Men’s Omloop Het Nieuwsblad 2024 race finish.

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    With about 30 km to go no um I think I well I I didn’t challenge you either Brian I thought it looked as if it was going to be there’s a sense of the inevitable wasn’t in a bike he’s at the race he’s thought right the winner is

    Going to come from these six no how things have changed and I just think that maybe that that confidence maybe wal van AR was overly confident and has ran out of steam a little bit yep he certainly looked like he was struggling a little bit to hold on to the pace of

    Anar Delite it is Victor camper Arts they’ve got some real Firepower and they’ve been joined by the squad of Uno X Mobility suggesting that they’ve got Rasmus tiller maybe even till can finish pretty fast so they have put Riders on the front I haven’t seen their other fast

    Man of course Alexander Kristoff but there are other some several other quick Riders In the Mix to out quickstep as well they’ve got Eve lampart in the mix as well you can just see him about sat on the wheel now of Mato Jorgenson uh previously the Dylan fan Bal just sat in

    Front of the American 14 seconds as yasper de and the rest roll through campot sat on the wheel of De at the moment so it is Lotto Destiny riding in pursuit of our two leaders but they’ve built their lead to 17 seconds what what you can’t although they’re riding hard behind you can’t

    Underestimate the the raw power of of this combination you know the dimin of figure of yan tratnik but ridiculously efficient a great time trialist too and just the raw power of the man in front look at that he can just get a sense of the the kind of punishment the bike’s

    Taken as he’s pushing that power through every single pedal stroke yeah you turn left here it just Rises up over so slightly for a few hundred meters and then it’s pretty much M downhill all the way to the Finish yeah with that t as well so it’s lot of Destiny of taking it

    On um I think if there’s anybody else here just just looking behind EES Lampard I thought I think there’s a few team managers sitting in the the cars thinking we never thought this would happen yeah would anybody think that we’re going to see a Sprint finish to

    The end of course you know still two Raiders in front uh to be brought back but I don’t think um I really do not think that they would put all their trust in tratnik against poit it’s a bit of a risk I was going to say four kilm to go

    Now poet the former German road race champion now riding for uee having moved across from Bora we’re going to get a quick reaction hopefully from Yen Voit we’re in the last 4ks now as the former World our record holder sits on the front Victor cerut another massive

    Engine trying to drag things back but it’s holding steady at 16 seconds what a thrilling finale down to Yen on the Moto slow slow we just passed the first two Riders if you can still see him back there in the camera it’s Neil Poland for Germany

    Y tring me as a German I’m so happy for Neil Poland to be out here I hope he can pull it off he is normally a little bit of a better Sprinter and we have to go to the finish line now back to the commentators thank you very much indeed

    Yen as your final dispatch of the day but as you were saying Brian three KS to go but it’s 3ks they going to be around 45 50k an hour very quick can see the road is dropping but 15 seconds they’re holding them steady but they’re still a

    Lot of Firepower on the front team Vima lisab by could do what they can to block Matel Jorgenson who went clear and was looking good potentially for the win tired on the bosberg that momentum from behind that came by very impressive even and Garcia cotino watch out for him he’s

    A very fast rider the only well there’s two mother star Riders In the Mix but with two k to go BR they’ve got to catch him 16 seconds look at the speed 61k an hour can pollet and tracknick pull this off yeah it’s going to still going to be

    A difficult one we saw just before here that um you know track flick the elbow and polit hesitated they’re starting to think about the win here and you know that they’re coming behind and they’re coming very very quickly so 2 kilm to go tracknick Paula I didn’t think they

    Would have thought they were in a position to win like Jen said you have to think that nil poet got a very good finish but they’re still coming behind they giving absolutely everything yasper dush is here Victor campen Arts it’s going to be a close one mat it certainly

    Is some other pretty fast men D bond in the mix as well there’s at least three rollers from the kathon ag2 ab Bor hro also represented I can see Mike Turners a man that won a stage of the tour to France in a bunch Sprint remember

    There’s a lot of fast Riders behind 12 seconds the Gap has dropped 1600 MERS to go as the man from libyana rolls it his body super super still as he gets low and Tuck tries to punch a smaller hole in the air as he can could this be a win

    For tratnik could it be a win for Pollock we’ve still got 1300 minutes AG go poet tracking tracknick now but the Gap is coming down they’re under the flam Rouge what a race this has been so far Brian on Loop hit news blad with a

    Th000 me to go isn’t over yet it’s not over yet but they can’t mess around d Bar B comes around the corner so does um Tom squinch I think the reasoning behind I think they might hang on we’re getting very very close to the finishing straight now so Neils poet leading this

    One out tracknick could he be the first Slovenian winner of this race well poet continuing to drive hard on the front he’s essentially Towing tratnik to the line but as we heard from Yen vo perhaps poet’s got the bigger engine we shall see but given be given an armchair right

    Now as we come into the finishing straight here in ninova the finishing threate opens up 400 needed to go poet takes a look over his shoulder the man from UE memor the win is going to be between Nils pollet the German the former German road race champion and Yan

    Tratnik from Slovenia this would be either one of these Riders biggest win of their CET it is tratnik on the left hand side tratnik goes a shake of the head from pollit traic is going to take a win what a superb performance by the man from Luana it is team Vima Lisa bike

    In the form of yan tratnik who wins on Loop head newsl 2024 four what a ride what a team second for Nils p and it looks it’s going to be van art perhaps who takes third place wow a breathless race Brian and a wonderful finish an interesting ride there by Poet to drag

    Tratnik in but do you know what so so happy for Yan traik what a victory yeah nil PO he wanted a chance to win he didn’t want to get caught and you know that was the the thought process behind it tratnik been sitting there all day watching his teammates disappear up up

    The roads he got there himself took his opportunity nil poet went with him and he couldn’t have had a better Rider you know we thought at one stage they could have had a one two three would they get a one and three there um but with a

    Rider that only came to the four what within about the last 15 kilm there so first Slovenian win ever I don’t think he can quite believe it but can look they got the they got the victory in the end but I just think they were running

    Out of steam towards the end this man made it made it possible um I think tratnik he would have struggled to do it on his own but what happened to the chase behind just when they were coming down to touching distance they come into what 1500 M to go came around the last

    Corner and it was we 1.2 to go and it was all over I mean you I don’t think you can actually fault Lotto Destiny at all they gave it absolutely everything they had numbers there for arnard Dee but we talked of the the two in that

    Never won the Sprint did he no he didn’t uh maybe it was the wind that he really wanted but didn’t figure what we could see in the Sprint as rer continue to finish in dribs and drabs tratnik with the win poet confirmed a second it was Oliver narson who took fourth place just

    Behind W Berard amazing the way that that race ebbed and flowed and changed it was Soto entertaining and but somehow from the um almost like reemerging was team visma Lisa bike to take the win there in what we missed Mark what did we miss who we saw UE team Emirates doing a

    Bit of riding behind but surely they didn’t do it on their own who actually drove that peleton into Gasburg and because that changed the whole complexity of the of the race well here’s the moment that Yan tratnik took his first classic and in what style 34 years of of of age now Yan

    Tratnik he takes a look round roundly beaten Neils poit and there we go so often riding in the service of other but today takes a most magnificent victory


    1. Niels,You were the strongest rider.
      I was shouting for you to get off the front in the last 700M.
      You have the strength, but I really think you are nervous to win.
      I've seen you race, I know you can deliver.
      You have quite a few more bullets left.
      Well done for today, RVV Niels.
      Do your best. No regrets.

    2. Visma LaB had the luxury of spilling a break-away with 3 of 6 riders on their roster. But after being caught, they still had something up their sleeves; well done.

    3. Much as I love Matt, I so miss GCN+ and those 30 min highlight packages. I checked out Discovery+ and they only had a 15min highlights package. So not much more than this, which omits much of the drama from earlier in the race, described in this morning’s reports. I will see if the coverage on Strade Bianci is better on D+ but right now it looks quite unlikely I will subscribe. Would’ve gladly kept up my GCN+ subscription at twice the price.

    4. Only thing that‘d be better would be scratching Snooker (that no one is watching anyways) and putting some of these bigger races into the program.

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