Kosovo Documentary Film, Part 1. 🇽🇰 Is Kosovo still a war zone? Would we recommend you to travel there? Is it safe? We share with you our first-hand experience of Kosovo in 2022.

    Currently, the media are constantly reporting conflicts between ethnic Albanians and ethnic Serbs …

    Yet, apart from these inherent tensions, there is also a very normal life in a very captivating country, which is worth discovering. Dua Lipa and Rita Ora, to name just a few examples, are proud representatives of their birth country Kosovo.

    In our travel video, we shed light on this very young country that declared itself independent from Serbia in 2008, even though Serbia still considers Kosovo part of its territory. Most European countries, the United States, Australia, etc. recognize Kosovo’s independence, but a significant number of others do not (such as Serbia, China, Russia etc.).

    Join us for a deep dive into Kosovo’s capital Pristina and the surrounding area. We bring in the shadows of the past (Kosovo War, Kosovo Liberation Army UÇK etc.) and throw light on present day life. Explore with us interesting (majority Albanian and Serb) villages, beautiful landscapes, unique people – and gain many insights.

    We take you on a journey to a land that is still unknown to many! You will be intrigued.

    00:00 Intro
    01:11 Pristina – Newborn, Mother Teresa Boulevard, Serbian Orthodox Cathedral, National Library
    05:36 Pristina – Bakery (Furrë Buke, Byrek)
    06:50 Gračanica – Miloš Obilić Monument, Monastery
    08:00 Novo Brdo Fortress & Dinner
    09:00 Gornja Gušterica
    09:42 Rufc i Ri & Llapushnik – UÇK, Drenica region
    10:58 Pristina – Panorama view, Heroinat, Bill Clinton Boulevard, Residential Areas
    15:03 Janjeva – Hiking, high plains & rolling hills

    Thank you for watching & commenting!

    Lots of love xx
    Nicole & Roberto

    📌 More details of what you see in the video:
    Pristina: Pedestrian street, Mother Teresa Statue, Mother Theresa Square, Skanderbeg Monument, Skanderbeg Square, “LEtGo EU“ Lego, Ibrahim Rugova Statue, Imperial Mosque (Xhamia e Madhe), Christ the Saviour Serbian Orthodox Cathedral (Katedralja i Krishtit Shpëtimtar), National Library of Kosovo (Biblioteka Kombëtare e Kosovës), Rilindja Tower, Government of Kosovo, Memorial Heroinat, Madeleine Albright Statue, Mother Teresa Cathedral Bell Tower (best panorama view of Pristina), Bill Clinton Statue
    Rufc i Ri & Llapushnik: UÇK Kosovo Liberation Army graves, Drenica (Drenicë) region, Saint Abraham Church (Shën Abrahamit)
    Gračanica: Miloš Obilić Monument, Gračanica Monastery
    Janjeva/Janjevo, Gornja Gušterica, Novo Brdo Fortress

    🎥 Watch PART 2 of this documentary 🇽🇰

    🎥 Watch ALBANIA VIDEOS 🇦🇱

    Travel video 8 | Filmed May 2022
    #kosovo #kosova #documentary #travel #prishtina #serbia
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    👩🏼🧔🏻 WHO ARE WE?
    We are Nicole from Austria/Germany and Roberto from Switzerland/Italy. We believe that there’s more to travel than just the typical tourist sights. We delve deeper into the culture, people, and way of life in each destination, rather than just focusing on the tourist attractions or surface-level experiences. Join us on this journey! We hope our travel videos inform & inspire you!


    1. Kosovo original name Dardania and its first king King Bardhyl which means in Albanian white star. Many great empires have occupied Kosovo starting from Romans to Ottomans to the Bulgarian empire and lastly Serbs but none of this other great empuires claim kosovo as their own land except the serbs who arrived in balkans druing the 7th ceuntry founded there the natives dardanians present day albanians changed the name from dardania to kosovo and brag about kosovo belongs to them how? Bulgaria also has the right to claim it ottomans to and italians and romans had that land way longer then serbs ottomans also anyways Kosovo is 98% Albanian

    2. One example how people are trapped in political intrigues. The math is simple. One Serb cannot rule 1000 kosovar. Serbs left Kosovo in 17 century so blame your ancestors for current situation. Just do no live in imagination, recognize reality.

    3. According to international law and UN resolution 1244 Kosovo and Metochie are Serbia.

      Like Donbass, Crime and Lugansk are an integral part of Ukraine, Kosovo is Serbia.

      26 countries have returned their proclamation, 5 EU countries do not recognize this country illegally proclaim and against international law

    4. Kosovo is een mooi land met nette e keurig mensen. Mooi land , en dardanse albaneze kultura . Klasse 👊👊🇽🇰🇽🇰🇮🇱🇮🇱

    5. Den Mörder von dem Kosovo-serbischem Politiker Oliver Ivanovic Unterstützt Deutschland Massiv und verhindert seit geraumer Zeit dessen Auslieferung nach Serbien !!!
      Alle Mörder aus dem Kosovo werden von Frankreich und Deutschland ungehindert in ruhe gelassen , serbische Auslieferungsanträge ignoriert wie im Fall Oliver Ivanovic .
      Die Albaner dürfen alles ungehindert machen nur aus einem Grund weil es Deutschland und die Nato nicht Wahr haben wollen Serbien Zerbombt zu haben wegen einer Terroristischen Vereinigung !!!
      Deutschland und Österreicher haben 5,7,000,000 Millionen Serben Getötet alle Deutschen sollten Gott um Vergebung bitten !,denn das was die mit den Serben gemacht haben hatten die Osmanen nicht annähernd in 500 Jahren Ukupation gemacht von 1918 bis 1947 Töteten sie 70% der Serbischen Bevölkerung .
      Die Albaner sind nicht in der Lage Multiethnischen Staat zu halten und der beste Beweis ist Albanien!, wo Serben gezwungen wurden Albanische Namen anzunehmen, und sicher auch heute freiwild sind.
      Vergesst nicht wenn sie es schaffen uns Orthodoxe Christen zu Killen dann wird der Islam als nächstes dran Glauben müssen .
      Beweis ( Gerechnet von 1906 bis Heute wurden Nachweisbar 97.000.000 Millionen Orthodoxe Christen Getötet , das muss man sich mal vorstellen .
      Die ganze Zeit drängt die EU das Serbien in den Krieg gegen Selbstmörder einzieht , denn hätten die Serben ein Genozid gegen die Albaner vorgehabt dann wären 1000% mehr Albaner getötet worden 1999. Die UCK wurde durch die USA , England, Deutschland , und Kroatien Bewaffnet , sofort nach dem Daiton Abkommen 1995 hat Kroatien alle JNA Waffen an die Albaner Übergeben ! im Gegenzuge bekommen die Kroaten neue Deutsche und Amerikanische Waffen so der Deal mit den , das weiss ich weil wir Tausende Waffen mit Kroatischen Namen und Symbolen Beschlagnahmt und Erobert haben . Tausende Albaner brachten ihre Waffen ins Polizeirevier und gaben diese ab ,und sagten das sie gezwungen wurden die Waffen Anzunehmen . 1906 haben wir den Albanern die ganze Küste geben müssen nur weil wir Serben nicht Katholisch sind hielt es Europa für wichtig uns von der Adria Fernzuhalten .
      Die Albaner waren 1906 Quasi Unbewaffnet also Sicherer als wenn die Serben dort Regieren würden .

    6. I am currently in Kosovo, Pristina, doing fieldwork for my university's research project. It's the first time I am here. Surprisingly, the country has produced a good impression. It's poor, but people are very caring of each other and very hospitable. Kosovo Albanians are a kind, warm, and open nation that lives like one single family (this is something unique that I hadn't seen before anywhere). The diaspora abroad likewise retains strong ties to Kosovo. The owner of the hotel in the city center, where I stayed, for example, knows Kosovars living in a small town in Finland where I live. It is strong European and especially American (USA) presence here. In a way, Kosovo has been an eye-opening experience for me because I had been previously somewhat brainwashed by the Serbian propaganda that presents Albanians in a negative light. An interesting detail I noticed: all homeless dogs on the streets are ear tagged, which shows that the authorities care about them despite the lack of resources. I think many stereotypes about this country simply do not hold true. I do recommend Kosovo to anyone visiting the Balkans!

    7. Trying to create a country from traditional Serbian orthodox monasteries, churches. Most of the valuable Serbian empire battle was played here on the land especially with ottoman empire. Who are Albanians?
      Just immigrants who moved there from the west

    8. Kosovo is ancient DARDANIA,tribe close to Troyans (Dardanos),constantly occupied by slavs who want that place and they changed the ancient name to Kosovo …

    9. I love Kosovan Sceneries, beautiful country, you explore and explain well, your camera corners are very good, sceneries are covered with beautiful corners of the country, ❤

    10. I pray 🙏 for kosovo to be truly independent and the opportunity for its people to travel in Europe
      you deserve to be free. USA loves kosovo ❤ Thank you for showing beautiful kosovo to the world 🌎

    11. Thank you for the informative video. I am looking for university in kosovo. What do you think about being a student there? I am especially worried about language, do people know English there?

    12. Jo Kosovo jo
      Dardanija Shipni
      Edua Dardanin sjam Dardan Shqipetar
      Edua vendlindjen time qesenroj measni shtet ne bot
      Osht Peja evogel krenare gjithmon te dua oj Peje je bukoroshja ime tedua shum shum
      Ju pershendes nga zemra

    13. 🇷🇸🇷🇸Косово jе Србиjа!🇷🇸🇷🇸И тако ће увек бити! Поздрав из Русиjе!🇷🇺❤️🇷🇸

    14. I have spent time in Pristine watching football. Kosovo v Azerbaijan. I had a fantastic time and met wonderful people. I travelled via Skopje in North Macedonia.

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