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    this video includes complete explanation of lesson 9 of Apprenons le français-2 in an easy and effective way for grade 6 and 7 students for easy learning. Happy learning : )

    Bour everyone my name is shik and I welcome you all to my YouTube channel where learning is easy as well as fun in today’s video I’m going to solve the lesson number 10 of a prola fron method two book so without wasting any time let’s get Started so let’s begin so we are going to solve today lesson number 10 of a pronol of fron method two book so let’s see what’s the name of the lon the name of the lon is yra the Rua that means a letter from Rua so let’s see what we are

    Going to learn in this lesson in this lesson we will be learning about L Anda that means we will be learning the places in French then we will be learning how to write down a letter in French as well so you will be learning the format of writing down a letter in

    French apart from from that it’s written Le the laf France that means we will be learning the different regions of France along with their capitals and vocabulary is always there so let’s see so this is the first page of the lesson now before reading out the text written on this

    Page we need to learn the vocabulary so let’s fastly learn so which is the vocabulary that’s there in this lesson first is d d means in then we have a CRA celebra means f poor po means for l l means the most Le the Nance Le the naissance means

    Birthplace then we have his oi oi means also after that it’s acria ACA means writer so that’s a profession com com means as or like lar lar means every evening Kel fua Kel fua means sometimes Ru Ryu means Street and last is Travers Trav Traverse means

    Passes now let’s read out the lesson so it’s written lesson these that means lesson number 10 you the Rua that means a letter from Rua so it’s written my Manuel a correspond so that means Manuel is writing to his correspondent so who is writing the letter that’s Manuel so

    How she began the letter sorry how he begins the letter so first he write down the name of the place that’s Rua then he write down the date that’s L sank F so whenever you write down the date in French always start with L A and then he

    Gives the greetings he says both B Ravi that means Manuel is writing down the letter to Ravi so he says bju Ravi that means hello Ravi Jamel Manuel that means my name is Manuel J frit arua that means I am French and I live in Rua or Nori so that means he

    Lives in Rua where in O normandi that’s upper normandi normandi so that that’s a place then after that it’s written re the La France that means it’s a region in the north of the France celebra purage celebra fromage that means famous for its cheese so Rua is

    Famous for cheese then it’s written L CRA Ella C so the most famous cheese of Rua is Kar then it’s written say the niss they grow ACA that means it’s also the birthplace of very big writers so Rua is famous for its Teese and apart from that why it is famous because the

    Most famous writers birth places also Ru then it’s written K corneal a flar for example the name of the very famous writers are cornea a flar then he says that means in the city yal the he says that in the city a very beautiful church is also there which is

    Named after Jean dark then he says Jia that means I love my city lar lar means every evening fua prom he says that I do sometimes walking in the streets aami with my friends laa neala so la is a very famous river of France he says Traverse Rua that

    Means laain the name of the river he it passes through Rua a that means and La neala that means and the c m is C and the C is not very far Lua means far it’s written Ilia a gr Port ARA so there is a

    Very big port in Rua Al that means in the school ja longle that means I am learning English this is the a verb which means to learn tup tuper again P verb is there that means you can acre write y or you can write a letter in English so he says

    That I’m learning English in school so next time whenever you write down the letter you can write down the letter in English to me he says that means you describe your City to your school and your life so you describe your city school and your life in the

    Letter that you’re going to write down to me he says just we the that means I’m happy I’m happy to write it to write a letter to youal yra that means I’m going to wait for your letter then at the last he closes the letter by saying AA that

    Means goodbye Manel now related to this letter we have some questions that we need to solve for example the first one it says that that means say true or false so first one it says manueli that means Manuel writes this letter to raii so that’s V then it’s written

    Lael Nori that means the city’s name is normi so that’s four because the city’s name is Rua then after that it’s written last SRA ver Rua that means the river sand passes through Rua that’s V fourth one it’s written Manuel say on that means Manuel knows English so that’s

    Again four because Manuel is learning English he doesn’t know English right now then second part it says that text that means find the opposite in the text so what’s the opposite of PTI that’s grow next is the teste the opposite of the teste is em MTO the

    Opposite of MTO is kto so the opposite of so is a lead the opposite of Le is B now let’s move to the third exercise it says that a or text that means come teach with a word or some words from the text so the first one is

    Set Bell that means this house is very beautiful second one dma Jeet more anniversary a Mami that means tomorrow I’m going to celebrate my birthday with my friends third one is f Yun promad da Park that means you do a walk in the park fourth one

    ISU Al that means at pass the street and I go to the school now let’s move to the last part of the questions it’s written that mean respond to the questions that are given first one is K ACA lra that means who writes the letter so we will write down the answer Manuel

    AA lra that means Manuel writes the letter second one U Rua that means where is Rua so we will write down the answer Rua nor thef FR so Rua is in the region of is in the it’s a region that’s in the north of the France third one it’s

    Written n Thea fron that means name to French writers so you will write down cor a FL FR that means corne and flar are the French writers after that it’s written Kell fluff Travers Rua that means which river passes through Rua so you will write down the answer last s Trav Rua

    That means the river that passes is L last one is written escl Rua that means is the sea near to Rua so we will write down the answer V La Rua yes the sea is near to Rua now let’s move ahead now let’s just learn how to write down

    North East Southwest in French so first one is West so to West we say leest leest then is north to North we say l North L North East to East we say lest lest and last is South to South we say l l again I’m repeating L North leest

    Leest and L and at the end it’s written of France ilat that means in France there there are 13 regions so the France is divided into 13 regions now let’s move ahead so it’s written n France that means name two cities which are in the east of the France so

    You can name any any two so I have written here Leo France that means Leo and are the cities that are in the east of the France second question says that n the B that means name two regions which starts with the letter B so I have written

    Here so and are the two regions that starts with the letter B third one it’s written urg so you will write down the answer stur France so sturg is in the east of the France fourth question it says that that means make a list of the regions and the Capitals in your

    Notebook so let’s just do that so first one is bretin bretin is the first region the capital is Ren second one is p La the capital is non third one is normandi normandi capital is Rua then we have is e the France there is a circumflex missing

    Over eel so please put it the capital is Pari then grest the capital is Strasburg or the France the capital is Le O okitani okitani the capital is tulus Noel equitan newel equitan the capital is borto then we have is sonal thear the capital is

    Oro then we have is bin franch comp the capital is Theo and last is aine Ron Al the capital is Leo apart from that we have two more regions that’s provance Al kod desur the capital is mar and last is course the capital is a jako aako okay now let’s just learn the

    Places or we can also say l Anda in French so first one is Supermarket to supermarket we say super maret and super maret is mes so we will write down a super maret Church to church we say egly egas is femina so we will write down Unis then we have his hospital hospital

    We say opal opal is mesula again so we will write down anital school to school we say EOL it’s femina so we will write down unicol theer to theer we say theat theat is mascula so we will write down Earth yatra Cinema to cinema we say Cinema

    Only and it’s MES class so we will write down a cinema then we have is restaurant to restaurant we say restant restant is mcul so we will write down a restaurant Stadium to Stadium we say St St is mcul again so we will write down

    A library to library we say bibl bibl is femina so we will write down Yun biblo so the same are given on the next page as well so if you see it’s written Mia mavia that means my city so he says doia Ilia that means in my city there is a

    Superm maret that means a supermarket un is there that’s a school y church aital that’s Hospital a theat theater a cinema that’s Cinema a restaurant is there that means a restaurant Yun bibl is there that means a library and aan is there that means now on the next page they have given the

    Format of writing down an informal letter in French that’s a formal or FR so whenever you want to write down an informal letter in French you will write down first the date the name of the place and then you will write down the date so you will

    Always start the date by L then you will be writing down the salutation or the greeting that’s share Manuel that means dear Manuel then comes the body of the letter that’s corala lra so you will always begin your letter by saying kumasawa that means how are you isia

    That means here I’m good J aari that means I’m in Paris and then you can write down your whole letter and whenever you’re going to close the letter you will always give a greeting by by saying abanto or AA and you will give your signatures you can write down

    Niha or whatever is the name so now we are just left with the vocabulary of this lesson so let’s fastly finish it out so it’s written lra that’s tree a Tandra to wait for that’s a ver La bibl is Library La is sound or noise La Cathedral is Cathedral or you can also

    Say Church L Cinema is Cinema the is again a verb which means to describe Lea is a profession that’s writer legless is also a church lesal that’s staircase leg zampler example L fromage cheese lero is heroine listar history lital is Hospital La jazz is jazz music La libr that’s a bookstore

    Laa is Place La Nissans is birth La Noel means news L is work La papit that’s a stationary store La Province Pro provance that’s province laion is region La restaurant is restaurant lebet that’s shabet L is Stadium La super maret is Supermarket latra is theater Lai is life laia that’s City laa

    Is voice lello is bicycle then they have given few verbs like sacrif that means to sacrifice s to save s to be situated straver to cross celebra means famous con is well known delicious that’s delicious com is as or like Kelk fua is sometimes atra atra means through or across unoma

    In the name of fair prom that means to go out for a walk so with this we have completed lesson number 10 of a prola fron method 2 so that was all for today I hope all the concepts of this lesson were clear to you and they were easy as

    Well so if you want to learn more French with me then stay tuned to my channel by subscribing it and don’t you forget to give your likes and your comments on my videos because your appreciation means a lot to me so till the time I post my

    Next video OFA and abanto and you know it very well what does AA means AA means goodbye and abanto means see you soon


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