One traumatic night unravels the life of a retired cycling champ into a nightmarish fever dream of murder and assassins. Only a renegade detective can help him survive until sunrise.
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    Genre : New Full Movie in English, 4K, thriller
    © 2023 – All rights Reserved
    #FullMovieENGLISH #FullMovie

    They think we’re strangers, Isaac. Hey. Yo, why’d you f%cking drag me out here? My knee’s killin’ me, I’m having surgery on Monday. What the f%ck? Why couldn’t you just do it like the rest of ’em? Wh… what? What the f%ck does that mean? You dope, you win. I won, a lot, okay? Clean.

    I lost clean. You see what happens to these guys when they get f%ckin’ busted? I… I retired ages ago, I don’t get this. Why… why… why now? You were a sure thing, man. Even if you lost, I’d make it back the next time. Only there wasn’t another next time

    And I can’t pay them anymore. They’re bleeding me, Rick. Why didn’t you tell me this sooner? After the injury, things got different. I didn’t wanna lay all my baggage onto you, so I… Who? Who do you owe? The f%ckin’ steroid guys. Jesus f%cking Christ. – Boo! – sh%t.

    – Hey, man. – Ooh, wow! I was startin’ to think you got lost. I… I… you know, I haven’t been to the new place very many times. Really? I… I moved here right… right after the injury. Oh, yeah. Um, well, I might have been to some of the parties

    You threw when you uh, started the team, but I don’t remember, maybe I got a ride. Probably got a ride or somethin’. f%cked up. – Um, cheers. – Cheers. Well, I’m thinking uh, diggin’ the… You like that? – New, right? – I know. You can barely see me, right?

    Well, since uh, you made me team captain and all that, figured you’d wanna talk about the season. No. No, I… I don’t actually wanna talk about that, but… Well, how’s the knee doing? Ugh, really? What the f… I just… I wanted to have a drink with a friend and shoot the sh%t…

    And you had to f%ckin’… All right. Wait a second, no, no, no. Don’t t… Uh, wait, are you… are you one of those people? What do you mean? What? I don’t know, like the kinda people that get all like antsy around guns. – No. Not at all. – No.

    No, I’ve been… I’ve actually been shooting before. I’ve been riding for you for… For what? For what? Like a year and a half now and uh… Relax! W… why are you like all f%ckin’ wound tight and sh%t? It’s not loaded, so don’t go freakin’ out.

    I gotta take this really quick, like it… it’s my boss. What? I’m your f%ckin’ boss! Hey, it’s like a potential sponsor, you know? I gotta… I’ll be back in a few minutes. Wait, wait, are you… wait, are you che… Are… are you… are you cheating on me?

    He’s from France, you don’t know him. I… I f%ckin’ hate France! I f%ckin’ hate France. What the f%ck did you say to him? He’s been pounding scotch, making all these infidelity jokes. He knows something. Please just refrain from f%cking us over for one more hour. Can you do that? He’s completely f%cked!

    Well, I can’t keep this sh%t up. Not at the rate he’s been drinking and the things he’s been saying. You need to stop being a f%cking p*ssy. The dude is on a f%cking bender! You need to get out of there. Let’s… let’s not meet back at my place. Screw that.

    Bring the sh%t over here and we’re gonna leave sooner, okay? It’s going to be fine, it’s going to be fine. Trust me, okay? – Whoa, man. – Oh. – What’s wrong with you, man? – Oh. What… what’s going on? I thought you were gonna fall in the sh%tter.

    Ain’t nothing wrong with me, alright? f%cking great. I’m three for three. And it’s your turn, p*ssy. Uh, are you sure you wanna be shooting out here? – You know… – What’re you talkin’ about? – Hey, we’re friends, right? – Yeah. f%ckin’ friends shoot guns together. It’s what they do.

    I don’t want you gettin’ in trouble, alright? Don’t worry about me. You’re hidin’ somethin’. I’m not hiding anything, man. I know. Come on, do what you got! We’re all out of bottles. f%ck. Fall off this motherf%cker. Problem solved. Come on, f%ckin’ shoot me. Come on!

    Well, get the hell out of the way, man! I’m not gonna f%ckin’ shoot you, come on. Come on. sh%t, what the f%ck, man? It’s my gun. I know that. Bolt action, M1. Alright. All right, just uh… I got that. I think I’ll figure it out. – You sure? – Yeah.

    I’ll figure it out from here, alright? – Oh! – I got it. – Whoa, ho, ho! – Okay. – No one gets hurt, you know? – I know. Well, you can’t… you can’t just go takin’ things from me. What do you mean taking things from you?

    Oh, no, just… it’s just a little observation I’ve been makin’ lately. It seems that you like to take things from me. Well, just… just a feeling. Well, I don’t know what it is you’re feeling, Rick. I’m not… You’re f%ckin’ my fiancée! f%ckin’ idiot! Isaac! I’m nervous. Why? I feel like they’re getting suspicious.

    They think we’re strangers, Isaac. Trust me. I’m worried about Rick. Baby, we already went over this. He’s a total f%cking mess. He could be a problem. He’s the only person who can tie us together. What the f%ck. What the f%ck. f%ck! God! What the f%ck were you guys up to? f%ck!

    Hey, Jimmy, come on, man, pick up. Please! Pick… pick up. Hello. Hey, f%ck, I… I’m in a lot of trouble, man. I… I… I n… I need your help, okay? You help me and I’ll help you with that thing, I promise. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. Tell me what happened.

    It’s f%ckin’ over, man. W… what did you do? I can’t help you if I don’t know what you did. It’s Isaac and Valerie, okay? It was an accident. They’re… they’re f%ckin’ dead. And when I ran, I… I ran, I got into Valerie’s car… f%ck! I got into my car

    And there was a f%ckin’ bag in there… They’re rippin’ me off, man. Jimmy, you know, I would never hurt Val. Um, well, my advice would be to go to the cops, but you ran already and that’s not a very smart move, buddy. I… I’m just… I’m drivin’ around, okay?

    I don’t know where the f%ck I am. Please, man, please. So you should probably go to a friend’s house and… And lie low for a little bit. Okay, I… I… I’ll… I’ll be there soon. What? No, no, no, no! You think they won’t check my house? What the f%ck is wrong with you?

    F%ck, no, no! Okay, look, yeah, I know somebody. Oh, f%ck! Okay. Fool! Have you even made contact with your boy? It’s 9:00 and you’ve given me no indication that… That we’re doing business. I’m losing my patience. I will give you until 12:00 noon, tomorrow. Not… not 1:00 or something, “Oh, 12:30.” No.

    Noon, tomorrow. Listen, you creepy f%ck. When sh%t gets messy, I have my own way of gettin’ this cleaned up. Do that, mate. I’ll be in touch. You can touch your own cock. You guys check the security cameras? Front cams are the only ones workin’. Convenient. She worked at the museum.

    We should send someone over there. What do you think? I don’t like makin’ assumptions. Found a scorecard from the Golf Club. Today’s date. Might still be open. Take one of the boys with you. Yo, what’s up? Any sign of him? No, I haven’t, but I swope by Rick’s spot.

    Bad scene, yellow tape, lights, homicide detectives. Looks like somebody caught a body in that motherf%cker. f%ck! You need to find Rick. Yuppie f%ck has a second house on the Southend. Cops won’t be there. Yeah, dead a%s. Yeah, yeah, alright, I got it. Do what you do. Come on!

    Yeah, I was wonderin’ if you happen to see a certain member around here today. Rick Van Pelt. Ah, Rick. Yeah, he does his drinking on the course. Um, doesn’t come into the bar that often. You want a drink? Nah, thanks, I’m good. But you can tell me do you know somebody

    With the initials DRJ. Looks like Rick was on the links with him earlier today. You know, I could have somebody pull the members list, but that won’t be until tomorrow morning at the earliest. It’s not initials. It’s Dr. J, it’s his name. Yeah, right, Dr. Jimmy, goes by Dr. J. Um, weird fella.

    Thanks. Get this guy a drink. Yo, Oscar, we ran through this whole damn yuppie house. No Rick. Looks like Ricky been chillin’ with our boy Dr. Jimmy dog. Guys, you know how much that piece of sh%t owes us and our suppliers. I bet. I’ll keep you in the loop, big dog.

    Nacho, don’t come back without Rick. Hey, Malcolm, it’s… it’s Rick. Um, yeah, uh, I’m just at the gate. Uh, kinda need a favor. Whoa! Ha-ha! Malcolm! Rick, how are you? Uh, f%ck, I’ve been better. Just uh, just lookin’ for a… a familiar place to stay. Oh, not to worry, we’ve all been there.

    You need help with any of those bags? No, I’m okay, it’s uh… Just this. Ah, just the bare necessities, huh. Gym bag and a mystery package. Is that a gift in exchange for my hospitality? No, I just uh, I grabbed what I could. Uh, yeah, I don’t think it’s gonna work out w…

    With me and Val. Things went south pretty quick. Oh, I’m really sorry, man. Get in here, huh? Yeah, hope you don’t mind, but I have a bit of company. Looks like someone had a bit too much. What’s the uh… what’s the occasion? I mean for the party?

    Oh, I uh, just played at the grand opening of a new club last night. Real wild sh%t, you know? Yeah. Wild is right. And the party followed me here. As you can see there’s no shortage of beautiful dames. But enough of that. Let’s show you to your sleeping quarters, good sir.

    I’ve missed you, Rick. This really is a nice surprise. Yeah, I uh… I wish the circumstances were… Were better. I mean maybe tomorrow, after breakfast, we… we can catch up. I’m f%ckin’ wrecked, man, I gotta hit the sack. That’s totally cool, perfectly fine. Now let’s see here. What’s behind door number one?

    Moving on. Ah, that’s more like it. Sorry about that. This place can turn into quite the love shack. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, f%ck, the last couple hours um, you know, I… I didn’t even see it comin’. Yeah, if you don’t mind me prying a bit, what happened with you and Valerie?

    She was f%ckin’ my team captain. Captain of the f%ckin’ team that I own. Yeah, that’s heavy. Yeah, and uh, I don’t know, I… It didn’t end… it didn’t end pretty, but that… that’s another story. Well, if it’s any consolation, I was never a big fan.

    Uh, yes, it’s… it’s good to have somebody on my side. Hmm, you want my advice? Take a shower and get some shut-eye. I’ll see you in the morning. Now if you need anything, I’m just down the hall. Thanks. Oh, and uh, knock first if you do. This is Dr. J.

    Hi, doctor, I’m with the police. I need to ask you a couple of things. Are you a cop or a detective? Detective. Do you mind if I come in? It’s a little too late for a house call. Not that I do house calls, but… Yeah, give me two minutes. Alright, I’ll wait.

    How can I help you? Your patient, friend, Rick Van Pelt. You know where he is? Not at the moment. I last spoke to him this afternoon. Hmm, where exactly was that? We played a couple of rounds together. Uh, can I ask what all this is about? You know, something serious went down

    At Rick’s place tonight. A couple of people are dead. Close associates. – So now I’m… – Oh, Jesus Christ! Do I need to have a f%cking lawyer here? Doctor, listen to me. I’m not here to incriminate you or Rick. I’m just here to find out what happened. And why.

    Can we help each other? Well, it is of my professional opinion that Rick is not capable of murdering anybody. If you change your mind and wanna help your friend, here’s my card. Did you guys find anything else? Isaac, the gym where he trains at,

    I think you and your boys in Vice know him pretty f%ckin’ well. The f%ckin’ steroids are runnin’ the whole show. A couple of days ago, a few guys got popped on a coke bust holdin’ a decent stash of juice. High-quality sh%t that Oscar and his goons push. Juice heads. Cyclists.

    This sh%t could be international. Oscar f%cks up, we got him. You killed them. You killed them. You killed them. Rick Van Pelt is dead. You know, I’ve owned this piece for 23 years. It… it’s been in my gallery for 17 and nobody paid it a second thought until the artist disappeared.

    And then all of a sudden, it spiked. It’s become my most s… sought-after piece. Now why would anybody think that way? Why would anybody get enjoyment out of such images of pain? Hmm. Detective Morrison. Homicide. Oh. I thought you were an educator the way you were admiring my work.

    I… I know it’s a little pretentious to have a… a gallery where you… As much as I’d love to discuss uh, all of this, I need to ask you a couple of questions about your employee Valerie Renard. Ask away. Well, I imagine you were one of the last people to see her alive.

    She was shot in the throat earlier this evening. Oh. Uh, no, I um… She… she… she… she… she was my assistant um, but… but… she… she… Oh, she was a real close friend. Sir… did she have any reason to steal from you? Was she supposed to be in possession

    Of one of your establishment’s pieces? No. B… but if you talk to Valerie, I’m s… Sir, she’s dead. I… oh. I… if you could ask her, she’d have an explanation. She’d have an explanation. Did you recover the painting? No. But we’re almost certain it’s in the possession of our prime suspect.

    You… you’ve got a suspect? Her fiancé. Rick Van Pelt. They were engaged for a few months, but uh, hadn’t dated very long prior. It’s late. Come down the station tomorrow and talk to the boys. Alright. One last thing. Send over the access code to your security camera server. Send it now.

    His therapist knows something. He didn’t give me much to work with, but I think he wants to help. What about Andy Warhol over there? He doesn’t wanna talk, but he knows something. I got a weird f%ckin’ feeling about that guy. You can see it in his eyes. Dude’s on another planet.

    Yeah, first off, he doesn’t leave the f%cking gallery. Then he went dead silent when I asked him to come in. Plus, I’ve heard he’s into darker sh%t, if you know what I mean. Money laundering. Trafficking. Missing people. Ooh, that’s some good sh%t, Jimbo. Uh, office hours are closed.

    That’s not what we ask, motherf%cker. Um, uh, can I… can I help you? Come on, man, you bet a lot of money on your partner, didn’t you? Come on, man. You know them French f%cks are gonna come cut you up, man. They ain’t as nice as me.

    I’m willing to comply with whatever you need. Um, there’s a… there’s a safe upstairs with a combination. Man, I’m not lookin’ for no money. I’m lookin’ for Rick, man. Well, um, I haven’t spoken with him. Where the f%ck is Rick at? – Yeah. – Where’s Rick? Yeah, give us f%ckin’ Rick.

    You gonna speak! Look, I do… I… I… I… I don’t know where he is. Yes, master? Malcolm. Malcolm, my dear boy. So you’re trippin’ the light fantastic tonight? I’ve got a feeling you don’t care and something’s wrong. I know that you and Valerie traveled in the same circles. Yes, we’ve met.

    For once, I may actually have something you need. Well, she was handling a rather large transaction for me this evening. It was a very expensive piece. It seems to have gone missing. As well as the enumeration for that piece. And I was wondering whether somebody in your circle

    Might know what the hell’s goin’ on, hmm? Her fiancé Rick Van Pelt just so happened to stumble through my front gate tonight. He seems to have some odd luggage with him. Looked like your missing piece. Yes, he’s still here. Yeah, he’s holed up in my guest room. Yes, I’ll keep him here.

    Don’t worry. Oh, Ricky, Ricky, Ricky, Ricky. Well, don’t wait too long to send out your dog. The dog will be there. Hey! Give me a sec. Hey, uh, what’s up, man? I… I was just… just about to go to sleep. Yeah, sorry, I was just checkin’ on you.

    Makin’ sure you got yourself settled. I couldn’t quite seem to fall asleep. I… is everything okay out there? I… I thought I heard some voices earlier. No, that was probably those drunken lovebirds down the hall. I can go and tell ’em to shut their yappers if they’re keepin’ you awake. No! No.

    Well, on that note I’ll leave you be, but uh, if you wanna catch up or if you want a nightcap, like I said, I’m just down the hall. Not sleeping. All right. Come on, man, f%ckin’ pick up. Pick up. Hey. Hey, it’s me, it’s Rick. Call me back. Jimmy, call me back.

    Found this in the room. Well, at least, you don’t have to do that sh%t here. That would have been a bummer. Like for me. Let’s talk. Um… This uh, idea of yours… – Mmhmm. – Yeah. What if… …we just left? Left? Left? In a couple of weeks,

    I’ll have an off-the-market Conrad Wilhelm and… I’m gonna have Oscar’s money. So… what if… So… So just… what? Like f%ck the deal? Yeah. f%ck them and f%ck Rick. Well, Val, I’m the team captain, I can’t just like disappear. Sorry to tell you this, Isaac, but he’s cutting you. That was one f%ckin’ race!

    We came in third! We were still on the podium. Rick wants to win at all costs. And he’s taking it out on you now, and he’s been taking it out on me since the injury. This is the way out, for both of us. I need a moment to think about it.

    That’s a lot to take in. You’re f%cking crazy. Yeah, hmm. f%ck you. I’ve been workin’. My boys got a lead. They’re over there right now shaking ’em down, but he ain’t talkin’. No, no, no, no. Forgive me if I have my doubts about you and your associates,

    But I have gone past being patient. My guys are gonna do what they do. Roid rage is not going to solve our problem. Better watch your mouth, old man. Roid rage is for fools! Don’t f%ck with us! For fools! You’re gonna end up drawing more attention to everyone involved! Talk soon, a%shole.

    You lyin’ sack of sh%t. Come on, Jimbo, don’t make us spend all night helping you remember sh%t. You know, I’ve got ADHD. I… I swear to God, I don’t f%cking know where he is. I can’t give any other answer than the truth. Don’t make me ask you again, motherf%cker. What do you want?

    I swear on my f%cking life I do not know where Rick is, and I do not know who they are, nor who you are, nor who sent you, nor why. Just please know I had nothing the f%ck to do with this. You can… you can set that anywhere. You can…

    Uh, please don’t harm me. I’m a medical professional. I’m just a common… just a… I’m a doctor. I’m a therapist. Just please spare me my life. Um, I… I… No. Hey, Jimmy. Jimmy, pick up. Answer your phone! f%ck are you, man? I… look, I need your help. That… that thing that’s after me,

    I don’t f%cking know it, alright? It’s the freakiest sh%t I’ve ever f%ckin’ seen. He shot my f%ckin’ car, he was chasing me on a f%ckin’ motorcycle. I don’t know, I… Uh, I got lucky. I… I f… I f%ckin’ lost him. I… I don’t know. I think I found a couple of hotels a…

    A few miles off the interstate just west of town. Listen to me, you come out here when you get this, and I’ll… I’ll let you know where I am. I… I… I can’t find my phone. I don’t know, I f%ckin’ lost it. I’ll find you. Just get out here.

    Hopefully, I’ll see you soon. I don’t know. Just… look, be careful. I don’t f%ckin’ know. He could be comin’ for you. Just… just be careful, man, please. Jesus f%cking Christ. Oh, damn it! What can I do for you? Hey, boss, uh, you got any rooms? We got those. Okay, alright.

    Uh, you have… do you have anything private down on the end? It’s 55 a night. Do-do-do-do. Yeah. Here’s your key. Here. Keep the change. Thank you. Where am I goin’? It’s on the end, like you asked. Alright. Yeah uh, hello, I need to report three… No, uh, four murderers murdered. Thank you.

    Four dead goons. A gun registered in his name. A ghost killer with no eyes. It don’t look too f%cking good for your friend, doc. Let alone real. A lot of people died tonight. Let’s face it, we both know it isn’t Rick. We do both know that, right? You saw him?

    Well, nobody seems to wanna believe me, but yeah. Yeah, I saw him. I’ve seen him, too, a couple of times. Scary f%cker. You should have Rick call me, we should meet, ’cause right now, I’m the only one on his side. The evidence is pilin’ up and we both know

    That the law isn’t the only thing chasin’ his tail. I uh. I think I know where Rick might be. We shouldn’t go alone, though. Why is that? Because that freak in there heard the answering machine message. I was sittin’ in a chair with… he had a gun to my head

    And what was I supposed to do? I… Well, I wanna get this spooky f%ck in cuffs before the sun comes up. If we have company, so be it. It’s a really sh%tty motel. Did he just take the witness? What? Nothin’. No one can have that look on their face

    And not be thinkin’ nothin’. I’m just thinkin’ about all the possibilities. What possibilities? How Rick got himself into all this sh%t. I mean I’m a psychologist and all, but some people are just f%cked. Hey, boss, I uh, I got a favor to ask. Sure, friend, what can I do for you?

    I’m in… I’m in kinda unique sort of trouble. I mean I’m… I’m goin’ out on a limb even asking you. But all my friends, I… I thought I could count on… Well, they just left me f%ckin’ high and dry, man. My experience? Friends are hard to come by this time of the night,

    Especially out here in the middle of nowhere. So um, what is it you need? I’m happy you asked. Do you uh, wanna be friends? If anybody comes here asking, looking, anything for Rick Van Pelt, you don’t know nothin’. And you call my room. Oh, it’s easy enough. Happy to help. Great.

    Oh, hey, I can’t lie to the cops if they come sniffin’ around. Hey, not worried about the cops. Oh. Oh, okay. You take care now. Yeah! That’s right, you solve that puzzle. Oh, sh%t. Abracadabra, that’s a hell of a board. Uh. Uh. Morning, Val. Or uh, should I say “late night”? Funny. No.

    Not really. Um, I’m serious, where… where were you last night? I mean I… I tried to find you all night. Conrad had a group of investors at the museum. I had to work late. Really? Because I sent Jimmy to the gallery and all the lights were off. Wow, f%cking psycho.

    We went out afterwards. Why don’t you trust me? You just f%ckin’ lie to me and this has been goin’ on for a while, hasn’t it? You’re holed up at this house and it’s making you f%cking paranoid. Hey, hey, hey, man. You lookin’ for the party, man?

    You lookin’ for the party, I got everything you want, bro. Uh, I’m good. Where you goin’? Where you goin’? f%ckin’ warlock-lookin’ motherf%cker. f%ck. f%ckin’ phone, Jesus Christ. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, man! You in my neighborhood, I’m tryin’ to talk to you! I asked if you’re lookin’ for the party, man.

    I don’t want a party, okay? Come on, hey, hey, you ain’t got to be scared, you ain’t got to be scared! – Oh! Oh! – f%ckin’ listen to me now! I’m tryin’ to help you out, motherf%cker! I just want some change. I just want some f%ckin’ change. Okay, okay.

    Look, look, we… we can work this out. I’m gonna… I’m gonna grab my wallet. I’m gonna give you everything I have, okay? – What you got? – We can work this out, okay? – Let’s work it out. – Okay. Don’t f%ckin’… don’t you f%ckin’ f%ck with me now.

    What you got there? Let me see it. Fat stacks. Let me see it. Oh, oh yeah. f%ckin’ rich boy Jaycee… If it’s safe and I need you, I’ll call you. Jesus, Rick. You got that? If you see anything, f%cking call me, please. Lookin’ for a guy,

    Would have checked in the last 24 hours. Gray hair, beard, camo head to toe. God, damn it. What? Yep, he’s here. Room 20, down on the end Thanks. Holy sh%t, thanks and get out of here, f%ckin’ cop. Jimmy! Rick, I thought you got shot. M… M… Morrison.

    He knows where this all leads, Rick. He knows. I gotta go do this on my own. I gotta stay with the car! Stop f%ckin’ runnin’ away and listen to me, a%shole. – Do you know what… – Shut the hell up if you wanna get out of here alive.

    10 years now, Wilhelm’s phantom killer has been knockin’ off every high-profile witness, gangster, you name it, but he doesn’t exist. There’s not a shred of evidence, and I may not have another shot to catch this f%cker alive. Huh? – Do you think I wanted to be… – What did I just say?

    Shut the f%ck up, alright? We need to be smarter than him. We gotta keep moving, alright? We need to f%ckin’ move, now. f%ck, can’t… can’t you just call for backup? No, man, because he’s a f%ckin’ ghost. If he gets spooked, poof, he’s gone. And then guess who this all gets pinned on?

    What the f%ck? Are you… I mean what’s your… what’s your plan? Why are we still hiding? You’re a f%ckin’ cop! I don’t exactly do things by the book. What is that supposed to mean? – It means you’re the bait. – No. – Yeah. – No, no, no, no, no.

    You know, he’s been chasing me all… all day. Uh, my knee I c… I can’t… Exactly, you’re leaking. He’ll go exactly where we need him to, alright? Now, there’s a concrete plant just north of here. I want you to go there and meet me. You’re f%ckin’ insane. Do you want to f%ckin’ die?

    Go. Bravo. You tightened up another loose end. Too bad about Oscar. Oscar was an idiot. You. You have been my greatest investment. My greatest achievement. The sun will be up in a few minutes. End it. End it. End it! Find the truth in the night. Hmm, I smell blood.

    I hope they didn’t put up too much of a fight. You know, things got unnecessarily messy. Ugly. Man, who can you trust? Well, here, l… let… let me see. I hope with all the commotion, it didn’t lose any value. I certainly will be able to find another buyer. Uh, f%ck, man.

    H… how much for the car? Well, it was um… it’s 150 for the tire, but I think I deserve a bonus. There you go. How’s that? That should cover it. Look, man, um… I’m… I’m… I’m sorry about all this. I don’t know when I’ll see you next, I don’t know where I’m goin’.

    Probably south. Well, be safe, buddy. We’ll get you back. Peace out. Yeah. Go. Provided by explosiveskull


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