Was John Fury BATTERED by David Campbell , alleged crime boss of the North West? In John Furys new book he goes into detail of the violent clash and I give my reaction to the claims #davidcampbell #johnnymorrisey #paulmassey #peterfury #johnfury #tysonfury #hatmanstrikesback

    John Fury Book : https://www.amazon.co.uk/When-Fury-Takes-Over-Bare-Knuckle/dp/103501405X/ref=asc_df_103501405X/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=641789777959&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13949425546107063637&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045313&hvtargid=pla-2193962420782&psc=1&mcid=58bb798dfab2354582ab874e5e9acfae&th=1&psc=1

    Hatman Strikes Back : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVWOw8Lp5F2_cf43KmrssbQ

    Was John Fury battered by Barry’s Mr Big David Campbell this is the rumor put out there by Mickey Theo who claimed to have got the information from a good source this is when they were having their beef and Mickey Theo was trying to antagonize John and get him into a fight with him

    For the first time John Fury has now given his detail version of The Clash with David Campbell in his autobiography which I’ll bring to you and give my thoughts on the claims Big John Fury is a lot like Marmite you either love it or hate it but one thing that cannot be

    Denied is he was a fighting man a pro boxer who juggled working full-time on the shovel with trading blows in the ring under the Monica Gypsy John Fury what is less well known about John Fury is his shadowy career as a Gangland enforcer and his bloody Feud with bar is

    Mr Big The Late Dave Campbell Dave Campbell like all successful faces did not caught the landline but was well known in the Northwest as a powerful figure linked to a number of murders it must however be said there were no convictions for heinous crimes and was factually a successful

    Businessman fear London ex criminal Marvin Herbert spoke about Campbell on several podcasts claiming that he used to do business with the berry man and had entrusted Millions with him while recuperating from a shootout which left him with one eye and other equally horrific injuries there was some type of

    Fallout and Herbert said he was owed money and requested a sit down with Campbell organized by two influential kingpens Peter Fury John’s brother and Aaron coglin a man wrongly charged with murder himself several times and some would say unfairly targeted by specialist police units John Fury was

    Operating as a onean gang and forer who would collect money from people who owe criminals or business entities money he insists in the excellent biography of his life Link in the description that he never used weapons he only uses his hands head and feet in John Fury’s case

    He means that in the very literal sense as he was sentenced prison for the brutal fight with oie syes a boxing trainer and former friend at a caller where he gouged his eyes out with his fingers rumors have been circulating on the internet for some time with Mickey

    Theo one time best friend of Lenny McClean who suggested Fury had been beaten up by Dave KL Mickey Theo but he is now claiming that John Fury got knocked out in a couple of bare knuckle fights back in the days when he was in his prime in his

    Late 20s early 30s by some guy called David Campbell he says that John Fury started on this David Campbell in a workshop but it backfired and John Fury ended up getting beaten up he also claims that John Fury started on this David Campbell guy a second time

    And it backfired again John Fury came off second best and then this David Campbell guy according to Mickey Theo turned up at a gypsy campsite looking for a third fight with John Fury but John Fury refused to come out of the Caravan that he was in again this is all

    According to Mickey Theo in response John reply by stating he had battered Campbell badly and left him for dead this is the only information John gave without giving details away until his book dropped where he dedicates a chapter to it I will read John Fury’s account then give my insight afterwards

    Life as an enforcer someone with good mental health does not need to express themselves with violence for about 5 years between the age of 30 to 35 I was an enforcer I worked alone always maybe it was a deal gone sour maybe somebody owed somebody else people could call up and say they

    Were getting bullied by somebody or in some kind of trouble and for a fee I would go and sort it out in my own way that took me into all kinds of weird and wonderful situations and I met some real OD balls I was very matter of fact about

    It I they stopped doing what they were doing or in the case of somebody owing money either they paid or they got a knuckle sandwich I never used a knife never used a gun in all my Years Around violence I never touched a blade the only knife I

    Possess is a pen knife for opening the dog food tins my fists and head are the only weapons that I need there was a man a Gangland boss from the north who had allegedly killed eight or nine people but the police hadn’t managed to prove it I had an

    Issue with him over a friend one day I went to a garage to pick up a car and he was there a big man about 6 feet tall 20 stone and a square head like Frankenstein’s monster with him with five of his Heavies I walked straight over and hit him with a right

    Hand and then put his head through a glass coffee table outside we got to it and had a full on fight in his dying moments he was clearly beaten and I heard deafening police sirens getting closer suddenly there were bodies Jumping All Over Us unsure of whether he

    Was a clo copy of one of the gang Lords henchmen I slapped one across the face rather than knocking him out just to be on the safe side a few days later a storm was building when two high ranking plane clothed detectives came to the

    House and said they needed to talk to me about the gang Lord I had served a good beating to the toall of the policeman was about 6’5 and introduced himself as special detective he asked me if think could have a word I’ve always been respectful to the police so I stood to

    One side motion for them to enter come in Say What You Need to then leave I said I’m here to issue an Osman warning I’ve received a few of them before an Osman warning is issued by the police when they know there is a death threat or risk of murder directly

    Attached to a person the gangl boss is taking a hit out on you said the detective I understand you gave him a good hiding if he dies in hospital you understand that you’ve been a murder charge he won’t die I said besides he’s big enough to fight and he’s got a will

    To live that man I admire your confidence the special detective replied ironically I’m a fatalist I said whatever my destiny is it’s already written outside it started pelting down with rain it flew at the Windows like knives I was early in my mid-30s but felt much older that day I’m getting too

    Old to be looking over my shoulder I thought to myself thank you gentlemen I appreciate you letting me know I showed them out and waved as they drove off I I heard nothing from the man who wanted to be dead or his goons for a few days nor

    Did I hear from the special detective at the time my brother Peter was behind bars when he heard about the contract which had been taken out of me he got word from his prison in York to the gang Lord’s people and calmed the whole situation everything went quiet for a

    Time and I forgot about the osband warning because I was more concerned about my father who was very ill oddly Peter who had a thing for expensive cause and was now now out of jail began to have dealings with a man who wanted me dead who sold luy

    Cars my brother came around to the house one day and said this man John is terrified of you he wants to put what happened between the two of you behind him to be honest he’s not such a bad guy I’ve been around him for the last couple

    Of months and he’s actually quite an honorable fellow he had his reputation to keep intact just as we have ours he’s frightened of what you still might do after hearing about him taking a contract out on you so what do you think we should do then I asked Peter thought

    For a moment then said well I’m thinking I could set up a meeting for next week so you two can meet and Shake Hands Where I said somewhere public we could pick a local shopping center the rest of the week went by very quickly and the

    Day came for me to go to this particular shopping center obviously the police had got wind of it from a snitch or heard on the Great Vine that something was going down when I met the gang Lo there was a heavy police presence a helicopter circling in the air and planes coed

    Coppers dotted around the shop Center how’ you know they’re playing clothes asked Peter as he walked to the Rendevous you forgot I spent almost three years on the run I said I can sense their presence at 100 Paces well they won’t be needed because there’s not

    Going to be a problem is the John not from me I said quietly as it happened the man and I shook hands I know I w’t say we become buzs and buddies in time he too saw that he was a man of his word and could be trusted a year or so later

    He even came to my garage and bought a few old cars for me I wish him no will people have pulled a gun on me before and given that I’m still here it illustrates the point that most people are afraid to find one which is a good

    Thing only a few months ago I caught someone on my property who was trying to steal a classic motorbike onine from out my shed at first I thought he was a builder as there were few on sight but then I saw him brazenly wandering about

    With my bike I need this bike he said reached into his pocket and pulling out a pistol I walked over and took the handle of the bite with one hand and knocked him out with the other then wheeled my bite back in the shed I woke

    Him up with a bucket of water in the face kicked him up the horse and told him to get off my property any man who carries a gun or a knife is a coward so that was John Fury’s explosive account of the fight with David Campbell that had been talked

    About publicly on YouTube by different creators so I gave you a segment of hatman Stag’s back a boxing Channel very good boxing analyst who was talking about I think it was last year sometime it was around about the time when Mickey Theo was calling John Fury out um John Fury responded saying that

    He batted him etc etc and said he could talk about it now because the David Campbell had Sly passed away I don’t know if he’s passed away or not I don’t know the person I made some discreet inquiries in regards to this incident I’ve been told there

    Was a couple of fights that’s what I’ve been told but you know it’s only second third hand so I’m not suggesting that Jon Fury is lying that’s what I’ve heard that’s what Mickey Theo said he got the workshop section right but we have to remember Mickey Theo was trying to go

    John Fury into a fight at that point of time um at the time I didn’t quot I didn’t like the way Mickey Theo’s going about it because one stage Peter and John’s mother had just passed and they were himself and another YouTuber were in Manchester I believe putting all

    Posters up Etc I don’t know if they’d known that their mother had passed but I thought it was distasteful however like I said John Fury is his mama you I love him you hate him okay he gets a lot of stick for getting knocked out in those two clips

    That I showed but he had he lost his Adam fogy uh Matt leg did a great video on this ER and points over four round in his first fight had a good run and bearing in mind he was working on the shovel and everything as well as doing

    Bar knck and forer work um behind the scenes and Henry akamondo one of the guys was he’ lost against was had a version of the world championship and not sure about the other guy he did see a bit Square on susceptible to shots but he was a pro

    Boxer with a you know a decent record so it’s all very wild people sitting behind the computer slagging him off saying oh look at him he’s terrible he just gets chinned John Fury whether you like him or not he was a tough guy H Bartley Gorman talks about him in his book as

    Been the next big thing he claims John Fury he’s never lost Australia of course we’ve really got his word for that we have to take a pinch of Sal people’s books because we’re only hearing one side I’d be interesting to hear of anyone who knew definitively what happened in this

    Situation of course Peter’s not going to talk out of school um against his brother so we’re not really going to know unless someone was factually there I’ve heard my stories other people have heard their stories Mick the’s had his say but John Fury has now come out in

    His book and stated that he did get the better and give all the details about it and Tau as we’ve just heard about Peter Fury smoing things over so I thought that was very interesting um love to hear your comments as per usual I should look forward to reading them Please Subscribe

    If you haven’t already uh and hit the notifications and smash the likes it helps get the video out there until the next time that’s the inquire out


    1. As the old saying goes i wouldn't believe the radio in john furys house …. All thses bare knuckle expolits he claims to of had like the £100,000 fight but yet not one shred of evidence exists no one seems to collaborate any ofhis stories

    2. Why do u guys even respond to the melt 😅 fed up of seeing people saying they don't believe him. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize he's full of it. Bored of seeing stuff about the chicken.

    3. John fury is a funny guy
      End of the day he’s seen more than most
      He’s from a very different background than most English ppl
      He’s a champ in my eyes for just being upfront

      I bet u go to slap big John he’ll kick right off 💯

    4. It makes little sense. Walked up to Dave Campbell, punches him and puts his head through a glass table while 5 heavies do what? Even if Fury did that, he would need be superman to drop 5 other men in record time before the 'distant sound of police sirens' arrived. He would be dropped.

      These stories are always the same. Super hard murdery ganglord turns into a cowardly sissy when threated by another pointless gypo boxer. All these super-hard bare knuckle fighters who, for some reason, are mediocore boxers when turned professional. 'Bare knuckle' has a myth around it which instantly gives 10 hard points. No man who has or can call on people to kill others and has come up on the doors and streets themselves is going to cower in fear from one person. BULLSHIT.

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