This is a simple video explaining the iceberg chart on macedonism i made about 4 months ago. Here’s the chart in case you’re wondering what it looks like : For some reason unknown to me i love watching iceberg videos on YouTube. I decided to combine two things i really like (Macedonian history and iceberg format videos) into one, and here’s the result. I love the final product, hopefully you’ll enjoy it, too!

    Macedonism is a doctrine that states that Macedonians (Macedonian Slavs) are not Bulgarians, Serbs or Greeks, but are a separate Macedonian nation. There’s many different forms of macedonism and this video mentions examples of its different types. It can also be synonymous with Macedonian ethnic separatism.

    Background music :

    Public Nemesis media about four months ago I made an iceberg chart on maconis a doctrine that states the Slavs in Macedonia aren’t serbs Greeks or bulgarians but are a separate Macedonian Nation I rank the items in a chart based on how well known they are to the

    General public the deeper we dive in the more obscure and unusual thees do as stuff gets speaking of diving in how about we do that right now instead of wasting more time on Macedonian matters this is referring to an Infamous book of the same name written in 1903 by a

    Philologist from Macedonia christov miskov in the book miskov wrote about outside influence and the threat of dividing Macedonia by multiple countries interested in its territory so his idea was recognizing the Slavs in Macedonia as a separate Macedonian people with its own language and in that way make a fence between Macedonia and possible

    Outside conquerors despite advocating for a separate Macedonian people group Chris Petco mov didn’t deny in his book that the Slavs in Macedonia were bulgarians but he wrote that Macedonian bulgarians could simply separate from other bulgarians and become just macedonians his arguments were Proto indo-europeans separating into many different groups of people which

    Separated into more groups of people and the fact that the bulgarians in Macedonia were already separated from bulgarians in Bulgaria since 1878 although the ideas in un Macedonian map matters were almost universally rejected at the time of the book’s release about 30 to 40 years later a lot

    Of masonist cited this book as an inspiration for their Macedonian ethnic separatism comment resolution the first larger international organization that recognized the existence of the separate Macedonia nation and the separate Macedonian language was the Communist International aka the Comm turn their recognition came in a form of a

    Resolution titled the resolution on the Macedonian question and imal United which was adopted on January 11th 1934 this document explained many things about the Macedonian question but its main argument was the countries who conquered and fought over Macedonia those being Bulgaria Serbia and Greece claimed that the population of Macedonia

    Was theirs and with that they Justified their rule over Macedonian land and their National oppression The Narrative that macedonians had to say that they were a separate nation and not bulgarians serbs or Slavic speaking Greeks so they could liberate Macedonia and make a Macedonian state will be seen quite frequently after this game-changing

    Resolution personally I’d say this is the most important document in the history of modern macedonians and there is a very good reason why I mentioned it so many times on this channel Novak’s letter on December 4th 1888 Serbian Diplomat stoan novakovich wrote a letter addressed to the then Serbian minister of Education vladan

    Georgevich in which he explained a new strategy for Serbian propaganda in Macedonia lak wrote that the Serbian idea can’t battle the Bulgarian idea on its own because the latter grab deep roots in Macedonia that is why the Serbian idea must Ally itself with Macedon ISM in order to serban the

    Population there maconis which for Novak which meant the Tactical care of the Macedonian dialect and other local characteristics would be used to push away Macedonian bulgarians from their Bulgarian character and once that is completed then suburbanization would step in and convert macedonians into serbs this plan however was dropped in

    1912 when Serbia conquered V Macedonia and started to forcibly convert its population into serbs V map on April 23rd 1913 an ethnographic map of the Balkans was presented to the world that had a category named Macedonian slaves and they were shown on the map with a dark

    Green color this map was created created by Yan a famous geographer from Serbia swi tried to convince the diplomats of Europe that is like population of Macedonia was nothing more than a amorphous Mass a mass of people with no identity whatsoever that can be morphed into serbs or bulgarians depending on

    Whether they’ll end up in Serbia or Bulgaria this theory was invented in order to justify Serbia’s expansion toward Ward Macedonia in front of European politicians and to show that Serbia had a right over V Macedonia in his population as much as Bulgaria Macedonian primer this primer written in the Macedonian dialect was

    Made at the request of sto Noak in order to be sent to Macedonia and help him achieve theurban isation he planned I’m not sure if I can call the language used here a mcad dialect because 20% of the words in the primer are Serbian that was done intentionally because noak’s plan

    Was to gradually throw more and more Serbian words in the Macedonian dialect until eventually the language is completely Serbian the macedonians however wanted a literally language making this primer useless as written by Stak himself Abit another rer this time made by Greece in 1925 this book was made for the SL

    Speaking minority in Greece who originally were supposed to be recognized as bulgarians with the pois kov protocol but the Greek parament refused to ratify the protocol because of Greeks who claimed those were slav azed Greeks andurs who considered those lives to be serbs so those slaves of

    Greece were just that slaves when betar was released it was described as a primer for the children of slav speakers in Greece printed in the Latin script and compiled in the Macedonian dialect ultimately it was deemed incomprehensible and the fact it was printed in Lain instead of cilic didn’t

    Help at all hence why it was never used in aan Macedonia schools pv’s history one of the earliest massonist known to history was a writer from Macedonia named Gori pvi he’s known for creating the dictionary of three languages a conversational phrase book in Albanian Turkish and what he called

    Slavic Macedonian language his Slavic Macedonian language was based on a dialect spoken in his birth town of gitnik and he argued that language was proof of his separate Macedonian Nation what’s really interesting are his historical views he thought that the ancient macedonians were slaves and that modern macedonians who are obviously

    Slaves are their descendants although almost none of his peers shared his historical views pki is sometimes today mentioned as the first man with a Macedonian National conscience Kang gillis’s conversation the plan to heliz bulgarians ofan Macedonia was characterized by an ancient Macedonian property agenda the idea was convincing

    The Slavs in a and Macedonia that they are Slavic speaking Greeks a slavici sized people who are descendants of the ancient macedonians who were a helenic tribe an example of this propaganda being carried out in practice can be seen in a conversation between a Greek Metropolitan bishop germanos kangel and

    A heniz Macedonian Bulgarian kot kristo kangel wrote in his Memoirs that he told Kristoff these following words you are Greeks since the time of Alexander the Great but Slavs came and slavici vised you your appearance is Greek and the land we are stepping on is Greek I must note that some Modern macedonians

    Claiming descendants from the old macedonians has nothing to do with Greek propaganda which wasn’t really effective to begin with dimitrov’s letter shortly after the Comon resolution the then head of the Communist International gorgi dimitro sent a letter to the delegates of the fourth Congress of Macedonian people’s League a left-wing organization of

    Macedonians living in USA and Canada dimitro a Bulgarian with Origins from Macedonia expressed support and sympathy for the Macedonian people in his letter in a typical communist fashion he wrote that the working class and peasants from Bulgaria and the Balkans in general are the real friends of macedonians but

    Macedonians today quote the other part of the letter that talked about their enemies according to dimitro the Macedonian movement had many enemies but their biggest ones are the inner enemies those being what he called the Agents of Bulgarian imperialism Bulgarian monarchism Bulgarian Fascism and first first and foremost the bands led by Ivan

    Mov separate nation another writing sent to the fourth Congress of Macedonian people’s League was an article titled why we macedonians are a separate nation originally this article was supposed to come out in a newspaper named makedon kosame but due to what the author called Draconian censorship he instead used

    Another article this time about the coration Nation for the newspaper in why we macedonians are a separate nation the auor bki real name vasil ianowski used Stalin’s Marxist Nation Theory to prove that there already was a Macedonian Nation different from bulgarians serbs and Greeks aside from claiming macedonians had their own territory

    Economy language and other characteristics Nations had ivanovski also wrote some things that would end up ining macedonia’s historiography like the claim that SAR Samuel was a boo milar who rolled over an Empire of Macedonian slaves and the claim that the miladinov brothers were Macedonian revivalists who wrote in the Macedon Slavic

    Language fourth slavery in 1942 a Macedonian communist imprisoned in the enoy prison camp named Veno markovski wrote a collection of poems which he titled Robi meaning imprisonments or slaveries marosi who’s regarded as a pioneer of the Macedonian language wrote mostly about his love for Macedonia in it being occupied by imperialists that

    Have divided it the poems were given names first slavery second slavery Etc but the fourth slavery stands out a bit because markovski ended it with quote is a lie that we’re bulgarians and that serbs we are is a lie macedonians we are a folk we are and today already a nation

    There’s more poems by him with that message but the fourth one is available online and easily accessible later in his life Venom markovski would completely reject Macedon ISM and he called himself a Bulgarian tale of Alexander one of the individuals responsible for spreading Greek propaganda in Macedonia was a Greek revolutionary named atanasio

    Sutis in 1907 he created a brochure in the local Bulgarian dialect but with Greek letters titled the prediction of the great Alexander the content of that brochure was about the life of Alexander the Great and his prophecies on the future of Macedonia sutis wrote in his

    Memoirs the goal of the brochure I quote we carefully and secretly distributed to the villagers the Prophecies of Alexander the Great translated into the slav Macedonian language through the holy monk ephesius we reminded them of what was written in the Prophecies of Alexander the Great helping every smart Macedonian to understand that Macedonia

    Would not be able to free itself without Greece maedon newspaper while we’re on the topic of heliz attempts a Bulgarian folklorist and politician named Pacho slavov decided to fight Greek propaganda by founding Macedonia a newspaper with the goal to bring to Consciousness the gomans who have gone astray in this

    Country his concern was shown in an issue of his newspaper released on January 18th 1871 where he wrote that he met some macedonians claiming they weren’t bulgarians but descendants of the ancient macedonians those masonist even claimed that they couldn’t be bulgarians because they were pure slaves and bulgarians were tars that’s right the

    Tar insult dates back to at least 1871 while lov’s concerns were Justified You Can Count other similar claims from that time on one hand which means that the propaganda shown in Macedonia newspaper wasn’t that much spread or powerful Bulgarian history reforms during the short-lived cultural autonomy period of p in Macedonia the

    Students in schools were given Macedonian history classes which was a school subject separate from Bulgarian history class while both of these subjects were studied in pitting schools Macedonian history was built on the back of Bulgarian history a document made on November 22nd 1947 titled Corrections of History school books gave instructions

    To teachers on how to quote unquote correctly teach history macedonia’s viewpoints such as Samuel’s empire being an Empire of Macedonian slaves instead of Western Bulgarian Empire and the madino brothers being Macedonian writers instead of Bulgarian writers were implemented in schools of p in Macedonia basically historical figures like the

    Ones I mentioned were removed from Bulgarian history classes and put in Macedonian history classes this format lasted for only one school year because ping macedonia’s cultural autonomy was removed after 1948 Tito Stalin split even TV Lov the main inspector for history in the Ministry of Education at

    The time Who Behind the already shown document later rejected macedonia’s historical viewpoints and wrote books that mention bulgarians in Macedonia not ethnic macedonians Lights of the past Library Lights of the past was a series of booklets released in Socialist Republic of Macedonia in July of 1968 there was a total of 40 different

    Titles all of which were printed in 20,000 copies a booklet would be about a specific subject or person and it would be explained in a Macedon fashion typical for Macedonia during titoist regime while some are available online for reading most of thein namino remain as obscure items difficult to get your hands

    On Macedonian slaves while there were articles containing macedonia’s historical viewpoints by mid 1930s the first book that contains the entire history of macedonians written through macedonius lenses came out in Sophia in 1938 the book in question was Macedonian Slaves by Angel DV a journalist and revolutionary who moved to Bulgaria from

    Macedonia after World War one the book has a total of 72 Pages divided in 11 chapters each talking about a specific period of macedonians chapter one talks about the ancient macedonians who according to denv were yans then chapter 2 talks about the arrival of Slavs to the Balkans and the chapters that follow

    Explain how the slaves in Macedonia slowly evolved into the Macedonian Nation ethnographic idea another Macedon work by Angelov was his 1944 brochure the ethnographic idea of the Macedonian Slavs the core message of this short writing was that there can’t be a Macedonian State without a Macedonian ethnic conscience surprisingly didn’t

    Have openly admitted in the ethnographic idea that macedonians have identified as ethnic bulgarians in the 19th and early 20th century but he argued that them identifying as ethnic bulgarians instead of ethnic macedonians has cost their freedom for example he wrote that after the end of World War I European

    Politicians didn’t trust them when they asked for macedonia’s autonomy because they stood on a Bulgarian base I.E identified as bulgarians and therefore seemed like they were working for the interest of the Bulgarian in state instead of their own Macedonian interests song about land in 1940 Nikola yonov vov a legendary poet with

    Macedonia viewpoints independently published his collection of poems called motor songs the book contains three cycles first one being about the ordinary working people second one being about Macedonia and third third one being about the Spanish Civil War the second cycle has what is perhaps his most well-known song Zia or land in

    English in his song mapso wrote that the Bulgarian land he stepped on was not his land he expressed that he connected with bulgarians in heart and mind but he didn’t feel the Bulgarian land as his instead his land was Macedonia Bing ID aan Etc while you can make an argument

    That the song isn’t necessarily masonist it still showed how some macedonians felt attached to their Fatherland Macedonia so much so that they felt like foreigners in Bulgaria majovski Memoirs an obscure Bulgarian painter and activist named Isaiah Riv majovski wrote his Memoirs in 1922 which was the only

    Book he ever wrote in the first part of his Memoirs which was about his childhood maosi wrote that he remembered two songs he heard as a child that were about karanos a man he called the first bulgaro Macedonian tar King karanos was actually the first ruler of ancient

    Macedonia or so the legend about him said that majovski was born in 1852 and claimed to have heard the songs about karanos 60 years before writing his 1922 Memoirs so it’s quite fascinating how the legend surrounding Asian macedonians was spread in Macedonia all the way back in the early

    1860s marosi also wrote his unusual historical views claiming that macedonians both old and modern are slaves that migrated from Modern Day Russia to the Balkans 2,500 years ago Macedonian question during World War II the Bulgarian government arrested every communist they could find because they were viewed as a threat to the country

    Arrested Communists were imprisoned in harsh working camps such as in idrisova a place in the outskirts of Scopia one of the Communists there was the already mentioned vasil ivanovski during his imprisonment in 1943 ianowski gave Macedonian history lessons to other prisoners which were written down by another prisoner named

    TCO filippov the entire history of macedonians by ivanovski was named Macedonian question in the past and today this work starts with ancient macedonians which vas ianowski viewed as prehistory of macedonians whose earliest real roots and history start with the sixth Cent Century Slavic arrival to the Balan Peninsula most of Macedonian

    Question dealt with macedonians during the 19th century when the national Revival started according to ivanovski the Macedonian National Revival intertwined with a more advanced Bulgarian national Revival hence why macedonians identified themselves as bulgarians despite this subjective feeling the inside of the activities from the likes of imal revolutionaries was purely

    Macedonian storm over the Homeland what could possibly be the very first piece of Macedonian literature was a book of poetry titled buya nadata which translates to storm over the Homeland it was released in 1935 by a man who went by Angel jarov whose real name was M smalv the book contained songs about

    Macedonia Macedonian immigrants who escaped to Bulgaria Macedonian suffering Etc storm over the Homeland was also SM Cal’s first work and considering he was a hardcore Macedon who started Macedonian literacy which we’ll talk about soon in this video I believe it’s fair to say buan nandin had the oldest Macedonian

    Poetry first history book in 193 9 a book about the Macedonian Nation explained with Marxist theories called the Revival of Macedonia in the Ilan Uprising was published aough today a very obscure piece of work according to Bulgarian University professors this book was translated in 1944 in the then newly codified Macedonian language and

    Then it was used in Macedonian schools as the very first Macedonian history school book the most fascinating thing about this book is that its author Costa velinov despite being a masonist was not born in the region of Macedonia nor did he have known ancestry from that region which essentially means that the first

    History book used in Macedonian schools was written by a quote unquote pure Bulgarian Macedonian National Union due to the wars on Macedonian lands in many macedonians leaving their homes because of the said Wars there were many macedonians living in Bulgaria but also in USA and Canada one North Macedonian

    Organization created by macedonians who moved there was makon soos or Macedonian people’s league in English it was founded in 1929 in Pontiac Michigan in the home of SM yanov who was fighting in ill in the uprising jovanov was elected president of the npl and its secretary was gorgi pinski this organization

    Supported Progressive politics such as the idea for a Balan Federation and the Republican party in Spain during the Civil War that happened there after 1934 it adopted Macedonia viewpoints gor pinski for example published ivanov’s article on why macedonians are a separate nation the MPL tried to convince Macedonian immigrants that they

    Were a part of the Macedonian Nation instead of the Bulgarian Nation until 1949 when the US government banned it for being a communist organization Macedonian news immer United had their own unofficial newspaper called Macedonian news released during 1935 and 1936 while communist and Progressive papers weren’t anything new this newspaper stood out

    For having the first Macedon articles about Macedonian history the history articles try to prove that the Macedonian nation was formed through a long historical process that date back to the first slaves in Macedonia that St Cel and Methodius were Macedonian slaves that bogomilism was a revolutionary movement against bulgar rule Etc the

    Articles were written in the home of Angelov who was the publisher of Macedonian news by Angel dinv vas ianowski and M smalv 74 issues of the newspaper were released before it was banned by the then Bulgarian government Macedonian literary Circle another aspect of building the Macedonian nation was forming the

    Macedonian language although this language was standardized in 1945 there were attempts to build it from 1938 to 1941 the organization responsible for that was the Macedonian literally Circle formed by Macedonian immigrants in Bulgaria’s capital city sopia most of the work in the Macedonian language was poetry written in a Macedonian dialect

    But with the Bulgarian alphabet the poets that were members of this circle were the already mentioned venko markovski Nikola vaptsarov but also Colin delovi and many more National Colonial oppression April 15th 1934 was the first time in history that someone in a Bulgarian newspaper mentioned macedonians as something separate from

    Bulgarians it was an article in Macedonian flag titled the national Colonial oppression in the Petri region written by by the already talked about vasil ianowski in this article he claimed that the macedonians living in the Petri region which is a different name for p in Macedonia were under assimilation by Bulgaria and Bulgarian

    Schools he also argues that because of the closeness between the Macedonian and the Bulgarian languages assimilation wasn’t felt so painfully like in vardar and aan Macedonia but that didn’t mean that is simulation was missing in pin Macedonia the solution according to ivanovski was standardizing the Macedonian language opening Macedonian

    Schools and putting specific Macedonian School subjects in those schools shar’s letter this is referring to one of the many letters written by kman sharv a Bulgarian revivalist from Macedonia addressed to marov another Bulgarian revivalist who consider consider the father of modern Bulgarian historiography on May 25th 1888 shapar

    Wrote to drov that he found the name Macedonian unusual something that was according to his words imposed unto them from the outside apparently 10 to 15 years earlier it was given to them by the Greeks for the goal of hellenization and then by fellow bulgarians that live in

    Sopia kman shapar was criticizing those Sophia bulgarians because they called Macedonian bulgarians just macedonians which he viewed as them denying the Bulgarian name of Macedon bulgarians Bob Tomo’s letter the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party received a letter on June 25th 1935 from Vladimir pop tomov the the

    Factor leader of immer united in the letter pop tomov wrote his idea on how the Bulgarian Communist Party should work with interested Soviets on the Macedonian question the plan was to one elaborate the question on the Macedonian Nation two elaborate the question on the Macedonian language and three create a

    Review of the bisi theories on those questions Vladimir pop tomov showed his macedonius viewpoints by also writing how macedonians have their own language that just needed to be codified that the formation of the Macedonian Nation started with the arrival of capitalism in ottom and Macedonia that the Bourgeois of Balan countries built

    Theories to deny the unique Macedonian nation in order to justify their annexation of Macedonia andreev’s article Macedonian thought was a short-lived magazine released in Bulgaria from 1945 5 to 1947 by the Macedonian National Institute which was taken over by macedonius after the end of World War II as you can

    Already guess the magazine had macedon’s articles and one of them written by B Andre stands out his article was a response to journalists he accused of being voriz greater Bulgarian chauvinists for their articles on how macedonians are bulgarians and how macedonians were invented by Yugoslavia in 1945 in order to disprove their theories

    Andre of used macedonia’s historical viewpoints in his response including macedonians not having a Bulgarian national conscience since the Middle Ages because National conscious didn’t exist back then in general Macedonian Slavs forming their own States called scavini then later multiple scavis fused into a Macedonian country country under tar Samuel that

    Everyone from yakim kovski to Constantino Junot wrote in the Macedonian language Etc andreev also argued that the macedonians who call themselves bulgarians were actually Macedonian bisi who received a Bulgarian national conscience because they studied in Bulgarian schools and were utter influence of Bulgarian culture and the Bulgarian exer Rin and bomil

    For those unfamiliar with bogomilism it was a Christian Neo agnostic dualistic sect from the 10th Century started by a priest from modern-day North Macedonia named bomil Macedon liked bogomilism because of its rejection of hierarchies and fodal exploitation and since it was started in Macedonia it was viewed as a

    Macedonian movement one of the macedonians who wrote about B was the poet costao solv more commonly known as katsin aside from him explaining what bism was in his Works Rin wrote that it was the most interesting and most positive thing in the history of macedonians something macedonians should

    Be proud of he also referred to bills as Macedonian bills which clearly showed his macedon’s historical viewpoints denim’s letter on November 16th 1939 Belgrade University Professor Nicola vage held a speech on Macedonia which was a day later published in the Serbian newspaper V meaning time in a nutshell

    Professor wage said that there is no Macedonia or macedonians and that it’s old Serbian land where serbs live a lot of macedonians were angry at him for his shave istic words like kazin and Lup arov another Macedonian who was upset with him was the already talked about

    Angel dinev who wrote a long letter addressed to the professor the letter contained many madonis historical viewpoints some of which were very extreme St Clement was according to denv a slav who wrote in the Macedon Slavic language that that language was the base for the Serbian and Bulgarian languages

    That macedonians gave a writing script to serbs and bulgarians that’s s Samuel was a bogil who led a Macedonian army against basil thei that King Marco of the Mich dynasty was a Macedonian Etc God Del of newspaper in 1938 Macedon behind Macedonian news decided to make a special One isue News newspaper

    Dedicated to their hero Goda delv it was supposed to come out in Sofia on the 35th anniversary of Del’s tragic death but it never did according to Macedonian media the Bulgarian government has forbidden its release because macedonians were presented as non bulgarians there and while I couldn’t

    Find a source that proved that claim correct it was clearly a madonis writing considering whom made it one of the people involved in its making MIT kirovski managed to save the only existing copy of the go D of newspaper and bring it to Scopia where it remains

    To this day the newspaper itself had 10 pages with numerous articles all dedicated to or about God delv who was to the Macedonian people what vasileski was to Bulgarian people shurov on IM United one of the most well-known immer United members and Macedonian Communists was meia shoro

    Shlo who was even the head of a provincial government of Macedonian Communists he had his fair share of macedon’s beliefs some of which were expressed in his work name the history and essence of immer United when I came across it I was suspicious if it was a

    Real document because the date of his writing was 1926 or that’s what maedon Scaris stated it’s most likely a typo and the real year of its creation was 1936 there’s a documentary about shov on YouTube that show the original written in Bulgarian so it is real anyways after

    Explaining what em United was about in detail shuto ended his writing with a paragraph on the maced nation in his words old imal from the late 19th century showed Macedonia as a separate geographical and economic area that had a right to become a country but imra revolutionaries still viewed Macedonian

    Slaves as bulgarians charl viewed their identification as bulgarians to be an incorrect convincing which came from Bulgaria and the Supreme committee members called vovis that implanted Bulgarian in Macedonia in order to Annex it completely P plate so we already talked about Macedonian question in the past

    And today in this video but I want to mention something in it that’s insanely bizarre even by Macedonia standards when talking about Samuel’s Empire vasil ianowski argued it wasn’t Western Bulgarian Empire as claimed by by Bulgarian historians but instead an Empire of Macedonian slaves to prove his

    Point ivanoski pointed out a plate in por today known as makedonski broad made by Macedonian slaves in honor of Kus Nicholas who was star Samuel’s father and regarded as a saint by Macedonian slaves because he freed them from bulgar enslavement there’s a problem with this claim evidence of its existence is

    Nowhere to be found I try to find any information on the internet and in macedon’s books about this alleged Plate located in Petry but I found nothing not even proof that it exists if you have any information or theory about this P plate please comment

    Down below and let me know cuz I got nothing kev’s Memoirs Bulgarian historian Stefan DV wrote A Few articles on radio Liberty Europe one of which talks about Zar Boris II’s visit to Scopia in October of 1942 but a part of this article that caught my attention was quoting what

    Peter KV an IM United revolutionary and St bovist wrote in his Memoirs he was very critical towards the Bulgarian police invad Macedonia which he called stupid his words were quote if the serbs had spent billions to win over Macedonia through their chauvinistic propaganda and through military force they would

    Not have succeeded but the terrible weapon through which their plans begin to be realized is given to them today by the stupid Bulgarian police regime in Macedonia Macedonian youth wants the spiritual assets which have shaped the previous culture of Macedonia to be preserved they think that the Bulgarian

    Appearance is an obstacle to the preservation and development of this specific cultural color of hers KV also added that as a result of that police’s persecutions against the Macedonian youth statements such as we are not bulgarians we are macedonians who have nothing in common with bulgarians could be

    Hurt Ukraine Ian slavists I saw that this one caused the most confusion so I saved it the most interesting one for last a Bulgarian communist who worked as a teacher in the Ukrainian communist Academy in Kiev named Alexis toov vitkov wrote a letter to another Bulgarian communist Peter isov on 25th of June

    1935 vitkov was working with slavit from Kev on the Macedonian question and here’s what he wrote about their discussion on the Macedonian language according to vit’s words all Ukrainian slavists agreed that macedonians were a separate nation but they couldn’t agree on the Macedonian language some Ukrainian slavist thought that there

    Wasn’t a specific Macedonian language and that macedonians spoke Bulgarian while other slavists thought that there was a separate Macedonian language with its specific characteristics that separated it from all other Slavic languages vitkov also wrote that he didn’t work on the language questions himself and that he didn’t have a final

    Opinion on the Macedonian language but he asked that if the Bulgarian Communist party and the Communist International thought there was a separate Macedonian language to notify them so they could work on that question properly which was of great political importance we have finally swam to the bottom that

    Was the entire Macedon ISM Iceberg explained I know there’s more cases of Macedonian ethnic separatism but 36 is quite enough I hope you enjoyed watching this Iceberg video God bless and see you in the next video goodbye


    1. мале браво на теб евала мале сега пък не знам какво да мисля относно Вапцаров защото този поет,този мъж на пролетариата е просто уникален,но може и да говори и за Балканска Федерация все пак на ли ти беше казал че македонците не искали кръв във земята си а искат сливане по на ли мирен начин ако не съм те разбрал се извинявам за това.Относно някои от тези интересни неща във айсберга честна дума за пръв път чувам за Венко Марковски и други личности обаче Георги Пирински го знам между другото той имаше една организация във САЩ. За него знам от Никола Алтънков(Национален Фронт) обаче ето нещо любопитно относно Георги Пирински е по-точно синът му.Синът на Пирински е член на БСП и е бил в парламента даже по времето на този Сергей Станишев.Относно коментарите на Димитров о боже от де да почна първо монархистите и след туй тези фашистите тоест Богдан Филов и другите фашисти като Ратници и СБНЛ.Относно Богомилите как да го обясня туй е прото Дънов тоест прото езотерика обаче едно нещо не мога да разбера във това добре де защо македонците които са православни искат да се гордеят със ерес?ей това ми е странното.Относно плочата сега разбрах за какво става на дума това е Битолски надпис.И 41:30 АААААА АЗ СУМ ВЪВ ВИДЕО ЗА МАКЕДОНИЯ БЕЙСД АФ Като цяло браво за видеото Жив и Здрав да си брат.☦

    2. Your the only one whose content i can listen for hours and not get bored. Also i think you could make similar type of videos with Montenegro and Serbia

    3. In 38:45 I don't know if there is any physical evidence of the plate from Porsche but there is folklore about Tsar Samuel from that region. The people of Poreche claim they are Bezitians one of the old slavic tribes who settled in Macedonia. They say the Berzitians were the personal guard of Tsar Samuel and that they lived in the mythical city of Zakamen( near Ohrid) before it was destroyed by the Turks afterwards they moved to Poreche. There are books about folk stories who mention Zakamen and Tsar Samuel from Poreche.
      Another interesting fact about Poreche is that region was historically the most anti-Bulgarian region in North Macedonia even before Macedonia was annexed by Serbia. They formed rival bands who fought with IMRO, they famously kidnapped Dame Gruev and held him captive for a year and they burned villages who opened Bulgarian schools or were part of the exarchate.Most of them joined Serbia during ww1 and they often had clashes with the Bulgarians during both world wars.

    4. Great work! A few notes – Pulevski in his trilingual book on page 2 writes that the Galician dialect is a dialect of the Bulgarian language and therefore he called it Slavo-Macedonian. Both VMRO and MPO in their newspapers call the ABECEDAR – Greek propaganda to assimilate the Macedonian Bulgarians. I have the originals, if you want I will send you photos.

    5. Only God knows what those who are called Macedonians today are.
      If he created them as Bulgarians,and they went against it,they were severely.
      No one can save them .They're doomed.

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