It’s no secret that Mercedes-Benz is one of the most recognizable car manufacturers in the world. They are at the forefront of the automotive industry, thanks to German engineer Karl Benz, who patented the first vehicle with a gasoline engine 135 years ago. This event marked the beginning of the entire history of the automotive industry. And although the first car was a three-wheeled bicycle with an installed engine, it became the starting point for the development of modern cars.
    But as we know, everything starts small, and Mercedes-Benz was no exception. The company was officially founded in 1886, but its history began long before that, in 1871, when Karl and his partner opened a mechanical workshop in Mannheim. It was there, through trial and error, that a true miracle was created – the first Mercedes-Benz car. Karl Friedrich Benz, the founder of the company, was born in 1844 and showed an interest in mechanics from a young age. His father was a train engineer and died when Karl was only two years old. Raising her only child alone, Frau Benz did not lose hope and worked hard to provide him with a good education and a decent future.

    It’s no secret that Mercedes-Benz is one of the most recognizable car manufacturers in the world they are at the Forefront of the automotive industry thanks to German engineer Carl Benz who patented the first vehicle with a gasoline engine 135 years ago this event marked the beginning of the entire

    History of the automotive industry and although the first car was a three-wheel bicycle with an installed engine it became the starting point for the development of modern cars but as we know everything start small and Mercedes-Benz was no exception the company was officially founded in 1886 but its history began long before

    That in 1871 when Carl and his partner opened a mechanical Workshop in Manheim it was there through trial and error that a true miracle was created the first Mercedes-Benz car Carl Friedrich Benz the founder of the company was born in 1844 and showed an interest in mechanics from a young age his father

    Was a train engineer and died when Carl was only 2 years old raising her only child alone fra Benz did not lose hope and worked hard to provide him with a good education and a decent future the boy had no difficulties with his studies thanks to his ancestors who were

    Blacksmiths Carl was able to determine his future he became interested in photography and watch repair in his youth so he already knew how to hold a screwdriver in his hands at the age of 15 he graduated from grammar school and at 19 he completed his studies in technical mechanics after that he worked

    At a machine building plant but quit after 2 years because he lacked creativity he worked at small Enterprises and took on side jobs and repair workshops and factories at that time he already began to have thoughts about starting his own business in 1871 Carl Benz founded a mechanical workshop

    Together with his friend August Ritter they also dealt with the supply of construction materials but the business did not take off there were few orders and the workshop ended up in debt Ritter left the company company and the firm was on the verge of collapse Carl was

    Devastated but confident in his idea of creating an internal combustion engine he turned to his future father-in-law Carl Friedrich ringer for help who lent him money Ben bought out Ritter’s share and strengthened his relationship with ringer in 1872 Carl and Cilia Bertha ringer became spouses Bertha played an

    Important role in the history of the creation of the car providing support to Carl in difficult times Carl began developing internal combustion engines for agriculture and Industry during the development of the engine Charles Carl Benz was also working on another amazing idea a self-propelled Carriage the first

    Engine took over 6 years to develop and on December 31st 1878 Ben received a patent for a two-stroke gasoline engine but this was just the beginning in the next 3 years he patented such well-known things as a battery-powered ignition system spark plug accelerator carburetor water radiator for engine Cooling and

    Later a clutch with a gearbox while Benz was experimenting his Workshop was repairing agricultural machinery and wagons to cover the expenses of his inventing activities money was always tight but his wife always supported him initially Engineers used alcohol as fuel but Carl was the first to decide to use

    Gasoline the first working version of the engine was completed and successfully tested in 1879 Paving the way for new achievements after 3 years Carl Ben founded the company Benz and CA based on his workshop and patented inventions he attracted shareholders and invested money in a Bicycle Workshop at this Enterprise he established serial

    Production of gasoline engines and improved them for 3 years in 1882 the company started producing and selling 200 engines Carl Benz worked alongside his workers to achieve success once he decided to design a self-propelled carriage for his wife and this became the beginning of the automobile the car was temperamental and unreliable

    But it became the world’s first automobile throughout 1886 the vagan engine underwent testing Carl patented his invention stating that the weight of the car was about 100 kilos the speed was 16 kmh and the fuel tank capacity was 4.5 L on July 3rd 1886 German newspapers reported the appearance of a Horseless Carriage

    Called the Benz Carl continued to work on the automobile making improvements and 6 months later he launched the model 2 into production in 1887 the Ben’s automobile was presented at the world exhibition in Paris in 2 years Ben sold only one car in Germany and here is where the story happened which later

    Spread around the world starting with the initiative of Carl benz’s wife taking the car without asking she set off on a journey with her sons to visit her mother this was the first promotional trip of a Ben’s car which took place on August 5th 1888 along the way Bertha encountered

    Several problems but managed to reach her hometown her story quickly spread worldwide generating interest in this new Wonder the world’s first female traveler behind the wheel in 1893 Carl Ben released an improved model 3 and after learning about the appearance of a four-wheeled car created by other German

    Engineers he also decided to develop his own four-wheeled car as a result the four-wheel Victoria model was released with a power of three horsepower and a speed of up to 20 kilm H 45 cars were sold in a year the advertising of The BMC MSI company and

    Participation in car races in 1894 also played an important role in that year the first car races were held along the Paris Ruan route with 25 cars participating including the Wella model by Benz in 1901 the new Mercedes 35ps model was presented which showed that the company was lagging behind progress

    To improve the situation the company invited French engineer Marius Barbaro but the relationship between him and Ben was tense as a result Ben left the company and it was only with the arrival of German engineer Gans that the company’s Affairs started to improve under the leadership of this person the

    First and most famous racing car Blitz and Benz was created with a powerful 200 horsepower engine in the post-war years many new models were released most of which were successfully sold until the mid1 1920s the model range included cars such as Mercedes 35 PS Mercedes Simplex Mercedes 445 PS Mercedes 65

    PS however the company faced problems due to currency devaluation and Market competition the solution was to merge with another company which led to the creation of the new Daimler Ben’s concern under the leadership of Ferdinand Porsche he took control of production and made changes under his leadership models such as the Mercedes

    2400 140ps were created in 1928 he handed over the management of the company and Hans became responsible for the model range in 1933 new models appeared including the Mercedes-Benz 200 and Mercedes-Benz 380 in 1935 Max zaer joined the company who created models such as the Mercedes 170v and Mercedes-Benz 260d with a

    Diesel engine during World War II damler Benz continued to produce cars until it was subjected to 2 weeks of aerial bombardment as a result only ruins remained in 1945 the board of directors made the decision that damler Benz physically ceased to exist but the company continued its activities directing all efforts towards the

    Construction of new factories a major modernization of production was carried out from May 1949 in January 1952 an improved model with an enlarged body the W1 191 was introduced the w17 model was also released occupying a place in the mid segment thanks to these models the company became the leading car

    Manufacturer in Western Europe after the restoration of production the concern released a series of luxury cars including the limousine with the number 186 300 which was hugely successful among large businessmen celebrities and politicians in 1954 the w86 300b series appeared and a year later the model was replaced by the 300C

    Equipped with an automatic transmission thanks to recognition among car enthusiasts new resources emerged for the production of reliable and affordable cars one such car was the new w12180 production of which continued until the early 1960s but the the most popular model was the w180 with an

    Engine power of 89 HP the production of the large pontoon 220 series continued until September 1959 during the production of the Pontoon cars a solid foundation was created for the production of future models and by 1960 the Assembly of one car took only 25 hours damler Ben’s Engineers developed a

    New generation of cars focusing on safety convenience and classic design you may be interested in the story of how the famous gagen galanda vagen came to be this model was initially made to order for Iranian shikh Muhammed Raza Pahlavi however the revolution in Iran in 1977 changed the circumstances and

    The shik lost his power preventing him from purchasing the car that’s when the military vehicle was transformed into a civilian SUV which gained Fame for its high off-road capabilities and reliability it is necessary to mention interesting facts about the legend legendary company for example the Mercedes car got its name from the name

    Mercedes or the nickname of the daughter of one of the partners damler and elano and not the daughter of Carl Benz himself as many people think the logo of the new company featured three end stars of damler symbolizing engines for land air and water and they were surrounded

    By a Laurel Branch with Carl benz’s emblem Mercedes is valued by many for several reasons it is status and comfort another interesting fact is that the world famous entrepreneur Steve Jobs only bought Mercedes cars and drove them without license plates California laws allow this practice only for the first 6

    Months after purchase jobs used this and then returned the car to the dealership to buy a new one another interesting fact is that for several decades the motto of Mercedes NG has been the slogan one engine one person this means that for every engine assembled at the Brand’s Factory one specialist is

    Respons responsible who checks the condition of the assembled mechanism and puts their signature on the documents fully taking responsibility for its quality in addition Mercedes-Benz 770 cars or as they are also called Big Mercedes are the most prestigious representatives of the automotive industry friends that’s probably all for

    Today write your opinion in the comments about this amazing story also rate the video and subscribe to the channel and I will go make the next video see you soon

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