in this video I share with you what it’s like to be a delivery driver for uber eats and just eat this is also my first time being a delivery driver so am going to see how much money I can make delivering in Edinburgh.

    Buy me a coffee ☕️

    #ubereats #edinburgh #deliverydriver #delivery #justeat

    You set the order and everything I accept it yeah no problem contains age restricted items that’s might be fun so we are off to pick up our first delivery here on Uber e we’re heading to ASAS it’s a a shopping one so it’s 23 items and it’s paying 7 pound uh was it

    Told me a minute ago 77 odds it’s paying and heading to collect it just now we’re going to drop it off and we’re going to work four hours here in Edinburgh and we’re going to see how much money we can make uh between uh justy and Uber Eats

    And at the end of it we’re going to work out if it’s actually viable to actually work for these companies because I keep criticizing these companies that you just can’t make money and they don’t pay the drivers enough so we’re going to see if actually they do pay the drivers

    Enough and actually if they can actually make a decent wage in a 4-Hour period so we’re going to head to our first delivery now Guys Barbara complete pickup so this tells me where I’m going and let’s head to the customer Barbara your as the order is on its Way I’ve just went past the opening cuz that was bleeping so we’ll reverse hopefully new On’s There hey bar there you go thank you very much you’re welcome chy and let’s confirm that delivery delivery complete my first delivery with Uber Eats and it’s complete £740 that paid me is that good for one delivery I think so what it took 20 minutes 20 minutes for £740 so that’s

    Actually all right 20 minutes no got a problem with that right we’re waiting for the next delivery to come through there you go I’ve got two deliveries McDonald’s 28 minutes saying it’s going to take me 3 M6 I’m going to decline that so we’re currently going to head up

    To the center of town and see what’s around there there’s obviously more restaurants and more takeaways around there so more chance to get deliveries in the outskirts of Edinburgh H currently Uber Eats is 1.1 just now I don’t know what that means maybe you guys can let me know in the comments 1

    .1 I’m guessing 1.1 times your rate so it’s a we bit extra I’m guessing how can how high can actually go let me know in the comments how high have you seen that um rate go up cuz right now it’s 1.1 I mean does it make any difference to just

    Being normal or does it actually get people to go out and actually drive but £740 for that delivery was actually okay I don’t know if that’s normal I don’t know if that’s a normal price that they charge for as the deliveries but we’re waiting for our next order nothing came

    Through yet so we’ll head up to town hopefully we get another Order right I’ve got my second delivery uh paying £330 we’re going to take it it’s not far but we’re going to see how long this takes it’s now 327 obviously 12 minutes since I received finished that last order that as the order so we’re going to see how

    Long this one takes now this place is just up here in Newton we’re in the center Edinburgh now so came into the center where there’s more restaurants there’s more um takeaways so hopefully we can pick up more deliveries uh it’s not quite tea time yet tea time guess

    And be about 5:00 for most people people are probably just finishing to go home now so we’ll pick up this order and we’ll see how long it takes us to deliver hey P an order for aen yep I’m literally just making that one thank you told you accept the order and

    Everything I’ll accept it yeah no problem it’s already accepted oh sorry it’s just the deliver system accept yeah no no that’s just I’m saying what I’m used to so all right okay no problem oh no I can’t get the address unless I accept it right yeah thank you

    Right we are on the way to our next drop off nice so I can open the [Applause] Car on you go pal thank you you’re delivering yeah hey pal thanks very much thank you so I just got an order for Uber Eats but I’m going to cancel that order because I just got a better order for just e so it’s paying a be bit more and

    It’s not actually difference in like miles it’s actually about the same so we’re going to cancel the order if I can cancel I hope I can cancel this order I’ve never done this before someone said you can can cancel orders if you don’t see fit uh restaurant too far can cancel

    Delivery okay so I’ve canceled order I’m going to come offline and we’re going to do this Uber e order um or thejust E order sorry and we’re heading towards sbes so it’s a way bit different with just it you got to say park at restaurant when you’re here and then go

    And collect your order I got an order just it just order okay once again we don’t need a delivery bag because we’re picking up groceries so we’ll start collected order I’m going to put my hands up and say Well done to these uh YouTubers who do food deliveries for a carea I think

    You’ve got London eats London hustle I think are the two big ones in London and they do some incredible content regarding doing deliveries uh I couldn’t do what they do because you know I mean it’s a lot of work a lot of EDI and not only that you

    Know what I mean like you’ve kind of got to have a clear heat when you do this job because it’s not always fun in games like traffic is annoying me just now that’s the main thing with me is is like heavy traffic waiting in cu’s Waiting

    For a long time so far it’s been okay but when I decided to do this I did speak to a few people and they did say that uh it’s either for you or it’s not for you and right now I’m 50/50 like I couldn’t do this all the time I mean I

    Work full times so I’m lucky enough to have a job but these people that have to do this all the time day and day out just to meet meet the targets I mean I feel for them I mean I do have a bit of more respect just for

    Doing this first hour but you know what I mean I wouldn’t come out in this weather any other time I mean it’s Dreadful out there today really really bad weather pared at customer lovely right let’s go and deliver this order right oh another order straight away paying make sure you sh shut the

    Gate behind you oh it’s groceries again people love their grocery deliveries contains age restricted items this might be fun age restricted items I’m guessing that’s alcohol cigarettes I mean let’s hope they didn’t cancel the order yeah have some alcohol for free that’s what I already to ask everybody in the

    Comments do you get to keep the food if the customer cancels order let me know in the comments what people think I really want to know if if delivery drivers get to keep the food if the customer cancels the order after you’ve picked up the order it’d be very

    Interesting to know how people think about that because if you’ve got a an order worth £50 say £60 that customer cancels obviously they’re going to get charged or maybe half charged is it worth you keeping or do you have to return let me know comments oh my friend oh you must have

    Knew I was coming thank you very much here okay I stick it in there that’s fine buddy thank very much cheers buddy for the long time more than half an hour what’s that uh for the collection you’ve been waiting half an hour we got the

    Order more than half an hour all right I just got it 10 minutes ago oh so some everybody must have been canceling it that’s what happens if people if people don’t like an order they just cancel cancel and cancel but there’s a lot of PE drivers that can’t do alcohol cuz

    You’ve got to sign in a form so that’s why cheers pal right there you go see he had what he said this customer has been waiting a long time for this order and they’re only paying me under the fivr to deliver this so let’s see if we can get this

    Alcohol to the customer no need for a theral bag it’s not any food just alcohol I’m guessing they’re protesting what the the war that’s going on right now the Palestinians I have no idea who what side we are on so I’m not even going to comment on political stuff because I

    Haven’t even watching the news regarding what’s going on I know it’s Dreadful war is obviously a Dreadful thing but people have the right to protest every person has the right to freedom of speech and protest cheers now there you go she looked over 25 so I don’t need to challenge

    So if they look younger than 25 you need to ask for the ID and I only Lo delivery drivers out there which I’ve seen videoing they don’t answer or don’t do the 25 challenge policy and they’re breaking the law when they don’t do it right we’re off to our next

    Delivery B burger and it’s in Newton in the center edra so it’s only 5 minutes away from here so we’re heading there now so enjoy some of the sightseing along the Way right B par one of the one of the ur’s favorite places to visit bker in here now let’s go and collect order thank you very much is that everything yet Paul thank you right we’ve got an order that wasn’t too bad right I think the customer is

    Not that far away so let’s go and deliver hey P how you doing there you go thank you Che pal right another one bites of dust Another One straight away this one’s paying a be bit more tackle Bell oh I don’t think I’m doing that one 554 1.8 miles KFC South Charlotte Street

    Going to Dublin Street Edinburgh yeah that’s okay yeah why not that looks simple enough so let’s accept order just 4 minutes away less than a mile let’s deliver this order hopefully the customer’s happy the food is really hot I’m going to keep it hot cuz that’s what it’s all about giving customers hot

    Food no cold food and that’s what a FAL B bags for thermal bag is for hot food only cold items you don’t need to use it but you can but I’d rather not use a thermal bag for cold items that way I can keep all the food

    Hot but they are or write in the comments if it annoys you if you get a delivery and that delivery driver came with an Aldi bag a cool bag because you can’t be bothered buying a cool bag or a hot bag sorry so let me know in the

    Comments if you hate that if you hate Aldi’s bags being delivered by delivery drivers let me know in the comments below four struck fee so there you go pal thanks very much buddy cheers pal okay another one complete good let’s see I got another one straight

    Away right I’ve got to do this order I think this is going to be my last order and then when I finish this order we’re going to tally up how much I’ve made in 3 hours because it probably be 6:00 the time I finish this order so we’re going

    To do this order and we’re going to see how much I I have made uh doing uh Uber Eats and justy here in Edinburgh Island porke this is a new restaurant I’ve never seen in Edinburgh yet Island pork what are they chips fishing chips what did they sell and extra

    Stuff yeah there you go all right let’s go head to this customer 7 minutes away 1.4 miles let’s get There What Get 7 minutes to come down and if I’m not down for 7 minutes I get to keep the food and then go away you get 7 minutes to come down basically so that’s my waiting time you can always tell somebody run it say delivery that’s for you y I could tell

    Sorry about that no it’s fine I saw you running there I was like that’ll be hers there you go thank you very much joy take care right that’s us done for the night complete delivery and look how busy it is just now we’re going to go offline

    Ladies and gentlemen get back in this car get parked up somewhere and tally up how much we’ve made oh my God yeah it’s getting windier oh God God God God God God oh God yeah right so we’re finished for the night ladies and gentlemen I have ended it at 600 p.m.

    Exactly I was going to do another hour but the weather’s getting a bit more worse the wind’s picking up the traffic’s getting more heavier there’s traffic lights everywhere you know I mean I’m no cut out for this but you know I mean I did enjoy the 3 hours so

    We’re going to see how much I’ve made now on justy I have made £19.95 okay so four orders £19 it’s like a f order and on Uber Eats I have done four orders so I’ve done eight orders in total 2064 so if you add it up I have made 40 quid basically I’ve

    Made I’ve made just over 440 in 3 hours so if we go to the calculator here okay so 40 we’ll just say average of40 and we’re going to divide that by 3 hours so I have made £1 13 33 pans what do you think of that guys do you think that’s

    Worth it or not uh I’ve still obviously got to take in account my fuel uh my expenses um so 3 hours1 13 if you put that to minimum wage £10 65 minimum wage a couple of pound more uh roughly about a couple of pound more is it worth it I

    I believe if you if I never had the car I could probably do a re bit more cuz I wouldn’t need to stop and Tra for 10 minutes you you know that you know what I mean so overall I think yeah if someone was doing this full time they’re

    Going to make money if to stick into it but as for me I wouldn’t do this job uh you know what I mean I as Fitness it would definitely make sense you could definitely lose weight doing this job 100% but I do hold my hat up to all

    These guys out there H like London eats and London Hustle the big guys doing London who did this on a daily Bas basis I know they day it for Content now they’re probably making a lot of money on YouTube doing it especially London hustle and London eats they’re making

    What two or three grand per video I can tell you that for a fact and plus all the sponsorship deals so they’re making a lot of money um and they only do that now for Content they don’t actually want to work there but they do it because

    It’s now their business but for me I mean I might do this again I might do another challenge do you think put the comments do you want me to do another challenge do you want me to do deliveries and show you around some of the areas in Edinburgh so we get to see

    Some of the areas that no one gets to see like some of the deserted areas some of the areas that look scruffy I mean you just see when you come to edinb all you see is a castle princess Street George Street you know what I mean so

    Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this video I’ve had fun going out especially in a storm you know what I mean it’s getting worse now you can see the rain is just coming down so I’m going to end the video there guys thank

    You for watching it’s been a pleasure if you are new to the Channel please subscribe to the channel H click that Bell for notifications thanks for watching guys take care


    1. Do another video. You need to brim the fuel tank at the start and at the end of a shift to find out how much you have spent on fuel. How are you going to pay the taxman? Do you now have to do a self assessment?

    2. Just a tip. Delivering is hard on your car starter after 6 months. If you're doing a lot of short trips, turning your car on alot can wear it out. It cost me 700$ on a Honda Civic. Leave your car on if you want to go easy on your starter.

    3. 19:59 As you mention, you still need to factor in the expense of fuel, insurance, car maintenance, possible parking expense = overhead and at least minimum wage as the driver. If the driver is able to drop off one order and pick up next order in the same area, the driver will save a little travel time and expense. Receiving gratuity/tips helps.
      21:36 I love to see/be where local people live, eat, shop, spend with friends, loved ones, etc.

    4. Hi mate. I want to do this in Newcastle. Was there much waiting to start between applying to EU / JE? Days, weeks, months? What type of insurance did you get? And did you get pay as you go or annual?

    5. I was thinking of doing this, but worried if i do this how do i do tax and things.. even if i did this just for bit of cash for Christmas how will that impact things… And yeah i would assume you chuck the food.. " i wouldn't personally 😂" if they say chuck it.. ill cuck it in my Belly 😅

    6. Thanks for the upload and information I was thinking of getting myself a cheap 125cc scooter to do deliveries as a side hustle and even after watching im still undecided as the bigger orders pay more but im not sure youd be able to carry that ASDA order on a scooter and that seemed like the highest paying order you did plus seeing you at the end running to ya car cause of the horrible weather well that would be worse on a bike ye wouldnt be able to escape it haha. I reckon it might be worth it as a weekend job if ya already have a full time job but not sure if its worth doing full time.

    7. So the X multiplier for example 1.1 is 10% on top of the base fee and I've seen as high as 3.0 which is 300% on top let me tell you that was a huge earning day for me. The minimum was £12 for max 1 mile.

    8. Now to talk on the subject of restaurants asking you to accept orders. This is because if you don't press confirm and then swipe you can leave the store and then cancel while still having the order and in effect steal the order.

    9. Next is cancelled orders.

      If you have the order and its cancelled by the customer or you have waited for example on uber eats the 7 minutes you can keep the food and do what you want with it. 9:41

    10. Hi mate. Like you're a mind reader. I am in edinburgh and looking for a more flexible approach to work and i thought can i make money doing this in Edinburgh. Cheers for the video

    11. Hi bro,i have a question: can i use turkish driver licence to drive car for delivery uber eats or deliveroo? or should i take uk driver licence ?i have 12 years old turkish driver licence B .

    12. How long does it take for the bag to come? I’ve ordered it yesterday and it says on the app ‘your account is not yet active’ is this because ive not received my bag?

    13. hi mate your doing amazing job but if any orders has been cancel u have take it back to the place u got it from i work full time plus i do ubar and just eat in the side with moped and car in west sussex and east sussex

    14. Hi bro, I want to earn extra money on weekends while working in Uber food delivery on a bicycle, will this be considered as another job and the tax office HMRC will charge double tax?

    15. Hello, great video,

      Do you know how it works out at the end of the tax year, you have to settle it. How does it work out? For example, how much should you pay back for £100 earned?

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