Sometimes, you are much stronger than you think.

    On a whim I decided to do one of my longest rides in over 50 year of cycling. Needless to say, it got a bit tough.

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    Welcome to the Vlog a couple of days ago I did my fourth ever longest ride in over 50 years of cycling but unfortunately there is a quick little spoiler alert as well uh unfortunately I was unable to uh film quite as much as I would have liked and I’ll explain why in

    A minute so the ride I did was from here in water louville to the city of Oxford and if you were to look at that on a map and draw a straight line as the crow flies it is more or less 100 kilm but obviously you don’t cycle direct like

    That so with the help of the Hammerhead dashboard and the commut app I created a route that took it to 115 kilm now the reason why I wanted to do that ride was because obviously in 2 weeks time I’m going down to South Africa to do one of my absolute bucket

    List rides the Cape Town cycle tour and I just wanted to make 100% sure to myself that I was able to do that ride so I thought well I’d create re or recreate the metrics of that ride so just to recap they are uh the the Cape

    Town ride is 110 kilm with 1200 M of climbing I thought it was, 1600 M but I recently saw a ride profile and it is only 1200 M but anyway I thought I would just recreate those metrics and cycle to Oxford now uh I started here uh bright and early on

    Sunday morning from water louville and my route took me initially to a place called Petersfield which is about 12 kilm and that was all on the Queen Elizabeth Country Park cycle route which is uh kind of off-road it’s not it’s not gravel or or anything but it just it

    Isn’t actually on the uh on the road and and very soon after starting that ride I quickly realized that I needed to focus on doing the ride itself rather than doing pieces to camera thinking about what I was going to say and stuff so that’s why I didn’t film a great deal on

    That ride so from Petersfield my route then took me to a place called Alton and the routing took me through what we call called the hangers now basically the hangers are very steep little climbs 17 18 19% um it it cut a corner off but I knew

    It was going to be very very tough and within 15 km of leaving the house I was walking up these climbs which obviously didn’t do a great deal for my confidence uh and for for my thoughts for the upcoming ride but nevertheless I managed to push on to Alton and by that point

    I’d cycled about 35 kilm and I was starting to get a little bit tired now my little sister lives in Alton and it was very very tempting for me to think well okay I could just go around to her house have a cup of tea call Diana my

    Other half and say well that’s it the ride’s over come and get me but I I just had a word with myself and I managed to just ignore those feelings and push on so from Alton my route took me to a place called odium and then onto the

    Town of reading now once I was past Alton I was kind of outside of my comfort zone a little bit because although I’d driven those roads a few time I wasn’t overly familiar with them and I’d never ridden them on a bike in my entire life so I had no idea about

    What to expect as it was the the route was pretty good the road was relatively undulating but still fairly easy and I got to reading okay and managed to navigate myself through the town it’s quite a busy town um and by that point I’d cycled 70 kilomet or so once I got

    Through Reading I got to one of the outlying little towns called kavasam and I knew then once I got there I had a 134 kilm climb up to a ridge level with a town called didcot and that part of the ride was really hard indeed it was a

    Very tight little Country Lane um no towns no Villages nothing it was just trees and road and it was it was very very hard and quite steep but um I I still managed to kind of get myself through it and and I got to the ridge

    Level with this town of didcot and I was I was pretty tired my other half was tracking me on a phone app so just in case anything happened so she she would have known exactly where I was and again I was very tempted to call her and say

    You know that’s it could you come and get me but no I continued to push on and continue towards Oxford I came down off the ridge and that brought me out in a town called Benson and when I got there the road did level out a bit and it became a bit more

    Of a main road so the surface was much better uh but unfortunately that’s where the headwind started and I still had about 20 kilm to go and I was literally counting down every single kilometer every little descent I was kind of calculating in my head head well maybe

    This is 500 M and that’ll take you half a kilometer off uh so when I get to the bottom there I’ll only have 18 kilm and it it was incredibly incredibly tough but somehow I managed to get myself to the city of Oxford I was absolutely shattered but I I felt

    Absolutely amazing and I cycled to the very famous bridge of size and had my photo taken so um there’s the proof that I managed to do it and then I thought well I I just need a rest now but I I just didn’t know what to do with myself

    I sat down my legs started aching so I had to stand up and move them about a bit and uh after a few minutes of that they started to ache so I had to sit down again so I was I was quite in a dilemma but um Diana managed to to

    Finally find me and then we drove to the hotel I had a nice warm shower I was frozen through to the Bone and then I had a well- earned rest so that that was absolutely fantastic and it really kind of gave me a boost of confidence for the ride down in South

    Africa I knew a 100% that I’m able to cycle 120 kilm with, 1300 M of climbing so I I exceeded the metrics for the South Africa ride and another thing that it taught me was that um I I’ve got far more in the tank

    Than I actually think I do so when I got to Alton only 35 kilomet into the ride I was kind of all ready to give up at that point but I did push on and it was another 90 kilm of cycling so how I did that that was just yeah

    Just just talking to myself and just trying to believe that I could actually do it and and lo and behold I did do it so yeah if if ever you’re in that situation where you think you can’t go on yeah you probably do have far more in the tank than you think you

    Do so now that I’ve done that big ride the plan is to do what I believe Runners do before they do a big event now I my understanding is that they call this tapering so they’ll go out and do their big training run and then in the next

    Two weeks 10 days or so before the big event they’ll start taking things a lot easier so that’s that’s precisely what I’m going to do I’m still going to go out and do my 45 minutes on the turbo train every day unfortunately the weather’s still pretty bad uh but those

    Sessions won’t be particularly hard they’ll all be kind of Zone to nice and easy just keep myself ticking over and just building up or maintaining the fitness that I’ve built up if the weather does improve and I manage to get out on the road again I’ll be going out

    And doing nice easy rides but they won’t be uh you know that long they’ll be 50 kilm at most although typically they they’ll probably be more like 25 30 kilm again just nice and easy just to keep myself ticking over and then hopefully that way that will just maintain the

    Fitness keep me um nice and fresh already ready for my big ride down in South Africa so yeah wish me luck


    1. Congratulations. You pushed through. It isn't just the distance but also the elevation gain that made that an impressive ride.
      BTW what is your longest ever ride?

    2. Loving those deep section wheels ❤ wouldn’t you be better off with shallow rims for the climbs. Or have you (like me) decided on deep sections because they look cool?

    3. Cycling is not just physical strength, it's defenitly about mental strength too. Doesn't matter how strong you are, if the mind says no, you're not going anywhere.
      Completing that long ride will hopefully give you the much needed confidince that you can do the ride in South-Afrika as well.

    4. Well done Leonard🎉!!! Full of admiration! I am though slightly worried that you didn’t mention fuelling and hydration in your ride. (in fact you rarely do). Is it an area of improvement for you do you think?

    5. Hats off Sir, epic ride! Whats the weather forecast in SA? is it going to be hot? I see another viewer covered this one but I too was thinking hydration etc here but im sure you've covered the bases! 😁😁😁

    6. Wow! Awesome ride, congratulations 🎉 I’d love to hear more about the logistics of such a long ride (it’s further than I’ve ever done!). In particular did you plan rest stops along the way and what did you do about nutrition? Did you have any fear of ‘bonking’ or even fear of passing out if fueling was inadequate or because of dehydration? Thanks – and good luck with the tapering!

    7. I am planning my first 200km ride in the near future – it will be a flat one with only 1200m of ascent before doing a a more hilly one in a couple of months. I did a flat 100 miles last week with only 1100m of ascent. Last year I did an "easy" 100 miles with only about 2000m of ascent before tackling a "normal" (for the Peak District) one with 3300m in the autumn. I think it is the way to go when pushing up the distance. Are you taking your own bike to South Africa?

    8. Great achievement. I live in Emsworth but originate from Swindon. Always wanted to cycle between the two, you've given me motivation to do that.

    9. I wanna say we'll done and I am happy you completed and exceeded your goal..but, nobody in the remarks seems to have mentioned this part.. I'm curious if you brought enough snacks, water and have you stopped along the way for fuel? That's an easy 2 bottles of water and a few treats,gels type of ride im guessing and you'll want to "practice" fueling so not to run into exhaustion like you mentioned a few times . Good luck on your trip and..well done, remember to bring enough fuel 😉👍

    10. Well done Leonard it sounds an adventure, that’s a great distance to do in prep for your trip. I’m always nervous of just planning a route that I’m not familiar with but sometimes it’s the only way to discover new things.

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