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    Dear Nexperia… Derek the security guard is an asset to your company, and a shining example of how to interact with the public. Give the man a pay rise ⭐⭐🌟⭐⭐

    This is a re-visit audit to Nexperia in Stockport, where @DJAUDITS and @PJAudits visited in 2023. Shout out to them both 👊
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    MUSIC (Copyright-Free & Royalty-Free)

    Intro/Outro music by LiteSaturation

    Drone flight music by Alexi Action

    Pink Retro theme by Noisy Frame

    You not see the signs I can see the signs driv property yeah yeah that’s that’s there and I’m here where’s you got where’s the Drone it’s in the Sky Hey Hey and welcome back to the channel So today we’re taking a look at this place nexperia nexperia is a chip Manufacturing company says on their website they are headquartered in the Netherlands next per is a global Semiconductor Company with a rich European history and over 15,000

    Employees across Europe Asia and the states as a leading expert in the development and production of essential semiconductors and experien components enable the basic functionality of virtually every electronic design in the world from automotive and IND industrial autom mobile and consumer applications so that’s a little bit about

    Them going to take a walk down here and uh see what I can see from the gates there and uh we’ll get Snoopy up and we’ll get a better look at this place from the sky so all this bit here that’s the staff car parking area and bike shed

    Loads of biking biking bike locks points which is great it’s always nice when they uh encourage their staff to uh to cycle right so here we go just going to have a look down down this end so it stretches off quite a far way back this place got Security in the Huts there

    Next to me theyve uh they’ve seen me right so next Baria let’s have a look so bigger tanks there gas tanks and a silo of some sort over there it’s quite a few uh Vents and chimneys down that end so let’s have a look at the signs here so dangerous slippy

    Surfaces pedestrian entrance there Turn Style H you to I’m just filming let me just uh pause this camera there we go it’s all right you are you are all right up to this point obviously I’m not going to go past here not going to make any attempt to go past

    Your gate so yeah I just like filming in places that I find interesting discovering new places in the area things and uh some someone recently did um this place but they had like drones and stuff I’ve got a drone as well have you yeah yeah it is interesting I’ve got

    To be honest all little industrial Estates and stuff and there’s a lot of Natural History to like this Landon yeah sorry uh no she no we’re just discussing what she’s doing but it’s all innocent and God and it’s okay there’s no issues I’m not here for any bad reasons

    Just yeah don’t worry about me it’s okay honestly explaining that now yeah so so yeah it’s all good we well we when when we said we had issues there weren’t any issues as such because they weren’t breaking any laws or doing anything wrong or anything like that but um was

    It two of them yeah and I know that they like to push buttons on people which is which is what we didn’t like cuz we kind of knew who they were when they did one have dreadlocks yeah yeah yeah um and it was all good and everything was amicable

    And everything but you know sometimes you know you don’t we we never want to start arguments with anyone and we’re obviously well aware of like rights and stuff like that and we know who’s breaking rules and who and stuff like that but we’re always going to ask you

    Know because you have to job you know what are you doing why are you filming and stuff so do what do you do like YouTube channels and stuff yeah I’ve got a YouTube channel um and I just similar to what the last people did um I just go

    Around places that I find interesting yeah um so it’s like today I knew that they had already been to this place I watched the video on that a while ago what I like to do sometimes is I like to revisit those places just to see for example if there was any negativity in

    The video I like to see has anything changed yeah how are they with me sort of things sometimes it can be a different experience Al together but at the same point I still just like visiting places that I find interesting as well I think with those jobs it was

    It was quite a positive experience to be fair I think initially like everyone pancks at first like what are they doing and stuff like that and there’s always things like oh got corporate Espionage and everything else and sometimes it’s just that’s not what this is about you

    Know if you if you watch YouTube a lot you come across these videos one can be like somebody walking through a cathedral or a graveyard or something talking about the same stuff and it’s just exactly the same is what someone like yourself would be doing exactly

    Open Explorer ESS exactly so as long as you’re not doing anything dangerous and you’re not going to harm yourself or anything then it’s all I always say I’m responsible for my own safety I take care not to put myself in a situation where I’m going to be at risk or

    Anything like that yeah um I lit I just come out to places find I like positive interactions as well you’ve been great um I can’t I don’t always get that yeah I can imagine some people are just itching for a fight sometime and I think some people can be jobs with sometimes

    As well totally and they want to sort of kick off and have a bit of like hero notoriety and stuff that’s not really us here we’re too uh we’re too professional and laidback for that at the same time that’s good it’s a good combination I

    Think I think you have to have it in in the industry that we’re in I think you need to be levelheaded and and stuff so uh but yeah but anyway enjoy your time just to let you know and I don’t know if you did take the note of the last people

    That came is officially this is actually clusters private property from the road yeah it is publicly accessible and that’s why I’ve walked down if I’m asked to leave I will leave yeah yeah and and we’re not asking to leave I mean I would advise not wandering around the car pars

    There nothing to see to be honest with you it’s more a case of don’t waste your time uh not that you shouldn’t be there it’s a case of there’s nothing real to see just car PS on that side yeah I’ve actually left my drone in my car I

    Didn’t realize until you mentioned ITP oh actually my drone isn’t there um it is interesting to look at from the sky yeah yeah totally it is I think with the last guys or although I wasn’t present on the day mhm I believe that they um

    They flew the Drone from the end of the road down there yeah um just because they wanted the look of the the buildings and everything coming in yeah see but obviously it is interesting we do have like the big nitrogen tankers and stuff and is that what they are

    That’s liquid nitrogen in there yeah and the smaller one is oxygen yeah um yeah that’s all really interesting stuff lots of Industry industrial stuff it’s a you know it’s um you able to say what they actually do at their site or is that like it’s all just for it’s all just for

    Cooling it’s just for it’s just for cooling for for um our just our processes we have chemical processes that require Cooling and it’s just that really I mean I don’t know whether you know what we actually do chip manufacturer yeah it’s um it’s semiconductors yeah yeah um we we um

    We’re very proud to have um there’s actually a TV screen that runs in in one of our departments that that has a brilliant statement and it says there isn’t a car that comes off a production line in the world that uh hasn’t got a

    Chip in it from us um so how true that is I I suspect it’s true sounds like an important company yeah so they’ve been running a long time and obviously there’s many of us all over the world it’s not just this site here um there’s one in northw see you tomorrow darling

    All right see you tomorrow have fun you caution um and yeah obviously they’re all over the world but it’s a China it’s a Chinese company originally or at least who owns the company now Chanel’s company um but yeah it’s um it’s been here for a long time it used to be

    Panasonic okay um a while back um so I don’t know how many people know that um but yeah it it does all right and obviously with technology being the way that it is um you know we’re just going to get more and more successful I think

    Time goes on that sounds really good so hopefully it we’ll be here for a long time providing locals with many jobs for years to come it’s a major employer in the area isn’t it it is and I’ve always lived in Stockport and for a long time I

    Didn’t know this place was here and I think if I had when I left school it might have been a place I looked at I would have looked at to come and work as a when as a younger kid I wish i’ have known about this place because they you

    Know they pay good they play pay well and it’s very interesting stuff what they do and very there’s lots of innovation and things and there’s lots of like parts of the of the business where if you were interested in that uh you know obviously go down lots of

    Different paths with it sounds like a good really interesting business I came here for security um but it’s so interesting walking around and seeing what people do and you know is it is it’s mindblowing really when you first come and if you’re not used to anything

    Like this um it is very very interesting and I’m a tech junkie so you know like yourself with your cameras and your drones and everything um I’m sure you’d be very interested as well yeah yeah right but I’m going to go back and do

    What I need to do cuz I do have a job to do what’s your name sorry my name is Derek what’s yours Ace well nice to meet you ace good luck with your YouTube channel I hope all is well and watch yourself on these curs make sure you’re

    Not tripping up when you’re filming and stuff yeah I’m just going to go and get my drone I can’t believe I left it in the car no worries thanks a lot do you think that they would let me have a guided tour at some point if I uh

    You could certainly ask the question they need to be quite I would imagine it would need to be kind of planned somewhat for you to have some sort of Sher on it wouldn’t just be able to be me somebody more official yeah yeah

    Um but I am I am sure that you know if you Bob into us at some point leave your details and leave your email address and stuff it could be arranged yeah okay I’ll I’ll be in touch thank you I’ll be back in 5 minutes anyway thanks oh what

    A nice guy is Dr do it from the top of the road like the other chats did from the top of the road yeah yeah I think it just eliminates any legal issues at all there’s no legal issues um with with drones um the civil aviation Authority I

    You can fly them everywhere I think the issue was where they where they were on our property when they were doing it so they agreed to do it from the end of the road because I I believe it’s just because it’s a public highway I think

    That was the thing okay so forgive me if I’m wrong because I think I think that was what was arranged yeah I can understand um where they’re coming from with that the way it works um is that I can fly anywhere I want to that’s correct yeah um if I’m on private land

    Yeah if they’re okay with me doing it off private land there’s no issue if they would rather I did it from the public area I don’t mind that I think that was what the issue was when he spoke to the facilities because ultimately it’s a case of is it trespass

    Or is it not so you said I’m okay to come down with the camera that’s one thing yeah that was fine but if you say you want me to do the Drone from up there I’ll do it from up there it’s not a problem I’m just kind of relaying what

    Happened with the last guys that came on and that was what was agreed so if you could do the same that was that yeah that’s no problem at all all right then all right fantastic thanks very much thanks a lot see you what a sound guy he is right so um

    As you heard on the uh film there I’m a complete tit and I left the Drone in the car so back to my Land Rover and uh let’s go fetch Snoopy hopefully it’s still there that’s the first time I’ve ever done that and hopefully the last

    Anyway I shall see you in a moment whilst I’m gone a quick message now here’s a little task for you before we continue YouTube may have unsubscribed you without your knowledge this has happened in numerous Ace viewers before and it happens on other channels too so please double check that

    You’ve hit that subscribe button so you don’t miss my latest videos and while checking hit the like button and consider becoming an ace member it’s a great way to support the channel everyone gets the same exclusive perks you decide how much you want to give so there we go I think because our

    Cuz our property starts from the public Highway here yeah anything You’ filmed being on site there yeah walking down I need to ask you to delete it I’ve just had a phone call to ask you to delete it okay it won’t be deleted um the reason

    For that is I don’t have to I know I understand the request cuz it’s private property and you’ve not have permission that’s the thing I get that but then again is publicly accessible and this is the import of it because it’s publicly accessible from the road here that’s why

    I’ve walked down and I haven’t gone beyond any barriers or Gates or anything like that yeah so um with all due respect it won’t be deleted um but then again nothing has that really happened has it we’ve just had a nice conversation yeah that is very true and I appreciate that I’ve

    Obviously been asked to ask you yeah um I’ll obviously report back I’m not about to delete anything I’m not going to be a pain in the neck of I’ll I’ll I’ll speak to them and just let them know what you’ve said and I’ll just pass that literally I just like to explore local

    Industry know and I portray it in the most positive light that I can um and I’ve not experienced anything bad during my visit so there’s not going to be any negativity from me okay all right I’ll explain some officers manager that and hopefully I won’t get all right thanks a lot right so

    Uh security guard there has come chasing me down the road and uh yeah he’s saying they want to go back flying the Drone I’ve got to do it from the public area which is fine I said we’ll do that anyway um but apparently they want me to

    Delete all the footage that I’ve just taken which isn’t going to happen um it’s unfortunate they feel that way um but that’s where we are anyway I’m going to go get Snoopy and uh I shall be back in a moment okay so here we are back at an

    Experia this time with Snoopy I cannot believe that I did that um anyway let’s get uh The Landing Pad out so I’m going to take off from here cuz uh this is where the pavement changes actually I’m going to go back here a little bit away from the

    Tree okay so let’s go and have a look at next Baria in Stockport Up Up and Away take off Find something around here I am yeah you know you’re not allow just give me one second let me just put these away right say again sorry you filming me now I’m the reason I film is because sometimes people are hostile to me you not see the the signs say again you not

    See the signs I can see the signs five property yeah yeah that’s that’s there and I’m here where you got where’s the Drone it’s in the sky right you see this bit of pavement here would you like to have a conversation all right so you’re being ignorant instead suit yourself what a silly

    Person that’s a shame Hi how are you doing I’m very well thank you good I believe you got a drone up I have got a drone up that’s right you’ve not got it over the top of the factory at all over at the moment it’s there right just get some nice Scenic shots

    And stuff and uh it’s just if you haven’t got a risk assessment and know what potentially the site is we’d prefer you not to fly over for both the safety of your drone and yourself if it came down we’ve got stuff on site we don’t want some to well it’s highly unlikely

    It will go down it’s not a cheap drone or anything so it’s not like a little toy drone it’s proper that’s fine but we wouldn’t we wouldn’t let anybody do any work on site without a risk assessment I’m not on your site so I’m a studing no

    But no but your drone’s over the top of the site and it could have an Empire that’s it’s not at the minute but it will be um I’m studying public this is a public bit of Road totally agree up until where the crossing there is that’s

    Uh that’s this is all public I know and I appreciate that and yes you can stand here and yes you can film from here but I’m just asking you please don’t go over the top of the site because if there is an issue and somebody gets injured on

    Site then it’s down to you yeah I’m fully insured so there is no issue really okay and any particular reason that you’re interested in our site today yes I was just speaking to your really friendly security guard up there he’s a really nice guy by the way he’s uh super

    Friendly uh very accommodating um I was just explaining to him that um yeah I’ve got an interested I’ve got an interest in industrial areas I’ve got an interest in local history what goes on in the area and things like that so I travel around visit different areas and things

    And around here you’ve got an experience I think it’s a great company by by the way I’m not here for any bad reason um and I’ve only had good things to say about the company so far and you’ll be far enough away that none of the stuff

    On site will be identifiable Yeah Yeah so basically it’s like at the moment I’m at 60 M at the moment you can see how how how high up it is I don’t get super close down to anything uh anyway because I just don’t like to do that um there’s

    Nothing people will not be identifiable from the Drone okay no problem all how long are you going to be roughly 15 minutes and I’ll be gone okay great St than all right then thanks a lot got a quick question would you like me to send you some aial footage no you’re okay thank

    You you don’t want any footage at all thank you no worries so there we go I offer offered to uh give him some nice aerial footage but he’s uh not interested in that so he doesn’t want me to fly over the site but look at what an amazing site it

    Is why on Earth wouldn’t he want anybody to fly over this site what a great place this is it’s a bigger employer for the area and I am flying it at a height where I can still see it thanks to the uh paint job let have done on it Just okay so nexperia in Stockport super um security guard there he was nice to chat with but the other people weren’t so hospitable but uh yeah not to worry so shout out to DJ and PJ who have been a previously I watched your videos they were absolutely fantastic and I just had

    To come here as I was in the area it would have been rude not to um it’s always good to revisit places that have already been audited to see if they’ve learned any lessons so you be the judge of that anyway that’s it for this one so

    Thanks a lot for watching take care everybody on to the next one a sord it Out my


    1. Security guard is a real asset to the company. I really hope he doesnt get in trouble for being too easy on you. The 2nd guy was an ignorant jerk. Last giuy was ok'ish but needs to learn that his risk assessment does not apply to the airspace. If hes so scared of a 249g drone falling on his factory then he must be having kittens when an A380 goes over

    2. Oi little miss Dover, another chilled video no any real harrassment or threats of the FBI being called on a wasted journey on the tax payer account, maybe a wee bit of velcro on the bottom of the sub and the 👍 sign's may stop them blowing away on take off and landing, as it's good video shot when bringing snoop back down to planet earth, just checked high and low to see if there is a RSCD, to which you could be reported on for leaving snoops in a motor unattended with no windows open, but no avail, 🥇🏅🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇬🇧 gonna need change your name to miss squeaky clean 👏👏👏

    3. Excellent video, Ace. Security was really chilled out and just wanted a conversation. He was totally relaxed throughout. He definitely knows auditing, imo. He was a help, and certainly not a tyrant in any shape or form.Excellent interaction.

    4. Its NOT private as the council double yellow lines extend from the public road right down the access road which also has numbered council street lighting and council grit bins, just for your information. Good and well educated security guard with a pleasant approach and attitude. To delete footage you have to have a court order signed by a judge and only they can do this, no company or the police can do this. What you like and what the law allows are different things and companies do not dictate law. According to him all aircraft, hot air balloons, gliders, and microlights need a risk assessment? really.

    5. Security guard? More like he was the company manager! He came across to me as someone who has quite a high rank in the organization considering his communication skills.

    6. The word for the part of the property between the road and the front door is the curtilage. You have every right to walk there to the front and talk to the owner or representatives. There's extensive case law on that in your jurisdiction afaik.

    7. They can’t force you to destroy your property. Photographs are property and belong to the creator. You could get a sign for yourself saying drone flying allowed within 400 metres of this sign. Then wear it on your person.

    8. Hate the whole HSE approach. Generally, they are petty and overbearing in "their interpretation" of rules. Unless work needs to be done, then it's over to nightshift with not a safety man about.

    9. Guy isn't happy being filmed but approaches a photographer with a camara 😅 what a dumbass 😊

      Ace your amazing at dealing with people.. Your so calm and professional throughout, I couldn't in your place 😊

    10. Derek is my son-in-law, he is amazing. It's great to read such positive comments from your viewers. He is a true peacemaker, and very diplomatic, not a jobsworth bully.
      He's also a fantastic husband and father.

      Proud mum-in-law 😊

    11. Ace you are quickly becoming one of my favourites, must say I love your style always so polite and calm and stand your ground and don't take no crap. Always good work from yourself keep it up.

    12. Absolutely clueless management. They could do with taking a leaf out of their security guards book in terms of being personable, polite, professional and knowledgeable.

    13. I was in Nexperia RE1 PowerApps team, Manchester UK(2022-2023). Manager : Sami Ahmed. HR advisor: Sarah Bond.

      Some of my experiences while working there-
      Manager said- you have not been hired to learn but to contribute. I have never heard this type of comment ever before in my previous work experience- after working for 11 years in Texas Instruments across different time zones and different managers.

      Manager bullies(i will not share examples here), verbally harasses, micromanages a lot.
      I told him once about micromanagement. He said- micromanagement will continue. It will be there. Another time he mentioned on call on the lines of that he will continue harassing me until i become like how he wants.

      FlexibilIty- Nil. U have to come to office 9-5.30 or 37.5 work hrs. If u leave half hr early, u receive call from manager. You will feel afraid to take even 1 day wfh even if you can.
      If you take sick leave,my God- it is as if you committed some crime.

      There is no room for you to commit a mistake. If u do, it is as if they have been watching you all along.

      Full of lies, deception and failure to keep their promises.54 year old manager gets threatened by young employees who possess knoweldge.

      Manager tells me – his previous companies(early career may be 15-20 years back) used to call him at 6 am and if he got late by 15 min they would mark that as absence.
      It appears they want to abuse newcomers as they themselves were mistreated earlier in jobs.
      Why are you telling me what happened with you 15 years back? The world has changed.

      Manager used to talk to me about his religion(islam) that how it does not permit him to treat some employees favorably over others.
      I did not like someone of that senior level(54 yrs old) talking about religion instead of giving a professional feedback.

      There is great lack of professionalism, consistency, lack of planning and respect in the Re1 powermos apps team (Sami Ahmed). It is not right- you cannot be 54 years old and behave like this in a company that is growing and wants to meet 10B mark. Manager writes in Teams at 6 pm asking the team – does anyone know how to use Netflix on laptop? I am surprised he is 54 years old and he has daughters at home to ask for help on this but he is asking young guys and girls in his team regarding this. So immature.

      Again, Nexperia is a good and growing company(good top level management) but it is run by old generation managers. The manager try to become like youngsters as if he regret the way he lived his life before. Still 54 year old manager leading 25 year olds is not the norm in most modern companies.

      HR: Sarah Bond does not try to find what is right or wrong. She is just doing what manager tells to her. she did not even ask me even once during that 1 year period of any issues being faced,etc. Sarah Bond, no hard feelings but based on this – you are a disgrace to Nexperia. You never requested for me even a short 1-1 for full1 year and then suddenly you ask me at last moment forcing me to resign.

      Based on my experience , Their (Sami Ahmed and Sarah Bond) way of working/ideology is this- Submit to them or face consequences. Very authoritarian.
      Try other teams if u is kind of "corporate Hamas".

      Nexperia is good, they need to hire new and young generation to reach 10B and i believe it is possible but they must enforce top level management ethics down to individual team level as well. Also they need to stand up for right and wrong. Currently i cannot say that Nexperia stands up for right and wrong and it becomes difficult to respect an organization like that and being a part of it no matter how much i want to contribute there.

      In Re1 powermos apps team, i was many times afraid of even sitting near my manager(Sami Ahmed) because he thinks that if you are not in the lab you are not working. I never had this kind of experience working 11 years in American company Texas Instruments, before across different time zones with different managers.

      Manager tells me to share my dc/dc knoweldge(which i learnt at Texas Instruments) only with him and not with anyone else. When i try to take help of automotive apps, he refrains. It is not encouraged to take help of other teams . Very limited cross functional communication.
      Manager uses this word- "Nonsense" to me several times. He says to me – you have no idea how much pressure i am under. He shows me his written messages of another colleague that he too asks them at 6 pm of status of the project- unprofessional

      in Powermos nexperia i see- they dont care about right or wrong but they care about their rights over an employee for certain topics, behaviors,etc.

      Many times my manager just used to give random work to keep me busy in lab. That time i could have used to learn other things. It is very bad culture. All his role was to micromanage me, etc..etc…not good.
      Coming to being a man of his word- No  he was not. Once i was in lab,the scope had gone for calibration. So he knew that i did not have lab work at that time and i used to study. So he comes to lab tells me to try taking measurements on other scope if possible as he has work to do so he can use that setup. I tried, it worked but he never came back to test it . His whole objective is to just keep people busy. But then why do u lie?? I started losing respect for him and Nexperia as well since. The only reason i did not leave at that time was because of my friends.
      According to me, his ideology/core belief of improving a person is this- strike them , bully them , make them submit and if they dont, then fire them. There is no empathy, no grace,etc. It is kind of an islamic ideology what i see around the world these days.

      One day i came at 8 and was leaving at 4:15…saw my manager just told him casually i m leaving as i came early today. He said 15 minutes are still remaining. Another day i came at 8:50 -worked full day in lab and left at 5. He messages me while i am on way home. I tell i came at 9 ,left at 5. I am saturated as full day i was in lab. He gets angry that 0.5 hr is still remaining.

      Many other things which i could have written about my experience here. It is not good actually.

      After all this i was having lack of peace in the organization and i just quit rather than being dependant on them just because of skilled worker visa. Life is too short to work for jobs like this. Anyways Sami Ahmed has already lived his life- he is quite old and in his last phases.wishing him all the best for the remaining few years. Sarah Bond because u have not tried to discern right and wrong and spoken evil with your mouth let God deal with you(it is terrible to fall into the hands of living God).

      The other day i was checking all latest reviews on glassdoor for Nexperia- similar type of feedbacks especially w.r.t bad management. Please check out on your own as well.

      Thank you.

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