Poole Speedway presents the Poole ‘Pirates’ vs Scunthorpe ‘Scorpions’ Knockout Cup Final 2nd Leg match at Wimborne Road on 21/10/2023, originally live streamed by Pirates TV.

    POOLE ‘Pirates’
    1 : Richard LAWSON : 8.70
    2 : Anders ROWE : 5.95
    3 : Ben COOK : 7.39
    4 : Zach COOK : 6.22
    5 : Steve WORRALL (C) : 8.04
    6 : Kyle NEWMAN : 5.65
    7 : Joe Thompson : 3.60

    SCUNTHORPE ‘Scorpions’
    1 : Ryan DOUGLAS : 9.56
    2 : Simon LAMBERT (C) : 6.02
    3 : Connor MOUNTAIN : 5.42
    4 : Jake ALLEN : 7.16
    5 : Michael PALM-TOFT : 7.01
    6 : Drew KEMP : 5.32
    7 : Nathan ABLITT : 3.00
    TM : Dave PEET

    Referee : Christina TURNBULL

    Connect With The Pirates:


    Proudly Sponsored By:
    Wessex Marine: http://wessexmarine.co.uk
    Link Fabrications
    Morrish Homes: https://www.morrishhomes.co.uk
    Trethowans: https://www.trethowans.com
    M B Wilkes : https://www.mbwilkes.com
    Chateau La Briance : https://www.chateaulabriance.com

    Brought to you by Pirates TV:

    Pirates TV Crew:
    Main Camera : Rob Haywood
    Roaming Camera : Paul Hague
    Presenter/Commentator : Scott Mitchell
    Pits Reporter : Rob Dyer
    Stadium Presenter : Nigel Leahy
    Producer/Director : Andy Hague

    00:00:00 – Introduction with Scott Mitchell
    00:01:55 – Neil Middleditch Interview
    00:03:53 – Dave Peet Interview
    00:06:35 – Team Line-ups
    00:09:51 – Parade
    00:13:17 – Heat 1
    00:14:43 – Heat 1 ReRun
    00:15:48 – Heat 1 ReRun x 2
    00:18:32 – Heat 2
    00:21:16 – Heat 3
    00:24:09 – Heat 4
    00:26:35 – Heat 5
    00:30:13 – Heat 6
    00:31:19 – Heat 6 ReRun
    00:34:06 – Heat 7
    00:35:02 – Heat 7 ReRun
    00:36:21 – Rob Godfrey Interview
    00:37:17 – Heat 7 ReRun x 2
    00:41:13 – Neil Middleditch Interview
    00:41:51 – Ryan Douglas Interview
    00:43:22 – Heat 8
    00:46:42 – Heat 9
    00:49:29 – Heat 10
    00:52:47 – Steve Worrall Interview
    00:55:57 – Heat 11
    01:00:00 – Gate Stats
    01:00:20 – Heat 12
    01:03:16 – Heat 13
    01:06:45 – Heat 14
    01:08:16 – Heat 14 ReRun
    01:11:50 – Heat 15
    01:14:56 – Team Scores
    01:15:52 – Presentation & Celebrations
    01:21:45 – Conclusion

    He went inside outside he W him up he looked for the Gap and he bur through it I think he’s not it what the Finish [Applause] unbelievable this is good racing ladies and gentlemen Here the again for another 51 welcome back to our Pirates TV viewers I’m your presenter and commentator tonight Scott Mitchell and we haven’t been here for a while it was the 30th of August the last time pirates TV were here at wimbor road but tonight we bring you Paul West Marine Pirates

    Versus the skunthorp Scorpions in The Knockout Cup Final second leg now the Scorpions bring down a four-point lead from last Sunday on the Eddie White Raceway they be hoping to hold on to that they last came here and had a 4545 draw with Paul so even though they’ve only got a four-point lead

    They’ll be looking forward to maybe taking that trophy home tonight so is this the last meeting of the year no the news is we’re going to be riding the Jubilee cup again so that will be on Wednesday so we’ll be back on Wednesday with you as well so twice in a week but

    For more news and more information about tonight’s meeting let’s head over to the pits and our Roman reporter Rob Dyer well thanks Scotty and we’ve come pits side Neil middleditch is with us Neil is another one of those big nights here at pool Stadium end of season and a

    Cup on the line but first thing to think about really is the weather today it’s been awful over the last few days and I know you’ve just had a look at the conditions out there give us a quick summation of what you’ve seen yeah as you say the weather’s been not not not

    Very kind to us and you know this time of year unfortunately it’s not drying weather even though it stopped raining at the moment but uh yeah just had a quick look over the fence there it looks pretty wet at the moment I mean they

    Doing a lot of work on it trying to get they put some saw dust in it I believe to uh try and soak some of the water up so we’ll just have to wait and see we we still got you know cut to go last time we were here Neil it

    Was the league final and the Glasgow boys turned out to be better over the two legs and uh whip the Pirates Championship hopes away from them but tonight a chance to uh redress the balance a little bit yeah that’s right I mean I mean it’s they’re a great side

    Aren’t let’s be honest I mean they they they’ve come down I think they’re probably the best performing team we’ve had down here this season so um we’ve certainly got to have our wits about it as you say Four Points it’s it’s it’s it’s one one heat Advantage isn’t it but

    Um you know I’m sure Rob will be giving his boys a good chat saying that you know they’ve had good showings down here um and they’re probably going to try and hit the ground running and maintain that lead if they can yeah it’s a good performance for the Pirates up at scanth

    Just a four-point deficit to make up here tonight uh I know you’d probably been watching in from AF far but to your appraisal of that meeting yeah that was a good meeting I mean I thought the boys did really well to hold it I mean they

    They sort of Never Let Go did they and and four points as you say is is certainly certainly attainable and that’s that’s what we got to do but we you know we we need to get it back you know we we should have done that against

    Glasgow last week um that was my you know chat before the meeting you know we have to hit them hard and we just didn’t do it um and and say we got beaten by the better team but yeah tonight we we we’ve got to um sort of get get into him

    Straight away and and try and stretch a lead well let’s keep our fingers crossed that the weather holds out the track boys can do their Miracle work on the circuit out there and we get some great racing on tonight yep cheers hope so okay well we’ve come pit side and

    David Pete the team manager for the scun Scorpions is with us David welcome to pool I know you don’t get here very often but being a weekend a chance for you to come down and see the Pirates in action on this track and you scun scorpions as well let’s just turn the

    Clock back to the last meeting up at the Eddie Wright Raceway it was a 4743 win for the Scorpions how did you see that match turning out um well we needed to win you know I mean from what’s been going on this season uh a win were

    Important uh we started off well we got about a six-point lead your guys brought it back it was always going to be tough you know but at least we Come Away with a four-point lead and and and a lead is what we wanted you you can’t deny that the

    Racing at the Eddie Raceway is superb week on week and uh the matches I think there’s five so far between the Pirates and the Scorpions this year they’ve all come out of the top draw to coin an expression uh I’m sure you agree with that yeah definitely I mean you know

    Paul have got riders that can ride our track really really well just as good as our Riders and when you get a mix like that you’re bound to get superb RAC last time you were here it was a 45 all draw and a super heat to to round the

    Night off which went in the Pirates favor but 45 points on this track for any visitor is a great performance and you’re LED of course by Ryan Douglas there and uh he’s a master on this circuit yeah I mean this is going to be Doug’s last meeting for us so you know

    He he don’t need no fighting up for tonight he knows what he’s got to do he knows what he wants to do uh he wants to win some silverware like we all do so he he he’s going to be up for it and the one Rider you brought in towards the end

    Of the season Drew cemp has really started to uh clock up the scores that you were hoping for him to do and he started to make a difference for the Scorpions yeah I mean Joel Joel’s got a lot of talent um some of it is a little

    Bit misguided in my opinion not not intentionally he he just needs to get more grounded get somebody with him that knows what they’re doing um and he he’ll fly he he he will progress and what are your instructions to your riders for tonight David no last places

    Simple as that don’t get any last places we’ve won you’ve had to look at the conditions out there it’s been a rotten week weatherwise but the track guys are trying to pull the circuit into a rable condition your opinion on the circuit so far it is what it is you know if that’s

    What we’ve got that’s what we’ll deal with simple as that you just got to roll your sleeves up and get on with it well there we are that’s the view from the scunthorp side of the pits David thank you very much for your time uh safe trip

    Home to this evening and uh hope you have a good meeting and your team as well thank you so here we go with the rider lineups this evening we’ll start with the Pirates and at number one Richard Lawson from 16 Camp direct meetings before the playoffs

    Richard had 32 places which was the most in the entire league at number two we have Anders R back yes hot off the press he’s back he’s recovered from his recent crash and he takes his place in the pirate lineup tonight at number three Ben Cook 21 race wins here at wimbor

    During the regular wimbor Road during the regular season more than any other pirate in number four Zack cook he scored 22 bonus points in his 16 League meetings which was the most in the championship alongside Oxford’s Jordan Jenkins also this week won the very prestigious Olympic individual on Monday at wolver

    Hampton number five for Steve warl the Pirates Captain top the averages for the eight home meetings in the championship from 37 races finish in just fourth twice at number six KY Newman Hometown racer has upped his average in the 2023 season did exactly what he said he’d do

    In press and practice day at the start of the season and at number seven Joe Thompson late arrival to the Pirates but it’s done well in the skull and crossbones becoming a crowd favorite and a manager is Neil middleditch looking to act his silverware and his ever growing management

    CV so over to the scorpions scun scorpions Ryan Douglas is at number one his last meetings for the Scorpions as he CH changes his Outlook to pursue a league career in Poland for 2024 he leaves big shoes to fill topping the race wins in the championship with 52

    And a massive 197 points during the regular season at number two Simon lamber scorpions Captain scored 3 plus one here on his last visit at wimborne Road and the Scorpions fans will be looking more from more than that from him this evening at number three Conor Mountain kingslin Bourn Brit has not had

    The best of nights in his last couple of meetings here he’ll be looking to put that right tonight at number four Jake Allen the Aussie born Somerset former Somerset Rider has won three three previous British honors all of those with Somerset he’ll be looking to pick

    Up The Knockout Cup tonight with scun at number five Michael palt the Danish Rider has won a league championship title way back in 2012 with the Scorpions and he’ll be looking to add The Knockout cup to that as well tonight at number six Drew Kemp the 2022 double

    Winning pirate Returns on the other side of the pits this time and his last outing here 13 plus2 in the playoffs tells me he’s a danger man to watch for the Pirates and number seven Nathan abet second of the double winning Pirates to return a crowd favorite here at wimborne

    Road and look out for the warm welcome that he will receive from the fans on the parade and manager for the scun thought scorpions is Dave Pete let’s meet our opponents tonight give them another big warm welcome to the stunt AES Insurance scorpions at number seven he earned his strikes

    With the Pirates in 2022 and he went high in the popularity Stakes Nathan [Applause] ax number six he hitting top form at the business end of the year it’s been a big boost for the Scorpions and for ex pirate Drew Kemp number five of Kev part of the

    Scorpion success in the first leg watch out for M pal [Applause] to number four Big Hearted Aussie with the power to take race wins off the Pirates Jake Allen number three an improver over the course of 2023 putting himself in the shot window for 2024 Conor Manon but number two when moves into that slot to have spr to the spearhead from the very first race Captain Simon Lambert and turning out in his final match in scorpions colors he’s been a tremendous servant 20 points here last month in the playoff semifinal he’s the League’s top scorer Ryan douas making him a highly prized part of the pirat so back over to here Center Green presenter at number six he stated how

    Much he wants this cup for the team for the management and for you the fans of course it’s kle new number five he’ll not be relinquishing the chance to lift that trophy tonight as captain of the Pirates super Steve warl up four he ran in a sensational season

    At wolver Hampton by winning the prestigious Olympic on Monday give it up for Zack cook that’s free very much the star of 2023 rising to his full potential in two leades he’s our little big man Ben Cook number two and at last we get to welcomeing back after being fly

    Sidelined for the playoffs the otherwise irrepressible Anders Ro and he was the man to lower the colors of scorpions number one last time at Windor Road he’s our number one Richard lawon sonon and we’ve got Steve to spin the coin Simon’s going to spin the coin he’s

    Calling he’s calling HS and it is HS Simon one and three in Heat number one the Scorpions so here we go with heat one on the inside in yellow is Simon Lambert for the scorpions in Gate two in blue welcome back Anders Row for the Pirates in gate three is Ryan Douglas the

    Biggest scorer this year in the league in white and in gate four is Richard Lawson in red for the Pirates so here we go ladies and gentlemen knockout cup leg to second half just about to get underway and Christina turle moves those takes up and away we go oh we’ve got to coming together there between Anders row and Ryan Douglas look very grippy going into turn one there we hope they’re both

    Okay he’s back up too obviously we don’t like to go to those shots and I don’t like to go back to those shots until both Riders get up and there you can see on that outside both but Riders and bikes absolutely caked As the tapes go up from that inside and his row looked to make a good one was half a bike length up look to kind of not be able to turn it it’s the rerun of heat one in Gate one in yellow Simon Lambert for the scorpions in Gate two in blue xanders

    Row for the Pirates in gate three in white it’s Ryan Douglas for the Scorpions and in gate four in red it’s the Rocket Man Richard Lawson for the pirates for gladiators of our sport having to pick themselves up off the floor two of them and go again I can

    Only imagine what that must feel like when you’ve been under the Bounty Castle on the first turn here we go away we go it’s a better start from Douglas that time and is Rose gone down again and taken his partner with him Richard Lawson had nowhere to go here’s another look at that

    Start heat W for the third time of asket in Gate one Simon Lambert in yellow for the Scorpions No Rider in Gate two Anders row caused off the stoppage is excluded gate three in white is Ryan Douglas and in gate four is the Rocket Man Richard Lawson in red on the Outside and tracks are a little bit muddy and wet sometimes the Riders will start in a more upright position away we go again it looks like we’re away and around the first corner Lawson pulls a big Locker to avoid hitting doggy but out front is Simon Lambert and yellow for the

    Scorpions don’t forget they’re four points ahead already and if this one finishes like this there’ll be eight points on aggregate ahead after one ride the gu’s just getting used to the track but it’s Simon lamber out front he’s absolutely bossing it is scorpions Captain I’m sure the Scorpions fans at

    Home watching will be absolutely ecstatic with this heat one got one lap to Go a little processional I know but the Scorpions fans won’t mind that it’s a 5-1 heat advantage to the Scorpions it’s yellow white and red as they come over the line Max 5-1 heat advantage to the Scorpions and that will have quietened the pull faithful Here Comes Your winner Simon

    Lambert how rude are the fans here here we go you heat one result it was a win for Simon yamber in yellow for the Scorpions followed home by his partner Ryan Douglas in white for the scorpions in third was Richard Lawson the sole pirate in that one and

    Obviously Anders row excluded on the second time second rerun of that one so after one heat the match score is one to the Pirates and five to the Scorpions and on aggregate it’s 44 to the Pirates 52 to the Scorpions they open up an eight-point aggregate

    Lead in Gate one for the Pirates in red we have Kyle Newman in Gate two in white for the Scorpions is Drew Kemp in gate three in blue for the Pirates is Joe Thompson and gate four in yellow is Nathan abet for the Scorpions here we go then heat Two takes her up and a away to go Newman looks to have made a good one on the inside but Kemp’s got over the top of him Newman’s got up the inside of Kemp what a pass from Newman Kemp staying wide and going around the

    Outside as he gone too far cut back in on Joe Thompson Joe looks over his shoulder a little bit of apology there I think Joe’s into second now abet in third and Kemp is right at the back abt’s gone steaming in to turn three

    He’s gone down is he going to be able to get up he’s stuck under the air fence he’s stuck under the air fence the race will be stopped here in heat too so that’s a win for the rider in red for Kyle Newman in second was his partner Joe

    Thompson in blue for the Pirates in third was the unfortunate Drew Kemp who kind of got it wrong down there in the bottom turn for the scorpions in and white and then Nathan AER who went High wide and two handsome and ended up being the cause of the stoppage in yellow he’s

    Fourth so after two heats the score on the night is six to the Pirates six to the Scorpion scorpions lead still by four points on Aggregate wide on turn two leaving a gap for Newman to come up the inside K was strong there but just that little drift just caught a little bit on the inside and drifted Newman come up the inside ke kept it on Fair Play to

    Him on the outside then got a bit of a locker then it gripped and straightened him up sort of went into Joe Thompson’s side Really then we see abet just sliding off we head into heat three sponsored by bis technology in Gate one we have Conor mountain in white for the scorpions in Gate two we have Zack cook in blue for the Pirates in gate three in yellow we have Jake Allen for the Scorpions and in

    Gate four in red we have Ben cook for the Pirates just preparing him himself for the start of heat look to be questioning where Ben was starting there start Marshall Rob was having none of it t her up on heat three and away we go Zach

    Cook has made a good one from the inside looks over his shoulder to see if the brv is coming br’s coming up the inside of Jake Allen it’s Zack hook out front in blue it’s Conor mountain in White in second place Jake Cen in third in yellow it’s a

    Rare that you see Zack cook at the back in red he’s trying to find some speed doesn’t look to be happening Zach cook out front he’s having no such Problems Ben Cook is still trying a high line to see if he can find somewhere else to get a bit of grip he’s caught a few bike lengths there is he going to get round him on the last Corner he’s not it’s a blue white red uh blue white

    Yellow and red as they come over the Line it’s a three all Heat score here the result the heat three and there is your winner in blue coming around to take the Applause from the wimbor road faithful it’s Zack cook in blue nice little wheelie there for the fans so here’s the confirmation of the result

    Of heat three it was a win for Zack cook and blue for the Pirates second Conor mountain in white for the Scorpions third was Jake Allen in yellow for the Scorpions and at the back was Ben Cook in red for the Pirates so three all Heat

    Score was a result of heat three and the match score after three Heats is nine to the Pirates and nine to the Scorpions sponsored by top class consultancy on the inside there’s been a reserve change Drew Kemp has come out in yellow on gate one in Gate two in blue

    Is Joe Thompson for the Pirates in gate three in yellow as Michael Palm Toof for the scorpions in gate four in red is Stevie warl for the Pirates takes her up on heat FL and away we go and Kemp has got there around the inside whl’s looking around the outside

    Has he got enough he’s going up a little narrow Alleyway there warl gone wide K stays tight it’s Drew k out to up for the Scorpions at the back Michael Palm Toof it white he’s all over for Joe Thompson we could have two races in one here if

    Warl can get on level turns with J Kemp but he’s out front and really going well you got to say the Scorpions will be looking for palt to do something at the Back you want no last places you have to say pal Toof is starting to make an impression on Joe Thompson Joe Thompson just made a little bit squirly on turn two there palm to going high wide and handome but it’s a win for kemping yellow red blue and white as they come

    Over the line it’s another three all Heat score here’s confirmation of the heat four result it was a three Heat score and the win went to Drew Kemp in white what a reserve yellow what a reserve change that was three points to him in second with Steve warl in red he picks

    Up a couple for the Pirates in third in blue was Joe Thompson picking up the point and at the back was Michael pal top in white failing to score so the match score on the night is 12 points to the Pirates and 12 points to the

    Scorpions but on aggregate is 55 to the Pirates 59 to the Scorpions they still hold that fourpoint aggregate lead after heat four sponsored by trens gate one in red is Ben cook for the Pirates in Gate two is Simon Lambert one his first timeout in yellow for the

    Scorpions in gate three in blue is Zach cook he won first time out also and in gate four is Ryan Douglas in white for the Scorpions Simon Lambert just checking his fuel is on as some Riders do they all have a little start routine before they come in here we go ladies and

    Gentlemen take her up and he five and away we go and Lambert’s got another Beauty found himself out front Ben Cook trying to come up the inside just shuts it off there Doug’s in second Zach is at the back Ben does look a little bit quicker

    Than lamber out front but by going wide as he giving doggy a little shot there was a little bit of speed out there for B cook cook is’s trying to go around the outside but is it too far and not enough out there yet oh this is great racing ladies and

    Gentlemen Lambert drifts wide closes the door B cook looks to come up the inside he’s not going to quite make it smart move from Lambert there to just ease him up and stop his momentum but Ben found another burst of speed there on the inside he is all Overland Lambert

    Lambert gets a little lift but he doesn’t quite make it it’s yellow red white blue as they come over the line I was getting so interested I didn’t realize that was the Last the rer in yellow win to the rider in yellow Simon lamber as he comes round 42 heat advantage in the favor of the Scorpions here’s the confirmation of the heat fire result it’s a 4-2 heat advantage to the Scorpions it’s a win for Simon Lambert Captain doing his job

    In white and yellow in second Ben Cook tried all he could to get by lamber but couldn’t quite make it he finishes second in red for the Pirates in third was Ryan dougl in white for the Scorpions picking up the vital OD point and in fourth place was Zack cook in

    Blue so the match score after five Heats is 14 to the Pirates 16 to the scorpions scorpions stretch their lead to six points on aggregate over the two legs another fantastic start from lamber he’s got the setup tonight that drove all the way to the first turn as it did

    In his first heat left a little out there on the inside but C couldn’t find anything got a little bit of lift there I think which unnerved him slightly as he went down the inside and then it was all lamber just holding his line and holding his

    Believing there douy nearly got up the inside but by drifting wide Ben found a little bit and we thought he’d gone by but then it was just a little bit too wide on three and four to be able to get it then he looked like he had a nose in

    Front there and then sensibly Lambert came from the inside through that midsection on the inside in Gate one is Michael Palm Toof for the scorpions in Gate two Richard Lawson in red for the Pirates in gate three naan AER in yellow for the Scorpions and in gate four

    Anders Row in blue for the Pirates on four and Reserve switch for the Scorpions D coming in in place of Drew Kemp switched to success last time David ple Dave Pete David PS the obviously ex Luton Football manager Dave Peete did a good job in the reserve swap last Time I’m sure the red lights will come on there there was somebody moving at the [Applause] start let’s have a look who it was two on the inside we having it oh it looked like Lawson maybe had a little nibble early here we go re Runner heat six on the inside Michael Palm Toof in white for the Scorpions gate two in red Richard Lawson for the Pirates gate

    Three in yellow is Nathan abet for the Scorpions and gate four in blue Xander’s Row for the Pirates Hold our riders in when his arms go out that means he is ready for the start of heat six and away we go it’s a better start Lawson heads out front followed by Michael Palm Toof followed by Nathan AER in yellow and he left a little Gap there and

    Anders row has come through on the inside so it’s a 4-2 heat Advantage AD stand to the Pirates but Palm to looks good there in second I’m not sure he’s quick enough to get Lawson he may well be he’s got two laps to do it haet trailing at the back there in

    Yellow [ __ ] riding a few different lines to try and find something to looks much more on the pace in this one for the scorpions in second I don’t think he’s going to catch lawon but encouraging signs for the Scorpions Management in the pits that Palm Toof is

    Looking quicker but it’s a win for the rider in red the Rocket Man followed by white followed by Blue followed by yellow stri Heat win for the Pirates it’s 42 Heat Advantage there’s your winner in red and just about recognize him through the mud it’s Richard [Applause] Lawson Pirates number One and here comes the confirmation of your heat six result a 4-2 advantage to the pirates with a win for Richard Lawson in red in second was Michael Palm to for the scorpions in White in third in blue was Anders row picking up that vital point and in

    Fourth in yellow was Nathan abet so the mat score after six Heats goes to 18 points to the Pirates and 18 points to the Scorpions the Scorpions still lead on the on the aggregate score on the Night by Four Points a Advantage he seven gate one in red is

    Steve warl for the Pirates in Gate two is Conor mountain in white for the scorpions in gate three in blue is Kyle Newman for the Pirates and in gate four in yellow is Jake Allen for the Scorpions humans in keen’s mustard ready to go start Marsh Rob

    Wam looking at the Riders to come in here we go then takes her up on heat seven and away we go and I think there was a flyer on the outside there from Jake Callen was he moving before let’s have a look made an extremely good

    Start yes yes yes Jake Allen’s now on a warning for the rest of the meeting he’s going to have to watch himself on the start sponsored by Wessex Marine in Gate one in red will be Steve warl for the Pirates in gate two in white will be C

    Mountain for the scorpions in gate three in blue will be Kyle Newman for the Pirates and the gate four in yellow will be Jake Allen for the Scorpions Pap up and the away we go was a good one it’s all got very tight first Ben bunching once again just ran out of room going into turn one looks like he’s got a face full as he went down kicking the mud off his Boots can’t even say he’s bit the dust this evening can you he’s bit the mud this evening here we go with the the replay see all three get there at the same time just a little concertina up and running out of room Jake Allen did a big cut back

    There dive in with Rob [ __ ] from the Scorpions Rob uh from your point of view things going okay it’s it’s tense it’s very very tense it’s probably too tense it’s uh tricky tonight for both teams um and we’re just trying to avoid last places uh we discussed with the riders

    That did come last what not to do next time and and hopefully we can they’ll figure that out so yeah it’s um it’s going to get down to the wire I think gunth thought not used to being in uh tense meetings of this particular caliber so uh a new experience maybe

    Well we were very tense last time we came here as as you remember 45 45 with the super you can’t get more tense than that um but yeah I mean we wanted the second leg this we wanted the first leg so we came here on the second leg this

    Time um it’s in our hands but as I say um track is turkey for everybody um you know we’re adapting you’re adapting it’s just going to go down to the wire yeah down to the wire thanks Rob for your time so here we go then for the third

    Time of asking at heat seven gate one in red is Steve warl for the Pirates gate two in white is Connor Mountain for the Scorpions gate three in blue is Kyle Newman picks himself up off the floor for the Pirates and in gate four in yellow is Jake Allan For the Scorpions So 61 to the Pirates 65 to the Scorpions so here we go the third time of asking Peak Seven Stevie warl gone well there at the start on the inside and here comes Connor Mountain up the the inside of him Newman battling away at the back he

    Comes past Jake Allen Jake Allen’s going to come under Newman now Newman’s out white and Allan returns a favor Newman comes back up the inside in blue track starting to develop a few lines now few passing lines morls gone at the front Newman now looking to do something to cner

    Mountain he’s got a lap a half to do it he’s got his eye where he’s riding as human got enough he heard Rob gy talk about no last places earlier human has made sure that hopefully that doesn’t happen in this heat but it’s Steve warl

    Out front he comes home in red for the Pirates it’s red white blue and yellow as they come over the line P it’s a 42 heat advantage in the favor of the Pirates here comes your heat winner the rider in red captain of the Pirates Stevie warl leading from the Front here’s confirmation of the heat seven result after the third time of asking it a 4-2 heat advantage to the Pirates in first in red was Stevie warl for the Pirates in second in white was Conor Mountain for the scorpions in third in blue was Kyle Newman for the

    Pirates and fourth in yellow with Jake Allen for the Scorpions so the match score after seven Heats on the night it’s 22 to the Pirates and 20 to the Scorpions and on aggregate 65 to the Pirates 67 to the Scorpions the Pirates grab two of those four points

    Back here we see it from the start I thought Conor Mountain had got there but Marl just kept it on for that little bit longer but Moun got right alongside Stevie lifted and I thought Moun was going to get under him and he didn’t but while all that was happening

    Newman seemed to come from nowhere on Jake Allen Jake Allen then threw it up the inside and man drifted a little wide into no man’s land but there was no grip and Newman had gone wide and done the big Switcheroo on the inside and got him and at that point I

    Thought Newman could actually catch Mountain but Moun gathered himself found quite a quick spot to ride and he managed to maintain his advantage over Newman to bring that all important second place home for the Scorpions we’re heading back over to the pits again and our reporter there Rob Dyer we’re on the live stream uh your assessment so far yeah it’s tough we knew it was going to be tough yeah I mean the track tracks a little bit tricky But It’s Tricky for both of us so

    Uh no complaints there yeah we just got to keep pushing to two down now so uh just got to try and get a few more and um just seen Anders row took a bit of a thump in the first race is he feeling the effects now yeah he’s pulling at the

    Meeting now okay that gives you the reserves that’s all I’ve got yeah yeah well not all I’ve got that’s all I’ve got yeah uh how you going to make those two points up and take it forward obious we what to do we just got to keep making

    Some starts and getting out in front I mean they’re a tough side we know that I mean they’ve been the best side down here all season so we we knew we had a a job on our hands thanks Neil Ryan we’re on the live stream with

    The Pirates TV good to see you back at pool uh not the best of night to be here with the conditions as they are H it’s definitely tough and uh starts very important tonight so um yeah we just concentrate get out the start and uh yeah put for good laps in and uh

    Hopefully he’ll be there thereabouts yeah it’s going to be a close meeting right the way through all the meetings between the Pirates and the Scorpions this year have been close ones haven’t they both here and up at Eddie wght so uh you must be looking forward to the

    Next few that are coming yeah that’s it we’re still everyone’s heads up still and we believe we can still do this uh two points in it now so we want to come and hit back in this next one hopefully and uh yeah just keep them sweating a

    Bit we don’t want them to get that little cushion on us so um yeah we need to hit back and uh keep them keep it tight your last one for the Scorpions if we uh under stand rightly yeah at the moment I’m going to try to take the step

    Next year and ride up in a division in Poland and uh yeah spend a bit more time out there and uh hopefully kick on a bit in the career so yeah it wasn’t an easy decision obviously I love riding at sunth every week but uh yeah just going

    To try try to give it my best next year and try to go to that next level and in the winter our winter your summer down in oie you’ve got Aussie championships so that’s going to be a big Target for you yeah exactly um I haven’t didn’t DM

    Last year just hit a wild card one and did pretty well so yeah going to give it a crack this year here obviously there’s a lot of good riders in Australia so um it’s never going to be any easy meetings but uh yeah that’s the level I want to

    Be riding at so have a crack I certainly do uh thanks Ryan for your time always enjoy having you down here at Paul stay safe tonight thanks very much so here we go with heat 8 sponsored by Bournemouth betting Center on the inside in blue for the

    Pirates is Joe Thompson gate two in yellow is Drew Kemp for the Scorpions gate three in red looks like Kyle Newman for the Pirates and in gate four in white it’s the captain of The Scorpions Simon Lambert Swift work from our producer Andy down in the dungeon good

    Work mate number four two rides two race WIS here we go then our Riders are all at takes our start Marshall Collin is ready Finger on the button for Christina turbo and it’s a good start from Drew Kemp Pirates are there with the minor placings but Lambert has now come around the outside of Joe Thompson and he’s looking quite quick as well going up the inside and Newman now Newman shuts the door can he shut

    The door enough big locker from Newman to try and keep Lambert back Lambert’s a quicker ride there the looks of things here Newman’s going to have to have an eyes up his exhaust pipe and Lambert’s gone round Newman he stayed wide Newman’s got hooked up on the inside but

    This is a great great race for the Scorpions if they can stay here Newman now trying to get back amongst them Lambert ke now team riding Lambert looking very quick Newman’s not out of this but he’s running out of time it’s half a lap to

    Go what a what a race this will be for the scorpions it’s a win in white yellow red and blue as they come over the line it’s a 5-1 heat advantage to the Scorpions at Lambert punch in the air he knew how important that was for the Scorpions three wins off the bat from Captain lamber And I did say at the start of the meeting during the rider lineups he only picked up three points here last time first was Simon Lambert he came over the line in white second was yellow Drew Kemp in third was Kyle Newman for the Pirates and in fourth in blue was Joe

    Thompson for the Pirates as the takes went up Drew Kemp was had a flyer off of gate two Pirates looked there in second place but Lambert was not having any of it as he sneaks around the outside of Joe Thompson Joe Thompson tried to stay low but a bit more grip for Lambert and you

    Can see Lambert was quicker here almost gets up the inside and Newman there Newman pulls a big Locker Cuts back to the inside and cuts that move Lambert wasn’t giving this up he knew he was quicker he went wider and just stayed a bike width outside of Newman and that

    Was the quicker line and then stayed there and almost hit Drew gate one in blue is Zack cook for the Pirates in Gate two in white is Michael palt for the scorpions in gate three in red is Ben cook for the Pirates and in gate four in yellow is Nathan

    Abet for the Scorpions number one his brother we’ve seen what he can do from Heat number three with a powerful heat victory cut the atmosphere here at wimborne road with a knife this Evening here we go breaks ners away it’s a good one from Palm Toof Zack cook goes up the inside grabs a little bit of grip Ben Cook’s in second place at the back is abler Ben is now looking to find some speed try and get past Michael

    Palt Ben finding a little bit out there he will keep that PIN with a pocket rocket and he goes around the outside is he gone too wide in turn three and four Palm TOS on the inside a big Shake of the head from ptof he knows that’s kind

    Of gone palt goes right to try and find that grip but it’s the Cook Brothers out front for the Pirates palt has not given this one up he’s trying different part of the track and he’s closed up onto the back of Ben Cook Zach cook out front is

    Oblivous to what’s going on Ben finds himself in No Man’s Land There spun up on turn two but as they come to the checker flag can he hold on it flew red white and yellow it’s a 51 heat advantage to the Pirates you can hear the fans behind

    Me loving that one here they come what it means they come around maximum Heat score for the Pirates just what it was needed a crucial time the meeting the fans are on their feet here as the boys stood on their pegs with a nice wheelie as they go

    Through here’s the confirmation of the Heat n result it’s a win in blue for Zack cook for the Pirates followed home by his partner in red and brother Ben Cook in second place in third in white was Palm Toof he picked up the solitary point and at the back was Nathan AB in

    Yellow for the Scorpions so the match score on the night after heat nine 28 to the Pirates 26 to the Scorpions and on aggregate 71 to the Pirates 73 to the [Applause] Scorpions heat 10 sponsored by pirate cast gate one in blue will be KL Newman

    When he gets here in gate two in yellow will be Jake Allen for the scorpions in gate three in red will be the Rocket Man Richard Lawson for the Pirates and in gate four in yellow will be Conor Mountain for the Scorpions so it’s heat 10 start Marshall’s

    Ready tapes go up and away we go and Newman looks to add a good one on the inside Jake Allen’s gone with him Newman’s gone across Jake Jake Allen and up comes Lawson up the inside Jake Allen is not going to give this one up Lawson now protecting Newman oh Lawson’s packed

    Up it’s absolutely packed up what bad luck for the Pirates Newman needs to keep going now out front no Lawson’s got going again but he’s half a lap behind I don’t know what happened there to Lawson something intermittent on his bike but he isn’t given it up he will continue

    Just in case anything happens to the Scorpions pair but it’s Newman out Front he continues to lead it’s Allen in second it’s Conor mountain in third and Lawson at the back a win for car blue yellow white and red as they come over the line it’s a three or heat scorer number 10 the Pirates fans are being left and thinking what could have Been car Newan will come round the local man take the accolades from Lor Road faithful they’ll be thinking after that race what could have been here’s the confirmation of the heat 10 result a win for Kyle Newman in blue for the Pirates in second in yellow was Jake

    Allen for the scorpions in third that all important third place as the meeting goes on in yellow and white was Conor Mountain fourth there mishap with his bike with Richard Lawson so the score on the night after 10 Heats 31 to the Pirates 29 to the Scorpions scorpion

    Still lead by two on aggregate 74 to 76 a good start from Allen there just got over the top and drifted a little wide Newman had a little slip there and and it was an advantage cuz it left Allen no room to come around the outside leaving room for Richard Lawson to come up the inside

    Ter off being pulled there on turn four and as we come in Lawson seemed to have a loss of power Steve can you join us on the live stream for a moment Steve uh tense isn’t it very tense yeah um a bit too close um

    You know ideally at home we want to be doing what we’ve done all year and kind of you know stamping our Authority on the meeting early and kind of just go with the floor them but it’s hard to get into the Rhythm you know and and get

    Going because I feel like every race is just a just one of them races where it all counts you know and you can’t just you know generate a bit of a lead and then just get into the flow of the meeting and they kind of just come

    Naturally then it’s just here we gain some it and then they gain some it and I mean it’s good for the fans at home good for the fans here but obviously in the pits it’s very tense yeah tell us about the conditions out there uh how are you

    Finding them um there’s just a couple of a few little bits what you just have to be weary of obviously it’s a lot easier to pick them out and avoid them when you’re out front but um it’s not the usual pool track um I will be honest and

    I’m not making excuses obviously it’s the same for both teams um it’s not the usual pill track so it’s a little bit different setup wise um but you know we’re not a million miles away you know we’re all kind of getting there now and I feel like these next few Heats if we

    Can generate a bit momentum get some good heat advantages uh you know in our pockets and you know push it forward then yeah it looks like one and to here it looks quite easy across the corner as you’re going around is that the way you see it it’s because there’s quite a bit

    Of it’s quite soft down as you’re entering turn one it’s quite soft to the entry into it so unless you’ve made a clear start and you’re gun in for it like that straightens you up and then you’re drifting into the middle of the track um which you know usually you can

    Get your front wheel right over the curb and and pin it around but um I tried in the first one and ended up running out and the you know the rerun I was kind of you know Wise to it then but um um like I said it’s just when you’re out front

    It’s easy to pick your lines and pick where you want to be so that’s the end for me and the starts how are the starts tonight yeah I say they’re just like normal to be honest they yeah same as every week here it’s just a track that’s

    A little bit different but we’ll be fine can’t can’t dictate the weather can you no and that’s that’s the problem this time of year you know we’re we’re fighting against the elements and you know the I think the we had the track man down our track guys down here and

    And the volunteers that are here at pool you know they was all there yesterday um you know m t trying to they get it prepared and get it all right and then it’d rain again and you know just going around in circles and even today they

    You know Anders wanted to have a little go earlier on and um 2:00 track was kind of you know race ready and um the heavens open and kind of ruined it all so it was back to square one and everyone’s you know all hands on deck sweeping and everything else and you

    Know they managed to get it a good racing surface for us um you know it’s not ideal it’s not what we’re used to but we’ll um we can’t complain we’re here racing you know everyone’s watching and it’s a good close meeting well it’s exactly it is a good close meeting it’s

    Going to be close right the way to the final race maybe go to another super heat who knows no we don’t want that we’ll try and tie it up over these next few I’m sure you will that’s the plan keep them going thanks Steve cheers gate one in white seems like we

    Haven’t seen him for an age it’s Ryan Douglas for the scorpions in Gate two in red Steve warl the Pirates Captain for the Pirates in gate three in yellow having a great night three wins on three is Simon Lambert the Scorpions Captain ready gate four in blue it’s KL Newman

    Two wins to his name for the Pirates those are the ones to keep your eye on here we go from one of our Marsh away and away we go Simon Lambert’s made a be again and it’s the Scorpions out front once more Doug’s gone with him warl looking to split them on the

    Outside it’s lamber out front Stevie War has got by douglas douglas is coming back under warl War’s gone around Douglas again he’s going to have eyes in his exhaust bike Douglas has now gone to where warl has been riding that’s going to make him the quicker Rider he now comes around the

    Outside of warl Captain going at it Stevie warl but it’s the Scorpions that seem to be doing the damage once more they look to be all most home and host with this 51 SC the Scorpions fans watching the Pirates TV live stream will be loving this

    One and as we come to the line it’s yellow white red and blue it’s a 5-1 heat Advantage as the Scorpions I think Ryan Douglas thought there was another lap there but I think it was Simon L your heat winner he has a 12-point Max from his four

    Rides he’s had lightning starts tonight on Pirates big pressure on the Pirates now here’s your heat 11 result was a win in yellow for Simon Lambert the Scorpion Skipper in Gate two second sorry in white was Ryan Douglas followed him home in third was Steve warl in red for the

    Pirates and at the back was Kyle Newman in blue the race score on the night is 32 to the Pirates and the Scorpions retake the lead with that 5-1 and go to 34 and the aggre all important aggregate score is back out to six it’s 75 to the Pirates 81 to the

    Scorpions with four Heats to go you can see here Lambert makes a lightning start out of three Douglas and warl Collide early doors warl makes a big move around the outside here he finds a bit of speed There9 comes around the outside of Douglas all fair racing everybody giving each other room doggy comes underneath forcing warl wide warl takes the wide comes out down tight and douy knows that the grip’s out there cuz warl just passed him in that place and goes back past

    Bal and then douy rides a wider sensible line I think he was forced to there by a bit of a bump on the inside but it forced him into a position where he knew where to ride and he F of flam at home here’s the gate

    Starts said it was a long way from gate for this evening just the one win from there look at gate one what a massive advantage that is especially as a percentage look at the points that have come from gate one Pak 12 sponsored by Fri electrical Limited in Gate one the dangerous in

    Yellow Drew Kemp for the scorpions in Gate two in red is Ben cook for the Pirates in gate three in white is Conor Mountain for the Scorpions and in gate four in blue Kyle Newman for the Pirates one had a win a pain under his Bel Drew K is the rer on gate number one so here we go the way we go C had a good one on the inside but Ben has got over the top of him has he got enough coming up the

    Inside Conor Mountain’s coming around the outside and all con Mountain gave it a big handful around the outside Ben Cook has got back there but he needs his partner Newman to come with him and Newman’s at the back it’s call him out in these three threes at this stage will suit the

    Scorpions just Fine Ben cook out front in red Conor Mountain keeping him honest there in white for the scorpions in third the all important one point is there with Drew Kemp Kyle Newman a bit wide on turn two on that first lap got in the maky stuff under the fence how his holding his

    Momentum but it’s Ben Cook out front for the Pirates but this will suit the Scorpions just fine it’s red followed by white followed by yellow followed by Blue three all is the Heat score for Pat 12 Here Comes Your race winner and cook the rider in red for the Pirates so heat 12 confirmation of the result first in red was Ben cook for the Pirates great second place in white for Conor Mountain for the scorpions in third the all important one point in yellow to Drew Kemp and at the back in blue was Kyle Newman for the Pirates so

    The result the score on the night after heat 12 is 35 to the Pirates 37 to the Scorpions and the Scorpions still hold that six-point lead in Gate one in red it’s Richard Lawson for the Pirates in Gate two in white is Ryan Douglas for the scorpions

    In gate three in blue is Steve warl the captain for the Pirates and in gate four in yellow is Michael Palm to for the [Applause] Scorpions so here we go 13 it’s a good one off the inside from Lawson morl tries to come around the

    Inside is he going to be no dugey Cuts him off got all tight there but fair Mel palt trying the the inside now on Stevie warl warl trying the inside on douge Doug’s just got a bit too much around that outside War’s got to be weary he’s got to be very

    Weary of tough but B’s now trying to go round Douglas he’s out in the Deep stuff trying all he knows bit of leg trailing Lawson’s out front and gone Doug’s gone wide War’s come tight to try different line Palm to picked up a few bike lengths there at the back War’s going to

    Have to be careful but it was a great start from Lawson off the inside it’s red followed by white followed by Blue followed by Yellow it’s a 42 heat advantage to the Pirates they had to have that Rocket Man Plays with our resident DJ Richard Lawson in red comes round to the Applause here we go with the heat 13 it’s the confirmation of the result the win goes to the rider in red Richard Lawson for the Pirates second in white was Ryan Douglas for the Scorpions the all important third place in blue to Stevie warl and in fourth was Michael

    Palm Toof in yellow so the scores all evening after heat 1 on the night it’s 39 points a piece but on aggregate the pirates still Trail by four with two Heats to Go9 39 for the scorion they still hold that Advantage though points here we see Lawson made a flyer and I thought that douggy had got there with him but Lawson was just a wheel ahead douggy nearly got around the outside of Lawson Lawson smartly cut to the outside of turn two

    And shut that run off and then warl took Chase to douggy guts on the inside there gets a nose in front but Douglas has the drive around the outside goes for the big one round the outside catches bik lengths on douge douge Cuts him off going over the line

    There warl persists with the Deep stuff out there bit of leg trained bit of grass tracking had to shut off here we go heat 14 sponsored by Maven properties gate one in white Jake Allen for the Scorpions gate two in blue is Kyle Newman for the Pirates gate

    Three in yellow is Drew Kemp for scorpions in gate four in red is Zack cook for the Pirates [Applause] Human Four Points between them takes her up and away we go there’s elbows there from Allan on Newman around the outside comes that cook and he goes through the middle of a pair of them Drew Kemp saw him coming and just cuts him off Jake Allen comes back up the inside

    Newman now goes around the outside of Allen hit the fence oh he gets into the big stuff that race will be stopped there’s no way that he’ll be getting off the floor there it’s Newman’s bike off the floor there you see Z Cook got in

    And he had to pull a big Locker Jake Allen come up the inside y found a bit of grip around the outside and he looked to be going round Allan the room got tight and then just got too much drive and lifted so here we go sponsored by m

    Properties to rerun heat 14 on the inside in white is Jake Allen for the scorpions in gate three in yellow is Drew Kemp for the Scorpions and in gate four in red is Zach cook for the Pirates obviously no Rider in Gate two the exclusion of Kyle so then Colin Jones our start Marshall calls our Riders to take for his last time Rob will do the last heat heat 14 here we go away we we go and it’s the Scorpions have made the start Zach cook from That bad gate four now the Scorpions just need to team ride this home and they will take the knockout cup Zach cook trying everything he knows but these two scorpions out front Jake Callen Dre Kemp really are doing the business big big grip there around the outside from Zach cook he’s gone past

    One he’s gone past Kemp can he hold on to it out there here he goes he’s got half a lap can he get past Jake Allen out front he’s going out it towards the line he misses it by half a Bike effort sorry I had the rers around the wrong way there it’s a rim for Drew Kemp in yellow second for Zack cook and third for Jake Allen scorpions take home The Knockout cup Here Comes Your winner Drew Kemp in yellow for the Scorpions what a ride that was from

    Him super whe from Jake Allen too oh nly ends up in the fence here are the Victorious knockout Cup champions the Scorpions they’ve come here and done a job on the Pirates number 14 is heartbreak for the Pirates it was a victory for the rider in yellow Drew

    Camp he did it in the Pirates come up short unfortunately once more for the silverware in 2023 here’s the confirmation of your heat 14 result it was a win for Drew Kemp in yellow for the scorpions in second was Zack cook in red for the Pirates in third was Jake Allen for the

    Scorpions and fourth obviously as a nonstarter and excluded Kyle Newman on the night the score after heat 14 is 41 to the Pirates 43 to the Scorpions but on aggregate it’s 84 to the Pirates so here we go heat 15 sponsored by Morris Holmes in Gate one Richard

    Lawson in red for the Pirates in Gate two in white Captain Simon Lambert for the scorpions in gate three in blue is Ben cook for the Pirates and in gate four in yellow is Ryan Douglas on his last ride for the Scorpions the Scorpions bringing in the championship knockout

    Cup so here we go then heat 15 T to go up and away we go it’s a good one from lamber gets pushed wide Douglas comes around the outside of Ben Cook didn’t think there was room there but douge doesn’t need a second opportunity Ben Cook now takes Chase to dougy it’s Lawson out front in red for the

    Pirates B cook slides up the inside of Douglas it’s lamber at the back in yellow and white sorry but he won’t mind that he’ll be picking up the trophy in a few moments time you can see he’s having a little play and a few little wheelies Ben Cook still having a to go

    At dogey but it’s Lawson out front Ben Cook having a real Go douge ring the quicker line and Ben can only just try and chivy Away up the inside Lawson’s gone at the front the rocket man’s out front it’s a win for him in red second in yellow third in blue and at the back Simon Lambert taking theace Victory and it’s a

    42 Heat score in the favor of the Pirates and guess what ladies and gentlemen the match ends on a 4545 the same as it did on their last visit a month ago here is your heat winner ryer in red the Rocket Man So confirmation of your heat 15 result it’s a win in red for the Rocket Man Richard Lawson in G in second in yellow was Ryan Douglas on his last ride for the scorpions in third in blue was Ben cook for the Pirates and in fourth Captain Marvel this evening in white for the

    Scorpion Simon Lambert the match score after 15 Heats is 45 all the pirates still have yet to be beaten at home in 2023 it’s that important aggregate score it’s 88 to the Pirates and 92 to the Scorpions and they take home the championship knockout cup for

    2023 so here goes the team scores and where the damage it was done Lawson a good 10 for him B cook 8 plus one KY Newman down there with eight Zack cook with eight look at that scorpion side top scoring Simon Lambert the captain with 12 Drew Kemp with 10 chipping in Doug’s

    Always there and there about with his Nine sure Dave Pee goes on one happy manager and obviously Rob Godfrey as well now waiting for the Riders to come out there’s your match result 4545 once again from the Scorpions they’ve been here three times this year scored 41 points the first time 45 the second and now 45 again here’s your

    Aggregate score Pirates falling Pirates are on their way just a couple sh first up to receive a medal then riding from number seven this evening put your hands together for Joe Thompson I can tell you these guys are as disappointed as you they would love to be standing on the stop top step tonight but unfortunately not to be in number six after that dramatic fall in his final ride he put everything into it show your appreciation for Kyle [Applause]

    Newman captain at number five Steve [Applause] warl number four Zack cook Rider Number Three Ben [Applause] Cook just a step too far for our number two this evening and uh he bravely tried to battle back and got in the wars once again number two and [Applause] Row and the man at the top of the tree number one what an unfortunate night for him ruing that race in Heat number 10 it was Richard [Applause] Wson and of course the man who guided his guys through the season he got them to the top of the table in 20123 give it up for Neil mid [Applause] [Applause] Mich the Pirates of 2023 top of the leag but unfortunately they’ll go away empty handy in the meantime we’ve got scorpions making their way around and they’re heading for the silverware all right next up then let’s hear it for the 2023 knockout Cup champions in number

    Seven spot familiar to us here of course at wimbor Road you’ll get a winers medal tonight Nathan [Applause] a Number six familiar with this place of course the I a smile on his face tonight I’m sure it’s true [Applause] km number five mixed memories of this place of course at wimbor Road happier occasion tonight uh for Michael Palms off number four weighing in with the points Jake [Applause]

    Allen it’s been a good return for the rider at number three Conor [Applause] Mountain number one in the lineup and uh putting together a string of second places surprisingly it was a dude night but he still prevailed for the Scorpions Ryan Douglas before we call on the captain

    Let’s make a make space for the team manager tonight Dave Pete who looked after the Scorpions along with Rob Godfrey of Course and finally for the skipper of the Scorpions give it up for Simon [Applause] Lamberts all right the Scorpions are going to make their way over to the podium they’ve got some bottles of Fizz presenting the trophy for The Knockout cup 2023 to the captain of The Scorpions give it up for silon L and the SC as insurance scorpion DAV Adams on behalf of w Marine

    Mak the [Applause] [Applause] Presentation [Applause] [Applause] On their home a week ago bying the fire Fans we’re here on Wednesday so our Saturday night Speedway is over not how we envisage it when we came here but congratulations to the Scorpions thanks to all the crew Rob Haywood roaman camera Paul hag commenta presenter that must be me Pitch reporter Rob Dyer our producer down in the

    Dungeon Andy ha and all the other people that help us here with pirates TV and don’t forget we’re nothing without you guys who are watching thanks for joining us we’ve got one more to go this season we hope to catch up with you then good night for

    Now he went inside outside he weigh him up he looked for the Gap and he bur through it I think he’s not it what finish unbelievable

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