The penultimate day of my bike tour in Italy turned out to be probably the worst day of the tour so far. I had to choose between either going down gnarly hikings trails or getting out on the highway. Anyway in hindsight, editing these videos in dark and cold November, if I could I’d go back and do that day all over again.


    1. It looks like you found the legendary Percorso della Grotta, the Grotto Route. Okay, I made that up, pretty cool little road. Maybe it was once a narrow gauge railway?

      Nothing horrible has happened to me on a bike tour. But I had a really tough day riding in Idaho and Montana while following a defunct railroad grade and discovering that the trestles were gone, as we expected, and we had to ford a river four times. At one crossing we had to take all the gear off the bikes and go back and forth in waist deep water. My companion tossed my sleeping bag into the water, and had to swim after it. We came into West Yellowstone filthy and reeking and went right to a pizza joint. At least it was a nice sunny day. If I went back to do it over, would I take the gravel road on the other side of the river? Yes, but I don't regret going the hard way the first time.

      However, I did the Olympic Peninsula one summer, and it rained so much I gave up and had someone come and get me. The rain was almost continuous for several days, and I was headed into a rain forest, the Hoh, which is even wetter. And I bailed on another tour with a case of strep throat. But still, I managed to find much pleasure on those rides.

    2. Wow! your in total beast mode in this one Mike some pretty tight spots. You'll certainly be in great shape for the upcoming hockey season! Another great short doc. Also loved the music in this one … thanks Mike for taking us all along for the ride. 🎥👏👏

    3. Great video. You gave us a calm vibe despite your anguishes.. Did you not find any wild camping spots in Italy? When I was there it was difficult to find them but they were usually better than the campsites 😄 👍

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