My Father’s House is more than a church. It’s a family of saints who share a burning desire for God and are committed to making a Godly impact in this generation. The word of God is our ultimate authority.

    Oh You Lord you are worthy yes Lord and no one will worship you for me all the things you’ve done for me yes Lord oh and no one will worship you for me say You Lord You Lord you are you are worthy worthy of all our Praises worthy of all the

    Adoration and no one worship and for as long as I Bre things you for I Will Worship I will worship no one and no one can worship you for me see he is My Worship He’s My Worship all of my all of my worship Lord receive it all receive my word all of my all of my every is my word My

    Worship all of my all of my worship receive my receive my worship oh all of my all of my worship yes I will not be silent I Will worship you yes Lord as long as yes I Am I Am Lord worship you oh and I never be I’ll never be I will I will I will worship I you will worship Lord As I you I you way I You and I will not be I never be silent with every that I have I will continue to worship I you love I you every day every night in the morning as the I as as I I have I have I you worship you and I will never ever be Qui Lord I

    Will worship I worship you forever longest I am bre and even when I have left this Lord I will worship you and I will and I will and I will and I will never be Sil Lord every day my life you in worship I you [Applause] Lordship my and so I walk through Valle SL I Feel by the water my soul my heart will trust in you Lord my heart will trust in you go I though I love to By the water my heart will TR You no I Walk You by I feel by the waterers F my soul my heart will trust in you my heart will Trust I will we oh by the water oh by the water my heart heart I will I will trust you Lord heart now while the instuments play I just want you to trust in the Lord that no matter the situation no matter the circumstances you will always always

    Trust in him I will always trust in you I will always trust in you I will always trust in you I will always trust TR in you I will always trust in you I will always trust in you I will always trust in you I will go go Go I I by the water my heart my heart will TR my heart my heart will in you oh my heart my heart will TR in you oh my heart my heart will TR in you my eyes will look through you my eyes will look to

    You my mouth will speak of you Lord my mouth will speak of you my feet will Chas for you Lord my feet will Chas for you my heart will trust in you Lord my heart will trust in you oh my heart will my heart will trust in you yes my heart

    Will my heart will trust in you with all my life I will all my heart I will all my soul I will with my body I will and my mind I will and my feet I will and my life I will and my heart oh my heart heart will trust in

    You say my heart will trust in you oh my eyes will look to you my eyes will look to you oh my mouth will speak of you my heart will speak of you and my feet will run to you Lord my feet will run to

    You oh my feet will chase for you Lord my feet for and the Son of God is lifted High the Son of God is gied high oh the Son of God is lifted High the Son of God oh the Son of God is p the Son of God is

    Magied in my life Jesus is A God is wonderful that glorious Jesus the son of God is wonderful and Jesus you are magnified you Son of God is magi the Son of God is glorified the Son of God is glorified Jesus Christ is glorified the Son of God is glorified he who died and he rose is glorified Son of God is glor the Lamb that was in his Glory the son of God glor you are wonderful glorious magnificent Nation you are the L SP son God you are glor and glor His of God [Applause] Wonderful and glorious Jesus the son of God is [Laughter] glorified Wonder and Glor the Son of God is glorified we glorify your King Oma you wonderful you are beautiful you are lovely father we exalt you lift you up high wonderful it’s worship the king worship the King good morning and welcome to Ru in my prayers our Bible reading is taken from the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 7 now concerning the things wherefore whereof you wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman veress to avoid forication let every man

    Leave his own wife and let every woman have her own husband let the husband reer unto the wife due benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband the wife had not power of her own body but the husband and likewise also the husband had not power of his own body

    But the wife the FR did not one the other except it be with consent for a a time that he may give yourself to fasting and prayer and come together again the Satan tempt you not for your incontinency but I speak this by permission and not of commandment for I

    Who that all men we are even as I myself but every man had his proper gift of God one after this manner and another after that I say therefore to the unmarried and widows it is good for them if they abide even as I but if they cannot

    Contain let them marry for it is better to marry than to born and unto the married I command yet not I but the Lord let not the wife depart from her husband but and if she depart let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband and let not the husband put away

    His wife but to the rest speak I not the Lord if any brother had a wife that believeth not and she be pleased to do well with him let him not put her away and the woman which at an husband that believeth not and if he be pleased to

    Dwell with her let her not leave him for the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is Sanctified by the husband else were your children unclean but now are they holy but if the unbeli in depart let him depart a brother or a sister is not

    Under bondage in such cases but God had called us to peace for what knowest thou oh wife whether thou shall save thy husband or knowest thou oh man whether thou shall save thy wife But as God had distributed to every man as the Lord had called everyone to let him walk and so

    They are in all churches is any man called being circumcised let him not become uncircumcised is any man called in uncircumcision let him not be uncircumcised circumcision is nothing and nothing and uncircumcision is nothing but the keeping of the Commandment of God let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was

    Called thou called being a servant care not for it but if thou mayest be made free use it rather for he that is called in the Lord being the servant is the Lord’s free man likewise also he that is called being free is Christ servant ye are bought

    With a price be not ye the Servants of men bread and let every man wherein he is called Jing AB Pride with God now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord yet I give my judgment as one that obtain mercy of the Lord to be faithful I suppose therefore that this

    Is good for the present distress I say say that it is good for a man so to be art thou bound unto a wife seek not that not to be loose how th lose from the wife seek not a wife but and if thou marry thou Hast not Sinn and if a virgin

    Marry she had not sin nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh but I Spar you but this I say Breen the time is short it remain that both they that have wives be as though they had known and they that weep as though they wept

    Not and they that rejoice as though they Rejoice not and they that buy as though they possess not and they that use this word as not abusing it for the fashion of this world pass it away for I would have you without carefulness he that is unmarried cared

    For the things that belong to the Lord how he may please the Lord but he that is married cared for the things that are of the world how he may please his wife there is difference also between a wife and a virgin your married woman cared

    For the things of the Lord and that she may be holy both in body and in spirit but she that is married car for the things of the world that she may please our husband in this I speak for your own prophit not that I may cast a snare upon

    You but for that which is comely and that he may attend upon the Lord without distraction but if any man think that he behave himself uncomely toward his virgin if she pass the flow of her age and needs so require let him do what he will he sinth not let them marry

    Nevertheless he that standeth steadfast in his heart having no necessity but at power over his own will and at so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin doeth well so then he that giveth her in marriage doth well but he that giveth her not in marriage doeth

    Better the wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth but if her husband be dead she is at Liberty to be married to whom she will only in the Lord but she is happier if she so abide after my judgment I think also that I

    Have the spirit of God now as touching things offered onto Idols we know that we all have knowledge knowledge puet or but charity edifi it and if any man think that he knoweth anything he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know but if any man love God the same is

    Known of him as concerning therefore the eating of those things which are offered in sacrifice unto Idols we know that an idol is nothing in the world and that there is none other God but one for though there be that are called Gods whether in heaven or in earth as there

    Be Gods many and Lords many but to us there is but one God the father of all of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him how be there is not in every man that knowledge for some

    With conscience of the idol unto this hour eat it as a thing offer onto an idol and their conscience being weak is defied but meat commended us not to God for neither if we eat are we better neither if we eat not are we the worst but take it lest

    Any by any means this Liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak for If any man see the which as knowledge see ad meat in the idol Temple and shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboden to eat those things which are offered to idols and

    Through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish for whom Christ died but when you sin so against the Brethren and wound their weak conscience you sin against Christ wherefore if meat make my brother to offend I will eat no flesh why the word standed lest I make my

    Brother to offend am I not an apostle am I not free have I not seen Jesus Christ Our Lord are not ye my work in the Lord if I be not an apostle unto others yet doubtless am to you for the Seal of my apostleship are ye in the Lord my answer

    To them that do examine me is this have we not power to eat and to drink have we not power to lead about a sister a wife as well as other Apostles and as the Brethren of the Lord and servers or I only and Barnabas have not power to

    Forbear walking who goth a Warfare any time at his own charges who planted a vine yard and it did not of the fruit thereof or who Feth A Flock and eateth not of the milk of the flock say I this thing as a man or seeth not the Lord the

    Same also for it is written in the law of Moses thou shall not M the the the mouth of the O that treaded out the con don’t take don’t God care for oen or set he altogether for our sake for our sakes no doubt that this is written that he

    That plth should plow in Hope and that he that Tred in Hope should be partaker of his hope if we have sown unto you spiritual things is it a great thing if we shall reap your kind of things if others be partakers of this power over you are not we rather nevertheless we

    Have not used this power but suffer all things lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ do ye not know that they which Minister about holy things leave of holy things of the temple and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altars even so at the Lord orain that

    They which preach the gospel should leave of the Gospel but have used none of these things neither have I written these things that it should be so done unto me for it were better for me to die than any other man should make my glory in void for though I preach the

    Gopel I have nothing to Glory of for necessity is laid upon me yeah wo is unto me if I preach not the gospel for if I do this thing willingly I have a reward but if against my will a dispensation of the Gospel is committed unto me what is my reward then verily

    That when I preach the gospel I may make the gospel of Christ without church that I abuse not my power in the gospel for though I be free from all men yet have I made myself servant unto all that I might gain the and unto the Jews I became a Jew that I

    Might gain the Jews to them that are under the law as under the law that I might gain them that are under the law to them that are without the law as without the law being not without the law to God but under the law to Christ

    That I might gain them that are without the Lord to the weak became I as weak that I might gain the weak H I have made all things to all men that Am I by all means Sav some and this I do for the gospel sake that I might be particular

    Thereof with you know ye not not that they which run in a race run all but one receiveth the prize so run that he may obtain and every man that striveth for Mastery is temperate in all things now they do it to obtain a corruptible Crown but we an Incorruptible I therefore so

    Wrong not as uncertain certainly so fight I not as one that beat the air but I keep under my body and bring it under subjection less that by any means when I have preached to others I myself should be a cast away go ahead and just worship

    Him just give him thanks just give him thanks just worship him yes Lord we give you thanks oh Lord you’re good you’re good you’re kind you’re faithful my RO the SE to you my leader yes give you thanks nevertheless yes I will not take my loving kindness utterly away from him

    Nor suffer my faithfulness to fail not break my Covenant that which have all that gone out of my mouth I will not alter it Lord we give you thanks that you are the god that does not break Covenant you are the one that does not alter what goes out of

    Your mouth you are the one whose faithfulness never fail we give you things yes Father God you are the one that your loving kindness deser with us we thank you for your presence we thank you for your faithfulness my yes Father God I worship you father

    God yes God because you said in your word father God even when we pass yes through I mean what as you said father God you be with us yes when we walk through when we pass through the fire you said they will not burn us through

    The rivers they will not overflow us yes Lord we give you thanks because you are ever with us ever with us constantly with us our help father God in time father God of needs of War yes our refuge and our strength you are a very present help in time of trouble yes we

    Give you thanks we worship you you are very present and that’s why we are still because we know you are God Mal you be exalted in all the you be exalted over our enemies you be exalted God over our situations God worship you yes we give you thanks Lord we just

    Want to say thank you you are Lord You’re God over everything you’re Alpha you’re Omega you’re beginning yes God you are the end things yes you are wonderful you are the way maker you are the one that is worthy of our offering Lord yes we say h

    Be your name you are worthy of our offering yes God H be your name yes you Lord God yes Lord we worship you in the beauty of Holiness thank you Father God for your faithfulness Hallu reive your things the song that says that says you are love you are life you are Lord over everything Alpha and om King of Kings wonderful way makeer wory of my offering I be your name you are love you you are Lord you are alive you are Lord over everything Alpha Oma

    Jeh the King of Kings wonderful way maker worthy of my offering H be your name you are love you are love you are life you are love over everything Alpha and om je the King of Kings wonderful way makeer War the of my offering Hallowed Be

    Your name you are love you are love you are alive you are Lord over everything Alpha and jeh the Prince of Peace wonderful way makeer wory of my offering H be your name Al make jeh the Prince of Peace wonderful way makeer worthy of my offering

    Be your name I don’t know if if is worthy of your offer offing the God we talk about is he is he Lord over everything in your life it’s important that you know you understand that he is meant to be Lord over everything and for some of us he’s not yet Lord over

    Everything it’s meant to be Lord over your time lord over your treasure Lord over your talent Lord over everything in your life is it Lord over everything or is just Lord over some things in your life you know we’re going to be praying today and and just put that at the back

    Of your mind as you go let him be Lord over your life now a lot of people get to a place where you know we’ve been talking about light onto our part see when you’re flying a plane um I discovered one of the things and it’s a major thing that you would

    Know where a lot of us miss it when you when a pilot flies a p a plane the plane there’s a navigation system the pilot sees all that we see he sees the clouds you know I mean he sees everything but it does not fly the plane

    Looking out of the windows to fly the plane it looks at the cockpit where you have the navigational system that I flies the plane it looks at it and they able to tell you that you know you should use your seat belt because uh we’re going to eat a storm

    They see our head we’re going to I mean eat a storm soon so everyone use your seat belt they see the condition not by looking you know a lot of us we look around at things that are happening to judge a life and that’s why you know we

    Are down that’s why we feel depressed that’s why you know you’re looking at what God has prepared for those that love you what God is Planning for you you know what God you know is doing for you at times we don’t know you know I was with my wife yesterday and she was

    Thanking God about one thing or the other and I said to her I said you know I told you this before you see you just understand in his time he makes it beautiful now you’re talking you don’t know what God saved you from for not giving some things to you you don’t know

    What God saved you from you know for some things that he has you know it looks like he has refused to allow to happen for you you don’t know what he saving you for you know after everything you would know all things work together for good to them that love God to them

    Who are the C according to his purpose is not everything that you get upset about it’s not every every time some people have gotten to a place that they are angry with God because it looks like you know I mean this God I don’t know I

    Don’t know is this God real is this happening is it is it happening I mean why is God allowing this happen you know but you see the songwriter says you will understand some things better by and by that’s why the song that I sang said it

    Says you are love you are life you are Lord over everything you are alpha you Omega you’re Jehovah the Prince of Peace you are wonderful you are way maker and you are worthy of our offering and one of the things that I’ve learned to want

    To begin to do more this days I mean and I think as as as a church we should we should begin to do it and some people say that 21 major known names of God you know some people say the different names I mean why not just go ahead and just call his

    Names just worship him just call his names you know I mean just call his name just call his name and just just worship him in the beauty of his name as see you extol his name I tell you there is power in it there are times when you are in

    Situations and circumstances that are Beyond you I mean that is it you need to learn how to turn your worries to worship loads of people don’t know how to do that brothers and sisters you need to get to the place where you turn your worries and that’s what we’re

    Going to do today you know I don’t know what your worries are but you’re going to turn them to worship you turn your worries you know to worship and if if you’re ready to do that today because God is about to do Beyond whatever it is that you want when

    You learn to turn your warries to worship praise the Lord so we’re going to go together and just extol his name just just call his name and just give him things there are times what all he just want to come and do is just just worship Him call his name is elai is

    Elohim you know you can sing with his name you can I mean this morning I give you that permission wherever it is just extol start by just extoling his name you know worshiping him in the beauty of Holiness give him thanks give him than you know give him thanks because he is

    Doing so much he has done so much I like the way David said it in Psalm 27 you know from verse one he says the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear he says the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid he

    Says when you know the enemies even the wicked and even my foes say when they rise up I mean to eat up my flesh he says they stumbled and and fell it says when the wicked even my enemies when when they they rose up you know and F to eat up my flesh

    They stumble and fell says when an host Encompass round about me he says I mean I fear nothing nothing makes me fear he says when when the the the OST says do an oost encamp against me he says my heart shall not fear he says do War should

    Rise against me in this I will be confident he says in this I will be confidence say one thing have I desired of the Lord that I will seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty

    Of the Lord and inquire in the temple so we’re going to just worship Him in beauty of Holiness you know just go ahead and just call his name just what if that’s all we’re going to do you know just give him thanks he’s Adonai yes he’s Lord and Master he’s El

    Shai that’s who he is he’s the almighty God he’s Elohim that’s the Creator God that’s who he is I mean that’s who he is L Leon the most high God that’s the one that we serve he is the most high why not just go ahead and exto his name just worship Him He

    Lon he El Roy God that sees that is the god that we serve he’s Jehovah Gyra the ones that provide Jehovah n the God who is Jehovah sh the everpresent one he is ever presentent with us he is a refuge and strength a very present help in

    Times of trouble that’s who he is Jehovah supp the Lord of WS the man of God has never lost the battle is Jehovah m he’s the one that sanctifies us he’s je over he is the god of righteousness do you want to extol his name and just

    Worship him just worship him in the beauty of H yes jeh gy you are good to us Jehovah you are good to us I am that I am you are good to us you good indeed yes you are good you’re the first and the last you are good to us h yes you

    Are Redeemer you are Savior and you have been good to us yes you are Elohim you El sh die and you’re good to us yes you are Jehovah n yes you are good to us you are Jehovah ra you are the one that is at diseases and you have been good to us

    Yes you are the one that surround us like the mountains around Jerusalem yes you are the pillar of Fire by by by by by Night the pillar of cloud by day to us you have been good to us you are our provider you are our protector yes you

    Are you have been good to us we have come to say thank you Father because you’re good to us God in all circumstances you have been good to us in all circumstances even the one that we do not understand yes you are good to

    Us you are the one that pass the sea for us to pass you have been good to us that Deliver Us from all distresses that Deliver Us from all Fe yes you are good to us you are the beginning you are the ending you are the alpha you are the

    Omeg the one that was the one that is the one that is to come you have been good to us yes we acknowledge you you are the one that is worthy of Our Praise You are one that is worthy of adoration you are worthy father God of our

    Offering of our Thanksgiving you have been good to us we have come to say thank you God we are coming to the end of another month it is because of your goodness yes God your unfailing love you the one that hases not suffer your faithfulness to fail in the life you the

    One that has not allow the enemy to exact yes themselves on us you are the one that has not allowed the son of wickedness to afflict us yes you have been good to us you are the one that establish us with your arm and strengthen us with your hand with your

    Arm yes you been good to us yes God will thank you yes God living your faithfulness and your mercy for yes with us not uttering the word that has gone out of your mouth you are the one that is been good to us yes you are I am that

    I am you I am that I am the great God elore you are the great God you been good to us yes are the God yes you are Jehovah yes the god Good Shepherd you’ve been good to us yes we just want to thank you because you’re good to us

    You’re good in all circumstances you have been good to us yes Lord we thank you thank you Father Blessed Be Your Name Lord in Jesus name I I want to really encourage you to learn how to just worship Him Just Praise Him I tell you those worries turn them to

    Worship just turn them just extol his name a lot of us bother so much about you you like the pilot why why are you looking out of the window to govern your life why not look at the navigational system listen to the to the to the to the tower the

    Air traffic Tower to get direction get direction from there not looking at the circumstance Bible says he that observed lying vanities as forsaken their message a lot of us are forsaken the mercy of God because we are observing lying vanities and I pray for you today

    Whatever it is I mean that is making you depressed whatever it is that is making you downcast because you’re looking out of the window instead of looking at the navigation system of God yes even instead of listening to the air traffic you know I mean and control tower I mean

    Where you get direction and how to land where to land I mean the wrong way to land on instead of you listen to that you’re listen and to all voices a lot of us are listening to other voices the voice yes of our situation the voice of our

    Circumstance the voice of the manager the voice of your employers the voice of the things of your finances your listening to the wrong voice he says my sheep they they know my voice you need to listen to the voice of Jesus and I pray for you that from this minute

    Everything that has come upon you that has put you down in a depressing mode that this minute they will lose from you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I declare them losing from your life in the name of Jesus I declare that from

    This minute I mean the joy of the Lord will strengthen you the joy of the Lord will strengthen you it will take you from this place that you are in to where you should be by the power of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus I declare

    That things are turning around for you and for your family in a short while you will give testimony thank you Father for your mercy thank you for your mercy Lord in Jesus marless name we pray amen let’s take a declarations quickly I declare that the word of God is a lamp

    To my feet and a light unto my part in Jesus name I declare that my light shall shine in darkness and overcome every darkness in Jesus name I declare that I have the grace that gives me The Cutting Edge and advantage in all I do in Jesus

    Name I declare that I have the anointing that makes me prepared in every situation in Jesus name I declare that every cycle of limitation over my life is broken in Jesus name I declare that my life shall continuously radiate the glory of God in Jesus name I declare I

    Shall be a recipient of God’s goodness and Glory this month in Jesus name I declare that every Covenant with death and sickness is disan in Jesus name I declare that the Lord of host is a Crown of Glory and a diam of beauty to me in Jesus name I declare that God has

    Ordained peace for me and my family in Jesus name I declare that every staff of wickedness is broken in my life and the scepter of righteousness is established in Jesus name I declare that I will have the fullness of joy and pleasure forever more in Jesus name I declare that my

    Part is as a shining light that shines brighter and better onto a perfect day in Jesus name amen so shall it be today is uh um weekly service digging deep you don’t want to miss this I pray you know I mean that you understand the reason

    Why God says you should not forsake the assembly to together of Breen especially as the time draws now this the time for you you know I mean to be in the house of God this the time for you you know come with your family come with your

    Loved one it’s going to be a wonderful time in his presence God bless you and have a glorious glorious day bye for now

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