The mountain bike feels GREAT NOW! Can’t wait to take it on it’s next journey.

    (This video is not sponsored)
    Items Featured in the Video:
    RBRL Kickstand

    Velmia Trekking Saddle

    Lerway Bike Stem Riser

    Giant 29×2.10 MTB Tires

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    What’s up guys welcome back to another video it is JT traveler and today we are working on the bike it is really messy here that’s my recycle bin that’s my cleanup towel these are the seats but yeah this is my workstation I’m in an apartment right now so I don’t have much

    To work with but the previous tires were 2.25 and I switched over to a uh 29 by 2.1 I wanted a thinner and tire because if you guys watch my videos you see that I do a lot of hybrid type of biking very diverse biking so I’m on the streets I’m

    On the the trails and I’m offroading I wanted to go a little bit more low profile so that way it can better adapt to my bike rides I’ve have also decided to upgrade my seat again so this was the stock seat if you guys watch my last

    Video I went to Academy I got this Bell seat I tried it out for the last video and my rump is absolutely hurt so bad so I went on Amazon and I got this one by Velma Velma and it is pretty heavy I’m not going to lie I’m just going to

    Justify it by saying that has shocks on the back since it got a hard tail this is my shock absorption this is my first time changing a tire so let’s get it changed out I started already on my 15 let’s do it the whole way struggling a

    Little bit but I’m going to figure it out I’ve been watching YouTube videos One thing I’m so glad that I thought about was making sure the tread is going the right way another weird thing I noticed about this bike is that as you can see this is all evenly taped but this part right here comes up a lot I

    Don’t know if that’s normal yeah I don’t know if that’s normal or not but it seems kind of weird so I’m just going to document it just in case now I have no idea how to put this on oh but I’m going to start with one only putting on one side First believe that is all tuck phone call hello hello all right so I think we’re looking I think we’re looking good and now I’m probably going to have to get my pry bar yep I’m going to have to get my pry bar out let’s try sliding it it

    Works I cut myself on the rimo maybe we slide it oh we slide it oh so you slide it on the rim so you put it right here when you get to the end and you slide it and it pushes everything in cool all right so we got the tire seated

    I am so glad that I bought this pump because it it has both the standard fit thing whatever you call it and it has the one that goes for this system it has this little little rotating bit that when you rotate it down you can release Air and then

    When you’re ready to go you can screw it back up and then keeps the air from coming out it’s good I don’t see any Tire pop peeking out I would say that’s a pretty good deal friend mainly the tread is lower on this one and the guy told me that it’s

    More versatile than the standard tires that came with it also these tires feel like a lot more a lot better quality than this one these kind of feel like balloons but they’re pretty good the standard ones or the stock ones that came with it so we got that one figured

    Out let’s go ahead and take this one off I I bought this bike also because it has these quick release oh man oh man that one’s on there good I’m going have to get like a pride bar or something oh man did I get that stuck oh my

    God I put that on way too tight there we go all I had to do is lift up on the shifter all right bet and that let s all the stinky Air But I literally can’t get this TI I’m like pushing as hard as I can I can’t do it with my mere mortal fingers flip it over and try the other side again so I was prying this open at first I thought the red tape was because of me then it

    Wasn’t because of me because I haven’t pried on this side and that red tape is going back already so I am not the culprit this time but yeah I have a terrible time getting this side off I don’t know it feels like it’s glued on I

    Don’t know why we finally did it that was super duper hard I’m going to give the level of hardness and stress and just overall complications eight out of 10 I don’t know what those previous tires were on but that was extremely hard I don’t know if I was doing it

    Wrong I don’t know if I did it right but I got done we get new tires on with the tubes in they’re about $40 each so $80 in total for these they’re the here’s the specs of them they’re the giant 29x 2.10 guy flipped over but I forgot to

    Mention that I took off the stickers on the wheel wells and then on the suspension the front as well I do have to take off this warning sticker and I’m going to leave these reflectors on just because when I’m traveling sometimes I wear all black and it helps out a little

    Bit in their visibility so might as well keep it on there I’m not a hardcore mountain biker so I don’t really care about looking goofy this is the SE that we’re going to be getting rid of it’s very lightweight and it’s padded but I’m

    Not used to this and this hurts so bad I biked for 20 mi the other day and this killt me so this one is meant for this is so much heavier though it does got the shocks on there but this is heavy that’s the profile and that’s the

    Original so we’re going to put this one on yay y shock absorption the seat is on the tires are on they’re facing the right way allegedly last piece to this puzzle is the bicycle stem razor we have to install that also have a kickstand coming but this is the

    Last modification we’re going to be doing tonight it’s from Le way this is one of the cheap ones I think it’s aluminum razor check it out got in Black okay tools now we got to figure out how to put this all together all right took

    That part off I I to took this part off but I’ve been noticing that my fingers have been getting really greasy I probably should have got some like lubrication for when I’m putting all this stuff together that’s something I’ll have to remember in the future All right so I got the stem Riser on help me I yeah you spot me push me over push me over okay got put the St this down a little bit more balce me B me who isn’t ready for that one bounce me let get away from

    The window so I fly out it sorry Neighbors come we’re going to both fall through the window I know why you don’t write bugs there you go bounce boun this good this looks goofy there’s no way around that and I’m scared that if I’m like off-roading and like I skip

    Miss a pedal I’m going fall right into this and that’s going to hurt I don’t really know how I feel about this design the problem was that this couldn’t go all the way down uh to touch the edge next up I think that’s all the modifications yeah that’s it it’s dark outside oh

    Wait this tire feels weird I noticed this weird little kink in the tire and look at that that thing’s twisted up where’s the other twist right there wait look at the light Twisted so now we have to fix what we were so close that looks so goofy you guys see that bus right

    There crazy looking bus all right guys we’re out on some Trails we’re going to test out the modifications we’ve done to the bike so far let’s just run through what I did once again we got those tires the 2.1 tires they feel amazing on the road and on Trails uh we haven’t

    Upgraded the pedals but that’s something we definitely have to do next paycheck for Real uh next thing we have to address is water holder water bottle holders definitely to get that I’m going to make a bag for this section right here so that may be a separate video I

    May do that off camera this is the upgraded seat and I’ve roded this around and it’s amazing it has the shocks on the back and it’s worth it for the extra weight uh for sure we finally got a kickstand by R I don’t know how to

    Pronounce that but it’s RB RL it’s a pretty good kickstand very heavy duty hasn’t moved on me and it’s adjustable too so kick that red button it can lower and then it can extend very handy and I think lowkey I think this is a for steaks so if it’s

    Very windy you can put steak down and uh it’ll stay in place for sure need up up the pedals these pedals are not good for off-roading so I think only from here I may take it to a shop to cut this down a little bit and then just upgrade the

    Pedals and we’re all good but let’s go right around see how we do I have learned how to get up curbs now so I shows Fair a little bit better there’s a lot of people on the trails right now as you can see they got the groups

    Out so hopefully I don’t get in their way hey as you can see it’s dark and ominous let’s go up this thing it feels good outside it’s like 80 80° so there’s some creepy paths uh around here I want to take I don’t have my gloves on got to get some

    Gloves yeah but look how spooky it is in here shift it down a little bit I want do more pedaling straight oh P straight and head smack definitely got to wear some glasses when you do this so that way you don’t get flicked by a branch in your eye

    Ooh leads to a neighborhood okay that’s cool so I think these little areas fill up with rain water when it’s raining but I don’t know what happens after what they do with the water they feed it right back to us probably that makes sense why not I’m going bike on this

    Ridge I’m going to put you guys up right here look at this area right here let’s drop in oh yeah yeah Mom learning how to shift my weight if I’m going up an incline or down shifting back but man this seat helps out so much like before this is a

    Hard ta bike so before it felt really harsh but now it has so much more cushion on my pushing let’s go here this is a creepy one o spooky guys working on my speed shifting or my weight shifting still smooth oh got on the brakes these are for jumps I’m not ready

    For jump yet oh what’s over here oh my God not quite ready for that one yet but maybe this will be a future goal to probably go down that survive and go up cuz this is really my first time doing stuff like this oh somebody’s coming it’s allor

    Right one second I’m outside bike that phone call lowkey probably saved me from crashing into her I’m pretty sure this is the right way to go cuz the arrows point to this way go outside transfer to the other outside come back and go into the outside work on that go slow

    Outside outside oh tricky moment back outside watch out for the roots get some some yeah out side shift outside to outside you know how strong these roots have to be they go through Rock like they are stupid strong it’s beautiful day beautiful day I should have let air out my tire

    Yeah let’s go ahead and do that kick stand look at that that’s so amazing I love that so all you got to do is spin this and then push up or down depending on where it’s facing okay that feels pretty good the cap that came with this tire was not

    Good so that’s why I don’t have it because I screwed it right through top cool burning it try to get to that level soon or one day okay hopefully no snakes sneak up on me and bite me on my butt okay that’s good don’t need too

    Much on that one kind of lost not going to lie I have no idea where I’m at but I do hear cars so that’s my reference I feel it’s way better I emptied out some air or I let out some air oo bumpy there goes the road

    So let’s see where we’re at F in the world well might as well go over to the park why not let’s go see what’s happening over there go side side switch to inside there we go cool can we go down this yes we can oh yeah yeah yeah look at that not bother

    That all right nobody cool I remember I couldn’t get up this with my zizo forte oh but I can’t with this of course shouldn’t even be comparing the two cuz they’re like two different bikes it’s like comparing a a uh Jeep Wrangler with a Prius maybe Prius Prius is good

    Nowadays so that’s not insult jump over this wonder if we should practice going downstairs let’s practice it hopefully we don’t crash oh that’s steep oh that was kind of bouncy for you but we did it it’s really hard to do things like that with these pedals because my feet constantly just lift off

    The pedal it makes it super sketchy it looks like a good place to practice coing up cooling up things oh that’s a that’s a wild dog that’s a big dog oh wait no it’s not wild there’s somebody there yeah he just loose C about say let’s go ahead and get out of here

    Here ooh this area is Flooded all right cool we got over that I do love how light this bike is I remember I was like 13 or something like that and used to ride bikes I don’t remember the bikes being this light at all but then again I was pretty weak back then all right guys I’m

    Going to take the long ride back to masasa thanks for watching hopefully you guys have a good day today tomorrow and yesterday go ahead and like And subscribe check out more videos in the biking Adventures playlist and have a good day adios

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