Mariah from Great Britain is a reporter for The News and Travel (TNT) magazine. She is one of the Cycling Ambassadors of Slovenia, a team of six biking enthusiasts from different parts of Europe. She was discovering Slovenia by bike as a part of 6-day long adventure. Enjoy the recap of her journey.

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    #CyclingAmbassadorSlovenia #ifeelsLOVEnia #tourofslovenia

    Hi I’m Mariah I’m from Australia but living in London at the moment and now I’m here we’ve spent the day cycling and it’s been beautiful it’s just such a relaxed city and the weather is so nice and kind of playful you want to just sits down somewhere with gelato with

    Three glasses of wine crack open a book and just have a great day today we defended 700 meters into the depths of the mountain to go kayaking in groundwater and it is these rickety iron corrugated stairs and the stinkers about four or five hundred to get down there

    So it seems to be somewhat of a tradition for the blokes that go on stag do you can kayaking down there to take off their underwear and hang them up on a wall so I took them off hung them up and feel like it was quite a milestone

    In my trip here this morning we’re in first ago and I think we’re on our way to see a castle so we had a see signs of malfunctions and I walked the way up to breast meets the castle I’ll put it with so much fun it’s beautiful it’s a lovely day and the

    Castle is very interesting I’m good oh I’m sorry so as which have been the worst day of my life I have never been more embarrassed have driven off the hill because apparently I have the fitness of a limbless news I am at the top finally I’m very proud of myself for not having

    Given up so we’re going to such a valley to go whitewater rafting we had to wear the wetsuit and getting them on is like getting into the tightest condom that you can find I think the rafting was a great team-building exercise both of us did pull our weight I don’t want to name

    Names like Rachel in the end we will have to synchronize get to where we were going and pull together we just cycle through the countryside to reach Lake Boheme on the way here we cross lots of like quaint houses villages and this really nice wooden bridge and then on either side

    You’ve got the stream are trickling through and people that are like waist-deep in the water fly fishing which was very authentic So this pier is the last stop on our cycling trip together I think we part ways from here but it’s been really nice and we’re all just sort of seen together recounting things that we’ve done in jerks that we’ve made places that we swam naked and yeah this is a nice way

    To end the trip


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