This week on my Ironman journey I travelled to Manchester for work, where I TRIED to get in some decent training. Check out the video to see how I manage training for an Ironman whilst travelling for work.


    0:00 – Intro
    1:29 – Packing
    5:26 – Hotel
    7:35 – Manchester Run
    12:29 – Back Home
    13:35 – Wahoo Kickr Setup
    16:30 – Zwift Setup
    17:14 – Week Recap

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    Oh 7 miles done that took it out of me that one oh that was tough a lot of elevation welcome to the video it’s Sunday I’m 2 weeks out from my first organized half marathon uh in Cambridge uh this week I’m heading to Manchester for work so I’m going to take

    You along with me to show you how I balance training and traveling I’ve managed to book a hotel with all the amenities so it has a gym it has a swimming pool there’s a bike in the gym and obviously I’m looking forward to running the streets of

    Manchester so this week you can come along with me there and I’ll show you how I take all of my supplements uh make sure all my Foods com in correct show you hopefully uh give you a bit of a tour around Manchester so I will catch you on my

    Travels good morning it’s Wednesday at 5:45 5 a.m. 5:46 and I’m heading to Manchester today 5:46 means that I’m 5 minutes late leaving um and I actually haven’t even packed so this is the state of my kitchen currently I struggle to pack light CU I

    Never know what I want to wear so I just take too much stuff um always doesn’t matter where I’m going but it is what it is um I’m extremely late so I’ve basically found the biggest suitcase I can find and I’m going to dump all of

    This in there in order to get going quickly what I would normally do because obviously nutrition is quite a big factor especially at the moment training for this Iron Man I would normally break all these vitamins and things out into little brown paper bags like that

    Um I usually scoop out creatine as well um but this morning again I’m just going to Lo bit all into this suitcase and try and get going as quick as possible taking along a few Pro uh track snack bars just because in Manchester I’m going to be

    Working uh I’m actually going to just going to be sat in a meeting room for three days so it’s a peer group meeting I own an IT and cyber security company and we go away um as a group kind of myself and a load of other it and cyber

    Security business owners and we meet up once a quarter have a bit of a jolly uh talk business this learn from each other but essentially we’re just sat in AIT sat in a meeting room for 3 days so there’s not much opportunity to get protein and like good decent snacks in

    They do have good lunches and dinners but snacks are like cakes and stuff and I don’t want to be eating that for three days straight cuz I feel like so um I’m make sure take all my nutrition with me uh make sure I take a massage gun

    With me I’m also taking like I said I never know what to wear so I’m taking this many pairs of shoes so I’ve got my trail running shoes cuz I’m going to go run Manchester I’m looking forward to that metcons for the gym trainers which I’m wearing today and then a couple of

    Pairs of smart shoes so I’m going to get this in there and get going Pro tip if you’re going anywhere whether it be in the UK or abroad take one of these with you put a travel adapter on the end well if you’re going abroad obviously not if

    You’re going in the UK put a travel adapter on the end then you can plug all your devices into this you don’t have to worry about buying multiple travel adapters so I’ll just leave this in the case done suitcase packed in literally 2 minutes whil I’m here received my start

    Time and my bib for the cambrid half marathon and I also purchased a stut welcome kit which I’m going to break into when I get back so it’s Wednesday today I’ll be back on late Friday night so I will test some of the sterker stuff out over the weekend

    It’s got gels electrolytes powders all sorts of crap so goodbye hello right after a ridic ridiculously long drive we are here um well actually this it’s 6:00 in the evening now so I’ve been to my PE group during the day um finally the hotel it took a lot

    Longer than I’d hoped this morning to get to the hotel so left at around what time did I leave around 6: a.m. in the end didn’t get here till about 25 to 10 so I missed the first part of the meeting but is what it is um

    I’m off now down to the pool to get an hour swimming hopefully so I don’t really know the size of the pool I’ve got a feeling it’s either a 20 possibly even a 15 M Pool so it may not be ideal 20 M Pool is fine that’s what I do on

    The rxs at my local pool 15 M probably still fine to get swim in but not ideal so see how it goes um I’ll try and film if I can likely that I can’t cuz it’s kind kind of a posh Spa type pool but we will see so I’ll keep posted and Swim

    Time okay no joy on the pool it’s actually about 7 m long so that isn’t going to work for me so I hopped on the bike anyway did just did 30 minutes uh although my legs are pretty toasted from running this week and other activities

    Leg day um I’m going to go out and run uh Manchester tomorrow morning so first thing maybe like 7: a.m. going to do a bit of a city tour hopefully there’s a nice route on straa it’s about 6 miles so I’m going to go and do that before

    Breakfast and I will take you along with me so until then uh tonight I’m going out with the guys for a tie um going to a nice Tie Restaurant so get that done get to bed reasonably early I’m not going out out um I don’t drink so there’s no point anyway

    So uh I’ll be hopefully nice and fueled and fresh for my run in the Morning good morning again okay let’s see if we can get at least one successful workout in whilst I’m here um we are going out for it run it’s not going to be 100% 100% success because I’ve woke up and it’s raining again but shower so hopefully nothing too major I’m just

    Getting in a track bar and a coffee so hopefully that will just wake me up a bit and then I’m going to crack on going to go and run Manchester all right the drip we’re ready to go let’s get out in the cold and the wet w a aah oh w

    And back at the hotel got out for a run it was wet uh but I managed to get up to the Manchester United Stadium I managed to run through the city uh had a lovely tour of Manchester I like to do that when I go away I’ll always try and get

    Out for a run um earlier last year I did Munich I think I’ve done Liverpool before London so great way of seeing a new city so that’s done you’ll see the footage or you’ve seen it probably by now um I’m heading back into my meeting I will catch you tomorrow

    Good morning I’m back from my uh trip to Manchester my rather unsuccessful trip to to Manchester I did get a nice run in uh as you would have seen I’m here in my in my home office which is going to become home to the turbo trainer so I’ve got the bike got the

    Turbo trainer I’ve got the kicker uh sorry the climb here somewhere um I don’t know what I’ve done with it um what I’m going to try and do without with zero instruction is set the bike up on the Wahoo trainer now when I say zero instruction I’ll probably end up YouTube

    In it um but we’ll see how we get on so I’m hoping by the end of today I can get zift set up uh and then jump online and get a ride crashed out cuz I’ve got an hour long bike ride to do today so

    Why not get it done on zift um I’m going to crack on see how we get On all right the first part was pretty easy so um try to get it on the trainer hey what Go well it’s on the trainer but I have no idea if it works properly or not the gears don’t seem to be changing so us I’m going to lower the seat because I think I’m struggling to reach the pedals so I’m going to do that and

    I’m going to try and change gears again and see what happens so it’s on but it does not seem to be working so um we mess around with the gears and then see what’s going On So it probably wasn’t the best idea to set this up on the rug cuz there’s now oil everywhere but I don’t care because I S it there so I’m going to plug it in uh although I haven’t got my Apple TV down here so I’m going to plug it

    In see see if that changes anything then uh maybe not now cuz I’m going to go and work out soon when I’m back this afternoon uh I’m going to plug in zift plug in zift and plug in the Apple TV and get zift set up then I’m going to

    Jump online I’m going to perform a ride can’t wait can’t turn the camera off with these hands for yeah baby all SED yes okay that brings us to the end of another week of training this week was mildly uh unsuccessful I would say I’ve definitely had better weeks when I’ve

    Been traveling um as you saw I tried to prepare as well as possible putting all my kit in trainers in vitamins in um even booked a hotel with the swimming pool although unfortunately this time around the pool was about 10 met long so I couldn’t actually get in any swimming

    So this week I’ve had zero swimming sessions so next week uh well I’m not going to let it bother me too much you know I’m fit enough um uh for the stage I’m at right now and whilst my swimming technique does need a lot of work I don’t think

    Missing a couple of sessions at this stage is going to be you know it’s terribly um it’s going to just affect me you know my performance going forward so I’ll get into this into the pool twice this coming week uh got zift set up on the bike which I’m well happy about I’ve

    Been excited about this for absolutely ages um finally back in here in my garden office SL pain cave so um I’ve just tried to fit the kicker climb and the front forks don’t seem to fit over it so I think I need some additional spaces so I’m going to check to see what

    Else is in the package that I got um because they might be slightly wider if they’re slightly wider bonus uh I’ve got what I need I’ll fit the kick a clim if not I’m going to have to go back to waho and inquire um um so this week I’m going

    To put the stats on screen of what I’ve done it’s mainly been running uh and static biking in the gym and couple of couple of gym sessions so next Sunday so exactly one week today is the Cambridge half marathon I’d like to run a 1 hour 45 it’s my first organized

    Half marathon uh I think that’s realistic I’ve been training quite hard on the running you know doing a lot of long runs just being consistent with it every Sunday Tuesday and Thursday I’ve been running so uh more so uh been probably more consistent than I have

    With biking and swimming um so I would be disappointed if I couldn’t hit a 145 especially as a lot of my running is on trails and this this half marathon’s on road so should be a bit quicker got a new pair of sneakers to try uh well not

    Try I have used them I’ve used them once vaporfly 3es so um I’m going to use them again both sessions on Tuesday and Thursday night see how we get on with that um but that is it for this week next week I’m picking up another bike well tomorrow I’m getting another bike

    Delivered to me and this will be the road bike I’m actually racing on in Portugal so once the weather picks up uh again it’s another horrendous day in in the UK once the weather picks up I’m going to get out on the road as soon as possible um after getting a load of

    Sessions in on this bad boy in here and yeah just continue continue basically towards the goal of uh Iron Man cash guy Portugal in October um thank you very much for watching uh if you like the video which probably didn’t this time around is a little bit boring but if you like the

    Video please subscribe and click the like button and chat in the comments a few of my videos now have had some good conversation going on in the comments I made a Haro video the other day just a walk through which is has got the most amount of views that

    I’ve got on any video so I might do some other HX related content I’ve got hiero to run uh at the beginning of May so once I’ve done this half marathon my f main focus will still be on Iron Man training but I’m going to switch Focus

    To HX style training in the gym so I might make a few videos on that um yeah I’m calling it a day there cuz I am waffling so thank you for watching catch you in next week’s video

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