you’re filming your police property that’s all yeah but I I think you’re carrying something in it shouldn’t be you shouldn’t be carrying weird whatever you think he’s not

    Carrying anything you don’t need to ask him questions he’s just come out of the police station he’s going home that’s the end of the case what you mean you can record the police station that’s absolutely fine don’t go into the garage okay you just come out to give me like I

    I have me because at the end of the day you’re stopping him from how did you stop him he stopped me ask him no you were in the garage ah don’t you’re not going to lie now are you you’re not going to lie are you even do me a favor

    Just make sure you’re not in the garage okay you’re not allowed to go inside the garage I’m not saying you have gone in the garage you’re not allowed to go inside the well you better close the doors then okay well no we don’t have to

    Close the doors well then I can go in the garage no you can’t of course can’t no you can’t why not because there not there’s no public what you going to do BU why you want to go in there who I want in there who said I want to go what

    Who said I want to go telling us that we need to close the doors well if you don’t want somebody to go in there because if you got them open somebody will because everybody knows that they’re not allowed to go into the police garage says

    Who it’s just common sense the but if I did go what you going to do not much well I mean then you’ll be trespassing then that then that’s a so don’t enter then that’s a civil matter isn’t it that’s what I’m saying yeah yeah yeah it be trespassing so don’t enter the Poli

    Don’t civil matter my friend you guys are you got to get your act together man seriously you can’t just come around and bue orders all the time and think people just do what you say don’t do this do this don’t do that oh he’s getting naked now he’s not

    Getting naked is he’s getting changed into his overall why do you keep talking for him I mean you directly spoke to me saying he’s getting naked you’re not talking toam you’re not Direct in the conversation I was talking to camera you’re trying to provoke a reaction that’s fine and you’re just giving it

    You’re just giving that reaction I will go inside then answer watch watch watch watch watch look at my foot see it’s going in as I said you can record yes do whatever you want to do do not enter this premise if you don’t want

    Me to enter you need to close it it’s a police station nicely it’s a police station do not enter premises if you say you see please I don’t have to say then that’s not nice then that’s not nice I don’t have to say then that’s not nice

    Nothing but respect I’m sorry but that’s not he can give me respect the moment you came yourself throwing biking orders no respect at all just do me a favor don’t step on I’m sorry you need to close it no we don’t then in that case people people will come in police

    Station people can’t step in an active police station no they can’t step in they can you can’t metropolit police build it’s a metropolitan police building we don’t have to shut the doors to stop you from walking in there we don’t yes you do it’s as simple as that

    No or put signs or whatever we definitely do not you need signs to say this is a police station don’t put sign not stepping need signs to say this is a police put signs say you’re not stepping in do you really need signs to say this

    Is a police station honestly yeah but I can I step to the front can I step to the front as you a question do I really need I know it’s a police St need science you ask a police station so you know you’re not meant to be going inside

    There you can go to the front office how come I can go to the front you can go to the front office you can go to the front office because that is open to open this is open no it’s not this is a police it looks open to me I’m sorry

    Police station but it looks open how a vehicle is going to get in and out sir you can’t open and close the doors it looks open but it’s not open well that’s not I’m telling you as a police officer it’s not open it looks is that enough

    For you no why is that because it looks open but it’s not open but it is open but it’s not but it is but you really are here I’m going to be here all day you giving me that reaction fine you can be here all day thank you very much mate all

    See my foot is in do you see what I’m saying don’t step I I just stepped in seriously look look look offic officer one thing look there’s a lady there hiding from the rain look you need to come and shoot her hey this is a police

    Station no no I’m joking I’m joking stay stay you stay I’m joking you stay until the rain stopped have a lovely day I’m Jo bye-bye [Laughter] bye-bye oh my God this is Funny OT yo hi everybody here this is ay so yeah I’m here at kening cut cut cut that’s enough for one day guys that’s it you need to come back tomorrow


    1. Omg you make me laugh, and as the police come up to you I feel very nervous for you.
      Carry on filming I love it 🤣🤣🤣🤣 great ending with the lady.
      She looked petrified ❤️❤️

    2. Surely the word must have got round the MET about AB audits ? but these bunch of 6 idiots have either not heard about him or read the memo`s, so that's why it takes 6 on to one man with camera.

    3. Good grief. And we actually pay this stupid mob of goons. They couldn't investigate their way out of a paper bag. Compared to police from a couple of decades ago, these humourless twits behave like toddlers in a kindergarten.

    4. 15:30 You “Auditors,” you have no clue, how insanely big thing, that time stamp shows to everyone, cause like this, so are EVERY SIMILAR THING, SLIPPING THROUGH YOUR FINGERS, to make so awesome content, that people start to actually use it, at the streets, every time those cops stop innocent civilians, for searching their bags, backpacks and sacks, without a warrant to do legally so!!!

      This shows to you, how insanely important, is the higher IQ, than any of these auditors have, cause they really are like an elephant, in the porcelain shop of laws, that they stumble over, break and didnt even understand, there was one, they just broke and still demand, even they are elephants, they have the right, to enter in to any shop!!!

      The uniform cop, just attempt to elevate a single POS COP, OVER EVERYONE ELSE, WITH PROTECTION AND CREDIBILITY, NO OTHER HUMAN BEING GET, WHEN THE COPS ATTACK AT THEM. Just fuking TRY, to tell the cop, already accusing you to be a terrorist, THAT THERE IS NOTHING IN MY BAG AND YOU WILL NOT SEARCH IT and see, how the cops treat you after. That man, with its BAG, IS NOT HOVERING OVER THE REST OF US, LIKE A SAINT OR SHIT FOR BRAINS GURU, SO HOLY, NO ONE CAN EVEN TOUCH THE GUY!!!

      Ab letting those hypocrites go, is very Disgusting

    5. 5 police officers for this and they have the bare bollocks to say their understaffed or is it the norm for 5 or more officers for encounters with 1 individual, one for each leg and arm and another to kneel on them .

    6. So, if you venture into London and legally record a Police Station then you WILL be surrounded and harassed by at least seven 'Police Officers', WTAF?
      In order of shittiest police officer (that should be kicked the fuck out) we have White-sleeves and glasses, followed by woman then third-place evenly spread amongst the remaining Clownshoes, What a fecking travesty…"

    7. Lurking: remaining hidden so as to wait in ambush. Where do these morons come from and how the fuck do they get placed in these positions, I despair, seriously, that Walloper has some sort of mental issue, please tell me he's not a cop

    8. If anyone with any integrity in UK Police force management is watching this golden video and has seen the conduct of 'Constable' Dunford then you really need to "get your act together" and fumigate this place, FFS

    9. Is there any laws against filming a police station, to look at his footage on his phone you need a warrant to see why are the police so paranoid?

    10. Typical black woman with all the attitude!!

      And the 2 school boys at the end, seriously how did they become police officers 🤦‍♀️

    11. Now everyone can see how Hyenahs hunt in packs!
      They are not strong on their own, so they gang up against weaker species in a bid to overpower them!
      Amazing how they all talk over each other, trying to be the special one that breaks through with a successful outcome!

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