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    🌟 Welcome to the webinar recording: “Study M.Sc. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences!” 🌟

    The program presents a comprehensive yet specialized study framework that embraces all facets of #electricalengineering , rather than focusing narrowly on a limited subject area. It offers students a unique opportunity to delve into their preferred domain, with options including Automation, Communications, Embedded Systems and Microelectronics, and Power Engineering. This broad scope coupled with focused specializations ensures a well-rounded understanding of the field, while also enabling students to develop deep expertise in their chosen specialty.

    Subscribe, like, and share this video to help others discover the incredible opportunities waiting for them in the world of Electrical Engineering education. πŸ€πŸ“’

    #electricalengineering #studyabroad #highereducation #careerprospects #germanuniversities #webinarrecording #darmstadt

    Uh International master program which is already uh pretty long available uh we do exist since 25 years so we we have a very long record of experience and uh there are a couple of differences in our program as compared to the other programs uh which you have seen which we

    Would like to elaborate a little bit on during the presentation for example uh we avoid uh to force you to apply through un assist because this simply doesn’t really work well we can apply directly at our University very important we will share the slides afterwards and uh the main contact data

    Here is provided on the first page you can either contact us anytime by email and of course please also do have a look at our website so things like for example the module description a detailed description of our courses our Labs our admission requirements all that

    Can be found online and by using the email address you will actually send an email to Sabin F who’s also in the meeting she’s acting as course coordinator um and to me will be sent and one of us will answer usually within one day okay so uh what are we uh well we

    First of all we are a university of applied science which is at the moment on the uh edge of becoming a European University one of the few in Germany um who is moving that direction so we have a couple of very strong Partnerships inside Europe

    Uh in in toy in Catalina in Spain in cyer and some others which also allows you to to attend classes from the other universities if you are interested we are a uh large University of Applied SCI so we have round about 177,000 students uh in 12 faculties so more or less

    Everything you can study in a university of applied science is available in dhad which is kind of a typical situation we have a couple of large University towns Technical University towns like AR Munich and damad and besides the very large tus we usually also have a very large University of applied science in

    These locations this actually has the big advantage that universities are pretty well known so uh attendees or or uh students who are finishing our program uh usually have no problem at all finding a great job in the industry well this is a picture of one

    Part of our campus so we are located in the center of dad uh it’s a rural area Frankford is very close by uh mines and and some other cities and as you can see it’s it’s a well not one of the largest cities in Germany but a pretty large

    Town which still has a lot of green uh parks and mountains around us so from the quality of living also definitely a interesting area and if you actually are interested to dive a little bit deeper into how our campus look like simply Google how they are and 360 degree and

    Then you will actually be guided to this website which allows you uh to go for a virtual walk around the campus how does our University look like well we are old but uh we are still Innovative and and modern uh so this is actually a view just a few Impressions

    Our student Cafe uh our uh learning Halls where students actually can work uh during uh in between uh the lectures our lecture Halls uh are like most universities in Germany equipped with most state-of-the-art equipment and modern opportunities besides studying also living in Germany of course is very

    Important and I’ve already seen in the chat there have been some questions like what can we do outside of our regular study programs well we are running a couple of student projects at our our University so for example if you want to work a little bit in the Practical field

    You can join the team of our electric uh race uh bicycle uh the gaus project where students from different faculties are working together and are doing some real engineering work or what is also very very popular among our Master students you can join the faster racing

    Team uh they are now moving from a combustion engine to an electric car which also will have some uh autonomous driving features so also that of course is something which is of a high uh interest to um engineering students and of course also sporting uh options uh I

    Think we have around about 20 30 different sports which are offered on the campus at the University as I said our program is already a very old uh international program I think it’s it’s probably the oldest international program we have in Germany we celebrated 25 years of international Master this year and we

    Are really very very proud that we have a a truly International Community so this is is a picture of of one group of our graduates who graduated uh one uh or two weeks ago and I’m happy that to say that everybody who’s on this picture actually had a job before they finished

    The program so the drob perspectives are really uh great all the lectures are held in English we still see that uh and feel that German language skills are very important our clear goal is that you are able to enter the German or european labor market afterwards so we

    Will force you to learn German there’s no way around that uh but this is uh significantly improving your job perspective afterwards and uh well the minimum level you have to achieve will be an A2 level but most students by now are reaching the level B1 or even B2

    Which is a pretty good preparation towards the German Market uh we have a very strong uh cooperation with industry so besides studying two semesters in our program you will do an internship of one semester in a uh company in Germany and then uh you will do another semester uh

    As a master student or in a master thesis inside industry so half of the program will be inside industry half of the program will be uh in the University which will obviously prepare you very well for your career our program is the free of tuation fees uh I think this is

    Also a very important uh argument and as I said before uh we have the clear goal to get you into the German labor market that’s why we’re running this program and more than 80% of our graduates are actually entering the German uh labor market afterwards uh and to do that in a very

    Very very successful way um well what are we offering uh we are not a specialized master program I think this is also a very important difference we offer the very traditional four major disciplines of electrical engineering and information technology uh in our program so you can select one

    Of the four majors uh automation communication embedded and power um we are offering and we are very strong on on providing support so uh when you actually decide to apply at our University we will have a couple of online meetings where we will tell you everything about how to apply how to to

    Prepare the housing uh how to prepare the enrollment what do you need to do uh to be in time in Germany we support you on APS and all these other formal annoyances we have seen over the last couple of years to happen we have a group of student guides senior students

    Who will support you from a students perspective they will also pick you up at the airport once you’re flying in they will bring you to your accommodation they will bring you to the university on the first days so that you’re sure that everything is running uh very

    Smoothly well during your study we will have uh a lot of technical butching classes um before you’re starting so the official semester as usually for the winter term uh is starting mid of um October we are only having an intake for the win semester uh but we expect you to

    Be here on the 1st of September and then we are using six weeks to give you German classes first block to give you technical bridging classes to make a lot of very nice excursions to heidleberg to mines to bond to the house of History so

    That you also get a little bit of a background uh of where you actually have landed and what is offered at our campus we also of course have Services uh to support you finding internship and master thesis we have an international carea center we have very powerful and

    Big uh International office we have a student service center they will help you with all the whereabouts during your stay inside the university and then the story of course continues you are successfully graduating one day and we actually belong believe in a very strong Network so we like to to stay in contact

    With you um and a lot of students actually after a couple of years they are returning to our University they are either supervising Master thes by the s they are supporting the juniors in entering the labor market or this uh year for the very first time we actually

    Have one of the graduates who graduated four or five years ago to return as a lecturer to our University uh so we really have a very nice closed Circle we also like to call it the master of science family well how does the program look like I’m just giving you a very brief

    Fly over of the program uh please check our website uh for for a more detailed description so we have four majors uh major Automation in every major we will have two um subjects which are cross major subjects so project management and Engineering responsibility will be the subject during the winter semester uh

    Similar argument like like what you have heard in englad andun having a master degree you are qualifying yourself for a management or technical lead career so project management skills legal skills are required um in the second semester you will be doing a team project so you really will do a very strong Hands-On

    Exercise and Implement some uh nice technology then we have a couple of mandatory subjects so a total of seven man subjects three electors so a lot lot of choice in our program and basically the similar structure is is also available for the other Majors internship will be uh in the third

    Semester and then a master thesis in industry in the fourth semester so you can actually see this very strong focus on getting you into the industry communication similar setup embedded a very similar setup and also power a very similar setup besides uh having really state-of-the-art labs and and courses uh

    We also uh try to to give you a a good social experience so uh during the September of March SE during the month of September and March sorry uh beside the technical classes we will have excursions to heidleberg to Bon to mines and some other cities uh you can attend

    Career fears uh we will have Intercultural trainings uh the German classes uh so there is a lot of activities around the uh technical lectures to really help you to have a smooth Landing in uh Germany and in dad application so um as I said uh we

    Are not uh working with uni assist you can apply directly at our program um and your application will be checked by the professors of our faculty so we are checking and having a look at all your applications including a motivation letter we take the time to learn about

    Your motivation uh we typically have round about 1,500 appliations every year uh out of these 1,500 applications we are selecting the top 250 admissions so we are extremely picky on uh giving you uh access we are really choosing the best best doesn’t mean that we just looking for marks or something similar

    But we really look at your profile we look at your working experience this is highly U well appreciated we look at what you have done before and then we decide uh who can join the program out of the 250 admissions typically 125 are getting or are coming to Germany and

    Then we have an additional 25 30 German students so the typical uh strength of uh our uh four majors is round about 140 150 students which roughly means that we have round about 35 students per major so still a comparable uh well nice uh uh CL class size um which allows us to

    Really work in a very interactive way what do we require well we require a bachelor degree in electrical engineering or equivalent um we expect a excellent transcript of Records I’m not putting a mark behind that because uh marks from International universities cannot really be compared like I said in

    The last couple of years I think I’ve checked around about 20,000 applications so we have a pretty good feeling what marks in certain universities and subjects do mean so we are taking that into consideration but you can roughly well calculate uh or or expect that you

    Have to be somewhere in the top 25 20% of your batch to have a good chance to enter our program um English as language of tuition is not sufficient for us we simply have made the experience that um this doesn’t really mean that your English English skills are are good so

    We expect a yields or tuffle certificate doesn’t matter whether you have academic or general yields both is acceptable and we expect at least a score of 6.5 as I said working experience is appreciated German skills are appreciated and then we are really looking at this large group of

    Applications and decide who can come application will be done based uh or in our own portal I think this is is pretty straightforward the application process itself is for free you don’t have to pay anything only once you get accepted you will have to pay some small administrative fees because we have to

    Run this portal we have to run the staff um and uh the costs which are not really covered uh by uh the state have to be paid by the students but this is only one time a onetime payment the rest of the program then is for free the application timeline um very

    Important we have seen uh actually this year for the students who applied um for this winter semester that uh in India they started with APS um we as a university we don’t need APS I I think it’s a huge hindrance um in in the application process it doesn’t really

    Make sense but uh the German state looks at it a little bit different so you need APS for getting the Visa no matter at which university you are applying unfortunately so this is something you should do very very early um we are starting in December with the electronic

    Application then we are deciding so somewhere mid of April uh you will at the very latest get the decision typically those students who are applying earlier will get uh the decision also a little bit earlier because we will start working uh on the applications uh in January uh and then

    Uh the our portal will automatically provide you the admission letter and uh everything else you need then we are moving into a second phase uh where you are preparing your your visa and your travel during that phase we will have a couple of online uh meetings to actually

    Support in that process we will have our student guides being available who can also support you so there will be a lot of uh support um so that you actually can come to Germany 1 of September start with the Intercultural training the language courses the pre-semester closes

    All the excursions and then in the middle of October start with our program yeah so this as a very brief nutshell of our program this is a picture of the students who started uh this uh year September so this was just uh at the beginning of September as you can see

    It’s a very nice very International very motivated group and I would be happy to actually have the one or or other from you becoming a member of this family in 2024 or one of the years to come thank you very much for your attention

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