WW1 -part b

    Main reason of WW1
    – Militaries – Strong army, speeding money on arms race
    – Allicances : Picking team
    -Imperialism: Colonies
    – Nationalism: Proud of their distinct culture, languages, Craved independence

    *President Wilson: U.S. not take sides in the war
    – American companies could sell war supplies to fighting countries
    – Hundreds of ships from America crossed The Atlantic Ocean and carried war supplies to France and Great Britain
    – Germany accused the U.S. of not remaining neutral
    -British Navy ” war zones”
    -Germany set up ” war zone” to prevent the British receiving food and war supplies from America
    -Submarines would sink any ships in their War Zone–Lusitania.
    -Zimmermann Note
    -President Wilson asked congress to declare war to fight for ” Peace and Justice”
    ” The World must be made safe on democracy!!”
    – American factories making war supplies – women working and replacing men
    ( Women’s right to vote – 19th Amendment)

    -Industirial revolution + New, Improved Weapons = last 4 years war
    {Technology of WW1} : Trench, Guns, Aircraft, Submarine, Tank, Poison Gas

    *Result of winning the war
    – Paris Peace Conference : President Wilson of America , Loyd George of England, Clemenceau of France

    * The Treat of Versailles
    – Germany returns some part of territory
    – Give up oversea colonies
    – Limit the size of German military : aircraft(x), Submarine (x)
    – Pay $30 Billion

    [= Poison and spark WW2]

    – No more empire, rearrange map
    – Women’s right
    – America and Japan grow
    – League of Nation ( No Military)

    *Elisabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony paved the way for equality, proving that everyone, no matter their gender, should have a voice.

    Hi everyone we’re talking about CC cycle 3 week 17 history tell me about the 19th Amendment we’re going to do use a right hand only because we’re going to talk about the woman’s right to vote so Elizabeth CAD Stenton and Susan BS in our community we have a little kids and

    We have a bigger kids so uh if we just do uh sign language it’s hard for kids to understand so we’re going to do um Susan with big S Susan B Anthony led the woman’s suffrage movement in the United States resulting in the 19th amendment in 1920 they granted women the right to

    Vote that is our history sentence and uh we’re going to continue talk about World War I continue from last week so let’s review quickly just a short time here how did World War start in Europe how did World War I start in Europe so there’s several uh

    Reasons so at the time uh can you tell me what’s going on in Europe at the time um so Russia Germany England and France were fighting oh why they are fighting because um Germany wanted to like beark unify Germany pretty later much later than compared for compared to

    England and France Germany was unified much later so when Germany unified and became strong Nation they were famous for the military system because it was Persia right Persian Empire and when Germany want to expand it their only way to make money and stronger building um much stronger army they need money how do

    They get money How England and France how do they become rich colonies colonies they have to go overseas and uh colonize other countries but how do they do that this it was already too late for Germany to colonize other country because all already good place already what taken

    Right so they’re competing for trade market they need to have a trade place to trade but it was already full market so when Germany uh un unified and became the nation it was already kind of late but did Germany give up ah it’s too late let’s give up no Germany

    Pursuing uh competing with the France and France and British so they’re trying to control same colies right all these nations small nations in Europe and each Nation didn’t try to build a stronger Army that’s the problem right so uh which one is the strongest army at the

    Time in Europe the small country but very strong Navy power England right England here and who is next to it whoever next to it is always FRS they are always forever they were they used to be enemy to each other they have so many wars they have so many

    Conflict because they are pretty close to each other but later much much powerful one came out here very strong power so when Germany came up oh France and en uh France and British we have to be together we have to work together okay let’s work together and the other

    Side if the Germany become big and reach to uh Russia oh that’s another problem okay Russia let’s make our alliance together so we can squeeze Germany we can squeeze whoever Germany want to reach to make the Germany was reaching out to uh Austria and Hungary and take over another bosia and Serbia there’s

    Conflict right that was our last week week 16 so there’s a main reason here there’s a m a i n main reason why world war war sted in Europe m is MIL militaries they’re trying to build a stronger Army and spending money on armed race what is

    A a Alliance Alliance yeah the countries they cannot do by themselves because they’re becoming too strong so they work together uh England and France and Russia together join together and Germany we call the cental power because they’re in center right between England and France and Russia so Center power

    Germany Austria Hungary and later Italy joined so that’s a that’s a central power what happened to them they’re building they’re building what you know strong and stronger Army yeah right and what is I um imperialism imperialism what is imperialism they go oversee and colonize these countries and take their benefit

    Take their raw materials and make manufacture and then selling back their product to the colonized country so they how they make money and what is n n n nationalism people are so proud of their distinct language and culture and they want to be together with their people so that’s all that’s the reason

    Serbia and Bia had a fight because Serbia Ser people Serbia there are the uh let’s talk about Russia history a little bit here so I will show you where we study the Russia so in our timeline history uh the number is 68 so you see vadir first of Kiev who is

    He who is this guy he’s a guy from Russia yeah before so if you guys look at the Timeline here story there is a lot of stories you can learn about uh uh how they start Russian country so many vikings long time ago they raid France and England but there’s

    One Viking Warrior name is rui and he he instead of other people going to France and England with the west side he went to Central Europe and he and his Warrior they intermar with the native people in there the native people we call the slav the slav people and the slav people

    Called The Viking Russ and they got married inside and the Russia is so poor so cold they need something to trade they need to go other place to get stuff so at the time though richest the richest and the most powerful places were Constantin Noble in bantine capital

    So the Russ Prince named vadir first of KF he oops see here he went to bantine for trade and made a peace with the bantine emper emperor B ail II that’s why our timeline has bantine Empire Emperor Byzantine emperor basil the second he went to he made a peace with

    Them and he married a bantine princess and was um baptized into the Eastern Orthodox church right so uh that’s why we called that Russian people the Viking call Russ and the SL the native people are SL people so the SL people were living in there bosia and Serbia area so after

    They got independent from B uh Baltic Peninsula after the otan Empire they want to make their own Nation so the people craving independency and they want to have a same language and same culture they want to stay together yeah so that’s what happened that’s the background of World

    War I in Europe let’s talk about again you just remember like main m is militarism a Alliance I imperialism n nationalism so that’s the main reason and at the time what happened what did America do uh they didn’t do anything cuz they didn’t want to be uh part of any War

    Just peace cuz they were busy with their own um Industrial Revolution America already went through so many War right 1776 revolution war 1812 Another War they have a Indian War Seven Years War so many wars right so America now we have a peace and now our time to grow

    Economically grow and politically they are more like stable now time to grow we don’t want to involve any war in Europe so at the time President Wilson he said we are neutral we are not going to pick any side we want to have a peace without any victory that was the opinion and

    American companies they could sell War supplies to fighting to fighting countries so hundreds of sh ships from America cross the Atlantic Ocean and carry War supplies to France and Great Britain and Germany accused the US hey you said us you are neutral but why you are selling War supplies to British and

    France so Germany wasn’t happy and when France and England uh British they heard Germany wasn’t happy about it what did they do oh next America will sell their sell America will sell Wars applies to Germany so British do something British they do something they prevent the British Navy tried to

    Prevent Americans from Trading with Germany and they stopped American ships and set up the war zones in Atlantic Ocean is it okay the Atlantic Ocean belong to who does it belong to any country this is mine don’t come whoever call for everybody no it’s for everybody

    And Germany also set up a war zone around the island of Great Britain why so Germany thought if the uh if they forced the British out of the war by preventing they’re getting any any food receiving any food and War supplies from America people will give up I can I do

    Yeah but didn’t really work because why British has powerful navy right so the war just become so big and big and submarines we call ubo from Germany they would sink any ships found in their Zone and there something event happened Lucitania passing happen to pass by their War Zone from Germany and then

    From the ubot submarine they cannot really see this is belong to who when uh I heard in submarine you can see there’s a like flag mark this country belong this ship belong to who but they just is war isn’t okay we’re just killing everybody so so many people die from

    Lucitania 128 Americans die and then more than 12200 people die in total and President Wilson he felt the war zone having the war zone that’s not fair that’s illegal it should be free to sail ocean and and any any uh see should be free that was his opinion and then Lucy

    Happened well American people were so upset so did they start War right away no they wented two years two years still okay that’s still let’s wait it’s too early to start the war and something else happened here it’s called Uh Zimmerman Note what is about it so Germany asked Mexico and sending secret

    Code to help Germany if Germany and us want to work together if Mexico help to defeat us Mexico will receive the of the Lost Land Texas and New Mexico and Arizona and Mexico lost those land to America in the war in the war in 1800 so it sounds

    Good but somebody find out America find out okay wow Germany is time to have War so President Wilson announced we’re going to have war no he has Congress cuz cuz president can’t declare war yeah president canot have only one power to declare the war so President Wilson asked Congress to

    Declare the war we’re having war and he said what America will fight for peace and Justice and he say something very very interesting the the world must be made safe on Democracy he should be safe is everybody is any country has a de democracy is any

    Country has democracy is it safe no in Germany they had a vote they had a vote maybe it’s about the second war the people they let the people okay you guys have democracy and then you we will vote we’ll talk about next week again but when you vote somebody you

    Cannot even see the name and then the other person name is so big and then somebody’s watching over you who this person is voting for who is it really free and safe is it free and safe no no it’s kind of force but s looks like freedom and democracy

    But it’s not so American president say the world must be made safe on Democracy so that’s why America is joining the war for Fighting For What peace and justice peace and Justice and something has something happened after the declar the war American factories there making lot of

    Of the a lot of things for daily people’s and needs right but then government say stop all the factories American Factory stop producing of the consumer goods like things like a very average person will buy and uh use stop those things and now we’re making all the factory War

    Supplies wow and a lot of men have to go to war join World War I so when the mens are gone what happened the woman have to work the woman is replacing the man a woman did amazing jobs when men’s are gone so that later leads to the women’s right to vote after

    After the war over and people started working longer hours to help increase the factory output and many women replace a men who uh who gone off to the war and other Wom women join even even other women not just replacing the men they join the army they join the armed force on nurse

    And they’re doing also like official work and World War I lasted more than four years but I’m America joined almost the end of the world and something happened Russia what happened to Russia okay let’s let’s simplify our map here so you guys know from the geography where is the where

    Is British England right and there’s France right and there’s tiny tiny here land Belgium and this is Germany here Germany and Austria Hungary and he and then there’s Italy and then there’s Russia here right so when when Germany declared war with France and England the uh Belgium they’re neutral

    Country they like oh I don’t want to involve anything just don’t touch me I don’t want to involve I don’t want to do anything about the war but Germany say okay then we will just go go around here no I don’t care we’re in hurry I don’t

    Care so just cross and attack France so they are having Germany having war at the same time two Side West and East Germany is having war both Sid he thought the war will finish earlier but did it really no finish early it it last longer than much longer than what

    Germany calculated so Germany have to one side have to end the war now America joined right so it’s become so much powerful and then Germany have no more money War supplies and soldiers to fight both Sid so something happened at the time Russia people were so poor and po

    People were away fighting for the World War I they are just regular farmer regular The Peasant people they are just they’re not really trained so when they so many people die and people die and no money and so cold no food people cannot survive daily so

    People are having like and the King they have a king King has a much much strong power and just only King is Rich only two person % of the the people are so rich 98% of the whole nation are so hungry and Germany knew Russia people in

    Russia they don’t want us they don’t want to continue for the war so there’s guy named lenon they preserve him they safely bring him back to Russia when he was dead no no he was alive yeah he was hiding in uh Switzerland I guess and he was hiding

    There and then he hated the king so okay I agree with you Germany if you bring me to Russia I will tell the people Russia we’re going to have Revolution and we’re going to get rid of the the king and also I will tell I will tell there will

    Be no more war we’re not going to do any any more fighting so bring me safely there and then we’re going to stop the war and I’ll be new leader and I will spread socialism and communism communist which is wrong so they agree so Germany stopped the

    War Germany stopped the war and having Russian oh no sorry not Germany Russia stopped the war and Russia in Russia have a Russian Revolution with lenon it’s in our timeline card anyway so now Germany just have to focus to fighting to west side right and the War lasted more than four years why

    Because of Industrial Revolution the weapons are even stronger they have even new weapons that they never even seen one of example is T T why because they are fighting with the trench system trench famar right trench they have to dig like uh at least four feet so when the soldier is standing

    Here they’re digging the trench and you are hiding here and then they put like the metal thing here and then uh the other side also they are prench here putting here they’re all hiding here even I heard there is a story about how they spend Christmas time in trench wow so how

    About when the soldier want to go to restroom how do they go do they have like really clean restroom no during the war the people some people die or somebody die here got shot and then somebody fall down here where do they put how about rain it was not clean so much problem

    And people their fot their feet are so always wet and so many problems for more than four years so how when there’s a when when there’s like the gun the special gun rapid fire machine gun and long range artillery guns all these things are they even never seen before it’s all invented for

    New because of Industrial Revolution it’s a new completely new system new weapons and new technology for fighting so they have a special gun trench and they even have a aircraft and using submarine and tank when only the way you have you can go through go to the other side of your enemies using

    Tank they put the gun here in the top right and then people are inside here so you just metal tank you just push and then you just shoot them so they have a subaran tank and they even use a poison gas so all these things are all new technology because of Industrial

    Revolution so Industrial Revolution changed lot of way of people’s life right and even the trench was so long it was uh constructed by the sandbag and wooden planks all and Tangled wire and stinking the mud all together and from English Channel to Swiss offes the highest amount

    Al the America join allies and um uncle and call soldiers let’s go fight that’s what happened in America so in uh what happened after America joined and a lot of Technology going on after America join what happened who win America finally the America join and all this Alliance

    Alliance power they they win they won winning the war so when you were the leaders of this countries gathered together for President Wilson and Lloyd George of England and Clemen of France they get together they talk about it what do they talk about it they discussion about what how to

    Punish Germany they’re like braining brainstorming how do you have idea what do you want they’re talking about it they get together in their conference it’s called Paris peace conf conference so President Wilson has many points but uh today I’m just going to mention about Five Points here no secret

    Treaties no secret treaties between nations would end number two any nations would be free to sail in any sea and oceans of the world it should be free you cannot say This Is War Zone this is mine you cannot number three nations would decrease the size of their militaries and

    Navies number four boundaries of nations would be changed so people with the same language and custom could live together they’re craving so if you just divide and seport them they will also again to fight come over this is our people this is our slab people so Bia and Serbia

    They became new name now Yugoslav you go slavia slavia why has a slav the slave people wanted to be together that’s what the beginning that that was the the reason the beginning of the world the S people want to be together don’t separate them people want to be together

    With their their same cultures and language so um they should be together the boundary of the nation should be changed and and number five the organization called the league of nation will be created to settle disputes between the countries for peaceful way so if this country and the other country

    Have conflict oh no no no no somebody have to be in the middle and talk about it before they are having big fight Mak sense that was President Wilson’s point the main Five Points he have more than five points but this is the main and the Conference was held in Palace of Versa

    Near Paris and France and the purpose was what discussing and writing the treaty peace treaty together what did England want in my opinion England is all about money all of money they just want money back the damage that the world damaged their their Country economy so much money so they want money

    Back post war remember about the China the uh Opium War why they have to use opium because they need money U too bad to say that but um British they they use it’s all all about money in the history if you know history anyway so number three the Clem of

    France what did they want who was next to Germany the France and Germany there very close together right this is France England and Germany right there so France always like Germany they’re always like nervous Germany trying to trying to threaten us so what FR one is really weakening Germany so it

    Never ever would threaten France again and so later they put together the idea and Tre of vers changed the map of the Europe and AUST uh Austria Hungarian Empire become Austria and Hungary separated two countries and rest of the Empire made into new nations so Poland so German Empire is no more Empire

    Become Poland Czech Czechoslovakia is has a SLO SLO slav people a Yugoslavia that’s bosia and Serbia they are trying to divide why it is there Germany and there’s uh Russia right and uh who who who had who wrote about the Communist F Manifesto Marx right he published and he saw the communism idea

    Communism and the idea from lenon bring it to Russia so when America join England and America and France they look at wow actually Russia and Germany if they have the same idea if they want to spread the same idea of Communism socialism it’ll be so big it’ll be much

    Bigger than us let’s separate them let’s divide so there’s Poland there’s Lithuania laa and they just separate a lot of the countries here does it make sense so instead of Germany Germany you cut your land you give your land to other countries too so Germany and Russia between Germany and Russia is

    Not directly connected they have a so other countries make sense because America and France and England they worry about Russia and Germany will be together separate uh spread the uh socialism right mhm and what happened so the treaty forced Germany to give the land to France and

    Poland and blame Germany to pay a huge sum of money for war damage so how Germany feel Germans the Germans were not pleased of course with the conditions of the treaty but do they have choice no they had no choice so Germany have to sign the Treaty of

    Verise in uh um 1919 July 28 and US President Wilson he’s the one suggest he’s the one that are we need the league of nation that’s the only way to make the peaceful way so he really wanted to pursue the uh US government to join but eventually us didn’t join the

    League of nation so according to the Constitution 2third of Senate must approve all the treaties between the US and another country they have to vote and have to be over to third of the vote of the Senate but the Republican senator didn’t like the idea of of us joining

    The league of nation why according to the treaty the members of nation of the league agree to protect the independence and the territory of each other so if any country join the League of nation have to help the country and protect them so that means anytime in Europe

    Anywhere whoever the members of League of nation have the threaten or have like something risk you America have to join without asking the Congress to have War so Congress will have not have a power to declare where were declare the war or not no who whoever in the member having

    Hard time somebody have war or something then America have to join them so the US the Republican senator didn’t like the idea does it make sense so the US might get down if the if they join you if us join the nation of League us might get down into a number

    Of foreign war without approval of Congress actually that is big problem so it’s pretty actually U wise you guys maybe think about it was it good idea that us didn’t join the League of nation or did us should join actually League of nation join because the US didn’t join eventually didn’t

    Join the President Wilson he really pursued idea he said the league of nation was the first step in making the peace for in the whole world but he got sick he was Campa he was doing campaigning a campaign throwing campaign sharing his idea about the league of

    Nation but uh he he got sick he got struck and never recover so his idea just cannot con he just cannot persuading his idea and us uh the senator didn’t like the idea to join the nation of the league so us did not join so when us did not join that means also

    There’s no military power so for example if the kids are two two brothers are fighting and then parents if they H whatever and I just if parents are there but parents are busy doing something and then I don’t they don’t care the parents don’t care about the brother and didn’t

    Didn’t uh correcting them or training them or um then what happened they just keep fighting ah my mom my dad they don’t care so just keep fighting until they get what they want right that’s what happened so without the strong the leag of nation without any military forcing

    And power it leads to second war war World War World War II because nobody is watching nobody do anything so why not that’s what happened so let’s summarize the Treaty of ver siiz again so Germany returned some part of their territory to France and Belgium and Poland remember the Germany and Russia

    Between them have to separate they have to separate because of they the America and France and Russia France and British they worry about spreading their communism and socialism so there’s some some other like territories become the nation and number two they also have to give up the oversea colonies Germany all

    Your colonies give up and what happened to the colonies then some colonies maybe independent some colonies steal these countries America English and British and France they control number three limited the size of German military Germany famous for military from the Persian Persian Empire empire so they cannot have aircraft and cannot have submarine

    Number four have to pay $30 billion so today that’s more than $2.7 trillion dollar that’s just just a lot of money it burden already and damage already Germany was also very damaged economically just so damaged and they have to pay so much money so I have a

    Illustration this I have a very special uh flower flower jar flower base very special very I I just it was given from my great great grandma given to me we our family preserved this base for a long time it’s become mine it was so spous precious and my son just

    Using the ball with dog inside home and then wasn’t careful so break the jar and I asked my son you pay you pay me this $11,000 and $11,000 and I will give you 10 years H $11,000 10 years I can do that every Christmas I’ll ask my grandma

    Grandpa and uh each of them $100 so there will be $200 every year and I’ll ask my mom to give me something inside of birthday so he will calculate oh in 10 years I can do that 1,000 okay or I asked my son you pay me $100,000 in 10 years

    How can I pay $100,000 like ah doesn’t make sense I don’t care this how what happened to Germany cannot pay that much money already damaged Germany was so damaged also because of the war so whatever the payment was just so much it it brings actually more problem later it leads to

    It was poisoning to them so it leads to the World War II so today conclusion is no more Empire there was no more Empire Austrian Empire Hungarian Empire all gone and Germany become German German Empire become Germany and Poland and some part have to give to Russia and something happened Russian Revolution

    Happened right and Baltic Europe Lithuania laia and Estonia they all become also Nation number two two woman’s right during the man fighting woman did men’s job woman did amazing job so woman now we have a right for a vote and so woman is uh legally can vote

    In America and Brit and uh England number three America and Japan grow America made so much money in Japan also make a lot of money too making supplies and uh take over the colonies in over mer the colonies of the Central Power number four League of Nations they said American President

    Wilson he set up the League of Nations but there nobody there was no power no spanking no military system so that was problem and no power that was our history and let’s talk about the the two wom uh our history sentence talking about Elizabeth caddy Stanton and Susan B Anthony they’re fighting for

    Equality okay today in our family we are going to who want who think uh eating pizza is better or let’s eat uh Korean food raise a hand oh but by the way if you’re a woman don’t raise a hand your opinion is not important at all and what

    Happened my daughter and what Mom woman didn’t have any vote any right to vote so woman no right not only just vote cannot own any property you cannot control the money and you are all denied because of your woman all business and your professional and educational opportunities all denied

    Because only the reason is not because you are not smart because you are woman yeah so it wasn’t fair it wasn’t eal so Elizabeth KY Stanton she was a bright and curious girl she was born in uh 1815 in New York she loved learning but there was big problem girls like her

    Were not allowed to do a certain thing I I heard she Lov the law but she cannot continue her education a woman should have the same right as men so she had a campaign we have to fight for this and especially for right to vote and I think

    The Elizabeth and Susan they are actually really helping to end the slavery in America so and let’s talk about Susan B Anthony and Susan Susan and Elizabeth they are like Dy uh Dynamic dual fighting together for equality they’re best friends fighting for evolution and equality and she was making sure

    Everyone regardless their gend gender they have to have equal right and she was giving my powerful speeches and convincing people and for woman’s right for vote and they had big dream to change the Constitution and make sure women could vote just like men they didn’t actually see uh later there was a um

    19th Amendment added later but their P they they paved the way for equality and proving that everyone no matter their gender or if you either your woman and men should have a voice just like the present Wilson said all world must be made safe for democracy so that is our history uh week

    17 I I hope you guys understand uh World War I pretty well and if you have question let me know I will see you next week bye

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