Join me and guests including the loveable Aaron from @SlothyVlogs (Make sure you subscribe) we had a great couple of hours at the amazing Valentines fair

    Beach’s Brooklands Valentines Fair is one of our favourite UK funfairs of of the early season and the ground is awesome, it’s built on the former Vickers Aerodrome

    The fair has free parking and free to enter, just buy your ride tokens/tickets at the booths dotted around, they take card or cash and there’s a load of amazing machines here

    If you would like to go all the information can be found on Beach’s Funfair’s Facebook page ⬇️

    Bonus attraction in the area is the well worth visiting Brooklands Museum, which houses heritage Cars and Aircraft ⬇️

    Also don’t forget to enter the giveaway by simply asking the question in the vlog and commenting your answer in the comments section of the video

    *to enter you must be over 18yrs old and be able to visit*

    All footage was filmed for entertainment, publicity and safety purposes only and not to be copied in anyway without permission

    Music by Epidemic Sound –

    Filmed in 4K 50fps using a dji Osmo Action 4 plus dji mic 1 and an iPhone 15 Pro for cinematic footage and photos


    For collaboration enquiries please contact me via email:

    #brooklandsmuseum #funfair #vlog #djiosmoaction4

    Plug it plug it tell people to come here what is it what where am I Brooklyn’s funf beaches London’s number one right hello there yes welcome back to another Vlog here on coast of crazy YouTube channel yes it’s the first fun fair crazy Vlog of the year the first

    Fun fair for me of the season the 2024 season I’m looking forward to it yeah it’s the uh Valentine’s Fair here in Brooklyn it’s run by beaches I’ve been to their fairs many times before just got here it’s uh currently just gone past 5:00 it’s golden hour or it was

    Probably about 30 minutes ago don’t really know what’s here at the moment it’s always a good Fair there’s always like a coaster and the ghost training stuff there so uh yeah do you want to join me cuz it looks pretty decent to me it looks pretty busy as well so uh yeah

    Let’s go on some rides oh it’s also here till the 25th of February so get yourself here you got no excuses if you live down in the South yet it’s built on a all former racetrack it was opened in the early 1900s and yeah world famous is

    Brooklyn’s it and one of well in fact this is the runway the old Runway uh it’s a great ground hard standing the allow dogs and filming and everything get yourselves down Brooklyn’s here for beaches let’s go and get on some rides Nothing H look at that sky behind me it looks pretty good the sunet yeah again I’ve changed I know you’re probably all bored of this action 4 vlogging with cameras and action cameras nonsense but yeah I just I changed the settings again I noticed that the exposure on a lot of

    The videos that I did in Brighton were quite over saturated with the with the light so I’ve turned the iso down a bit to I think it’s 3,200 or something I don’t know it’s a bit geeky even for me um show you the poster first in fact

    I’ll turn you the other way cuz there’s toilets just there if you need them yeah here’s the first H like I said it’s on till the 25th the poster will be edited in somewhere here if you want to have a look at the poster uh beach has done their Fair

    Loads that sky is amazing yeah so the setting I’ve put you on is super wide and I’ve dropped dropped the iso down a bit and it’s in 4k 50 so yeah it’s not on Rock Steady plus it’s just standard um balancing so it should be good again I’ve changed the setting on

    The mic as well because I think it had like the game was too low on it or something and it didn’t sound amazing uh I must admit the inbuilt uh audio on the camera was really good look at the footage already yeah so I’ve come just before the lights

    Down first ride you get to you’re right dude it’s the uh the dragon coaster one of my favorite family coasters in the UK this it’s brilliant it’s basically the same as what cabit had in fact yeah it’s it’s the other model so there was two the other ones

    Cabot had and it was it was really good yeah uh I hope you’re enjoying the new sort of updated Vlogs I don’t know if you can call it that not sure if I’ll do a cinema I taking any footage on my phone yet but I’m sure I will do I’ll walk

    Around show you what’s here first and then I’ll get some pictures and some cinematics make a nice video for them yes you got the wal there y there’s me mate there’s me mate love me new setup bro do you want to talk into the camera

    Into the mic H how we doing guys you right plug it plug it tell people to come here what is it what where am I Brooklyn’s FF beaches London’s number one awesome he’s he’s he’s on the mic tonight you are right yeah sorry about that yeah I just met the main man

    Himself uh Mr Beach and yeah he’s a top bloke a real good showman yeah look at the footage in here yeah it seems to be a bit better now of widen the the field of you I have to hold the camera too far away from my face now but

    It still looks good look at the uh look at the Twister here yeah unfortunately like most F the tradition um it’s not late at night it’s a Saturday night and it’s very quiet you’ve come on please you’ve got to come and check out your fairs if you

    Want to come on a few rides and not have to wait in line for for stuff then your fairs are the the best way to go there’s a really nice Superstar down here so rounds of bean passes obviously the Miami uh the Dodge rooms are twist look at the star fly

    Here yeah weather’s not been great today either it was like really foggy this morning and rained a lot you can see with the puddles on the floor there’s been M there’s been mate on the uh star fly a swing yeah this is the one that was at uh reading the

    Christmas fair at reading pretty sure it was well you know me I’ll be wrong about that just about to send the Superstar don’t know who is this one I’m not Sure yeah they got a go train here looks awesome I now now join with Kev he is a bit shy light in Vlogs AR you Kev yes yeah how old are you Kev I’m trying to get it out of him how old are you too old too

    Old you never too old Kev I am never yeah you got the massive fun house there you got the ghost train just behind me here this looks well good who owns this one Kev which the ghost train I think he’s one of the Bentley family one of

    The Bentley family that’s as much as I know but I’m pretty sure I’ve done this one think it goes with Irving Irvings yeah yeah yeah I’ve have done it yeah it’s the one that goes to um black Heath isn’t it look at that star flyer oh the

    Footage I’m loving this camera I hope this sounds like not all over the place it’s not windy I could get away with not using the mic just have to keep remembering to clip it back on myself cuz it just sounds like that otherwise oh he’s clicking he’s off he’s off run

    Away yeah I’m loving it here I really am it’s a great Fair um I’m not with the misses or Tilly tonight the I basically got up really early this morning and we like a good Ling I got away from that really loud music um we got up this morning well I

    Did like really early and I set off at like 6:00 to get to the secret location where the podcast was filmed off the tracks if you haven’t seen it already well it might be on after this I don’t really know when but it was it was it

    Was good um but yeah so coming home I went and got us some beautiful flowers for Valentine’s Day cuz I can’t really do it during the week when I’m at work uh unless I order online and I don’t I prefer go into a florist and support a local

    Business spent I might have spent a bit too much of flowers to be H it’s massive it’s huge I might post a picture on my socials later when it’s actual Valentine’s Day you know um yeah so yeah I got on blessed she said she wasn’t feeling great and I can’t bring Tilly on

    My own cuz I can’t then go on the rides but we’ve been coming here since we got Tilly Tilly was a put when we first came here and just get used to funs got the well good mirror behind me there that’s one of the best the amount of smoke

    That’s in there um and and you get lost in it it’s great uh there’s a ton of kids rides here as well it’s easy accessible for disabled people cuz it’s on a nice sort of smooth time up ground you can see it it’s well nice bounces the light off really well I’ve just

    Stood in a Puddle yeah watch where you’re walking when you’re vlogging that’s another skill you’ve got to learn if you want to do this yeah so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 probably 10 12 13 about 14 maybe 15 rides just for the little ones to get on

    Um you got uh trampolines here and you got bungee jumper everyone everyone’s got bunge jumps these days there’s an arcade here as well if you like your pushes um yeah so that that say as well I love the light the light look at the lighting bouncing off the floor from the lights

    In here it’s stunning like I really I’m so sad that Carters had to give up I really am but yeah what happens in it you know it’s it’s such a shame but yeah you got the arcade here as well looks great there’s another little kids ride here

    Trampolines at the end there there’s a whole line here just of ryes for the kids and then you got uh the extreme at the end I’m not the biggest fan of this one unfortunately are you Kev it’s okay what they’re okay oh it’s okay he said okay you’re getting some good pictures yeah

    I’m getting a few you getting a few right I’m got to go a wristband or some and go on definitely the coaster the ghost train sit maybe it’s always cold on the starfly this time of year is it I’m still got my shorts trousers on you

    Are put some trilers on Cheers Kev you right mate do you want to be do you want to say hello you all right I’m all right hello how are we doing what’s your name dude I’m Eric we’re W open here at blands yeah get them told get them to

    Which ride are you running mate ju juvenile Jets juvenile Jets come on your juvenile Jets yeah I missed the one at cars already I’m just saying about like did you ever used to go C steam fair in that no I know jooby though yeah but yeah no we we’ve seen you before at

    Eastley and stuff haven’t we oh yeah yeah you’ve definitely seen me before but yeah nice to see you mate and you yeah like I say you got the extreme just here as well right so uh I’ll guess I’ll see you in a minute uh I got she’s smiling over she’s you’re on

    It I’ll come over in a second I’m I’m coming I’m coming Extreme as well so yeah let’s go some rides here at the uh Valentine’s Brooklyn’s funfare or the Brooklyn’s Valentine’s funfare 2024 right so here’s your prices yeah each ride or each token is20 basically your normally is free to enter in here

    As well 10 for a tener family bundles 45 tokens for 40 quid and yeah that’s no wristbands or anything 3 toer just go and get you uh tokens from the lovely lady that doesn’t want to be on camera but after turned it I’ve turned it so

    You’re all right you’re all right I got some uh tokens I’ll see you in a Minute I I’ve got I’ve got one clip as well I got one clip you got one of them small muffs as well would you yeah everyone’s got them now I feel like I’m copying everyone I’ve wanted a setup like this for years it’s a nice decent

    Setup you got here that thing on the end there it’s a receiver for this oh really yeah with Mike’s uh with Dave’s uh what do you call it yeah by the way yeah it’s Aaron from sloy Vlogs if you if you didn’t already know but um yeah the one

    Dave’s got he’s got the pocket too and it’s like it’s in built is it one of them that St you got like a tripod yeah yeah yeah that’s the actual the actual tripods in the car oh really it’s to be back out though I can’t believe how warm

    It is it’s yeah but it’s it’s really warm in it for this time I’m bloody roasted is here yeah but it’s cold on that starfly with shorts on yeah I’ll bet I I’ll have a go on that later right so we’re just about to get um a couple

    Of lattes so yeah couple of steam milks good to be back here can I say that I want Ste mil it’s fine is it yeah I’ll show you later yeah right time we get a latte if you’re Northern have two L you got the uh you got the sloy Vlog

    Sticker there we’re just about to go on now I hope you can hear me over this music It’s it’s so loud it really is loud put me Brew down as well yeah Sweet oh here we go it’s it it’s time to send it all right here we go time to go crazy he he just read it up he’s found a good banging tune but uh it it’s not exactly banging oh here we go he’s turned it up to 11 ah

    Yeah oh such a good such a good Twist of this it’s well good man Woo probably better volume how’s it for you right hey you go a twister your eyes are watering yeah mine mine too streaming I tell you what that’s a good camera that isn’t it it it’s well good mate yeah I I tell you what I was doing the good investment I

    Know definitely yeah the price as well I was doing the podcast and I looked up and the in the camera there was a like a warning light it it over overheated and I’m like how long how long have we been filming for and he looked at the CU I

    Was sat down he’s like it says 40 minutes so it lasted 40 minutes and because he wasn’t walk they’re all smile they’re smiling at me are you hi are you all right do you like the F yeah yeah yeah it’s quite interesting enjoy scary f fun but scary

    Scary scary everything is SC nothing scary the f m no like my adrenaline but the kids the K the kids love it though yeah yeah yeah they they enjoying they enjoying this is really good once in a while I think H yeah yeah it’s quite interesting awesome where you

    From Brother no I’m from uh me where exactly town or the country country I’m from Zimbabwe Zimbabwe subscribe Coaster Crazy on YouTube Coaster Crazy you’re on it yeah yeah sure I bet it’s forgot already but yeah the Twister is awesome really really good we’ll going on the ghost train now you have

    This you all right he coming on right you all right I don’t know if he spoke them but yeah I’ll see you in a second right let’s see how this goes then first ever Dark Ride in a way with the amazing action fall how’s the lighting on it I turned

    The mic off as well Peach black in here some head ticklers and an exit and an exit sign can’t see nothing oh there’s a drop yeah that was a well good ghost train that some nice effects in there it is quite dark in some parts and I love this

    Outdoor balcony just here that is a a really good feature I just wish he had a little bit more of a better dropping ins side you do come down on a a gradient of the back and then obviously you go around the backat and then out of here

    Really good I love the cars as well it’s a good one is it a good Fair Flaps in there and head igers you can’t say fair flaps Family Channel Fair flaps well it’s feir well yeah more like carpet carpet FL it was it was like carpet so

    Uh yeah good Fair Flaps in there um yeah it’s a good good one I it I love the skeleton cars brilant yeah you know see that often it’s it’s good is it yeah he always said to me like I loveing the setup with the mic and like

    Everything I’m like yeah it’s just as same as any other action camera you still got a GoPro gopro’s in the bin M was it no back up backup I’ve got a GoPro but very rarely use it you got have a backup yeah yeah oh it’s bloody I think

    They’re about to send it you know it’s it’s yeah yeah yeah all right lad coming on of course we’re coming on seeing for doing end end up chatting for hours if we come for a chat it’s not it’s not a chat it’s an hour you’re coming up for

    An hour no we want to go on the Rides oh buzzing I love a good Superstar all right got the banging tunes on AR on he he had to come and push mine down as well so you’re not the only one it’s time to send it on the Superstar The Amazing Avengers back flash look at That start with Star Wars it’s stunning there it come down again woo look to the side no it makes me feel sick stop doing it then woo yeah boy Woo’s go [Applause] woo oh it’s oh oh she’s loving it over there you want to go f she’s already screaming oh wow

    Woo it’s going quick it’s got FAS oh yeah oh so good W oh we’re going down now oh I did do the Avengers but we good oh yeah Oh my God that was awesome yeah we we’ll probably do it again in a minute if we have enough time um this is what they should have had at alt Towers I know I said it in many Vlogs before where funen fly was or even well actually Funk fly

    Did really well but maybe maybe where um the Walter was have have had one of these instead 32 Riders it can fit uh and we’ve just worked out it could probably do over 200 rides an hour and we work that out if it was4 a

    Ride in an hour if you had that amount of people going on in an hour it’d be like 2 and A2 Grand in an hour you could seriously make on a machine like this it’s done the sticker hey I need hey hey I I need some stickers hey I need some oh

    What’s two tokens not four tokens that is well good th how good was that a brilliant so good to be back you know soon you go one of these F rides the drenin just goes on overdrive do it and you just like a big

    Kid in a candy store I you know just I know I know big question is Aaron is there a h top top you can’t even say yeah top spin going to all Towers yes or no no you reckon no no why do you know some of that I don’t know I’m only

    Guessing no idea I have no idea taking a step in the dark I want it to be a superstar though I love those machines yeah but if they Superstars go to a SS they’re not going to be run like that you know that no uh did a little

    Coaster and then what else and then the Dodge to do that looks quite busy now I might leave the break out cuz I haven’t got any sickness tablets so I’m not going to be out I’m not keen on that one actually no offense it’s a good ride

    It’s stunning it’s great it’s just a bit um it’s not kmg so it’s a bit janky in it it’s not a it’s not a proper kmg I think it’s like the check company that made him so it makes me a little bit queasy on that one

    Yeah the P the puddles the footage you can get from looking in a puddle Oh love a fair night I’ve got to say these Grands are is this is one of the best it’s one of the best it is on a Runway like it’ have fought it like all that time ago where you’d have Vickers and shackletons or whatever I can’t off

    The top of my head like massive planes flying off this Runway one of the first built in the world um and now you got this fun fair on it it is it’s got people around round but yeah we’ve got the Walter as well so two maybe two more rides for

    Me a push maybe three the star fer I don’t want to be here too late but yeah hoping you’re really enjoying the footage the Vlog if you like it please come down and check them out until the 25th of uh February bring your misses bring the kids uh come and have a good

    Time here probably won’t I said this last year I I’ll try and do the grounds I can do uh regarding fun Fair’s traveling and that I really want to try and do the hoppins this year you loved it didn’t you the hoppings I loved it yeah it’s um

    Well it’s in the summer in it and it’s uh more family you know when you go to Goose or look at the screen oh high no no look at the Quality on there oh yeah your batter’s running lower all I know cheers yeah the batteries I can I’m only

    Part three parking here as well so come on Aon he’s taking loads of pictures go check him out sloy Vlogs uh he he he’s been he does the pictures for the website Facebook Instagram and check me out while you’re at it I’ve got me t-shirt on I did the podcast earlier go

    And buy the merch if you haven’t already this I love it’s one of my favorite not just saying it because it’s my merch but yeah it’s is one of the nicest t-shirts I actually own believe it or not it’s so comfortable yeah it’s you have come

    On yes you got the wal here as well classic Walter oh there’s three Spinners on there yeah we’ll do the walzer as well I forgot about the walzer so yeah coaster walzer Maybe Star fly and then that’ll be it all right it’s time mate time great it co no I’ve done

    It most people don’t even classes as they CR which I find completely baffling it’s one of the best family traveling coasters in the UK this is so good don’t underestimate this ride oh happy days thank you # gifted yeah the back the back please yeah I might do a giveaway as well with

    The tickets I don’t use tonight obviously I’m well known here so uh yeah happy days so yeah watch out for that might be a giveaway win some tickets in It all right out to send it shoot out the station first I was Miles be miles away we were yapping then Here We Go Sir get ready for it [Applause] woo nobody’s got phone coming out of that play box yeah I don’t want the Pham wo oh yeah it’s rapid is it yeah 1 hour later oh no oh no got off me camera oh W that was Ring Man i r about 15 Laps on this in the past when I’ve been on my own you go R these turns it definitely witches it you coming oh how good was that he he’s walked away you walked away I never going to change your battery anyway I’ve still got the

    Soap in me Ma so good that I go change my go have a watch me car change my battery he’s on it now here new subscriber nice to see you mate you just subscribed what did you think to my favorite roller coaster yeah that was a nice one better than Al Towers

    Yeah yeah we enjoy yeah good is it yeah thank you so much again you take no worries get yourself to the F and I was the Coaster Crazy cycle was that they love that yeah yeah there about 15 Laps on that yeah that was good that was

    Bunkers right I’m going into the car which is just over here yeah in the free car park change a battery and then uh do a couple more R Waltz Maybe Star flyer 20 minutes left in there yeah sh off it can’t be too late it’s it’s 10 7

    Now and uh yeah hope you’ve enjoyed the Vlog so far I need light for me face but yeah I’ll see you in a second when I’ve Chang my battery right here we go it’s Walter time yeah some somebody smoking some around here and it’s well strong you

    Been on this one yeah I love this one this we’re sharing yeah sh all right time to send It woo start leing here we go we’re Leading hey safe smooth This Walter in it and it’s a black B yeah it’s so smooth this is a man come on in son come on give it somewh yeah ready yeah check I just checking me mic still w it’s been a while it’s been a while went a bit

    Quietly I need a miracle oh what a r awesome that yeah nice one cheers mate no problem see you later guys yeah get yourselves here where do they need to come mate Brooklyn’s Beach is London’s number one London’s number one yeah see you later mate yeah well good ride try

    Not to slip and fall over enjoy your ride o careful how was that for you how good was that oh was brilliant I’ve lost my voice lost your voice screaming screaming oh that’s brilliant one of the best swers uh in this area that’s for sure it’s old is it yeah classic can’t

    Be a classic and it’s a flatback I find the flatbacks are much more faster once get going you know yeah it’s uh it’s like 50 years old as well Aon yeah yeah brilliant and it’s walz a at the end not EO it’s a spell a mistake yeah look how

    Good it looks in that pudle there I’m sure they put that there uh on purpose yeah thumbs up yeah awesome right um what we doing next you want to do a star flyer let’s do a star flyer let’s do a star flyer all right time to send it on the star

    Flyer or Skys swing I think it’s cold yeah let’s see how cold it is up here oh look at the view yeah held up by this tiny little chain there is four of them obviously yeah Brooklyn yes a very historic places might have seen that we went to the

    Brooklyn’s Museum that’s just on the other end over there you’ve also got Mercedes Benz World which is a uh a car like a Mercedes Benz experience he can do might be something worth checking out if people are interested in cars but yeah it looks awesome doesn’t it really really cold oh

    We’re at the top so it’s not the tallest one ever always makes you sick when you look sideways though oh dear yeah look at this view I’ve got with the camera it’s well good is it obviously this this well this stick I’m using is the one I was using with me

    GoPro I left the osmo action stick in the car cuz I’ve got a really good handle a thicker handle on this one and it’s got the tripod built in I need to get a better tripod for the other selfie stick I’ve got yeah amazing is it it’s

    Bloody freezing on here though must be about 6° on the ride got a long cycle as well but yeah big thank you to the showman here there is quite a few must admit that we’ve been # gifted so I might do a giveaway at the end of this Vlog um

    There’s no probably no question involved or anything like that I might just pick someone at random if you are interested in coming and you want to win some tickets I’ll count up what I’ve got at the end and let you know but yeah get your names down comment like And

    Subscribe share the video as well and tell people to come and visit their local funs yeah the uh star fly there behind me Skys swing um was awesome yeah really good ride got some great footage on there Aaron just said I’m walking down here he wants he get the picture of the

    Dodge and the freak out and then I’m going and give Aaron a lift back to the train station yeah I’ve still got a 3-hour train journey all the way back from it’s come all the way from South End to come here yeah I’m committed AR I very

    Committed good looking lad he’s big lad as well well he’s a lot taller than me yeah what are you 5’4 5’8 cheeky son AR you 5’8 5’8 not 54 I’m 6’2 Big L is I it is yeah that’s why I get sometimes have a a nightmare trying

    To get on some of these rides because of his shoulders it’s don’t worry it’s me too they’re not built for big people are they no kg’s like yeah rubbish they’re not they’re not it’s just we don’t fit on them yeah there’s so much option for food and things to drink as well churros

    And everything here it’s a good Fair it’s just a shame that a lot of the fun fairs in the UK are very quiet it is a shame like if you’d seen the Vlog and I suggest if you haven’t seen it the Vlog Vlog from Thunderland in Ireland that was one of

    The best fun fairs I’ve ever done I love that like for the scale of what they had indoor and outdoor rides one of the best that that H break dance was awesome I love that and it’s such a shame that they’re just not that popular here in

    The UK or else we’d have more of them but I’ve had a good night here yeah I’ve not been here mega long but we’ve done the major rides that are here apart from maybe the the Miami and the dods but you can see the quiet there’s no one going around them

    So it’s not much fun when there’s only two you but yeah the freak out here as well I’ve done this one before like I said it it can be a bit juddery sometimes so it makes me feel a bit sick so I’m not risking it tonight but

    Yeah I hope you’ve enjoyed the fair the Vlog first Valentine’s Fair of the year yeah I think it’s a colding group I think it’s got the com foring group chairs on it but I don’t really know these girls are smiling they’re like look look at that look at that weirdo with the

    Camera got their boyfriends on there Valentine’s fa yeah she she’s like looking away looking it she don’t know but yeah have a good night girls I think the fellas are on there throwing up now’s getting some uh pictures yeah so a giveaway uh I’ll just count what I’ve

    Got and I’ll get back to you and yeah you can win some tickets I’ll just send them out to you in an envelope if anyone wants to come um a small selection of tickets but yeah get yourselves here go and support the local FS you’ll have a great

    Time right Aron yeah we’ve been here an hour or so you taking plenty of pictures for sloy Vlogs the page yeah yeah go and check that out um had a good chat with the showman you have yeah been that’s all I do it nonstop chatting like come

    On get on the rid there’s a few we missed out tonight but the atmosphere just isn’t there yeah tonight no you can expect that though on the first night it’s not going to be but it’s safe till the 25th in February to get yourselves here it is one of the best grounds in

    The UK you you’ve been before I’ve been a few times on an old Runway I’m much the tickets uh tokens 10 for a tener 10 for a tener so I’ve just counted up and and and and I’m that rubbish that I forgot I think there’s about 14 tickets

    Left yeah and I’m got tokens tokens tokens I have I must admit um I did actually pay for the tickets tonight they yeah they W if yeah it’s it’s yeah his car got declined basically yeah so I treat so we have paid for for rid tonight yes the show me themselves

    Giving us gift tickets so I’ve not used a ticket so I’ll give him away as a giveaway all that we want to know is what is the name of the roller coaster we’ve been on tonight so I have mentioned it I’ve shown it what’s the name of the uh kid roller coaster we’ve

    Been on tonight put it down in the comment section on in the comments wherever you want to put it I’ll um I’ll pick a pick a winner I’ll stick them in an envelope to send them to you and don’t forget to follow sluy Vlogs of course of course Co crazy as well get

    The merch buy the merch and W and go and wish Dave for yeah sold loads of merch you’re in you’re in the dark though we need a bit more light on you uh but anyway yeah giveaway tonight 14 tickets I think there is if you want

    Them uh we’ve had a good night here tonight good rides good sele good people that work here great family of the beaches and great family atmosphere it is yeah yeah it’s brilliant free parking just please come and support you f to get to is it train station’s only 10

    Minutes it yeah it walked you from the train station but free parking yeah it’s got everything there toilets over there food drinks kids rides thrill rides I just hope we don’t have a repeat last year where it every Saturday every Saturday for 5 weeks if you watch sloy

    Vlogs you know know cuz he moaned about it just as much as I did we just ended up doing indoor crazy gols stuff that’s indoors but I hope the showman do well this year for 2024 hope you enjoyed the Vlog don’t forget to comment like And subscribe hit the notification Bell for

    Next time we’ll load another one you might see Aaron again maybe if Dave’s you know not not up for it at the moment and we we’ve got to appreciate that if there’s any negative comments in in this Vlog today they will be get they will get deleted cuz we can’t yeah no I’m

    Norther M you get well we’re kind people we don’t have fights with people so yeah it just be respectful with communities people that do this for a hobby and you know just yeah it’s just not on like you know just be just you know just be careful with what you put on social

    Media and yeah don’t be uh don’t be a tool basically but anyway I hope you enjoyed this one give the video a thumbs up if you’ve enjoyed it big thumb bigger thumbs up than me and I’ll see you in the next one bye for now bye bye see you L busting for a

    Away yeah stinks in air damn I forgot to turn the camera off oh what an idiot


    1. Good to see your first fun fair vlog of the year at Beach’s Brookland there and to see Aaron there as well Andy , this looked a decent fair and Henry Bentleys ghost train there too – Nice 1 mate 👍

    2. Great to see you back on the fairs mate.. Great vlog keep up the good work showing the real stuff.. was working near you the other day in brentford doing some new footpaths.. that tower has shot up you is working on.. big respect

    3. Fabulous vlog with great rides, bright lights and lots of friendly people enjoying themselves.
      Also great to see Aaron from Slothy vlogs.
      Looking forward to the next one. 👍

    4. Mr Coaster, I love the new style of this vid, and if Mr Slothy is going to do less vlogging this year it would be great if you teamed up with Aaron, he is such a nice geezer.

    5. Great vlog showing the fun fairs at the start of the season after the winter months. Although I'm a rollercoaster guy I do like the fairs but I can only ride certain rides now as I don't like getting too dizzy. Good to see Aaron on the channel, moonlighting from Slothy Vlogs. Here's to a good season for the fairs and theme parks in 2024.

    6. Answer – Shrek. Going to Brooklands for the museum in March but might just go before then on the last weekend of fair all being well, need to make the most of the few decent sized fairs we have down south

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