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    🌟 Welcome to the webinar recording: “Study Renewable Energy and Data Management in Germany !” 🌟

    Dive into our webinar recording, “Study Renewable Energy and Data Management in Germany,” and start your journey to academic excellence. Germany, known for its world-leading #universities and diverse programs, offers unparalleled opportunities in Renewable Energy and Data Management. πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸ“˜

    What you’ll discover:

    πŸ“˜ Essentials Simplified: Learn about the structure of Renewable Energy and Data Management programs in Germany, from admissions to curriculum details.

    🏫🌐 Explore Programs: Navigate through Germany’s wide range of Renewable Energy and Data Management programs to find your perfect match.

    πŸŽ“πŸŒŸπŸ” Career Insights: Understand the job market and career opportunities post-graduation, and get inspired by the potential paths ahead.

    πŸ—¨οΈπŸŽ€ Expert Q&A: Benefit from a live Q&A with university program representatives for direct insights.

    βœˆοΈπŸŽ“ Begin Your Journey: Whether you’re a prospective student or exploring options, this recording is your gateway to starting your Renewable Energy and Data Management adventure in Germany.

    Watch now to equip yourself with the knowledge needed for informed academic decisions.

    Subscribe, like, and share to help others explore the world of German education. Join our journey today! πŸ€πŸ”Š

    #renewableenergy #datamanagement #studyabroad #highereducation #careerprospects #germanuniversities #webinarrecording

    Okay perfect hi everyone thanks for joining uh thanks for joining our webinar another webinar from the series of the subject webinars my name is giorgi as always the person behind the scenes you can hear me but you cannot see me mostly so yeah welcome and uh

    Today uh we are going to talk talk about very interesting topic about stunning renewable energy and data management in Germany so this is kind of a umbrella topic for today and I’m not alone you can our guests from German universities who will present to you two specific

    Study programs in this direction so um yeah just a quick heads up to those who are not yet familiar that much with webinar setting very easy next to the chat in the bottom part of your Zoom interface there’s a Q&A button click on this Q&A button and send us your

    Questions you have time until the very end of the webinar and it is already open so some of your questions might be answered already in the written form others will be answered during our live Q&A session the live Q&A session will start in around 45 minutes I would say

    And then all of your questions will be addressed directly by one of our guests also keep it eye on the chat keep an eye on the chat because they will will share with you some interesting information as well so here is my very short presentation before we move to our

    Guests so let me introduce to them once again so we have guests from HW offenberg or offenberg university of applied sciences it’s Lydia dant shinda and she will talk about master of science level program in renewable energy and data engineering and then we will move to our guest from H anpa who

    Will Dr G Hoffman and he will talk about uh Masters program in Smart Energy Systems so before we move to them let me quickly tell you that we are my German University and when you’re searching for the English to study programs in Germany our name I’m almost sure will definitely

    Pop up so we have a database of over 2,700 degree programs which are at least mostly taught in English in Germany uh and our our main goal is to help International students to find questions to find answers to their questions regarding studying in Germany so uh we

    Do this through three key ways one of them is our study finder and you can see on the screens now the study finder a small version of our study finder and we have some Bachelor courses Master’s courses listed also short short and language courses listed in our database

    And it has a it has a lot of filters uh when you go to our website you will see you’ll find them out and you can find the programs uh fitting suitable programs much more much quicker and more efficiently the second way of uh providing answers is through our article

    So we cover there many topics that are relevant and interesting for you for example if you are if you need APS certificate for example or if you need to write a letter of motivation or CV if you are interested in rankings or um blocked account issues and so on so

    Forth we provide answers to these questions in our articles we have multiple articles on different topics and I would I suggest you to check them out and also the last but not least it’s U our webinars we have various webinars on different topics of course about studying in Germany it can be General

    Webinars about scholarships about Visa about unist and more or it can be subject specific webinars and where we have guests from German universities like today and they uh talk about present their particular specific study programs to you the yeah the webinars can be about for example mechanical engineering philosophy renewable energy

    Data science and so on so forth all of webinars that are already planned you can sign up for them for free and also attend them of course for free our team is based in Hamburg in Northern Germany but we are all over German and also all over the world that’s we are Counseling

    In different languages so um if you are also interested in German thought study programs I would also suggest you to check out hu compas there you might find some interesting programs in the field but mostly in German language and also of course if you’re more into English toght study programs than my German

    University and our study finder should definitely be stop so we have various degree programs uh in the field of renewable energy and data management and on both levels on Bachelor Masters and most of them are in English only which means that to successfully get into those programs and in many cases to

    Successfully complete them you are fine with English only with no German skills but of course yeah suggestion is always to learn more German especially if you are planning to stay in the industry here um yeah um so uh for those who are not familiar with this with this field

    For example what does it mean to study these fields these disciplines in Germany uh we also have some specific subject Pages for each and every field where you can find general information for example what are the universities that are offering um uh programs in these disciplines what are the tuition

    Ranges that you should budget for what are the different requirements and so on so forth so it’s a very nice first step for those to to familiarize yourself and to manage your expectations so to say um and yeah regarding our is that you will always it’s important to find University

    Right University and study profile that’s why it’s it’s of utmost importance to uh be guided not only by Sole and single aspects but but by by many of them yeah by rankings also by fees for example by names and cities etc etc and much more go beyond that take

    Into account your individual background your professional aspirations and only by doing that you’ll be able to make the right choice of the university and the program respectively uh also in Germany there are two key types of universities one is called universitet which is just in English University and the second

    Type is called University of appli Sciences which in German has different variations for example H are one of them and yeah today we are focusing on the second type because both of the universities are belong to the second type of University and when it comes to

    The focus this is the key difference I would say the focus or in case of University ton is more into research and theory in general and any case of University applied sciences usually it’s more onto application and practice and in addition to the aspects that I mentioned before that you should

    Ideally take into account when you are searching for the programs also when you’re trying to find the programs through our study finder my suggestion would be to also uh be flexible with wordings uh and by doing that by combining this flexibility with the aspects that were mentioned before you

    Will drastically increase your chances of increasing your awareness of what is German is able to offer you and then subsequently to make the right choice for yourself all right let us now move from the north to the South to the ofen book University of applied sciences lyia now

    Will talk about renewable energy and data engineering uh study program Master’s level program Lydia the floor is yours so thank you very much for this introduction and uh I’m very happy to be here to present you our program renewable energy and data engineering you should now see the slides as is that

    Correct yes perfect so I want to invite you to have a look at the program renewable energy and data engineering at offenberg University it’s an English uh taught program but not completely in English uh so you will study in English live in German Germany at the same time

    But also uh in the second semester you will already have some courses in German so you already get to practice is German uh during your studies and this just makes it easier to you uh if you intend to um work in Germany afterwards and therefore It’s a combination so in the

    Beginning it’s completely in English and they later on there are some classes taught in German too but you will still be able to do the exams and so on in English but now let me introduce a little bit in general so my name is lyia Shindler as Georgie already said and I’m

    Working here in The Graduate School of offenberg University and I want to give you a at first a broad overview of offenberg University and then go a little bit more into detail about this specific program where are we located uh in the southwest of Germany so Offenburg is

    Very close to the French border and also to the Swiss border uh so it’s from my point of view the pretty and definitely the warmest region of Germany you see some pictures here of the region the bottom is already a picture uh btom picture is a big

    Picture of Strasburg so this um city in France is already only about half an hour away basil and Switzerland is about an hour away from Offenburg so it’s a very international area and at the same time one of Germany’s strongest economic regions and this is definitely something

    We all benefit from and our students also when they look for practical trainings and so on and we have this cross National metropolitan area um it’s a very Dynamic region with high employment prospects and at the same time we have this beautiful surrounding and this extraordinary living standard

    Here so I’ve been living my I personally I’ve been living in different places um in Germany also and I came back here because I really love this area this close distances this International atmosphere and this beautiful black forest region so it’s a very touristic region at the same time where you can

    Enjoy nature and and the mountain areas also at the same time but about offenberg University I want to uh tell you a few facts about our um Institute here we are a University of Technology business and media which means uh as churchy already mentioned before we are University uh oriented in applied uh

    Educ um instruction and applied research and especially in these three areas technology business and media we do not offer uh all the whole spectrum of courses that you would find in a in a traditional University but only those three and those are the ones we are really good in we were founded in

    1964 so one of the oldest universities of applied sciences here in southwest of Germany and offer this practice oriented studies in about 25 Bachelor and also I think there are around 25 Master programs by now at the same so it’s about the same amount and there are almost around four

    4,000 students enrolled in these programs and about 12% of them are international most of them in these International master’s degree programs of our uh graduate school and therefore if you study here in our one of our International master’s degree programs you will have a very International atmosphere and contact with people from

    All over the world because students come for all continents to study here at the same time we have coporation with more than 80 universities worldwide because we definitely want to have many students to come and study here at offenberg University but also we want to give our students the

    Possibility to do an exchange uh semester at a different place and get an international uh experience and also invite exchange students to come here now it’s stopped top at the same time we also have a spacious Enterprise Network which means they are very close contact into the industry into the economy uh into

    The companies here in this region as well in Germany but also France and Switzerland and you enjoy the safe and friendly environment here it’s a smaller town of about 60,000 inhabitants here and um I personally feel very secure safe to walk by myself at night uh

    Through the streets and I think this is something if you come from a big uh City maybe some somewhere around the globe you will really enjoy this safe and friendly environment looking at the facilities that you have here at offenberg University you will find very well equipped Laboratories uh and also

    Um a very small student teacher ratio with a which guarantees you a personal attention from Professor so if you look at the fact that we only admit around 15 to 20 students uh per for each program per batch that means that you we can guarantee you this this personal

    Attention because you can really work together with the professor in class certainly also with your class Ates and and have a very International experience at the same time this attention from the professor and these professors all have at least um three years of experience in private companies so outside of the

    Academic career as we are a university of applied sciences this is very important for us that the professors bring this experience into the university into the classes and sh be are able to share this experience with uh the students and I personally feel that this uh would be something very

    Important for me if I would have to choose again uh to study at a at a university so this aspect seems to be seems to me very important and I’m sure um you can judge yourself and and see but um I would look for that there are also possibilities to

    Pursue a doctoral degree uh we always did that in cooperation with traditional unities here at offenberg University but now especially in this area of energy we also have professors who have the right to Grant a PhD and therefore if you are interested um you can apply for for one

    Of the um do PhD places after your master degree and see if there’s a possibility this is definitely area where we do a lot of research in offenberg is is uh University is very strong in research in the area of renewable energy and we have an own

    Institute and building for that so there are around 40 to 50 uh PhD students with us right now um not all of them in this area but uh quite a few of them in this area of renewable energy renewable energy and data engineering has a duration of three

    Semesters it starts always only in the winter semester in October you have as normal for this duration 90 credits and uh the master Theses 30 credits in the third semester and the language of instruction as I already mentioned in the beginning is um in the first semester completely

    English and then in the German SE uh in the second semester you also have courses in German uh still the exams are always also possible in English sorry and if you look at the modules you’ll see that it’s a very interesting mixture of uh different a aspects that

    Are important for the energy sector now the the nowadays it’s not only important to have energy generation and knowledge about energy conversion uh but the market the energy Market uh the importance of the energy Nets and how to deal with the Nets and how to deal with big data and so on is

    Has become very important so this um program combines all these uh different aspects that you need to have if you want to work successfully in the area of energy as an engineer H and therefore combines uh these three area in a very um very good way so that you’re perfectly perfectly

    Prepared for the energy Market when after your studies here in the program renewable energy and data engineering you see one module is energy economics the other Mo module is power plant and Power Systems but then you already get to the energy net um in in energy storage conversion and distribution and

    The energy usage in industrial processes so it’s a very uh broad U knowledge about the energy sector and it as I said it perfectly prepares you for this market so this is the first semester and then the second semester again you have renewable energy systems and then operational research in energy

    Economics and Power Electronics and crit control and crit operation analysis planning and communication so and then in the third semester you will uh write your master thesis most of our students do that in uh in together with the company so they are supervised by a research responsible research uh

    Person responsible for research in this specific company and and work on a specific project research project and at the same time they are supervised by a professor of the University so that’s uh a little bit the overview of the program what do you need to be

    Able to apply for this program is that you have a bachelor’s degree that corresponds with these topic but as it’s a very wide and Broad um program you can come from different disciplines so you should have D definitely some knowledge in energy generation energy conversion already in uh

    Yeah in thermodynamic is very important uh but you can come either from the area of mechanical engineering or electrical engineering or even it because it as it combines these three areas so uh it yeah it we’re open for all um these this these uh Bachelor backgrounds uh and you can show your

    Your focus that you have already put on energy and this will be important um for the selection process the deadline for your application will is marked 31st uh and the lectures always start in October um and you have to have definitely an English language certificate in order to show that you

    Will be able to study in English which is uh IV um turle IBT 79 or is 6.0 in each field of uh test test of the test and you also have to have it doesn’t show on this uh slide I’m sorry but you also have to have a termin knowledge

    B1 the fees um per semester for this master programs for non-european citizens are all together including all the insurances and everything not the um not the uh the health insurance but the insurance is here from the University like in accident insurance and and yeah things like that are all included so it’s

    3810 uh that you have to count that you have to pay for for sem per semester to the university there are some scholarships uh which means that this these fees are reduced by ,500 which are the tuition the state tuition for this program however I have to admit uh that

    You’re only able only eligible for these the scholarship once you already are studying here which means you cannot apply for it for the first semester only for the second and third semester there are also some little small partial scholarships that help you just with a few hundred euros maybe but

    Also the same uh is re relevant for that uh they only you’re only allowed to apply for those when when you’re here so you cannot really count on it but I I would suggest uh to have a look at the scholarship database from the D for example because all the scholarships

    They offer if it fits to you and you can apply for it they are also valid for us we offer you a lot of Support Services here at offenberg University so when you come to offenberg we will definitely not leave you in the rain and all by yourself before when you arrive

    Here uh we have even participated in a survey years ago with the da uh which was supported by the D and many universities of Germany participated and we were very proud and and happy to see that our students rated as number one in the area of arrival assistance and we’re

    Always trying to improve that even more so you will have assistance in finding accommodation you will have a senior body which means an experienced student uh that will get in contact with you help you in the first few uh days and weeks to find your way around to get

    Yeah to to know what where to go and what to do um there will be orientation events you also have and this is also not very common and specific coordinator for each of our master degree programs so you can turn to this program with any question during your studies and you

    Will get individual support and advice and I recommend you to come uh one month earlier before your course starts which means in September because there’s a German summer language school that we offer for one month where you study intensively a German language and will will improve even more uh and you

    Will get at the same time a nice introduction here to the university you will get to know some classmates and yeah just uh get have a nice time together besides studying German because you will do a lot of excursions and nice have a nice nice time U and a lot of nice events

    Together we also offer certainly language courses during the lecture period and there’s also a cultural and social program with excursions get togethers and events offered so we certainly most importantly we want you to have success in your studies and your career but we also want you you to have

    A very nice a good time here to be able to integrate uh and get to know the German culture and way of living too certainly we also have a sports um program here with many different uh Sports offered for example there’s a lake like right next to the university

    Where you can participate in the Sailing Club in summer or you can go into the mountains the Black Forest Mountains go mountain biking and so on and a very special initiative here is our senior service which is a group of um around 50 to 60 people right now uh

    Who are most of them already retired and they just get got together on a voluntary basis because they want International students who come to Offenburg that uh they want to welcome them they want them to feel um to be able to get to to know something different than only University life get

    To know um somebody else from outside of the University get to know the German way of living culture invite them to their homes or just do some something together go biking together or whatever so it’s a very nice possibil very good possibility to to get to know people

    Here from the city and you will see that they’re very open-minded they want to ex Exchange with you they’re also interested in your culture and many of our students have benefited from that very much and are still in contact with members of this senior service and last but not least we also

    Want to get help you with a job application training at the end of your study so there are some um courses uh you can participate for that and there’s also a very big recruiting event which used to be here at the campus at the University but but it’s grown too much

    And now we do it in a separate Fair place um and it just shows the great interest of companies in the graduates of offenberg University and certainly once you’re when once you finished and you graduated we also want to keep in contact with you and give you the possibility to network

    Among each other so therefore we have the international Alumni network and we will be happy if you join and keep in contact let me conclude so if you come to The Graduate School of offenberg University in order to study renewable energy and data engineering you will have an

    English taught program and still you will be able to get into German language much more already in the second semester so that it uh helps you in order to enter the German um working uh the German labor market you will be teached in small groups have a very Intercultural experience and you will

    You can count on comprehensive Individual Services and I’m sure once you finish this program you will also have excellent career opportunities so thank you very much for your attention I’m open for your question after the next uh presentation and just want to emphasize emphasize once more offenberg University

    Is definitely the place to build your future so have a look at this program thank you perfect thank you very much Lydia and Lydia’s email is in front of your on your screens now and also in the chat you can also take a note all right let

    Me now share once my screen once again to introduce once again our next speaker from ansbach University of applied sciences Dr G Hoffman and he will talk about uh master’s program in Smart Energy Systems and you can see we are staying in the south of Germany but a

    Bit north and a bit to the center okay Dr Hoffman the floor is yours thank you very much so I just start my screen sharing should now be able to see my presentation thank you very much for the um introduction um so my name is uh Dr

    Hufman I’m um a coordinator of the um study Pro program I will present to you in the next few minutes so ansar University of um applied science as uh Georgie already said is in the south of Germany um has around um 42,000 residents we are around 50

    Kilometers in the southwest of nurg so um you’re quite close um with the um s train just 40 minutes if you want to go to bigger cities like s got Munich um you just can catch the train and um will’ll get there within two hours Anar University of applied science

    Um consists of a big um main campus and there are several special um Cy um next to that which deal um with special um topics why should you choose anspach University of FL science so we are a quite young and modern University we are one of the youngest

    Universities in Bavaria this means our equipment is um newly bought so quite modern also um as we are quite young we are um small we have just around 3,000 um students so this means um the study groups will be small and you will get an very individual support from all all the

    Lecturers and from the professors this means um good support you get a good mentoring and have a very um familiar contact to all the professors and people with you we have a Hands-On mentality on our University which means that um we have a lot of professors with practical um

    Expertise so everybody um comes from the um economics so has work experience um we have a lot of lab work um where students can get into um practical things we have internships and we have also company projects where you can get in contact with your um future

    Um companies where you can apply for a job also we support um you with a um networking fair and a job exchange um which holds Place annually at the University um further we have a career service which supports you um with getting a job afterwards and we have a

    Startup counseling so if you um have a great idea and want to um make your own business we will also support you um to get your startup running nevertheless um we are award winning So based on the students opinion we were ranked Place 15 out of 102 in

    Germany um for all the universities of applied science and especially in Bavaria we are in the top 10 with Place six out of 21 so our faculties at anbar University um split into business engineering and media and there we have a lot of different um courses which cover

    Bachelor and master degrees and I want to focus on the engineering part where we have um this sustainable engineering Smart Energy Systems and Sustainable Building Systems and these three curses are located at one of the special campy of University um anbar which is the energy campus at this energy campus we have the

    Two Master programs Sustainable Building Systems which is about the buildings as the name says then we have Smart Energy Systems which I will introduce you in the following and we have um a grounding Bachelor um lecture which deals with energy and building techn technology besides our teaching we um of course have

    Research um for example we have a big lab um that holds energy management system with own photovoltaics for the battery storage and we can just do our experiments right um at our campus there are several projects with big um companies like C or water storage um

    Where we deal with the future topics in um in energy and we also offer further education for workers um outside of the University so let me now come to our Master course Smart Energy Systems so why um should you deal with um Smart Energy System because it’s our

    Future Energy System all the um energy that we need will be generated um in a decentralized way in the future so we have a lot of um participants in the energy market and you will get to know how everything works together and how you have to handle every participant in this

    Network we deal with the trends of our time which are decarbonization we want to get rid of the CO2 emitting fossile power plants um decentralization so that means we don’t have a big um a big power plant that provides energy to a lot of consumers but we have a lot of prosumers

    That generate energy and Supply it to the grid um and the energy can be consumed from other prosumers in the same network and of course we have the digitalization which means that we measure a lot of things um online with special devices and we have to take care

    Of all the data and we have to manage it properly why do we have to do that so we have a lot of decentralized and spread out um contributors to the network and we want to make them work together to replace a conventional fossile or nuclear power plant this is um the idea

    Behind our master program what will you learn what will you get to be an Smart Energy Systems expert he will deal with um economy in the energy SE sector which is um quite important because without money it’s nothing you will learn how to simulate and optimize Energy Systems you will

    Have to do a lot of the internet of things so we have to share data we have to pass data to other um contributors in the network you will learn a lot about information technology and we also Implement artificial intelligence in our program and all of these five topics will make

    You an expert in Smart Energy Systems of course we have um a module plan um which goes from the bottom to the top so in the first semester you start with basic things like energy systems and energy economy you will learn about simulation of energy systems you will deal with the

    Iot um you can um get a certificate for lab view programming and you will learn the basics for artificial intelligence there is also the chance to um to choose an elective course um we always recommend to choose German as an elective course to improve the speaking because as Georg already said in the

    Beginning German is quite important for your further steps of your career in the second semester we um just go on with virtual power plants energy entrepreneurship where we have um guests from industry that um tell you how they made it with their own business we will deal with uh the

    Optimization and operations research and you will have a project course where you can set up um your own Project based on the learnings of the first semester and you will also apply the um artificial intelligence in energy systems and you will learn about blockchain Technologies in the third semester um as

    Usual you will do your master thesis which is um in cooperation with different companies um you can choose a topic that fits to your needs to your interests and you will get um you will have a professor that um is on your side and guides you during the ceases

    So besides all the lectures we will have on-site lectures and excursions um on the picture you can see our wallbox test lab so we have installed lot of different um things that you can find in your um future working life and you can put your hands on with the professor you

    Can make different experiments um we also organize excursions um on the right picture you can see an electrolyzer for hydrogen um we try to show you all the Technologies um that have been on the um introduction um picture I showed you at the beginning so you should be able to

    Realize and to um focus on all the parts that you will have to deal with in your working life in the future I already mentioned we will also have um some guests um on the left picture you can see um a guest lecturer from Bosch um on the right side you can

    See um the visit of the smarter e Europe with which is a technology Fair um and this will help you to get connected with different companies and find a company that fits to your interest for the master thesis in the third semester in the south of um Germany we

    Have a lot of um companies that deal with energy topics um ansar university um as I already told you in the beginning is quite in the center between nberg stutgart and Munich where you can find um the mass of these companies so what are the requirements

    To apply for Smart Energy Systems um we need a successful completed University degree bachelor’s degree in one of the fields of engineering science like electrical mechanical or Supply engineering um also physics or computer science um fits into our requirements or something comparable so if you are not

    Sure feel free to contact me afterwards um and I will give you some hints um if you are um electable for our program further we require 210 ects um 30 ects per semester or 30 hours workload um are equal to one ects so this is calculated by um by the

    Application if you can not provide 210 ects you um can earn further credit points which are the um the measurement for European universities with other modules um you can choose from our program the overall examination grade um should be at least 2.3 or better um we

    Require also English at a level of B2 and we require German at a level A2 um I really recommend to focus on German because this um will open you a wide field of companies to apply in the future the last point is a letter of motivation um which might be written in

    English or um also in German just to show us um what you’re interested in what um makes you elgible for our program the application for both our Master courses um is um in such a way that you can start the Masters program only in the winter semester the application will

    Only be um online via our application portal this is um open from May you can upload all the documents in this portal and you get um the preliminary refie documentation um by un assist um you should um keep in mind that it usually takes four to six week

    Weeks um for them to process your documents so make sure to submit the documents early and if you want to get further information um please visit our um study homepages for Smart Energy Systems if you’re interested um feel free to have a look at Sustainable Building um systems as well if you want

    To inform about the energy campus in Fang you can visit campus f.de and to get an impression of um the city of foen please visit studyo de um if you have special questions feel free to um contact Professor jward or also myself um we will try to answer your questions as quickly as

    Possible okay so I’m at the end of my presentation thank you very much let me uh start with the open questions let me start with you uh Dr Hoffman there’s a question uh if I mean yeah you already addressed it actually but yet is there any mandatory internship as a part of

    Your study program um The Internship is not mandatory but um we really recommended to get in touch with uh the companies at a quite early stage and um to test if um it will fit for master pis or for your future career mhm okay great thank you

    That was clear um all right Lydia I want to ask you already addressed this question but I think it’s also nice to once again repeat it as the German uh as German starts in the second semester is it fine to apply with A2 and improve German to B1 by the second semester what

    Would be your suggestion yeah uh as I answered it’s not possible to start with A2 or a uh you already have to have B1 before you start the course which means you can apply with B2 uh that’s fine but you have to prove that you have level B1

    Before your inscription okay clear and let me stay with you Lydia one more question I think I missed that part Lydia do you require any specific GPA letter of motivation reference letter Etc thank you yes we do not require any specific GPA uh in general I would say

    Um if you have if you are among the first third of your bad uh there is a chance for you to to be able to be uh to be um to selected by the selection Committee of the program at the end but uh even if you know it’s a little bit

    Lower than that uh I don’t uh don’t be frustrated and try it anyhow because it’s not the only criteria that we look at yes we do um ask for a motivation letter for example so they also will have a look at that they will look at specific subjects that you had because it’s

    Important for as for example that you have some knowledge in thermodynamics and in other um subjects that they will look at specifically so some subjects count more though the grade in some subjects is more important to them than in other subjects that you may may have

    Had so we really look very closey at each uh at your transcript and the grades you had and um I it’s it’s a very easy uh process for you as a an uh if you apply for offenberg University because we do the whole process here at offenberg University itself you do not

    Have to apply through un assist and uh you can get in direct contact with the coordinator the first step we only ask you BAS basically some personal data and your transcript of record from your bachelor’s degree and only uh when you get the feedback then that this fits to

    The program and that you have um the fitting backgr educational background then we invite you to send in for the second step of the application process all the other documents and then the final selection will be uh taken among all these documents okay perfect thank you clear

    Uh then based on all these documents sorry I just said that wrong um now going back to anbar um the question is is there a focus on iot or smart grids um I wouldn’t say there’s a focus but um both parts are um quite important um building blocks um for the whole

    System so we um don’t um especially focus on on iot or on Smart grids but um you will get in touch with uh iot you will build um own devices you will gather um experience with handling iot devices and um especially in the um module virtual power plants um we deal

    With smart grids because um you just have to share all the energy in these grids um so it’s not a focus but it’s um a very important part of the whole um course okay let me stay with you Dr Hoffman a very basic question the question is whether the university is

    Public or private it’s a it’s a public uh University quite quite simple yeah great thank you Lydia that was a question also for you uh there a question is to come early uh do you assist with student applicant Visa uh we do not you know we cannot

    Interfere in the WIA process but we do provide you with all the necessary documents uh early enough so you can uh if you’re selected for the program you get early enough all the documents that you need to uh get the student visa and apply for it therefore you already have

    To apply at by the end of March because we know that the Visa process takes some time and therefore we want you to get all these documents in time MH and uh now one more question for you and then the same for Dr Hoffman uh can bachelor

    Certificate be provided later is it fine to apply with current preliminary certificate uh yeah actually this counts for all our uh all the documents requested uh you can apply without but you have to um you have to present it for before the final selection MH okay

    And the same for you Dr H yeah I I was just answering the um the question and it’s the same for us you can apply without the original um the official document um but you have to hand it in before the semester starts okay great thanks now again the general question

    Let me start with Dr Hoffman so so these programs have cohort system system or independent curriculum are these restriction are there restrictions on to how many programs can one apply within one University and cross universities yeah so you can um so the the the program is um a cohort system so you um

    Have the same schedule um for all of the students um but you can easily choose um can easily choose modules that go along with the um standard program so this means if you want to um keep a special Focus for yourself um you are able to to choose special topics you are interested

    In um and also if you can apply for um multi programs at War University um to my knowledge yes it is possible you can do that um but of course you um will get in trouble with uh the schedule so that means um that some modules will um interfere with

    Other modules from your other C so I really wouldn’t recommend such a thing okay great H Lydia same question for you yeah I would respond just in the same way as I don’t have anything to add to that I think okay perfect thanks uh now there is a question so what if

    You have microbiology as your bachelor’s degree but work experience and environment management with certifications may I apply I don’t know to whom exactly is this question but let me ask both of you Lydia let me start with you the the bachelor’s microbiology yeah um yeah I’m afraid that doesn’t fit

    To to our program renewable energy and data engineering um because you really have to have a bachelor’s degree that fits more uh to three areas that are included in in this master and microbiology is not a part of it so I’m sorry yeah I’m afraid that doesn’t work

    Okay also it’s very important to to notice thank you Lydia and Dr Hoffman so in our case um I also would agree that it uh does not fit um 100% but uh we might check the um the certificates and if you can um prove some knowledge in the um

    Regarding Fields then we might Grant you um the application um out of the um traditional way okay great um hello sir I’m in fifth semester in electrical engineering and 5year plus experience I have also I have also Sol deut from dingo okay sir guide me what

    Is good to me in the future to apply in Germany so is a question for me um I don’t know if you’re asking me please drop me an email and I will help you out with as as much as I can but if you’re question is if it’s your with background

    In electrical engineering and your work experience you feed into one of these programs let us ask the speakers for very short answers uh Dr Hoffman what would you say just based on the background is it fitable I would say that fits perfectly perfectly so yeah Muhammad you can see it fits perfectly

    And ldia I think would say also that it fits yeah that sounds like it fits you just need to get the certificate for B1 for our course and uh yeah electrical engineering fits well yeah okay so I can already provide you with some guidance these two programs fit Al so you can

    Choose between two of them and of course more if you would like to uh all right is it planned to introduce cost in ansbach as it as it is in Bavaria um so to my current knowledge um it is not planned to introduce costs in

    Anpa um right now we just have um a student union fee of 67 Euros per semester um to um to cover special things um and um that’s all uhuh okay perfect we cleaned the board that’s amazing uh let me say thank you to our guests thank you as always for very very

    Good presentations and also for answering clearly all the questions and honestly uh and to your attendees of course thank you very much for your questions as well for attending our webinar if you have any more uh follow-up questions as it usually happens you know uh after you uh try to

    Digest all the information that you received of course you can get in touch with our speakers for more for addition for additional questions for questions of understanding and so on so forth they will definitely help you out with best possible answers and of course if you have general questions like General

    Guidance level questions un assist questions because today for example un assist and VPD was mentioned right uh and or the Visa questions like student applicant Visa was mentioned and so on so forth we can also help you out with that before also um before even getting

    Out get reach reaching us you can also read our articles because these questions are very popular and we address them already in the article so hopefully they will help you out to find the ANW so once again thanks a lot until next time byebye thank you very much bye bye

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