IN THIS EPISODE: One of the most intriguing Hopi legends involves the ant people, who were crucial to the Hopi’s survival, not just once, but twice. We know this from the cave drawings they left behind. But who or what exactly were the ant people? (The Ant People and the Anunnaki) *** The red-faced ghost of Rollesby comes with an an identity crisis. People aren’t sure if the bloody face they see is the ghost of a murderer – or a victim of murder. (The Red-Faced Ghost of Rollesby) *** A woman is scared senseless when someone visits her home during a rainstorm… but it’s not just any passerby. (The Faceless Girl In The Striped Dress) *** One thing people just cannot seem to resist is a challenge – doubly so if you happen to be of the criminal persuasion. If they’re told a place is impregnable, it makes it an almost irresistible challenge. (Never Say Your Place Is Impregnable) *** Joachim Kroll, the “Ruhr Cannibal,” terrorized West Germany for over 20 years, eating the flesh of his victims because “meat was expensive.” (The Duisburg Man Eater) *** It is said that the Vatican is holding manuscripts that hold details about ancient races of man that used to populate the Americas – powerful rulers from the south, described as having white beards, and red eyes. Who could these people have been – and where have they gone? (The Mystery of the Ancient White-Bearded Red-Eyed Rulers) *** We all know the Nazis inflicted terror and death upon innocent people during WWII – but many don’t know just how horrifying the treatment was, particular the experiments they conducted on living prisoners. (Horrifying Nazi Experiments)

    “The Red-Faced Ghost of Rollesby” by Stacia Briggs and Sofia Connor for Weird Norfolk:
    “The Faceless Girl In The Striped Dress” posted at
    “Horrifying Nazi Experiments” by Jacob Shelton for Ranker:
    “Never Say Your Place Is Impregnable” by Megan Summers for Weird History:
    “The Duisburg Man Eater” by Emily Stringer for All That’s Interesting:
    “The Ant People and the Anunnaki” posted at Alien-UFO-Sightings:
    “The Mystery of the Ancient White Bearded, Red-Eyed Rulers” by Ellen Lloyd for Ancient Pages:,,,
    Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library.
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    Check out all of my podcasts – “Auditory Anthology”, “Retro Radio: Old Time Radio In The Dark”, “Church of the Undead”, “Micro Terrors”, “Weird Darkness”, and more by clicking on “EPISODES” at!

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    (Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)

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    “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” — John 12:46

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    WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2024, Weird Darkness.

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    Originally aired: August 11, 2021


    Ads heard during the podcast that are not in my voice are placed by third party agencies outside of my control and should not imply an endorsement by weird Darkness or myself stories and content in weird Darkness can be disturbing for some listeners and is intended for mature audiences only parental discretion is strongly Advised welcome weirdos I’m Darren Marler and this is weird Darkness here you’ll find stories of the Paranormal Supernatural legends lore the strange and bizarre crime conspiracy mysterious maob unsolved and unexplained coming up in this episode The red-faced Ghost of rsby comes with an identity crisis people aren’t sure if

    The Bloody Face they see is the ghost of a murderer or a victim of murder a woman is scared senseless when someone visits her home during a rainstorm but it’s not just any passer by one thing people just cannot seem to resist is a challenge doubly so if you

    Happen to be of the criminal persuasion if they’re told a place is impregnable it makes it an almost irresistible challenge Wen KR terrorized West Germany for over 20 years eating the Flesh of his victims because meat was expensive one of the most intriguing Hy Legends involves the ant people who were

    Crucial to the hopy survival not just once but twice we know this from the cave drawings they left behind but who or what exactly were the ant people it is said that the Vatican is holding manuscripts that hold details about ancient RAC of man that used to populate the Americas powerful rulers

    From the south described as having white beards and red eyes who could these people have been and where have they gone and we all know the Nazis inflicted Terror and death upon innocent people during World War II but many don’t know just how horrifying the treatment was particularly the experiments they

    Conducted on living prisoners if if you’re new here welcome to the show and if you’re already a member of this weirdo family please take a moment and invite somebody else to listen with you recommending weird Darkness to others helps make it possible for me to keep doing the show

    And while you’re listening be sure to check out weird where you can find me on Facebook Twitter and more along with the weird Darkness weirdos Facebook group now Bol your doors lock your windows turn off your lights and come with me into the weird Darkness a ghost with a blood soaked face is said to haunt rolls behall but is the blood the ghosts own or that of the victim that the spirit murdered two ghosts are said to have haunted the since demolished rosby Hall a building which dated back to the mid

    16th century and which finally fell to the wrecking ball in the 1950s leaving only a garden wall and some out buildings old redface and his wife are or were seen it was said on the second Monday of each month at midnight a day believed to have been linked with

    A tragedy at the hall the wonderful Walter Rye who lived from 1843 to 1929 wrote about old red face of rosby in the recre ations of a Norfolk antiquary his story was in turn taken from fellow antiquary Anthony Norris who lived from 1711 to 1786 who lived in Barton Turf in norfol

    And was educated at a Norwick grammar school Ry writes that the ghosts quote are variously said to be those of the Danish Invaders usually called red Danes who slew the Saxon Lord of The Manor in one of numerous descents on our Norfolk coast and and of the victim’s wife who

    Was said to follow him about ringing her hands by others they are said to be of a Cavalier who being justifiably irritated by his wife having habitually exceeded the allowance he made her with which to buy clothing and gooa killed her by cutting off her head with a handsaw her

    Blood so spurting as to Ren his face and so give him the title of old red face we of course take issue with ry’s assertion that this motive for murder was justified and for those wondering what a gooa might be it is apparently a showy thing especially one that is useless or

    Worthless Ry adds that the hall was once lived in by a family with the name of enzor which locals believe to be a Corruption of handsaw from the implement used in the murder but this seems to me idle talk he continues for I’ll be at the punishment for such want and

    Repeated expenditure might not by some be deemed excessive it appear to me almost impossible to sever a human head from the body with so small an Implement added Bry ever the Practical reporter he includes the following ballot which he said was still repeated in the village in the early 20th

    Century all around the rooms of roseby Hall Roth The Wraith of a red-faced Dane while from the blade of his good Brown sword drieth the blood of a murdered thing follows him closely the dead man’s wife who loved her husband better than life so will they walk till long years

    Wayne and a brown sword cuts through the charm again as an aside the late Bernard Davies of the Sherlock Holmes Society of London suggested in the 1980s that it was roseby Hall that inspired Arthur conand Doyle to write about donor Hall in the Glorious Scott Davies worked out

    The location by examining the Victorian Norfolk Railway Network and clues that were left in the book such as the alignment of the sunset and the speed of a horse and trap the Glorious Scott was H’s first investigation where he caught the bug for sleuthing he did not however

    Solve the mystery of old redface and his wife this will be a quick and bizarre one for better imagination of the situation think of a rectangle the living room is located at the West stand while the extended outside kitchen is located on the East End of the house one

    Night last year my family and I decided to karaoke after dinner I remember it was a rainy night and at around 10:00 my grandma suddenly rushed into the house from the outside kitchen while yelling my youngest sister’s name we were all puzzled and concerned as her face was

    Pale my dad started to ask her what was wrong in Dusen Grandma’s indigenous language apparently when she was washing the dishes at the back end of the kitchen she felt something was off she described it as if someone was watching her which led her to turn around to

    Investigate to her shock there was a figure about the height of a 10 to 12-year-old girl standing there with a black and white striped dress at first glance my grandma knew it was an apparition because of its shape and figure and the sudden level of discomfort that she felt but what made

    Her scream was the moment when she saw where the face was supposed to be it was a distorted and unclear blur she was faceless my sister and I quickly went to the back to investigate the outside was still raining and because it is an outside kitchen the pitter patter sound

    Of the raindrops hitting the roof were so loud that we needed to speak a little louder to each other we walked around but did not see anything so we went back in I saw my grandma start to collect dry onions and garlic skin and wrapped them

    In a piece of newspaper and burn it outside the door this is an old traditional Dusen way of cleansing or to scare away the bad spirits with the smell my grandma was pretty freaked out so we helped her finish up with the dishes after my grandma calmed down she

    Told us what she thinks she saw she said The Apparition could be a passer by from outside who just happened to stop and took Shelter From The Heavy Rain outside my grandma also said it’s normal to have passers by but she has never seen one like this before her face or whatever I

    Saw was really abnormal it was distorted it wasn’t clear just not normal she said we assured her that the smell of the garlic scared it away and I guess we were right because it did not appear Again when weird Darkness Returns one thing people people just cannot seem to resist is a challenge doubly so if you happen to be of the criminal persuasion and if you’re a criminal and you’re told that a place is impregnable you probably just can’t resist that challenge plus waim Crow terrorized West Germany for

    Over 20 years eating the Flesh of his victims because he said meat was too expensive these stories are coming Up do you keep a journal or diary if not maybe you should consider it it’s been shown that journaling can help you reduce stress help relieve depression builds self-confidence it boosts your emotional intelligence helps with achieving goals inspires creativity and in fact my friend SN lenise has created

    A weird Darkness themed Journal Just For You full of blank pages for you to use as a diary make notes for class or office meetings jot down ideas for that novel you want to write use it for keeping a mileage log if you travel for business whatever you want in fact she

    Has numerous styles of journals to choose from along with the weird Darkness Journal there’s one for dealing with grief for teachers notes for medical residencies keeping track of your meds or health routine and several others journals make a great gift for others but it’s also a great gift for

    Yourself and your own mental health no matter what you might want a journal for my friend an has it and you can see all of her journals including the one for weird Darkness on the sponsors and friends page at weird throughout history quite a few Bandits have tiptoed past guards scaled High

    Walls and made their way into seemingly inaccessible places these famous break-ins and heavily fortified locals lead to an important question are these venues as safe and secure as they claim tricksters and heyers manag to sneak into impenetrable spaces for many reasons whether it’s to abscond in the

    Night with valuable pieces of Art to intrude upon Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace after a night of heavy drinking or to give NASA scientists a run for their money that being said some of these cases are much more clever than others keep listening for some of the most Artful and intelligent examples of

    Someone actually breaching unassailable buildings networks or even military planes like something out of the movies a group of Thieves spent 3 months planning and executing the biggest bank raid in Brazil’s history the group composed of a few dozen heisers set up a fake gardening business in a small home

    A block away from Brazil’s Central Bank in Fort Alisa after purchasing a white van with a bogus company logo on the side from there the perss constructed an underground tunnel that stretched from one of the bedrooms in their rental to the central bank’s secured Vault the crooks reinforced their tunnel with

    Plastic and wood installed electric lights and created a ventilation system on Saturday August 6th 2005 they snatched over $1 160 million out of the Vault the theft wasn’t discovered until the following Monday Morning by which point the crooks were long gone since then only eight people have been taken

    Into custody and 20 million of the missing cash retrieved in 1836 high ranking officials at the flagship Bank of England branch on London’s thread needle Street received a bizarre note from an anonymous source the unnamed person wrote that they knew of a way to gain direct access to the bank’s gold vault

    Without alarming security well scoffing at the notion that anybody could get into the Vault the staff just laughed it off when they received a second note from the same Source offering to meet them inside the vault in order to prove their case they reluctantly agreed more

    Out of curiosity though than fear in the vault the bank of England officials were shocked when a man popped up from beneath the floorboards turns out he was a sewage worker who discovered an old pipe that led right into the Vault the Good Samaritan was supposedly rewarded

    With 800 lb for pointing out the security breach and the bank of England quickly repaired that problem the largest property theft in the world remains unsolved 30 years later Boston Isabella Stewart Garder Museum houses some of the world’s most prized and treasured works of art on the

    Evening of March 18th 1990 two men swiped $500 million worth of art from the museum including works from vermier rembrand and dega dressed as police officers the crooks made their way into the museum by telling security guards that they were responding to a disturbance call breaking protocol the

    Museum guards allowed the officers in through the employee entrance where they were then handcuffed bound and gagged 81 minutes later the police perss left with 13 works of art none of which have resurfaced since to this day the museum offers a $10 million reward for anybody who can provide information that will

    Lead to the Arts retrieval Miami teen Jonathan James found a back door into NASA’s server in 1999 after using a hacking tool called a sniffer to unlock hundreds of messages usernames and passwords from there the 15-year-old accessed staff computers at the Marshall space flight center and downloaded $1.7 Million worth of NASA

    Proprietary software the breach caused NASA to shut down its system for 21 days James who became the first juvenile to receive a federal sentence for computer hacking also compromised Department of Defense networks is reason for doing this just to see how far he could get the government didn’t take too many measures

    For security on most of their computers they lacked some serious computer security James said at the time no word on whether the computer system was named Joshua and asked the boy if he wanted to play a game God Save the Queen Buckingham palace’s security forces were dealt a

    Major blow when an intoxicated man named Michael Fagan got into the Queen’s residence through an unlocked window early on the morning of July 9th 1982 Fagan who had spent all night at the pub wandered around the palace for quite some time even checking out King George V’s stamp collection and drinking

    A bottle of Prince Charles wine before eventually finding the Queen’s bedroom according to Fagan the queen did not appreciate the unexpected visitor she said just one minute I’ll get someone then swept past me and ran out of the room her little bare feet running across the floor Fagan was eventually detained

    But during his interrogation he confessed to breaking into Buckingham Palace several weeks earlier without being caught this empowered him to go back on July 9th I knew I could break in the security system because it was so weak he later said in an interview Fagan’s Infamous Breakin is featured in

    Season 4 of the crown Russia’s bu of taganrog Aviation scientific and Technical complex houses the ilian 80 a plane designed to carry top government officials to Safety in the event of a nuclear strike dubbed the Doomsday plane the aircraft became the unlikely Target of theft in 2020 when

    Inspectors realized 39 pieces of radio equipment were missing from a cargo hatch the plane and its contents are considered a state secret the windowless vessel configured to remain in the air for days allegedly contains all Machinery needed to control the Russian armed forces from on high the Kremlin

    Remains ‘s mom about how the theft occurred under its watch who was involved or what the investigation into the breach turned up in 1911 three hired Italian handymen spent the night in an art supply closet at the Lou skullking out in the wee hours to snatch what is now the Museum’s

    Most gazed upon painting Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa it took over a day for Museum staff to realize the painting was gone because at the time there was a project going on at the Museum this project required the art at the Lou be moved from display taken to the roof and

    Photographed it wasn’t until an artist who had come to paint the gallery demanded all art be returned to their proper places that they noticed the historic piece was not on site the international effort to retrieve the Mona Lisa made the artwork a household name 2 years later authorities

    Eventually retrieved the Mona Lisa when a man named Vincento Perugia tried to sell it to an art dealer in Florence within minutes police surrounded perui home where he told authorities he wanted to return a piece of Italian art pilfered by Napoleon bonapart to its Home Country obviously we made a mistake

    Presidential spokesperson Larry speaks told reporters in 1985 after a man named Robert Lada slipped into President Reagan’s State dining room a few hours before he was set to take his second oath of office L even though he lacked a uniform or musical instrument made his way into the White House by following

    The Marine Corps orchest Ra band Secret Service said they thought that he was with the band the band leader said that he thought L was White House staff L A Denver man in town for the inauguration spent about 15 minutes hanging out in the white house before he was detained I

    Just wanted to see the ceremony I’m kind of patriotic he told the Associated Press when the Catholic Church’s College of cardinals met in 2013 to select the new pope there was an impostor among them a German man named Ralph napierski Dawning a black fedora ill-fitting

    Cassic and purple scarf in lie of a sash managed to make it past the Swiss guard outside the Vatican once inside he posed as a real bishop and made it as far as the vatican’s main Square even taking photos with real Bishops before someone finally realized naor’s attire wasn’t

    Quite right napierski told authorities he belonged to the non-existent Italian Orthodox church and he still maintain s that he is a bishop on his website why did napierski infiltrate the College of cardinals meeting he purportedly wanted to protest the Catholic Church’s handling of its child abuse scandal with

    Priests the 17th century was a tumultuous time in British history the English Civil War created a combative culture between those who supported Oliver Cromwell and those who supported the proverbial Crown in the middle of all the insanity was an Irishman named Colonel Thomas blood blood an opportunist pledged allegiance to

    Whichever side seemed to be winning eventually settling upon being loyal to Cromwell Colonel blood hatched A peculiar plot to swipe the crown jewels from the barricaded basement within the Tower of London in 1671 after posing as Parson blood and becoming friendly with the keeper of the jewels talbet Edwards

    Blood managed to gain entry into the basement where he crushed St Edward’s crown with a mallet stuffed the sovereign’s orb down his trousers and sawed the scepter of the cross in two for easier transport Colonel blood and his accomplices were swiftly apprehended by guards King Charles amused by blood’s audacious plot ultimately pardoned

    Him the Real Housewives of DC stars trik and Michaela salahi and I might be butchering their names but I don’t really care because really who watches that show and and if you do get a life anyway they flexed their privilege when they sauntered into a high security State Dinner hosted by President Obama

    Back in 2009 the couple who were not invited made it through multiple security checkpoints without having their names checked by Secret Service before they were allowed into the White House East room where a ritzy reception was in full swing from there the salais made it to the blue room where they

    Shook hands with President Obama and the former Indian Prime Minister manmo and Singh they proceeded to rub elbows all the way to the South lawn snapping selfies with then President Joe Biden before sneaking out ahead of the 9:00 p.m. scheduled dinner the Salis faced no consequences for this publicity

    Stunt and most people who serve jail time never want to set foot in prison again this was not the case however for Marvin Lane Usery a former inmate at fulam prison in California who was discovered hiding in the Tall Grass behind the facility in 2011 when guards tracked user down after thermal imaging

    Equipment indicated someone had scaled the fencing around falam he told security officers he returned because he felt nostalgic in reality authorities suspect us wanted to smuggle Contraband items into the California State Prison instead usri ended up with a felony charge for breaking into fome which is known for its harsh

    Conditions this next story is very brutal and graphic you’ll want to Usher the little ones out of the room if they happen to be Around while not nearly as well known as Ted Bundy or Jeffrey dmer wae croll’s crimes are equally if not more disturbing known as the ru cannibal the ru hunter or the duberg man eater crolls maob Killing Spree took the lives of 14 known victims and Authority believe he killed even more this cannibalistic

    German serial killer claimed that he ate parts of his victims to save money because meat was expensive he evaded capture for two decades and over the years six other men were arrested for crimes that he committed but while Keem croll’s gruesome Killing Spree finally came to

    An end after he clogged a shared toilet with a victim’s entrails leading to his capture C was was born in 1933 during the beginning of the Nazi party’s rise in Germany the youngest of eight children croll was considered weak this constant degradation from his family and Community coupled with an unstable

    Upbringing during World War II likely contributed to his crimes as an adult troll was a frequent bed weter as a child which caused him much humiliation he also reportedly sexually abused animals both bed weding and animal cruelty are components of the McDonald Triad a set of childhood behaviors that

    Can point to violent tendencies later in life like many other families in Germany during World War II cr’s family suffered from extreme poverty and hunger his father a soldier in the German Army was taken as a p by the Russian army and is believed to have died during the war

    Leaving croll and his seven siblings with their mother croll quit school in 1948 after having to repeat several grades more than once at 15 years old with a fourth grade education his struggles in school were compounded by the disruptions of World War II later in

    Life testing revealed he had an IQ of 78 and some reports claim croll didn’t know how to read after leaving school croll started working as a farmand and soon developed his appetite for murder while working as a farmand croll said that helping kill farm animals inspired his

    Murderous fantasies when he saw a pig being slaughtered the incident awakened his sex drive as a young man croll did attempt to have a romantic relationship with an unknown woman he said that he felt awkward and inadequate with women sexually and described his only sexual encounter with a woman as a failure C’s

    Twisted mind concluded that he should have sexual encounters with someone who could not complain about his performance in 1955 as his obsession with death grew croll’s mother died the croll siblings went their separate ways and lost touch later that year waim croll murdered his first victim on

    January 8th 1955 croll traveled to the Village of walstead there he captured and murdered 19-year-old herard Stell he strangled her to death then raped her and slashed open her abdomen along with raping victims after their death TR also reportedly masturbated over their bodies finally when he got home from the kill

    He would pleasure himself again with a rubber sex doll often while choking a small child’s doll croll would later claim that after his first killing his murderous Tendencies subsided until 4 years later however authorities believe that croll was responsible for several more murders between 1955 and

    1959 which is when koll started to kill again his next known murder took place on June 16th 1959 when 24-year-old Clara Freda Tesmer was killed in Ry tma’s murder was identical to irmagard stell’s only this time croll began to engage in what would become his trademark cannibalism croll removed pieces of

    Tesmer flesh from her buttocks and thighs wrapped them up and took them home to cook for dinner a local man in Ry named Hinrich at was arrested for Tesmer murder and hanged himself while awaiting trial meanwhile waim Kroll remained at large those who have studied waim croll’s psychology note that his

    Self-awareness and methodical ways of selecting victims point to croll having a higher IQ than his reported score of 78 like other serial killers croll traveled to different towns to look for his victims croll mainly murdered women and girls but he didn’t stick to one age group or type like other Killers often

    Do he even murdered one man Herman schmidtz in 1965 that night croll had traveled to grenon where he spied Schmid’s and his fiance Mary and V in a secluded area having sex in the front seat of a car and got an idea croll lured schmidtz out of the car

    By waving his arms as if needing help then he stabbed schmidtz repeatedly planning to kill and rape V Next instead V leaped into the driver’s seat of the car and drove directly at Kroll who dodged the vehicle and ran away although she got a good look at Kroll V’s account

    Of the non-descript killer didn’t turn up any leads croll remained free to carry out his horrifying crimes further confusing police croll did not always strip victims of Flesh to engage in cannibalism making each murder different he preferred to take these cuts only from the victims that he viewed as particularly young and tender

    Plus other Killers operating in West Germany had the police distracted in the years before while Keem koll began killing Warner boost had been murdering couples in the area starting in the early 1950s boost and several other suspected killers are believed to have thrown police off of croll’s track even worse

    While croll was actively killing five other men along with Hinrich a were arrested and charged for his murders like a one of these men committed suicide another disturbing element of croll’s murders was the motivation behind the cannibalism many cannibalistic serial killers such as Albert Fish are sexually motivated to

    Consume their victim’s flesh or see it as a trophy croll had a more practical view of the ACT he later said that he took pieces of Flesh from his victims simply because meat was expensive W Keem croll’s cannibalistic crime spree came to an end on July 3rd 1976 that day koll kidnapped 4-year-old

    Marian ketner from a park a little later neighbor asked croll if he knew what was blocking the pipes in the building’s shared lavatory when he replied guts the neighbor chuckled then he looked in the toilet saw tiny human organs and immediately contacted the police once inside croll’s apartment police found Mary and ketner’s

    Dismembered body parts of the body were in the refrigerator a hand was cooking on the stove and entrails clogged the plumbing police removed the shared toilet and found found ketner’s liver lungs kidneys and heart troll was immediately arrested admitted to murdering ketner and gave police details of 13 other murders including the

    Killings of Mard strell and Clara Freda Tesmer he also confess to engaging in cannibalism while in prison croll eagerly cooperated with police convinced he would be given an operation that would cure his homicidal urges and released after several years in incarceration he was charged with with eight murders and one attempted murder

    In a trial that went on for a grueling 151 days in the end instead of receiving the Cure he wanted CR was sentenced to life in prison in April 1982 he died in prison in 1991 of a heart attack at 58 years old coming up it is said that the

    Vatican is holding man manuscripts that hold details about ancient races of man that used to populate the Americas powerful rulers from the south described as having white beards and red eyes who could these people have been and where have they gone but first one of the most intriguing hopy Legends involves the ant

    People who were crucial to the hopy survival not just once but twice we know this from the cave drawings they left behind but who or what exactly were the ant people that story is up next on weird Darkness there is a knock at the door late at night you answer it to find two small children standing there you’re suddenly filled with an inexplicable fear let us in they say we need to use the phone it’s at that point the fear turns to utter dread as you see that

    These kids have completely black eyes the blackeyed kids is an exploration of this terrifying phenomenon using true stories of encounters with blackeyed kids submitted to the my haunted Life 2 website G Michael vasy examines the evidence and investig Ates the terrifying blackeyed kids phenomenon coming to some startling and shocking

    Conclusions are they demonic Soul Eaters responsible for The Disappearance of some of the 990,000 Americans missing at any point in time or is this just another urban legend another Boogeyman designed to keep you awake at night listen to the book and find out the blackeyed kids by G Michael vasy

    Narrated by weird Darkness host Darren Marler here a free sample on the audiobooks page at Weir The Hy people are one of the Native American tribes descended from the ancient peoples who lived in the southwestern area of the United States which today is called the Four Corners one of the groups of the ancient people of the Pueblo was the mysterious Anasazi the Ancients who mysteriously flourished

    And disappeared between 550 and 1300 ad the history of the Hopi goes back thousands of years making it one of the oldest living cultures in the world the original name of the Hopi people is hitu shin numu which means peaceful people people the concepts of morality and ethics are deeply rooted in Hy

    Traditions and this implied a respect for all living things traditionally they lived according to the laws of the Creator Massa the Hy believed that the gods arose from the ground in contrast to other mythologies in which the gods came from the sky their mythology suggests that the ants populated the heart of the

    Earth an independent researcher and author of some amazing books on alien visitation Gary David spent 30 years of his life immersed in the culture and history of the Hopi in South Dakota according to him they found philosophy in the essence that belongs to the constellations in the sky which reflects

    The geography of the Earth this is something that could be a theory about the three Pyramids of Giza in their relationship with the Stars in the Orion belt and there are scientific studies that support this Theory it’s interesting to note that Gary David’s news has a similar correlation between

    The Hop Mesa in the southwest and the same constellation Orion the three stars that make up Orion’s Belt look brightest early in the year as they line up with each of the pyramids many other different cultures gave meanings to this particular group of stars and it’s evident that the

    Heavens have fascinated them for centuries David thought about that too and began to study the sky and the locations of the Hy people and their ruins noting that these Villages were aligned with all the major stars in the constellation of Orion and the belt of

    Orion he studied the art that was on the cave walls and it led him to some interesting conclusions that the hopy people extraterrestrial life and the importance of the other planets in the solar system had taken so seriously in the rocks and caves of Mesa Villages he found many hieroglyphs that match modern

    Graphics of star and constellation patterns throughout the Southwest United States we find petroglyphs that is Rock carvings or pictographs cave paintings representing entities with thin bodies large eyes and bulbous heads sometimes projecting antenna these mysterious figures are frequently displayed in a posture of prayer his elbows and knees

    Placed at right angles similar to the bent legs of an ant many claims that the ants being depicted resemble modern ideas of extraterrestrial life and some believe that the Hy tribe have seen and interacted with extraterrestrial beings one of the most intriguing hopy Legends involves the ant people who were crucial

    To the Hop’s survival not just once but twice in Hopi Traditions there are time Cycles similar to Aztec mythology and like many other mythologies and they believe that at the end of each cycle the gods would return we’re currently going through the fourth world as they

    Call it or the next cycle however what’s interesting in those Cycles is the third during which the Hopi talk about flying Shields the world of the fourth cycle achieved an advanced civilization that was finally destroyed by the god satang the nephew of the creator with great floods similar to how many other

    Traditions describe it by describing how advanced the third world was Advanced flying shields were developed with the ability to attack cities that were far away and to travel rapidly between different locations in the world the similarity to what we think of today as flying discs or even Advanced aircraft is

    Astonishing the so-called first world was apparently destroyed by fire possibly some kind of volcanism asteroid attack or coronal mass ejection from the Sun the second world was destroyed by Ice Ice Age glaciers or a change of poles during these two Global cataclysms the virtuous members of the hopy tribe

    Were Guided by a strangely shaped cloud during the day and a moving star at night which led them to the god of the sky named satu Nong who finally LED them to the god ant in Hopi Anu sonom the ant people then escorted the Hopi to underground caves where they found shelter in

    Sustenance in this Legend the ant people are portrayed as generous and hardworking giving food to the hopy when supplies are scarce and teaching them the merits of food storage according to the wisdom of the Native Americans the Hopi follow the path of Peace these words were spoken by

    Satu dong at the beginning of the fourth world look I have washed even the footprints of your Apparition the steps that I left you at the bottom of the seas are all the proud cities the flying Shields the worldly Treasures corrupted by evil and the people who did not find

    Time to sing the Praises of the Creator from the top of their Hills but the day will come if you keep the memory and the meaning of your appearance when these steps emerge again to demonstrate the truth that you speak in addition according to the traditions of the Hopi the survivors of

    The flood from the previous World spread to different places under the guidance of massau following his sign in the sky when massau landed he drew a Petroglyph showing a lady riding a wingless dome-shaped ship this Petroglyph symbolizes the day of purif ification when the true Hy will fly to other

    Planets in those wingless ships many have said that these flying Shields or wingless ships clearly refer to what we know today as unidentified flying objects or UFOs flying saucers in another part of the world other drawings and Engravings would give us the spark of theories about another race of extra

    Terrestrial beings that were here interacting and possibly genetically modifying Humanity in the ancient land of Samaria these beings were the anunaki the ancient Samarian tablets dating back 20,000 years old tell that the Anunnaki were a race of beings from the planet Nibiru who created humans by taking indigenous beings from the earth

    And modifying their DNA with that of aliens the anunaki race is believed to be the superior race originating from the heavens and if you thought that by originating from the heavens it was thought that through your teachings the Sumerians learned to live in the world

    And take care of it until the gods of creation returned just like the ant people of the Hopi they were there to teach Humanity about their planet and how to use its resources it’s interesting to note that there’s a linguistic link the sky God of Babylon was called Anu the Hopi word for

    Ant is also Anu and the hopy root word for noi which means friends therefore the Hopi anunaki or friends of ants may have been the same as the Sumerian anunaki the beings who once came to Earth from heaven there’s also a similar pronunciation of the Hop ancestors the

    Anasazi again we see this phrase in another belief in another part of the world this is not to say that it proves anything just an interesting note is it a coincidence or is it evident is it possible to suggest that the ant people and the Anunnaki were similar beings who

    Visited Earth in their remote past to give a helping hand hand to our ancestors is it possible that these stories interact in any other way or in any way whether or not there is a real connection between the Hopi of the Southwest and the ancient samarians it certainly pauses and that the creation

    Stories were very similar he also points out that Celestial communication has been a curiosity of humanity for much longer than UFO sightings in the 20th century as we continue to search the Heavens For answers and in our age it’s humbling to think that the same questions may have been asked in ancient

    Times it would be easier to have a better understanding of ancient history if we had access to certain valuable documents unfortunately some precious manuscripts are hidden in places where historical researchers cannot be granted access manuscripts in the Vatican library in Rome contain information about mysterious ancient races in America the enigmatic ancient

    Civilizations have never been described in our history books for obvious reasons of policy only excerpts of these ancient documents have been revealed to the public Legends of strange ancient white rulers who came to America from unknown lands May hold a greater truth than we previously assumed do these Legends tell

    Stories of an advanced Lost Civilization that lived in America long before the emergence of the Inca Maya Aztec and other civilizations that we are today familiar with if this is true then who were these enigmatic beings where did they come from where did they go what was the strange light that used

    To form of energy unknown to Modern physicists who were the ancient bearded white men dwelling near ruin sites some very old historical documents and accounts May shed light on this ancient mystery in December 1846 a very interesting story appeared in the New York Sun readers learned about an

    Elusive race of White Indians who had their home in the Mexican state of Sonora they are called the munis and a work has recently been published in which there is a full account of the race of these white Indians they exist today in a valley among the Sierra de los mimos upon one

    Of the affluence of the Rio Gila in the province of Sonora Mexico they number about 800 are of cirian complexion and have graceful forms they are Peaceable in their habits honest and virtuous they live surrounded by inaccessible mountains where are located their caves and homes there seems no doubt that the

    Colony exists and what gives form to the opinion are manuscripts of early travelers to America which are deposited in the Vatican in in Rome describing the large numbers who have for centuries inhabited The Valleys of the ceras it is yet to be ascertained whether these people are descendants of

    The Spaniards who landed with Columbus or descendants of those extraordinary people who built the ancient cities of Mexico and Yuca the ruins of which are spread all over Central America there are several stories of encounters with these mysterious white Indians one intriguing story dealing with a secret underground world can be

    Traced to the times of President Franklin D Roosevelt in 1942 President Roosevelt invited an interesting couple to the White House in Washington their names were David and Patricia lamb and they had returned home to the states after spending a year exploring the dense Jungle of chapus in Mexico the

    Lambs told President Roosevelt that during their Journey they had encountered a tribe of very dangerous white-skinned Indians who were guardians of a vast Subterranean n work these enigmatic Indians were short almost dwarfish and their skin had a pinkish Hue the Lambs were frightened but the Indians showed no signs that they wanted

    To kill the foreign couple however they clearly demonstrated they wanted The Intruders to leave and return back the same way they had come David and Patricia asked their guide who had accompanied them if he could ask the white-skinned Indians who they were the guy did so but he had to try using

    Several different dialects before before the Indian tribe understood him what the Lambs learned after the guy translated the answer was that these people were members of the lanedon tribe A generated group of Indians who’d been living in the jungle for Generations the Indians said that they were guardians of a Great temple where

    The old ones dwelt they worshiped the old ones and no Outsider was ever allowed to approach this sacred place they would kill any Intruder who Disturbed the old ones David lamb remembered that he heard about the mysterious ladone tribe before apparently these people were survivors of an ancient civilization that had once

    Flourished in Central America French scholar and geographer Abby Charles atend de Borg who lived from 1814 to 1874 mentioned the tribe in one of his writings according to D Borg these short white-skinned Indians appeared sometimes in pblos in small towns of chapas and Western Guatemala however all attempts

    To follow them back to the Great Stone City where they said they lived failed the ladone Indians killed their pursuers the lamb couple in their guide had to retreat and leave the white-skinned Indians in peace on their Journey back to civilization the Lambs learned a little more from other natives they were

    Told that there were many precious ancient Treasures hidden beneath the city which the londone guarded among these Treasures were several valuable sheets made of solid gold written in hieroglyphs that contained the his of the ancient world the gold sheets revealed the story about the great flood and were said to have accurately

    Predicted the second world war the Lambs never found the mysterious ancient city of the great underground Temple neither did anyone else but this doesn’t mean these remarkable places are fiction they can exist and be hidden somewhere deep in the dense jungle maybe undiscovered artifacts hidden beneath our feet hold

    The keys to Our Mysterious ancient past and could shed light on historical questions we haven’t been able to answer so far or answer questions we haven’t even asked yet encounters with white-skinned Indians have been reported from many countries located in the Amazon rainforest according to Witnesses reports the strange white men

    Encountered in the Amazon rainforest have glowing red eyes in his book secret cities of Old South America Herold T Wilkins relates what one Colombian man told of his experience with these strange white humanoids with reddish eyes otherwise he was nearly nude the Colombian said we met others of these

    Pygmy men and all had a most sickly sort of white skin yes Senor white is yours and not like an Indians or a greasers it was the white of old yellowed iory we found they had women with beautiful faces long hair and either red or bluish

    Eyes they too were nude and their hair reached almost to their feet the Germans said they were Greek in type ancient Greek they wore gold old bracelets on their arms and gold necklets but their strange red eyes Shone like a jaguars in the Fire Light what scared them were the

    Reports of our guns they’d never seen such things before adventurers who met these enigmatic people say that they also saw incredible ancient structures hidden in the jungle it seems that these ancient buildings did not belong in this corner of the world explorers tell they have seen amazing ancient ruins in the jungle

    And their construction is unlike anything they’ve seen before it’s said that strange Stone altars mysterious pyramid temples unusual hieroglyphs and other puzzling artifacts are hidden in the jungle the article in the New York Sun suggests these unknown people might be descendants of the Spaniards but this is unlikely we learned from old Spanish

    Chronicles the White Indians were already there when the Spaniards arrived and their meeting was not pleasant wilin writes that the old Krista Sia Deon was told about ad. 1540 of two Cara Chiefs saana and Ki who entered one of the largest Islands in LOD deaka where they came across white bearded people whom

    They fought and exterminated Antonio de Herrera konista major or Camp Master of the kings of Spain in the indias 1594 to 1625 tells the same story by a Karan Captain Kora who came to logo to takaka from the veil of Kimbo Peru these same mysterious white bearded people Atlantean refugees

    Or colonists flying from a great catastrophe left ruins in buildings at guaga on The Great cordier Well east of Lima when he asked the Indians who were the builders the reply was a bearded white people like you Spanish as CA de Leon comments these ancient men came to these parts many

    Ages before the Incas the buildings do not seem to me Inca for they are square not long and narrow the ancient mystery of the white bearded people has never been solved but everything we come across indicates these people did exist and they came from Far abroad stories of their

    Advanced ancient technology have been preserved in myths and legends of our ancestors Wilkins was told the Expedition found a Great Pyramid Temple whose interior fairly blazed with gold it sheathed the pillars the roofs and the walls strange letters were engraved on the gold plates some parts of the Dead city were

    Inaccessible the man of mellan also said that those who lived in this ancient lost city had more gold than the Incas in some of the pyramid temples we entered we saw Deep Blue veined Marble altars stained with ancient blood or rust perhaps of ancient sacrifices or maybe of some horrible Cult of the

    Decayed remnants of this very ancient civilization but the gold Senor not even the Incas had so much to hide when Don Francisco pizaro killed the emperor owala High overhead there were alov or galleries actually stuffed with Splendid gold objects vessels chains chales Insignia and Shields and plates engraved with strange

    Hieroglyphical some of these plates were 3 or 4 in thick all solid gold tons kilograms of it Senor I took one of the gold knives in one of the temples eight or 10 of them had been attached to one of the pillars the hilts and the blades were marvelously chased and engraved as

    By the finest goldsmiths ever known looking up in another Splendid ruined Stone building which cut into the side of a hill I staggered with amazement to see eight glorious Suns of pure shining blazing gold from which rays were made to shine out like stars groups of handsome men beautiful women naked

    Youths and maidens were carved on the walls of this Mausoleum and over their heads and shoulders like the Halos or Nimbus around the head of the Virgin and the Saints or God shown stars of moons of pure shining gold chains hung down from the alcoves and pillars and freezes

    Were inscribed with the strange signs and rows did I tell you Senor that each of the dwarves in The outskirt of this dead City living either in tunnels or rooms in the rock or the little Stone houses we saw carried a long curved knife of pure gold it was not valued

    Here I could tell you a lot more especially about a queer sort of lock like a stick with nine Rings each ring forming one of the queer letters of hieroglyphical which we found on a gold chain in one of the queer pyramids apparently you turned it to form a

    Combination to open or lock the feds what happened next is unknown Wilkins was told the German explorers took as much gold as they could and left the place the location of the lost ancient city has not been revealed based on the description provided Ed by the man of medalin and

    Myths and legends from Venezuela Wilkins believed the white-skinned Indians could have been survivors of a great flood that destroyed many great ancient civilizations thousands of years ago some have suggested they could be descendants of an Atlantean race still hiding in the jungle strangely enough both theories might be right Wilkins

    Reminds us of the preserved flood legends that are still alive among locals a little known race of White Indians sted Los Pariah live in a village significantly called atlan somewhere in the Virgin forests between the Rio apur and the Oro they have Traditions about a cataclysm which destroyed their ancient Fatherland in

    Brazil and also of a large island in the Eastern ocean where dwelt a rich and civilized race sounds like Atlantis they’ve never mingled with the Venezuelan Indians but their women being white and beautiful were often seized by surrounding peoples and taken into Herms Wilkins explained memories of the great flood have been

    Preserved worldwide an ancient Brazilian Legend tells us about falling debris from the skies the lightning flashed and the Thunders roared terrible and all were afraid then the heaven burst and the fragments fell down and killed everything and everyone Heaven and Earth changed places nothing that had life was left upon the

    Earth Wilkins suggestion that the white-skinned Indians are somehow related to a lost Atlantean race is not all that far-fetched but there are certain problems with the idea there are legends in meso America and South America that speak about the arrival of beings from Atlantis the Babs for example were important mythical figures

    And Mayan beliefs they were believed to be the four Atlantean Gods the Giants according to the Maya their great God its Zama was the ninth king of Atlantis teacher of Thea people and founder of chichin godas itna the ninth king of Atlantis is listed in Plato’s critius

    Plato tells that one of the Atlantean twins was OAS known to the Maya as itna all the sons were given 10 kingdoms and lived in peace with fabulous reaches of Atlantis these atlanteans built temples palaces Harbors canals and bridges and had access to Rich forests trees and minerals later their descendants lived

    There for many generations as sovereigns of the SE and many islands as has been spoken of vast territories and large people from within covering his kingdom is the land that extends to Egypt and terrania according to the Mayan book of Shalom balam of chumel in one great

    Sudden Rush of water Great Serpent canel was ravished from the heavens the sky fell down and the dry land sank when the four Gods the four Bobs arose who had brought about the annihilation of the world this account could support the theory that an ancient race survived a

    Cosmic catastrophe and came to America however most ancient myths and legends describe members of the Atlantean race as very tall if not Giants and from what we’ve just learned the white-skinned Indians were small in stature described as pygmies the white-skinned Indians David and Patricia lamb encountered in

    The dense Jungle of japas and Mexico were also described as short almost dwarfish and their scan had a pinkish Hue unless we can find more evidence it seems unlikely the white-skinned Indians Were Somehow related to an Atlantean race but that doesn’t exclude the possibility the mysterious short white

    People were survivors of a great catastrophe that occurred thousands of years ago could this be the reason why they are still hiding in the dense Amazon jungle the Quest for a lost ancient city in the rainforest goes far back in 1925 Colonel Percy Harrison faucet one of Britain’s greatest EXP

    Explorers vanished in Brazil Colonel faet who was searching for the mysterious ancient lost city of Z that he believed was hidden somewhere in the Amazon jungle Colonel faet and his two companions his son jack faet and Raley RL vanished Without a Trace and their disappearance remains an unsolved

    Mystery it appears that after reading an old documentary he found in the library archives at Rio de Janeiro in 1920 Colonel faet became convinced that there was a lost city in the on Jungle if these stories are true we can perhaps assume that they did originate from the lost continent of Atlantis

    After a worldwide flood or not and their civilization was much more advanced than we can possibly Imagine when Weir Darkness Returns we all know the Nazis inflicted Terror and death upon innocent people during World War II but many don’t know just how horrifying the treatment was particularly the experiments they conducted on living prisoners that story is up next I’m a man of habits okay truth be

    Told my bride says I’m boring I like the same stuff and that’s what I stick with and that includes what I eat even for breakfast I used to opt for leftover pizza hot dogs hamburgers uh did I mention Pizza anyway now that I’m trying to lose weight and cut back on the carbs

    I’ve had to make changes for breakfast now instead of a big heavy breakfast I just grab one of my built bars the best tasting protein bar on the planet build bars satisfy my Hunger with up to 19 g of protein and also satisfy my sugar craving despite being less than 3 g of

    Sugar and at only about 150 calories per bar if I’m really hungry in the morning I can grab two of them and still feel good about it try replacing your dessert or even a meal like breakfast with a built bar you won’t even know it’s not really a candy bar visit weird SLB built and build a box of your own use the promo code weird Darkness at checkout and get 10% off your entire purchase that’s weird built promo code weird Darkness To those born after the Cold War era it’s hard to imagine a time when the entire world wasn’t aware of the atrocious medical experiments conducted in Germany when we look back on the medical experiments of World War II it may be easy to feel like we’re reading science fiction however the egregious

    Actions committed by military scientists in World War II Germany were very real what I’m about to share is a full rundown of regime experiments one terrible procedure after another it probably goes without saying that this is going to trigger a few people so it’s not for the faint of heart from

    Seemingly innocuous experiments on eye pigmentation to truly disgusting procedures involving the creation of conjoined twins and the examining of internal organs all of the the worst stuff is about to be laid out before you despite their monstrous methods the scientists did provide helpful research in the field of hypothermia and years

    After researchers still debate whether or not there is a moral quandry in our using the findings of Third Reich scientists in today’s modern medicine this list of experiments is just a glimpse into a world of true horror hindrik Kimler a leading SS member ordered Dr Carl clawber to artificially inate concentration camp

    Prisoners through various experimental methods clawber artificially inseminated about 300 women at alitz who were strapped down and verbally tormented throughout the traumatic process reportedly clawber told his victims that he had used sperm from animals not humans to create monsters however the aim was to access information on treating stability

    The women selected for the experimentation were between the ages of 20 and 40 and still experiencing Menses these tests were conducted in conjunction with the sterilization experiments in the autobiography remember us Survivor Martin small recounted an experiment conducted in 1942 small witnessed an SS security officer named Dr Wickman execute an

    Inhumane experiment on a boy of approximately 11 or 12 years old the incident took place inside a building behind the officer’s residence in occupied Poland according to small inside the structure in a little room sat a young boy strapped to a chair so he could not move above him suspended

    Was a mechanized Hammer that every few seconds came down upon his head the boy had been driven insane by the torture over and over and over this Hammer came down upon his head the Savage bone grafting experiments were an attempt to speed up the body’s regenerative process sections

    Of a healthy patient’s bone would be removed from their shoulders arms or hips then transferred to a mutilated victim occasionally entire limbs would be harvested from victims before they perished from an of aan injection called the daau hypothermia experiments the tests were conducted on men in order to simulate the conditions

    The armies suffered on the Eastern Front the experiments were divided into two parts first to establish how long it would take to lower the body temperature to one’s demise and second how to best resuscitate a frozen victim the test subjects were either placed in an ice

    Bath or stripped naked and strapped to a stretcher before being left outside in the aitz winter approximately 200 prisoners were used throughout the experimentation process during World War II over a thousand prisoners were either bitten by malaria infected mosquitoes or had malaria infected blood injected directly into their

    Veins father leomia Kowski who was subjected to the malaria experiments wrote of this traumatic event all of a sudden my heart felt like it was going to be torn out of massive interest was how to make sea waterer pable if they could leave soldiers away at sea for long periods of

    Time without having to provide food and water it would be one less thing to worry about at daa a group of 44 subjects mostly made up of Romani were forced to drink sea water while having their liver or spinal cord punctured for information gathering purposes in 1942 victims at the daa

    Concentration Camp were subjected to experiments designed to test the absolute limits of human endurance in order to benefit the German air force a special low pressure chamber was built in which high altitude conditions could be simulated the conditions inside the chamber were similar to those experienced by a pilot falling from

    68,000 ft and the experiment was highly dangerous for the subjects almost every victim of the high altitude chamber perished as a result of injuries related to extreme atmospheric exposure between 1943 and 1945 scientists experimented on polish prisoners at the sashen Housen and notot Wheeler concentration camps in order to investigate causes of hepatitis

    Victims were injected with the disease and studied through their prolonged suffering in an attempt to create an anthropological display to showcase the alleged inferiority of the Jewish race Hinrich Kimler sanctioned the torture and mutilation of more than a 100 people after gassing their victims each body was sent to the strawberg university

    Hospital where he would remove the flesh for the skeleton collection French soldiers later discovered the collection which contained many unprocessed corpses that had their faces completely burnt off to avoid identification nightmare scientist Dr Joseph mangala had a strange fascination with twins when a pair of Hungarian Brothers arrived at aitz in 1943 they

    Were forced into Vats of hot water until they passed out and then had all of their body hair removed then each twin was given a 2 L enema before receiving intestinal examination with no anesthesia they endured further suffering until they were sent to a dissection laboratory and given a lethal

    Injection with their organs to be sent to a research institute in Berlin in an attempt to find an attitud to fos genene a toxic gas used in battle during World War I doctors exposed more than 50 prisoners to the gas at Fort nay near straussburg France fos gas causes

    Irritation to the lungs many of the prisoners who were already weak and malnourished suffered pul Ary edema after exposure and four of them perished from the experiments in the early’ 40s at the ravensbrook female concentration camp wounds infected with Gang Green and tetanus were inflicted on subjects circulation of blood was interrupted by

    Tying off blood vessels at both ends of the wound to create a condition similar to that of a battlefield wound infection was aggravated by forcing wood shavings and ground glass into the wounds the infection was treated Tre with solonamide and Other Drugs to determine their effectiveness experiments were also

    Conducted at the noing Gama concentration camp in 1944 to see if there was the possibility of developing an immunity to tuberculosis Dr Kurt heis Meer injected patients with tuberculosis bacteria directly into their lungs ending the lives of at least 200 people he even conducted the experiment on children

    Such as Edward and Alexander hornman from the Netherlands the boys passed from tuberculosis while their sister Elizabeth passed at alitz from typhus the ravensbrook Concentration Camp was the largest camp for women starting in 1942 SS medical doctors subjected prisoners to experiments by treating wounds with various chemical substances the survivors often suffered

    Permanent physical damage doctors also attempted bone transplants grafting parts of the left tibia to the right leg and vice versa leaving victims deformed just to see what would happen for some reason Dr Joseph mangala was obsessed with eye color specifically heterocromia a condition in which an individual’s two irises differ in color

    Throughout his day in aitz mangala collected the eyes of his deceased victims to provide research material and famously conducted a series of experiments where he injected dye into the eye of a patient to see if he could change the color of the iris to investigate the effects of various poisons upon human beings

    Chemicals were added to subjects meals and either the subject would perish as a result of the poison or they would be killed immediately in order to perform autopsies around September 1944 SS doctors gave up on putting poison in the food of the victims and were shot with poison bullets to hasten the

    Effects Dr Carl clawber conducted thousands of sterilization experiments on concentration camp Prisoners the 1940s these experiments involved the use of surgery Pharmaceuticals and radiation to discover an inexpensive method to sterilize hundreds of thousands of people one of Dr mangala’s pet projects was documenting the progression of Noma a rapidly Progressive gangrenous

    Infection of the mouth or face in his inmates rather than treat the patients with antibiotics he took note as the disease spread and eventually took the lives of the infected mingal desire to understand twins was in part intended to prove the supremacy of heredity over environment one such experiment involved sewing two

    Romani twins together back to back in an attempt to create conjoined twins it didn’t work the children succumbed to gang green after several days of suffering at various times between September 1939 and April 1945 many experiments were conducted to investigate the most effective effective treatment of wounds caused by mustard

    Gas test subjects were deliberately exposed to mustard gas which inflicted chemical burns the victim’s wounds were then tested to find the most effective treatment for the mustard gas Burns Dr hero oberhauser was a physician at ravensbrook where she experimented on children with simulated combat wounds in her tests oberhauser rubbed foreign

    Objects such as wood Rusty Nails slivers of glass dirt or Sawdust in their cuts to investigate the effectiveness of vaccines on Spotted Fever typhus numerous victims were deliberately infected with the spotted fever virus in order to keep it alive in their bodies over 90% of the victims perished as a

    Result in 1943 Ruth Elias gave birth in aitz and afterward Anessa doctor ordered her breasts be tied off with string as part of a medical experiment to see how long her baby daughter could live without food some may wonder why I would even include a story like this in weird

    Darkness I do so because there are those who say none of these events ever took place when we know they did they want to sweep these actions under the carpet and forget they ever happened but we must not forget that these are instances of humans inflicting horror upon humans by

    Looking upon their fellow man and labeling them as lesser beings as subhuman we must never forget that this kind of thing is possible that it has happened and that it must never happen again and if we do see it happening then we must come to the defense of the innocent and

    Stop the true Monsters of this world from doing it any longer thanks for listening if you like the show please share it with someone you know who loves the Paranormal or strange stories true crime monsters or Unsolved Mysteries like you do you can email me anytime with your questions or

    Comments at Daren weird Daren is d a rren and you can find me on Facebook Twitter and more including the shows weirdos Facebook group on the contact social page at weird also on the website if you have a true paranormal or creepy tale to tell click

    On tell your story all stories in weird Darkness are purported to be true unless stated otherwise and you can find source links or links to the authors in the show notes the red-faced ghost of rollos be Hall was written by staa Briggs and Sophia Connor for weird

    Norfol The Faceless girl in the Striped dress was posted at your ghost horrifying Nazi experiments was written by Jacob Shelton for ranker never say your place is impregnable was written by by Megan Summers for weird history the deberg Maneater is by Emily Stringer for all that’s interesting the ant people and the

    Anunnaki was posted at alien UFO sightings The Mystery of the ancient white bearded red-eyed rulers is by Ellen Lloyd for ancient Pages again you can find links to all of these stories in the show notes Weir darkness is a production and trademark of maror House Productions and now that we’re coming

    Out of the dark I’ll leave you with a little light Proverbs 18: 211 the tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit and a final thought if you cry because the sun has gone out of your life your tears will prevent you from

    Seeing the Stars I’m Darren Marler thanks for joining me in the weird Darkness Colonists flying from great kestra or colonists flying from a great catastrophe Atlantean refugees or colonists flying from a great catastrophe left ruins and buildings at gu left ruins and buildings at guag guaga that left ruins and buildings at guaga on the great cord hey weirdos you’ve got a murder Sheriff

    Our next weirdo watch party is Saturday March 2nd killed her he was wild dogs boy this couldn’t be done by a human first we’ll be spending 2 hours with hexen Arcane sisters Morgan and Celeste Parker these sexy Sirens these gorgeous ghouls will be presenting 1972’s Moon of the wolf starring David Jansen Barbara

    Rush and Bradford dilman what did you find when you examined Ellie just that she was murdered dogs didn’t do it like I said after several locals are viciously murdered a Louisiana Sheriff starts to suspect he might be dealing with a werewolf he’s saying L G come on

    How can you go wrong with a werewolf flick am I right werewolf he’s saying werewolf our weirdo watch party is always free to watch online so grab your popcorn candy and soda and jump into the fun and even get involved in the live chat as we watch the movie It’s Moon of

    The wolf on Saturday March 2nd hosted by hexen Arcane the show begins at 10:00 p.m. Eastern 9:00 p.m. central 8:00 p.m. mountain and 700 p.m. Pacific you can watch a trailer for the film and watch horror hosts and schlocky B movies anytime day or night on the weirdo watch party page at weird he says

    That I’m his next victim hope to see you March 2nd our brain is a wonderful thing allowing us to make decisions work on problems plan for the future live for today and remember our past but that last item remembering our past can sometimes be painful if we’re stuck going back to

    Those memories again and again feeling shame for something we did or didn’t do how can we deal with our yesterdays that’s the topic of this week’s message over at the church of the undead podcast which you can get to by going to weird Church hey weirdos be sure to click the

    Like button and subscribe to this Channel and click the notification Bell so you don’t miss future videos I post videos 7 days a week and while you’re at it spread the darkness by sharing this video with someone you know who loves all things strange and maob if you want

    To listen to the podcast you can find it at weird listen that


    1. Good evening, Fellow Weirdos. Can't stay in orbit forever; had to bribe my way into the atmosphere so I could connect to the Internet. And I got my stealth cam working so I might find out what tramps around my front porch at night. 😏

    2. Oh myyyy… I once got into Macy's in Chicago ahead of the crowd because I was wearing black slacks and a white blouse. I'd like to claim I knew what I was doing, but I was just determined to buy my stuff and get going. Once in, I realized the store wouldn't open for ten more minutes! I was ashamed and sat in the restroom until it actually opened. Yes, I know, I was silly. But I'll die with a relatively clean conscience.

    3. Hi Darren, I’m interested in the ant people story. Drawing in the desert show the antenna like protrusions of these people. The link to the Annunaki was unexpected but it makes sense. The flying shields are great descriptions of what we call UFO’s. Equally interesting is the story of the white bearded, red eyed people. Though these people were described as being small, or dwarfish, they are probably distantly related to the white skinned, red haired giants of Lovelock Cave. The latter being very aggressive and canibals, the local indigenous peoples killed them off. There are so many theories about white tribes in the Americas that one has to wonder if they are the descendants of the viking explorers or as noted, survivors of Atlantis or a Mayan tribe.
      The gruesome story about Knoll was told well. It’s disturbing that he was able to get away with his crimes for so long. I’m sorry to hear the stories about the cruelty done to Jewish people in those horrific places by demented doctors and their people. There are no words of comfort or wisdom to alleviate the suffering and atrocities committed against innocent human beings. You are correct in telling the truth to the world and telling and telling lest this truth is ever hidden or dismissed and the horror be repeated. Genocide must be stopped. No one wants to think that their government is capable of such things, yet it has happened in places around the world where dictators have been elevated to God-like status. I pray humanity will evolve into a more tolerant peaceful people. ❤😢

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