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    Zelenskiy seeks Balkan arms, support in Albania
    Hostages’ relatives march from Gaza to Jerusalem
    Biden restricts US data flows to China, Russia

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    It’s 7:30 in the evening across India live from New Delhi you watching DD India Global we’ll bring you today’s big stories from across India and the world I am tan Tanja joining me from Washington DC is my colleague Caroline Malone how are you car Caroline I’m good thank you Town B good morning

    To you from here in Washington DC where it’s 9:00 a.m. and also 3 in the afternoon across Central Europe coming up in the next 30 minutes we go live to colleagues in the United States to give us more on Michigan election results but first the headlines European commission chief for

    Sola Wan says the threat of War for the EU may not be imminent but it is not impossible proposes using Frozen Russian profits for Ukraine’s military it’s time to start a conversation about using the windfall profits of Frozen Russian assets to jointly purchase military equipment for Ukraine Ukraine’s President Vladimir

    Zalinski seeks Balan arms support at the two-day Summit of Southeastern European countries in Albania as mediated efforts to reach an Israel Hamas troops are underway families of Israeli hostages begin a 4-day March from the Gaza border to Jerusalem demanding Action and US President Joe Biden signs an order aimed at protecting American personal data by restricting its transfer to China Russia and other Countries European commission president Ula Wen has said that EU should consider using profits from Frozen Russian assets to buy military supplies for Ukraine W lean previewed a new European industrial defense strategy that her commission will present in the coming weeks let me be very clear European sovereignity will make

    Our Partnerships stronger it will never affect the import and the need for NATO alliance in fact a more Sovereign Europe in particular on defense is vital to strengthening NATO it is time to start a conversation about using the windfall profits of Frozen Russian assets to jointly purchase military equipment for

    Ukraine there could be no stronger symbol and no greater use for that money than to make Ukraine and all of Europe a safer place to [Applause] live Ukrainian President Vladimir zilinski on Wednesday met Southeastern leaders as they gathered for a security Summit in tyana the capital of Albania zilinski is seeking international

    Support for his peace plan as Ukrainian troops struggle to hold ground against Russian forces earlier zilinski signed signed a friendship and cooperation agreement with Albanian prime minister Rama the problems with supply of ammunition which are affecting the situation on the battlefield and we are interested in co-production with you and

    All our partners our governmental team will present the details and we propose to hold a special Ukrainian Balkans defense industry Forum in ke or in one of your capitals Russian opposition leader Alexi naval’s funeral and Fa fval ceremony will be held on Friday in Moscow Naval spokesperson took to his social media

    Account and said that naval’s funeral will take place at the borisov cetre after a farewell ceremony at a church a heavy police presence is likely at the event the Russian opposition politici ician died at an Arctic penal colony on February the 16th onto the conflict in Gaza which has

    Inflamed tensions across the globe as mediated efforts to reach a truce deal between Israel and Hamas are underway families of Israeli hostages held for 145 days in Gaza began a 4day March from the Gaza border to Jerusalem my colleague Caroline Malone is in Washington DC she gives us more on this

    And Other Stories headlines around the world Caroline it’s over to you now well thanks tanvi as the Israel Hamas conflict continues families of Israeli hostages held in Gaza have begun a 4-day March from the border with Gaza to Jerusalem the starting point for the March was a field outside kabut raem

    Near the Gaza border where more than 350 partygoers were killed or kidnapped in the Hamas Le attack on October 7th as mediated efforts to reach a deal between Israel and Hamas are underway the families of the hostages called for the release of their relatives who are being held by

    Hamas the Israeli Army released a video on Wednesday showing its soldiers engaged in combat in the Gaza Strip as well as conducting air strikes targeting Hamas terrorist facilities the footage appears to show air strikes on Hamas infrastructure anti-missile posts and an operational Command Center British lawmakers are fearing for

    Their safety as they face threats and abuse for expressing support for Israel since the October 7th Hamas attack several politicians in the UK have reported increased intensity of verbal abuse directed towards them some are considering wearing protective measures such as stab vests during meetings or constructing safe

    Rooms US President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump both emerged victorious in the Michigan primaries held on Tuesday further cementing the expectation of a rematch between the two leaders but many in Michigan’s arab-american Community who backed Biden in 2020 are angry as are some Progressive Democrats over ID’s support

    For Israel in the conflict in Gaza Donald Trump won the state’s Republican presidential primary by a large margin strengthening his grip on the party’s White House nomination as Nikki Haley his last remaining rival came in a distant second well the Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley took came at

    Donald Trump a week before the Colorado presidential primary election saying she need be a better candidate against Biden well Haley also reminded her supporters of a recent comment by Trump encouraging Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to invade the United States and allies well DDD India’s Nick Harper joins us live

    From Washington DC now so Nick uh Haley is staying in the race despite the results on Tuesday’s Michigan primary what is her strategy at this point yeah Caroline it’s very interesting I think here we have Nikki Haley who state after state is losing contests and losing contests quite heavily to Donald

    Trump more than 40% margin separating the two of them in this latest contest it now means that she is down five State losses to Donald Trump’s five State wins in this primary season but she very much says that she wants to be the alternative to Donald Trump the

    Non-trump option for voters out there super Tuesdays just around the corner less than a week away when 15 states will be casting their votes and she says because millions of Americans are about to vote she has a duty to remain in the race so that they have an option for

    Someone other than Donald Trump on the ballot she also warns that he will bring more chaos to the White House to the whole of America and potentially the world if he’s reelected in November so she wants to remain in to try prove that she is not just a viable candidate but

    An alternative candidate as well and on that foreign policy issue of Russia she is putting out that warning that the former president and his comments about Russia his desire not to fund Ukraine anymore in its fight against Russia all of that very much weighs against America’s national security interests

    But has huge implications for Global Security as well so another loss for Nikki Haley but she is determined to remain in this fight at least for now and then Nick on the Democratic side what more can you tell us about warning signs facing President Joe Biden yeah we knew that this was going

    To be a difficult primary contest for him there’s huge amounts of not just displeasure or annoyance but real anger real Fury from Arab American voters out there in the United States many of whom live in the state of Michigan they are furious at the Biden administrations pro-israel staunch but position but also

    The fact that they feel that the White House has not stood up for Palestinians protected civilians living in Gaza and that is why many of them said that they could not vote for him and instead ticked that uncommitted box now in terms of the number uh we had about a 100,000

    People who said that that they were uncommitted voters that’s about 133% compared to Biden’s 81% it’s not as big as a protest vote as we were expecting but it does show weakness for the president I think it’s also worth pointing out that there were a lot of

    Voters who simply didn’t turn out for the Democrats they didn’t even show their support and we have to remember that Michigan is a key swing state Donald Trump won it in 2016 winning it off the Democrats Biden flipped it in 2020 it could potentially be the state

    That makes or breaks the presidency for one of those two men in November so Biden needs all the support he can especially from those Arab American voters who are traditionally Democratic voters thank you Nick that was Nick Harper reporting in Washington well US President Joe Biden’s Administration on Wednesday signed an

    Executive order aimed at protecting American personal data by restricting its transfer to China Russia and other countries according to senior us officials the order will curb bulk transfers of American geolocation biometric health and financial information by data Brokers to specific countries of concern the order is the

    Latest bid by Washington to stem the flow of American data to China which is locked in a yearslong trade and Technology conflict with the United States well US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden will testify behind closed doors at an impeachment inquiry into his father later on Wednesday as Republicans

    Allege Biden influenced US foreign policy to benefit his family financially the hearing comes just before the US government will run out of money to keep all agencies open if Congress fails to act by the weekend investigators are expecting to ask Hunter Biden about his business activities including his role with Chinese energy firm

    CFC according to the European Union Agency for Asylum the number of Asylum seekers in Europe has jumped by 18% in 2023 reaching 1.14 million people this is the highest number since the migrant crisis of 2015 to 16 when many people from Asia and the Middle East fled to Europe

    About 4.4 million ukrainians have fled to the European Union because of Russia’s conflict with Ukraine and they do not need to apply formally for Asylum while France is on the verge of enshrining abortion rights into the country’s Constitution lawmakers in the lower house passed the historic Bill

    Last month which now heads to the French Senate but as DD India’s Tony Waterman explains from Paris getting over this last Financial legislative hurdle could be a challenge when this constitutional amendment was debated in the National Assembly it was in front of a friendly audience and the bill which guarantees a

    Woman’s freedom to terminate a pregnancy passed with an overwhelming majority but its fate in the Senate which has a farri majority is far less certain especially after the Senate President said last month that he was against it critics have argued that there are more important issues to focus on and that

    This bill is unnecessary because abortion they say is not under threat in France where women have had access to the procedure since 1975 but the issue has taken on a new sense of urgency for many after the US Supreme Court overturned abortion rights in 20122 reversing 50 years of Precedence and

    Leaving tens of millions of women without without access to the procedure now on Monday a French Senator tabled an amendment to the bill that could actually send it back to the lower house delaying the process but ultimately it is expected to pass the vast majority some 80% of French citizens support

    Abortion rights the goal is to have the amendment passed by March 8th which is international women’s day and a 35ths majority of lawmakers will be needed to approve the measure in a joint session of Parliament which the macron government is planning to hold at the iconic Versailles Palace next week Tony

    Waterman in Paris reporting for DB India well that’s it from me here in Washington back to you in the studio tanvi thank you very much Caroline for those updates Caroline Malone joining us all from Washington DC you’re watching DD India Global still to come on the show Britain’s Prince Harry to appeal

    After he lost the challenge against the British government’s decision to take away his police protection and South Korea’s military Medics to be assigned to hospitals amid an ongoing doctor strike against the government’s push to recruit more medical Students we just don’t bring you the news as it unfolds we get to the heart of the matter we don’t just present facts we demystify complex social political and economic events we break stories that shape the world’s present and future because you deserve the truth I am Tanja from New Delhi I’m olle

    Barrett from London I’m Nick Harper from Washington DC join us on DD India Global Monday to Friday at these times Welcome back you’re watching D India Global I am Tanja back to Asia amid protests and mass resignations by training doctors South Korea on Wednesday asked military hospitals to fill the gaps in the health sector and provide treatment to civilian patients two-thirds of the nation’s residents and

    Intern doctors had walked off the job to protest a government plan to increase the number of students admitted to medical schools in a bid to address what authorities say is a shortage of doctors the government has warned it could suspend the licenses of the doctors who

    Do not comply with the back to work order the young doctors who are protesting say the government should first address pay and working conditions before trying to increase the number of physicians in a call to action at the World Trade organization’s 13th ministerial conference in abudhabi Brazil’s foreign minister emphasized the

    Critical need for the WTO to facilitate the transfer of essential Technologies to developing countries particularly for pandemic preparedness climate mitigation and energy transition transfer technology is very important for the development itself and we as a developing country we are very uh concerned on reducing inequalities uh poverty and reducing hunger and hunger

    And so on so uh and of course promoting a sustainable development too for all that we need uh technology those we do not have so transfer of technology is very important and we also express the same feeling uh from other developing countries not only in our region but in other continents

    Too moving on as India and South Korea complete 51 years of diplomatic relations South Korea’s ambassador to India Chong J Bok said that the two Nations have enhanced their strategic dies and that negotiations for comprehensive economic partnership agreement or sepa are underway and could be finalized before the year ends pre-trade agreement negotiations

    Are in general very very difficult to reach uh the agreement because in each uh country there are some Industries so with the conclusion of FTA uh some part of Industries will have a loss and some part of industry or some part of uh the economy will have some gain so it’s kind

    Of uh you know political negotiations domestically so it’s not easy so still uh unfortunately uh the the uh the issues uh uh quite parallel but at the last uh round of negotiation in January end of January uh we found some you know willingness to conclude negotiations

    Within this year so uh hopefully uh the each each side will uh present the concession uh to each side and then hopefully uh to reach the agreement and compromise actually India’s Minister for women and Child Development SMY Irani on Wednesday hit out at some of the international agencies for putting old data with

    Regard to malnutrition addressing the round table on developing an analytical approach for the assessment of gender budgeting in India the minister said that these agencies know very well that they do not capture the entire data of the country indices are used to embarrass India knowing well that they do not capture the entire

    Data a poll that doesn’t take into consideration that 800 million people have received for the past two and a half years free food at their doorstep 100 million beneficiaries 25 million women 75 million children below the age of six do receive supplementary nutrition and when these numbers come not one of these International

    Agencies Express anguish at the Gap in understanding the Indian reality for too long these realities were dressed up and presented so that we could have been made to feel that either we are in need of rescue or we are in need of ideation Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates

    Met with India’s minister of Health and Family welfare Dr manuk mandva in New Delhi on Wednesday Gates praised India’s remarkable efforts in Health and Family welfare especially its leading role in combating tuberculosis together with the health Ministry it’s uh you know I’m excited to be here I

    Uh just uh came uh from odisha which uh was very impressive to see all the the things they’re doing uh including you know the the digital Innovation you know it’s kind of amazing uh what a leader India is in uh digital Innovation and of course as part of the

    Uh G20 meeting that was one of the uh commitments uh that IND you made was that it would help share uh all of the great progress being made to use digital approaches to improve healthc care and that’s an area not just because of my original career but in general uh we see

    Uh great potential for and so you know we’re looking forward to the continue evolution of the uh abdm Vision on how we can track patients and coordinate all the different workers and you know making sure we’re focusing resources on the the people who needed the most during the visit Gates was

    Introduced to the bishma arogya met3 cube hailed as the world’s first emergency hospital capable of being set up within 10 minutes this Innovative solution can be swiftly deployed to to disaster zones either via airlift or even by bicycle showcasing India’s proactive approach to disaster prep disaster preparedness spare headed

    By prime minister Narendra Modi the initiative has been successfully executed through a collaborative effort between India’s defense Ministry and health Ministry India’s top conglomerate Reliance Industries and Walt Disney on Wednesday announced the merge of of their India TV and streaming media assets creating a $8.5 billion US entertainment Juggernaut far ahead of

    Rivals in the world’s most populous nation Reliance I beg your pardon Reliance led by Asia’s richest man Mukesh Amani will Infuse $1 1.4 billion US in the merged entity with the company and its Affiliates holding a more than 63% stake while Disney will hold about 37% stake in the the

    Merger and we now take a look at other stories making news around the world Prince Harry’s judicial battle against the British government’s decision to remove his police protection while being in the country was unsuccessful on Wednesday King Charles youngest son Harry filed the lawsuit against the government in London’s High

    Court after the home office declared in 2020 that Harry would no longer be entitled to person personal police protection while being in the country Harry’s lawyers said that they will appeal this High Court ruling Germany is hosting two days of peace talks between aeran and Armenia in

    A new push to resolve a decades long conflict between the neighboring Caucasus countries aeran has been increasingly hostile to outside involvement in brokering an agreement with the president accusing the United States of Je izing relations by siding with Armenia 10 years after initiating the project Apple has decided to discontinue

    Work on its electric vehicle the action puts an end to a scheme that would have assisted Apple in entering a new market and maybe repeating the success of the iPhone as major automakers redu their investments in electric vehicles due to the decline in demand the project comes to an end

    Tech company Humane has introduced an AI pin that integrates chat GPD style large language models into a userfriendly smart wearable device using a creative communication mechanism the gadget which is the appearance of a badge and functions without a screen uses a conversational interface to react to voice instructions and hand gestures the

    Laser ink display which projects visual information directly into to the user’s hand is a crucial component of the AI pins interface the ever evolving world of artificial technology artificial intelligence that’s it in this edition of DD India Global do let us know your thoughts on the news of the day connect

    With us on Facebook X formerly Twitter and Instagram at DD India live I am Tanja from my entire team in New Delhi thank you for watching Namaskar we just don’t bring you the news as it unfolds we get to the heart of the matter we don’t just present facts we demystify complex social political and economic events we break stories that shape the world’s present and future because you deserve the truth

    I am tan tanija from New Delhi I’m olle Barrett from London I’m Nick Harper from Washington DC join us on DD India Global Monday to Friday at these times

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