Loui Phillips was stabbed while cycling by a person he had never met.
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    Thank you ladies and gentlemen! 🖤

    It’s a Sunday lunchtime in August police are called to a stabbing at fishdam Lane on the north side of barnesley DCI Mark Orton and his major crime unit raced to the scene the young boy had been stabbed in the chest the young victim was still conscious which was quite unusual he was

    Able to talked to the police and tell them that a lad who he didn’t know just walked up to him and stabbed him in the chest the young victim is able to tell the police’s name his 15-year-old Louis Phillips I don’t think he realized the actual extent of his injuries at that

    Point he’d actually been on the telephone to his mom he’d actually said to his mom I’ve been stabbed in the chest clearly panicking is obviously in some distress such Force had been used that actually the knife had broken had snapped and become embedded in in his chest you look at someone thrusting a

    Knife into someone’s chest that that is an attempt murder straight away Louis is rushed off to hospital in an ambulance and the officers shut off both ends of the busy road so they can secure the crime scene as an S you’ve got lots of things going through your mind about who might

    Be responsible is this someone who is known to Louie is the motive behind this is he in some kind of disagree agement with something is it to do with drugs is it a targeted attack is it a stranger attack main thing is try to identify who who the suspect

    Was Sarah THL has investigated more than 500 deaths as one of the country’s leading csis the crime scene is a main road running around the outskirts of Barnsley as a crime scene manager this would be quite a difficult scene to manage right from the outset there may well be evidence on the

    Road and on the path are there any Footwear marks has there any tire track marks are there any discarded items that might have been dropped by the offender despite Louis suffering from a violent knife attack there are no traces of blood at the crime scene on an

    Incident like this if it’s a single Stab Wound and the knife blade is embedded in someone’s chest there may not be any blood at the scene because the knife blade has actually almost sealed the wound up the specialist search team Combs through the crime scene and they quickly make a significant

    Discovery a knife handle discarded just yards from the attack site we didn’t know if it was the handle to our knife and the blade obviously was still in Louis’s chest what our intentions are is to get that handle examined by a scientist as quickly as possible to try

    And identify who the who may have handled it and who the suspect might be the knife handle is FasTrack to the lab and officers continue to search the area and collect CCTV footage that may provide them with a lead fishdam Lane is is quite a busy

    Road clearly in an area like that one of the things you want to do is try and get hold of the CCTV as quickly as possible you look at residential premises um people have got cameras trying to protect their own property ring door Bells things like that we’ve also got

    Industrial premises who are trying to protect their own properties got to try and get as much footage as possible of um of tracking the offender tracking the victim how they’ve come to be together and then where the suspects gone afterwards so it’s a mammoth task Lou is still conscious in the back

    Of the ambulance and manages to telephone his mom Louise way had the strength to ring me and tell tell me they been stabed and they told me I’m bling woman she told me to he’s just asking for you for his mom just asking for me

    All I’m like what you know me it was it was such a shock yeah it L’s mom that text me actually you know to say that so it’ been stabbed but obviously we didn’t know it were that serious apparently all way to hospital he was that chatting to ambulance crew

    You know having a joke on that and um ambulance CLW saying you’ll be able to show your scar off to your mates Lou’s family rushed to the hospital at the crime scene police have obtained some key CCTV footage they were very quickly able to identify camera that was straight across

    The road that provided a really clear view of the victim and the suspect coming together there’s lots of pressures for the police to find out who the suspect is to make sure he’s not not harming himself to make sure he’s not harming anybody else we have to make sure that

    Everything is being done that could be done in barnesley 15-year-old Lou Phillips has been stabbed the blade of the knife has broken off inside his chest and he has been placed in an induced coma we didn’t see him did we no they were unconscious when we got there you know they Hospital

    Put him into a sleep you know as the surgeons prepare to remove the blade the police fear that his attacker could strike again at that point you’ve got a very dangerous young man somewhere on the streets um you don’t know where he is and you don’t know what his motive is um

    You got to act fast csis have so far recovered a broken knife handle at the SE as well as CCTV footage that has captured some of the attack you see Lou uh walking down the street with the young girl on his bike and then you see the offender coming in

    The opposite direction walking towards Them then they come together and then literally 10 seconds everything happens um you see some kind of altercation it’s a little bit blurred as the people become um close together and we know that point that the blade has been you know thrust into Lou but within 10 seconds the suspect’s walking [Applause]

    Away detectives must urgently identify any Witnesses seen in the footage as the attacker’s face was concealed police must rely on his clothing to track him on other cameras we identified a number of cameras that showed the suspect walking towards the scene and then walking away but then unfortunately we lost him into

    A local council state so once we lost the trail on CCTV it’s incredibly important that we focus on the forensic evidence and the witness evidence from the scene and what that actually tells us and any clues that that by give us in relation to the identification of the

    Suspect the CCTV analysts Identify some potential trace evidence the suspect may have left at the scene we’ known that the victim was on a mounting bik that had been riding towards the scene very quickly once the CCTV was viewed it appeared that the offender had got hold

    Of the bike um so we could therefore have got some evidence off it so it’s vitally important that that that bike was very very quickly seized so that it could be examined the bike becomes a crucial part of the investigation there’s different types of forensic evidence that you could get

    From the bike clearly there’s going to be fingerprints and DNA from the victim but hopefully if the offenders touch the bike there may well be DNA from his sweat or his fingerprints that may well be left on the frame of the bike the bike May well also have been

    Handled by the victim’s friends if he’s had previous friends that have used it but also you have to think about the um Emergency Services there may well be their DNA and fingerprints on the bike so there’s a huge amount of potential contamination on the bike that’s been

    Left at the crime scene the swaps and fingerprints are sent away for analysis at the hospital Louis remains in an induced coma all family went you know cousins and aunties uncles the try went him up first time there were no like no response to anything uh his granddad were there as

    Well and we we be saying come on the way come on you can do it it’s just surreal I don’t know you just um cuz you can’t take it it’s taking it in as AOS it’s like you know you being told it but it’s like you don’t it’s not going In Louis’s condition begins to deteriorate local media continues to report on the case sadly when it comes to stabbings when it comes to the serious crime people have already assumed they know some of the details of it they’ve decided it’s going to be some angry young men they’re going to assume

    There’s going to be some drugs at the heart of it they’re going to assume there’s some gang crime and the picture that emerges that he was just completely innocent he’s a good-looking social lad a really massive fan of football he was starting catering college and the picture emerge that this kid was not

    Involved in anything that people might assume comes with this territory he’s just an innocent Boy I’m being a little boy he’s always done football yeah he he enjoyed he what you were the fastest on the pitch it w right Little Speed I want for want to call once he got that ball any went off so fast and his a flowing back behind him

    Yeah and he’d like come home when he had a match and and he’d say I’ve scored so many goals M yeah yeah he loved it very proud of him yeah it’s well done Lou he come out on his in his own like in his teenage years just changed just transformed into muscles we training you always used to do is there you always mat surely were dress really nice girls definitely a girl yeah do yeah get a shower do his hair dress up

    Right nice SP my mouth out you us to charm girls we’re very Charming towards girls yeah but were more friends with girls to be fair it was so lovable and it’s such an infectious laugh I did really infectious I he it now sense of humor it was just Wicked his sense of

    Humor it were full of fun full of fun a cheeky L but it was a nice L it didn’t need that what happened no way I always visit the families of their victims and I explain to them that I’m going to do my best to get Justice and

    One of the important things there is that we keep them updated with all the information that we’ve gotten make sure that they’re fully supported I wanted to be Forefront of everything you want to find out who it is and where where they live um you want to step in and find you

    Know go find them and and go s it at DCI Orton speaks to Louis’s family to ascertain if anyone may have had a motive to attack him they just talked us through you know just cying steady lay down this Lane at C with a girl walking beside

    Him and then this scum did it walking up towards L never said out to him just got this knife and stuck it in all way and then it just casually walked off just left him you just see that boom and then boom again and Alo still stood up holding his

    Bike cuz it would just it one two 3 seconds I see it now still everything happen I’m might CC TV I couldn’t watch it me I just I I I had to get out of I couldn’t watch it yeah it were like it were a 7in kitchen knife um it got blade

    Got fully left in his chest like it it will like it will literally like just smack here just smack it Center of your chest that’s when it kicks in when you know where it actually is and where they’ve been stabbed Louis’s Family claim he has no enemies and can’t think of anyone who

    Would attack him i’ not seen him before nobody’s got a clue Mama R didn’t scans reveal that the blade has penetrated Lou’s heart he has transferred to a specialist cardiac unit at Sheffield Children’s Hospital for emergency surgery do come to surgery to pack it initially um I think they actually

    Packed it you know so we are taking blade out first um they did everything they could keep it blade in that were the initial thing they fed him out at coma once but we weren’t there were we and he w’t comfortable with being brought back

    Out at coma so they put him back into it like you know I will upset Mar could start cling it Mar shock to me what had happened as well but I don’t see him there just because when I he still he still had the knife in it and then second part was was

    The operation to take the blade out obviously it we’re just wait we’re waiting from then then Louis attacker is still at large but police finally have a much needed lead within a couple of hours we’d got information from Witnesses at the scene was also a young girl who had actually

    Met Louis that afternoon and she was able to give an account of what had happened it was a local boy and he’d gone out as most teenagers would at the weekend on his bike gone to meet a young girl and this is what happened the witness confirms the

    Attacker arrived wearing a mask but has suspicions it was a boy who lives locally 17-year-old Kyle pickles so once we’re get in one of the main things that we need to do is get that person R through the intelligence systems to find out exactly what we know

    About him has he got History of Violence where does he live who does he knock about with Etc so we can try and arrest him as quickly as possible what we found is that Kyle had one previous arrest and was on bail for actually breaking into someone’s house

    And threatening them with a Stanley knife it caused some concern cuz he threatened somebody else with a knife and we’re dealing with a stab in here a man hunt is launched to find Pickles we got information from a member of the public that actually was it was

    In a local park So within probably four or 5 hours we knew exactly where he was multiple unit units surround the park there were vans on the scene there were dog units at the scene they realized this was a man who needed to be in custody as soon as possible units

    Were put into the local area to try and surround the park and we were able to get hold of the police aane to get up ahead in case that when the police went into the park and he ran off they’d be able to track him there was a lot better

    Opportunity to try and arrest him obviously with an eye in the sky with the Park encircled police make their move the officers then started to enter the park uh and mov towards a basketball area where some Lads were playing football quite quickly two of those Lads

    Ran away and what we’re able to see is the offender had been wearing a baseball cap and the lad who had run off was wearing an identical baseball cap and were able to be trapped by the plane pickles is beginning to lose the officers in Pursuit it is up to the police airplane

    To coordinate all units to ensure they do not miss their opportunity to bring him into custody in barnesley 15-year-old Louie Phillips is undergoing emergency surgery to remove a knife blade from his chest his masked attacker has been named as Kyle pickles and police are in pursuit of the 17-year-old who’s made a

    Run for it there would have been a lot of pressure on the police officers to try and catch this person this person stabbed somebody it’s incredibly important we get hold of him as quickly as possible for 40 minutes pickles managed to evade capture by running through various Gardens various parks along paths

    Etc the police airplane is tracking him whilst units on the ground close in pickles climbed into an industrial area that was fenced off a police dog handler was able to get into the area and the plane was able to direct the police officers into that scene after a 4-minute Pursuit the

    Police finally have their suspect cornered Kyle pickles is arrested for the attempted murder of Louis Phillips it’s a great relief once you know that you’ve got somebody and that they’ve been arrested for this kind of offense you know that very quickly you’re going to be able to hopefully get

    Forensic evidence off them you’re going to be able to interview them and try and work together to find out why that person has done this crime I had a lot of questions to am who did it I can’t even say his name cuz I don’t he don’t deserve any air

    Time well we didn’t know Kyle from Madam not seeing a picture not seeing anything and I just to turn up like that and do something so horrific how can you just stab a b a 15y old boy and just go off like that like no it’s happened the suspect would have been

    Taken to the custody area as part of the forensic strategy would have taken all his clothing off him mobile phones because ultimately they might give us some forensic Clues to put him at the scene and and to potentially show him as being responsible for the uh knife

    Attack the arrest is only on suspicion and we only have a certain amount of time to actually keep that person and within that custody time limits what we have to do is we have to GA gather all the evidence as much as we can to

    Present a case to the CPS so that we can REM man this individual whilst officers await the results of the swaps from the bike and the knife handle pickles is questioned by detectives initially he decided not to answer any questions he got sister present that’s his right um it didn’t

    Give us any indication as to if he’d been at the scene any motivation Etc with Pickles remaining tight lipped police look deeper into his background it’s not uncommon for serious violent offenders to have adverse childhood experiences that impact on Psych ological functioning Carl has had a disruptive home and school experience and there’s

    Been a lack of support unsupportive adolescent experiences can also impact on the ability to create and maintain healthy relationships with others despite an arrest the local community remains shocked at the news of a stabbing no one ever gets used to the idea there’s been a stabbing or a death

    The communities are just like I don’t understand how this happened I don’t understand how this happen in our area but it happens and it’s the worst it it’s the worst it can possibly be it blows people away detectives continue to interview their suspect and police obtain a warrant to search his

    Home the victim’s been stabbed with a knife has the offender brought this knife from home are there similar knives at his home address that we can then tie into a set of knives or are there is there a knife block with six kniv KN in and one knife’s missing the handle that

    Had been recovered from the scene was a match for The Knife Set this then indicates that there is an intent from the offender to cause harm to somebody they’ve taken a knife from their home address they’ve gone out carrying the knife on their person and they’ve left

    The home address with the intent to stab somebody or injure somebody as the surgeon’s attempt to remove the blade from Lou’s heart his condition deteriorates we saw little link and when he were in the theater there were loads of people around him but I only I only

    Could watch a bit on it you just think oh be F you know they so to they can work miracles these days and you know what I mean don’t matter what happens they can change things well Lou family clings to hope it brings back recent memories of his

    Father who passed away during the co pandemic just one year earlier you know really close to his dad all us walking with his dad everywhere right you know they were inseparable we picked him up from school looked after him he took after his dad through and through every bit of him every injured

    Him wal when his dad died it knocked him back what you could see shocking him we said goodbye to Carl and then 9 months later it were all way in hospital with Pickles in custody digital Specialists examine his seized mobile phone a mobile telephone that we believe

    Pickles was using at the time was sent for what’s called a download so that we can look at any text messages social media and any calls that might have been made to see exactly what was going off on his phone at an around the time of the attack when the mobile phone is

    Downloaded there is a quite a lot of intelligence that’s obtained from the phone there’s information that the suspect has written threatening people threatening of males of the same age as him it’s clearly more than young infatuation Kyle had an unhealthy possessive and obsessive attitude this view is also supported by the many m

    That he sent in which he make serious and multiple threats to harm other people it’s quite clear that he was adamant that he was going to attack whoever the young girl being seen with even if he didn’t know them please recover further text messages which imply premeditation on the evening before um

    Car pickles would sent a text message to a friend um to say that um dark clothing would have be needed and a face covering as he tried to get the assistance of the F to come and help him additional data is extracted from a social media app CCTV footage identified

    That the main suspect of the crime was on his mobile phone just prior to the offense occurring this creates a a hugely important piece of evidence and the police can download the information and potentially whatever he he was on his phone doing would be vitally important in the

    Investigation Snapchat is an app where people speak to each other but behind it there’s also something called Snapchat maps and what people are able to do is share their location and what it was clear was that Kyle pickles had got access to that mapping function to see exactly where the girl

    Was the Snapchat map system I understand it is so that you can um droing on what other people are doing and just and have some fun seeing what people are up to in other countries or in your area the idea that anyone would then use that as a

    Means to track somebody down so you can hurt them but it takes a a very different and very very horrid mind to come to that idea in today’s world with the advancement of social media we are able to monitor other people’s movements far more closely and accurately than

    Ever before if somebody has the intention to stalk somebody or find information out about them these tools can enable and facilitate somebody to feed that habit and perhaps even for it to get out of control I think it’s clear from looking at the phone that he had been tracking

    The young girl over a number of days he’ made his mind up the night before that he was going to attack whoever she was with that day and unfortunately that was Lou forensic results are in from the lab which further places pickles at the crime scene the handle that had been

    Recovered from the scene had got K pickles’s DNA on it um it was able to be successfully matched with the blade inside way pickles is confronted with a mountain of evidence against him he continued to make no comment but then just came out with one comment that

    Basically said that he wasn’t the person on CCTV and that clearly gives us an issue in relation to identification but then what we had to do with is um Carry Out identification procedures with some of the witnesses who had witnessed the attack and there was a positive identification made of Kyle pickles as

    Being the person responsible for attacking Louis Phillips pickles is charged with the attempted murder of Louis Phillips at the hospital surgeons are faced with further complications was removing the blade from Lou’s chest when they were trying to get that knife blade out and SE it bleeding 20 minutes passed with no a so

    Obviously it affected his brain but he never woke up but yet I sat with him I and he were twitching my Fingers sorry and I said consult is still alive him he says well we know he’s alive but his brain won’t be working same as it will you know that painful he weren’t bre on his own and obviously we had to make a Decision um so like half one morning pass away they took the tools um we just stayed in that room for a long a while to be fair then after so long like they come in and right where that’s where you then had to take it in

    Turns um always going it room to say your goodbyes and that’s it just went In what do the worst me you could even for go through when it’s your Son I just didn’t want to leave him I suppose it’s not until that the turn machines off you know that uh then you realize that they’re actually not breathing you know that’s when it that’s when it is year you just want to check him you know and

    You’re like just open your eyes you open the eyes for him and you know just what are you doing just wake up cuz last more last you just want him to wake up it should have been me before him it should never be a s going before before your

    Parents your mother should have to go through My following Lou’s death the charge against pickles goes from attempted murder to murder and for Lou’s family it’s only a matter of time till they come face to face with his alleged killer I didn’t take my eyes off him I sat and looked at him I made him

    Fully aware how are the and I’m going to get Justice and I made sure he he saw that Girl keep it going popular 15-year-old Louie Phillips was an aspiring footballer for pinfold Pumas but 4 days after being stabbed in the chest he died in hospital 17-year-old Kyle pickles has been charged with his murder A 15-year-old boy just going out summers’s afternoon to be stabbed in such a way obviously not seeing his family again clear this is ruing the life of the victim’s family wrong place wrong time doesn’t even cover it it just shouldn’t have happened there was no reason for this

    There was absolutely no reason for this PS pleads not guilty and a trial date is set a lot of people think that once you’ve charged somebody that’s most of the investigation done and duster but actually that’s when the real work starts we’ve got the telephone um

    Evidence to look through I was a CCTV we’ve got the forensic evidence we’ve got the witness um and we’ve got all the things to bring together for a prosecution because I knew we all evidence we had he didn’t have a leg to stand on I want him to actually plead

    Not guilty I wanted it to go to trial he’s like even though it’s like I will ready for that fight but less than two months later pickles changes his plea often legal advisers encourage the defendant to enter a guilty plea because they outlined the benefits of a reduced

    Sentence in return he had uh mentioned to his psychiatrist that he was going to plead guilty to get less prison time KY prickles professed that he wasn’t there at the time Des being shown CCTV despite giving no comment in his interview uh despite this young woman

    Having to come out and do a ID parade to pick out and say this is the man and then to top it all off when he does change his plea there’s a suggestion that he told his psychiatrist he’s only doing this to get time off of his prison sentence it’s frankly

    Disgusting it is a a tough part of the job when somebody gets credit for actually pleading guilty for murder I was guttered when he changed it because I wanted him to have as long as possible with no trial taking place a court date is set to sentence Carl pickles for murder attendants in the court recall seeing Lou killer in the dock somewhere at the back of the room in the

    Defendant’s Box was just this figure sitting incredibly still throughout the whole proceeding I can remember seeing his face I just just angry really sad but angry yeah it it did not look like the type of kid to do anything like that just didn’t I didn’t take my eyes off

    Him I sat and looked at him I could see him like looking up you know and I’m like I’m looking at you I made him fully aware I whether you and I’m going to get Justice I met sure he he saw that he did just sit there completely emotionless he he sat

    Completely still his face didn’t move at all through proceedings the courtroom hears how the motive for Pickle’s crime was his unhealthy obsession with the young witness anybody who um became an associate of of that young girl he was either threatening or attacking um to try and keep them away from

    Her the court sums up a plethora of evidence against pickles but it’s the Snapchat tracking that sets this case apart I should say I’ve never seen a case where an application like Snapchat or SnapChat Maps is used to this degree the idea that anybody could use this app

    As a means to hunt somebody down it could raise questions that there shouldn’t be apps out there that actively track your location or your GPS while social media provides many benefits to us in society there’s a need for it to be used responsibly and people

    Need to be educated to be aware of the potential dangers of using those tools when you start seeing things like Snapchat apps and maps that you know that your kids have got um it’s it’s actually quite upsetting and you have to look at your own family um situation

    Circumstances and and ask you da you know what have you got on your phone who can track you Etc but when the court hears details of pickle altercations with other males it implies he is an individual with intent to harm anyone who stood in his way what we’re able to do through the

    Threats that were made by telephone through the attacks on other males we were able to build up a picture so that prosecution could demonstrate a course of behavior that actually had led up to the murder of Lou those countless messages read out in court of him just

    Telling kids that I’m going to get you you that who are you what do you want um what’s your back some of those cases were him just uh inviting goding these teenagers out to a car park somewhere and beginning a fist fight uh very graphically in the court case was one of

    The lads once he had him on the floor he ran up and kicked his head like a football this and descriptions of other past acts of violence indicate that Kyle acted in a very brutally violent unrelenting and aggressive manner there were two occasions against one man a

    Second occasion where that man was at home alone he was just upstairs when he heard the front door open and looked at the stairs to see pickles coming up the stairs with a standing life in hand um that man had no choice but to just barricade himself inside of his own

    Bedroom as pickles tries to break it down in all earnestness um screaming threats stabbing at the door trying to knock it down as best as he can and the only reason he got out of there when he did was because the man had to tell him

    The police are on the way I’ve called the police you get out of here and this was of course two weeks before Lou’s death and he was released on unconditional Veil due to having no previous convictions the CPS decided not to remand pickles for the attack I think if

    He had been possibly kept in prison if he had possibly been kept locked up waiting charged with um a charge with with attempted something he could have not been on the streets in those two weeks that led up to Lou’s death be Bear’s not thinking about as the hearing

    Comes to a close the judge reads out his remarks judge said I wish I could have put some more years on his sentence didn’t he yeah and he worked it every way he could even and I think it don’t know if it was three year or a five

    Years stin onto his time for a crime that he did and he was still on bail with it when he did that to our I thought well that’s our ‘s tried his best cuz at first we thought we were Losing after pleading guilty to the murder of Louis Phillips Carl pickles is sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 17 years L was an innocent person and he was stabbed and murdered by our suspect because he was only 17 years old when he committed the crime he was given

    A lesser sentence he was given a life sentence but to serve a minimum of 17 years because he was under the age of 18 in my opinion he committed an adult crime he murdered a 15-year-old boy in 17 years time at the age of 34 he’s out of prison he can

    Rebuild his life Louie can’t at the age of 15 Louie sadly died it’s so that’s doing life sentence you know St everything away from us yeah we wa to see Alo get engaged get married gone there I wa me me great grand child he’s put a

    Stop to all that it’s those that are suffering just a waste all it b d to were just being jealous that’s he’s done what he’s done and just destroyed just completely destroyed us from living it really has even with his killer Behind Bars Lou family are left to deal with the

    Devastating repercussions of knife crime just a little bit suck to Louise I mean these are his on Prince what he did school I mean just look at that face love that smiley face you never saw him we had a smile on his face didn’t not when he were like that I know just

    Photos Mr Pebble he once decorated probably don’t seem no to but you know they just mean everything to me just they’re just so precious just a little keep sake just wish I could turn Back Time think we all wish That the problem is it’s this Young Generation what’s coming up doing it we’re going out with a knife cuz we feel like we’ve got some power of that knife and not thinking about the consequences the stop this opens people’s eyes and just put knives down cuz she don’t know how many families you

    Destroy and honestly don’t on a case like this you really feel for the family this is a young innocent 15-year-old boy through forensic evidence we’re able to convict the offender of this horrific crime but also not only does it form closure to the csis but also it forms

    Closure to the family that were able to prove Beyond Reasonable Doubt this offender murdered their son Lou’s Aunt Leanne hopes her family’s victim statement will help sway future criminals from knife crime knife crime that means the outcome is to murder another person this is the impact it has on both

    Families the perpetrator has tunnel vision of intent to kill another person but if this just resignates with one person for them to just step back take a breath and think that they will not be killing that one intended person they will be killing a family they will end the lives of many

    Individuals causing pain and suffering you have to live with knowing what you have inflicted upon Them it’s just not right is it and and any any child to be fair but when it’s your own son it’s just you just can’t get over what I’m still coming to terms now why he’s not here the dark twim of you it’s just Sad


    1. Hey guys please read this.

      Quite a few of you have donated to support this channel, some of you have setup monthly donations to me, and you've sent one time donations for a cup of coffee or whatever else… BUT… I would so much rather you send to someone in need than send it to me. Someone I know is that person in need. I told them I would share it on YouTube and see if I can help in any way. So here we are.

      You can check out the details and donate here: https://gofund.me/aea22ce9

      Any amount is greatly appreciated. And if you could, can you please share the link on social media – it would be a great help!

      Thank you ladies & gents. Really appreciate you all for watching, commenting, liking, and subscribing! You're all great. ❤

    2. Was it for shock or surprise value that this doc sidestepped the involvement of the girl until the perp's phone was searched? It seemed completely motiveless until that was added in. It's not the first UK teen murder that has been over a girl and won't be the last. Sadly, this abusive little psycho thought he owned her and Loui paid with his life when he barely knew her. This scumbag should never get out of prison. Hopefully, the girl is ok and doesn't blame herself.

    3. How awful for Loui and his family! I am not making light of the situation, but I do believe just let Loui's Aunt in the room with the murderer for 10 minutes and justice would be served! A very promising life cut too short for no reason!

    4. It's hard to press "👍" on stories like this one. I'm a mum of two teenagers, and I can't even imagine the pain the family living with 💔 he should be sentenced as an adult, in U.S even younger criminals are treated as adults. He knew what he was going to do. Life for life.

    5. Senior constable in Sydney just arrested for stalking and killing his gay ex, casual boyfriend and boyfriend's new partner, and buying them. All planned and tried to cover it up.

    6. Not guilty plea. No comment. Then on the last minute pleading guilty to get a lighter sentence should NOT be allowed. That part of British law should be changed. As well of the shite sentences that need an over haul. God help the British public when he eventually gets out. Hope someone is waiting for him 😜 My heart breaks for all Lou's Family and Friends ❤

    7. Louis was the only one that got a life sentence that disgusting killer only got a few years. I know they drill it into their heads but I've heard it a dozen times after they're charged is when the 'real' work begins. It doesn't, the real work began the moment the inquiry began. It's just you don't let up and you get the case ready for court but it's all real work

    8. The UK's justice system is an absolute joke. This is why knife crime keeps rising because the law pampers the killers. It shouldn't matter whether you are a 10 year old or 16 year old, if you kill or stab someone, you must get a full life sentence regardless of your age. They should stay in the juvenile prison until they become adults and then moved to adults prisons to serve the full sentence. The law keeps treating these people like babies when they don't act like babies.

    9. so where dose that thick idiot think he is going to go to avoid justice what a dunce running awat thinking they will never find him duh duh i bet his whole family are dunces brobebly stems back to great grandfather

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