Lexmoto LXR 125. A surprisingly good cheap motorcycle. This bike shocked me. With cheaper bikes it’s often the case that they don’t perform as good as they look, but this is not true with this bike. The performance is as good if not better than most of the 125cc bikes I’ve been on. Join me for a look around this motorbike and then a test ride.

    As always a really big thanks to @in2moto480 and @MotoGBofficial for letting me take this bike out. Without them non of these videos would be possible. #bikelife #motorbike #bike #england #english #motorcycle #motorcyclereview #bikereview #gillybikes #newbike #usedbike #usedmotorcycle #used #usedbikebargain #lexmoto #lxr125 #buy #buynew #buyused #happy #happyplace #trend #trending #trendingvideo #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mensmentalhealth #play #playing

    I can be contacted at burtonwoodbiker@gmail.com

    Boys and girls back at into motor Warrington and it’s a sporty one so I’ve got to get all stretched out for this one you know what I’m like on sporty bikes getting too old for it now I still enjoy them but oh anyway let’s just cut to it I’ll show you what I’m On it’s only the Lex Mot so lxr 125 what do we think it has been on my radar for a bit I do like the look of these bikes I’ve heard some very good things about them I’ve heard a few mix reviews as well but you know I prefer to make my

    Own mind up by taking one out for a ride let’s have a look around the bike then we’ll go for a test ride and I’ll see exactly what it’s like but it’s a sports bike I need to get my stretches in because these always get me old person problems I know

    But if I’m going to be over like that I need to make sure I’m all limbered up and ready for it feel like an old man every time I sit on a sports bike let’s just have a look around come on looks wise yeah I think it’s quite a

    Nice looking thing isn’t it looks as nice as all the others that are out there but I know it’s Lex Moto and a lot of people will say oh no it’s just a cheap whatever they are cheap but can you have the same amount of fun they are

    Goodlooking bikes yeah I don’t think you can complain too much about the looks of them there’s the money shot for us I do like the color scheme on this one quite subtle with a black with with a little bit of gold on we’ll see what it sounds

    Like when I start it up single rear disc at the back twin disc brakes at the front I’ve been told that these brakes are really really impressive I’ll make my own mind up when we’re out riding yeah quite an evil looking face on it and excuse the L plates anybody not from the

    UK 125 CC bikes are where it’s at as far as learning machines go looks bigger than a 125 obviously the plastic fur in there hides the engine so you can’t see it sizewise you put this next to a 600 CC a 400cc it would look very similar it’s the plastic hides everything

    Looking at these bars they do have that sporty stance about them they’re not straight they are very much angled towards you so we’ll see if that affects the wrists when I I’m riding buttons wise because this is a cheap bike there’s not a lot to speak of you’ve

    Just got your horn your indicators your hazard Waring lights your high and low beam and your flash fairly standard as far as that goes on the other side again just very basic you’ve got your engine start we’ve got a light on and off switch so you can switch them off not

    That I would ever advise anyone to do that because you want to be seeing always have them switched on and then you’ve got your engine cut off digital Speedo you’ve still got your old school rev meter which I think is quite a good look you have got a very big Speedo

    That’s good nice and visible we’ve got your total miles we’ve got fuel gauge and gear indicator that’s quite handy to have as well I do love that on the 125s I do like that rear light as well I think it’s styled really nicely like the

    Way that flares out you do do have a rear seat as well fairly big for a sports bike actually for a rear passenger and we’ve got our matching pegs for the rear passenger should you want to take one just a side stand no Center stand but again that’s fairly

    Typical I think of sports bikes this bike is a used example albe it’s a 2023 bike it is used it’s got a little over 2,000 M on but looking around it paint wise really good it’s a nice looking machine I can’t find any marks scratches or anything like that on

    The paintwork so it looks as new let’s see if it’s any good to ride I am interested to see if it is any good and if I would recommend one so let’s just go for a ride and find out before I do go for a ride if you

    Like this kind of review if you want to see new bikes used by bikes smaller capacity bikes I do anything from 50cc to as big as you like now if you’re interested in that kind of review don’t forget to hit that subscribe button it does help the channel grow it does

    Really really help you know what I mean press the button let’s just go for a ride and see what it’s like you are sat in the bike you’re not sat on the bike you sat in the bike I can feel the back of the seat at my lower back my balls

    Are proper squeezed against the tank so you are kind of wedged in the middle of it now bear in mind I’m well actually I would like to say I’m a very muscular bill but I know that’s not true I am uh I’m carrying a few extra pounds or

    Stones however I can fit in it but it is it’s a tight squeeze so bear that in mind depending on your build size everything else I am L forward on this bike it is a sports bike position it’s not really brutal like some of the bigger sports bikes but you are Leng

    Forward you are a bit on the wrists so we’ll see how we F while we’re riding well s supension is coping very well my twig and giggleberries are being pummeled by the tank so yeah I wouldn’t advise taking this on bumpy roads you’re going to be battered and

    Bruised in your sausage area at low speed it is quite easy to maneuver I’m not finding any issues with that to be fair because whilst it is a sports bike and it looks quite big in comparison to other sports bikes because it’s only got the 125 engine it is quite

    Light and maneuverable so that’s decent hello cheeky oh now that has actually surprised me the performance then just going through the gears up to fourth gear is I would say better than nippy I would say this is at the top end of 125s that I’ve been on it does feel to be quite

    Responsive on the throttle it does pick up speed nicely and you do feel the burst of acceleration as well which quite often with 125s you don’t the power delivery can be nice and smooth you do notice the speed picking up it’s not a 500 CCC plus bike you know

    It is a 125 so you’ve got to be realistic with your expectations but for a 125 and comparing it with with other bikes of a similar size I would say this is at the higher end of the scale as far as performance yeah that’s pretty good I do like the

    Sound of the exhaust when you wind it on a little bit and you pick the speed up changing gears the the sound that it makes is actually quite nice the fun factor for me when you’ve got a bike like this whilst you’re not going to be doing Earth breaking or Earth shattering speed

    You are getting a nice noise out of it when you pick the speed up and it does go through the gears very well I’ve got to say the throttle response is nice the gear changes the clutch it all feels very much like a brand new motorcycle so as far as that goes mechanically

    Speaking this is a really nice motorcycle to ride and the more I’m getting used to the seating position the back bent forward it’s only a touch so it’s not something that actually is making me feel uncomfortable which can happen quite often with sports bikes with my

    Frame it actually feels like a a nice position to be in did I just say that about something that looks sporty oh my God so far quite an enjoyable bike quite enjoyable let’s try a little bit of a sneak through here yeah all right for a bit of f

    Filtering it’s quite a slim bike as a lot of sports bikes are and because of where the mirrors are they’re not sticking out wide actually the widest point of your bars not your mirrors so that’s good as far as filtering goes because you’re only as wide as where your RS

    Are yeah very nice through the gears as I’ve said it it’s actually quite a nice bike to ride this I’m pleasantly surprised get the speed up to 40 when that opens up and we’ll see what it’s like so we have got six gears and as you know one 125s very fuel efficient this

    This I’m sure will be as fuel efficient as other 125s as you would expect really for a bike going around the corners because it is sporty by Nature these sweeping bends are actually a pleasure to ride around I do like the scream of the exhaust you’re constantly going through

    The gears and you can have a lot of fun going through your gears and thrashing the bike obviously within legal speed limits I’m not encouraging any craziness but you can have a lot of fun it’s cold I’m getting a face full of Colder while I’m

    Doing this review for you so it you know I am suffering for your viewing pleasure so make sure you hit the subscribe button and make my suffering worth it the channel is growing quite nicely thank you to new and all subscribers one day who knows who knows what the future may

    Bring but at the minute the channel is it is growing quite nicely so thank you all to the new subscribers and to the old ones for sticking by me and if you wouldn’t mind sharing the video or telling your friends about about it if they’re into motorbikes the more the

    Merer and I quite enjoy interacting with everyone as well so if you’ve got a comment on this bike or any of the bikes in my videos then drop us a comment because I do enjoy the interaction even if you’re telling me how crap the bike is or something I’ve

    Said wrong I don’t care it’s just nice to interact with other bikers and also everyday is a school day isn’t it so if you’re telling me about something about the bike whether I’ve misquoted something or if you just want to share your experience of a bike yourself

    Owning a bike or thinking about buying a bike or you know you just want to have a chat I’m quite happy join the party let me know the problem I’ve always with sports bikes is because you’re in that race ready position and you are bent over the

    Tank a little bit you are kind of always looking to go that little bit quicker and that’s what I’m finding on this the beauty with this because it is a smaller capacity engine you are kind of always looking for the overtaken to go a little bit quicker but because the bike isn’t

    Capable of going ridiculous speed speeds it feels safer it certainly feels safer than the bigger bikes that I’ve been on in this position because with those bigger bikes I always find myself going faster than I’m capable of whereas with this it’s just about right actually I’m legal

    Don’t be like getting all carried away with yourselves but I’m finding that I’m going to my capabilities whilst thrashing it if you know what I mean for somebody new to motorbikes and they like the sports bikes or the the look of sports bikes I would say that this bike would be ideal

    For a learner because it’s not as brutal as some are as far as sea and position goes so I do think you could sit on this bike for a while without without suffering badly with your back and I like that because some sports bikes can

    Be quite painful I am lent forward so it is a bit wrist heavy if I’m honest but that’s just typical of any sports bike and it’s no worse than any other sports bike I’ve been on as much as I am wedged in the seat as well I’m finding it a

    Very comfortable place to be I thought I was going to get bruised and battered around my plums that was from the initial cobbles coming out of into Moto but the more I’ve ridden this bike I’ve not really felt it at all I’ve not felt the battering in the plums I thought I

    Was going to which is a bonus so I have enjoyed this bike it is for sale with these guys at in Moto you’ve kindly let me take it out today and yeah if you’re interested just follow the link in the description pleasantly surprised I hope the relationship with into Moto carries

    On because yeah great bunch in there and I’m really enjoying the selection of bikes at the minute loads of different ones for me to play on so thanks for watching hit that subscribe button bye for now Oh


    1. Please guys, dont buy Chinese bikes, you will regret it…
      a brand new one wont make it to 10000 miles without it causing you a million and one headaches, do some research and dont take this guys word for it, riding it once does not show how terrible it is or could potentially be, if you plan to keep it for more than 6 months, get a Japanese bike…..

    2. Should have worn your power ranger suit 😮 Looks good but I really cannot wait to get off my 125 😂 Glad your channel is growing, keep up the good reviews 👍🏻

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