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    April 4th 2007 April Jones is born to parents coral and Paul she was a bright and happy little girl who was the apple of her family’s eye it was discovered she had cerebral posy when she was very young and required daily medication but in spite of this she lived her life to the

    Absolute fullest bringing joy to everyone she met her family said she Ruled The Roost with a cheeky nature whilst also being kind and loving she loved the outdoors and would often be out riding her bike with her friends she was also a hard worker in school and was popular amongst her classmates and

    Teachers on September 30th 2012 April received a glowing report about how well she was progressing in Primary School due to having such a fantastic school report the previous day April was allowed to have some extra time to play outside April was out playing with her friends near her home on the binog

    Estate at 7:20 a Land Rover is seen driving away from MTH at speed just 9 minutes later a frantic 999 cord is made the 999 dispatcher wasted No Time by deploying police straight away and within 8 minutes the first officer had arrived on scene she spoke to a witness April 7-year-old friend who

    She had been out with she was able to provide a brief description the man who had taken April had brown hair a beard blue or green eyes and was wearing a green jacket or jumper jeans and trainers she also described the vehicle and one thing immediately stood out to

    Investigators her friend said that April had gotten into the drive dri’s side door meaning the car steering wheel must have been on the left hand side of the car when most cars in the United Kingdom will have the steering wheel on the right following this information a critical incident was launched by the

    Police as it was an alleged Abduction the police needed to pursue as many lines of inquiry as possible to try and ascertain exactly where April was knowing time was of the essence that day had started like any other April’s older sister described it as being a normal

    Day April had gone to her swimming lesson as usual and then skipped out of the changing rooms to head home despite it being October the sun was out and it was a nice warm evening April’s older sister had gone to the youth club when at around 7:30 p.m. she received a

    Frantic phone call from her mother screaming down the phone that April was gone as the sun started to set Panic began to escalate the response from the community was massive and immediate as news started to spread on social media that April was missing people began to come

    Out of their homes to try and assist in any way they could and show support to the Jones family but this made door too inquiries for the police incredibly difficult as so many weren’t out their addresses and officers were only able to ask them questions once they returned when her older sister arrived

    Home from the youth club she was hoping that April would be home by now instead her distraught mother was out looking for her and police were coming the area as the search efforts continued to mount the media became aware that a 5-year-old girl had allegedly been abducted the

    Eyes of the country were fixated on the small little Welsh Community as it had been rocked by something so out of the ordinary by 10:30 p.m. the police had put out an update saying they were increasingly concerned for April and were appealing for any information that could help find

    Her hundreds of local volunteers gathered to join in the search after the news started to spread on Twitter and Facebook also high on the priority for the police was helping to support her devastated family police revealed more information about the circumstances of April’s disappearance and said she was

    Last seen wearing a purple coat and her school Polo top refu collection was suspended as workers joined in the hunt too hour by hour more people came out to help with the search culminating in more than a 100 local residents the town with a population of just over 2,000 was inundated with

    Volunteers with some traveling from South Wales and the north of England police said they wanted to make sure that search volunteers were used and a coordinated an effective way April’s family weren’t allowed to take part in the searches in case they came across something so the local community

    Stepped up to help one problem the search teams immediately ran into was the terrain the extensive Countryside mountains Gorges streams waterfalls and uneven ground made it an incredibly difficult place to search there were slate mines in the area too and all of these factors mixed with the rain

    Presented a huge challenge for those trying to find April an area of more than 60 square km was searched and there were more than 300 specific search areas the police knew that if April had been abducted by a stranger every second was vital to try and find her safe and

    Well 8 hours on from the initial 999 call being made the police and Community were still out searching trying to find opral Jones 120 search officers were out and searched through the night the morning after she had gone missing they decided to activate the child rescue alert which puts on notice all police

    Forces up and down the United Kingdom to be on the lookout for any unusual sightings of individuals who fit the description of April Jones and the person who had allegedly abducted her information was being distributed to other forces including descriptions of both April and the alleged ABD doctor as

    Well as the car her friends saw her getting into this was the first time the child rescue alert had been triggered Nationwide it had now been 14 hours since she had last been seen and there was still no sighting of the missing 5-year-old missing posters started to go up around

    The area and police began to set up roadblocks to stop Vehicles as the investigation continued escalating the police force found themselves under mounting pressure from the media to release more information press conferences were being held every few hours and sometimes journalists were given very little notice that they were about to take

    Place as the search continued it was the task of Andy John the detective superintendent to try and find April’s alleged of doctor after the friend of April had been allowed to rest the police went back to try and get a more detailed description of exactly what she had seen

    When April went missing it became clear that April had got into the vehicle with the assistance of the person driving but it wasn’t clear whether or not she knew them due to April having to rebuild py she wouldn’t have been able to get into the car unaided during the morning of

    The 2nd of October just one day after April had gone missing the information continued to come through and it all started to point to one individual a local man man named Mark Bridger he wasn’t someone who was known to local police they received information that Mark Bridger and his

    Vehicle had been in the area around the time the abduction was thought to have taken place what immediately caught their eye about his vehicle was that it was a left-and drive just like April’s friend had described there had been information to suggest that Mark Bridger had actually been part of the search

    Party that was outlooking for April more units were deployed and the police helicopter was also used to try and find him they had also received information about four potential addresses where he could have been staying officers went to the property simultaneously 20 hours after she had been reported missing but

    Could find no trace of April Jones or Mark Bridger when they pulled up outside one of the properties a cottage called Mount Pleasant at 3 minutes past 3 in the afternoon there were no vehicles at the house an investigator went inside and called out April’s name there was no

    Response Bridger had only moved into Mount Pleasant 5 weeks before at 4:30 p.m. the police made an announcement Mark Bridger had been arrested police gave details of the arrest saying he was detained while walking his dog along the side of the road after being spotted by the police

    Helicopter at 10:42 a couple of miles away from where April had lived not once did he lift his gaze to look up at the police helicopter that was circling above him he had also attempted to alter his appearance by cutting his hair and shaving off his beard it was about 30

    Minutes later that was spotted by a patrol car after confirming his name to the officer brid turned and said I know what this is all about the police Constable asked him where is she Bridger replied it was an accident I crushed her with my car I don’t know where she is he

    Was immediately arrested officers described him as being an emotional wreck despite being told he didn’t have to say anything Bridger said he needed to talk I’ve been looking for her all night and today on foot because my vehicle is in the the garage it is a leftand drive Land Rover Discovery I

    Didn’t abduct her I did my best to revive her I panicked I didn’t even know until this morning who she was until I saw the television I just wish I knew what I had done to her where I put her I want to say sorry to the family there was no

    Life in her no response no breath no response in her eyes she was just on the seats I tried to revive her I would not have dumped her she is a human being being he was transferred to abist with Police Headquarters the station was shut down to order the prisoners to ensure

    That the teams could be properly house there and focus completely on the investigation following his arrest corl made an emotional plea to the public for their help to try and find April alongside detective superintendent re Bavon police said the overnight search involving 40 train police officers Dog Handlers and Mountain rescue teams

    Yielded no news on April’s whereabouts they thanked the public for their efforts but warned of the challenging conditions police lates revealed the operation had been unprecedented in the UK in terms of scale and terrain neighboring forces and specialist teams were helping with a focus on over 20

    Scenes around the area the operation led to 600 messages from the public to the police and a search involved a 100 Mountain rescue volunteers 100 police specialist Searchers as well as Coast Guards and the rnli it was soon time for the police to start questioning their Prime Suspect father of six Mark Bridger

    Shortly after his interview began he elaborated further about what he had said upon being arrested he told the officer that April was dead he said he had run her over knocking her off her bike causing her significant injuries he said in a state of panic he

    Had put her into the car and then tried to administer CPR which had failed he then said he drove off with April in the vehicle bridg stated he then lost his memory and wasn’t able to tell investigators where April now was he claimed he was drunk and could not

    Recall what he had done with April’s body but he was sure he had put her somewhere safe the police made the decision to not release this information immediately as they needed to verify exactly what was true and whether or not Mark Bridger was being completely honest now that Mark Bridger had been arrested

    Police and crime scene examiners were able to secure his home and conduct a thorough search of the premises to try and uncover any clues as to exactly what had happened to ail upon going into his home the stench of detergents and cleaning products was immediately apparent and it was

    Unusually hot indicating there had been a roaring fire in the living room fireplace very recently on the footage taken of Bridget by the police helicopter a plume of smoke could be seen Rising through the chimney from the fireplace of his home but despite the best efforts of investigators there was

    No sign of April either in the property or any of the surrounding areas Andy John made the decision to meet with with the family of April Jones on the evening of the 2nd of October to disclose the new information that had come to light they were absolutely devastated by the

    News that their beloved April was now most likely never coming home throughout his interviews when challenged with the evidence that have been gathered he would be emotional and unpredictable officers believed these emotions were not genuine and pointed to him being both a fantasist and a liar marike brid’s confession that she

    Was now dead left those on the force devastated they’ worked through the night increasingly difficult conditions Clinging On to any small chance that she might still be alive April’s older sister said that well the name Mark Bridger meant nothing to her as soon as she saw his face on the news she

    Recognized him she often saw him out and about and he used to live not far from them as the investigation Into The Disappearance of April Jones moved into its Third Day the police still needed to prove that Mark Bridger had murdered her the investigating officers needed to

    Establish any contact he might have had with April during the abduction and obtain any forensic evidence they could when the police seized his vehicle they could find no evidence of a road traffic collision and no evidence that the vehicle had struck anybody contrary to Bridge’s account of April being

    Seriously injured when he put her into the car forensics could find no blood or traces of blood inside the vehicle the solidified investigators thoughts further that Mark brid’s story of accidentally knocking her off her bike was nothing more than a calculated cover up of a far more Sinister turn of events

    As the forensic examination of the car turned up nothing they turned their attention back to the house where they believed April had been attacked they were able to find traces of April’s blood inside the home indicating she had suffered significant injuries at the property they removed what was left in

    The fire pit in the living room and were able to find 17 fragments of her skull and one fragment in the bathroom plug hole confirming the worst fears of everyone police did not believe that April’s whole body was burned but believed the fragments of bone got into

    The fire and bath during the cleanup searches of his house and laptop indicated that Bridger was a highly dangerous and predatory offender this helped piece together why he had taken April to satisfy his Sinister desires his internet search history showed that he had an extremely unhealthy interest in children he had computer folders

    Filled with images of child sexual abuse graphic depictions of rape and pictures of previous young murder victims including Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman two 10-year-old girls who were murdered in soam and 13-year-old Caroline Dickinson who was raped and murdered in a French hostel during a school trip there were some pictures available

    On his computer which officers believed had been taken from Facebook and other social media of children in the local area including April and her older sister following this discovery Jasmine remembered that Mark Bridger had actually approached her on social media several months before April was abducted

    She was was in her living room on her laptop when she got a Facebook notification a new friend request had come through it was Mark Bridger she didn’t know him and showed it to her father Paul knew him from the early 1990s when they had dated sisters but he

    Couldn’t understand why he was adding his daughter Coral also warned her not to accept the request Jasmine deleted him and that was seemingly the end of it when the news started to spread that the case was now moving from a missing child case to a murder inquiry around 150 people attended a church

    Vigil for April led by the bishop of Banger Andy John and Reverend Rogers the Despair and disappointment was evident Reverend Rogers said there was over 150 people there including the police and we’re very very grateful to them for all that they are doing it was very silent

    And there and it was a very powerful and very Moving Service the town was covered in pink ribbons in response to April’s mother’s appeal for people to wear her daughter’s favorite color police renewed their appeal for information over suspect Mark Bridges movements following this investigators revealed that they had received more

    Than 2,500 calls in response to their latest appeal for information Prime Minister David Cameron said it was every family’s Nightmare and urged anyone with information to come forward and speak to the police the time that officers had to question Bridger was rapidly running out police had until 5:00 p.m. to charge or

    Release him although they could apply for a further 24 hours warrant of detention Bridger appeared in court in abber swith at 3:30 where police were given another 24 hours to question him once again the community came out in full force around 450 responded to a call for people with good local

    Knowledge to search The Villages around where April had lived volunteers were told to keep away from the river the forest and places such as Min shafts which were being searched by The Specialist teams on Saturday the 6th of October 5 days after April had disappeared Mark Bridger was charged

    With abduction murder and perverting the course of Justice in relation to the attempt to conceal any trace of her body the district Crown prosecutor from the crown prosecution service said that following a review of everything that had been gathered he believed they had sufficient evidence to charge Mark

    Bridger with the murder of April Jones and that it is in the public interest to do so this announcement led to mixed emotions on the one hand there was relief that the perpetrator had been caught but also heartbreak not only for the Jones family but for April whose

    Life had been taken in the most appalling way imaginable but who exactly was Mark Bridger he was born on the 6th of November in 1965 in Sutton Sur he was the second of three children and his father had worked as a city of London Police Constable after attending secondary

    School he went to Cen College where he failed to complete a diploma in engineering Bridger grew into a strong man a very big build and over six foot tall accounts from people he worked with described him as sociable hardworking and charismatic others remarked on his apparent obsession with the military and

    How he had claimed to be a former Army bomb disposal expert who had changed his identity to protect himself from any retaliation from the Irish Republican Army he also said he had been a serving member of the SAS when interviewed by police over April’s disappearance he

    Told them how he had excelled during his military service but this was nothing more than an utter fantasy Mark Bridger had never joined the army or served in the armed forces far from being a distinguished veteran as a teenager he had been in trouble with the police for example in

    The early 1990s he was convicted of criminal damage AR Fray and driving with no insurance in 1984 he became a firefighter in London but within 6 months he acquits due to what he called personal problems it was around this time he allegedly split with his partner

    Soon after the birth of their son the split me his parents could not get access to their new grandchild causing a rift from which the family would never recover Bridger would tell people in later years that his parents were dead it was at this point that Bridger turned

    His attention to Wales he knew South Wales because his grandmother had lived there he had lived in several places where he had a variety of jobs including bar work being a chef a waiter a car recovery mechanic and a forestry worker after moving repeat ly he finally settled in

    Mlen once there he had worked a variety of jobs kitchen assistant as a local hotel a welder helping renovate a local Guest House a lifeguard and a slaughterman in an abattoir he had six children with a number of women and just days before April was abducted he had

    Split with his latest girlfriend and was deeply upset about it he claimed he turned to drink after relationship breakups and had been on anti-depressants on and off for 12 12 years the attention of women was clearly important to him hours before he took April he contacted three women via

    Facebook asking if they wanted to meet no strings attached they also found in his search history more disturbingly a 12:11 p.m. Mark Bridger had looked at the cartoon image from his collection of pictures showing young girls being sexually abused one showed a girl bound with gaffer tape being raped by an adult

    When his vehicle was recovered later there was a roll of gaffer tape on his dashboard the police now had a much more complete picture of what they believed had happened to April when he abducted her he wasn’t aware that another child had witnessed it at 8:30 p.m. that night

    His land driver was spotted arriving at his home in a village 3 miles from where April had lived police did not know if this was the first time he’d been home since abducting April or if he driven there directly after abducting her killed her there and then went out again

    To dispose of her body this sighting may have not been the first time he returned home that day the next day shortly before 9:00 a.m. Bridget was spotted close to a river bank carrying a black bin bag a witness would later tell police she thought there was something

    In the bag later he took his Land Rover into a garage to be repaired and pretended to help look for April before being arrested soon after FastTrack DNA testing established that April’s blurt had been found at Mount Pleasant most significantly on the underside of the carpet in the living room and in front

    Of the wood burner police believe he probably sexually assaulted April before brutally murdering her and dismembering her body disposing of her at various locations as Mark Bridger had worked as a Slaughter man in an abire one theory was that he had used the skills he had gained there to dismember April’s body

    After killing her Bridget was due before the magistrates in abist on the following Monday the police said they remained focused and committed to finding April adding that 10 specialist teams have been conducting a systematic and methodical search from Daybreak on Saturday Bridget was later driven away to hmp Manchester formerly known as strangeways

    6 months after April went missing her family marks what would have been her sixth birthday by releasing pink balloons from the brog green where she used to play on Monday the 14th of January 2013 it was time for Mark Bridger to enter his plea he pled not guilty to abduction murder and

    Concealing disposing of or destroying April’s body but it emerged that his case was that he was probably responsible for her death April’s parents saw Bridger in person for the first time since he had abducted their daughter coral and Paul would go to every day of the trial determined to see

    This awful ordeal through to its conclusion in March 2013 it was reported by the BBC that the search for April’s body was set to end in the coming weeks although they hadn’t recovered her body the police and Crown prosecution service worked together to push on and prepare

    Their case for trial the trial was initially arranged for 2 months after the point of charge giving officers and prosecutors an incredibly tight timeline to try and pull together all their arguments and evidence when his trial began on April 29th Mark Bridger continued the same story he had tried to

    Spin in his interviews he was in denial about his actions and tried to present himself as a caring individual who had tried to help April after the tragic accident he was adamant had occurred the testimony of April’s friend who had witnessed the abduction was to be crucial in countering his story she said

    That April had got into the front and then clambered into the back it just drove off I didn’t know she was going to go in the van the girl fiddled with her hair and sometimes hugged her bear as she was questioned by Bridge’s Barrister Brendan Kelly QC Kelly who

    Like all Court officials was not wearing a wig or gown asked if she had a good view of the land driver yes I did she replied are you sure that you saw rapil talking to the man yes I’m sure she answered it also emerged that Bridger had taken his land

    Dver to the garage at 9 a.m. the day after April disappeared saying he had been in an accident a member of Staff told the court that while everybody locally had been upset about April’s disappearance they found it odd that he was so upset by it all and that he

    Looked on the verge of crying as he spoke about it the mechanic said he kept asking how much his vehicle would cost to repair and when he could have it back he said he appeared nervous and edgy another person who would join the search for April traveled through the

    Village where Bridget was living she said she had seen him in a layby carrying what looked like a black bin liner in his hand the layby was close to the river and less than half a mile from his house and the evidence just continued to mount when he spoke to a

    Postman about April he feigned shock and asked what sort of vehicle the police were looking for but he managed to contradict himself later when he joined a search party at about 2 p.m. first telling one volunteer he had found out at 9:30 that morning then telling another he had been searching throughout

    The night April’s her teacher provided an insight into the relationships he had formed when she gave evidence at his trial she told the court how he had a history of relationships with young mothers and there were complex relationships between a number of these families she had spoken to Bridger at a

    Parents evening just a couple of hours before he had taken April when she had seen him talking to a former people now in secondary school which she found strange April’s father also gave evidence as he had known since the early 1990s when the pair had dated sisters he

    Remembered Bridger as being a risk taker who drove like a maniac he spoke of how he had loaned Bridger a book on SAS survival skills which he would not return claiming to have lost it Paul said he later found it during a visit to bridger’s house and took it back as

    Brid’s behavior in the hours before April’s abduction had become more predatory the court heard how he had made an approached to a 10-year-old girl playing near to where April had last been seen he invited her to to as sleepover with his daughter but no Arrangements were finalized during the police interviews Bridger maintained

    That April had not been to his house but when confronted in court by the overwhelming forensic evidence he told the jury that images of her laying down in front of the fire had come to him in his dreams after all the evidence had been presented it was time for the jury

    To retire to consider their verdict and on the 30th of May they had come to a conclusion Mark Bridger was found unanimously guilty on all three counts he was sentenced to life in prison with a whole life order he looked down at the floor as his sentence was handed out and

    Said nothing despite knowing he will never be a free man again he has refused to disclose exactly what happened to April that night or where her body is and no more remains of April Jones have ever been found many believe that this is the last piece of control he is not

    Willing to relinquish at the conclusion of his trial Mark Bridger was described as a pathological and glib liar a aile who harbored sexual and morbid fantasies about young girls he chose to put Witnesses through the ordeal of giving evidence over a lengthy child that had lasted 4 and a

    Half weeks he could have avoided all of it by pleading guilty in the first instance to the charges that had been leveled against him detective superintendent Andrew JN who had led the investigation said Mark Bridger is an evil and manipulative individual who clearly likes to be in control he has

    Committed the most horrific of crimes the abduction and murder of a young vulnerable girl he appears to be somebody who is a fantasist in July 2013 it was reported by the BBC that Mark Bridger had been attacked while in prison the 47-year-old was attacked with a makeshift blade as he walked along the

    Gang way at Wakefield prison in West Yorkshire he was treated in hospital where he required stitches his injuries were not life-threatening and he was returned to prison the same day in September 2013 the family had a burial funeral with many turning up to pay their respects

    As they didn’t have a body the family buried in empty caskets pulled on a horer carriage but the burial site being the graveyard just yards away from where she had disappeared they were given Ash and Bone fragments from the police to bury and the family also buried personal items

    Alongside this gave the family A spot they could visit to remember April and be together as a family April’s coffin made the one mile Journey from the house to the church through the middle of town passing pink ribbons along the Route last October the ribbons were the

    Symbol of the search today they are a tribute to her and hundreds of people who had joined that search joined the solemn procession parents here holding their children close too many mourners to fit inside the church

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