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    The Church and the Land by Fr. Vincent McNabb: https://amzn.to/48sDZA7
    I’ll Take My Stand: The South and the Agrarian Tradition (Library of Southern Civilization) by by Susan V. Donaldson: https://amzn.to/49rMUD9

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    Well hello all and welcome back to my channel we have lost power in the house today and I love it when that happens cuz all the machines cut off can’t have no washing machine can’t have no dishwasher running and uh it goes well with a topic that I want to talk about

    Entitled why modern life sucks so it’s cold outside it’s actually sleeping outside and I got a fire going in the library and the way I want to talk about this subject is to read uh for you from the introduction to um father vinc mcnabs the church and the

    Land this preface in this introduction is by Dr William fahe um he used to be the uh he worked at Christendom College in Front Row Virginia for a while and now I think he’s the president of Thomas Moore college and uh I think I’m saying that

    Right f f f William F sounds good if he watches this he can correct me or somebody else knows how to pronounce it and you can tell me I’m not good with pronoun pronouncing certain names but uh why modern life sucks isn’t that a good title so father

    Vincent McNab for those of you who don’t know was one of the um leading members of the Catholic land movement in England in the 1920s this this book I think was first written in 1920 or 1924 somewhere in there and uh there were since over the past 100

    Years there’s really been three forces to that that have spoken out in important ways against the the the industrialism of the modern world the distributist primarily GK Chesterton and H A bellac in England and uh CS Lewis was also very much concerned with industrialism as was token but in the United States the

    Southern agrarians or The Fugitive agrarians as they were known at the time uh who were also writing in the 1920s and published I’ll take my stand which is considered to be the southern agrarian Manifesto published that in 1930 November 1930 so there’s a lot of activity uh

    During the in war period of the 20th century among people who are concerned about the uh nature of Excuse me while I poke my fire that are concerned about the nature of the consumer culture the modern industrialized culture to which we uh now have inherited many of us now

    Don’t know what it’s like to live without a consumer culture but I want you to listen to the if I can read it with the sunlight we got left yeah uh I want to read to you some information from this introduction and so um Dr William fahe

    Is is talking about why people should pay attention to uh father Vincent McNab why should you care and so I this is so beautiful I have not um read a description that really shows how ridiculous Modern Life is I I haven’t read anything this good in quite some

    Time and by the way the third force is windberry so you have the distributist in England you have the southern agrarians then eventually in the 1960s up until now you have windberry in my mind those are the three great forces of uh alternative views of agrarian

    Ideology over the past 100 years so um I’ll just read what has got to say here we use this to to talk about some things yet a reader may ask what really is the relevance of such thought today meaning agrarianism back to the land stuff even if we accept mcnab’s personal Holiness

    Has not the science of economic so Advanced that we may understand and treat our social ills much more effectively than in Leo the 13th or Vincent mcnab’s day surely we do not have to worry about the industrialization of the workplace or the effects of factory life on the home

    The foulness of a disrupted food system has passed away as have the dark satanic Mills of the western landscape food and material wealth are in abundance Classical liberalism has won the day surely no one would consider Father MC mcnab’s uh positions as either preent for his day or appropriate to our

    Own as for homesteading and small crafts these have gone the way of the draft horse The Windmill and the Iron Forge well dear reader the fact that you have kept going after the last paragraph points to at least a whisper of hesitation over whether or not all is

    Well modern man for all his climate control Comforts and toys still doubts that he has everything right let’s turn first to the workplace in mcnab’s day there was a cry to improve the Hideous conditions of the worker in certain areas Victory can be claimed though to what body or system we

    Should Grant the law leaves is disputed certainly working conditions in many Western countries are improved on the other hand most of the so-called manufacturing work uh that McNab challenged so squarely has moved to the Southern Hemisphere and the Far East comfortably Beyond the Horizon of Suburbia do we really think that the

    Working conditions at any of the meals and factories that provide our clothing our tools and raw materials are significantly different from the slums of Pittsburgh Birmingham or Dublin a century ago think about it now how much Ma in China stuff you have in your house what are the working conditions in those

    Places where our made in China uh made overseas items are coming from even in the fluorescent glow of our Western cubicles the the workplace has significant problems the 31-hour work week achieved by the middle of the 20th century has been abandoned any mention of it is largely erased from our popular

    History now let us for a moment travel to a modern North American home now get this you got to pay attention to this let us for a moment travel to a modern North American Home homward the happy Hunter of the free West rid usually usually alone for

    Some 45 minutes or more in the great symbol of his Liberation the C how much time do you spend in a car going to work backwards and forwards every day though it cost him on average over $10,000 perom to maintain his machine and though it slays enough

    People each year to be classified in epidemic life without two or three vehicles is now inconceivable now let us enter the modern home the home which is nearly a th000 square ft larger than that of our grandparents the home which his great-grandparents paid for for within a

    Decade and which now if he bothers staying there for more than a few years takes a full 30 to pay for now let us sit with the Modern Man of the West at a mill if we sit at all and where is the family that is to

    Say where is the other person who brings in the required second income and where are the one or perhaps two children quite possibly the fruit of the same Union quite possibly the fruit of the same Union but by no means guarantee anymore alas one and all are exercising

    Their freedoms his spouse must work in her fluorescent cubicle a little later to reduce her stress the sign of her economic Liberation she must before returning home go to the great luminous glass block cave off to exercise on a never ending plastic conveyor while watching with two dozen other officially

    Independent and liberated women the same cable news program prophesying wars and rumors of War the gym he’s talking about people going to a gym because they don’t have any other outlet for exercise the children eat alone but each apparently content as they are plugged into some virtual world where one may

    Engage in such archaic activities as fighting with swords searching for Treasure warding off dark powers from a good Kingdom speaking with imaginary creatures and camping under a Starlit sky we thank the heavens that digital technology has made such youthful fun not only safe but possible this is all

    Satire you’ve got to remember all satire but it shows how utterly ridiculous we have made Modern Life Food Food still unites the family that is to say no matter where or what you eat in the United States you and your loved ones will all be partaking in flavors created

    In Laboratories from the same part of New Jersey the flame broed low fat burger picked up on the way back from arobics the country style chicken breast prepared just the way you like it in the microwave the tie takeout that the children wolf down as they learn more about an endangered

    Rainforest from the tourism Channel all were produced along the same Corridor off the Jersey Turnpike near South Brunswick he just really is hammering into this this is of course a comical picture merely a satire every age has its difficulties does it not at least we are secure in

    Ours yet we must admit though that when McNab warned that the family and the life of the family was imperal he was not wrong something as small and distant as industrial capitalism and something as near and menacing as canned food were anathema to Father McNab it would also

    Have been anathema to most American Farm families at the time he was writing this and not to mention uh English farm families there were they were of the same Beast a dreadful Beast crouching to Devour the mother and child left undefended by the father whether by true

    Choice or no women have been swept from the home and from the life that was dignified and was their own and men men have taken up the life of socioeconomic Nomads knowing no allegiance to work for work knows them not and slowly forgetting what Duty and paternal piety

    Mean if this is in doubt let us turn again to our modern household our age now views as domesticated a woman who subscribes to an illustrated cooking magazine and prepares Brian B for the Precision of a German chemical engineer lost to the art of of cooking without a reference library pasta and

    Sauce from a jar constitute a homecooked meal that we are momentarily satisfied with this state may be due to genuine advances in natural or organic food preparation or it may only be a condition response enabling us not to face social deficiencies I mean it just goes on and

    On it it this this reading is showing us the sheer stupidity and ridiculousness of modern life we spend so much time trying to save time that we don’t have anything to do with the time when it’s saved except get on the screen there was a time when cooking

    Sewing and all the domestic Arts were natural and Vocational expressions of Womanhood mothers did these things because their love for family called forth beauty and care thankfully there is still affection and with affection the desire to restore the home if only some clear path can be shown man having longer uh been callous

    And longer disenfranchised from his own art seems happier than modern women the pressure of being Soul bread winner is gone a work less year know again we collide with our Illusions let us Harden ourselves to the probable sting that comes to most men when they contemplate that our economic

    System blocks them from being the economic sustainer of the family The Joint worker household is not in exercise and freedom but in necessity for most the two cars and a half ton truck the 2500 square foot house the clothing the gadgets the vacations all require two incomes we are surfect with what McNab

    Called secondary wealth to the point that we are rarely enjoying what is primary such as health and the food and the shelter necessary for our station and Life to what end are men Fierce providers their jobs and Lifestyles long insulate them from the experience of husbandry paternal sacrifice their co-worker spouses are

    Not in any real sense dependent socially or even economically or rather the dependency too often becomes a kind of contractual benefit in a rabidly materialistic world what they Supply for their children they know in their hearts is ephemeral junk to be replaced at the next birthday or special occasion by yet

    More plastic and electric gadgetry I still feel the same way every time Christmas rolls around everybody goes out and buys all this plastic crap and puts under a Christmas tree it’s ephemeral junk it teaches children nothing you buy people screen you put kids that are three and four years old

    On a computer screen or on a little tablet and and you teach them how to run a cell phone but they don’t know how to cook anything or split wood or grow a garden or feed chickens or take care of any kind of animal by the time they’re

    10 years old I had a good farmer friend of mine in Alabama told me one time that when his grandchildren all turned 12 years old all his granddaughters that is he gave them a frying pan he said that was the best gift he could ever gave him was a frying

    Pan that may s sexist to some folks but uh I stand with my former friend from Alabama for a small group doit your sales shops allow some expression of craft to emerge from the eviscerated life of a white collar worker one could also mention camping in certain Sports as activities that still

    Remind the male worker of his masculine flesh and senu yet these activities engage in by an Ever decreasing number of the population are again done as hobbies and stress relievers they do not constitute part of a natural cycle of life nor are they done as part of a process of

    Enhancing and creating primary wealth instead Modern Men drink deeply of nostalgia man he’s got it going on ha this domestic scene fixed some somewhere between satire and tragedy fixed somewhere between satire and tragedy that’s exactly right it’s ridiculous and sad at the same time the way we live in the modern world

    Sucks it is sad and and ridiculous simultaneously let it arouse us it is something after all with which to make a start Traditions May yet be restored precisely because human nature is enduring at moments of Crisis Clarity can come forth in heroism and sacrifice be readily observed a natural life with sane and

    Regular rhythms is not the product of constant crisis tempered by crisis yes but a healthy organism seeking seeks equipoise and peace listen to this a natural life is the product of a small healthy Community grounded in the common traditional and religious life of the West Western Civilization

    Christendom then he gets into a larger discussion of Catholicism and uh the nature of the the again the ridiculous nature of how we’ve allowed Christianity to devolve in our in our modern world now that is similar to uh now that that is a a description of the

    The the way we live now which is not that was written several years ago but it’s not far off from the way it is now uh even though people largely are able to work from home now ever since covid we still do not use the time at home to

    Produce food for our own table to be more responsible for our everyday things now this is Andrew lle from 1930 his essay and I’ll take my stand Andrew Lidle uh was from I think he was uh born in north Alabama if I’m not mistaken but he spent the majority

    Of his life in Tennessee particularly on around mon Eagle Mountain which is off I24 going from Chattanooga to Nashville but this is he’s describing I’m not going to read the whole thing but this is this is 1930 nearly 100 years ago Lal is describing what uh life

    Everyday life on a Southern Farm would have looked like in the 1920s and really this would have been late 19th century early 20th century and he’s Des describing what is at danger of being lost 50 years after he published this in the 1980s lle wrote a a separate essay which

    Was a reflection on the southern agrarian movement 50 years after it started and what he concluded in the 1980s remember this is 40 years ago now is that we failed the people who thought that the old rural way of life the old country oldfashioned way of life the

    People who thought that it would never go away that it would always be around they were fooled they were shocked by the time we get into the few decades after the second world war and discovered that consumerism and Industrial capitalism completely plows under the small farm world that lle is describing here in

    1930 I’ll just select a couple of random paragraphs the kitchen leads out to the back L-shaped porch upon its banister or if there is no banister upon the wash table a bucket of water in its gourd a tin pan soap and towel wait to serve the

    Morning toilet the towel will hang on a folding rack fixed to the wall this rack may also serve long strings of red peppers drying in the air a bell post Rises up near the kitchen to ring the boys in from the field at dinner time and this would be 12:00 noon this is

    Another uh thing that has become completely destroyed dinner is at 12:00 noon supper time is in the evening dinner is at 12: supper’s in the evening I can’t tell you to amount of times that I have confused people even in our own part of the world you say dinner they

    Think you’re supposed to be talking about the evening meal it is the midday meal in the back behind the kitchen is the smok house and several ouses iron kettles for washing tilt to one side in the ashes of an old fire some distance away an ash Hopper made from a hall log

    No longer in use lies up against the buggy house having gone the way of the kitchen fireplace the life for soap and comedy making is now bought in town Before Dawn the roosters and the farmer feel the tremendous silence chilling and filling the gap between

    Night and day he gets up makes the fires and Rings the rising Bell he could arouse the family with his voice but it has been the custom to ring the bell so every morning it sounds out taking its place among the other bells in the neighborhood each according to

    His nature gets up and prepares for the day the wife has long been in the kitchen uh when the boys go to the barn some of the girls help her while the farmer plans the morning work and calls out directions then he talks about the importance of the milk cow on the old

    Farmstead oh yes industrialism gives an electric refrigerator bottled milk and dairy butter it takes a few minutes to remove it from the ice to the table while The Agrarian process has taken several hours and is spread out over two or three days industrialism saves time this is is so important industrialism

    Saves time but what is to be done with this time the milkmaid can’t go to the movies read the sign boards and go play bridge all the time in the moderate circumstances of this family deprived of her place in the home economy she will be exiled to the town to clerk all day

    If the income of the family can afford it she remains idle and therefore miserable oh so beautiful oh this is so good and he continues he continues he talks about the daily diet that people had um oh it’s just beautiful anyway I The Agrarian South okay here we go The

    Agrarian South therefore whose culture was impoverished but not destroyed by the war meaning the Civil War the great unpleasantness the war of Northern arrogance and its aftermath should dread industrialism like a pising snake for the South long since finished its pioneering it can only do violence to its provincial life when it allows

    Itself to be forced into the aggressive State of Mind of an earlier period and L goes on eventually and he has a very famous quote where he says a farm is not a place to grow wealthy it’s a place to grow corn and so it’s just ridiculous if you

    Just sit around and think about how stupid modern society has become we spend so much money on junk that doesn’t matter and then we have time and we don’t know what to do with it we sit around and Fiddle with our hands people need front porches again people don’t

    Sit on front porches and talk to one another they don’t talk to their neighbors we live in these isolated little atomistic individualistic uh homes where we don’t know what’s happening outside of the Four Walls of our house and part of that has to do with the fact that modern life

    Itself sucks and we don’t want to know what’s going outside the four walls of our house but I think there is still a chance where differences can be made and it can be made at home uh and simply by people learning to be more responsible for their everyday things the small

    Little everyday things anyway I’ve already talked enough we’ll continue this conversation next time but for the time being I’m going to go figure out uh uh if I can help the wife with anything because we lost power I may need to go see what in the world I can do to help

    Her but uh tune in next time this is a conversation we’re going to continue and and I’m just going to keep talking about it as long as you keep listening this is Alan harlson thank you for stopping by


    1. Life sucks when you let it!
      I walk the line between old and new all the time. I don’t think I want to be consumed by either though. Do love old books w/ a passion. My 2 cents lol

    2. Dr. Harrelson, I could not agree more with your thoughts on this topic. I have grown tired of modern society, especially engaging with all those running on the perpetual cycle of convenience provided in exchange for a paycheck. I am a truck driver by trade, and I constantly deal with people in a hurry. It is why I chose to reject modern convenience and live "off grid". As you well know, this has become quite a fad in recent years, resulting in one of the biggest back to the land movements of the modern day. Unlike most though, I have no solar panels or generators, I am working towards living as simply as my great grandparents did. I get much more value out of doing a chore like hand splitting a winter's supply of firewood instead of working to make money to pay for heat. The simplicity has resulted in greater peace and happiness. My phone and the radio in the car are the only connections to the modern world of technology, and if it wasn't for my job, I might dispose of the phone and car also. Keep the good videos coming, we enjoy them

    3. Your videos are often a anecdote to my pessimism and I cannot express in words how grateful I and probably all your audience are in you disseminating this much needed knowledge.

    4. Thank you, Dr. Harrelson. 👏
      To say that Modern Life Sucks is an understatement!
      The fact that you're making this video during a power-outage speaks volumes.
      The unplugged life on the land is a great anecdote for the virtual 'reality ' to which we now subscribe.
      Peace of mind (from the Prince of Peace) is priceless, and the best things in life are free (indeed).
      Simplicity is key to a virtuous and fulfilling life, walking humbly with God.

    5. Partially agree with you. Modern life certainly sucks in many ways. It also offers opportunities for enrichment that have never existed before. The world and all of mankind's knowledge is at your fingertips. Chose wisely how you spend the free time you have in the modern age. Get out in the real world and enjoy nature. Avoid big brother and the opportunities for a fulfilled life are still there.

    6. This video spoke to my soul. I’ve Been thinking and feeling this way sinse I was 18 years old in 2012. Now as a 31 year old it has become a living nightmare of sorts. My wife and I are very traditional, she stays at home and raises the boys and I go to work and try to make enough to pay the bills in this inflated economy. A single family income as a blue collar worker with the desire to be home at a decent hour just to be a “normal” or “traditional” dad is near impossible. I find myself wondering how it’s all going to work out. Of course the easy answer is “just have your wife go get a job and send your kids to day care 40 hours a week”…. And then “go get the better paying job working in that factory on third shift”…. Yes modern life does suck. It’s not being poor that I mind… I’m ok with that… it’s that the system is so rigged against the traditional home and family values that gets me. I feel like I’m constantly walking against a strong current, constantly trying to just get back to what should be “normal”…

    7. Dr. Harrelson, in an age of short form video I find myself struggling to pay attention to long form. I found myself thinking to myself get to the point already. This mentality spills over into everything we do in modern society. I appreciate the pacing of this video and the content. Well done, and thank you. Keep up the good work!

    8. Very interesting. My grandfather and nanna were born in 1901 & 1912. They had a farm in Brookton Western Australia. They were the second wave of farmers/pioneers to the area (wheat & sheep). My nanna shared mixed memories of running the farm. She was required to get up and feed the workers 3 times a day, do housework, look after 3 small children and some ‘low level’ animals. She loved the beauty of the landscape but loathed cooking elaborate meals etc. My nanna was a complete ‘jet’ at getting anything done and despised sluggish people. The silent generation saw such hardship and change. They were not romantic about life and looked to the simple pleasures. I’m grateful to have learned from them – both in life’s lessons and faith orientation. My nanna died at 100 (2012). She thought the world had “lost its marbles” and people were lost. 🌎

    9. What screws with me is that participation in the economy/society perpetuates all the insanity- especially when it comes to retirement funds, index funds, pensions, 401Ks, IRAs, etc. All of these are heavily invested in multinational corporations, China, banks, big tech, pharmaceutical companies, and war contractors. Not only is the daily operating procedure of these industries predatory and speculative but when they become so egregiously malfeasant and overleveraged to the point of collapse they are rewarded with bailouts because the "little guy" would lose his nest egg if they failed- and the "big guys" would lose their power. Therefore, many people behave responsibly and perfectly "nice" in their immediate surroundings while simultaneously profiting from this globalized system of corruption, because they've compartmentalized away the reality of how their sausage gets made. Then they act confused as to why someone like me doesn't just "get with the program." Also factor in the citizen's obligation to obey and pay taxes to a crooked government and it seems the only way to not contribute to all the insanity is to live in a cabin in the woods and try to be completely self reliant. I'm no anti-capitalist, I just think there is a right way and a wrong way to conduct business.

    10. Our age is increasingly nihilistic, the more our society refuses to embrace God and Tradition the worse it will get. Kids today have no direction, and being in my late 20s I didn’t either until I embraced Catholic Christianity. Thankfully there are a number of smart people who are starting to wake up.

    11. Almost everyone is a frightened little fat yapping dog.
      See what happens if any man displays any sort of anger.
      They'll scurry like roaches pulling out their phones calling 911.

    12. I enjoyed this conversation for a second time whilst sitting on my front porch after Sunday dinner, smoking some Jamestown with my churchwarden. It makes me thankful for a simple country life. Much food for thought until supper time. 🙂

    13. Mr. Harrelson: I can't find the words to describe my enjoyment for these videos you make. I don't have a relative that can talk to me about the topics you cover, so I find delight in stopping my day and listening to you for a while. Keep up the good work and I pray that God and our Lady guide your life and family. See you on the next video.

    14. I may have been born in the 1980’s but surely do not agree with where our world is heading. I wish we could go back to the simpler times before the Industrial Revolution live like simple folk did, take care of our own on our own land and support the community as one family. We need a change

    15. Because its all a lie thrust upon humanity so that terrible, awful, evil people can own, control and pillage The Earth for the sake of their own monstrous perversion and deceit and egomaniacal frustration of having been borne into mortality

    16. The problem I have with living off the Grid and all Agricultural societies is that it means more for women to do less responsibility on men. While the man is sitting in front of the fire place, the little lady would be cooking, baking bread, washing and cleaning. Also Off the Grid can be more expensive. E.g say I bake, a ready made cake would have been cheaper down at the Big Box Chain Supermarket vs baking a cake. I really therefore bake from scratch for my own personal hobby. Also as a shortcut I know how to use a cake mix add other things and make it seem deliciously homemade —-that method with cake mix is way cheaper than making a cake from scratch.

    17. I've got news for you, not only does modern life suck, but life in nearly every era and location sucked for some people. Just depends on whose life sucks the most, then we get around to trying to solve that problem, only to shift the problem to some other facet of society. Ask your share croppers and tenant farmers how great life was in the agrarian South of the '30s. Ask the woman forced to be pregnant all of the time, unless her old man took to the bottle and left her alone, if he didn't decide to beat her anyway. Look in the old graveyards and see all the dead children, and dead first wives, and the next bunch of dead children from the second wife. Look and see how many people got to threescore years and ten. We take that for granted nowadays. And we end our lives in protracted ill health and dementia. By the way, your accent sounds as phony as your philosophy. Quit whining.

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