【列支登斯敦─空拍】首都瓦杜茲 (4K) ※【Principality of Liechtenstein─Air Travel】Capital Vaduz (4K)



    在阿爾卑斯清新空氣中進行戶外活動,放鬆身心並深呼吸,享受真心款待和體會被妥善照顧的感覺:馬爾本白雪皚皚的運動區保證有雪,它挑動著carvers、以及所有單板滑雪、越野滑雪、滑雪橇愛好者的神經。極舒適的超現代化吊車和全新獨特的兒童樂園 Kinderland,都位於海拔1600公尺的山谷裡。安全而稠密的滑雪區,擁有23公里長滑雪道,絕對是帶有兒童家庭的理想選擇。遊客在這裡開始長長的冬日漫步、溜冰,或者在山上餐廳露天平台享受日光浴。歡迎來到全家合適的馬爾本,享受皇室般的冬日假期!

    列支敦士登擁有藝術博物館、國家博物館、滑雪博物館等衆多展覽、豐富的節日及一流的美食,這一切使它成為短途旅行和假日休閒理想目的地。對於葡萄酒愛好者來說,皇家”Hofkellerei”酒窖肯定不能錯過。在瓦杜茲高級步行購物街 − 那距離美麗的葡萄園和鎮上陡峭山崗上雄偉的城堡,不過咫尺之遙 − 熱愛文化、藝術、美食的人們可以找到想要的一切。從這個國家的文化中心到阿爾卑斯山,只需幾分鐘路程。列支敦士登的原始優雅山川風光,是愛好健行、踏單車或爬山單車者的天堂。位於馬爾本谷地的繁茂阿爾卑斯山植被保護區,提供各種啟發心靈、富創意的觀光節目,對成人與兒童同樣具有吸引力。

    Whoever travels to Liechtenstein will immediately notice the very special atmosphere that pervades this endearing small and sovereign state between Switzerland and Austria. The 160 square kilometres of the Principality constitute a wonderfully beautiful spot on the Earth that stretches from the fascinating world of the Rhine valley up to the healthimbuing mountainscapes of the alpine region at 2 500 metres asl. Culturally rich with unspoilt nature and culinaryromantic highlights: Liechtenstein promises moments of pure bliss for body and soul.

    Traditions, upheld customs and fascinating art treasures serve to recount the exciting history of the country and dynasty. The last German-speaking monarchy comprises eleven municipalities with 38 000 inhabitants. It is compact in the truest sense of the word and bears the name of an esteemed dynastic family that resides in Vaduz Castle.

    Magnificent winter landscapes
    Pursuing outdoor activities in the fresh alpine air, relaxing and breathing deeply, enjoying the heartfelt hospitality and having a sense of being in good hands: the white splendour in the snow-assured sports region of Malbun will raise the pulses of carvers and snowboarders, cross-country skiers and tobogganists. The ultra-modern, comfortable lifts and the unique new children’s paradise “Malbihort” are situated in a protected valley at 1600 metres asl. The safe and compact ski region with 23 kilometres of pistes is absolutely ideal for families with children. It invites guests to embark on long winter walks, to skate or to sunbathe on the convivial terrace of the mountain restaurant. Welcome to princely enjoyable winter holidays in family-friendly Malbun!

    Princely residence in a hiking and mountain-biking paradise
    With its many museum attractions such as the Museum of Art Liechtenstein & Hilti Art Foundation, the State Museum and the Walser Museum, its festivals and top-notch cuisine, Liechtenstein ranks highly as an excursion and holiday destination. For wine aficionados, a visit to the princely ‘Hofkellerei’ is an absolute must. In Vaduz’s carfree upmarket shopping street – only a stone’s throw from picturesque vineyards and the town’s imposing castle atop a steep hill – culture lovers, art buffs and gourmets will find all to satisfy their every desire. It only takes a few minutes to reach the Alps from the cultural centre of the country. The elemental and graceful mountainscapes of Liechtenstein are a paradise for all who enjoy hiking, cycling or mountain biking. Inspirational and imaginative programmes of experiences in the wildly profuse alpine flora protection zone of the Malbun valley enthral children and adults in equal measure.

    An absolute highlight and “must-do” is the Liechtenstein Trail, which connects all 11 of the country’s municipalities and was launched on the occasion of the “300 Years of the Principality of Liechtenstein” anniversary in 2019. 75 kilometres packed with exciting stories, sights, magnificent views, idyllic resting places and much more await you.
    Conferences and congresses
    The central location in Europe with short distances within the country means convenience in the MICE sector. Personally managed business hotels and professional infrastructure offer space for optimal exchange. With these characteristics, Liechtenstein scores points with tailored events and rounds these off with a unique supporting programme. Events in Liechtenstein impress with personal hospitality, regionality and exclusive offers in the heart of the Alps.

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