A Trip to rent a bike and the Hotel National.

    So i’ve just got off the trolley bus behind me as you can see to show you the tickets to lay we get three of them because it’s six lay now to go on the trolley bus uh they give you free tickets you can’t change tickets to six way um

    What’s inflation for you six lay this rough player i don’t know it’s 22 lay to a pound so um you do the maths i can’t be bothered um so today uh mission is to find the bank shop rent bikes i know this one because i worked hard online

    So i just drew a map to get here so i’m not on google maps because i’ve got no roaming i did have roaming and my phone on roman made the terrible era of uh getting the 36 pound bill on thursday so switched off the road me so that one’s very good

    Oh yes i’m just going through the main part now this is the main partner stephen chalmers the the sort of heart maybe of cushion out the capital we’re back in the set we’re back in the the capital uh now after spending a few days in the countryside and yeah tomorrow we’re going to

    Transnistia the place that don’t exist it doesn’t really um it’s like going back in time translation but you’ll see anyway on future videos uh like time travelling back to the soviet era statues of lenin t-34 tanks it’s great i love it i mean i love the old soviet stuff so it’s just fantastic

    So yeah let’s check it out i’m at the front bike all these bikes here so the prices are it’s quite expensive to rent a bike but you know off to see what happens uh maybe for an hour so i went on but yeah it’s got a lot of bikes hello yeah uh

    I’ll probably come um monday i’ll come back on monday we don’t speak he don’t speak english so uh problem uh but uh we’ll see how we go so just come out of the uh bike mental place uh the bike i want is mountain bike it’s they don’t rent them by the hours just

    To sit your bikes they rent which are great uh so the decent mountain bikes 4 150 delay which is nearly 25 quid something like that or 20 quid 24 hours which which is great if you’re gonna be cycling with 24 hours but i’ll probably just cycle for a few hours

    So i might get one of those scooters out instead on uh on monday and um and see what happens all right i’m gonna get all this i’m gonna get back now get out this heat and it’s absolutely sweltering like 30 odd degrees and i need a drink of water

    Okay catch you on the other side guys i’m gonna walk around uh suns in the evening near local nearby the cakes let’s have a look at this harry’s harrison’s an arrow thanks to paris the one for paris is the trans eric tall i wonder what trans eric torre is all about huh

    Who is eric we do not know eric cantona okay behind me is the hotel national uh falling to disrepair it’s been like that for at least 15 years it was the top hotel in soviet times but now sadly no more and as you can see they painted it a

    Half a bit yellow and after it blew it was supposed to be it’s supposed to be for we must have run out of blue paint because we’ve all got a gap in between which which is quite good to see yeah and apparently some guy who owns it

    Who doesn’t live in the country but he won’t sell it and he can’t knock it down so yeah we’ll go across the road and have a look at where the fountains were outside it let’s go some sunday morning see you licking up the fun ticking down the last time before the credits run

    And traffic isn’t moving or it’s moving awful slow to the sound of you complaining we got nowhere left to go you need a drug to make the stars come down you need a drug to make you shine you need the pills to take you home again So as you can see here’s the fountains behind me uh all vandalized now with graffiti but down there would have been all water and gushing up high would have been the fountains they would have been a magical thing to see staying here would have been absolutely fantastic if you read um tony hawk’s

    Book and playing them all dolphins at tennis he stays here you know i think he came in 95 was it he came wrote that book so he actually stayed in the hotel and describes it in detail what it was like staying there so there’s a must for anyone who’s

    Interested in coming to moldova but welcome to the hotel key channel such a lovely place such a lovely place plenty of room at the hotel such a lovely place

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